part of '../viewer.dart'; @genCopyWith @toString class _State { const _State({ required this.fileIdOrders, required this.rawFiles, required this.files, required this.fileStates, required this.index, required this.currentFile, this.currentFileState, this.collection, this.collectionItemsController, this.collectionItems, required this.isShowDetailPane, required this.isClosingDetailPane, required this.isDetailPaneActive, required this.openDetailPaneRequest, required this.closeDetailPane, required this.isZoomed, required this.isInitialLoad, required this.isShowAppBar, required this.appBarButtons, required this.bottomAppBarButtons, required this.pendingRemovePage, required this.imageEditorRequest, required this.imageEnhancerRequest, required this.shareRequest, required this.slideshowRequest, required this.setAsRequest, this.error, }); factory _State.init({ required List fileIds, required int index, required FileDescriptor? currentFile, required List appBarButtons, required List bottomAppBarButtons, }) => _State( fileIdOrders: fileIds, rawFiles: const {}, files: const {}, fileStates: const {}, index: index, currentFile: currentFile, isShowDetailPane: false, isClosingDetailPane: false, isDetailPaneActive: false, openDetailPaneRequest: Unique(const _OpenDetailPaneRequest(false)), closeDetailPane: Unique(false), isZoomed: false, isInitialLoad: true, isShowAppBar: true, appBarButtons: appBarButtons, bottomAppBarButtons: bottomAppBarButtons, pendingRemovePage: Unique(null), imageEditorRequest: Unique(null), imageEnhancerRequest: Unique(null), shareRequest: Unique(null), slideshowRequest: Unique(null), setAsRequest: Unique(null), ); @override String toString() => _$toString(); bool get canOpenDetailPane => !isZoomed; @Format(r"$$?") final List fileIdOrders; final Map rawFiles; final Map files; final Map fileStates; final int index; final FileDescriptor? currentFile; final _PageState? currentFileState; final Collection? collection; final CollectionItemsController? collectionItemsController; final Map? collectionItems; final bool isShowDetailPane; final bool isClosingDetailPane; final bool isDetailPaneActive; final Unique<_OpenDetailPaneRequest> openDetailPaneRequest; final Unique closeDetailPane; final bool isZoomed; final bool isInitialLoad; final bool isShowAppBar; final List appBarButtons; final List bottomAppBarButtons; final Unique pendingRemovePage; final Unique imageEditorRequest; final Unique imageEnhancerRequest; final Unique<_ShareRequest?> shareRequest; final Unique<_SlideshowRequest?> slideshowRequest; final Unique<_SetAsRequest?> setAsRequest; final ExceptionEvent? error; } @genCopyWith @toString class _PageState { const _PageState({ required this.itemHeight, required this.hasLoaded, required this.shouldPlayLivePhoto, }); factory _PageState.create() { return const _PageState( itemHeight: null, hasLoaded: false, shouldPlayLivePhoto: false, ); } @override String toString() => _$toString(); final double? itemHeight; final bool hasLoaded; final bool shouldPlayLivePhoto; } abstract class _Event {} @toString class _Init implements _Event { const _Init(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _SetIndex implements _Event { const _SetIndex(this.index); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int index; } @toString class _RequestPage implements _Event { const _RequestPage(this.index); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int index; } @toString class _SetCollection implements _Event { const _SetCollection(this.collection, this.itemsController); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final Collection? collection; final CollectionItemsController? itemsController; } @toString class _SetCollectionItems implements _Event { const _SetCollectionItems(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List? value; } @toString /// Merge regular files with collection items. The point of doing this is to /// support shared files in an server side shared album, as these files do not /// have a record in filesController class _MergeFiles implements _Event { const _MergeFiles(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _ToggleAppBar implements _Event { const _ToggleAppBar(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _ShowAppBar implements _Event { const _ShowAppBar(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _HideAppBar implements _Event { const _HideAppBar(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _SetAppBarButtons implements _Event { const _SetAppBarButtons(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List value; } @toString class _SetBottomAppBarButtons implements _Event { const _SetBottomAppBarButtons(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List value; } @toString class _PauseLivePhoto implements _Event { const _PauseLivePhoto(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _PlayLivePhoto implements _Event { const _PlayLivePhoto(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Unfavorite implements _Event { const _Unfavorite(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Favorite implements _Event { const _Favorite(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Unarchive implements _Event { const _Unarchive(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Archive implements _Event { const _Archive(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Share implements _Event { const _Share(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Edit implements _Event { const _Edit(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Enhance implements _Event { const _Enhance(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Download implements _Event { const _Download(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _Delete implements _Event { const _Delete(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _RemoveFromCollection implements _Event { const _RemoveFromCollection(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final CollectionItem value; } @toString class _StartSlideshow implements _Event { const _StartSlideshow(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _SetAs implements _Event { const _SetAs(this.fileId); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; } @toString class _OpenDetailPane implements _Event { const _OpenDetailPane(this.shouldAnimate); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final bool shouldAnimate; } @toString class _CloseDetailPane implements _Event { const _CloseDetailPane(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _DetailPaneClosed implements _Event { const _DetailPaneClosed(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _ShowDetailPane implements _Event { const _ShowDetailPane(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _SetDetailPaneInactive implements _Event { const _SetDetailPaneInactive(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _SetDetailPaneActive implements _Event { const _SetDetailPaneActive(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _SetFileContentHeight implements _Event { const _SetFileContentHeight(this.fileId, this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int fileId; final double value; } @toString class _SetIsZoomed implements _Event { const _SetIsZoomed(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final bool value; } @toString class _RemovePage implements _Event { const _RemovePage(this.value); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final int value; } @toString class _SetError implements _Event { const _SetError(this.error, [this.stackTrace]); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final Object error; final StackTrace? stackTrace; }