part of '../home_photos2.dart'; @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> with BlocLogger, BlocForEachMixin<_Event, _State> { _Bloc( this._c, { required this.account, required this.filesController, required this.prefController, required this.accountPrefController, required this.collectionsController, required this.syncController, required this.personsController, required this.metadataController, }) : super(_State.init( zoom: prefController.homePhotosZoomLevelValue, isEnableMemoryCollection: accountPrefController.isEnableMemoryAlbumValue, )) { on<_LoadItems>(_onLoad); on<_RequestRefresh>(_onRequestRefresh); on<_TransformItems>(_onTransformItems); on<_OnItemTransformed>(_onOnItemTransformed); on<_SetSelectedItems>(_onSetSelectedItems); on<_AddSelectedItemsToCollection>(_onAddSelectedItemsToCollection); on<_ArchiveSelectedItems>(_onArchiveSelectedItems); on<_DeleteSelectedItems>(_onDeleteSelectedItems); on<_DownloadSelectedItems>(_onDownloadSelectedItems); on<_AddVisibleDate>(_onAddVisibleDate); on<_RemoveVisibleDate>(_onRemoveVisibleDate); on<_SetContentListMaxExtent>(_onSetContentListMaxExtent); on<_SetSyncProgress>(_onSetSyncProgress); on<_StartScaling>(_onStartScaling); on<_EndScaling>(_onEndScaling); on<_SetScale>(_onSetScale); on<_StartScrolling>(_onStartScrolling); on<_EndScrolling>(_onEndScrolling); on<_SetLayoutConstraint>(_onSetLayoutConstraint); on<_TransformMinimap>(_onTransformMinimap); on<_UpdateScrollDate>(_onUpdateScrollDate); on<_SetEnableMemoryCollection>(_onSetEnableMemoryCollection); on<_SetMemoriesRange>(_onSetMemoriesRange); on<_UpdateDateTimeGroup>(_onUpdateDateTimeGroup); on<_UpdateMemories>(_onUpdateMemories); on<_TripMissingVideoPreview>(_onTripMissingVideoPreview); on<_SetError>(_onSetError); _subscriptions .add(accountPrefController.isEnableMemoryAlbumChange.listen((event) { add(_SetEnableMemoryCollection(event)); })); _subscriptions.add(prefController.memoriesRangeChange.listen((event) { add(_SetMemoriesRange(event)); })); _subscriptions.add(stream .distinct((previous, next) => previous.filesSummary == next.filesSummary && previous.viewHeight == next.viewHeight && previous.itemPerRow == next.itemPerRow && previous.itemSize == next.itemSize) .listen((event) { add(const _TransformMinimap()); })); _subscriptions.add(stream .distinct((previous, next) => previous.filesSummary == next.filesSummary && previous.files == next.files) .listen((event) { add(_TransformItems(event.files, event.filesSummary)); })); _subscriptions.add(stream .distinctBy( (e) => => .listen((event) { _onVisibleDatesUpdated(); })); _subscriptions.add(stream .distinct( (previous, next) => previous.visibleDates == next.visibleDates && previous.itemPerRow == next.itemPerRow, ) .listen((event) { add(const _UpdateScrollDate()); })); _subscriptions.add(stream .distinct( (previous, next) => previous.filesSummary == next.filesSummary) .listen((_) { add(const _UpdateMemories()); })); _subscriptions.add(prefController.memoriesRangeChange.listen((_) { add(const _UpdateMemories()); })); } @override Future close() { for (final s in _subscriptions) { s.cancel(); } _filesQueryTimer?.cancel(); return super.close(); } @override String get tag => _log.fullName; @override bool Function(dynamic, dynamic)? get shouldLog => (currentState, nextState) { currentState = currentState as _State; nextState = nextState as _State; return currentState.scale == nextState.scale && currentState.visibleDates == nextState.visibleDates && currentState.syncProgress == nextState.syncProgress && currentState.scrollDate == nextState.scrollDate; }; @override void onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { // we need this to prevent onError being triggered recursively if (!isClosed && !_isHandlingError) { _isHandlingError = true; try { add(_SetError(error, stackTrace)); } catch (_) {} _isHandlingError = false; } super.onError(error, stackTrace); } Future _onLoad(_LoadItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; await Future.wait([ forEach( emit, filesController.summaryStream, onData: (data) { if (data.summary.items.isEmpty && _isInitialLoad) { // no data, initial sync _isInitialLoad = false; _syncRemote(); } return state.copyWith( filesSummary: data.summary, ); }, onError: (e, stackTrace) { _log.severe("[_onLoad] Uncaught exception", e, stackTrace); return state.copyWith( error: ExceptionEvent(e, stackTrace), ); }, ), forEach( emit, filesController.timelineStream, onData: (data) { if (!data.isDummy && _isInitialLoad) { _isInitialLoad = false; _syncRemote(); } return state.copyWith( files:, ); }, onError: (e, stackTrace) { _log.severe("[_onLoad] Uncaught exception", e, stackTrace); return state.copyWith( error: ExceptionEvent(e, stackTrace), ); }, ), ]); } void _onRequestRefresh(_RequestRefresh ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(syncProgress: const Progress(0))); _syncRemote(); metadataController.scheduleNext(); } void _onTransformItems(_TransformItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; _transformItems(ev.files, ev.summary); emit(state.copyWith(isLoading: true)); } void _onOnItemTransformed(_OnItemTransformed ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith( transformedItems: ev.items, isLoading: _itemTransformerQueue.isProcessing, queriedDates: ev.dates, )); _requestMoreFiles(ev.dates); } void _onSetSelectedItems(_SetSelectedItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(selectedItems: ev.items)); } void _onAddSelectedItemsToCollection( _AddSelectedItemsToCollection ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; final selected = state.selectedItems; _clearSelection(emit); final selectedFiles = selected.whereType<_FileItem>().map((e) => e.file).toList(); if (selectedFiles.isNotEmpty) { final targetController = .itemsControllerByCollection(ev.collection); targetController.addFiles(selectedFiles).onError((e, stackTrace) { if (e != null) { add(_SetError(e, stackTrace)); } }); } } void _onArchiveSelectedItems(_ArchiveSelectedItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; final selected = state.selectedItems; _clearSelection(emit); final selectedFiles = selected.whereType<_FileItem>().map((e) => e.file).toList(); if (selectedFiles.isNotEmpty) { filesController.updateProperty( selectedFiles, isArchived: const OrNull(true), errorBuilder: (fileIds) => _ArchiveFailedError(fileIds.length), ); } } void _onDeleteSelectedItems(_DeleteSelectedItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; final selected = state.selectedItems; _clearSelection(emit); final selectedFiles = selected.whereType<_FileItem>().map((e) => e.file).toList(); if (selectedFiles.isNotEmpty) { filesController.remove( selectedFiles, errorBuilder: (fileIds) => _RemoveFailedError(fileIds.length), ); } } void _onDownloadSelectedItems( _DownloadSelectedItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; final selected = state.selectedItems; _clearSelection(emit); final selectedFiles = selected.whereType<_FileItem>().map((e) => e.file).toList(); if (selectedFiles.isNotEmpty) { unawaited(DownloadHandler(_c).downloadFiles(account, selectedFiles)); } } void _onAddVisibleDate(_AddVisibleDate ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { //; if (state.visibleDates.contains( { return; } emit(state.copyWith(visibleDates: state.visibleDates.added(; } void _onRemoveVisibleDate(_RemoveVisibleDate ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { //; if (!state.visibleDates.contains( { return; } emit(state.copyWith(visibleDates: state.visibleDates.removed(; } void _onSetContentListMaxExtent( _SetContentListMaxExtent ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(contentListMaxExtent: ev.value)); } void _onSetSyncProgress(_SetSyncProgress ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(syncProgress: ev.progress)); } void _onStartScaling(_StartScaling ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; } Future _onEndScaling(_EndScaling ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; if (state.scale == null) { return; } final int newZoom; final currZoom = state.zoom; if (state.scale! >= 1.25) { // scale up newZoom = (currZoom + 1).clamp(-1, 2); } else if (state.scale! <= 0.75) { newZoom = (currZoom - 1).clamp(-1, 2); } else { newZoom = currZoom; } emit(state.copyWith( zoom: newZoom, scale: null, )); await prefController.setHomePhotosZoomLevel(newZoom); if ((currZoom >= 0) != (newZoom >= 0)) { add(const _UpdateDateTimeGroup()); } } void _onStartScrolling(_StartScrolling ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(isScrolling: true)); } void _onEndScrolling(_EndScrolling ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(isScrolling: false)); } void _onSetScale(_SetScale ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { //; emit(state.copyWith(scale: ev.scale)); } void _onSetLayoutConstraint(_SetLayoutConstraint ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; if (state.viewHeight == ev.viewHeight && state.viewWidth == ev.viewWidth) { // nothing changed return; } final measurement = _measureItem( ev.viewWidth, photo_list_util.getThumbSize(state.zoom).toDouble()); emit(state.copyWith( viewWidth: ev.viewWidth, viewHeight: ev.viewHeight, itemPerRow: measurement.itemPerRow, itemSize: measurement.itemSize, )); } Future _onTransformMinimap( _TransformMinimap ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; if (state.itemSize == null || state.itemPerRow == null || state.viewHeight == null) { _log.warning("[_onTransformMinimap] Layout measurements not ready"); return; } final maker = prefController.homePhotosZoomLevelValue >= 0 ? _makeMinimapItems : _makeMonthGroupMinimapItems; final minimapItems = maker( filesSummary: state.filesSummary, itemSize: state.itemSize!, itemPerRow: state.itemPerRow!, viewHeight: state.viewHeight!, ); final totalHeight = => e.logicalHeight).sum; final ratio = state.viewHeight! / totalHeight; "[_onTransformMinimap] view height: ${state.viewHeight!}, logical height: $totalHeight"); emit(state.copyWith( minimapItems: minimapItems, minimapYRatio: ratio, )); } void _onUpdateScrollDate(_UpdateScrollDate ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { //; if (state.itemPerRow == null || state.visibleDates.isEmpty) { if (state.scrollDate != null) { emit(state.copyWith(scrollDate: null)); } return; } final dateRows = state.visibleDates .map((e) => .sortedBySelf() .reversed .groupBy(key: (e) { if (prefController.homePhotosZoomLevelValue >= 0) { return e; } else { // month return Date(e.year, e.month); } }).map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, (value.length / state.itemPerRow!).ceil())); final totalRows = dateRows.values.sum; final midRow = totalRows / 2; var x = 0; for (final e in dateRows.entries) { x += e.value; if (x >= midRow) { if (state.scrollDate != e.key) { emit(state.copyWith(scrollDate: e.key)); } return; } } } void _onSetEnableMemoryCollection( _SetEnableMemoryCollection ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(isEnableMemoryCollection: ev.value)); } void _onSetMemoriesRange(_SetMemoriesRange ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; _transformItems(state.files, state.filesSummary); } void _onUpdateDateTimeGroup(_UpdateDateTimeGroup ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; if (state.viewWidth != null) { final measurement = _measureItem(state.viewWidth!, photo_list_util.getThumbSize(state.zoom).toDouble()); emit(state.copyWith( itemPerRow: measurement.itemPerRow, itemSize: measurement.itemSize, )); } _transformItems(state.files, state.filesSummary); add(const _TransformMinimap()); } Future _onUpdateMemories( _UpdateMemories ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; final localToday =; final dbMemories = await _c.npDb.getFilesMemories( account: account.toDb(), at: localToday, radius: prefController.memoriesRangeValue, includeRelativeRoots: account.roots .map((e) => File(path: file_util.unstripPath(account, e)) .strippedPathWithEmpty) .toList(), excludeRelativeRoots: [remote_storage_util.remoteStorageDirRelativePath], mimes: file_util.supportedFormatMimes, ); emit(state.copyWith( memoryCollections: dbMemories.memories.entries .sorted((a, b) => a.key.compareTo(b.key)) .reversed .map((e) { final center = localToday .copyWith(year: e.key) .toLocalDateTime() .copyWith(hour: 12); return Collection( name: - e.key), contentProvider: CollectionMemoryProvider( account: account, year: e.key, month: localToday.month, day:, cover: e.value .map((e) => Tuple2(e.bestDateTime.difference(center), e)) .sorted((a, b) => a.item1.compareTo(b.item1)) .firstOrNull ?.let((e) => DbFileDescriptorConverter.fromDb( account.userId.toString(), e.item2)), ), ); }).toList(), )); } void _onTripMissingVideoPreview( _TripMissingVideoPreview ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { //; if (!state.hasMissingVideoPreview) { emit(state.copyWith(hasMissingVideoPreview: true)); } } void _onSetError(_SetError ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(error: ExceptionEvent(ev.error, ev.stackTrace))); } Future _transformItems( List files, DbFilesSummary? summary) async {"[_transformItems] Queue ${files.length} items"); _itemTransformerQueue.addJob( _ItemTransformerArgument( account: account, files: files, summary: summary, itemPerRow: state.itemPerRow, itemSize: state.itemSize, isGroupByDay: prefController.homePhotosZoomLevelValue >= 0, ), _buildItem, (result) { if (!isClosed) { add(_OnItemTransformed(result.items, result.dates)); } }, ); } void _syncRemote() { final stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start(); filesController.syncRemote( onProgressUpdate: (progress) { if (!isClosed) { add(_SetSyncProgress(progress)); } }, ).whenComplete(() { if (!isClosed) { add(const _SetSyncProgress(null)); } syncController.requestSync( account: account, filesController: filesController, personsController: personsController, personProvider: accountPrefController.personProviderValue, ); metadataController.kickstart(); "[_syncRemote] Elapsed time: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms"); }); } void _clearSelection(Emitter<_State> emit) { emit(state.copyWith(selectedItems: const {})); } void _onVisibleDatesUpdated() { _filesQueryTimer?.cancel(); _filesQueryTimer = Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () { if (!_isQueryingFiles) { _requestMoreFiles(); } }); } void _requestMoreFiles([Set? queriedDates]) { queriedDates ??= state.queriedDates; final missingDates = state.visibleDates .map((e) => .whereNot((d) => queriedDates!.contains(d)) .where((d) => state.filesSummary.items.containsKey(d)) .toSet(); if (missingDates.isNotEmpty) { _requestFilesFrom(missingDates.sortedBySelf().last); } else { _isQueryingFiles = false; } } /// Query a set number of files taken on or before [at] void _requestFilesFrom(Date at) { const targetFileCount = 100;"[_requestFilesFrom] $at"); _isQueryingFiles = true; final summary = state.filesSummary; var dates = summary.items.keys.toList(); final i = dates.indexWhere((e) => e.isBeforeOrAt(at)); if (i == -1) {"[_requestFilesFrom] No more files before $at"); return; } dates = dates.sublist(i); final begin = dates.first;"[_requestFilesFrom] First date of interest: $begin"); var count = 0; Date? end; for (final d in dates) { count += summary.items[d]!.count; end = d; if (count >= targetFileCount) { break; } }"[_requestFilesFrom] Query $count files until $end"); filesController .queryTimelineByDateRange(DateRange(from: end, to: at.add(day: 1))) .onError((e, stackTrace) { _isQueryingFiles = false; }); } List<_MinimapItem> _makeMonthGroupMinimapItems({ required DbFilesSummary filesSummary, required double itemSize, required int itemPerRow, required double viewHeight, }) { "[_makeMonthGroupMinimapItems] itemSize: $itemSize, itemPerRow: $itemPerRow, viewHeight: $viewHeight"); double position = 0; Date? currentMonth; double currentMonthY = 0; var currentMonthCount = 0; final results = <_MinimapItem>[]; for (final e in filesSummary.items.entries) { final thisMonth = Date(e.key.year, e.key.month); if (currentMonth != thisMonth) { if (currentMonth != null) { final h = _getLogicalHeightByItemCount( itemCount: currentMonthCount, rowHeight: itemSize, itemPerRow: itemPerRow, ); results.add(_MinimapItem( date: currentMonth, logicalY: currentMonthY, logicalHeight: h, )); position += h; } currentMonth = thisMonth; currentMonthY = position; currentMonthCount = e.value.count; } else { currentMonthCount += e.value.count; } } // add the last month if (currentMonth != null) { final h = _getLogicalHeightByItemCount( itemCount: currentMonthCount, rowHeight: itemSize, itemPerRow: itemPerRow, ); results.add(_MinimapItem( date: currentMonth, logicalY: currentMonthY, // we need to take screen(view) height into account logicalHeight: h, )); } return results; } List<_MinimapItem> _makeMinimapItems({ required DbFilesSummary filesSummary, required double itemSize, required int itemPerRow, required double viewHeight, }) { "[_makeMinimapItems] itemSize: $itemSize, itemPerRow: $itemPerRow, viewHeight: $viewHeight"); double position = 0; Date? currentMonth; double currentMonthY = 0; double currentMonthHeight = 0; final results = <_MinimapItem>[]; for (final e in filesSummary.items.entries) { final thisMonth = Date(e.key.year, e.key.month); final h = _getLogicalHeightByItemCount( itemCount: e.value.count, rowHeight: itemSize, itemPerRow: itemPerRow, ); if (currentMonth != thisMonth) { if (currentMonth != null) { results.add(_MinimapItem( date: currentMonth, logicalY: currentMonthY, logicalHeight: currentMonthHeight, )); } currentMonth = thisMonth; currentMonthY = position; currentMonthHeight = h; } else { currentMonthHeight += h; } position += h; } // add the last month if (currentMonth != null) { results.add(_MinimapItem( date: currentMonth, logicalY: currentMonthY, // we need to take screen(view) height into account logicalHeight: currentMonthHeight + viewHeight, )); } return results; } final DiContainer _c; final Account account; final FilesController filesController; final PrefController prefController; final AccountPrefController accountPrefController; final CollectionsController collectionsController; final SyncController syncController; final PersonsController personsController; final MetadataController metadataController; final _itemTransformerQueue = ComputeQueue<_ItemTransformerArgument, _ItemTransformerResult>(); final _subscriptions = []; var _isHandlingError = false; var _isInitialLoad = true; var _isQueryingFiles = false; Timer? _filesQueryTimer; } double _getLogicalHeightByItemCount({ required int itemCount, required double rowHeight, required int itemPerRow, }) { const dateHeight = 32.0; return dateHeight + (itemCount / itemPerRow).ceil() * rowHeight; } _ItemTransformerResult _buildItem(_ItemTransformerArgument arg) { const int Function(FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor) sorter = compareFileDescriptorDateTimeDescending; final stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start(); final sortedFiles = arg.files.where((f) => f.fdIsArchived != true).sorted(sorter); stopwatch.reset(); final tzOffset =; final fileGroups = groupBy( sortedFiles, (e) { // convert to local date return e.fdDateTime.add(tzOffset).toDate(); }, ); stopwatch.reset(); final dateHelper = photo_list_util.DateGroupHelper(isMonthOnly: !arg.isGroupByDay); final dateTimeSet = SplayTreeSet.of([ ...fileGroups.keys, if (arg.summary != null) ...arg.summary!.items.keys, ], (key1, key2) => key2.compareTo(key1)); final transformed = <_Item>[]; final dates = {}; for (final d in dateTimeSet) { final date = dateHelper.onDate(d); if (date != null) { transformed.add(_DateItem( date: d, isMonthOnly: !arg.isGroupByDay, )); } if (fileGroups.containsKey(d)) { dates.add(d); // actual files for (final f in fileGroups[d]!..sortedBy((e) => e.fdDateTime).reversed) { final item = _buildSingleItem(arg.account, f); if (item == null) { continue; } transformed.add(item); } } else if (arg.summary != null) { // summary if (!arg.summary!.items.containsKey(d) || arg.itemPerRow == null || arg.itemSize == null) { // ??? continue; } final summary = arg.summary!.items[d]!; for (var i = 0; i < summary.count; ++i) { transformed.add(_SummaryFileItem(date: d, index: i)); } } } return _ItemTransformerResult( items: transformed, dates: dates, ); } _Item? _buildSingleItem(Account account, FileDescriptor file) { if (file_util.isSupportedImageFormat(file)) { return _PhotoItem( file: file, account: account, ); } else if (file_util.isSupportedVideoFormat(file)) { return _VideoItem( file: file, account: account, ); } else { _$__NpLog.log .shout("[_buildSingleItem] Unsupported file format: ${file.fdMime}"); return null; } } class _ItemMeasurement { const _ItemMeasurement({ required this.itemPerRow, required this.itemSize, }); final int itemPerRow; final double itemSize; } _ItemMeasurement _measureItem(double viewWidth, double maxItemWidth) { final maxCountPerRow = viewWidth / maxItemWidth; final itemPerRow = maxCountPerRow.ceil(); final size = viewWidth / itemPerRow; return _ItemMeasurement(itemPerRow: itemPerRow, itemSize: size); }