import 'dart:async'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:idb_shim/idb.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/ci_string.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/upgrader.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/platform.dart' if (dart.library.html) 'package:nc_photos/web/platform.dart' as platform; import 'package:nc_photos/num_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/object_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/type.dart'; import 'package:synchronized/synchronized.dart'; class AppDb { static const dbName = "app.db"; static const dbVersion = 5; static const albumStoreName = "albums"; static const file2StoreName = "files2"; static const dirStoreName = "dirs"; static const metaStoreName = "meta"; factory AppDb() => _inst; AppDb._(); /// Run [fn] with an opened database instance /// /// This function guarantees that: /// 1) Database is always closed after [fn] exits, even with an error /// 2) Only at most 1 database instance being opened at any time Future use(FutureOr Function(Database db) fn) async { // make sure only one client is opening the db return await _lock.synchronized(() async { final db = await _open(); try { return await fn(db); } finally { db.close(); } }); } /// Open the database Future _open() async { final dbFactory = platform.getDbFactory(); int? fromVersion, toVersion; final db = await, version: dbVersion, onUpgradeNeeded: (event) {"[_open] Upgrade database: ${event.oldVersion} -> $dbVersion"); final db = event.database; // ignore: unused_local_variable ObjectStore? albumStore, file2Store, dirStore, metaStore; if (event.oldVersion < 2) { // version 2 store things in a new way, just drop all try { db.deleteObjectStore(albumStoreName); } catch (_) {} albumStore = db.createObjectStore(albumStoreName); albumStore.createIndex( AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName, AppDbAlbumEntry.keyPath); } if (event.oldVersion < 3) { // new object store in v3 // no longer relevant in v4 // recreate file store from scratch // no longer relevant in v4 } if (event.oldVersion < 4) { try { db.deleteObjectStore(_fileDbStoreName); } catch (_) {} try { db.deleteObjectStore(_fileStoreName); } catch (_) {} file2Store = db.createObjectStore(file2StoreName); file2Store.createIndex(AppDbFile2Entry.strippedPathIndexName, AppDbFile2Entry.strippedPathKeyPath); dirStore = db.createObjectStore(dirStoreName); } file2Store ??= event.transaction.objectStore(file2StoreName); if (event.oldVersion < 5) { file2Store.createIndex(AppDbFile2Entry.dateTimeEpochMsIndexName, AppDbFile2Entry.dateTimeEpochMsKeyPath); metaStore = db.createObjectStore(metaStoreName, keyPath: AppDbMetaEntry.keyPath); } fromVersion = event.oldVersion; toVersion = event.newVersion; }); if (fromVersion != null && toVersion != null) { await _onPostUpgrade(db, fromVersion!, toVersion!); } return db; } Future _onPostUpgrade( Database db, int fromVersion, int toVersion) async { if (fromVersion.inRange(1, 4) && toVersion >= 5) { final transaction = db.transaction(AppDb.metaStoreName, idbModeReadWrite); final metaStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.metaStoreName); await metaStore .put(const AppDbMetaEntryDbCompatV5(false).toEntry().toJson()); await transaction.completed; } } static late final _inst = AppDb._(); final _lock = Lock(reentrant: true); static const _fileDbStoreName = "filesDb"; static const _fileStoreName = "files"; static final _log = Logger("app_db.AppDb"); } class AppDbAlbumEntry { static const indexName = "albumStore_path_index"; static const keyPath = ["path", "index"]; static const maxDataSize = 160; AppDbAlbumEntry(this.path, this.index, this.album); JsonObj toJson() { return { "path": path, "index": index, "album": album.toAppDbJson(), }; } factory AppDbAlbumEntry.fromJson(JsonObj json, Account account) { return AppDbAlbumEntry( json["path"], json["index"], Album.fromJson( json["album"].cast(), upgraderFactory: DefaultAlbumUpgraderFactory( account: account, logFilePath: json["path"], ), )!, ); } static String toPath(Account account, String filePath) => "${account.url}/$filePath"; static String toPathFromFile(Account account, File albumFile) => toPath(account, albumFile.path); static String toPrimaryKey(Account account, File albumFile, int index) => "${toPathFromFile(account, albumFile)}[$index]"; final String path; final int index; // properties other than Album.items is undefined when index > 0 final Album album; } class AppDbFile2Entry with EquatableMixin { static const strippedPathIndexName = "server_userId_strippedPath"; static const strippedPathKeyPath = ["server", "userId", "strippedPath"]; static const dateTimeEpochMsIndexName = "server_userId_dateTimeEpochMs"; static const dateTimeEpochMsKeyPath = ["server", "userId", "dateTimeEpochMs"]; AppDbFile2Entry(this.server, this.userId, this.strippedPath, this.dateTimeEpochMs, this.file); factory AppDbFile2Entry.fromFile(Account account, File file) => AppDbFile2Entry(account.url, account.username, file.strippedPathWithEmpty, file.bestDateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch, file); factory AppDbFile2Entry.fromJson(JsonObj json) => AppDbFile2Entry( json["server"], (json["userId"] as String).toCi(), json["strippedPath"], json["dateTimeEpochMs"], File.fromJson(json["file"].cast()), ); JsonObj toJson() => { "server": server, "userId": userId.toCaseInsensitiveString(), "strippedPath": strippedPath, "dateTimeEpochMs": dateTimeEpochMs, "file": file.toJson(), }; static String toPrimaryKey(Account account, int fileId) => "${account.url}/${account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString()}/$fileId"; static String toPrimaryKeyForFile(Account account, File file) => toPrimaryKey(account, file.fileId!); static List toStrippedPathIndexKey( Account account, String strippedPath) => [ account.url, account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString(), strippedPath == "." ? "" : strippedPath ]; static List toStrippedPathIndexKeyForFile( Account account, File file) => toStrippedPathIndexKey(account, file.strippedPathWithEmpty); /// Return the lower bound key used to query files under [dir] and its sub /// dirs static List toStrippedPathIndexLowerKeyForDir( Account account, File dir) => [ account.url, account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString(), => p == "." ? "" : "$p/") ]; /// Return the upper bound key used to query files under [dir] and its sub /// dirs static List toStrippedPathIndexUpperKeyForDir( Account account, File dir) { return toStrippedPathIndexLowerKeyForDir(account, dir).run((k) { k[2] = (k[2] as String) + "\uffff"; return k; }); } static List toDateTimeEpochMsIndexKey(Account account, int epochMs) => [ account.url, account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString(), epochMs, ]; @override get props => [ server, userId, strippedPath, dateTimeEpochMs, file, ]; /// Server URL where this file belongs to final String server; final CiString userId; final String strippedPath; final int dateTimeEpochMs; final File file; } class AppDbDirEntry with EquatableMixin { AppDbDirEntry._( this.server, this.userId, this.strippedPath, this.dir, this.children); factory AppDbDirEntry.fromFiles( Account account, File dir, List children) => AppDbDirEntry._( account.url, account.username, dir.strippedPathWithEmpty, dir, => f.fileId!).toList(), ); factory AppDbDirEntry.fromJson(JsonObj json) => AppDbDirEntry._( json["server"], (json["userId"] as String).toCi(), json["strippedPath"], File.fromJson((json["dir"] as Map).cast()), json["children"].cast(), ); JsonObj toJson() => { "server": server, "userId": userId.toCaseInsensitiveString(), "strippedPath": strippedPath, "dir": dir.toJson(), "children": children, }; static String toPrimaryKeyForDir(Account account, File dir) => "${account.url}/${account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString()}/${dir.strippedPathWithEmpty}"; /// Return the lower bound key used to query dirs under [root] and its sub /// dirs static String toPrimaryLowerKeyForSubDirs(Account account, File root) { final strippedPath = => p == "." ? "" : "$p/"); return "${account.url}/${account.username.toCaseInsensitiveString()}/$strippedPath"; } /// Return the upper bound key used to query dirs under [root] and its sub /// dirs static String toPrimaryUpperKeyForSubDirs(Account account, File root) => toPrimaryLowerKeyForSubDirs(account, root) + "\uffff"; @override get props => [ server, userId, strippedPath, dir, children, ]; /// Server URL where this file belongs to final String server; final CiString userId; final String strippedPath; final File dir; final List children; } class AppDbMetaEntry with EquatableMixin { static const keyPath = "key"; const AppDbMetaEntry(this.key, this.obj); factory AppDbMetaEntry.fromJson(JsonObj json) => AppDbMetaEntry( json["key"], json["obj"].cast(), ); JsonObj toJson() => { "key": key, "obj": obj, }; @override get props => [ key, obj, ]; final String key; final JsonObj obj; } class AppDbMetaEntryDbCompatV5 { static const key = "dbCompatV5"; const AppDbMetaEntryDbCompatV5(this.isMigrated); factory AppDbMetaEntryDbCompatV5.fromJson(JsonObj json) => AppDbMetaEntryDbCompatV5(json["isMigrated"]); AppDbMetaEntry toEntry() => AppDbMetaEntry(key, { "isMigrated": isMigrated, }); final bool isMigrated; }