diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb index 66d38ae8..dd4a3cbb 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb @@ -1,583 +1,583 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotos", - "translator": "Arnau Mora", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Col·leccions", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Refrescar", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Configuració", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seleccionats}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Eliminant 1 element} other{Eliminant {count} elements}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements eliminats correctament", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut eliminar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut eliminar {count} elements}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Arxivar", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Arxivant 1 element} other{Arxivant {count} elements}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements arxivats correctament", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarxivar", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Desarxivant 1 element} other{Desarxivant {count} elements}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements desarxivats correctament", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Eliminar", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminant element", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element eliminat correctament", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut eliminar", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "No s'han pogut eliminar de l'àlbum", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Afegir servidor", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} eliminat correctament", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Nou àlbum", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Buit} one{1 element} other{{count} elements}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Arxiu", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Connectant amb\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Esperant a que el servidor ens autoritze", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Per favor, inicia sessió amb el navegador obert", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nom", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "El nom és necessari", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Inicia sessió al servidor de Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Fes servir una contrasenya d'aplicació si tens habilitada l'autentificació de dos passes al servidor", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nIniciar sessió", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Direcció del servidor", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la direcció del servidor", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Nom d'Usuari", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix el teu nom d'usuari", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Contrasenya", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la teva contrasenya", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona les carpetes a incloure", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Només es mostraran les fotos a aquests directoris. Toca SALTAR per a incloure totes les carpetes", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(ves enrere)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut deseleccionar l'element", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favor, selecciona almenys una carpeta o prem saltar per a incloure-les totes", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Per a començar", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Pots canviar-ho més tard a la configuració", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Aquesta aplicació crea una carpeta al servidor de Nextcloud per a desar fitxers de preferències. Per favor, no la modifiques o elimines si no tens pensat eliminar aquesta app", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Configuració", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Per defecte", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suport EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requereix un ús extra de la xarxa", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa l'EXIF només a través de WiFi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es poden aplicar càrrecs", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memories", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos fetes al passat", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Compte", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Estableix una etiqueta per a mostrar en comptes de l'URL del servidor", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetes incloses", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Compartir carpeta", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Troba la carpeta compartida", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Aquest ajust correspon al paràmetre share_folder a config.php. Els dos valors han de ser idèntics.\n\nPer favor, troba la mateixa carpeta a la establerta en config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Els resultats es desen al dispositiu", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Personalitza l'apariència de l'app", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segueix el tema del dispositiu", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilitzat per a derivar tots els colors de l'app", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Selecciona un color", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema més obscur", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Fes servir el negre al tema obscur", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Fes servir el gris al tema obscur", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varis", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Prem dos vegades per a sortir", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordena pel nom del fitxer a Fotos", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funcions que no estan llestes per a un ús diari", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Avançat", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favor estigues segur que entens totes les opcions abans de fer-les servir", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Buida la base de dades de fitxers", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Buida totes les dades desades sobre els arxius, i resincronitza amb el servidor", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "La base de dades s'ha buidat correctament. Es recomana reiniciar l'app", - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Detalls", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Descarrega", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Descarregant l'arxiu", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "S'ha descarregat correctament", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut descarregar", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Següent", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Anterior", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantè shift + clic per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Manté premut un altre element per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data i hora", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Data", - "timeSubtitle": "Hora", - "dateYearInputHint": "Any", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Mes", - "dateDayInputHint": "Dia", - "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minut", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Segon", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor invàlid", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom de l'àlbum (descendent)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Prem i arrastra per a reordenar manualment", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Afegeix text", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Compartir", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunes fotos per a compartir", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descarregant", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Cerca", - "clearTooltip": "Buidar", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Sense resultats", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Buit", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Paperera", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Restaurar", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Restaurant 1 element} other{Restaurant {count} elements}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tots els elements s'han restaurat correctament", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut restaurar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut restaurar {count} elements}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurant element", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "S'ha restaurat l'element amb èxit", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut restaurar l'element", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Eliminar permanentment", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tots els elements s'eliminaran permanentment del servidor.\n\nAquesta acció no és reversible", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Elimina la coberta", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Silencia", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Desilencia", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Gent", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Carrussel", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configura el carrussel", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duració de la imatge (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mescla", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repeteix", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverteix", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Enllaç copiat", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Comparteix com a", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsualitza", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Comparteix com a una previsualització amb altres apps (només es suporten imatges)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Arxiu original", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descarrega l'arxiu original i comparteix-lo amb altres apps", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enllaç públic", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - } + "appTitle": "Fotos", + "translator": "Arnau Mora", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Col·leccions", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Refrescar", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Configuració", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seleccionats}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Eliminant 1 element} other{Eliminant {count} elements}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements eliminats correctament", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut eliminar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut eliminar {count} elements}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Arxivar", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Arxivant 1 element} other{Arxivant {count} elements}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements arxivats correctament", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarxivar", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Desarxivant 1 element} other{Desarxivant {count} elements}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements desarxivats correctament", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Eliminar", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminant element", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element eliminat correctament", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut eliminar", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "No s'han pogut eliminar de l'àlbum", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Afegir servidor", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} eliminat correctament", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Nou àlbum", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Buit} one{1 element} other{{count} elements}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Arxiu", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Connectant amb\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Esperant a que el servidor ens autoritze", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Per favor, inicia sessió amb el navegador obert", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nom", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "El nom és necessari", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Inicia sessió al servidor de Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Fes servir una contrasenya d'aplicació si tens habilitada l'autentificació de dos passes al servidor", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nIniciar sessió", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Direcció del servidor", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la direcció del servidor", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Nom d'Usuari", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix el teu nom d'usuari", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Contrasenya", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la teva contrasenya", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona les carpetes a incloure", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Només es mostraran les fotos a aquests directoris. Toca SALTAR per a incloure totes les carpetes", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(ves enrere)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut deseleccionar l'element", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favor, selecciona almenys una carpeta o prem saltar per a incloure-les totes", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Per a començar", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Pots canviar-ho més tard a la configuració", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Aquesta aplicació crea una carpeta al servidor de Nextcloud per a desar fitxers de preferències. Per favor, no la modifiques o elimines si no tens pensat eliminar aquesta app", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Configuració", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Per defecte", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suport EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requereix un ús extra de la xarxa", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa l'EXIF només a través de WiFi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es poden aplicar càrrecs", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memories", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos fetes al passat", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Compte", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Estableix una etiqueta per a mostrar en comptes de l'URL del servidor", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetes incloses", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Compartir carpeta", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Troba la carpeta compartida", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Aquest ajust correspon al paràmetre share_folder a config.php. Els dos valors han de ser idèntics.\n\nPer favor, troba la mateixa carpeta a la establerta en config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Els resultats es desen al dispositiu", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Personalitza l'apariència de l'app", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segueix el tema del dispositiu", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilitzat per a derivar tots els colors de l'app", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Selecciona un color", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema més obscur", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Fes servir el negre al tema obscur", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Fes servir el gris al tema obscur", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varis", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Prem dos vegades per a sortir", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordena pel nom del fitxer a Fotos", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funcions que no estan llestes per a un ús diari", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Avançat", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favor estigues segur que entens totes les opcions abans de fer-les servir", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Buida la base de dades de fitxers", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Buida totes les dades desades sobre els arxius, i resincronitza amb el servidor", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "La base de dades s'ha buidat correctament. Es recomana reiniciar l'app", + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Detalls", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Descarrega", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Descarregant l'arxiu", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "S'ha descarregat correctament", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut descarregar", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Següent", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Anterior", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantè shift + clic per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Manté premut un altre element per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data i hora", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Data", + "timeSubtitle": "Hora", + "dateYearInputHint": "Any", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Mes", + "dateDayInputHint": "Dia", + "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minut", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Segon", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor invàlid", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom de l'àlbum (descendent)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Prem i arrastra per a reordenar manualment", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Afegeix text", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Compartir", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunes fotos per a compartir", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descarregant", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Cerca", + "clearTooltip": "Buidar", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Sense resultats", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Buit", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Paperera", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Restaurar", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Restaurant 1 element} other{Restaurant {count} elements}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tots els elements s'han restaurat correctament", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut restaurar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut restaurar {count} elements}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurant element", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "S'ha restaurat l'element amb èxit", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut restaurar l'element", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Eliminar permanentment", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tots els elements s'eliminaran permanentment del servidor.\n\nAquesta acció no és reversible", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Elimina la coberta", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Silencia", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Desilencia", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Gent", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Carrussel", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configura el carrussel", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duració de la imatge (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mescla", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repeteix", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverteix", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Enllaç copiat", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Comparteix com a", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsualitza", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Comparteix com a una previsualització amb altres apps (només es suporten imatges)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Arxiu original", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descarrega l'arxiu original i comparteix-lo amb altres apps", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enllaç públic", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb index 9be121c4..47d8a5f9 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb @@ -1,1467 +1,1467 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotky", - "translator": "Fjuro\nSkyhawk", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotky", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Sbírky", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Přiblížení", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Obnovit", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Nastavení", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{Vybrána {count}} few{Vybrány {count}} other{Vybráno {count}}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Mazání 1 položky} other{Mazání {count} položek}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně přidány", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se odstranit 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se odstranit {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se odstranit {count} položek}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archivovat", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivace 1 položky} other{Archivace {count} položek}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně archivovány", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se archivovat 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se archivovat {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se archivovat {count} položek}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Zrušit archivaci", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Rušení archivace 1 položky} other{Rušení archivace {count} položek}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně odebrány z archivu", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se zrušit archivaci 1 položky} other{Nepodařilo se zrušit archivaci {count} položek}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Odstranit", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Mazání položky", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Položka úspěšně odstraněna", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odstranit položku", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat položky z alba", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Přidat server", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Server {server} úspěšně odebrán", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Nové album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Prázdné} =1{1 položka} few{{count} položky} other{{count} položek}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiv", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Připojování k\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Čekání na autorizaci serverem", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Přihlaste se prosím v otevřeném prohlížeči", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Název", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Je vyžadován název", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "PŘESKOČIT", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "POTVRDIT", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Přihlásit se k serveru Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Pokud máte na serveru povolené dvoufaktorové ověření, použijte heslo aplikace", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nPřihlásit se", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Adresa serveru", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte adresu serveru", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Uživatelské jméno", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte vaše uživatelské jméno", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Heslo", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte vaše heslo", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Vyberte složky, které mají být zahrnuty", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Budou zobrazeny pouze fotky uvnitř vybraných složek. Klepněte na Přeskočit pro zahrnutí všech", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(vrátit se)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se zrušit výběr položky", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Vyberte prosím alespoň jednu složku nebo klepněte na Přeskočit pro zahrnutí všech", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Začínáme", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Toto lze později změnit v nastavení", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Tato aplikace vytvoří složku na serveru Nextcloud pro ukládání předvoleb. Neupravujte a neodebírejte ji, pokud se nechystáte odstranit tuto aplikaci", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Nastavení", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Jazyk", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Podle systému", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Podpora EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Bude používat více dat", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Zpracovávat EXIF pouze přes Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Mohou být účtovány poplatky za přenos dat", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Vzpomínky", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Zobrazit fotografie pořízené v minulosti", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Účet", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Štítek", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Nastavte štítek, který má být zobrazen na místě URL serveru", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Zahrnuté složky", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Sdílet složku", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Najděte složku ke sdílení", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Toto nastavení odpovídá parametru share_folder v souboru config.php. Obě hodnoty MUSÍ být shodné.\n\nNajděte prosím stejnou složku, jaká je nastavena v config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Najděte stejnou složku, jaká je nastavena v souboru config.php. Pokud jste parametr nenastavili, stiskněte výchozí.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Podpora aplikací na serveru", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Přizpůsobit obsah zobrazený na kartě Fotky", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Rozsah vzpomínek", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} den} few{+-{range} dny} other{+-{range} dní}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Prohlížeč", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Přizpůsobit prohlížeč obrázků a videí", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Jas obrazovky", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Přepsat systémovou úroveň jasu", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorovat uzamčení otáčení", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Otáčet obrazovku i při zakázaném automatickém otáčení", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Poskytovatel map", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Seskupit fotky podle data", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Použijte pouze při řazení alba podle času", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Přizpůsobit vylepšení a editor obrázků", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Rozlišení obrázků pro vylepšení", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Fotky větší než zadaná hodnota budou zmenšeny.\n\nFotky s vyšším rozlišením vyžadují výrazně vyšší množství paměti a času ke zpracování. Snižte toto nastavení, pokud aplikace spadla při vylepšování vašich fotek.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Ukládat výsledky na server", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Výsledky budou ukládány na server, na zařízení budou uloženy pouze při selhání", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Výsledky budou ukládány na toto zařízení", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Motiv", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Přizpůsobit vzhled aplikace", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Podle systému", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Barva motivu", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Použito k odvození všech barev použitých v aplikaci", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Vybrat barvu", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tmavší motiv", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Použít černou barvu ve tmavém motivu", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Použít tmavší šedou ve tmavém motivu", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Různé", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Dvakrát klepnout pro zavření", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Řazení podle názvu souboru ve Fotkách", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimentální", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funkce, které nejsou připraveny ke každodennímu používání", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Pokročilé", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Před pokračováním se ujistěte, že přesně chápete, co dělá která možnost", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Vymazat databázi souborů", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Vymazat informace o souborech v mezipaměti a spustit úplnou opětovnou synchronizaci se serverem", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Databáze úspěšně vymazána. Je doporučeno restartovat aplikaci", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "O aplikaci", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Verze", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Zdrojový kód", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Nahlásit chybu", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Ukládat protokoly", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Pomoc vývojáři při diagnostice chyb", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Překladatel", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se upravit nastavení", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "POVOLIT", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Povolením podpory EXIF se zpřístupní různá metadata, jako je datum pořízení, model fotoaparátu atd. Aby bylo možné tato metadata přečíst, je nutné dodatečné využití sítě ke stažení původního snímku v plné velikosti. Aplikace začne stahovat pouze po připojení k síti Wi-Fi", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Povolit podporu EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Pořízení záznamů pro hlášení chyby:\n\n1. Povolte toto nastavení\n2. Reprodukujte problém\n3. Zakažte toto nastavení\n4. Vyhledejte soubor nc-photos.log ve složce stahování\n\n*Pokud problém způsobí pád aplikace, nelze pořídit žádné protokoly. V takovém případě se obraťte na vývojáře, který vám poskytne další pokyny", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Protokoly úspěšně upraveny", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "HOTOVO", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "DALŠÍ", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "PŘIPOJIT", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Budou zahrnuty všechny vaše soubory. Tato akce může zvýšit využití paměti a snížit výkon", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Podrobnosti", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Stáhnout", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Stahování souboru", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Soubor úspěšně stažen", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se stáhnout soubor", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Další", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Předchozí", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Držte Shift + klikněte pro vybrání všech položek uprostřed", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Dlouze stiskněte další položku pro vybrání všech položek mezi nimi", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Upravit datum a čas", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Datum", - "timeSubtitle": "Čas", - "dateYearInputHint": "Rok", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Měsíc", - "dateDayInputHint": "Den", - "timeHourInputHint": "Hodina", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuta", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunda", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Neplatná hodnota", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se upravit datum a čas", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Vyberte složky, které mají být přidruženy", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Do tohoto alba budou zařazeny pouze fotografie v přidružených složkách", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Vyberte alespoň jednu složku", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importovat složky", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Import složky jako alba", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Navržené složky jsou zobrazeny níže. Podle počtu souborů na vašem serveru může tato akce chvíli trvat", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTOVAT", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importování složek", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Hotovo", - "editTooltip": "Upravit", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Již existuje účet se stejným nastavením", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Čekejte prosím", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Řazení", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Řadit podle", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Nejstarší první", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Nejnovější první", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Název souboru", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Název souboru (sestupně)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Název alba", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Název alba (sestupně)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Ručně", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Chcete-li ručně změnit uspořádání položky, dlouze ji stiskněte a přetáhněte", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Přidat text", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Sdílet", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Vyberte nějaké fotky ke sdílení", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Stahování", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Vyhledávání", - "clearTooltip": "Vymazat", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Žádné výsledky", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Prázdné", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Koš", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Obnovit", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Obnovování 1 položky} other{Obnovování {count} položek}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně obnoveny", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se obnovit 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se obnovit {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se obnovit {count} položek}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Obnovování položky", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Položka úspěšně obnovena", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se obnovit položku", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Trvale odstranit", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Trvale odstranit", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Vybrané položky budou trvale odstraněny ze serveru.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Sdílené", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Zpracovávání metadat obrázků na pozadí", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Čekání na Wi-Fi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "NASTAVENÍ", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Použít jako obal alba", - "helpTooltip": "Nápověda", - "helpButtonLabel": "NÁPOVĚDA", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Odebrat z alba", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Seznam změn", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Certifikát serveru je nedůvěryhodný", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Server může být napaden nebo se někdo snaží ukrást vaše informace", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "POKROČILÉ", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Důvěřovat neznámému certifikátu?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Certifikát můžete zařadit na bílou listinu, aby jej aplikace akceptovala. VAROVÁNÍ: Toto představuje velké bezpečnostní riziko. Ujistěte se, že je certifikát podepsán vámi nebo důvěryhodnou stranou\n\nHostitel: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "PŘIJMOUT RIZIKO A DŮVĚŘOVAT", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Sdíleno s vámi tímto uživatelem", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vyprázdnit koš", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vyprázdnit koš", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Všechny položky budou ze serveru trvale odstraněny.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Zrušit nastavení obalu", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Ztlumit", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Zrušit ztlumení", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Lidé", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Prezentace", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Nastavit prezentaci", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Trvání obrázku (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Náhodně", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Opakovat", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Obráceně", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Odkaz zkopírován", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Sdílet jako", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Náhled", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Sdílet náhled se sníženou kvalitou do ostatních aplikací (podporuje pouze obrázky)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Původní soubor", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Stáhnout původní soubor a sdílet jej do ostatních aplikací", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Veřejný odkaz", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Vytvořit nový veřejný odkaz na serveru. Kdokoli s odkazem bude mít přístup k souboru", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Odkaz chráněný heslem", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Vytvořit nový odkaz chráněný heslem na serveru", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Sdílení", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Naposledy sdíleno {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Uživatel {user} s vámi sdílel tento soubor {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Uživatel {user} s vámi sdílel toto album {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Sdíleno s", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Zrušit sdílení", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Zrušeno sdílení", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Umístění", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud nepodporuje sdílení odkazu pro více souborů. Aplikace místo toho zkopíruje soubory do nové složky a sdílí ji", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Název složky", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte název složky", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Obsahuje neplatné znaky", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Vytváření sdílení", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se zkopírovat 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se zkopírovat {count} položky} other{Failed copying {count} items}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Odstranit složku?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Tato složka byla vytvořena aplikací pro sdílení více souborů jako odkaz. Nyní již není sdílena s žádnou stranou, chcete tuto složku odstranit?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Přidat do sbírky", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Sdílet s uživatelem", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album sdíleno s uživatelem {user}, nepodařilo se ale sdílet některé soubory", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Zrušeno sdílení alba s uživatelem {user}, nepodařilo se ale zrušit sdílení některých souborů", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Opravit sdílení", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Opravit", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Opravit vše", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Není sdíleno s uživatelem {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Sdíleno s uživatelem {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "VÝCHOZÍ", - "addUserInputHint": "Přidat uživatele", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Představujeme sdílené album", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Sdílené album umožňuje přístup k jednomu albu více uživatelům na stejném serveru. Před pokračováním si pozorně přečtěte omezení", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ZJISTIT VÍCE", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualizace databáze", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přesunout databázi", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Před 1 rokem} other{Před {count} lety}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Domovská složka nenalezena", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Opravte prosím adresu URL WebDAV níže. Správnou adresu naleznete ve webovém rozhraní Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte název vaší domovské složky", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nová sbírka", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Zobrazit fotky přidané vámi z jakéhokoli umístění na serveru", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Složka", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Zobrazit fotky uvnitř složky", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Oblíbené", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Oblíbené", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Přidáno do oblíbených", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přidat do oblíbených", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Zrušit oblíbení", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Odebráno z oblíbených", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat z oblíbených", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Štítek", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Zobrazit fotky s určitými štítky", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Přidat štítek", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Přidejte alespoň 1 štítek", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Zastavování služby", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Baterie je vybitá", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Vylepšit", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "VYLEPŠIT", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Vylepšit vaše fotky", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Fotografie jsou zpracovávány lokálně v zařízení. Ve výchozím nastavení jsou zmenšeny na 2048x1536. Výstupní rozlišení můžete upravit v nastavení", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Vylepšení při slabém osvětlení", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Rozjasní vaše fotografie pořízené v prostředí se slabým osvětlením", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Brightness", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Upraveno (lokálně)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Vybrané položky budou z tohoto zařízení trvale odstraněny.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Rozmazání portrétu", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Rozmaže pozadí fotografií, nejlépe funguje u portrétů", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Rozmazání", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super rozlišení (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Zvětší vaše fotografie na čtyřnásobek původního rozlišení (podrobnosti o tom, jak se zde uplatňuje maximální rozlišení, najdete v nápovědě).", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Převod stylu", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Vyberte styl", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Převede styl obrázku z referenčního obrázku na vaše fotky", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Vyberte styl", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Černobílé pozadí", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desaturuje pozadí fotografií, nejlépe funguje u portrétů", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Síla", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automatická retuš", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Automaticky retušuje vaše fotografie, celkově vylepší barvu a živost", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Klepněte znovu pro ukončení", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Zahodit změny?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Vaše změny nejsou uloženy", - "discardButtonLabel": "ZAHODIT", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Uložit", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Jas", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Bílý bod", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Černý bod", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturace", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Teplota", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Odstín", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Náhled úprav", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Barva", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Úpravy", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Otočení", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "pos", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "prs", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Oříznout", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Kategorie", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videa", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRY", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Hledat filtry", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "POUŽÍT", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Jakýkoli", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Ano", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Ne", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Obrázek", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "obrázky", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "videa", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Oblíbené", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "oblíbené", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "neoblíbené", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "ZOBRAZIT VŠE", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Poblíž {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "O umístění", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Zde uvedené místo je pouze hrubým odhadem a není zaručeno, že je přesné. Nevyjadřuje naše názory na sporné oblasti", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Místa", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Ukládání výsledku", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Vyberte, kam chcete uložit tento a budoucí zpracované snímky. Pokud jste vybrali server, ale aplikaci se je nepodařilo nahrát, uloží se do vašeho zařízení.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "ZAŘÍZENÍ", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "První synchronizace s vaším serverem", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Smyčka", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit sbírku", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Přidat do sbírky", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přidat do sbírky", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se nastavit obal sbírky", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Export", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exportovat sbírku", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Serverové album, vyžaduje Nextcloud 25 nebo novější", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat některé sbírky", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Neověřený přístup. Pokud problém přetrvává, přihlaste se znovu", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Nelze se připojit. Server může být offline nebo vaše zařízení může být odpojeno.", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Soubor je na serveru uzamčen. Zkuste to prosím znovu později", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Nelze komunikovat. Ujistěte se, že adresa je základní adresou URL vaší instance Nextcloud", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Nelze ověřit. Zkontrolujte prosím uživatelské jméno a heslo", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Chyba serveru. Ujistěte se, že je server správně nastaven", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Toto album nelze upravit, protože bylo vytvořeno pozdější verzí této aplikace. Aktualizujte prosím aplikaci a zkuste to znovu", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Chybějící oprávnění k přístupu k úložišti", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadata souboru", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Poskytovatel osob", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Použít systémovou barvu", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "POUŽÍT SYSTÉMOVOU BARVU", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Otevřete nastavení pro přepnutí poskytovatele nebo si otevřete nápovědu pro více informací", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Nastavení účtu", - "contributorsTooltip": "Přispěvatelé", - "setAsTooltip": "Nastavit jako", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Chystáte se odhlásit ze serveru {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Fotky", + "translator": "Fjuro\nSkyhawk", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotky", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Sbírky", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Přiblížení", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Obnovit", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Nastavení", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{Vybrána {count}} few{Vybrány {count}} other{Vybráno {count}}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Mazání 1 položky} other{Mazání {count} položek}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně přidány", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se odstranit 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se odstranit {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se odstranit {count} položek}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archivovat", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivace 1 položky} other{Archivace {count} položek}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně archivovány", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se archivovat 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se archivovat {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se archivovat {count} položek}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Zrušit archivaci", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Rušení archivace 1 položky} other{Rušení archivace {count} položek}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně odebrány z archivu", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se zrušit archivaci 1 položky} other{Nepodařilo se zrušit archivaci {count} položek}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Odstranit", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Mazání položky", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Položka úspěšně odstraněna", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odstranit položku", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat položky z alba", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Přidat server", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Server {server} úspěšně odebrán", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Nové album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Prázdné} =1{1 položka} few{{count} položky} other{{count} položek}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiv", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Připojování k\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Čekání na autorizaci serverem", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Přihlaste se prosím v otevřeném prohlížeči", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Název", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Je vyžadován název", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "PŘESKOČIT", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "POTVRDIT", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Přihlásit se k serveru Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Pokud máte na serveru povolené dvoufaktorové ověření, použijte heslo aplikace", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nPřihlásit se", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Adresa serveru", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte adresu serveru", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Uživatelské jméno", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte vaše uživatelské jméno", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Heslo", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte vaše heslo", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Vyberte složky, které mají být zahrnuty", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Budou zobrazeny pouze fotky uvnitř vybraných složek. Klepněte na Přeskočit pro zahrnutí všech", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(vrátit se)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se zrušit výběr položky", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Vyberte prosím alespoň jednu složku nebo klepněte na Přeskočit pro zahrnutí všech", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Začínáme", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Toto lze později změnit v nastavení", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Tato aplikace vytvoří složku na serveru Nextcloud pro ukládání předvoleb. Neupravujte a neodebírejte ji, pokud se nechystáte odstranit tuto aplikaci", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Nastavení", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Jazyk", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Podle systému", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Podpora EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Bude používat více dat", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Zpracovávat EXIF pouze přes Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Mohou být účtovány poplatky za přenos dat", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Vzpomínky", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Zobrazit fotografie pořízené v minulosti", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Účet", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Štítek", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Nastavte štítek, který má být zobrazen na místě URL serveru", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Zahrnuté složky", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Sdílet složku", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Najděte složku ke sdílení", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Toto nastavení odpovídá parametru share_folder v souboru config.php. Obě hodnoty MUSÍ být shodné.\n\nNajděte prosím stejnou složku, jaká je nastavena v config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Najděte stejnou složku, jaká je nastavena v souboru config.php. Pokud jste parametr nenastavili, stiskněte výchozí.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Podpora aplikací na serveru", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Přizpůsobit obsah zobrazený na kartě Fotky", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Rozsah vzpomínek", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} den} few{+-{range} dny} other{+-{range} dní}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Prohlížeč", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Přizpůsobit prohlížeč obrázků a videí", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Jas obrazovky", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Přepsat systémovou úroveň jasu", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorovat uzamčení otáčení", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Otáčet obrazovku i při zakázaném automatickém otáčení", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Poskytovatel map", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Seskupit fotky podle data", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Použijte pouze při řazení alba podle času", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Přizpůsobit vylepšení a editor obrázků", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Rozlišení obrázků pro vylepšení", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Fotky větší než zadaná hodnota budou zmenšeny.\n\nFotky s vyšším rozlišením vyžadují výrazně vyšší množství paměti a času ke zpracování. Snižte toto nastavení, pokud aplikace spadla při vylepšování vašich fotek.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Ukládat výsledky na server", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Výsledky budou ukládány na server, na zařízení budou uloženy pouze při selhání", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Výsledky budou ukládány na toto zařízení", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Motiv", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Přizpůsobit vzhled aplikace", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Podle systému", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Barva motivu", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Použito k odvození všech barev použitých v aplikaci", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Vybrat barvu", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tmavší motiv", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Použít černou barvu ve tmavém motivu", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Použít tmavší šedou ve tmavém motivu", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Různé", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Dvakrát klepnout pro zavření", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Řazení podle názvu souboru ve Fotkách", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimentální", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funkce, které nejsou připraveny ke každodennímu používání", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Pokročilé", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Před pokračováním se ujistěte, že přesně chápete, co dělá která možnost", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Vymazat databázi souborů", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Vymazat informace o souborech v mezipaměti a spustit úplnou opětovnou synchronizaci se serverem", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Databáze úspěšně vymazána. Je doporučeno restartovat aplikaci", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "O aplikaci", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Verze", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Zdrojový kód", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Nahlásit chybu", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Ukládat protokoly", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Pomoc vývojáři při diagnostice chyb", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Překladatel", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se upravit nastavení", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "POVOLIT", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Povolením podpory EXIF se zpřístupní různá metadata, jako je datum pořízení, model fotoaparátu atd. Aby bylo možné tato metadata přečíst, je nutné dodatečné využití sítě ke stažení původního snímku v plné velikosti. Aplikace začne stahovat pouze po připojení k síti Wi-Fi", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Povolit podporu EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Pořízení záznamů pro hlášení chyby:\n\n1. Povolte toto nastavení\n2. Reprodukujte problém\n3. Zakažte toto nastavení\n4. Vyhledejte soubor nc-photos.log ve složce stahování\n\n*Pokud problém způsobí pád aplikace, nelze pořídit žádné protokoly. V takovém případě se obraťte na vývojáře, který vám poskytne další pokyny", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Protokoly úspěšně upraveny", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "HOTOVO", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "DALŠÍ", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "PŘIPOJIT", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Budou zahrnuty všechny vaše soubory. Tato akce může zvýšit využití paměti a snížit výkon", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Podrobnosti", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Stáhnout", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Stahování souboru", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Soubor úspěšně stažen", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se stáhnout soubor", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Další", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Předchozí", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Držte Shift + klikněte pro vybrání všech položek uprostřed", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Dlouze stiskněte další položku pro vybrání všech položek mezi nimi", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Upravit datum a čas", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Datum", + "timeSubtitle": "Čas", + "dateYearInputHint": "Rok", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Měsíc", + "dateDayInputHint": "Den", + "timeHourInputHint": "Hodina", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuta", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunda", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Neplatná hodnota", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se upravit datum a čas", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Vyberte složky, které mají být přidruženy", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Do tohoto alba budou zařazeny pouze fotografie v přidružených složkách", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Vyberte alespoň jednu složku", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importovat složky", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Import složky jako alba", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Navržené složky jsou zobrazeny níže. Podle počtu souborů na vašem serveru může tato akce chvíli trvat", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTOVAT", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importování složek", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Hotovo", + "editTooltip": "Upravit", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Již existuje účet se stejným nastavením", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Čekejte prosím", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Řazení", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Řadit podle", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Nejstarší první", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Nejnovější první", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Název souboru", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Název souboru (sestupně)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Název alba", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Název alba (sestupně)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Ručně", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Chcete-li ručně změnit uspořádání položky, dlouze ji stiskněte a přetáhněte", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Přidat text", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Sdílet", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Vyberte nějaké fotky ke sdílení", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Stahování", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Vyhledávání", + "clearTooltip": "Vymazat", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Žádné výsledky", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Prázdné", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Koš", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Obnovit", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Obnovování 1 položky} other{Obnovování {count} položek}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Všechny položky úspěšně obnoveny", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se obnovit 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se obnovit {count} položky} other{Nepodařilo se obnovit {count} položek}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Obnovování položky", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Položka úspěšně obnovena", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se obnovit položku", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Trvale odstranit", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Trvale odstranit", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Vybrané položky budou trvale odstraněny ze serveru.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Sdílené", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Zpracovávání metadat obrázků na pozadí", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Čekání na Wi-Fi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "NASTAVENÍ", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Použít jako obal alba", + "helpTooltip": "Nápověda", + "helpButtonLabel": "NÁPOVĚDA", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Odebrat z alba", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Seznam změn", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Certifikát serveru je nedůvěryhodný", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Server může být napaden nebo se někdo snaží ukrást vaše informace", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "POKROČILÉ", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Důvěřovat neznámému certifikátu?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Certifikát můžete zařadit na bílou listinu, aby jej aplikace akceptovala. VAROVÁNÍ: Toto představuje velké bezpečnostní riziko. Ujistěte se, že je certifikát podepsán vámi nebo důvěryhodnou stranou\n\nHostitel: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "PŘIJMOUT RIZIKO A DŮVĚŘOVAT", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Sdíleno s vámi tímto uživatelem", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vyprázdnit koš", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vyprázdnit koš", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Všechny položky budou ze serveru trvale odstraněny.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Zrušit nastavení obalu", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Ztlumit", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Zrušit ztlumení", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Lidé", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Prezentace", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Nastavit prezentaci", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Trvání obrázku (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Náhodně", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Opakovat", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Obráceně", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Odkaz zkopírován", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Sdílet jako", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Náhled", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Sdílet náhled se sníženou kvalitou do ostatních aplikací (podporuje pouze obrázky)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Původní soubor", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Stáhnout původní soubor a sdílet jej do ostatních aplikací", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Veřejný odkaz", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Vytvořit nový veřejný odkaz na serveru. Kdokoli s odkazem bude mít přístup k souboru", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Odkaz chráněný heslem", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Vytvořit nový odkaz chráněný heslem na serveru", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Sdílení", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Naposledy sdíleno {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Uživatel {user} s vámi sdílel tento soubor {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Uživatel {user} s vámi sdílel toto album {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Sdíleno s", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Zrušit sdílení", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Zrušeno sdílení", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Umístění", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud nepodporuje sdílení odkazu pro více souborů. Aplikace místo toho zkopíruje soubory do nové složky a sdílí ji", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Název složky", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte název složky", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Obsahuje neplatné znaky", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Vytváření sdílení", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nepodařilo se zkopírovat 1 položku} few{Nepodařilo se zkopírovat {count} položky} other{Failed copying {count} items}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Odstranit složku?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Tato složka byla vytvořena aplikací pro sdílení více souborů jako odkaz. Nyní již není sdílena s žádnou stranou, chcete tuto složku odstranit?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Přidat do sbírky", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Sdílet s uživatelem", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album sdíleno s uživatelem {user}, nepodařilo se ale sdílet některé soubory", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Zrušeno sdílení alba s uživatelem {user}, nepodařilo se ale zrušit sdílení některých souborů", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Opravit sdílení", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Opravit", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Opravit vše", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Není sdíleno s uživatelem {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Sdíleno s uživatelem {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "VÝCHOZÍ", + "addUserInputHint": "Přidat uživatele", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Představujeme sdílené album", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Sdílené album umožňuje přístup k jednomu albu více uživatelům na stejném serveru. Před pokračováním si pozorně přečtěte omezení", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ZJISTIT VÍCE", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualizace databáze", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přesunout databázi", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Před 1 rokem} other{Před {count} lety}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Domovská složka nenalezena", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Opravte prosím adresu URL WebDAV níže. Správnou adresu naleznete ve webovém rozhraní Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Zadejte název vaší domovské složky", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nová sbírka", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Zobrazit fotky přidané vámi z jakéhokoli umístění na serveru", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Složka", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Zobrazit fotky uvnitř složky", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Oblíbené", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Oblíbené", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Přidáno do oblíbených", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přidat do oblíbených", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Zrušit oblíbení", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Odebráno z oblíbených", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat z oblíbených", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Štítek", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Zobrazit fotky s určitými štítky", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Přidat štítek", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Přidejte alespoň 1 štítek", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Zastavování služby", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Baterie je vybitá", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Vylepšit", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "VYLEPŠIT", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Vylepšit vaše fotky", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Fotografie jsou zpracovávány lokálně v zařízení. Ve výchozím nastavení jsou zmenšeny na 2048x1536. Výstupní rozlišení můžete upravit v nastavení", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Vylepšení při slabém osvětlení", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Rozjasní vaše fotografie pořízené v prostředí se slabým osvětlením", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Brightness", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Upraveno (lokálně)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Vybrané položky budou z tohoto zařízení trvale odstraněny.\n\nTato akce je nevratná", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Rozmazání portrétu", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Rozmaže pozadí fotografií, nejlépe funguje u portrétů", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Rozmazání", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super rozlišení (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Zvětší vaše fotografie na čtyřnásobek původního rozlišení (podrobnosti o tom, jak se zde uplatňuje maximální rozlišení, najdete v nápovědě).", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Převod stylu", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Vyberte styl", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Převede styl obrázku z referenčního obrázku na vaše fotky", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Vyberte styl", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Černobílé pozadí", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desaturuje pozadí fotografií, nejlépe funguje u portrétů", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Síla", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automatická retuš", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Automaticky retušuje vaše fotografie, celkově vylepší barvu a živost", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Klepněte znovu pro ukončení", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Zahodit změny?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Vaše změny nejsou uloženy", + "discardButtonLabel": "ZAHODIT", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Uložit", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Jas", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Bílý bod", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Černý bod", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturace", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Teplota", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Odstín", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Náhled úprav", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Barva", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Úpravy", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Otočení", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "pos", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "prs", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Oříznout", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Kategorie", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videa", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRY", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Hledat filtry", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "POUŽÍT", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Jakýkoli", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Ano", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Ne", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Obrázek", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "obrázky", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "videa", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Oblíbené", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "oblíbené", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "neoblíbené", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "ZOBRAZIT VŠE", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Poblíž {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "O umístění", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Zde uvedené místo je pouze hrubým odhadem a není zaručeno, že je přesné. Nevyjadřuje naše názory na sporné oblasti", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Místa", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Ukládání výsledku", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Vyberte, kam chcete uložit tento a budoucí zpracované snímky. Pokud jste vybrali server, ale aplikaci se je nepodařilo nahrát, uloží se do vašeho zařízení.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "ZAŘÍZENÍ", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "První synchronizace s vaším serverem", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Smyčka", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit sbírku", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Přidat do sbírky", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přidat do sbírky", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se nastavit obal sbírky", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Export", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exportovat sbírku", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Serverové album, vyžaduje Nextcloud 25 nebo novější", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat některé sbírky", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Neověřený přístup. Pokud problém přetrvává, přihlaste se znovu", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Nelze se připojit. Server může být offline nebo vaše zařízení může být odpojeno.", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Soubor je na serveru uzamčen. Zkuste to prosím znovu později", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Nelze komunikovat. Ujistěte se, že adresa je základní adresou URL vaší instance Nextcloud", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Nelze ověřit. Zkontrolujte prosím uživatelské jméno a heslo", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Chyba serveru. Ujistěte se, že je server správně nastaven", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Toto album nelze upravit, protože bylo vytvořeno pozdější verzí této aplikace. Aktualizujte prosím aplikaci a zkuste to znovu", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Chybějící oprávnění k přístupu k úložišti", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadata souboru", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Poskytovatel osob", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Použít systémovou barvu", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "POUŽÍT SYSTÉMOVOU BARVU", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Otevřete nastavení pro přepnutí poskytovatele nebo si otevřete nápovědu pro více informací", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Nastavení účtu", + "contributorsTooltip": "Přispěvatelé", + "setAsTooltip": "Nastavit jako", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Chystáte se odhlásit ze serveru {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb index b45090bb..59707832 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb @@ -1,1347 +1,1347 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotos", - "translator": "Andreas\nPhilProg\nshagn\nOdious", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Alben", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Aktualisieren", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Einstellungen", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} markiert}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Lösche 1 Element} other{Lösche {count} Elemente}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente wurden erfolgreich gelöscht", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Löschen von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim Löschen von {count} Elementen}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archivieren", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archiviere 1 Element} other{Archiviere {count} Elemente}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente wurden erfolgreich archiviert", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Archivieren von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim archivieren von {count} Elementen}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Dearchivieren", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 Element dearchivieren} other{{count} Element dearchivieren}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente erfolgreich dearchiviert", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 Element konnte nicht dearchiviert werden} other{Fehler beim Dearchivieren von {count} Elementen}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Löschen", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Lösche Element", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element erfolgreich gelöscht", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Löschen des Elements fehlgeschlagen", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Entfernen von Elementen aus dem Album fehlgeschlagen", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Server hinzufügen", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} erfolgreich entfernt", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Neues Album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Leer} =1{1 Element} other{{count} Elemente}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiv", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Verbinde zu\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Warten darauf, dass der Server uns autorisiert", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Bitte via dem geöffneten Browser anmelden", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Name", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Name ist erforderlich", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "ÜBERSPRINGEN", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "BESTÄTIGEN", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Melden Sie sich beim Nextcloud-Server an", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Verwenden Sie ein App-Passwort, wenn Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf dem Server aktiviert haben", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nLogin", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Serveradresse", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie die Serveradresse ein", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Benutzername", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Passwort", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Wählen Sie die Ordner aus, die aufgenommen werden sollen", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Es werden nur Fotos in den Ordnern angezeigt. Drücken Sie Überspringen, um alle einzuschließen", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(geh zurück)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Aufheben des Elements fehlgeschlagen", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens einen Ordner aus oder drücken Sie Überspringen, um alle aufzunehmen", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Einstieg", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Sie können dies später in den Einstellungen ändern", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Diese App erstellt einen Ordner auf dem Nextcloud-Server, um Einstellungsdateien zu speichern. Bitte ändern oder entfernen Sie sie nicht, es sei denn, Sie beabsichtigen, diese App zu entfernen", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Einstellungen", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Sprache", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Systemstandard", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF-Unterstützung", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Erfordert zusätzliche Netzwerknutzung", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "EXIF nur über WLAN verarbeiten", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es können Datengebühren anfallen", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Erinnerungen", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Zeige Fotos aus der Vergangenheit", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Konto", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Bezeichnung", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Legen Sie eine Bezeichnung fest, die ansteller der Server-URL angezeigt wird", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Enthaltene Ordner", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Ordner teilen", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Unterstützung Server App", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Passen Sie Inhalte im Fotos Tab an", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Erinnerungszeitraum", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} Tag} other{+-{range} Tage}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Viewer", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Den Bild-/Video-Viewer anpassen", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Bildschirmhelligkeit", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Bildschirmhelligkeit des Systems überschreiben", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Rotationssperre ignorieren", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Den Bildschirm rotieren, auch wenn die automatische Drehung deaktiviert ist", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Kartendienst", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Fotos nach Datum gruppieren", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Nur anwenden, wenn das Album zeitlich sortiert ist", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personalisiere Bildverbesserungen und den Bildeditor", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Bildauflösung für Verbesserungen", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Fotos, die größer als die gewählte Auflösung sind, werden herunterskaliert.\n\nFotos mit hoher Auflösung benötigen deutlich mehr Speicher und Zeit für die Verarbeitung. Bitte verringern Sie diese Einstellung, falls die App beim Verbessern Ihrer Fotos abgestürzt ist.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Ergebnisse auf dem Server speichern", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Ergebnisse werden auf dem Server gespeichert, ersatzweise im Gerätespeicher wenn das fehlschlägt", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Ergebnisse werden auf diesem Gerät gespeichert", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Design", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Passen Sie das Erscheinungsbild der App an", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Systemdesign folgen", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Designfarbe", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Wird benutzt um alle Farben in der App abzuleiten", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Wähle eine Farbe", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Dunkleres Design", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Schwarz im dunklen Design verwenden", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Dunkelgrau im dunklen Design verwenden", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Sonstige", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Doppeltippen zum Verlassen", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Nach Dateinamen sortieren in Fotos", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funktionen, die nicht für den alltäglichen Einsatz bereit sind", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Erweitert", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vollständig verstehen was jede Option tut bevor Sie fortfahren", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Dateidatenbank leeren", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Gecachte Dateiinfo leeren und einen kompletten Resync mit dem Server auslösen", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Dateidatenbank erfolgreich geleert. Es wird empfohlen die App neuzustarten", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Über", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Version", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Quellcode", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Melde Probleme", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Protokolle erfassen", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Helfen Sie dem Entwickler, Fehler zu diagnostizieren", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Übersetzer", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Einstellung der Einstellung fehlgeschlagen", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "AKTIVIEREN", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Durch Aktivieren der EXIF-Unterstützung werden verschiedene Metadaten wie Aufnahmedatum, Kameramodell usw. verfügbar gemacht. Um diese Metadaten zu lesen, ist eine zusätzliche Netzwerknutzung erforderlich, um das Originalbild in voller Größe herunterzuladen. Die App wird nur herunterladen, wenn sie mit einem Wi-Fi-Netzwerk verbunden ist", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "EXIF-Unterstützung aktivieren?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "So erstellen Sie Protokolle für einen Fehlerbericht:\n\n1. Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung\n2. Reproduzieren Sie das Problem\n3. Deaktivieren Sie diese Einstellung\n4. Suchen Sie im Download-Ordner nach nc-photos.log\n\n*Wenn das Problem zum Absturz der App führt, konnten keine Protokolle erfasst werden. In diesem Fall wenden Sie sich bitte an den Entwickler, um weitere Anweisungen zu erhalten", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Protokolle erfolgreich gespeichert", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "FERTIG", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "NÄCHSTE", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "VERBINDEN", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Alle Ihre Dateien werden einbezogen. Dies kann die Speichernutzung erhöhen und die Leistung beeinträchtigen", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Eigenschaften", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Herunterladen", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Datei wird heruntergeladen", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Datei erfolgreich heruntergeladen", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Herunterladen der Datei fehlgeschlagen", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Nächste", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Vorherige", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Halten Sie die Umschalttaste gedrückt und klicken Sie, um alle dazwischen auszuwählen", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Drücken Sie lange auf ein anderes Element, um alle dazwischen auszuwählen", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Datum und Uhrzeit ändern", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Datum", - "timeSubtitle": "Zeit", - "dateYearInputHint": "Jahr", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Monat", - "dateDayInputHint": "Tag", - "timeHourInputHint": "Stunde", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minute", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunde", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Ungültiger Wert", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Ändern von Datum & Uhrzeit fehlgeschlagen", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Wählen Sie die zu verknüpfenden Ordner aus", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Nur Fotos in den zugehörigen Ordnern werden in dieses Album aufgenommen", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens einen Ordner aus", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Ordner importieren", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Ordner als Alben importieren", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Empfohlene Ordner sind unten aufgeführt. Abhängig von der Anzahl der Dateien auf Ihrem Server kann es eine Weile dauern, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTIEREN", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importiere Ordner", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Fertig", - "editTooltip": "Bearbeiten", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Es existiert bereits ein Konto mit denselben Einstellungen", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Bitte warten", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Sortieren", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sortieren nach", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Älteste zuerst", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Neueste zuerst", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Dateiname", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Dateiname (absteigend)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albumname", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albumname (absteigend)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuell", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Halten Sie ein Element gedrückt und ziehen Sie es, um es manuell neu anzuordnen", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Text hinzufügen", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Teilen", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Wählen Sie einige Fotos zum Teilen aus", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Herunterladen", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Suche", - "clearTooltip": "Leeren", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Keine Ergebnisse", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Leer", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Papierkorb", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Wiederherstellen", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Stelle 1 Element wieder her} other{Stelle {count} Elemente wieder her}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente erfolgreich wiederhergestellt", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von {count} Elementen}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Element wiederherstellen", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Element erfolgreich wiederhergestellt", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Wiederherstellen des Elements fehlgeschlagen", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Dauerhaft löschen", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Dauerhaft löschen", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Ausgewählte Elemente werden dauerhaft vom Server gelöscht.\n\nDiese Aktion ist nicht rückgängig zu machen", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Geteilt", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Bildmetadaten im Hintergrund verarbeiten", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Warten auf WLAN", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "KONFIGURATION", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Als Albumcover verwenden", - "helpTooltip": "Hilfe", - "helpButtonLabel": "HILFE", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Aus Album entfernen", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Was ist neu?", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Serverzertifikat kann nicht vertraut werden", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Der Server ist möglicherweise gehackt oder jemand versucht, Ihre Informationen zu stehlen", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "ERWEITERT", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Unbekanntes Zertifikat auf die Whitelist setzen?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Sie können das Zertifikat auf die Whitelist setzen, damit die App es akzeptiert. WARNUNG: Dies stellt ein großes Sicherheitsrisiko dar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Zertifikat von Ihnen oder einer vertrauenswürdigen Partei selbst signiert ist\n\nGastgeber: {host}\nFingerabdruck: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "AKZEPTIEREN SIE DAS RISIKO UND DIE WHITELIST", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Von diesem Benutzer für Sie freigegeben", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Leere Papierkorb", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Leere Papierkorb", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Alle Elemente werden dauerhaft vom Server gelöscht.\n\nDiese Aktion ist nicht rückgängig zu machen", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Cover aufheben", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Stumm", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Stummschaltung aufheben", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personen", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Diashow", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Diashow einstellen", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Bildlaufzeit (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Zufällig", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Wiederholen", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Rückwärts", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Link kopiert", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Teilen als", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Vorschau", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Eine Vorschau mit reduzierter Qualität mit anderen Apps teilen (unterstützt nur Fotos)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Originaldatei", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Die Originaldatei herunterladen und mit anderen Apps teilen", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Öffentlicher Link", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Einen neuen öffentlichen Link auf dem Server erstellen. Jeder mit dem Link hat auf die Datei Zugriff", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Passwort geschützter Link", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Einen neuen Passwort geschützten Link auf dem Server erstellen", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Geteilt", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Zuletzt geteilt am {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} teilte ein Album am {date} mit Ihnen", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Geteilt mit", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Freigabe aufheben", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Freigabe entfernen", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Ort", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Ordnername", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte Ordnernamen eingeben", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Enthält ungültige Zeichen", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 Objekt konnte nicht kopiert werden} other{{count} Objekte konnten nicht kopiert werden}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Ordner löschen?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Zu Alben hinzufügen", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Mit Nutzer teilen", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Nicht geteilt mit {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Geteilt mit {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "STANDARD", - "addUserInputHint": "Benutzer hinzufügen", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Geteilte Alben erlauben mehreren Nutzern auf dem gleichen Server auf das gleiche Album zuzugreifen. Bitte lesen Sie die Einschränkungen sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie fortfahren", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ERFAHRE MEHR", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualisiere Datenbank", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Datenbankmigration fehlgeschlagen", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{vor 1 Jahr} other{Vor {count} Jahren}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Home-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Bitte korrigieren Sie die unten angezeigte WebDAV-URL. Sie finden die URL in der Nextcloud-Weboberfläche.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihres Home-Verzeichnis ein", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Neues Album", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Ordner", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Zeige Fotos innerhalb eines Ordners", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoriten", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Favorit", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Hinzufügen zu Favoriten fehlgeschlagen", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Aus Favoriten entfernen", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Aus Favoriten entfernt", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Entfernen aus den Favoriten fehlgeschlagen", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Schlagwort", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Zeige Fotos mit spezifischen Schlagworten", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Schlagwort hinzufügen", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Bitte mindestens 1 Schlagwort hinzufügen", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Akku ist schwach", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Verbessern", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Verbessern Sie ihre Fotos", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Ihre Fotos werden lokal auf Ihrem Gerät verarbeitet. Standardmäßig werden sie auf 2048x1536 herunterskaliert. Sie können die Ausgabeauflösung in den Einstellungen anpassen", - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Hellen Sie ihre Fotos auf, die bei schwachen Lichtverhältnissen aufgenommen wurden", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Helligkeit", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Geändert (lokal)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Die ausgewählten Dateien werden dauerhaft von diesem Gerät gelöscht.\n\nDie Aktion ist unwiderruflich", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Portraitunschärfe", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Machen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer Fotos unscharf, am besten geeignet für Porträts", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Unschärfe", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Superauflösung (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Vergrößern Sie Ihre Fotos auf das 4-fache der ursprünglichen Auflösung (siehe Hilfe für Details wie die maximale Auflösung hier verwendet wird)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Stilübertragung", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Wähle einen Stil", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Übertrage einen Stil von einem Referenzbild auf deine Fotos", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Bitte wähle einen Stil", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Entsättigen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer Fotos, am besten geeignet für Porträts", - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Autoretusche", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retuschieren Sie Ihre Fotos automatisch, verbessern Sie Farbe und Lebendigkeit", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Erneut Tippen zum Verlassen", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Änderungen verwerfen?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Die Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert", - "discardButtonLabel": "VERWERFEN", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Speichern", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Helligkeit", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Weißpunkt", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Schwarzpunkt", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Sättigung", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Wärme", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Färbung", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Vorschau Änderungen", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Farbe", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Umformen", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientierung", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "re", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "li", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Zuschneiden", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Kategorien", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videos", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTER", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Suchfilter", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "ANWENDEN", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Alle", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Ja", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Nein", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Bild", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "Videos", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favorit", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "Favoriten", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "keine Favoriten", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "ALLE ANZEIGEN", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "In der Nähe von {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Über Ort", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Der angezeigte Ort ist nur eine grobe Schätzung und nicht zwangsweise akkurat. Es spiegelt nicht unsere Ansichten über irgendein umstrittenes Gebiet wider.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Orte", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "GERÄT", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Erstmalige Synchronisierung mit Ihrem Server", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Album konnte nicht erstellt werden", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Zu Album hinzufügen", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Hinzufügen zum Album fehlgeschlagen", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Albumcover konnte nicht gesetzt werden", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Export", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Album exportieren", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud Album", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Serverbasiertes Album, Nextcloud 25 oder höher erforderlich", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Entfernen einiger Alben fehlgeschlagen", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Nicht authentifizierter Zugriff. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Der Server ist möglicherweise offline oder Ihr Gerät ist möglicherweise nicht verbunden", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Datei ist auf Server gesperrt. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Kann nicht kommunizieren. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Adresse die Basis-URL Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz ist", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Nicht in der Lage zu authentifizieren. Bitte überprüfen Sie den Benutzernamen und das Passwort noch einmal", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Serverfehler. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der Server richtig eingerichtet ist", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Dieses Album kann nicht geändert werden, da es mit einer neueren Version dieser App erstellt wurde. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die App und versuchen Sie es erneut", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Speicherzugriffsberechtigung erforderlich", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Dateimetadaten", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Systemfarbe verwenden", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Kontoeinstellungen", - "contributorsTooltip": "Mitwirkende", - "setAsTooltip": "Festlegen als", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Sie sind dabei, sich abzumelden von {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Fotos", + "translator": "Andreas\nPhilProg\nshagn\nOdious", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Alben", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Aktualisieren", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Einstellungen", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} markiert}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Lösche 1 Element} other{Lösche {count} Elemente}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente wurden erfolgreich gelöscht", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Löschen von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim Löschen von {count} Elementen}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archivieren", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archiviere 1 Element} other{Archiviere {count} Elemente}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente wurden erfolgreich archiviert", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Archivieren von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim archivieren von {count} Elementen}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Dearchivieren", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 Element dearchivieren} other{{count} Element dearchivieren}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente erfolgreich dearchiviert", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 Element konnte nicht dearchiviert werden} other{Fehler beim Dearchivieren von {count} Elementen}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Löschen", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Lösche Element", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element erfolgreich gelöscht", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Löschen des Elements fehlgeschlagen", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Entfernen von Elementen aus dem Album fehlgeschlagen", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Server hinzufügen", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} erfolgreich entfernt", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Neues Album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Leer} =1{1 Element} other{{count} Elemente}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiv", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Verbinde zu\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Warten darauf, dass der Server uns autorisiert", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Bitte via dem geöffneten Browser anmelden", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Name", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Name ist erforderlich", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "ÜBERSPRINGEN", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "BESTÄTIGEN", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Melden Sie sich beim Nextcloud-Server an", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Verwenden Sie ein App-Passwort, wenn Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf dem Server aktiviert haben", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nLogin", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Serveradresse", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie die Serveradresse ein", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Benutzername", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Passwort", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Wählen Sie die Ordner aus, die aufgenommen werden sollen", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Es werden nur Fotos in den Ordnern angezeigt. Drücken Sie Überspringen, um alle einzuschließen", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(geh zurück)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Aufheben des Elements fehlgeschlagen", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens einen Ordner aus oder drücken Sie Überspringen, um alle aufzunehmen", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Einstieg", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Sie können dies später in den Einstellungen ändern", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Diese App erstellt einen Ordner auf dem Nextcloud-Server, um Einstellungsdateien zu speichern. Bitte ändern oder entfernen Sie sie nicht, es sei denn, Sie beabsichtigen, diese App zu entfernen", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Einstellungen", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Sprache", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Systemstandard", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF-Unterstützung", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Erfordert zusätzliche Netzwerknutzung", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "EXIF nur über WLAN verarbeiten", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es können Datengebühren anfallen", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Erinnerungen", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Zeige Fotos aus der Vergangenheit", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Konto", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Bezeichnung", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Legen Sie eine Bezeichnung fest, die ansteller der Server-URL angezeigt wird", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Enthaltene Ordner", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Ordner teilen", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Unterstützung Server App", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Passen Sie Inhalte im Fotos Tab an", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Erinnerungszeitraum", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} Tag} other{+-{range} Tage}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Viewer", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Den Bild-/Video-Viewer anpassen", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Bildschirmhelligkeit", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Bildschirmhelligkeit des Systems überschreiben", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Rotationssperre ignorieren", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Den Bildschirm rotieren, auch wenn die automatische Drehung deaktiviert ist", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Kartendienst", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Fotos nach Datum gruppieren", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Nur anwenden, wenn das Album zeitlich sortiert ist", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personalisiere Bildverbesserungen und den Bildeditor", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Bildauflösung für Verbesserungen", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Fotos, die größer als die gewählte Auflösung sind, werden herunterskaliert.\n\nFotos mit hoher Auflösung benötigen deutlich mehr Speicher und Zeit für die Verarbeitung. Bitte verringern Sie diese Einstellung, falls die App beim Verbessern Ihrer Fotos abgestürzt ist.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Ergebnisse auf dem Server speichern", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Ergebnisse werden auf dem Server gespeichert, ersatzweise im Gerätespeicher wenn das fehlschlägt", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Ergebnisse werden auf diesem Gerät gespeichert", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Design", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Passen Sie das Erscheinungsbild der App an", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Systemdesign folgen", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Designfarbe", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Wird benutzt um alle Farben in der App abzuleiten", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Wähle eine Farbe", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Dunkleres Design", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Schwarz im dunklen Design verwenden", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Dunkelgrau im dunklen Design verwenden", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Sonstige", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Doppeltippen zum Verlassen", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Nach Dateinamen sortieren in Fotos", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funktionen, die nicht für den alltäglichen Einsatz bereit sind", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Erweitert", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vollständig verstehen was jede Option tut bevor Sie fortfahren", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Dateidatenbank leeren", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Gecachte Dateiinfo leeren und einen kompletten Resync mit dem Server auslösen", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Dateidatenbank erfolgreich geleert. Es wird empfohlen die App neuzustarten", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Über", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Version", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Quellcode", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Melde Probleme", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Protokolle erfassen", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Helfen Sie dem Entwickler, Fehler zu diagnostizieren", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Übersetzer", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Einstellung der Einstellung fehlgeschlagen", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "AKTIVIEREN", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Durch Aktivieren der EXIF-Unterstützung werden verschiedene Metadaten wie Aufnahmedatum, Kameramodell usw. verfügbar gemacht. Um diese Metadaten zu lesen, ist eine zusätzliche Netzwerknutzung erforderlich, um das Originalbild in voller Größe herunterzuladen. Die App wird nur herunterladen, wenn sie mit einem Wi-Fi-Netzwerk verbunden ist", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "EXIF-Unterstützung aktivieren?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "So erstellen Sie Protokolle für einen Fehlerbericht:\n\n1. Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung\n2. Reproduzieren Sie das Problem\n3. Deaktivieren Sie diese Einstellung\n4. Suchen Sie im Download-Ordner nach nc-photos.log\n\n*Wenn das Problem zum Absturz der App führt, konnten keine Protokolle erfasst werden. In diesem Fall wenden Sie sich bitte an den Entwickler, um weitere Anweisungen zu erhalten", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Protokolle erfolgreich gespeichert", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "FERTIG", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "NÄCHSTE", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "VERBINDEN", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Alle Ihre Dateien werden einbezogen. Dies kann die Speichernutzung erhöhen und die Leistung beeinträchtigen", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Eigenschaften", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Herunterladen", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Datei wird heruntergeladen", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Datei erfolgreich heruntergeladen", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Herunterladen der Datei fehlgeschlagen", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Nächste", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Vorherige", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Halten Sie die Umschalttaste gedrückt und klicken Sie, um alle dazwischen auszuwählen", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Drücken Sie lange auf ein anderes Element, um alle dazwischen auszuwählen", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Datum und Uhrzeit ändern", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Datum", + "timeSubtitle": "Zeit", + "dateYearInputHint": "Jahr", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Monat", + "dateDayInputHint": "Tag", + "timeHourInputHint": "Stunde", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minute", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunde", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Ungültiger Wert", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Ändern von Datum & Uhrzeit fehlgeschlagen", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Wählen Sie die zu verknüpfenden Ordner aus", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Nur Fotos in den zugehörigen Ordnern werden in dieses Album aufgenommen", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens einen Ordner aus", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Ordner importieren", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Ordner als Alben importieren", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Empfohlene Ordner sind unten aufgeführt. Abhängig von der Anzahl der Dateien auf Ihrem Server kann es eine Weile dauern, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTIEREN", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importiere Ordner", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Fertig", + "editTooltip": "Bearbeiten", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Es existiert bereits ein Konto mit denselben Einstellungen", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Bitte warten", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Sortieren", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sortieren nach", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Älteste zuerst", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Neueste zuerst", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Dateiname", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Dateiname (absteigend)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albumname", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albumname (absteigend)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuell", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Halten Sie ein Element gedrückt und ziehen Sie es, um es manuell neu anzuordnen", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Text hinzufügen", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Teilen", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Wählen Sie einige Fotos zum Teilen aus", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Herunterladen", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Suche", + "clearTooltip": "Leeren", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Keine Ergebnisse", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Leer", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Papierkorb", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Wiederherstellen", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Stelle 1 Element wieder her} other{Stelle {count} Elemente wieder her}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle Elemente erfolgreich wiederhergestellt", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von 1 Element} other{Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von {count} Elementen}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Element wiederherstellen", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Element erfolgreich wiederhergestellt", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Wiederherstellen des Elements fehlgeschlagen", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Dauerhaft löschen", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Dauerhaft löschen", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Ausgewählte Elemente werden dauerhaft vom Server gelöscht.\n\nDiese Aktion ist nicht rückgängig zu machen", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Geteilt", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Bildmetadaten im Hintergrund verarbeiten", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Warten auf WLAN", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "KONFIGURATION", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Als Albumcover verwenden", + "helpTooltip": "Hilfe", + "helpButtonLabel": "HILFE", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Aus Album entfernen", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Was ist neu?", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Serverzertifikat kann nicht vertraut werden", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Der Server ist möglicherweise gehackt oder jemand versucht, Ihre Informationen zu stehlen", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "ERWEITERT", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Unbekanntes Zertifikat auf die Whitelist setzen?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Sie können das Zertifikat auf die Whitelist setzen, damit die App es akzeptiert. WARNUNG: Dies stellt ein großes Sicherheitsrisiko dar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Zertifikat von Ihnen oder einer vertrauenswürdigen Partei selbst signiert ist\n\nGastgeber: {host}\nFingerabdruck: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "AKZEPTIEREN SIE DAS RISIKO UND DIE WHITELIST", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Von diesem Benutzer für Sie freigegeben", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Leere Papierkorb", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Leere Papierkorb", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Alle Elemente werden dauerhaft vom Server gelöscht.\n\nDiese Aktion ist nicht rückgängig zu machen", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Cover aufheben", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Stumm", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Stummschaltung aufheben", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personen", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Diashow", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Diashow einstellen", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Bildlaufzeit (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Zufällig", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Wiederholen", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Rückwärts", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Link kopiert", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Teilen als", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Vorschau", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Eine Vorschau mit reduzierter Qualität mit anderen Apps teilen (unterstützt nur Fotos)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Originaldatei", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Die Originaldatei herunterladen und mit anderen Apps teilen", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Öffentlicher Link", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Einen neuen öffentlichen Link auf dem Server erstellen. Jeder mit dem Link hat auf die Datei Zugriff", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Passwort geschützter Link", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Einen neuen Passwort geschützten Link auf dem Server erstellen", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Geteilt", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Zuletzt geteilt am {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} teilte ein Album am {date} mit Ihnen", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Geteilt mit", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Freigabe aufheben", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Freigabe entfernen", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Ort", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Ordnername", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte Ordnernamen eingeben", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Enthält ungültige Zeichen", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 Objekt konnte nicht kopiert werden} other{{count} Objekte konnten nicht kopiert werden}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Ordner löschen?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Zu Alben hinzufügen", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Mit Nutzer teilen", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Nicht geteilt mit {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Geteilt mit {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "STANDARD", + "addUserInputHint": "Benutzer hinzufügen", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Geteilte Alben erlauben mehreren Nutzern auf dem gleichen Server auf das gleiche Album zuzugreifen. Bitte lesen Sie die Einschränkungen sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie fortfahren", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ERFAHRE MEHR", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualisiere Datenbank", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Datenbankmigration fehlgeschlagen", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{vor 1 Jahr} other{Vor {count} Jahren}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Home-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Bitte korrigieren Sie die unten angezeigte WebDAV-URL. Sie finden die URL in der Nextcloud-Weboberfläche.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihres Home-Verzeichnis ein", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Neues Album", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Ordner", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Zeige Fotos innerhalb eines Ordners", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoriten", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Favorit", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Hinzufügen zu Favoriten fehlgeschlagen", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Aus Favoriten entfernen", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Aus Favoriten entfernt", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Entfernen aus den Favoriten fehlgeschlagen", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Schlagwort", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Zeige Fotos mit spezifischen Schlagworten", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Schlagwort hinzufügen", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Bitte mindestens 1 Schlagwort hinzufügen", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Akku ist schwach", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Verbessern", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Verbessern Sie ihre Fotos", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Ihre Fotos werden lokal auf Ihrem Gerät verarbeitet. Standardmäßig werden sie auf 2048x1536 herunterskaliert. Sie können die Ausgabeauflösung in den Einstellungen anpassen", + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Hellen Sie ihre Fotos auf, die bei schwachen Lichtverhältnissen aufgenommen wurden", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Helligkeit", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Geändert (lokal)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Die ausgewählten Dateien werden dauerhaft von diesem Gerät gelöscht.\n\nDie Aktion ist unwiderruflich", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Portraitunschärfe", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Machen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer Fotos unscharf, am besten geeignet für Porträts", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Unschärfe", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Superauflösung (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Vergrößern Sie Ihre Fotos auf das 4-fache der ursprünglichen Auflösung (siehe Hilfe für Details wie die maximale Auflösung hier verwendet wird)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Stilübertragung", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Wähle einen Stil", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Übertrage einen Stil von einem Referenzbild auf deine Fotos", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Bitte wähle einen Stil", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Entsättigen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer Fotos, am besten geeignet für Porträts", + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Autoretusche", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retuschieren Sie Ihre Fotos automatisch, verbessern Sie Farbe und Lebendigkeit", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Erneut Tippen zum Verlassen", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Änderungen verwerfen?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Die Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert", + "discardButtonLabel": "VERWERFEN", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Speichern", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Helligkeit", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Weißpunkt", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Schwarzpunkt", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Sättigung", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Wärme", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Färbung", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Vorschau Änderungen", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Farbe", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Umformen", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientierung", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "re", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "li", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Zuschneiden", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Kategorien", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videos", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTER", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Suchfilter", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "ANWENDEN", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Alle", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Ja", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Nein", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Bild", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "Videos", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favorit", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "Favoriten", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "keine Favoriten", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "ALLE ANZEIGEN", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "In der Nähe von {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Über Ort", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Der angezeigte Ort ist nur eine grobe Schätzung und nicht zwangsweise akkurat. Es spiegelt nicht unsere Ansichten über irgendein umstrittenes Gebiet wider.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Orte", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "GERÄT", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Erstmalige Synchronisierung mit Ihrem Server", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Album konnte nicht erstellt werden", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Zu Album hinzufügen", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Hinzufügen zum Album fehlgeschlagen", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Albumcover konnte nicht gesetzt werden", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Export", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Album exportieren", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud Album", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Serverbasiertes Album, Nextcloud 25 oder höher erforderlich", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Entfernen einiger Alben fehlgeschlagen", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Nicht authentifizierter Zugriff. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Der Server ist möglicherweise offline oder Ihr Gerät ist möglicherweise nicht verbunden", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Datei ist auf Server gesperrt. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Kann nicht kommunizieren. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Adresse die Basis-URL Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz ist", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Nicht in der Lage zu authentifizieren. Bitte überprüfen Sie den Benutzernamen und das Passwort noch einmal", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Serverfehler. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der Server richtig eingerichtet ist", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Dieses Album kann nicht geändert werden, da es mit einer neueren Version dieser App erstellt wurde. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die App und versuchen Sie es erneut", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Speicherzugriffsberechtigung erforderlich", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Dateimetadaten", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Systemfarbe verwenden", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Kontoeinstellungen", + "contributorsTooltip": "Mitwirkende", + "setAsTooltip": "Festlegen als", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Sie sind dabei, sich abzumelden von {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb index 76f7fae6..ede024a6 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb @@ -1,1090 +1,1090 @@ { - "appTitle": "Φωτογραφίες", - "translator": "Chris Karasoulis", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Φωτογραφίες", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Συλλογές", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Εστίαση", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Ανανέωση", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Ρυθμίσεις", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} επιλεγμένα}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Διαγραφή 1 αντικειμένου} other{Διαγραφή {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή όλων των αντικειμένων", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία διαγραφής 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία διαγραφής {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Αρχειοθέτηση επιλεγμένων", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αρχειοθέτηση 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αρχειοθέτηση {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση όλων των αντικειμένων", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αρχειοθέτησης 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία αρχειοθέτησης {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Αποαρχειοθέτηση επιλεγμένων", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποαρχειοθέτηση 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποαρχειοθέτηση {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αποαρχειοθέτηση όλων των αντικειμένων", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αποαρχειοθέτησης 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία αποαρχειοθέτησης {count} αντικειμένων}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Διαγραφή", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Διαγραφή αντικειμένου", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή αντικειμένου", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία διαγραφής αντικειμένου", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης αντικειμένων από τη συλλογή", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Προσθήκη διακομιστή", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αφαίρεση {server}", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Δημιουργία νέας συλλογής", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 αντικείμενο} other{{count} αντικείμενα}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Αρχείο", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Σύνδεση σε\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "nameInputHint": "Όνομα", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "ΠΑΡΑΒΛΕΨΗ", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "ΕΠΙΒΕΒΑΙΩΣΗ", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Είσοδος σε διακομιστή Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Χρησιμοποιήστε ένα συνθηματικό εφαρμογής αν χρησιμοποιείτε πιστοποίηση δύο παραγόντων στο διακομιστή", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Διεύθυνση διακομιστή", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε τη διεύθυνση του διακομιστή", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Όνομα χρήστη", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε το όνομα χρήστη σας", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Επιλέξτε τους φακέλους που θα συμπεριληφθούν", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Μόνο οι φωτογραφίες εντός των φακέλων θα εμφανίζονται. Πατήστε Παράβλεψη για να συμπεριληφθούν όλες", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(go back)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αποεπιλογής αντικειμένου", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε τουλάχιστον έναν φάκελο ή πατήστε παράβλεψη για να τους συμπεριλάβετε όλους", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Ξεκινάμε", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Μπορείτε να το αλλάξετε αργότερα στις Ρυθμίσεις", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Η εφαρμογή θα δημιουργήσει ένα φάκελο στο διακομιστή Nextcloud για την αποθήκευση αρχείων προτιμήσεων. Μην τον τροποποιήσετε και μην τον καταργήσετε εκτός εάν σκοπεύετε να καταργήσετε αυτήν την εφαρμογή", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Γλώσσα", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Υποστήριξη EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Απαιτείται επιπλέον χρήση δικτύου", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Αναμνήσεις", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Προβολή φωτογραφιών που ελήφθησαν στο παρελθόν", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Λογαριασμός", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Περιλαμβανόμενοι φάκελοι", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Κοινοποίηση φακέλου", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Εντοπισμός κοινόχρηστου φακέλου", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Αυτή η ρύθμιση αντιστοιχεί στην παράμετρο share_folder στο config.php. Οι δύο τιμές ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να είναι πανομοιότυπες.\n\nΕντοπίστε τον ίδιο φάκελο με αυτόν που έχει οριστεί στο config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Εντοπίστε τον ίδιο φάκελο με αυτόν που έχει οριστεί στο config.php. Πατήστε προεπιλογή εάν δεν έχετε ορίσει την παράμετρο.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Υποστήριξη εφαρμογών διακομιστή", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Προβολέας", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Customize the image/video viewer", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Φωτεινότητα οθόνης", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Παράκαμψη του επιπέδου φωτεινότητας του συστήματος", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Αγνόηση κλειδώματος περιστροφής οθόνης", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Περιστροφή οθόνης ακόμα και όταν η αυτόματη περιστροφή είναι απενεργοποιημένη", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Πάροχος χάρτη", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Ομαδοποίηση φωτογραφιών κατά ημερομηνία", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Εφαρμογή μόνο όταν το άλμπουμ είναι ταξινομημένο κατά χρόνο", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Οι φωτογραφίες μεγαλύτερες από την επιλεγμένη ανάλυση θα μειωθούν.\n\nΟι φωτογραφίες υψηλής ανάλυσης απαιτούν πολύ περισσότερη μνήμη και χρόνο για επεξεργασία. Μειώστε αυτή τη ρύθμιση εάν η εφαρμογή διακοπεί κατά τη βελτίωση των φωτογραφιών.", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Εμφάνιση", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Προσαρμογή της εμφάνισης της εφαρμογής", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Χρήση εμφάνισης συστήματος", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Πιο σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Χρήση μαύρου στη σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Χρήση σκούρου γκρι στη σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Διάφορα", - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ταξινόμηση κατά όνομα αρχείου στις Φωτογραφίες", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Πειραματικά", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Χαρακτηριστικά που δεν είναι έτοιμα για καθημερινή χρήση", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Σχετικά", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Έκδοση", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Πηγαίος κώδικας", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Αναφορά προβλήματος", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Αρχείο καταγραφής", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Βοηθήστε τον προγραμματιστή να διαγνώσει σφάλματα", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Μεταφραστής", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία ρύθμισης προτίμησης", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "ΕΝΕΡΓΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Ενεργοποιώντας την υποστήριξη EXIF διάφορα μεταδεδομένα όπως ημερομηνία λήψης, μοντέλο κάμερας θα γίνουν διαθέσιμα. Για την ανάγνωση αυτών των μεταδεδομένων, απαιτείται επιπλέον χρήση δικτύου για τη λήψη της αρχικής εικόνας πλήρους μεγέθους. Η εφαρμογή θα ξεκινήσει τη λήψη μόνο όταν είναι συνδεδεμένη σε δίκτυο Wi-Fi", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης EXIF;", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Για τη λήψη αρχείων καταγραφής για μια αναφορά σφαλμάτων:\n\n1. Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση\n2. Αναπαράγετε το πρόβλημα\n3. Απενεργοποιήστε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση\n4. Αναζητήστε το nc-photos.log στο φάκελο λήψης\n\n*Εάν το πρόβλημα προκαλεί τη διακοπή λειτουργίας της εφαρμογής, δεν είναι δυνατή η λήψη αρχείων καταγραφής. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, επικοινωνήστε με τον προγραμματιστή για περαιτέρω οδηγίες", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Τα αρχεία καταγραφής αποθηκεύτηκαν με επιτυχία", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "ΕΓΙΝΕ", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟ", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Όλα τα αρχεία θα συμπεριληφθούν. Αυτό μπορεί να αυξήσει τη χρήση της μνήμης και να μειώσει την απόδοση", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}δευτ.", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}χιλ.", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Λεπτομέρειες", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Λήψη", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Λήψη αρχείου", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής λήψη αρχείου", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία λήψης αρχείου", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Επόμενο", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Προηγούμενο", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Κρατήστε πατημένο το shift και κάντε κλικ για να επιλέξετε όλα τα ενδιάμεσα", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Πατήστε παρατεταμένα ένα άλλο αντικείμενο για να επιλέξετε όλα ενδιάμεσα", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Τροποποίηση ημερομηνίας και ώρας", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Ημερομηνία", - "timeSubtitle": "Ώρα", - "dateYearInputHint": "Έτος", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Μήνας", - "dateDayInputHint": "Ημέρα", - "timeHourInputHint": "Ώρα", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Λεπτό", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Δευτερόλεπτο", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Μη έγκυρη τιμή", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία τροποποίησης ημερομηνίας και ώρας", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Επιλέξτε τους φακέλους που θα συσχετιστούν", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Μόνο φωτογραφίες στους σχετικούς φακέλους θα συμπεριληφθούν σε αυτή τη συλλογή", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε τουλάχιστον έναν φάκελο", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Εισαγωγή φακέλων", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Εισαγωγή φακέλων ως συλλογές", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Οι προτεινόμενοι φάκελοι παρατίθενται παρακάτω. Ανάλογα με τον αριθμό των αρχείων στον διακομιστή σας, ενδέχεται να χρειαστεί λίγος χρόνος για να ολοκληρωθεί", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Έγινε", - "editTooltip": "Edit", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "An account already exists with the same settings", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Ταξινόμηση", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sort by", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Παλιότερα πρώτα", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Νεότερα πρώτα", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Όνομα αρχείου", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Όνομα αρχείου (φθίνουσα)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Όνομα άλμπουμ", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Όνομα άλμπουμ (φθίνουσα)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Χειροκίνητα", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Πατήστε παρατεταμένα και σύρετε ένα αντικείμενο για να το αναδιατάξετε χειροκίνητα", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Προσθήκη κειμένου", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Κοινοποίηση", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε μερικές φωτογραφίες για κοινοποίηση", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Λήψη...", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Αναζήτηση", - "clearTooltip": "Εκκαθάριση", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Κανένα αποτέλεσμα", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Κενή", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Κάδος", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Επαναφορά", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Επαναφορά 1 στοιχείου} other{Επαναφορά {count} στοιχείων}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά όλων των στοιχείων", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία επαναφοράς 1 στοιχείου} other{Αποτυχία επαναφοράς {count} στοιχείων}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Επαναφορά στοιχείου", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά στοιχείου", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία επαναφοράς στοιχείου", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Οριστική διαγραφή", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Οριστική διαγραφή", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από τον διακομιστή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Κοινόχρηστα", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Επεξεργασία μεταδεδομένων εικόνας στο παρασκήνιο", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Αναμονή για WiFi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "ΔΙΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΗ", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Χρήση ως εξώφυλλο άλμπουμ", - "helpTooltip": "Βοήθεια", - "helpButtonLabel": "ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Αφαίρεση από το άλμπουμ", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Αρχείο αλλαγών", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Το πιστοποιητικό διακομιστή δεν είναι αξιόπιστο", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Ο διακομιστής ενδέχεται να έχει παραβιαστεί ή κάποιος προσπαθεί να κλέψει τα δεδομένα σας", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "ΠΡΟΧΩΡΗΜΕΝΟ", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Προσθήκη αγνώστου πιστοποιητικού στη λίστα επιτρεπόμενων;", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε το πιστοποιητικό στη λίστα επιτρεπόμενων για να το αποδεχτεί η εφαρμογή. ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Αυτό ενέχει μεγάλο κίνδυνο ασφάλειας. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το πιστοποιητικό είναι υπογεγραμμένο από εσάς ή από κάποια αξιόπιστη πηγή\n\nHost: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ΑΠΟΔΟΧΗ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΣΘΗΚΗ ΣΤΗ ΛΙΣΤΑ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΟΜΕΝΩΝ", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Κοινοποιήθηκε από αυτόν τον χρήστη", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Άδειασμα κάδου", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Άδειασμα κάδου", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Όλα τα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από τον διακομιστή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Αφαίρεση εξώφυλλου", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Σίγαση", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Κατάργηση σίγασης", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Πρόσωπα", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Παρουσίαση", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Ρύθμιση παρουσίασης", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Διάρκεια εικόνας (ΛΛ:ΔΔ)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Μίξη", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Επανάληψη", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Ο σύνδεσμος αντιγράφηκε", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Κοινοποίηση ως", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Δημόσιος σύνδεσμος", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Δημιουργία ενός νέου δημόσιου σύνδεσμου στον διακομιστή. Οποιοσδήποτε διαθέτει τον σύνδεσμο μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στο αρχείο", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Σύνδεσμος με κωδικό πρόσβασης", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Δημιουργία ενός νέου σύνδεσμου με κωδικό πρόσβασης στον διακομιστή", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Κοινοποίηση", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Τελευταία κοινοποίηση στις {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Ο χρήστης {user} κοινοποίησε στις {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Ο χρήστης {user} κοινοποίησε ένα άλμπουμs στις {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Κοινοποίηση με", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Κατάργηση κοινοποίησης", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Αφαιρέθηκε κοινοποίηση", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Τοποθεσία", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Το Nextcloud δεν υποστηρίζει σύνδεσμο κοινής χρήσης για πολλά αρχεία. Αντίθετα, η εφαρμογή θα ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΨΕΙ τα αρχεία σε έναν νέο φάκελο και θα τον μοιραστεί.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Όνομα φακέλου", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Εισαγάγετε το όνομα του φακέλου", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Περιέχει άκυρους χαρακτήρες", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Δημιουργία κοινοποίησης", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αντιγραφής 1 στοιχείου} other{Αποτυχία αντιγραφής {count} στοιχείων}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Διαγραφή φακέλου;", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Αυτός ο φάκελος δημιουργήθηκε από την εφαρμογή για κοινή χρήση πολλών αρχείων ως σύνδεσμος. Δεν είναι πλέον κοινόχρηστο με κανένα μέρος, θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτόν τον φάκελο;", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Προσθήκη στη συλλογή", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Κοινοποίηση με χρήστη", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Το άλμπουμ κοινοποιήθηκε στο χρήστη {user}, αλλά απέτυχε να μοιραστεί ορισμένα αρχεία", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Καταργήθηκε η κοινή χρήση του άλμπουμ με τον χρήστη {user}, αλλά απέτυχε η κατάργηση κοινής χρήσης ορισμένων αρχείων", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση κοινοποιήσεων", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση όλων", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Δεν είναι κοινόχρηστο με το χρήστη {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Κοινόχρηστο με το χρήστη {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "ΠΡΟΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ", - "addUserInputHint": "Προσθήκη χρήστη", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Παρουσιάζουμε το κοινόχρηστο άλμπουμ", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Το κοινόχρηστο άλμπουμ επιτρέπει σε πολλούς χρήστες στον ίδιο διακομιστή να έχουν πρόσβαση στο ίδιο άλμπουμ. Διαβάστε προσεκτικά τους περιορισμούς πριν συνεχίσετε", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ΜΑΘΕΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Ανανέωση βάσης δεδομένων", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία μετεγκατάστασης βάσης δεδομένων", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{1 χρόνο πριν} other{{count} χρόνια πριν}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Ο αρχικός φάκελος δεν βρέθηκε", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Διορθώστε τη διεύθυνση WebDAV που εμφανίζεται παρακάτω. Μπορείτε να βρείτε τη διεύθυνση στη σελίδα του Nextcloud server.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Εισαγάγετε το όνομα του αρχικού φακέλου", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Νέα συλλογή", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Άλμπουμ", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών από όλους τους τους φακέλους του διακομιστή", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Φάκελος", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών μέσα σε ένα φάκελο", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Αγαπημένα", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Αγαπημένο", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Προστέθηκε στα αγαπημένα", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία προσθήκης στα αγαπημένα", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Μη αγαπημένο", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Αφαιρέθηκε από τα αγαπημένα", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης από τα αγαπημένα", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Ετικέτα", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών με συγκεκριμένες ετικέτες", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Προσθήκη ετικέτας", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Προσθέστε τουλάχιστον 1 ετικέτα", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Διακοπή υπηρεσίας", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Χαμηλή μπαταρία", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Βελτίωση", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΗ", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Βελτίωση φωτογραφιών", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Οι φωτογραφίες επεξεργάζονται τοπικά στη συσκευή. Από προεπιλογή μειώνονται σε 2048x1536. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την ανάλυση εξόδου στις Ρυθμίσεις", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Βελτίωση χαμηλού φωτισμού", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Φωτεινότητα", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από αυτήν τη συσκευή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Θάμπωμα πορτρέτου", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Θόλωση", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Υπερ-ανάλυση (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Μεταφορά στυλ", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "errorUnauthenticated": "Μη εξουσιοδοτημένη πρόσβαση. Συνδεθείτε ξανά εάν το πρόβλημα συνεχίζεται", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Αδυναμία σύνδεσης. Ο διακομιστής ενδέχεται να είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή η συσκευή σας δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Το αρχείο είναι κλειδωμένο στο διακομιστή. Δοκιμάστε ξανά αργότερα", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Αδυναμία επικοινωνίας. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η διεύθυνση είναι η βασική διεύθυνση URL του διακομιστή Nextcloud", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Αδυναμία επαλήθευσης ταυτότητας. Ελέγξτε ξανά το όνομα χρήστη και τον κωδικό πρόσβασης", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Σφάλμα διακομιστή. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο διακομιστής έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η τροποποίηση αυτού του άλμπουμ, καθώς δημιουργήθηκε από μεταγενέστερη έκδοση αυτής της εφαρμογής. Ενημερώστε την εφαρμογή και δοκιμάστε ξανά", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Απαιτείται άδεια πρόσβασης στο χώρο αποθήκευσης", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - } + "appTitle": "Φωτογραφίες", + "translator": "Chris Karasoulis", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Φωτογραφίες", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Συλλογές", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Εστίαση", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Ανανέωση", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Ρυθμίσεις", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} επιλεγμένα}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Διαγραφή 1 αντικειμένου} other{Διαγραφή {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή όλων των αντικειμένων", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία διαγραφής 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία διαγραφής {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Αρχειοθέτηση επιλεγμένων", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αρχειοθέτηση 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αρχειοθέτηση {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση όλων των αντικειμένων", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αρχειοθέτησης 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία αρχειοθέτησης {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Αποαρχειοθέτηση επιλεγμένων", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποαρχειοθέτηση 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποαρχειοθέτηση {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αποαρχειοθέτηση όλων των αντικειμένων", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αποαρχειοθέτησης 1 αντικειμένου} other{Αποτυχία αποαρχειοθέτησης {count} αντικειμένων}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Διαγραφή", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Διαγραφή αντικειμένου", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή αντικειμένου", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία διαγραφής αντικειμένου", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης αντικειμένων από τη συλλογή", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Προσθήκη διακομιστή", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής αφαίρεση {server}", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Δημιουργία νέας συλλογής", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 αντικείμενο} other{{count} αντικείμενα}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Αρχείο", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Σύνδεση σε\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "nameInputHint": "Όνομα", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "ΠΑΡΑΒΛΕΨΗ", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "ΕΠΙΒΕΒΑΙΩΣΗ", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Είσοδος σε διακομιστή Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Χρησιμοποιήστε ένα συνθηματικό εφαρμογής αν χρησιμοποιείτε πιστοποίηση δύο παραγόντων στο διακομιστή", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Διεύθυνση διακομιστή", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε τη διεύθυνση του διακομιστή", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Όνομα χρήστη", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε το όνομα χρήστη σας", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Προσθέστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Επιλέξτε τους φακέλους που θα συμπεριληφθούν", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Μόνο οι φωτογραφίες εντός των φακέλων θα εμφανίζονται. Πατήστε Παράβλεψη για να συμπεριληφθούν όλες", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(go back)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αποεπιλογής αντικειμένου", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε τουλάχιστον έναν φάκελο ή πατήστε παράβλεψη για να τους συμπεριλάβετε όλους", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Ξεκινάμε", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Μπορείτε να το αλλάξετε αργότερα στις Ρυθμίσεις", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Η εφαρμογή θα δημιουργήσει ένα φάκελο στο διακομιστή Nextcloud για την αποθήκευση αρχείων προτιμήσεων. Μην τον τροποποιήσετε και μην τον καταργήσετε εκτός εάν σκοπεύετε να καταργήσετε αυτήν την εφαρμογή", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Γλώσσα", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Υποστήριξη EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Απαιτείται επιπλέον χρήση δικτύου", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Αναμνήσεις", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Προβολή φωτογραφιών που ελήφθησαν στο παρελθόν", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Λογαριασμός", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Περιλαμβανόμενοι φάκελοι", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Κοινοποίηση φακέλου", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Εντοπισμός κοινόχρηστου φακέλου", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Αυτή η ρύθμιση αντιστοιχεί στην παράμετρο share_folder στο config.php. Οι δύο τιμές ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να είναι πανομοιότυπες.\n\nΕντοπίστε τον ίδιο φάκελο με αυτόν που έχει οριστεί στο config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Εντοπίστε τον ίδιο φάκελο με αυτόν που έχει οριστεί στο config.php. Πατήστε προεπιλογή εάν δεν έχετε ορίσει την παράμετρο.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Υποστήριξη εφαρμογών διακομιστή", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Προβολέας", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Customize the image/video viewer", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Φωτεινότητα οθόνης", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Παράκαμψη του επιπέδου φωτεινότητας του συστήματος", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Αγνόηση κλειδώματος περιστροφής οθόνης", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Περιστροφή οθόνης ακόμα και όταν η αυτόματη περιστροφή είναι απενεργοποιημένη", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Πάροχος χάρτη", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Ομαδοποίηση φωτογραφιών κατά ημερομηνία", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Εφαρμογή μόνο όταν το άλμπουμ είναι ταξινομημένο κατά χρόνο", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Οι φωτογραφίες μεγαλύτερες από την επιλεγμένη ανάλυση θα μειωθούν.\n\nΟι φωτογραφίες υψηλής ανάλυσης απαιτούν πολύ περισσότερη μνήμη και χρόνο για επεξεργασία. Μειώστε αυτή τη ρύθμιση εάν η εφαρμογή διακοπεί κατά τη βελτίωση των φωτογραφιών.", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Εμφάνιση", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Προσαρμογή της εμφάνισης της εφαρμογής", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Χρήση εμφάνισης συστήματος", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Πιο σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Χρήση μαύρου στη σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Χρήση σκούρου γκρι στη σκοτεινή εμφάνιση", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Διάφορα", + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ταξινόμηση κατά όνομα αρχείου στις Φωτογραφίες", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Πειραματικά", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Χαρακτηριστικά που δεν είναι έτοιμα για καθημερινή χρήση", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Σχετικά", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Έκδοση", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Πηγαίος κώδικας", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Αναφορά προβλήματος", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Αρχείο καταγραφής", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Βοηθήστε τον προγραμματιστή να διαγνώσει σφάλματα", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Μεταφραστής", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία ρύθμισης προτίμησης", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "ΕΝΕΡΓΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Ενεργοποιώντας την υποστήριξη EXIF διάφορα μεταδεδομένα όπως ημερομηνία λήψης, μοντέλο κάμερας θα γίνουν διαθέσιμα. Για την ανάγνωση αυτών των μεταδεδομένων, απαιτείται επιπλέον χρήση δικτύου για τη λήψη της αρχικής εικόνας πλήρους μεγέθους. Η εφαρμογή θα ξεκινήσει τη λήψη μόνο όταν είναι συνδεδεμένη σε δίκτυο Wi-Fi", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης EXIF;", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Για τη λήψη αρχείων καταγραφής για μια αναφορά σφαλμάτων:\n\n1. Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση\n2. Αναπαράγετε το πρόβλημα\n3. Απενεργοποιήστε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση\n4. Αναζητήστε το nc-photos.log στο φάκελο λήψης\n\n*Εάν το πρόβλημα προκαλεί τη διακοπή λειτουργίας της εφαρμογής, δεν είναι δυνατή η λήψη αρχείων καταγραφής. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, επικοινωνήστε με τον προγραμματιστή για περαιτέρω οδηγίες", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Τα αρχεία καταγραφής αποθηκεύτηκαν με επιτυχία", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "ΕΓΙΝΕ", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟ", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Όλα τα αρχεία θα συμπεριληφθούν. Αυτό μπορεί να αυξήσει τη χρήση της μνήμης και να μειώσει την απόδοση", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}δευτ.", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}χιλ.", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Λεπτομέρειες", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Λήψη", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Λήψη αρχείου", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής λήψη αρχείου", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία λήψης αρχείου", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Επόμενο", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Προηγούμενο", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Κρατήστε πατημένο το shift και κάντε κλικ για να επιλέξετε όλα τα ενδιάμεσα", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Πατήστε παρατεταμένα ένα άλλο αντικείμενο για να επιλέξετε όλα ενδιάμεσα", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Τροποποίηση ημερομηνίας και ώρας", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Ημερομηνία", + "timeSubtitle": "Ώρα", + "dateYearInputHint": "Έτος", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Μήνας", + "dateDayInputHint": "Ημέρα", + "timeHourInputHint": "Ώρα", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Λεπτό", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Δευτερόλεπτο", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Μη έγκυρη τιμή", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία τροποποίησης ημερομηνίας και ώρας", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Επιλέξτε τους φακέλους που θα συσχετιστούν", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Μόνο φωτογραφίες στους σχετικούς φακέλους θα συμπεριληφθούν σε αυτή τη συλλογή", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε τουλάχιστον έναν φάκελο", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Εισαγωγή φακέλων", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Εισαγωγή φακέλων ως συλλογές", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Οι προτεινόμενοι φάκελοι παρατίθενται παρακάτω. Ανάλογα με τον αριθμό των αρχείων στον διακομιστή σας, ενδέχεται να χρειαστεί λίγος χρόνος για να ολοκληρωθεί", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Έγινε", + "editTooltip": "Edit", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "An account already exists with the same settings", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Ταξινόμηση", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sort by", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Παλιότερα πρώτα", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Νεότερα πρώτα", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Όνομα αρχείου", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Όνομα αρχείου (φθίνουσα)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Όνομα άλμπουμ", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Όνομα άλμπουμ (φθίνουσα)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Χειροκίνητα", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Πατήστε παρατεταμένα και σύρετε ένα αντικείμενο για να το αναδιατάξετε χειροκίνητα", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Προσθήκη κειμένου", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Κοινοποίηση", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Επιλέξτε μερικές φωτογραφίες για κοινοποίηση", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Λήψη...", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Αναζήτηση", + "clearTooltip": "Εκκαθάριση", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Κανένα αποτέλεσμα", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Κενή", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Κάδος", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Επαναφορά", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Επαναφορά 1 στοιχείου} other{Επαναφορά {count} στοιχείων}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά όλων των στοιχείων", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία επαναφοράς 1 στοιχείου} other{Αποτυχία επαναφοράς {count} στοιχείων}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Επαναφορά στοιχείου", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά στοιχείου", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία επαναφοράς στοιχείου", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Οριστική διαγραφή", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Οριστική διαγραφή", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από τον διακομιστή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Κοινόχρηστα", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Επεξεργασία μεταδεδομένων εικόνας στο παρασκήνιο", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Αναμονή για WiFi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "ΔΙΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΗ", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Χρήση ως εξώφυλλο άλμπουμ", + "helpTooltip": "Βοήθεια", + "helpButtonLabel": "ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Αφαίρεση από το άλμπουμ", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Αρχείο αλλαγών", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Το πιστοποιητικό διακομιστή δεν είναι αξιόπιστο", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Ο διακομιστής ενδέχεται να έχει παραβιαστεί ή κάποιος προσπαθεί να κλέψει τα δεδομένα σας", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "ΠΡΟΧΩΡΗΜΕΝΟ", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Προσθήκη αγνώστου πιστοποιητικού στη λίστα επιτρεπόμενων;", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε το πιστοποιητικό στη λίστα επιτρεπόμενων για να το αποδεχτεί η εφαρμογή. ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Αυτό ενέχει μεγάλο κίνδυνο ασφάλειας. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το πιστοποιητικό είναι υπογεγραμμένο από εσάς ή από κάποια αξιόπιστη πηγή\n\nHost: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ΑΠΟΔΟΧΗ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΣΘΗΚΗ ΣΤΗ ΛΙΣΤΑ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΟΜΕΝΩΝ", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Κοινοποιήθηκε από αυτόν τον χρήστη", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Άδειασμα κάδου", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Άδειασμα κάδου", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Όλα τα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από τον διακομιστή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Αφαίρεση εξώφυλλου", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Σίγαση", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Κατάργηση σίγασης", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Πρόσωπα", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Παρουσίαση", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Ρύθμιση παρουσίασης", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Διάρκεια εικόνας (ΛΛ:ΔΔ)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Μίξη", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Επανάληψη", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Ο σύνδεσμος αντιγράφηκε", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Κοινοποίηση ως", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Δημόσιος σύνδεσμος", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Δημιουργία ενός νέου δημόσιου σύνδεσμου στον διακομιστή. Οποιοσδήποτε διαθέτει τον σύνδεσμο μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στο αρχείο", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Σύνδεσμος με κωδικό πρόσβασης", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Δημιουργία ενός νέου σύνδεσμου με κωδικό πρόσβασης στον διακομιστή", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Κοινοποίηση", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Τελευταία κοινοποίηση στις {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Ο χρήστης {user} κοινοποίησε στις {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "Ο χρήστης {user} κοινοποίησε ένα άλμπουμs στις {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Κοινοποίηση με", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Κατάργηση κοινοποίησης", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Αφαιρέθηκε κοινοποίηση", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Τοποθεσία", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Το Nextcloud δεν υποστηρίζει σύνδεσμο κοινής χρήσης για πολλά αρχεία. Αντίθετα, η εφαρμογή θα ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΨΕΙ τα αρχεία σε έναν νέο φάκελο και θα τον μοιραστεί.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Όνομα φακέλου", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Εισαγάγετε το όνομα του φακέλου", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Περιέχει άκυρους χαρακτήρες", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Δημιουργία κοινοποίησης", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Αποτυχία αντιγραφής 1 στοιχείου} other{Αποτυχία αντιγραφής {count} στοιχείων}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Διαγραφή φακέλου;", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Αυτός ο φάκελος δημιουργήθηκε από την εφαρμογή για κοινή χρήση πολλών αρχείων ως σύνδεσμος. Δεν είναι πλέον κοινόχρηστο με κανένα μέρος, θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτόν τον φάκελο;", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Προσθήκη στη συλλογή", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Κοινοποίηση με χρήστη", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Το άλμπουμ κοινοποιήθηκε στο χρήστη {user}, αλλά απέτυχε να μοιραστεί ορισμένα αρχεία", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Καταργήθηκε η κοινή χρήση του άλμπουμ με τον χρήστη {user}, αλλά απέτυχε η κατάργηση κοινής χρήσης ορισμένων αρχείων", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση κοινοποιήσεων", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Επιδιόρθωση όλων", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Δεν είναι κοινόχρηστο με το χρήστη {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Κοινόχρηστο με το χρήστη {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "ΠΡΟΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ", + "addUserInputHint": "Προσθήκη χρήστη", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Παρουσιάζουμε το κοινόχρηστο άλμπουμ", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Το κοινόχρηστο άλμπουμ επιτρέπει σε πολλούς χρήστες στον ίδιο διακομιστή να έχουν πρόσβαση στο ίδιο άλμπουμ. Διαβάστε προσεκτικά τους περιορισμούς πριν συνεχίσετε", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "ΜΑΘΕΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Ανανέωση βάσης δεδομένων", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία μετεγκατάστασης βάσης δεδομένων", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{1 χρόνο πριν} other{{count} χρόνια πριν}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Ο αρχικός φάκελος δεν βρέθηκε", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Διορθώστε τη διεύθυνση WebDAV που εμφανίζεται παρακάτω. Μπορείτε να βρείτε τη διεύθυνση στη σελίδα του Nextcloud server.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Εισαγάγετε το όνομα του αρχικού φακέλου", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Νέα συλλογή", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Άλμπουμ", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών από όλους τους τους φακέλους του διακομιστή", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Φάκελος", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών μέσα σε ένα φάκελο", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Αγαπημένα", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Αγαπημένο", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Προστέθηκε στα αγαπημένα", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία προσθήκης στα αγαπημένα", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Μη αγαπημένο", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Αφαιρέθηκε από τα αγαπημένα", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης από τα αγαπημένα", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Ετικέτα", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών με συγκεκριμένες ετικέτες", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Προσθήκη ετικέτας", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Προσθέστε τουλάχιστον 1 ετικέτα", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Διακοπή υπηρεσίας", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Χαμηλή μπαταρία", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Βελτίωση", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΗ", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Βελτίωση φωτογραφιών", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Οι φωτογραφίες επεξεργάζονται τοπικά στη συσκευή. Από προεπιλογή μειώνονται σε 2048x1536. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την ανάλυση εξόδου στις Ρυθμίσεις", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Βελτίωση χαμηλού φωτισμού", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Φωτεινότητα", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Τα επιλεγμένα στοιχεία θα διαγραφούν οριστικά από αυτήν τη συσκευή.\n\nΑυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι αναστρέψιμη", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Θάμπωμα πορτρέτου", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Θόλωση", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Υπερ-ανάλυση (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Μεταφορά στυλ", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "errorUnauthenticated": "Μη εξουσιοδοτημένη πρόσβαση. Συνδεθείτε ξανά εάν το πρόβλημα συνεχίζεται", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Αδυναμία σύνδεσης. Ο διακομιστής ενδέχεται να είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή η συσκευή σας δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Το αρχείο είναι κλειδωμένο στο διακομιστή. Δοκιμάστε ξανά αργότερα", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Αδυναμία επικοινωνίας. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η διεύθυνση είναι η βασική διεύθυνση URL του διακομιστή Nextcloud", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Αδυναμία επαλήθευσης ταυτότητας. Ελέγξτε ξανά το όνομα χρήστη και τον κωδικό πρόσβασης", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Σφάλμα διακομιστή. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο διακομιστής έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η τροποποίηση αυτού του άλμπουμ, καθώς δημιουργήθηκε από μεταγενέστερη έκδοση αυτής της εφαρμογής. Ενημερώστε την εφαρμογή και δοκιμάστε ξανά", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Απαιτείται άδεια πρόσβασης στο χώρο αποθήκευσης", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb index fa62ec44..7fe31638 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb @@ -1,1467 +1,1467 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotos", - "translator": "luckkmaxx", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Colecciones", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Recargar", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Ajustes", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seleccionados}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Borrando 1 elemento} other{Borrando {count} elementos}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elementos borrados", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al borrar 1 elemento} other{Error al borrar {count} elementos}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archivar", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivando 1 elemento} other{Archivando {count} elementos}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Archivado", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al archivar 1 elemento} other{Error al archivar {count} elementos}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarchivar selección", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Desarchivando 1 elemento} other{Desarchivando {count} elementos}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Selección desarchivada", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al desarchivar 1 elemento} other{Error al desarchivar {count} elementos}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Eliminar", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminando elemento", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Elemento borrado", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Error al borrar elemento", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Error al quitar elementos del álbum", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Añadir servidor", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Quitado {server}", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Crear nuevo álbum", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 elemento} other{{count} elementos}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archivado", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Conectando a\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Esperando autorización del servidor", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Por favor inicia sesión con el navegador que se ha abierto", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nombre", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nombre requerido", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Iniciar sesión en servidor Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Usa una contraseña de aplicación si el servidor tiene activada la autenticación de doble factor.", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nIdentifícate", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Dirección del servidor", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce la dirección del servidor", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Usuario", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu nombre de usuario", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Contraseña", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu contraseña", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona las carpetas que serán añadidas", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Solo se mostrará el contenido de las carpetas seleccionadas. Toca SALTAR para incluir todas", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(atrás)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Error al desmarcar elemento", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Por favor, selecciona al menos una carpeta o toca SALTAR para seleccionar todas", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Empecemos", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Puedes cambiarlo luego en Ajustes", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Está aplicación crea una carpeta oculta en Nextcloud para guardar las preferencias. Por favor no la modifiques o elimines a no ser que quieras desinstalar ésta aplicación.", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ajustes", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Sistema", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Escanear metadatos EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requiere un uso mayor de la red", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Sólo escanear con Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Podría hacerse uso de datos móviles", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Recuerdos", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Muestra fotos tomadas en el pasado", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Cuenta", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Pon un nombre para mostrarse en lugar de la URL del servidor", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetas incluídas", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Carpeta 'share'", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Ubicación de la carpeta 'share'", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Ésta configuración corresponde al parametro 'share_folder' en config.php. Ambos valores DEBEN ser idénticos\n\nPor favor, utiliza la misma carpeta que la configurada en config.php", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Por favor, utiliza la misma carpeta que la configurada en config.php. Toca en predeterminado si no tienes configurado éste parámetro", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Usar apps del servidor", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Personaliza el contenido de la pestaña 'Fotos'", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Rango de recuerdos", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} día} other{+-{range} días}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Visualización", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Personaliza la visualización de imágenes/vídeos", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Brillo de pantalla", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Establecer nivel de brillo al visualizar", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Forzar rotación automática", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Rotar pantalla aunque la auto-rotación esté desactivada en el sistema", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Proveedor de mapas", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Agrupar fotos por fecha", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Se aplica sólo cuando el álbum esté ordenado por fecha", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personaliza la edición y retoque de imágenes", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Resolución máxima al guardar retoques", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Las fotos con mayor resolución que la ajustada serán reducidas.\n\nLas fotos con resolución alta requerirán más memoria y tiempo para procesarlas. Reduce el valor de este ajuste si la aplicación se cuelga.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Guardar en el servidor", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Las imágenes editadas se guardarán en el servidor, pero si falla se guardarán en el dispositivo", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Las imágenes editadas se guardan en éste dispositivo", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Apariencia", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Personaliza la apariencia de la app", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Tema del sistema", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Usado para extrapolar todos los colores usados en la app", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Elige un color", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema negro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usar negro puro cuando se activa el tema oscuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Usar gris cuando se activa el tema oscuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Otros ajustes", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Tocar dos veces atrás para salir", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordenar por nombre de archivo en 'Fotos'", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Características que no están listas para uso diario", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Avanzado", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Por favor asegúrate de que entiendes lo que hace cada opción antes de continuar.", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Limpiar base de datos de archivos.", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Limpia la información de archivos cacheados y realiza una resincronización completa con el servidor.", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Base de datos limpiada con éxito. Es recomendable que reinicies la aplicación.", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Acerca de", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Versión", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Servidor", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Código fuente", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Reportar fallos", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Guardar registros", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Ayuda al desarrollador a diagnosticar fallos", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traductor", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Error al establecer preferencia", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "HABILITAR", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Habilitando el uso de EXIF podrás ver metadatos como la fecha de captura, modelo de cámara, etc. Para leer estos metadatos, se necesita un uso extra de la red para obtener la imagen en tamaño original. La aplicación sólo empezará a descargar cuando esté conectado a una red wifi.", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "¿Habilitar soporte EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Para guardar registros y reportar fallos:\n\n1. Habilita ésta opción\n2. Reproduce el fallo\n3. Desabilita ésta opción\n4. Busca nc-photos.log en la carpeta de descargas\n\n*Si el fallo provoca que la aplicación se cierre, no se puede guardar el registro. En ese caso, por favor contacta con el desarrollador para más instrucciones", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Registros guargados", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "LISTO", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "SIGUIENTE", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "CONECTAR", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Se incluirán todos tus archivos. Esto puede incrementar el uso de memoria y degradar el rendimiento.", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Detalles", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Descargar", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Descargando archivo", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Archivo descargado", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Error al descargar", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Siguiente", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Anterior", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantén Shift + click para seleccionar todo entre medias", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Mantenga presionado otro elemento para seleccionar todo entre ellos", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modificar fecha y hora", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Fecha", - "timeSubtitle": "Hora", - "dateYearInputHint": "Año", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Mes", - "dateDayInputHint": "Día", - "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Segundo", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor inválido", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Error al modificar fecha y hora", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona las carpetas a asociar con el álbum", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Sólo el contenido de las carpetas asociadas se incluirán en éste álbum", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Por favor selecciona al menos una carpeta", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importar carpetas", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importar carpetas como álbumes", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Las carpetas disponibles se muestran a continuación. Dependiendo de la cantidad de archivos en tu servidor, esto podría tardar un rato en terminar.", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTAR", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importando carpetas", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Listo", - "editTooltip": "Editar", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Ya existe una cuenta con los mismos ajustes", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Por favor, espera", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Ordenar", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Ordenar por", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Antiguos primero", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Nuevos primero", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nombre de archivo", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nombre de archivo (inverso)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nombre del álbum", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nombre del álbum (inverso)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Mantén presionado y arrastra un elemento para reordenarlo manualmente", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Añadir texto", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Compartir", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunas fotos para compartir", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descargando", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Buscar", - "clearTooltip": "Limpiar", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Sin resultados", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Vacío", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Papelera", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Restaurar", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Restaurando 1 elemento} other{Restaurando {count} elementos}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Restaurados", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fallo al restaurar 1 elemento} other{Fallo al restaurar {count} elementos}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurando elemento", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Elemento restaurado", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Error al restaurar elemento", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Borrar permanentemente", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Borrar PERMANENTEMENTE", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Los elementos seleccionados se eliminarán permanentemente del servidor.\n\n¡Ésta acción es irreversible!", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Compartido", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Procesando metadatos en segundo plano", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Esperando WiFi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAR", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Usar como portada", - "helpTooltip": "Ayuda", - "helpButtonLabel": "AYUDA", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Quitar del álbum", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Registro de cambios", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "No se puede confiar en el certificado del servidor", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "El servidor podría ser hackeado o alguien podría robar su información", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANZADO", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "¿Poner en lista blanca certificado desconocido?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Puedes poner en lista blanca el certificado para hacer que la aplicación lo acepte. ADVERTENCIA: Esto supone un gran riesgo de seguridad. Asegúrate de que el certificado está firmado por ti mismo o una entidad de confianza\n\nHost: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ASUMIR RIESGO Y AÑADIR A LISTA BLANCA", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Compartido contigo por éste usuario", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vaciar papelera", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vaciar papelera", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Todos los elementos se eliminarán permanentemente del servidor.\n\nÉsta acción es irreversible", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Restablecer portada", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Silenciar", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Sonar", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personas", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Presentación", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configurar diapositivas", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duración por foto (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Al azar", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repetir", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Orden inverso", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Enlace copiado", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Compartir como", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Imagen preliminar", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Compartir una versión de calidad reducida con otras apps (sólo para imágenes)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Archivo original", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descargar el archivo original y compartirlo con otras apps", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enlace público", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Crea en el servidor un nuevo enlace público. Cualquiera con el enlace puede acceder al archivo", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Enlace protegido con contraseña", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Crea en el servidor un nuevo enlace protegido con contraseña", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Compartiendo", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Compartido por última vez el {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} lo compartió contigo el {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartió el álbum contigo el {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Compartido con", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Dejar de compartir", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Has dejado de compartirlo", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Ubicación", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud no soporta compartir enlaces para múltiples archivos. La aplicación en su lugar COPIARÁ los archivos a una nueva carpeta y compartirá esa capeta.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Nombre de la carpeta", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce un nombre para la carpeta", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contiene caracteres inválidos", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Compartiendo", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fallo al copiar 1 item} other{Fallo al copiar {count} items}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "¿Borrar carpeta?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ésta carpeta fue creada por la app para compartir múltiples archivos en un enlace. Ya no se comparte con nadie, ¿quieres borrarla?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Añadir a colección", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Compartir con un usuario", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum compartido con {user}, pero algunos archivos fallaron al compartirlos", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum no compartido con {user}, pero algunos archivos fallaron al dejar de compartirlos", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Reparar compartidos", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Reparar", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Reparar todo", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "No compartido con {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Compartido con {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "PREDETERMINADO", - "addUserInputHint": "Añadir usuario", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Presentación de álbumes compartidos", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Álbumes compartidos permite a múltiples usuarios del mismo servidor acceder al mismo álbum. Por favor lee cuidadosamente las limitaciones antes de continuar", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "APRENDER MÁS", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Actualizando base de datos", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Error al migrar base de datos", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{hace 1 año} other{hace {count} años}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Carpeta inicial no encontrada", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Por favor corrige la URL WebDAV que se muestra abajo. Puedes encontrar la URL en la interfaz web de Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Por favor introduce el nombre de tu carpeta inicial", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nueva colección", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Álbum", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Muestra fotos añadidas por ti de cualquier lugar del servidor", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Carpeta", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Muestra fotos de una carpeta", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoritos", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Favorito", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Añadido a favoritos", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Error al añadir a favoritos", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "NO favorito", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Quitado de favoritos", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Error al quitar de favoritos", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiqueta", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Muestra fotos con las etiquetas especificadas", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Añadir etiqueta", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Por favor añade al menos 1 etiqueta", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Deteniendo servicio", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Batería baja", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Retocar", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "RETOCAR", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Retoca tus fotos", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Tus fotos son procesadas localmente en tu dispositivo. Por defecto, son reducidas a 2048x1536. Puedes ajustar la resolución de guardado en Ajustes>Editor", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Mejorar poca luz", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Ilumina tu foto tomada en entornos oscuros", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Iluminación", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Editado (local)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Las fotos seleccionadas se eliminarán permanentemente del dispositivo.\n\nÉsta acción es irreversible", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Desenfoque de retrato", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Desenfoca el fondo de tu foto. Obtendrás mejores resultados en retratos", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Desenfoque", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolución (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Incrementa 4 veces la resolución original de tu foto (mira la ayuda para saber cómo se aplica la máxima resolución)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Fusionar estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Elige un estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transfiere a tu foto el estilo de una imagen elegida", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Por favor, elige un estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Resaltar color", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Reduce la saturación del fondo de tu foto. Obtendrás mejores resultados en retratos", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Intensidad", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto retoque", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retoca tu foto automáticamente. Mejora el color y el estado general", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Toca otra vez para salir", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "¿Descartar cambios?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Tus cambios no están guardados", - "discardButtonLabel": "DESCARTAR", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Guardar", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Brillo", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Contraste", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Blancos", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Negros", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturación", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Temperatura", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Tinte", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Editar imagen", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Color", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transformar", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientación", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "dcha", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "izq", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Recortar", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Categorías", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vídeos", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTROS", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtros de búsqueda", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "APLICAR", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Cualquiera", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Si", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "No", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Imagen", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "imágenes", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vídeo", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vídeos", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favorito", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoritos", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "no favoritos", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRAR TODO", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Cerca de {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Acerca de lugares", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Los lugares mostrados aquí sólo son una estimación y no garantizan ninguna precisión.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Lugares", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Ubicación de las ediciones", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Selecciona dónde guardar ésta y las futuras imágenes. Si eliges Servidor y la app falla al subirlo, se guardará en el dispositivo.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "DISPOSITIVO", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVIDOR", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Sincronizando con tu servidor por primera vez", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Bucle", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Error al crear colección", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Añadir a colección", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Error al añadir a colección", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Error al establecer portada de colección", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Exportar", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exportar colección", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Álbum de Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Álbum alojado en servidor, requiere Nextcloud 25 o superior", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Error al quitar algunas colecciones", - "errorUnauthenticated": "No estás autentificado. Por favor inicia sesión otra vez si el problema continúa.", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "No se pudo conectar. El servidor no está en línea o tu dispositivo está desconectado.", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Archivo bloqueado en el servidor. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "No se pudo comunicar. Asegúrate que la dirección es la URL base de tu Nextcloud.", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "No se pudo autentificar. Verifica tu usuario y contraseña.", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Error del servidor. Asegúrate que el servidor está configurado correctamente.", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "No puede modificarse este álbum ya que fue creado por una versión más reciente de esta app. Por favor, actualiza la app e inténtalo de nuevo.", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Se requiere permiso de acceso al almacenamiento", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadatos", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Proveedor de personas", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Material You", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "Usar Material You", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Toca ajustes para elegir un proveedor o ayuda para aprender más", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Configurar cuenta", - "contributorsTooltip": "Contribuidores", - "setAsTooltip": "Establecer como", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Estás a punto de cerrar sesión en {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Fotos", + "translator": "luckkmaxx", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Colecciones", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Recargar", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Ajustes", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seleccionados}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Borrando 1 elemento} other{Borrando {count} elementos}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elementos borrados", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al borrar 1 elemento} other{Error al borrar {count} elementos}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archivar", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivando 1 elemento} other{Archivando {count} elementos}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Archivado", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al archivar 1 elemento} other{Error al archivar {count} elementos}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarchivar selección", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Desarchivando 1 elemento} other{Desarchivando {count} elementos}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Selección desarchivada", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Error al desarchivar 1 elemento} other{Error al desarchivar {count} elementos}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Eliminar", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminando elemento", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Elemento borrado", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Error al borrar elemento", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Error al quitar elementos del álbum", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Añadir servidor", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Quitado {server}", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Crear nuevo álbum", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 elemento} other{{count} elementos}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archivado", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Conectando a\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Esperando autorización del servidor", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Por favor inicia sesión con el navegador que se ha abierto", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nombre", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nombre requerido", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Iniciar sesión en servidor Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Usa una contraseña de aplicación si el servidor tiene activada la autenticación de doble factor.", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nIdentifícate", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Dirección del servidor", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce la dirección del servidor", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Usuario", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu nombre de usuario", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Contraseña", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu contraseña", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona las carpetas que serán añadidas", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Solo se mostrará el contenido de las carpetas seleccionadas. Toca SALTAR para incluir todas", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(atrás)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Error al desmarcar elemento", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Por favor, selecciona al menos una carpeta o toca SALTAR para seleccionar todas", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Empecemos", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Puedes cambiarlo luego en Ajustes", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Está aplicación crea una carpeta oculta en Nextcloud para guardar las preferencias. Por favor no la modifiques o elimines a no ser que quieras desinstalar ésta aplicación.", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ajustes", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Sistema", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Escanear metadatos EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requiere un uso mayor de la red", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Sólo escanear con Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Podría hacerse uso de datos móviles", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Recuerdos", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Muestra fotos tomadas en el pasado", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Cuenta", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Pon un nombre para mostrarse en lugar de la URL del servidor", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetas incluídas", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Carpeta 'share'", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Ubicación de la carpeta 'share'", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Ésta configuración corresponde al parametro 'share_folder' en config.php. Ambos valores DEBEN ser idénticos\n\nPor favor, utiliza la misma carpeta que la configurada en config.php", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Por favor, utiliza la misma carpeta que la configurada en config.php. Toca en predeterminado si no tienes configurado éste parámetro", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Usar apps del servidor", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Personaliza el contenido de la pestaña 'Fotos'", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Rango de recuerdos", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} día} other{+-{range} días}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Visualización", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Personaliza la visualización de imágenes/vídeos", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Brillo de pantalla", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Establecer nivel de brillo al visualizar", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Forzar rotación automática", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Rotar pantalla aunque la auto-rotación esté desactivada en el sistema", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Proveedor de mapas", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Agrupar fotos por fecha", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Se aplica sólo cuando el álbum esté ordenado por fecha", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personaliza la edición y retoque de imágenes", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Resolución máxima al guardar retoques", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Las fotos con mayor resolución que la ajustada serán reducidas.\n\nLas fotos con resolución alta requerirán más memoria y tiempo para procesarlas. Reduce el valor de este ajuste si la aplicación se cuelga.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Guardar en el servidor", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Las imágenes editadas se guardarán en el servidor, pero si falla se guardarán en el dispositivo", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Las imágenes editadas se guardan en éste dispositivo", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Apariencia", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Personaliza la apariencia de la app", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Tema del sistema", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Usado para extrapolar todos los colores usados en la app", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Elige un color", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema negro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usar negro puro cuando se activa el tema oscuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Usar gris cuando se activa el tema oscuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Otros ajustes", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Tocar dos veces atrás para salir", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordenar por nombre de archivo en 'Fotos'", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Características que no están listas para uso diario", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Avanzado", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Por favor asegúrate de que entiendes lo que hace cada opción antes de continuar.", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Limpiar base de datos de archivos.", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Limpia la información de archivos cacheados y realiza una resincronización completa con el servidor.", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Base de datos limpiada con éxito. Es recomendable que reinicies la aplicación.", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Acerca de", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Versión", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Servidor", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Código fuente", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Reportar fallos", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Guardar registros", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Ayuda al desarrollador a diagnosticar fallos", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traductor", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Error al establecer preferencia", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "HABILITAR", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Habilitando el uso de EXIF podrás ver metadatos como la fecha de captura, modelo de cámara, etc. Para leer estos metadatos, se necesita un uso extra de la red para obtener la imagen en tamaño original. La aplicación sólo empezará a descargar cuando esté conectado a una red wifi.", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "¿Habilitar soporte EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Para guardar registros y reportar fallos:\n\n1. Habilita ésta opción\n2. Reproduce el fallo\n3. Desabilita ésta opción\n4. Busca nc-photos.log en la carpeta de descargas\n\n*Si el fallo provoca que la aplicación se cierre, no se puede guardar el registro. En ese caso, por favor contacta con el desarrollador para más instrucciones", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Registros guargados", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "LISTO", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "SIGUIENTE", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "CONECTAR", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Se incluirán todos tus archivos. Esto puede incrementar el uso de memoria y degradar el rendimiento.", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Detalles", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Descargar", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Descargando archivo", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Archivo descargado", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Error al descargar", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Siguiente", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Anterior", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantén Shift + click para seleccionar todo entre medias", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Mantenga presionado otro elemento para seleccionar todo entre ellos", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modificar fecha y hora", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Fecha", + "timeSubtitle": "Hora", + "dateYearInputHint": "Año", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Mes", + "dateDayInputHint": "Día", + "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Segundo", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor inválido", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Error al modificar fecha y hora", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona las carpetas a asociar con el álbum", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Sólo el contenido de las carpetas asociadas se incluirán en éste álbum", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Por favor selecciona al menos una carpeta", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importar carpetas", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importar carpetas como álbumes", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Las carpetas disponibles se muestran a continuación. Dependiendo de la cantidad de archivos en tu servidor, esto podría tardar un rato en terminar.", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTAR", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importando carpetas", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Listo", + "editTooltip": "Editar", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Ya existe una cuenta con los mismos ajustes", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Por favor, espera", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Ordenar", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Ordenar por", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Antiguos primero", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Nuevos primero", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nombre de archivo", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nombre de archivo (inverso)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nombre del álbum", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nombre del álbum (inverso)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Mantén presionado y arrastra un elemento para reordenarlo manualmente", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Añadir texto", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Compartir", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunas fotos para compartir", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descargando", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Buscar", + "clearTooltip": "Limpiar", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Sin resultados", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Vacío", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Papelera", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Restaurar", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Restaurando 1 elemento} other{Restaurando {count} elementos}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Restaurados", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fallo al restaurar 1 elemento} other{Fallo al restaurar {count} elementos}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurando elemento", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Elemento restaurado", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Error al restaurar elemento", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Borrar permanentemente", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Borrar PERMANENTEMENTE", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Los elementos seleccionados se eliminarán permanentemente del servidor.\n\n¡Ésta acción es irreversible!", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Compartido", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Procesando metadatos en segundo plano", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Esperando WiFi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAR", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Usar como portada", + "helpTooltip": "Ayuda", + "helpButtonLabel": "AYUDA", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Quitar del álbum", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Registro de cambios", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "No se puede confiar en el certificado del servidor", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "El servidor podría ser hackeado o alguien podría robar su información", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANZADO", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "¿Poner en lista blanca certificado desconocido?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Puedes poner en lista blanca el certificado para hacer que la aplicación lo acepte. ADVERTENCIA: Esto supone un gran riesgo de seguridad. Asegúrate de que el certificado está firmado por ti mismo o una entidad de confianza\n\nHost: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ASUMIR RIESGO Y AÑADIR A LISTA BLANCA", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Compartido contigo por éste usuario", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vaciar papelera", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vaciar papelera", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Todos los elementos se eliminarán permanentemente del servidor.\n\nÉsta acción es irreversible", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Restablecer portada", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Silenciar", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Sonar", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personas", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Presentación", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configurar diapositivas", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duración por foto (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Al azar", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repetir", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Orden inverso", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Enlace copiado", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Compartir como", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Imagen preliminar", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Compartir una versión de calidad reducida con otras apps (sólo para imágenes)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Archivo original", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descargar el archivo original y compartirlo con otras apps", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enlace público", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Crea en el servidor un nuevo enlace público. Cualquiera con el enlace puede acceder al archivo", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Enlace protegido con contraseña", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Crea en el servidor un nuevo enlace protegido con contraseña", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Compartiendo", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Compartido por última vez el {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} lo compartió contigo el {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartió el álbum contigo el {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Compartido con", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Dejar de compartir", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Has dejado de compartirlo", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Ubicación", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud no soporta compartir enlaces para múltiples archivos. La aplicación en su lugar COPIARÁ los archivos a una nueva carpeta y compartirá esa capeta.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Nombre de la carpeta", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce un nombre para la carpeta", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contiene caracteres inválidos", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Compartiendo", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Fallo al copiar 1 item} other{Fallo al copiar {count} items}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "¿Borrar carpeta?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ésta carpeta fue creada por la app para compartir múltiples archivos en un enlace. Ya no se comparte con nadie, ¿quieres borrarla?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Añadir a colección", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Compartir con un usuario", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum compartido con {user}, pero algunos archivos fallaron al compartirlos", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum no compartido con {user}, pero algunos archivos fallaron al dejar de compartirlos", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Reparar compartidos", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Reparar", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Reparar todo", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "No compartido con {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Compartido con {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "PREDETERMINADO", + "addUserInputHint": "Añadir usuario", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Presentación de álbumes compartidos", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Álbumes compartidos permite a múltiples usuarios del mismo servidor acceder al mismo álbum. Por favor lee cuidadosamente las limitaciones antes de continuar", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "APRENDER MÁS", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Actualizando base de datos", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Error al migrar base de datos", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{hace 1 año} other{hace {count} años}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Carpeta inicial no encontrada", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Por favor corrige la URL WebDAV que se muestra abajo. Puedes encontrar la URL en la interfaz web de Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Por favor introduce el nombre de tu carpeta inicial", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nueva colección", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Álbum", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Muestra fotos añadidas por ti de cualquier lugar del servidor", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Carpeta", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Muestra fotos de una carpeta", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoritos", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Favorito", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Añadido a favoritos", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Error al añadir a favoritos", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "NO favorito", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Quitado de favoritos", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Error al quitar de favoritos", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiqueta", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Muestra fotos con las etiquetas especificadas", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Añadir etiqueta", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Por favor añade al menos 1 etiqueta", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Deteniendo servicio", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Batería baja", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Retocar", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "RETOCAR", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Retoca tus fotos", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Tus fotos son procesadas localmente en tu dispositivo. Por defecto, son reducidas a 2048x1536. Puedes ajustar la resolución de guardado en Ajustes>Editor", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Mejorar poca luz", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Ilumina tu foto tomada en entornos oscuros", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Iluminación", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Editado (local)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Las fotos seleccionadas se eliminarán permanentemente del dispositivo.\n\nÉsta acción es irreversible", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Desenfoque de retrato", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Desenfoca el fondo de tu foto. Obtendrás mejores resultados en retratos", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Desenfoque", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolución (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Incrementa 4 veces la resolución original de tu foto (mira la ayuda para saber cómo se aplica la máxima resolución)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Fusionar estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Elige un estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transfiere a tu foto el estilo de una imagen elegida", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Por favor, elige un estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Resaltar color", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Reduce la saturación del fondo de tu foto. Obtendrás mejores resultados en retratos", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Intensidad", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto retoque", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retoca tu foto automáticamente. Mejora el color y el estado general", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Toca otra vez para salir", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "¿Descartar cambios?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Tus cambios no están guardados", + "discardButtonLabel": "DESCARTAR", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Guardar", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Brillo", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Contraste", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Blancos", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Negros", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturación", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Temperatura", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Tinte", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Editar imagen", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Color", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transformar", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientación", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "dcha", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "izq", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Recortar", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Categorías", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vídeos", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTROS", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtros de búsqueda", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "APLICAR", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Cualquiera", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Si", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "No", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Imagen", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "imágenes", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vídeo", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vídeos", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favorito", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoritos", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "no favoritos", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRAR TODO", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Cerca de {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Acerca de lugares", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Los lugares mostrados aquí sólo son una estimación y no garantizan ninguna precisión.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Lugares", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Ubicación de las ediciones", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Selecciona dónde guardar ésta y las futuras imágenes. Si eliges Servidor y la app falla al subirlo, se guardará en el dispositivo.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "DISPOSITIVO", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVIDOR", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Sincronizando con tu servidor por primera vez", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Bucle", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Error al crear colección", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Añadir a colección", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Error al añadir a colección", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Error al establecer portada de colección", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Exportar", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exportar colección", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Álbum de Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Álbum alojado en servidor, requiere Nextcloud 25 o superior", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Error al quitar algunas colecciones", + "errorUnauthenticated": "No estás autentificado. Por favor inicia sesión otra vez si el problema continúa.", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "No se pudo conectar. El servidor no está en línea o tu dispositivo está desconectado.", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Archivo bloqueado en el servidor. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "No se pudo comunicar. Asegúrate que la dirección es la URL base de tu Nextcloud.", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "No se pudo autentificar. Verifica tu usuario y contraseña.", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Error del servidor. Asegúrate que el servidor está configurado correctamente.", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "No puede modificarse este álbum ya que fue creado por una versión más reciente de esta app. Por favor, actualiza la app e inténtalo de nuevo.", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Se requiere permiso de acceso al almacenamiento", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadatos", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Proveedor de personas", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Material You", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "Usar Material You", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Toca ajustes para elegir un proveedor o ayuda para aprender más", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Configurar cuenta", + "contributorsTooltip": "Contribuidores", + "setAsTooltip": "Establecer como", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Estás a punto de cerrar sesión en {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb index a9bedb84..22d4fe6e 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb @@ -1,1467 +1,1467 @@ { - "appTitle": "Photos", - "translator": "pHamala", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Kuvat", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Kokoelmat", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Tarkenna", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Päivitä", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Asetukset", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} valittu}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Poistetaan 1 kohde} other{Poistetaan {count} kohdetta}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki valitut kohteet poistettu onnistuneesti", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Arkistoi", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Arkistoi 1 kohdetta} other{Arkistoi {count} kohdetta}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki valitut kohteet arkistoitu", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen arkistointi epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen arkistointi epäonnistui}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Peru arkistointi", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen arkistointia perutaan} other{{count} kohteen arkistointia perutaan}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikkien kohteiden arkistointi peruttu", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen arkistoinnin peruminen epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen arkistoinnin peruminen epäonnistui}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Poista", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Poistetaan kohdetta", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Kohde poistettu", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Kohteiden poistaminen albumista epäonnistui", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Lisää palvelin", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Palvelin:{server} poistettu", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Uusi albumi", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 kohde} other{{count} kohdetta}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Arkistoi", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Yhdistetään \n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Odotetaan palvelimen tunnistautumista", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Kirjaudu auenneen selaimen kautta", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nimi", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nimi vaaditaan", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "OHITA", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "VAHVISTA", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Kirjaudu Nextcloud-palvelimeen", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Käytä sovellussalasanaa, jos käytössäsi on kaksivaiheinen tunnistautuminen", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nKirjaudu sisään", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Palvelimen osoite", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä palvelimen osoite", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Käyttäjätunnus", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä käyttäjätunnus", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Salasana", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä salasana", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Valitse sisällytetyt kansiot", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Ainoastaan kansion sisäisest kuvat näytetään. Paina Ohita sisällyttääksesi kaikki kuvat", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(takaisin)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Kohteen valinta epäonnistui", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Valitse vähintään yksi kansio tai paina ohita sisällyttääksesi kaikki", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Aloitetaan", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Voit muuttaa tämän myöhemmin asetuksista", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Tämä sovellus luo Nextcloud-palvelimeen kansion asetustiedostoja. Älä muokkaa tai poista kansiota ellet ole aikeissa poistaa sovellusta", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Asetukset", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Kieli", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Järjestelmän oletus", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF-tuki", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Vaatii ylimääräistä verkon käyttöä", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Prosessoi tiedostoja vain kun WIFI-yhteys on käytettävissä", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Toimenpiteestä voi aiheutua data-maksuja", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Muistot", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Näytä aiemmin otettuja kuvia", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Tili", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Otsikko", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Aseta tunniste, joka näytetään palvelimen URL:n sijasta", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Sisällytetyt kansiot", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Jaa kansio", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Paikanna jaettu kansio", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Tämä asetus vaikuttaa share_folder parametreihini config.php -tiedostossa. Asetusten arvojen TÄYTYY olla identtisiä. \n\nPaikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config-php -tiedostossa.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Paikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config.php -tiedostossa. Paina oletusta, jos et ole määrittänyt parametrejä käsin.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Palvelimen sovellustuki", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Muokkaa Kuvat-välilehdellä näytettävää sisältöä", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Muistojen väli", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} päivä} other{+-{range} päivää}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Katselin", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Muokkaa kuva/video -katselinta", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Näytön kirkkaus", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Ohita järjestelmän määrittämä kirkkaus", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ohita näytön kiertäjän lukitus", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Kierrä näyttöä, vaikka järjestelmän automaattinen näytönkierto on poiskytketty", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Karttapalvelun-tarjoaja", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Ryhmitä kuvat päivämäärän mukaan", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Käytä vain kun albumi on lajiteltu ajan mukaan", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editori", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Muokkaa kuvien parannusta ja kuvaeditoria", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Kuvaresoluutio muokkausta varten", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Määritettyä resoluutiota suuremmat kuvat skaalataan määritettyyn resoluutioon.\n\nKorkean resoluution kuvien käsittely vie huomattavasti enemmän muistia ja aikaa. Mikäli sovellus kaatuu käsittelyn aikana, vähennä tämän asetuksen arvoa.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Tallenna muokkaus palvelimelle", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Muokkaukset tallennetaan palvelimelle. Virheen sattuessa muokkaukset tallennetaan paikallisesti laitteelle.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Muokkaukset tallennetaan paikallisesti tälle laitteelle.", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Teema", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Muokkaa sovelluksen ulkoasua", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Käytä järjestelmän teemaa", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Teeman väri", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Käytetään määrittämään sovelluksen kaikkia värejä", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Valitse väri", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tumma teema", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Käytä mustaa tummassa teemassa", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Käytä tumman harmaata tummassa teemassa", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Sekalaiset", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Napauta kahdesti poistuaksesi", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Järjestä tiedostonimen mukaan", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Kokeellinen", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Kokeellisia ominaisuuksia, jotka eivät ole vielä täysin vakaita", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Edistyneet", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Varmista, että olet ymmärtänyt jokaisen vaihtoehdon ennen kuin teet mitään", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Puhdista tietokanta", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Puhdista välitiedostot ja aloita uudelleen synkronointi palvelimen kanssa", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Tietokannan puhdistus onnistui. Käynnistä sovellus uudelleen", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Tietoa", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Versio", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Palvelin", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Lähdekoodi", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Ilmoita ongelmasta", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Kaappaa lokitiedot", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Auta kehittäjää korjaamaan bugeja", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Kääntäjä", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Asetusten tallennus epäonnistui", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "OTA KÄYTTÖÖN", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "EXIF-tuen käyttöönotto tuo metadatasta lisätietoa kuten, kuvauspäivämäärä, kameramalli jne. Jotta sovellus voi lukea metadataa, käyttää se enemmän verkkoa täysikokoisten kuvien lataamista varten. Sovellus lataa ainoastaan Wi-Fi verkossa.", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ota EXIF-tuki käyttöön", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Lokitietojen tallenusta varten:\n\n1. Ota tämä asetus käyttöön\n2. Toista ongelma\n3. Poista tämä asetus käytöstä\n4. Etsi nc-photos.log -tiedosto latauskansiosta\n\n*Mikäli ongelma kaataa sovelluksen, lokitiedostoja ei pystytä tallentamaan. Tässä tapauksessa ota yhteyttä kehittäjään lisätietoja varten.", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Lokitiedot tallennettu onnistuneesti", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "VALMIS", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "SEURAAVA", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "YHDISTÄ", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Kaikki tiedostosi sisällytetään. Tämä voi lisä muistinkäyttöä ja hidastaa suorituskykyä.", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Tiedot", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Lataus", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Ladataan tiedostoa", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Tiedoston lataus onnistui", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Tiedoston lataus epäonnistui", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Seuraava", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Edellinen", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Paina shift + napauta viimeistä kuvaa valitaksesi kuvat niiden välistä", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Paina kohdetta pitkään valitaksesi kaikki niiden väliltä", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Muokkaa aikaa ja päiväystä", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Päivämäärä", - "timeSubtitle": "Aika", - "dateYearInputHint": "Vuosi", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Kuukausi", - "dateDayInputHint": "Päivä", - "timeHourInputHint": "Tunti", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuutti", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekuntti", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Epäkelpo arvo", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Ajan ja päiväyksen muuttaminen epäonnistui", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Valitse mukana olevat albumit", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Ainoastaan valituissa kansioissa olevat kuvat näkyvät tässä albumissa", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Valitse vähintään yksi albumi", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Tuo kansioita", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Tuo kansiot albumeiksi", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Suositellut albumit on listattu alapuolelle. Tiedostojen tuontinopeus riippuu tiedostojen määrästä palvelimella.", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "TUO", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Valmis", - "editTooltip": "Edit", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Käyttäjätunnus samoilla asetuksilla on jo olemassa", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Ole hyvä ja odota", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Lajittele", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sort by", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Vanhin ensin", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Uusin ensin", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Tiedostonimi", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Tiedostonimi (laskeutuva)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albumin nimi", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albumin nimi (laskeva)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Käsin", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Paina kohdetta pitkään järjestääksesi sen uudelleen käsin", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Lisää teksti", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Jaa", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Valitse kuvia jaettavaksi", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Ladataan", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Etsi", - "clearTooltip": "Clear", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Ei tuloksia", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Tyhjä", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Roskakori", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Palauta", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Palautetaan 1 kohde} other{Palautetaan {count} kohdetta}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki kohteet palautettu onnistuneesti", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen palautus epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen palautus epäonnistui}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Palautetaan kohdetta", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Kohde palautettu onnistuneesti", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Kohteen palautus epäonnistui", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Poista lopullisesti", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Poista lopullisesti", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": " Valitut kohteet poistetaan palvelimelta lopullisesti.\n\nTätä toimintoa ei voi perua", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Jaetut", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Prosessoidaan kuvien metadataa taustalla", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Odotetaan WiFi:ä", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "ASETUS", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Use as album cover", - "helpTooltip": "Tuki", - "helpButtonLabel": "TUKI", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Poista albumista", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Muutosloki", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Palvelisertifikaattiin ei voida luottaa", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Palvelimeen on mahdollisesti murtauduttu tai joku yrittää mahdollisesti varastaa tietojasi", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "EDISTYNEET", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Salli tuntematon sertifikaatti?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Voit sallia sertifikaatin ja saada sovelluksen hyväksymään sen. VAROITUS: Tämä on tietoturvariski! Varmista, että sertifikaatin on luonut sinä itse tai luotettava taho\n\nHost: {host}\nSormenjälki: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "HYVÄKSY RISKIT JA SALLI", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Jaettu sinulle tältä käyttäjältä", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Tyhjä roskakori", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Tyhjä roskakori", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Kaikki kohteet poistetaan lopullisesti palvelimelta\n\nTätä ei voi peruuttaa", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Poista albumin kansi", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Mykistä", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Poista mykistys", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Ihmiset", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Kuvasarja", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Aseta kuvasarja", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Kuvan kesto (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Sekoita", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Toista", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Käänteinen", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Linkki kopioitu", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Jaa", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Esikatselu", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Jaa heikkolaatuisempi esikatselu muihin sovelluksiin (vain kuvat tuettu)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Alkuperäinen tiedosto", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Lataa alkuperäinen tiedosto ja jaa se muiden sovellusten kanssa", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Julkinen linkki", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Luo julkinen linkki palvelimelle. Kaikki linkinhaltijat voivat käyttää tiedostoa", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Password protected link", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Luo uusi salasanasuojattu linkki palvelimelle", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Jaettu", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Jaettu viimeksi {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi kanssasi {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi albumin kanssasi {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Jaettu", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Poista jako", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Poistetut jaot", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Sijainti", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ei tue linkin jakoa usealle tiedostolle. Sovellus KOPIO sen sijaan tiedostot kansioon ja jakaa luodun kansion.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Kansion nimi", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä kansion nimi", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Sisältää sopimattomia merkkejä", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Luodaan jakoa", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen kopiointi epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen kopiointi epäonnistui}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Poista kansio?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Sovellus loi tämän kansion jakaakseen useamman tiedoston samalla linkillä. Sitä ei enää jaeta kenenkään kanssa. Haluatko poistaa tämän kansion?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Lisää kokoelmaan", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Jaa toisen käyttäjän kanssa", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumi jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa. Joidenkin tiedostojen jako kuitenkin epäonnistui", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumin jakaminen käyttäjän {user} kanssa lopetettu. Joidenkin tiedostojen jakaminen kuitenkin epäonnistui", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Korjaa jaot", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Korjaa", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Korjaa kaikki", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Ei jaettu käyttäjäm {user} kanssa", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "OLETUS", - "addUserInputHint": "Lisää käyttäjä", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Uutena ominaisuutena jaetut albumit", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Jaetut albumit sallii useiden käyttäjien yhtäaikaisen pääsyn albumiin. Lue huolellisesti jaettujen albumien rajoitukset ennen käyttöä", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "LUE LISÄÄ", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Päivitetään tietokantaa", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Tietokantojen yhdistäminen epäonnistui", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{1 vuosi sitten} other{{count} vuotta sitten}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Kotikansiota ei löytynyt", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Korjaa WebDAV URL-osoite. Löydät URL-osoitteen Nextloud-verkkokäyttöliittymästä.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Nimeä kotikansiosi", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Uusi kokoelma", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Albumi", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Näytä kaikki palvelimelle lisäämäsi kuvat", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Kansio", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Näytä kaikki kansion kuvat", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Suosikit", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Suosikki", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Lisää suosikkeihin", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Kuvien lisäys suosikkeihin epäonnistui", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Poista suosikeista", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Poistettu suosikeista", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Suosikeista poisto epäonnistui", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tunniste", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Näytä kuvat tietyillä tunnisteilla", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Lisää tunniste", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Lisää ainakin yksi tunniste", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Pysäytetään palvelua", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Akku on vähissä", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Paranna", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "PARANNA", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Paranna kuviasi", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Kuviasi käsitellään paikallisesti laitteellasi. Oletuksena kuvat skaalataan resoluutioon 2048x1536. Voit muuttaa tämän resoluution asetuksista.", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Hämärässä otettujen kuvien parannus", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Kirkasta hämärässä ympäristössä otettuja kuvia", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Kirkkaus", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Muokatut (paikallinen)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Valitut kuvat poistetaan lopullisesti laitteeltasi.\n\nTätä toimintoa ei voi perua.", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Muotokuvan sumennus", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Sumenna kuviesi taustaa, toimii parhaiten muotokuvien kanssa", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Blurriness", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resoluutio (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Skaalaa kuviesi resoluutiota jopa 4x normaalista resoluutiosta. (Lue kohta Apua saadaksesi lisätietoa, kuinka toiminto toimii.)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Tyylin siirto", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Valitse tyyli", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Siirrä kuvan tyyli vertailukuvasta omiin kuviisi.", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Valitse tyyli", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Värihyppy", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Vähennä kuvien taustan saturaatiota, toimii parhaiten muotokuvien kanssa.", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Paino", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automaattinen parannus", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Paranna kuvia automaattisesti. Parantaa kuvien värisävyjä.", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Napauta uudelleen poistuaksesi", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Hylkää muutokset?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Muutoksia ei tallennettu", - "discardButtonLabel": "HYLKÄÄ", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Save", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Kirkkaus", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrasti", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Valkoinen piste", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Musta piste", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturaatio", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Lämpö", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Värisävy", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Esikatsele muutoksia", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Väri", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Muuta", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Kierto", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "myötäpäivään", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "vastapäivään", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Rajaa", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Luokat", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videot", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "SUODATTIMET", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Hakusuodattimet", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "KÄYTÄ", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Kaikki", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Tosi", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Epätosi", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tyyppi", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Kuva", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "kuvat", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "videot", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Suosikki", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "suosikit", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "ei suosikeissa", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "NÄYTÄ KAIKKI", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Seuraava {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Paikasta", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Näytetty paikka on vain karkea arvio. Se ei välttämättä ole tarkka. Paikka ei kuvaa sovelluksen kehittäjien näkökantaa alueesta.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Paikat", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Tallennetaan tulosta", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Valitse mihin prosessoidut kuvat tallennetaan. Mikäli kuvansiirto palvelimelle epäonnistuu, tallennetaan kuva laitteelle.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "LAITE", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "PALVELIN", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Synkronoidaan palvelimen kanssa ensimmäistä kertaa", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Uudelleentoista", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Kokoelman luonti epäonnistui", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Lisää kokoelmaan", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Kokoelmaan lisääminen epäonnistui", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Kokoelman kansikuvan asetus epäonnistui", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Vie", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Vie kokoelma", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud albumi", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Palvelimella sijoitettavat albumit vaativat vähintään Nextcloud-version 25", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Joidenkin kokoelmien poisto epäonnistui", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Ei sallittu pääsyä. Kirjaudu sovellukseen uudelleen mikäli virhe toistuu", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Yhdistäminen epäonnistui. Palvelin saattaa olla offline-tilassa tai mobiililaitettasi ei ole kytketty verkkoon", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Tiedosto lukittu palvelimella. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Yhteyttä ei voitu muodostaa. Varmista, että Nextcloud-palvelimesi URL-osoite on oikein", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui. Varmista, että käyttäjätunnuksesi ja salasanasi on oikein", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Palvelin-virhe. Varmista, että palvelin on konfiguroitu oikein", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Albumia ei voitu muokata, koska albumi on luotu sovelluksen uudemmalla versiolla. Päivitä sovellus viimeisimpään versioon ja yritä uudelleen", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Tallennustilan käyttölupa vaaditaan", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Tiedoston metatiedot", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Henkilön tarjoaja", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Käytä järjestelmän oletusarvoa", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "KÄYTÄ JÄRJESTELMÄN OLETUSARVOA", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Valitse \"asetukset\" vaihtaaksesi tarjoajaa tai paina \"apua\" saadaksesi lisää tietoa", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Tiliasetukset", - "contributorsTooltip": "Avustajat", - "setAsTooltip": "Aseta", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Olet aikeissa uloskirjautua palvelimelta {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Photos", + "translator": "pHamala", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Kuvat", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Kokoelmat", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Tarkenna", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Päivitä", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Asetukset", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} valittu}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Poistetaan 1 kohde} other{Poistetaan {count} kohdetta}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki valitut kohteet poistettu onnistuneesti", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Arkistoi", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Arkistoi 1 kohdetta} other{Arkistoi {count} kohdetta}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki valitut kohteet arkistoitu", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen arkistointi epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen arkistointi epäonnistui}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Peru arkistointi", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen arkistointia perutaan} other{{count} kohteen arkistointia perutaan}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikkien kohteiden arkistointi peruttu", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen arkistoinnin peruminen epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen arkistoinnin peruminen epäonnistui}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Poista", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Poistetaan kohdetta", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Kohde poistettu", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Kohteen poistaminen epäonnistui", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Kohteiden poistaminen albumista epäonnistui", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Lisää palvelin", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Palvelin:{server} poistettu", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Uusi albumi", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 kohde} other{{count} kohdetta}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Arkistoi", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Yhdistetään \n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Odotetaan palvelimen tunnistautumista", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Kirjaudu auenneen selaimen kautta", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nimi", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nimi vaaditaan", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "OHITA", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "VAHVISTA", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Kirjaudu Nextcloud-palvelimeen", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Käytä sovellussalasanaa, jos käytössäsi on kaksivaiheinen tunnistautuminen", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nKirjaudu sisään", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Palvelimen osoite", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä palvelimen osoite", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Käyttäjätunnus", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä käyttäjätunnus", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Salasana", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä salasana", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Valitse sisällytetyt kansiot", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Ainoastaan kansion sisäisest kuvat näytetään. Paina Ohita sisällyttääksesi kaikki kuvat", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(takaisin)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Kohteen valinta epäonnistui", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Valitse vähintään yksi kansio tai paina ohita sisällyttääksesi kaikki", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Aloitetaan", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Voit muuttaa tämän myöhemmin asetuksista", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Tämä sovellus luo Nextcloud-palvelimeen kansion asetustiedostoja. Älä muokkaa tai poista kansiota ellet ole aikeissa poistaa sovellusta", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Asetukset", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Kieli", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Järjestelmän oletus", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF-tuki", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Vaatii ylimääräistä verkon käyttöä", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Prosessoi tiedostoja vain kun WIFI-yhteys on käytettävissä", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Toimenpiteestä voi aiheutua data-maksuja", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Muistot", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Näytä aiemmin otettuja kuvia", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Tili", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Otsikko", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Aseta tunniste, joka näytetään palvelimen URL:n sijasta", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Sisällytetyt kansiot", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Jaa kansio", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Paikanna jaettu kansio", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Tämä asetus vaikuttaa share_folder parametreihini config.php -tiedostossa. Asetusten arvojen TÄYTYY olla identtisiä. \n\nPaikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config-php -tiedostossa.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Paikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config.php -tiedostossa. Paina oletusta, jos et ole määrittänyt parametrejä käsin.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Palvelimen sovellustuki", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Muokkaa Kuvat-välilehdellä näytettävää sisältöä", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Muistojen väli", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} päivä} other{+-{range} päivää}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Katselin", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Muokkaa kuva/video -katselinta", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Näytön kirkkaus", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Ohita järjestelmän määrittämä kirkkaus", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ohita näytön kiertäjän lukitus", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Kierrä näyttöä, vaikka järjestelmän automaattinen näytönkierto on poiskytketty", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Karttapalvelun-tarjoaja", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Ryhmitä kuvat päivämäärän mukaan", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Käytä vain kun albumi on lajiteltu ajan mukaan", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editori", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Muokkaa kuvien parannusta ja kuvaeditoria", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Kuvaresoluutio muokkausta varten", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Määritettyä resoluutiota suuremmat kuvat skaalataan määritettyyn resoluutioon.\n\nKorkean resoluution kuvien käsittely vie huomattavasti enemmän muistia ja aikaa. Mikäli sovellus kaatuu käsittelyn aikana, vähennä tämän asetuksen arvoa.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Tallenna muokkaus palvelimelle", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Muokkaukset tallennetaan palvelimelle. Virheen sattuessa muokkaukset tallennetaan paikallisesti laitteelle.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Muokkaukset tallennetaan paikallisesti tälle laitteelle.", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Teema", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Muokkaa sovelluksen ulkoasua", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Käytä järjestelmän teemaa", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Teeman väri", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Käytetään määrittämään sovelluksen kaikkia värejä", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Valitse väri", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tumma teema", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Käytä mustaa tummassa teemassa", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Käytä tumman harmaata tummassa teemassa", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Sekalaiset", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Napauta kahdesti poistuaksesi", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Järjestä tiedostonimen mukaan", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Kokeellinen", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Kokeellisia ominaisuuksia, jotka eivät ole vielä täysin vakaita", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Edistyneet", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Varmista, että olet ymmärtänyt jokaisen vaihtoehdon ennen kuin teet mitään", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Puhdista tietokanta", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Puhdista välitiedostot ja aloita uudelleen synkronointi palvelimen kanssa", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Tietokannan puhdistus onnistui. Käynnistä sovellus uudelleen", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Tietoa", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Versio", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Palvelin", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Lähdekoodi", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Ilmoita ongelmasta", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Kaappaa lokitiedot", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Auta kehittäjää korjaamaan bugeja", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Kääntäjä", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Asetusten tallennus epäonnistui", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "OTA KÄYTTÖÖN", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "EXIF-tuen käyttöönotto tuo metadatasta lisätietoa kuten, kuvauspäivämäärä, kameramalli jne. Jotta sovellus voi lukea metadataa, käyttää se enemmän verkkoa täysikokoisten kuvien lataamista varten. Sovellus lataa ainoastaan Wi-Fi verkossa.", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ota EXIF-tuki käyttöön", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Lokitietojen tallenusta varten:\n\n1. Ota tämä asetus käyttöön\n2. Toista ongelma\n3. Poista tämä asetus käytöstä\n4. Etsi nc-photos.log -tiedosto latauskansiosta\n\n*Mikäli ongelma kaataa sovelluksen, lokitiedostoja ei pystytä tallentamaan. Tässä tapauksessa ota yhteyttä kehittäjään lisätietoja varten.", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Lokitiedot tallennettu onnistuneesti", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "VALMIS", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "SEURAAVA", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "YHDISTÄ", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Kaikki tiedostosi sisällytetään. Tämä voi lisä muistinkäyttöä ja hidastaa suorituskykyä.", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Tiedot", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Lataus", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Ladataan tiedostoa", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Tiedoston lataus onnistui", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Tiedoston lataus epäonnistui", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Seuraava", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Edellinen", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Paina shift + napauta viimeistä kuvaa valitaksesi kuvat niiden välistä", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Paina kohdetta pitkään valitaksesi kaikki niiden väliltä", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Muokkaa aikaa ja päiväystä", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Päivämäärä", + "timeSubtitle": "Aika", + "dateYearInputHint": "Vuosi", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Kuukausi", + "dateDayInputHint": "Päivä", + "timeHourInputHint": "Tunti", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuutti", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekuntti", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Epäkelpo arvo", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Ajan ja päiväyksen muuttaminen epäonnistui", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Valitse mukana olevat albumit", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Ainoastaan valituissa kansioissa olevat kuvat näkyvät tässä albumissa", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Valitse vähintään yksi albumi", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Tuo kansioita", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Tuo kansiot albumeiksi", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Suositellut albumit on listattu alapuolelle. Tiedostojen tuontinopeus riippuu tiedostojen määrästä palvelimella.", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "TUO", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Valmis", + "editTooltip": "Edit", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Käyttäjätunnus samoilla asetuksilla on jo olemassa", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Ole hyvä ja odota", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Lajittele", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sort by", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Vanhin ensin", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Uusin ensin", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Tiedostonimi", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Tiedostonimi (laskeutuva)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albumin nimi", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albumin nimi (laskeva)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Käsin", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Paina kohdetta pitkään järjestääksesi sen uudelleen käsin", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Lisää teksti", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Jaa", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Valitse kuvia jaettavaksi", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Ladataan", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Etsi", + "clearTooltip": "Clear", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Ei tuloksia", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Tyhjä", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Roskakori", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Palauta", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Palautetaan 1 kohde} other{Palautetaan {count} kohdetta}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Kaikki kohteet palautettu onnistuneesti", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{1 kohteen palautus epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen palautus epäonnistui}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Palautetaan kohdetta", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Kohde palautettu onnistuneesti", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Kohteen palautus epäonnistui", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Poista lopullisesti", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Poista lopullisesti", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": " Valitut kohteet poistetaan palvelimelta lopullisesti.\n\nTätä toimintoa ei voi perua", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Jaetut", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Prosessoidaan kuvien metadataa taustalla", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Odotetaan WiFi:ä", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "ASETUS", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Use as album cover", + "helpTooltip": "Tuki", + "helpButtonLabel": "TUKI", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Poista albumista", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Muutosloki", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Palvelisertifikaattiin ei voida luottaa", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Palvelimeen on mahdollisesti murtauduttu tai joku yrittää mahdollisesti varastaa tietojasi", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "EDISTYNEET", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Salli tuntematon sertifikaatti?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Voit sallia sertifikaatin ja saada sovelluksen hyväksymään sen. VAROITUS: Tämä on tietoturvariski! Varmista, että sertifikaatin on luonut sinä itse tai luotettava taho\n\nHost: {host}\nSormenjälki: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "HYVÄKSY RISKIT JA SALLI", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Jaettu sinulle tältä käyttäjältä", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Tyhjä roskakori", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Tyhjä roskakori", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Kaikki kohteet poistetaan lopullisesti palvelimelta\n\nTätä ei voi peruuttaa", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Poista albumin kansi", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Mykistä", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Poista mykistys", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Ihmiset", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Kuvasarja", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Aseta kuvasarja", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Kuvan kesto (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Sekoita", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Toista", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Käänteinen", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Linkki kopioitu", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Jaa", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Esikatselu", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Jaa heikkolaatuisempi esikatselu muihin sovelluksiin (vain kuvat tuettu)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Alkuperäinen tiedosto", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Lataa alkuperäinen tiedosto ja jaa se muiden sovellusten kanssa", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Julkinen linkki", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Luo julkinen linkki palvelimelle. Kaikki linkinhaltijat voivat käyttää tiedostoa", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Password protected link", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Luo uusi salasanasuojattu linkki palvelimelle", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Jaettu", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Jaettu viimeksi {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi kanssasi {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi albumin kanssasi {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Jaettu", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Poista jako", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Poistetut jaot", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Sijainti", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ei tue linkin jakoa usealle tiedostolle. Sovellus KOPIO sen sijaan tiedostot kansioon ja jakaa luodun kansion.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Kansion nimi", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Syötä kansion nimi", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Sisältää sopimattomia merkkejä", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Luodaan jakoa", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{ 1 kohteen kopiointi epäonnistui} other{{count} kohteen kopiointi epäonnistui}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Poista kansio?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Sovellus loi tämän kansion jakaakseen useamman tiedoston samalla linkillä. Sitä ei enää jaeta kenenkään kanssa. Haluatko poistaa tämän kansion?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Lisää kokoelmaan", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Jaa toisen käyttäjän kanssa", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumi jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa. Joidenkin tiedostojen jako kuitenkin epäonnistui", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumin jakaminen käyttäjän {user} kanssa lopetettu. Joidenkin tiedostojen jakaminen kuitenkin epäonnistui", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Korjaa jaot", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Korjaa", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Korjaa kaikki", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Ei jaettu käyttäjäm {user} kanssa", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "OLETUS", + "addUserInputHint": "Lisää käyttäjä", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Uutena ominaisuutena jaetut albumit", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Jaetut albumit sallii useiden käyttäjien yhtäaikaisen pääsyn albumiin. Lue huolellisesti jaettujen albumien rajoitukset ennen käyttöä", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "LUE LISÄÄ", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Päivitetään tietokantaa", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Tietokantojen yhdistäminen epäonnistui", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{1 vuosi sitten} other{{count} vuotta sitten}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Kotikansiota ei löytynyt", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Korjaa WebDAV URL-osoite. Löydät URL-osoitteen Nextloud-verkkokäyttöliittymästä.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Nimeä kotikansiosi", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Uusi kokoelma", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Albumi", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Näytä kaikki palvelimelle lisäämäsi kuvat", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Kansio", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Näytä kaikki kansion kuvat", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Suosikit", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Suosikki", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Lisää suosikkeihin", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Kuvien lisäys suosikkeihin epäonnistui", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Poista suosikeista", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Poistettu suosikeista", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Suosikeista poisto epäonnistui", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tunniste", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Näytä kuvat tietyillä tunnisteilla", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Lisää tunniste", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Lisää ainakin yksi tunniste", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Pysäytetään palvelua", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Akku on vähissä", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Paranna", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "PARANNA", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Paranna kuviasi", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Kuviasi käsitellään paikallisesti laitteellasi. Oletuksena kuvat skaalataan resoluutioon 2048x1536. Voit muuttaa tämän resoluution asetuksista.", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Hämärässä otettujen kuvien parannus", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Kirkasta hämärässä ympäristössä otettuja kuvia", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Kirkkaus", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Muokatut (paikallinen)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Valitut kuvat poistetaan lopullisesti laitteeltasi.\n\nTätä toimintoa ei voi perua.", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Muotokuvan sumennus", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Sumenna kuviesi taustaa, toimii parhaiten muotokuvien kanssa", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Blurriness", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resoluutio (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Skaalaa kuviesi resoluutiota jopa 4x normaalista resoluutiosta. (Lue kohta Apua saadaksesi lisätietoa, kuinka toiminto toimii.)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Tyylin siirto", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Valitse tyyli", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Siirrä kuvan tyyli vertailukuvasta omiin kuviisi.", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Valitse tyyli", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Värihyppy", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Vähennä kuvien taustan saturaatiota, toimii parhaiten muotokuvien kanssa.", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Paino", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automaattinen parannus", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Paranna kuvia automaattisesti. Parantaa kuvien värisävyjä.", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Napauta uudelleen poistuaksesi", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Hylkää muutokset?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Muutoksia ei tallennettu", + "discardButtonLabel": "HYLKÄÄ", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Save", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Kirkkaus", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrasti", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Valkoinen piste", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Musta piste", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturaatio", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Lämpö", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Värisävy", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Esikatsele muutoksia", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Väri", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Muuta", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Kierto", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "myötäpäivään", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "vastapäivään", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Rajaa", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Luokat", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Videot", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "SUODATTIMET", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Hakusuodattimet", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "KÄYTÄ", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Kaikki", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Tosi", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Epätosi", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tyyppi", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Kuva", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "kuvat", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "videot", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Suosikki", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "suosikit", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "ei suosikeissa", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "NÄYTÄ KAIKKI", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Seuraava {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Paikasta", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Näytetty paikka on vain karkea arvio. Se ei välttämättä ole tarkka. Paikka ei kuvaa sovelluksen kehittäjien näkökantaa alueesta.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Paikat", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Tallennetaan tulosta", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Valitse mihin prosessoidut kuvat tallennetaan. Mikäli kuvansiirto palvelimelle epäonnistuu, tallennetaan kuva laitteelle.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "LAITE", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "PALVELIN", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Synkronoidaan palvelimen kanssa ensimmäistä kertaa", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Uudelleentoista", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Kokoelman luonti epäonnistui", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Lisää kokoelmaan", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Kokoelmaan lisääminen epäonnistui", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Kokoelman kansikuvan asetus epäonnistui", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Vie", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Vie kokoelma", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud albumi", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Palvelimella sijoitettavat albumit vaativat vähintään Nextcloud-version 25", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Joidenkin kokoelmien poisto epäonnistui", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Ei sallittu pääsyä. Kirjaudu sovellukseen uudelleen mikäli virhe toistuu", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Yhdistäminen epäonnistui. Palvelin saattaa olla offline-tilassa tai mobiililaitettasi ei ole kytketty verkkoon", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Tiedosto lukittu palvelimella. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Yhteyttä ei voitu muodostaa. Varmista, että Nextcloud-palvelimesi URL-osoite on oikein", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui. Varmista, että käyttäjätunnuksesi ja salasanasi on oikein", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Palvelin-virhe. Varmista, että palvelin on konfiguroitu oikein", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Albumia ei voitu muokata, koska albumi on luotu sovelluksen uudemmalla versiolla. Päivitä sovellus viimeisimpään versioon ja yritä uudelleen", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Tallennustilan käyttölupa vaaditaan", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Tiedoston metatiedot", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Henkilön tarjoaja", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Käytä järjestelmän oletusarvoa", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "KÄYTÄ JÄRJESTELMÄN OLETUSARVOA", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Valitse \"asetukset\" vaihtaaksesi tarjoajaa tai paina \"apua\" saadaksesi lisää tietoa", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Tiliasetukset", + "contributorsTooltip": "Avustajat", + "setAsTooltip": "Aseta", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Olet aikeissa uloskirjautua palvelimelta {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb index 3c46c19c..c0e0b287 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb @@ -1,1467 +1,1467 @@ { - "appTitle": "Photos", - "translator": "mgreil\nFymyte", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Photos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Collections", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Rafraîchir", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Paramètres", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{{count} sélectionné} other{{count} sélectionnés}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Suppression de 1 élément} other{Suppression de {count} éléments}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été supprimés avec succès", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la suppression de 1 élément} other{Échec de la suppression de {count} éléments}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archiver", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivage de 1 élément} other{Archivage de {count} éléments}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été archivés avec succès", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de l'archivage de 1 élément} other{Échec de l'archivage de {count} éléments}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Désarchiver", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Désarchivage de 1 élément} other{Désarchivage de {count} éléments}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été désarchivés avec succès", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec du désarchivage de 1 élément} other{Échec du désarchivage de {count} éléments}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Supprimer", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Suppression de l'élément", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Élément supprimé avec succès", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression de l'élément", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression des éléments de l'album", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Ajouter un serveur", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} supprimé avec succès", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Créer un nouvel album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Vide} =1{1 élément} other{{count} éléments}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archive", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Connexion à\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "En attente d'autorisation du server", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "En attente de connexion via navigateur", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nom", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Ce champ est requis", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "IGNORER", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMER", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Connectez-vous à un serveur Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Utilisez un mot de passe d'application si vous avez activé l'authentification à deux facteurs sur le serveur", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Connexion a Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Adresse du serveur", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez saisir l'adresse du serveur", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Nom d'utilisateur", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer votre nom d'utilisateur", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Mot de passe", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Choisissez les dossiers à inclure", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Seules les photos à l'intérieur des dossiers seront affichées. Appuyez sur Ignorer pour tout inclure", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(retourner en arrière)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Échec de la désélection de l'élement", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier ou appuyez sur ignorer pour tout inclure", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Commencer", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Vous pouvez modifier cela plus tard dans les paramètres", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Cette application crée un dossier sur le serveur Nextcloud pour stocker les fichiers de préférences. Veuillez ne pas le modifier ou le supprimer à moins que vous ne prévoyiez de supprimer cette application", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Paramètres", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Langue", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Utiliser la langue système", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Prise en charge EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Demande une utilisation plus intense du réseau", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Ne traîter les fichier EXIF que lorsque connecté au Wifi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Des frais supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Souvenirs", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Voir les photos prises dans le passé", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Compte", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Nom", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Utiliser ce nom pour remplacer l'URL du server", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Dossiers inclus", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Dossier de partage", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localisez le dossier de partage", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Ce paramètre correspond au paramètre share_folder dans config.php. Les deux valeurs DOIVENT être identiques.\n\nVeuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Veuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php. Appuyez sur default si vous n'avez pas défini le paramètre.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Prise en charge de l'application serveur", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Sélectionner le contenu de l'onglet photo", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Intervalle", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} jour} other{+-{range} jours}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Visionneur", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Personnaliser le visionneur de vidéo/image", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosité d'écran", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Remplacer le niveau de luminosité du système", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorer le verrouillage de la rotation", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Faire pivoter l'écran même lorsque la rotation automatique est désactivée", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Fournisseur de carte", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Regrouper les photos par date", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Appliquer uniquement lorsque l'album est trié par heure", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editeur", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personnaliser l'amélioration des images et l'éditeur", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Résolution des images pour l'amélioration", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Les photos avec une resolution supérieure seront réduites.\n\nLes images hautes résolutions prennent beaucoup plus de temps et de mémoire à traîter. Baisser cette résolution si l'application se ferme pendants le traitement de vos photos.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Enregistrer les résultats sur le server", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardées sur le server, ou sur l'appareil si l'envoi échou.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardés sur l'appareil", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Thème", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Personnalisez l'apparence de l'application", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Suivre le thème système", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Couleur principale", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilisée pour déduire les couleurs de l'application", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Choisissez une couleur", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Thème plus sombre", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Utiliser le noir dans le thème sombre", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Utiliser le gris foncé dans le thème sombre", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Divers", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Tapper deux fois pour quitter", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Trier par nom de fichier", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Expérimental", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Des fonctionnalités qui ne sont pas prêtes pour une utilisation quotidienne", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Options avancées", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Soyer certains de comprendre chaque option avant de continuer", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Effacer la base de données", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Effacer les données mis en cache et relancer une synchronisation complète avec le server", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Base de données effacé avec succès. Vous pouvez redemander l'application", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "À propos", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Version", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serveur", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Code source", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Signaler un problème", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Capturer les logs", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Aider le développeur à diagnostiquer les bugs", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traducteurs", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Échec du réglage des préférences", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "ACTIVER", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "L'activation de la prise en charge EXIF ​​rendra diverses métadonnées disponibles, telles que la date de prise de vue, le modèle de l'appareil photo, etc. Afin de lire ces métadonnées, une utilisation supplémentaire du réseau est requise pour télécharger l'image originale en taille réelle. L'application ne commencera à télécharger qu'une fois connectée à un réseau Wi-Fi", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Activer la prise en charge EXIF ?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Pour prendre des logs pour un rapport de bug :\n\n1. Activez ce paramètre\n2. Reproduisez le problème\n3. Désactivez ce paramètre\n4. Recherchez nc-photos.log dans le dossier de téléchargement\n\n*Si le problème provoque le blocage de l'application, aucun log ne peut être capturé. Dans ce cas, veuillez contacter le développeur pour plus d'instructions", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logs enregistrés avec succès", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "TERMINÉ", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "SUIVANT", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "CONNECTER", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tous vos fichiers seront inclus. Cela peut augmenter l'utilisation de la mémoire et dégrader les performances", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Détails", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Télécharger", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Téléchargement du fichier", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Fichier téléchargé avec succès", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Échec du téléchargement du fichier", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Suivant", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Précédent", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Maintenez la touche Maj enfoncée + cliquez pour tout sélectionner entre les deux", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Appuyez longuement sur un autre élément pour tout sélectionner entre", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifier la date et l'heure", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Date", - "timeSubtitle": "Heure", - "dateYearInputHint": "Année", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Mois", - "dateDayInputHint": "Jour", - "timeHourInputHint": "Heure", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minute", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Seconde", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valeure invalide", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Échec de la modification de la date et de l'heure", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Choisissez les dossiers à associer", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Seules les photos des dossiers associés seront incluses dans cet album", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importer des dossiers", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importer des dossiers sous forme d'albums", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Les dossiers suggérés sont répertoriés ci-dessous. Selon le nombre de fichiers sur votre serveur, cela peut prendre un certain temps", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTER", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importation de dossiers", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Terminé", - "editTooltip": "Modifier", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Un compte existe déjà avec les mêmes paramètres", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "S'il vous plaît, attendez", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Trier", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Trier par", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Le plus âgé en premier", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Le plus récent d'abord", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nom de fichier", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nom de fichier (descendant)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nom d'album", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom d'album (inversé)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuel", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Appuyez longuement sur un élément et faites-le glisser pour le réorganiser manuellement", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Ajouter du texte", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Partager", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Sélectionnez quelques photos à partager", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Téléchargement", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Chercher", - "clearTooltip": "Nettoyer", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Aucun résultat", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Vide", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Corbeille", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Restaurer", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Restauration d'1 élément} other{Restauration de {count} éléments}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été restaurés avec succès", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la restauration de 1 élément} other{Échec de la restauration de {count} éléments}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restauration de l'élément", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Élément restauré avec succès", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Échec de la restauration de l'élément", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Supprimer définitivement", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Supprimer définitivement", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Les éléments sélectionnés seront supprimés définitivement du serveur.\n\nCette action est irréversible", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Partagé", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Traitement des métadonnées de l'image en arrière-plan", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "En attente du Wi-Fi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURER", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Utiliser comme couverture d'album", - "helpTooltip": "Aide", - "helpButtonLabel": "AIDE", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Retirer de l'album", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Journal des modifications", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Le certificat du serveur ne peut pas être approuvé", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Le serveur peut être piraté ou quelqu'un essaie de voler vos informations", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANCÉ", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Certificat inconnu de la liste blanche ?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Vous pouvez ajouter le certificat à la liste blanche pour que l'application l'accepte. AVERTISSEMENT : Cela pose un grand risque pour la sécurité. Assurez-vous que le certificat est auto-signé par vous ou une partie de confiance\n\nHôte : {host}\nEmpreinte digitale : {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACCEPTER LE RISQUE ET AJOUTER À LA LISTE BLANCHE", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Partagé avec vous par cet utilisateur", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vider la corbeille", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vider la corbeille", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tous les éléments seront définitivement supprimés du serveur.\n\nCette action est irréversible", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Enlever la couverture", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Mettre en sourdine", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Rétablir le son", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personnes", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Diaporama", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configuration diaporama", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Durée image (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mélanger", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Répéter", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverser", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Lien copié", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Partager comme", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Aperçu", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Partager un aperçu de plus basse qualité aux autres application (ne supporte que les images)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Fichier original", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Télécharge le fichier original et le partage aux autres applications", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Lien public", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Créez un nouveau lien public sur le serveur. Toute personne disposant du lien peut accéder au fichier", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Lien protégé par mot de passe", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Créer un nouveau lien protégé par mot de passe sur le serveur", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Partage", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Dernier partage le {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé avec vous le {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé un album avec vous le {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Partagé avec", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Annuler le partage", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Partage supprimé", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Emplacement", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ne prend pas en charge le lien de partage pour plusieurs fichiers. L'application copiera à la place les fichiers dans un nouveau dossier et partagera le dossier à la place.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Nom de dossier", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer le nom du dossier", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contient des caractères non valides", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Créé un partage", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la copie de 1 élément} other{Échec de la copie de {count} éléments}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Supprimer le dossier ?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ce dossier a été créé par l'application pour partager plusieurs fichiers sous forme de lien. Il n'est désormais plus partagé avec aucun tiers, voulez-vous supprimer ce dossier ?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Ajouter à la collection", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Partager avec un utilisateur", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album partagé avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Suppression de partage de l'album avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Fixer les partages", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Réparer", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Tout réparer", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Non partagé avec {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Partagé avec {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "DÉFAUT", - "addUserInputHint": "Ajouter un utilisateur", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Présentation de l'album partagé", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "L'album partagé permet à plusieurs utilisateurs sur le même serveur d'accéder au même album. Veuillez lire attentivement les limitations avant de continuer", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "EN APPRENDRE PLUS", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Mise à jour de la base de données", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Échec de la migration de la base de données", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Il y a 1 an} other{Il y a {count} ans}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Dossier personnel introuvable", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Veuillez corriger l'URL WebDAV indiquée ci-dessous. Vous pouvez trouver l'URL dans l'interface Web de Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez saisir le nom de votre dossier personnel", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nouvelle collection", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Afficher les photos que vous avez ajoutées de n'importe où sur le serveur", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Dossier", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Afficher les photos dans un dossier", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoris", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Favoris", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Ajouté aux favoris", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Supprimer des favoris", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Supprimé des favoris", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression des favoris", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Afficher les photos avec des tags spécifiques", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Ajouter un tag", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Veuillez ajouter au moins 1 tag", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Arrêt du service", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "La batterie est faible", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Améliorer", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "AMÉLIORER", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Amélioré vos photos", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Vos photos sont traîter sur l'appareil. Par défaut, elle sont réduite à 2048x1546. Vous pouvez ajuster la résolution dans les paramètres", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Amélioration pour basse lumière", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Augmente la luminosité des photos prise en environnement peu lumineux", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Luminosité", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edité (local)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Les éléments sélectionné serons supprimer définitivement de l'appareil.\n\nCette action n'est pas réversible", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Flou d'arrière plan", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Ajoute un effet de flou a l'arrière de vos photos, fonctionne mieux pour les portraits", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Niveau de flou", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolution (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Augmente la résolution de vos photos par 4 (voir l'aide pour plus de détail sur la résolution maximum)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfert de style", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Choisissez un style", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transferer le style d'une image de référence sur vos photos", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Choisissez un style", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Augmenter le contraste", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desature l'arrière plan des photos, fonctionne mieux avec les portraits", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Poids", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Retouche automatique", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retouche automatiquement vos photos, ameliore l'éclat des couleurs", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Tapper une deuxième fois pour quitter", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Quitter sans enregistrer ?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Vos changements ne sont pas sauvegardés", - "discardButtonLabel": "Quitter", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Sauvegarder", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Luminosité", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Contraste", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Point blanc", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Point noir", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturation", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Chaleur", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Teinte", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Aperçu des modifications", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Couleur", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transformation", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientation", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "h", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ah", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Rogner", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Catégories", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vidéos", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRES", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtres", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "APPLIQUER", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Tous", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Vrai", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Faux", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Type", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Image", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "images", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vidéo", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vidéos", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favoris", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoris", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "Non favoris", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "Tous", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "A proximité de {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "A propos", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "La localisation affiché n'est qu'une estimation et n'est pas garantie d'être exact. Ceci ne represente en rien notre point de vu sur des espaces disputés.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Localisation", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Sauvegarder", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Sélectionner où sauvegarder les images traitées. Si vous choisissez sur le serveur mais que l'envoi échoué, l'image sera sauvegardée sur l'appareil", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "APPAREIL", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVEUR", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Synchronisation avec le serveur pour la première fois", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Répéter", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "La création de la collection a échouée", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Ajouter a la collection", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "L'ajout a la collection a échoué", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Le changement de la couverture a échoué", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Exporter", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exporter la collection", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Albums Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Albums sur le serveur, requiert Nextcloud 25 ou plus récent", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "La suppression des collections a échouée", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Accès non authentifié. Veuillez vous reconnecter si le problème persiste", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Impossible de se connecter. Le serveur peut être hors ligne ou votre appareil peut être déconnecté", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Le fichier est verrouillé sur le serveur. Veuillez réessayer plus tard", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Impossible de communiquer. Veuillez vous assurer que l'adresse est l'URL de base de votre instance Nextcloud", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Impossible à authentifier. Veuillez vérifier le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Erreur du serveur. Veuillez vous assurer que le serveur est correctement configuré", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Impossible de modifier cet album car il a été créé par une version ultérieure de cette application. Veuillez mettre à jour l'application et réessayer", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Exiger une autorisation d'accès au stockage", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Métadonnées", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Application de reconnaissance faciale", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Utiliser les couleurs système", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "COULEURS SYSTÈME", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Appuyer sur paramètres pour changer de fournisseur ou aide pour en savoir plus", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Paramètres du compte", - "contributorsTooltip": "Contributeur", - "setAsTooltip": "Utiliser comme", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Vous êtes sur le point de vous déconnecter de {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Photos", + "translator": "mgreil\nFymyte", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Photos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Collections", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Rafraîchir", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Paramètres", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{{count} sélectionné} other{{count} sélectionnés}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Suppression de 1 élément} other{Suppression de {count} éléments}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été supprimés avec succès", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la suppression de 1 élément} other{Échec de la suppression de {count} éléments}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archiver", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivage de 1 élément} other{Archivage de {count} éléments}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été archivés avec succès", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de l'archivage de 1 élément} other{Échec de l'archivage de {count} éléments}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Désarchiver", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Désarchivage de 1 élément} other{Désarchivage de {count} éléments}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été désarchivés avec succès", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec du désarchivage de 1 élément} other{Échec du désarchivage de {count} éléments}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Supprimer", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Suppression de l'élément", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Élément supprimé avec succès", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression de l'élément", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression des éléments de l'album", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Ajouter un serveur", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} supprimé avec succès", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Créer un nouvel album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Vide} =1{1 élément} other{{count} éléments}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archive", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Connexion à\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "En attente d'autorisation du server", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "En attente de connexion via navigateur", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nom", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Ce champ est requis", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "IGNORER", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMER", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Connectez-vous à un serveur Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Utilisez un mot de passe d'application si vous avez activé l'authentification à deux facteurs sur le serveur", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Connexion a Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Adresse du serveur", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez saisir l'adresse du serveur", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Nom d'utilisateur", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer votre nom d'utilisateur", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Mot de passe", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Choisissez les dossiers à inclure", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Seules les photos à l'intérieur des dossiers seront affichées. Appuyez sur Ignorer pour tout inclure", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(retourner en arrière)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Échec de la désélection de l'élement", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier ou appuyez sur ignorer pour tout inclure", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Commencer", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Vous pouvez modifier cela plus tard dans les paramètres", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Cette application crée un dossier sur le serveur Nextcloud pour stocker les fichiers de préférences. Veuillez ne pas le modifier ou le supprimer à moins que vous ne prévoyiez de supprimer cette application", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Paramètres", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Langue", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Utiliser la langue système", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Prise en charge EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Demande une utilisation plus intense du réseau", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Ne traîter les fichier EXIF que lorsque connecté au Wifi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Des frais supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Souvenirs", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Voir les photos prises dans le passé", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Compte", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Nom", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Utiliser ce nom pour remplacer l'URL du server", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Dossiers inclus", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Dossier de partage", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localisez le dossier de partage", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Ce paramètre correspond au paramètre share_folder dans config.php. Les deux valeurs DOIVENT être identiques.\n\nVeuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Veuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php. Appuyez sur default si vous n'avez pas défini le paramètre.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Prise en charge de l'application serveur", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Sélectionner le contenu de l'onglet photo", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Intervalle", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} jour} other{+-{range} jours}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Visionneur", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Personnaliser le visionneur de vidéo/image", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosité d'écran", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Remplacer le niveau de luminosité du système", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorer le verrouillage de la rotation", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Faire pivoter l'écran même lorsque la rotation automatique est désactivée", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Fournisseur de carte", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Regrouper les photos par date", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Appliquer uniquement lorsque l'album est trié par heure", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editeur", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personnaliser l'amélioration des images et l'éditeur", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Résolution des images pour l'amélioration", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Les photos avec une resolution supérieure seront réduites.\n\nLes images hautes résolutions prennent beaucoup plus de temps et de mémoire à traîter. Baisser cette résolution si l'application se ferme pendants le traitement de vos photos.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Enregistrer les résultats sur le server", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardées sur le server, ou sur l'appareil si l'envoi échou.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardés sur l'appareil", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Thème", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Personnalisez l'apparence de l'application", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Suivre le thème système", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Couleur principale", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilisée pour déduire les couleurs de l'application", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Choisissez une couleur", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Thème plus sombre", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Utiliser le noir dans le thème sombre", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Utiliser le gris foncé dans le thème sombre", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Divers", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Tapper deux fois pour quitter", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Trier par nom de fichier", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Expérimental", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Des fonctionnalités qui ne sont pas prêtes pour une utilisation quotidienne", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Options avancées", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Soyer certains de comprendre chaque option avant de continuer", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Effacer la base de données", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Effacer les données mis en cache et relancer une synchronisation complète avec le server", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Base de données effacé avec succès. Vous pouvez redemander l'application", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "À propos", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Version", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serveur", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Code source", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Signaler un problème", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Capturer les logs", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Aider le développeur à diagnostiquer les bugs", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traducteurs", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Échec du réglage des préférences", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "ACTIVER", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "L'activation de la prise en charge EXIF ​​rendra diverses métadonnées disponibles, telles que la date de prise de vue, le modèle de l'appareil photo, etc. Afin de lire ces métadonnées, une utilisation supplémentaire du réseau est requise pour télécharger l'image originale en taille réelle. L'application ne commencera à télécharger qu'une fois connectée à un réseau Wi-Fi", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Activer la prise en charge EXIF ?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Pour prendre des logs pour un rapport de bug :\n\n1. Activez ce paramètre\n2. Reproduisez le problème\n3. Désactivez ce paramètre\n4. Recherchez nc-photos.log dans le dossier de téléchargement\n\n*Si le problème provoque le blocage de l'application, aucun log ne peut être capturé. Dans ce cas, veuillez contacter le développeur pour plus d'instructions", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logs enregistrés avec succès", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "TERMINÉ", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "SUIVANT", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "CONNECTER", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tous vos fichiers seront inclus. Cela peut augmenter l'utilisation de la mémoire et dégrader les performances", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Détails", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Télécharger", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Téléchargement du fichier", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Fichier téléchargé avec succès", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Échec du téléchargement du fichier", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Suivant", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Précédent", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Maintenez la touche Maj enfoncée + cliquez pour tout sélectionner entre les deux", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Appuyez longuement sur un autre élément pour tout sélectionner entre", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifier la date et l'heure", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Date", + "timeSubtitle": "Heure", + "dateYearInputHint": "Année", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Mois", + "dateDayInputHint": "Jour", + "timeHourInputHint": "Heure", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minute", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Seconde", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valeure invalide", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Échec de la modification de la date et de l'heure", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Choisissez les dossiers à associer", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Seules les photos des dossiers associés seront incluses dans cet album", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importer des dossiers", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importer des dossiers sous forme d'albums", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Les dossiers suggérés sont répertoriés ci-dessous. Selon le nombre de fichiers sur votre serveur, cela peut prendre un certain temps", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTER", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importation de dossiers", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Terminé", + "editTooltip": "Modifier", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Un compte existe déjà avec les mêmes paramètres", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "S'il vous plaît, attendez", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Trier", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Trier par", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Le plus âgé en premier", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Le plus récent d'abord", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nom de fichier", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nom de fichier (descendant)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nom d'album", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom d'album (inversé)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuel", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Appuyez longuement sur un élément et faites-le glisser pour le réorganiser manuellement", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Ajouter du texte", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Partager", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Sélectionnez quelques photos à partager", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Téléchargement", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Chercher", + "clearTooltip": "Nettoyer", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Aucun résultat", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Vide", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Corbeille", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Restaurer", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Restauration d'1 élément} other{Restauration de {count} éléments}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été restaurés avec succès", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la restauration de 1 élément} other{Échec de la restauration de {count} éléments}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restauration de l'élément", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Élément restauré avec succès", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Échec de la restauration de l'élément", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Supprimer définitivement", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Supprimer définitivement", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Les éléments sélectionnés seront supprimés définitivement du serveur.\n\nCette action est irréversible", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Partagé", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Traitement des métadonnées de l'image en arrière-plan", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "En attente du Wi-Fi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURER", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Utiliser comme couverture d'album", + "helpTooltip": "Aide", + "helpButtonLabel": "AIDE", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Retirer de l'album", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Journal des modifications", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Le certificat du serveur ne peut pas être approuvé", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Le serveur peut être piraté ou quelqu'un essaie de voler vos informations", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANCÉ", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Certificat inconnu de la liste blanche ?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Vous pouvez ajouter le certificat à la liste blanche pour que l'application l'accepte. AVERTISSEMENT : Cela pose un grand risque pour la sécurité. Assurez-vous que le certificat est auto-signé par vous ou une partie de confiance\n\nHôte : {host}\nEmpreinte digitale : {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACCEPTER LE RISQUE ET AJOUTER À LA LISTE BLANCHE", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Partagé avec vous par cet utilisateur", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Vider la corbeille", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Vider la corbeille", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tous les éléments seront définitivement supprimés du serveur.\n\nCette action est irréversible", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Enlever la couverture", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Mettre en sourdine", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Rétablir le son", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Personnes", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Diaporama", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configuration diaporama", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Durée image (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mélanger", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Répéter", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverser", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Lien copié", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Partager comme", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Aperçu", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Partager un aperçu de plus basse qualité aux autres application (ne supporte que les images)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Fichier original", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Télécharge le fichier original et le partage aux autres applications", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Lien public", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Créez un nouveau lien public sur le serveur. Toute personne disposant du lien peut accéder au fichier", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Lien protégé par mot de passe", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Créer un nouveau lien protégé par mot de passe sur le serveur", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Partage", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Dernier partage le {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé avec vous le {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé un album avec vous le {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Partagé avec", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Annuler le partage", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Partage supprimé", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Emplacement", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ne prend pas en charge le lien de partage pour plusieurs fichiers. L'application copiera à la place les fichiers dans un nouveau dossier et partagera le dossier à la place.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Nom de dossier", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer le nom du dossier", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contient des caractères non valides", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Créé un partage", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la copie de 1 élément} other{Échec de la copie de {count} éléments}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Supprimer le dossier ?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ce dossier a été créé par l'application pour partager plusieurs fichiers sous forme de lien. Il n'est désormais plus partagé avec aucun tiers, voulez-vous supprimer ce dossier ?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Ajouter à la collection", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Partager avec un utilisateur", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album partagé avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Suppression de partage de l'album avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Fixer les partages", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Réparer", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Tout réparer", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Non partagé avec {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Partagé avec {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "DÉFAUT", + "addUserInputHint": "Ajouter un utilisateur", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Présentation de l'album partagé", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "L'album partagé permet à plusieurs utilisateurs sur le même serveur d'accéder au même album. Veuillez lire attentivement les limitations avant de continuer", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "EN APPRENDRE PLUS", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Mise à jour de la base de données", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Échec de la migration de la base de données", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Il y a 1 an} other{Il y a {count} ans}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Dossier personnel introuvable", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Veuillez corriger l'URL WebDAV indiquée ci-dessous. Vous pouvez trouver l'URL dans l'interface Web de Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez saisir le nom de votre dossier personnel", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nouvelle collection", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Afficher les photos que vous avez ajoutées de n'importe où sur le serveur", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Dossier", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Afficher les photos dans un dossier", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoris", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Favoris", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Ajouté aux favoris", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Supprimer des favoris", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Supprimé des favoris", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Échec de la suppression des favoris", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Afficher les photos avec des tags spécifiques", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Ajouter un tag", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Veuillez ajouter au moins 1 tag", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Arrêt du service", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "La batterie est faible", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Améliorer", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "AMÉLIORER", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Amélioré vos photos", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Vos photos sont traîter sur l'appareil. Par défaut, elle sont réduite à 2048x1546. Vous pouvez ajuster la résolution dans les paramètres", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Amélioration pour basse lumière", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Augmente la luminosité des photos prise en environnement peu lumineux", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Luminosité", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edité (local)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Les éléments sélectionné serons supprimer définitivement de l'appareil.\n\nCette action n'est pas réversible", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Flou d'arrière plan", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Ajoute un effet de flou a l'arrière de vos photos, fonctionne mieux pour les portraits", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Niveau de flou", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolution (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Augmente la résolution de vos photos par 4 (voir l'aide pour plus de détail sur la résolution maximum)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfert de style", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Choisissez un style", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transferer le style d'une image de référence sur vos photos", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Choisissez un style", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Augmenter le contraste", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desature l'arrière plan des photos, fonctionne mieux avec les portraits", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Poids", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Retouche automatique", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retouche automatiquement vos photos, ameliore l'éclat des couleurs", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Tapper une deuxième fois pour quitter", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Quitter sans enregistrer ?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Vos changements ne sont pas sauvegardés", + "discardButtonLabel": "Quitter", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Sauvegarder", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Luminosité", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Contraste", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Point blanc", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Point noir", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturation", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Chaleur", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Teinte", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Aperçu des modifications", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Couleur", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transformation", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientation", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "h", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ah", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Rogner", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Catégories", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vidéos", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRES", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtres", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "APPLIQUER", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Tous", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Vrai", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Faux", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Type", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Image", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "images", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vidéo", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vidéos", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favoris", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoris", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "Non favoris", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "Tous", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "A proximité de {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "A propos", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "La localisation affiché n'est qu'une estimation et n'est pas garantie d'être exact. Ceci ne represente en rien notre point de vu sur des espaces disputés.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Localisation", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Sauvegarder", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Sélectionner où sauvegarder les images traitées. Si vous choisissez sur le serveur mais que l'envoi échoué, l'image sera sauvegardée sur l'appareil", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "APPAREIL", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVEUR", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Synchronisation avec le serveur pour la première fois", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Répéter", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "La création de la collection a échouée", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Ajouter a la collection", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "L'ajout a la collection a échoué", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Le changement de la couverture a échoué", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Exporter", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exporter la collection", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Albums Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Albums sur le serveur, requiert Nextcloud 25 ou plus récent", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "La suppression des collections a échouée", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Accès non authentifié. Veuillez vous reconnecter si le problème persiste", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Impossible de se connecter. Le serveur peut être hors ligne ou votre appareil peut être déconnecté", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Le fichier est verrouillé sur le serveur. Veuillez réessayer plus tard", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Impossible de communiquer. Veuillez vous assurer que l'adresse est l'URL de base de votre instance Nextcloud", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Impossible à authentifier. Veuillez vérifier le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Erreur du serveur. Veuillez vous assurer que le serveur est correctement configuré", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Impossible de modifier cet album car il a été créé par une version ultérieure de cette application. Veuillez mettre à jour l'application et réessayer", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Exiger une autorisation d'accès au stockage", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Métadonnées", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Application de reconnaissance faciale", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Utiliser les couleurs système", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "COULEURS SYSTÈME", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Appuyer sur paramètres pour changer de fournisseur ou aide pour en savoir plus", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Paramètres du compte", + "contributorsTooltip": "Contributeur", + "setAsTooltip": "Utiliser comme", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Vous êtes sur le point de vous déconnecter de {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb index d4f41d1f..87bf356d 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb @@ -1,1447 +1,1447 @@ { - "appTitle": "Photos", - "translator": "Albe", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Foto", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Collezioni", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Aggiorna", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Impostazioni", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, one {1 selezionato} other {{count} selezionati}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Eliminando 1 elemento} other {Eliminando {count} elementi}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati eliminati correttamente", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one {Fallita l'eliminazione di un elemento} other {Fallita l'eliminazione di {count} elementi}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archivio", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Archiviando 1 elemento} other {Archiviando {count} elementi}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati archiviati con successo", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Fallita archiviazione di 1 elemento} other {Fallita archiviazione di {count} elementi}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Rimuovi dall'archivio", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one {1 elemento ripristinato} other {{count} elementi ripristinati}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati rimossi dall'archivio con successo", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one {Non è stato possibile rimuovere 1 elemento dall'archivio} other {Non è stato possibile rimuovere {count} elementi dall'archivio}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Elimina", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminazione elemento in corso", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Elemento cancellato correttamente", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Fallita cancellazione elemento", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Fallita rimozione di elementi dall'album", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Aggiungi server", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} rimosso con successo", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Crea album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0 {Vuoto} one {1 elemento} other {{count} elementi}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archivio", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Connessione a\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "In attesa di autorizzazione dal server", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Per favore accedi attraverso il browser aperto", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nome", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Il nome è necessario", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "SALTA", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFERMA", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Accedi al server Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Usa la password per app se hai attivato l'autenticazione a due fattori nel server", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nAccedi", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Indirizzo del server", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci l'indirizzo del server", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Nome utente", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore scrivi il tuo nome utente", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Password", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci la tua password", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Scegli le cartelle da includere", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Verranno mostrate solo le foto all'interno delle cartelle. Premi Salta per includerle tutte", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(indietro)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Fallita deselezione elemento", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favore seleziona almeno una cartella o premi salta per includerle tutte", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Cominciamo", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Puoi cambiare scelta più tardi nelle Impostazioni", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Questa app crea una cartella nel server Nextcloud per salvare i file relativo alle tue preferenze. Per favore non modificarla o rimuoverla a meno che tu non stia pianificando di rimuovere questa app", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Impostazioni", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Lingua", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Impostazione di sistema", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Supporto EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Richiede un uso extra di dati", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa EXIF solo attraverso Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Potrebbero essere applicati costi relativi al traffico dati", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Ricordi", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra foto scattate in passato", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Account", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etichetta", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Imposta una etichetta da mostrare al posto del URL del server", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Cartelle incluse", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Cartella condivisa", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localizza la cartella condivisa", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Questo parametro corrisponde a share_folder in config.PHP. I due valori DEVONO essere identici.\n\nPer favore definisci il percorso della cartella come in config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Per favore definisci il percorso della cartella come in config.php. Seleziona default de non hai impostato il parametro.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Supporto all'app lato server", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Personalizza i contenuti mostrati nella tab Foto", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Intervallo dei ricordi", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} giorno} other{+-{range} giorni}}\n", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Vista", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Personalizza la vista di immagini/video", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosità dello schermo", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Sovrascrivi il livello di luminosità di sistema", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignora il blocco della rotazione", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Ruota lo schermo anche quando la rotazione automatica è disabilitata", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Fornitore di mappe", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Raggruppa le foto per data", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Si applica solo quando l'album viene ordinato per data", - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personalizza i miglioramenti e l'editor dell'immagine", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Risoluzione dell'immagine per i miglioramenti", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Le immagini più grandi della risoluzione selezionata verranno scalate.\n\nLe immagini ad alta risoluzione richiedono memoria e tempo di processo significativamente più lunghi. Per favore riduci gquesto parametro se l'app va in crash durante il miglioramento delle tue foto.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Salva i risultati sul server", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "I risultati sono salvati sul server, il salvataggio locale è fallito", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "I risultati sono salvati su questo dispositivo", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Personalizza l'aspetto dell'app", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segui il tema di sistema", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Colore del tema", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Usato per derivare tutti i colori dell'app", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Seleziona un colore", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema più scuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usa il nero nel tema scuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Usa grigio scuro nel tema scuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varie", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Doppio tap per uscire", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordina per nome del file in Photos", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Sperimentale", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Feature non ancora pronte per l'uso quotidiano", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Avanzate", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favore assicurati di capire a fondo cosa fa ciascuna opzione prima di procedere", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Pulisci il database", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Pulisci la cache e ripeti la sincronizzazione completa con il server", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Il database è stato pulito con successo. È raccomandato il riavvio dell'app.", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Altro", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Versione", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Codice sorgente", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Riporta un problema", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Cattura i log", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Aiuta gli sviluppatori a identificare bug", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traduttore", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Fallita impostazione preferenza", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "ABILITA", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Abilitare il supporto EXIF renderà disponibili vari metadati come la data dello scatto, il modello della macchinetta fotografica, ecc... Per leggere questi metadati verranno utilizzato maggiori dati per scaricare la foto a piena scala. L'app comincerà a scaricare solo quando connessa a una rete Wi-Fi", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Abilitare supporto EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Per registrare un log per riportare un bug:\n\n1. Abilita questa opzione\n2. Riproduci il problema\n3. Disabilita questa opzione\n4. Cerca il file nc-photos.log nella cartella Download\n\n* Non sarà generaro alcun log se il problema causa il crash dell'app. In questo caso contatta gli sviluppatori per avere ulteriori istruzioni", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Log salvato con successo", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "FATTO", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "PROSSIMO", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "CONNETTI", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tutti i tuoi file saranno inclusi\n Questo aumenterà l'utilizzo di memoria e degraderà le prestazioni", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Dettagli", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Scarica", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "File in scaricamento", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "File scaricato correttamente", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Scaricamento del file fallito", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Successivo", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Precedente", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Tieni premuto e clicca per selezionare tutto nell'intervallo", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Tieni premuto un altro elemento per selezionare tutto nell'intervallo", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data e l'ora", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Data", - "timeSubtitle": "Ora", - "dateYearInputHint": "Anno", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Mese", - "dateDayInputHint": "Giorno", - "timeHourInputHint": "Ora", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Secondo", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valore non valido", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Modifica di ora e data fallita", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Seleziona le cartelle da associare", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Solo le foto nelle cartelle da associare saranno incluse in questo album", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favore seleziona almeno una cartella", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importa cartelle", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importa le cartelle come album", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Le cartelle suggerite sono elencate in basso. A seconda del numero di file nel tuo server ci può mettere un po'", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTA", - "albumImporterProgressText": "importazione delle cartelle in corso", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Fatto", - "editTooltip": "Modifica", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Esiste già un account con le stesse impostazioni", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Attendi per favore", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Ordina", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Ordina per", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Prima i più vecchi", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Prima i più recenti", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nome del file", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nome del file (decrescente)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nome dell'album", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nome dell'album (decrescente)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuale", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Tieni premuto e sposta un elemento per riposizionarlo manualmente", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Aggiungi testo", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Condividi", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Seleziona alcune foto da condividere", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Scaricamento in corso", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Cerca", - "clearTooltip": "Pulisci", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Nessun risultato", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Vuoto", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Cestino", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Ripristina", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Ripristino 1 elemento} other{Ripristino {count} elementi}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutto gli elementi sono stati ripristinati", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Ripristino 1 elemento fallito} other{Ripristino {count} elementi fallito}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Ripristino in corso", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Elementi ripristinati correttamente", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Ripristino fallito", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Elimina definitivamente", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Eliminato definitivamente", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Gli elementi elezionati verranno cancellati definitivamente dal server", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Condiviso", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Processando i metadati delle immagini in background", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "In attesa di Wi-Fi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAZIONE", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Usa come copertina dell'album", - "helpTooltip": "Aiuto", - "helpButtonLabel": "AIUTO", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Rimuovi dall'album", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Registro delle modifiche", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Il certificato del server non è sicuro", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Il server può essere stato compromesso oppure qualcuno sta cercando di rubare le tue informazioni", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANZATE", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Vuoi accettare un certificato sconosciuto?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "È possibile inserire il certificato nella lista bianca per far sì che l'applicazione lo accetti. ATTENZIONE: questo comporta un grande rischio per la sicurezza. Assicuratevi che il certificato sia autofirmato da voi o da una persona fidata\n\nHost: {host}\nImpronta digitale: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACCETTA IL RISCHIO E METTI IN LISTA BIANCA", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Condiviso con te da questo utente", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Svuota il cestino", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Svuota il cestino", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tutti gli elementi saranno cancellati permanentemente dal server.\n\nQuesta azione non è reversibile.", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Rimuovi copertina", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Silenzia", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Persone", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Imposta slideshow", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Durata dell'immagine (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mischia", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Ripeti", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverti", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Link copiato", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Condividi come", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Anteprima", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Condividi con altre app una anteprima di qualità ridotta (solo immagini)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "File originale", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Scarica il file originale e condividilo con altre app", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Collegamento pubblico", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Crea un nuovo collegamento pubblico sul server. Chiunque abbia il collegamento può accedere al file", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Collegamento protetto da password", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Crea un nuovo collegamento protetto da password al server", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Condivisione", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Ultima condivisione il {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} ha condiviso con te il {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} ha condiviso con te un albun il {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Condiviso con", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Rimuovi condivisione", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Condivisione rimossa", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Luogo", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud non supporta collegamenti di condivisione a file multipli. L'app invece COPIA i file un una nuova cartella e condivide la cartella.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Nome della cartella", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci il nome della cartella", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contiene caratteri non validi", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Creando la condivisione", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Copia 1 elemento fallita} other{Copia {count} elementi fallita}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Cancellare la cartella?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Questa cartella è stata creata dall'app per condividere più file come link. Ora non è più condivisa con alcuno, vuoi cancellarla?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Aggiungi a Collezioni", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Condividi con", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album condiviso con {user}, ma alcuni file non sono stati condivisi per un problema", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "La condivisione dell'album è stata rimossa con {user}, ma è fallita per alcuni file", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Aggiusta le condivisioni", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Aggiusta", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Aggiusta tutto", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Non condiviso con {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Condiviso con {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "PREDEFINITO", - "addUserInputHint": "Aggiungi utente", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Album condiviso", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Gli album condivisi permettono a più utenti dello stesso server di accedere allo stesso album. Per favore leggi attentamente le limitazioni prima di procedere", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "MOSTRA DI PIÙ", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aggiornando il databasw", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Migrazione del database fallita", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one {1 anno fa} other {{count} anni fa}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "La cartella home non è stata trovata", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Per favore correggi l'URL WebDAV qui sotto. Puoi trovare l'URL nell'interfaccia web di Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci il nome della tua cartella home", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nuova collezione", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Mostra le foto aggiunte da te nel server", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Cartella", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Mostra le foto dentro una cartella", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Preferiti", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Preferito", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Aggiunto ai preferiti", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Non aggiunto ai preferiti per un problema", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Rimovi dai preferiti", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Rimosso dai preferiti", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Non rimosso dai preferiti per errore", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Mostra le foto con un tag specifico", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Aggiungi tag", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Per favore aggiungi almeno un tag", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Fermando il servizio", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "La batteria è scarica", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Migliora", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "MIGLIORA", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Migliora le tue foto", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Le tue foto sono processate localmente nel tuo dispositivo. Sono ridotte a 2048x1536 per preimpostazione. Puoi modificare la risoluzione di uscita su Impostazioni", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Migliora sottoesposizione", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Aumenta la luminosità delle foto sottoesposte", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Luminosità", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Modificata (localmente)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Gli elementi selezionati saranno eliminati permanentemente dal dispositivo.\n\nQuesta azione è irreversibile", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Sfocatura del ritratto", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Sfoca lo sfondo delle tue foto, funziona al meglio con i ritratti", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Sfocatura", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super risoluzione (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Quadruplica la risoluzione delle tue foto (consulta la guida per dettagli su come si applica la massima risoluzione)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Trasferisci stile", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Scegli uno stile", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Trasferisci lo stile dell'immagine da una immagine di riferimento alle tue foto", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Scegli uno stile", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desatura lo sfondo, funziona al meglio con i primi piani", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Peso", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto ritocco", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Ritocca automaticamente le tue foto, migliora il colore e vitalità", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Un altro tap per uscire", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Scarti le modifiche?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Le tue modifiche non sono state salvate", - "discardButtonLabel": "SCARTA", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Salva", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Luminosità", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Contrasto", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Punto bianco", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Punto nero", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturazione", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Calore", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Tinta", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Anteprima modifiche", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Colore", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Trasforma", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientamento", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "orario", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "antiorario", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Taglia", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Categorie", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Video", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRI", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Cerca filtri", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "APPLICA", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Qualunque", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Vero", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Falso", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Immagine", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "immagini", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "video", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Preferito", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "preferiti", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "non preferiti", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRA TUTTO", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Vicinanze {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Info sul posto", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "La posizione è approssimativa e non c'è garanzia circa l'accuratezza. Non rappresenta la nostra visione su alcuna area disputata.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Luoghi", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Salvataggio del riaultato", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Seleziona dove salvare le immagini processate. Se hai scelto di salvarle sul server e l'app non riesce a caricarle, verranno salvare sul tuo dispositivo.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "DISPOSITIVO", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Prima sincronizzazione con il server", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Ciclo", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Fallita la creazione di una collezione", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Aggiungi a collezione", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Non aggiunto alla collezione per un problema", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Copertina non impostata per un problema", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Esporta", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Esporta collezione", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Gli album su server richiedono Nextcloud 25 o superiore", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Qualche collezione non è stata rimossa per un problema", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Accesso non autenticato. Accedi nuovamente se il problema persiste", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Impossibile connettersi. Il server può essere offline o il tuo dispositivo può essere disconnesso", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Il file è bloccato nel server. Riprova più tardi", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Impossibile comunicare. Verifica che l'indirizzo sia l'URL di base della tua istanza Nextcloud", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Impossibile autenticarsi. Verifica nome utente e password", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Errore del server. Verifica la configurazione del server", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Non è possibile modificare l'album perché creato con una versione successiva di questa app. Aggiorna l'app e riprova", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Richiede il permesso di accedere all'archivio", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadati del file", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Usa in colori di sistema", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "USA I COLORI DI SISTEMA", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Premere impostazioni per cambiare fornitore o premere aiuto per saperne di più", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Impostazioni account", - "contributorsTooltip": "Contributori", - "setAsTooltip": "Imposta come", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Stai per scollegarti da {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Photos", + "translator": "Albe", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Foto", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Collezioni", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Aggiorna", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Impostazioni", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, one {1 selezionato} other {{count} selezionati}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Eliminando 1 elemento} other {Eliminando {count} elementi}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati eliminati correttamente", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one {Fallita l'eliminazione di un elemento} other {Fallita l'eliminazione di {count} elementi}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archivio", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Archiviando 1 elemento} other {Archiviando {count} elementi}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati archiviati con successo", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Fallita archiviazione di 1 elemento} other {Fallita archiviazione di {count} elementi}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Rimuovi dall'archivio", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one {1 elemento ripristinato} other {{count} elementi ripristinati}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutti gli elementi sono stati rimossi dall'archivio con successo", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one {Non è stato possibile rimuovere 1 elemento dall'archivio} other {Non è stato possibile rimuovere {count} elementi dall'archivio}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Elimina", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminazione elemento in corso", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Elemento cancellato correttamente", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Fallita cancellazione elemento", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Fallita rimozione di elementi dall'album", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Aggiungi server", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} rimosso con successo", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Crea album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0 {Vuoto} one {1 elemento} other {{count} elementi}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archivio", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Connessione a\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "In attesa di autorizzazione dal server", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Per favore accedi attraverso il browser aperto", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nome", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Il nome è necessario", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "SALTA", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFERMA", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Accedi al server Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Usa la password per app se hai attivato l'autenticazione a due fattori nel server", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nAccedi", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Indirizzo del server", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci l'indirizzo del server", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Nome utente", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore scrivi il tuo nome utente", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Password", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci la tua password", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Scegli le cartelle da includere", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Verranno mostrate solo le foto all'interno delle cartelle. Premi Salta per includerle tutte", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(indietro)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Fallita deselezione elemento", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favore seleziona almeno una cartella o premi salta per includerle tutte", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Cominciamo", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Puoi cambiare scelta più tardi nelle Impostazioni", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Questa app crea una cartella nel server Nextcloud per salvare i file relativo alle tue preferenze. Per favore non modificarla o rimuoverla a meno che tu non stia pianificando di rimuovere questa app", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Impostazioni", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Lingua", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Impostazione di sistema", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Supporto EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Richiede un uso extra di dati", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa EXIF solo attraverso Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Potrebbero essere applicati costi relativi al traffico dati", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Ricordi", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra foto scattate in passato", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Account", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etichetta", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Imposta una etichetta da mostrare al posto del URL del server", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Cartelle incluse", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Cartella condivisa", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localizza la cartella condivisa", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Questo parametro corrisponde a share_folder in config.PHP. I due valori DEVONO essere identici.\n\nPer favore definisci il percorso della cartella come in config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Per favore definisci il percorso della cartella come in config.php. Seleziona default de non hai impostato il parametro.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Supporto all'app lato server", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Personalizza i contenuti mostrati nella tab Foto", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Intervallo dei ricordi", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} giorno} other{+-{range} giorni}}\n", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Vista", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Personalizza la vista di immagini/video", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosità dello schermo", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Sovrascrivi il livello di luminosità di sistema", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignora il blocco della rotazione", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Ruota lo schermo anche quando la rotazione automatica è disabilitata", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Fornitore di mappe", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Raggruppa le foto per data", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Si applica solo quando l'album viene ordinato per data", + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Personalizza i miglioramenti e l'editor dell'immagine", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Risoluzione dell'immagine per i miglioramenti", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Le immagini più grandi della risoluzione selezionata verranno scalate.\n\nLe immagini ad alta risoluzione richiedono memoria e tempo di processo significativamente più lunghi. Per favore riduci gquesto parametro se l'app va in crash durante il miglioramento delle tue foto.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Salva i risultati sul server", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "I risultati sono salvati sul server, il salvataggio locale è fallito", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "I risultati sono salvati su questo dispositivo", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Personalizza l'aspetto dell'app", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segui il tema di sistema", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Colore del tema", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Usato per derivare tutti i colori dell'app", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Seleziona un colore", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema più scuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usa il nero nel tema scuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Usa grigio scuro nel tema scuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varie", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Doppio tap per uscire", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordina per nome del file in Photos", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Sperimentale", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Feature non ancora pronte per l'uso quotidiano", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Avanzate", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favore assicurati di capire a fondo cosa fa ciascuna opzione prima di procedere", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Pulisci il database", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Pulisci la cache e ripeti la sincronizzazione completa con il server", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Il database è stato pulito con successo. È raccomandato il riavvio dell'app.", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Altro", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Versione", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Codice sorgente", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Riporta un problema", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Cattura i log", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Aiuta gli sviluppatori a identificare bug", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traduttore", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Fallita impostazione preferenza", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "ABILITA", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Abilitare il supporto EXIF renderà disponibili vari metadati come la data dello scatto, il modello della macchinetta fotografica, ecc... Per leggere questi metadati verranno utilizzato maggiori dati per scaricare la foto a piena scala. L'app comincerà a scaricare solo quando connessa a una rete Wi-Fi", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Abilitare supporto EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Per registrare un log per riportare un bug:\n\n1. Abilita questa opzione\n2. Riproduci il problema\n3. Disabilita questa opzione\n4. Cerca il file nc-photos.log nella cartella Download\n\n* Non sarà generaro alcun log se il problema causa il crash dell'app. In questo caso contatta gli sviluppatori per avere ulteriori istruzioni", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Log salvato con successo", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "FATTO", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "PROSSIMO", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "CONNETTI", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tutti i tuoi file saranno inclusi\n Questo aumenterà l'utilizzo di memoria e degraderà le prestazioni", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Dettagli", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Scarica", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "File in scaricamento", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "File scaricato correttamente", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Scaricamento del file fallito", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Successivo", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Precedente", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Tieni premuto e clicca per selezionare tutto nell'intervallo", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Tieni premuto un altro elemento per selezionare tutto nell'intervallo", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data e l'ora", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Data", + "timeSubtitle": "Ora", + "dateYearInputHint": "Anno", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Mese", + "dateDayInputHint": "Giorno", + "timeHourInputHint": "Ora", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Secondo", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valore non valido", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Modifica di ora e data fallita", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Seleziona le cartelle da associare", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Solo le foto nelle cartelle da associare saranno incluse in questo album", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favore seleziona almeno una cartella", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importa cartelle", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importa le cartelle come album", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Le cartelle suggerite sono elencate in basso. A seconda del numero di file nel tuo server ci può mettere un po'", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTA", + "albumImporterProgressText": "importazione delle cartelle in corso", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Fatto", + "editTooltip": "Modifica", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Esiste già un account con le stesse impostazioni", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Attendi per favore", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Ordina", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Ordina per", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Prima i più vecchi", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Prima i più recenti", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nome del file", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nome del file (decrescente)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nome dell'album", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nome dell'album (decrescente)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuale", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Tieni premuto e sposta un elemento per riposizionarlo manualmente", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Aggiungi testo", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Condividi", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Seleziona alcune foto da condividere", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Scaricamento in corso", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Cerca", + "clearTooltip": "Pulisci", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Nessun risultato", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Vuoto", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Cestino", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Ripristina", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Ripristino 1 elemento} other{Ripristino {count} elementi}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tutto gli elementi sono stati ripristinati", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Ripristino 1 elemento fallito} other{Ripristino {count} elementi fallito}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Ripristino in corso", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Elementi ripristinati correttamente", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Ripristino fallito", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Elimina definitivamente", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Eliminato definitivamente", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Gli elementi elezionati verranno cancellati definitivamente dal server", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Condiviso", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Processando i metadati delle immagini in background", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "In attesa di Wi-Fi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAZIONE", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Usa come copertina dell'album", + "helpTooltip": "Aiuto", + "helpButtonLabel": "AIUTO", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Rimuovi dall'album", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Registro delle modifiche", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Il certificato del server non è sicuro", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Il server può essere stato compromesso oppure qualcuno sta cercando di rubare le tue informazioni", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANZATE", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Vuoi accettare un certificato sconosciuto?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "È possibile inserire il certificato nella lista bianca per far sì che l'applicazione lo accetti. ATTENZIONE: questo comporta un grande rischio per la sicurezza. Assicuratevi che il certificato sia autofirmato da voi o da una persona fidata\n\nHost: {host}\nImpronta digitale: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACCETTA IL RISCHIO E METTI IN LISTA BIANCA", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Condiviso con te da questo utente", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Svuota il cestino", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Svuota il cestino", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tutti gli elementi saranno cancellati permanentemente dal server.\n\nQuesta azione non è reversibile.", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Rimuovi copertina", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Silenzia", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Persone", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Imposta slideshow", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Durata dell'immagine (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mischia", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Ripeti", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverti", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Link copiato", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Condividi come", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Anteprima", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Condividi con altre app una anteprima di qualità ridotta (solo immagini)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "File originale", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Scarica il file originale e condividilo con altre app", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Collegamento pubblico", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Crea un nuovo collegamento pubblico sul server. Chiunque abbia il collegamento può accedere al file", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Collegamento protetto da password", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Crea un nuovo collegamento protetto da password al server", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Condivisione", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Ultima condivisione il {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} ha condiviso con te il {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} ha condiviso con te un albun il {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Condiviso con", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Rimuovi condivisione", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Condivisione rimossa", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Luogo", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud non supporta collegamenti di condivisione a file multipli. L'app invece COPIA i file un una nuova cartella e condivide la cartella.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Nome della cartella", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci il nome della cartella", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contiene caratteri non validi", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Creando la condivisione", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Copia 1 elemento fallita} other{Copia {count} elementi fallita}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Cancellare la cartella?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Questa cartella è stata creata dall'app per condividere più file come link. Ora non è più condivisa con alcuno, vuoi cancellarla?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Aggiungi a Collezioni", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Condividi con", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album condiviso con {user}, ma alcuni file non sono stati condivisi per un problema", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "La condivisione dell'album è stata rimossa con {user}, ma è fallita per alcuni file", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Aggiusta le condivisioni", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Aggiusta", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Aggiusta tutto", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Non condiviso con {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Condiviso con {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "PREDEFINITO", + "addUserInputHint": "Aggiungi utente", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Album condiviso", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Gli album condivisi permettono a più utenti dello stesso server di accedere allo stesso album. Per favore leggi attentamente le limitazioni prima di procedere", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "MOSTRA DI PIÙ", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aggiornando il databasw", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Migrazione del database fallita", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one {1 anno fa} other {{count} anni fa}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "La cartella home non è stata trovata", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Per favore correggi l'URL WebDAV qui sotto. Puoi trovare l'URL nell'interfaccia web di Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favore inserisci il nome della tua cartella home", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nuova collezione", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Mostra le foto aggiunte da te nel server", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Cartella", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Mostra le foto dentro una cartella", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Preferiti", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Preferito", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Aggiunto ai preferiti", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Non aggiunto ai preferiti per un problema", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Rimovi dai preferiti", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Rimosso dai preferiti", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Non rimosso dai preferiti per errore", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Mostra le foto con un tag specifico", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Aggiungi tag", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Per favore aggiungi almeno un tag", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Fermando il servizio", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "La batteria è scarica", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Migliora", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "MIGLIORA", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Migliora le tue foto", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Le tue foto sono processate localmente nel tuo dispositivo. Sono ridotte a 2048x1536 per preimpostazione. Puoi modificare la risoluzione di uscita su Impostazioni", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Migliora sottoesposizione", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Aumenta la luminosità delle foto sottoesposte", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Luminosità", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Modificata (localmente)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Gli elementi selezionati saranno eliminati permanentemente dal dispositivo.\n\nQuesta azione è irreversibile", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Sfocatura del ritratto", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Sfoca lo sfondo delle tue foto, funziona al meglio con i ritratti", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Sfocatura", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super risoluzione (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Quadruplica la risoluzione delle tue foto (consulta la guida per dettagli su come si applica la massima risoluzione)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Trasferisci stile", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Scegli uno stile", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Trasferisci lo stile dell'immagine da una immagine di riferimento alle tue foto", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Scegli uno stile", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desatura lo sfondo, funziona al meglio con i primi piani", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Peso", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto ritocco", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Ritocca automaticamente le tue foto, migliora il colore e vitalità", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Un altro tap per uscire", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Scarti le modifiche?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Le tue modifiche non sono state salvate", + "discardButtonLabel": "SCARTA", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Salva", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Luminosità", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Contrasto", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Punto bianco", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Punto nero", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturazione", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Calore", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Tinta", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Anteprima modifiche", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Colore", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Trasforma", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientamento", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "orario", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "antiorario", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Taglia", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Categorie", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Video", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRI", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Cerca filtri", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "APPLICA", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Qualunque", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Vero", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Falso", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Immagine", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "immagini", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "video", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Preferito", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "preferiti", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "non preferiti", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRA TUTTO", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Vicinanze {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Info sul posto", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "La posizione è approssimativa e non c'è garanzia circa l'accuratezza. Non rappresenta la nostra visione su alcuna area disputata.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Luoghi", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Salvataggio del riaultato", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Seleziona dove salvare le immagini processate. Se hai scelto di salvarle sul server e l'app non riesce a caricarle, verranno salvare sul tuo dispositivo.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "DISPOSITIVO", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVER", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Prima sincronizzazione con il server", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Ciclo", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Fallita la creazione di una collezione", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Aggiungi a collezione", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Non aggiunto alla collezione per un problema", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Copertina non impostata per un problema", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Esporta", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Esporta collezione", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Gli album su server richiedono Nextcloud 25 o superiore", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Qualche collezione non è stata rimossa per un problema", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Accesso non autenticato. Accedi nuovamente se il problema persiste", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Impossibile connettersi. Il server può essere offline o il tuo dispositivo può essere disconnesso", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Il file è bloccato nel server. Riprova più tardi", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Impossibile comunicare. Verifica che l'indirizzo sia l'URL di base della tua istanza Nextcloud", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Impossibile autenticarsi. Verifica nome utente e password", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Errore del server. Verifica la configurazione del server", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Non è possibile modificare l'album perché creato con una versione successiva di questa app. Aggiorna l'app e riprova", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Richiede il permesso di accedere all'archivio", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadati del file", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Usa in colori di sistema", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "USA I COLORI DI SISTEMA", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Premere impostazioni per cambiare fornitore o premere aiuto per saperne di più", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Impostazioni account", + "contributorsTooltip": "Contributori", + "setAsTooltip": "Imposta come", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Stai per scollegarti da {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb index 0fd5f038..922ad756 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb @@ -1,139 +1,139 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotos", - "translator": "Micha", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Verzamelingen", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Ververs", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Instellingen", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} geselecteerd}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle items succesvol verwijderd", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archief", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Verwijder item", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Item succesvol verwijderd", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Verwijderen van items mislukt", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Verwijderen van items uit het album mislukt", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Server toevoegen", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} succesvol verwijderd", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Nieuw album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 item} other{{count} items}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archief", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Verbinding maken met {server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Wacht op authenticatie van de server", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Log in via de geopende browser", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Naam", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Naam is vereist", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "Overslaan", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "Bevestigen", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Inloggen op Nextcloud server", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Gebruik een app wachtwoord als je 2FA hebt geconfigureerd op de server", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nInlog", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Server adres", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - } + "appTitle": "Fotos", + "translator": "Micha", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Verzamelingen", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Ververs", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Instellingen", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} geselecteerd}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Alle items succesvol verwijderd", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archief", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Verwijder item", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Item succesvol verwijderd", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Verwijderen van items mislukt", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Verwijderen van items uit het album mislukt", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Server toevoegen", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} succesvol verwijderd", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Nieuw album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 item} other{{count} items}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archief", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Verbinding maken met {server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Wacht op authenticatie van de server", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Log in via de geopende browser", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Naam", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Naam is vereist", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "Overslaan", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "Bevestigen", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Inloggen op Nextcloud server", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Gebruik een app wachtwoord als je 2FA hebt geconfigureerd op de server", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nInlog", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Server adres", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb index 061ac6d6..bfa80e5b 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb @@ -1,1446 +1,1446 @@ { - "appTitle": "Zdjęcia", - "translator": "szymok\nShieldziak", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Zdjęcia", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Kolekcje", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Powiększenie", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Odśwież", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Ustawienia", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{Wybrano {count}}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Usuwanie jednego elementu} other{Usuwanie elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały usunięte pomyślnie", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się usunąć jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się usunąć elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Archiwizuj", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archiwizacja jednego elementu} other{Archiwizacja elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały zarchiwizowane pomyślnie", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się zarchiwizować jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się zarchiwizować elementów w ilości {count}}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Przywróc z archiwum", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Przywracanie jednego elementu z archiwum} other{Przywracanie z archiwum elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały pomyślnie przywrócone z archiwum", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się przywrócić jednego elementu z archiwum} other{Nie udało się przywrócić elementów z archiwum w ilości: {count}}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Usuń", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Usuwanie elementu", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element usunięty pomyślnie", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć elementu", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć elementów z albumu", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Dodaj serwer", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Pomyślnie usunięto serwer {server}", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Nowy album", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Brak elementów} other{Liczba elementów w albumie: {count}}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiwum", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Łączenie z {server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Czekamy aż serwer nas autoryzuje", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Proszę zalogować się otwartą przeglądarką", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nazwa", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nazwa jest wymagana", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "POMIŃ", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "POTWIERDŹ", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Zaloguj się do serwera Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Jeśli korzystasz z weryfikacji dwuetapowej, użyj hasła aplikacji", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Logowanie Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Adres serwera", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać adres serwera", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Nazwa użytkownika", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę użytkownika", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Hasło", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać hasło", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Proszę wybrać foldery do uwzględnienia", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Wyświtlane będą wyłącznie zdjęcia wewnątrz folderów. Wciśnij Pomiń, aby uwzględnić wszystkie", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(WSTECZ)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Nie udało się odznaczyć elementu", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Proszę wybrać przynajmniej jeden folder, lub wcisnąć Pomiń, aby uwzględnić wszystkie", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Zaczynamy!", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Można to zmienić później w Ustawieniach", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Ta aplikacja tworzy folder na serwerze Nextcloud do przechowywania plików preferencji. Proszę go nie modyfikować ani nie usuwać, chyba że planujesz usunąć tę aplikację.", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ustawienia", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Język", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Domyślny systemu", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Wsparcie dla EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Wymaga dodatkowego wykorzystania sieci", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Przetwarzaj EXIF tylko przez Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Mogą obowiązywać opłaty za przesyłanie danych", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Wspomnienia", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Pokaż zdjęcia z przeszłości", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Konto", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etykieta", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Ustaw etykietę wyświetlaną zamiast adresu URL serwera", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Uwzględniane foldery", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Udostępnij folder", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Zlokalizuj folder udostępniany", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "To ustawienie odpowiada parametrowi share_folder w config.php. Obie wartości MUSZĄ być identyczne. Proszę zlokalizować ten sam folder, który jest ustawiony w config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Proszę zlokalizować ten sam folder, który jest ustawiony w config.php. Naciśnij domyślne jeśli nie ustawiłeś parametru.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Wsparcie dla aplikacji serwera", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Dostosuj zawartość wyświetlaną na karcie Zdjęcia", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Zakres wspomnień", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Przeglądarka", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Dostosowywanie przeglądarki obrazów/wideo", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Jasność ekranu", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Zastąp systemowe ustawienia jasności", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Zignoruj systemową blokadę orientacji ekranu", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Obracaj ekran nawet gdy autoobracanie jest wyłączone", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Dostawca map", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Grupuj zdjęcia według daty", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Zastosuj tylko wtedy, gdy album jest posortowany według czasu", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Edytor", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Dostosuj ulepszenia obrazu i edytor obrazów", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Zdjęcia większe niż wybrana rozdzielczość zostaną zmniejszone. Zdjęcia w wysokiej rozdzielczości wymagają znacznie więcej pamięci i czasu na przetwarzanie. Obniż to ustawienie, jeśli aplikacja uległa awarii podczas poprawiania zdjęć.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Zapisz rezultat na serwerze", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na serwerze, a w przypadku niepowodzenia wracają do pamięci urządzenia", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na tym urządzeniu", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Motyw", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Dostosuj wygląd aplikacji", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Zostosuj motyw systemu", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Kolor motywu", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Służy do ustawienia wszystkich kolorów używanych w aplikacji", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Wybierz kolor", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Ciemniejszy motyw", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Używaj czerni w ciemnym motywie", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Używaj szarości w ciemnym motywie", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Różne", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby wyjść", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Eksperymentalne", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funkcje, które nie są gotowe do codziennego użytku", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Zaawansowane", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Przed kontynuowaniem upewnij się, że w pełni rozumiesz działanie każdej opcji", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Wyczyść bazę danych plików", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Wyczyść informacje o pliku w pamięci podręcznej i uruchom pełną ponowną synchronizację z serwerem", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Baza danych została pomyślnie wyczyszczona. Sugerujemy ponowne uruchomienie aplikacji", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "O aplikacji", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Wersja", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serwer", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Kod źródłowy", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Zgłoś błąd", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Przechwyć logi", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Pomóż w diagnozowaniu błędów", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Translator", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Nie udało się ustawić preferencji", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "WŁĄCZ", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Włączenie obsługi EXIF spowoduje udostępnienie różnych metadanych, takich jak data wykonania zdjęcia, model aparatu itp. Aby odczytać te metadane, wymagane jest dodatkowe użycie sieci w celu pobrania oryginalnego obrazu w pełnym rozmiarze. Aplikacja rozpocznie pobieranie tylko wtedy, gdy jest podłączona do sieci Wi-Fi.", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Włączyć obsługę EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Aby pobrać logi do raportu o błędzie: \n1. Włącz to ustawienie:\n2. Wykonaj kroki generujące problem \n3. Wyłącz to ustawienie:\n4. Poszukaj pliku nc-photos.log w folderze pobierania* Jeśli problem spowoduje zawieszenie się aplikacji, nie będzie można przechwycić żadnych logów. W takim przypadku skontaktuj się z deweloperem, aby uzyskać dalsze instrukcje.", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logi zapisane pomyślnie", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "GOTOWE", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "NASTĘPNY", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "POŁĄCZ", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Wszystkie Twoje pliki zostaną uwzględnione. Może to zwiększyć użycie pamięci i pogorszyć wydajność", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Szczegóły", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Pobierz", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Pobieranie pliku", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Plik pobrany pomyślnie", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Nie udało się pobrać pliku", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Dalej", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Wstecz", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj shift i kliknij aby zazczyć elementy pomiędzy", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj inny element aby zazczyć elementy pomiędzy", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Zmień datę & czas", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Data", - "timeSubtitle": "Czas", - "dateYearInputHint": "Rok", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Miesiąc", - "dateDayInputHint": "Dzień", - "timeHourInputHint": "Godzina", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuta", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunda", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Niewłaściwa wartość", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Nie udało się zmodyfikować daty i czasu", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Wybierz foldery, które mają być powiązane", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "W tym albumie znajdą się tylko zdjęcia z powiązanych folderów", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Proszę wybrać co najmniej jeden folder", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importuj foldery", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importuj foldery jako albumy", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Sugerowane foldery są wskazane poniżej. W zależności od ilości plików na Twoim serwerze, może to trochę potrwać.", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORT", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importowanie folderów", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Gotowe", - "editTooltip": "Edytuj", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Konto z tymi samymi ustawieniami już istnieje", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Proszę czekać", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Sorowanie", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sortuj według", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Od najstarszych", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Od najnowszych", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku (malejąco)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nazwa albumu (rosnąco)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nazwa albumu (malejąco)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Ręcznie", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj i przeciągnij element, aby zmienić układ", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Dodaj tekst", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Share", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Wybierz zdjęcia do udostępnienia", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Pobieranie", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Szukaj", - "clearTooltip": "Czyść", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Brak wyników", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Pusto", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Kosz", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Przywróć", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Przywracanie jednego elementu} other{Przywracanie eleentów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie elementy przywrócone pomyślnie", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się przywrócić jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się przywrócić elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Przywracanie elementu", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Pomyślnie przywrócono element", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Nie udało się przywrócić elementu", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Usuń na stałe", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Usuń na stałe", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "SWybrane elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera..\n\nTej akcji nie można cofnąć", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Udostępnione", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Przetwarzanie metadanych obrazu w tle", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Oczekiwanie na WiFi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "KONFIGURACJA", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Użyj jako okładki albumu", - "helpTooltip": "Pomoc", - "helpButtonLabel": "POMOC", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Usuń z albumu", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Opis zmian", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Certyfikat serwera jest niezaufany", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Serwer może zostać zhakowany lub ktoś może próbować wykraść twoje informacje", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "ZAAWANSOWANE", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Dodać nieznany certyfikat do listy wyjątków (biała lista)?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Możesz umieścić certyfikat na białej liście, aby aplikacja go zaakceptowała. UWAGA: Stanowi to duże zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa. Upewnij się, że certyfikat jest podpisany samodzielnie przez Ciebie lub zaufaną osobę.\n\nGospodarz: {host}\nOdcisk palca: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ZAAKCEPTUJ RYZYKO I WPISZ NA BIAŁĄ LISTĘ", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Udostępnione tobie przez tego użytkownika", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Opróżnij kosz", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Opróżnij kosz", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Wszystkie elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera.\n\nTo działanie jest nieodwracalne", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Odznacz okładkę", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Wycisz", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Wyłącz wyciszenie", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Osoby", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Pokaz zdjęć", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Ustaw pokaz zdjęć", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Czas przeglądania zdjęcia (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Wymieszaj", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Powtórz", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Powrót", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Link skopiowany", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Udostępnij jako", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Podgląd", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Udostępnij podgląd w obniżonej jakości innym aplikacjom (obsługuje tylko obrazy)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Oryginalny plik", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Pobierz oryginalny plik i udostępnij go innym aplikacjom", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Publiczny link", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Utwórz publiczny link, element pozostanie na serwerze, każda osoba posiadająca link będzie miała dostęp do pliku", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Link zabezpieczony hasłem", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Utwórz link zabezpieczony hasłem, element pozostanie na serwerze, jednak dostęp do pliku będzie możliwy wyłącznie po podaniu hasła", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Udostępniane", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Ostatnio udostępnione {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} udostępnił Tobie {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} udostępnił album {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Współdzielone z", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Zakończ udostępnianie", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Udostępnianie zakończone", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Lokalizacja pliku", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud nie obsługuje udostępniania linku dla wielu plików. Aplikacja zamiast tego skopiuje pliki do nowego folderu i udostępni ten folder.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Nazwa folderu", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę folderu", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Zawiera niedozwolone znaki", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Tworzenie udziału", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się skopiować jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się skopiować elementów w ilości: {count}}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Usunąć folder?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ten folder został utworzony przez aplikację do udostępniania wielu plików jako link. Teraz nie jest on już udostępniany, czy chcesz usunąć ten folder?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Dodaj do kolekcji", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Udostępnij użytkownikowi", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album współdzielony z {user}, jednak nie udało się udostępnić niektórych plików", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Zakończono współdzielenie albumu z {user}, jednak nie udało się zakończyć udostępniania niektórych plików", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Napraw udziały", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Napraw", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Napraw wszystko", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Nie współdzielone z {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Współdzielone z {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "DOMYŚLNE", - "addUserInputHint": "Dodaj użytkownika", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Prezentacja współdzielonego albumu", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Współdzielony album umożliwia wielu użytkownikom na tym samym serwerze dostęp do tego samego albumu. Proszę uważnie przeczytać ograniczenia przed kontynuowaniem.", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "DOWIEDZ SIĘ WIĘCEJ", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualizacja bazy danych", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Migracja bazy danych zakończona niepowodzeniem", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{W zeszłym roku} few{{count} lata temu} other{{count} lat temu}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Nie odnaleziono folderu domowego", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Proszę podać prawidłowy adres URL WebDAV. Możesz go znaleźć w interfejsie webowym Nextcloud, dostępnym poprzez przeglądarkę.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę folderu domowego", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nowa kolekcja", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia dodane przez Ciebie z dowolnego miejsca na serwerze", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Folder", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia w folderze", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Ulubione", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Ulubiony", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Dodano do ulubionych", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Usuń z ulubionych", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Usunięto z ulubionych", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć z ulubionych", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia z określonymi tagami", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Dodaj tag", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Dodaj przynajmniej 1 tag", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Zatrzymywanie usługi", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Niski poziom baterii", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Ulepsz", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "ULEPSZ", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Ulepsz swoje zdjęcia", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Twoje zdjęcia są przetwarzane lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Domyślnie są one skalowane do rozdzielczości 2048x1536. Rozdzielczość wyjściową możesz dostosować w Ustawieniach", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Ulepszenia przy słabym oświetleniu", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Rozjaśnij swoje zdjęcia zrobione w warunkach słabego oświetlenia", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Jasność", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edytowane (lokalnie)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Wybrane elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z tego urządzenia.\n\nTo działanie jest nieodwracalne", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Rozmycie portretowe", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Rozmyj tło swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Ilość rozmycia", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super rozdzielczość (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Powiększ swoje zdjęcia do 4x rozdzielczości oryginalnej (zobacz Pomoc, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat stosowania tu maksymalnej rozdzielczości)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfer stylu", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Wybierz styl", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Przenieś styl obrazu z obrazu referencyjnego na swoje zdjęcia", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Proszę wybierz styl", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Zmniejsz nasycenie tła swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Waga", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automatyczny retusz", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Automatycznie retuszuj swoje zdjęcia, poprawiaj ogólny kolor i intensywność", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Stuknij ponownie, aby wyjść", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Odrzucić zmiany?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane", - "discardButtonLabel": "ODRZUĆ", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Zapisz", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Jasność", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Biały punkt", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Czarny punkt", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Nasycenie", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Ciepło", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Odcień", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Podgląd zmian", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Kolor", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Przekształć", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientacja", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Przytnij", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Kategorie", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Wideo", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRY", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtry wyszukiwania", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "ZASTOSUJ", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Każde", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Prawda", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Fałsz", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Obraz", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "obrazy", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Wideo", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "wideo", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Ulubione", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "ulubione", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "nie ulubione", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "POKAŻ WSZYSTKO", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Niedaleko {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "O miejscu", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Miejsce pokazane tutaj jest jedynie przybliżonym szacunkiem i nie gwarantuje się, że będzie dokładne. Nie reprezentuje naszych poglądów na żadne sporne obszary.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Miejsca", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Zapisywanie wyniku", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Wybierz, gdzie zapisać ten i przyszłe przetworzone obrazy. Jeśli wybrałeś serwer, ale aplikacji nie udało się go przesłać, zostanie on zapisany na Twoim urządzeniu.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "URZĄDZENIE", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERWER", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Synchronizacja z serwerem po raz pierwszy", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Pętla", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się utworzyć kolekcji", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Dodaj do kolekcji", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do kolekcji", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nie udało się ustawić okładki kolekcji", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Eksportuj", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Eksportuj kolekcję", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Album Serwera, wymaga Nextcloud 25 lub nowszego", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć niektórych kolekcji", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Nieautoryzowany dostęp. Jeśli problem będzie się powstarzał zaloguj się ponownie", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Nie można się połączyć. Serwer może być offline lub Twoje urządzenie może być odłączone.", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Plik jest zablokowany na serwerze. Proszę spróbować później", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Nie można się połączyć. Upewnij się, że adres jest adresem URL Twojego serwera Nextcloud.", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Nie można uwierzytelnić. Proszę sprawdzić nazwę użytkownika i hasło.", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Błąd serwera. Proszę upewnić się, że serwer jest poprawnie skonfigurowany.", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Nie można zmodyfikować tego albumu, ponieważ został on utworzony przez inną wersję tej aplikacji. Proszę zaktualizować aplikację i spróbować ponownie.", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Wymagany dostęp do pamięci", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadane pliku", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Dostawca Rozpoznawania", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Użyj koloru systemowego", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "UŻYJ KOLORU SYSTEMU", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Naciśnij ustawienia, aby zmienić dostawcę lub naciśnij pomoc, aby dowiedzieć się więcej", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Ustawienia konta", - "contributorsTooltip": "Współautorzy", - "setAsTooltip": "Ustaw jako", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Zamierzasz się wylogować z {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Zdjęcia", + "translator": "szymok\nShieldziak", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Zdjęcia", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Kolekcje", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Powiększenie", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Odśwież", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Ustawienia", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{Wybrano {count}}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Usuwanie jednego elementu} other{Usuwanie elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały usunięte pomyślnie", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się usunąć jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się usunąć elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Archiwizuj", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archiwizacja jednego elementu} other{Archiwizacja elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały zarchiwizowane pomyślnie", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się zarchiwizować jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się zarchiwizować elementów w ilości {count}}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Przywróc z archiwum", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Przywracanie jednego elementu z archiwum} other{Przywracanie z archiwum elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie wybrane elementy zostały pomyślnie przywrócone z archiwum", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się przywrócić jednego elementu z archiwum} other{Nie udało się przywrócić elementów z archiwum w ilości: {count}}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Usuń", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Usuwanie elementu", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element usunięty pomyślnie", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć elementu", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć elementów z albumu", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Dodaj serwer", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Pomyślnie usunięto serwer {server}", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Nowy album", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Brak elementów} other{Liczba elementów w albumie: {count}}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Archiwum", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Łączenie z {server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Czekamy aż serwer nas autoryzuje", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Proszę zalogować się otwartą przeglądarką", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nazwa", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nazwa jest wymagana", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "POMIŃ", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "POTWIERDŹ", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Zaloguj się do serwera Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Jeśli korzystasz z weryfikacji dwuetapowej, użyj hasła aplikacji", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Logowanie Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Adres serwera", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać adres serwera", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Nazwa użytkownika", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę użytkownika", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Hasło", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać hasło", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Proszę wybrać foldery do uwzględnienia", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Wyświtlane będą wyłącznie zdjęcia wewnątrz folderów. Wciśnij Pomiń, aby uwzględnić wszystkie", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(WSTECZ)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Nie udało się odznaczyć elementu", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Proszę wybrać przynajmniej jeden folder, lub wcisnąć Pomiń, aby uwzględnić wszystkie", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Zaczynamy!", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Można to zmienić później w Ustawieniach", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Ta aplikacja tworzy folder na serwerze Nextcloud do przechowywania plików preferencji. Proszę go nie modyfikować ani nie usuwać, chyba że planujesz usunąć tę aplikację.", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ustawienia", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Język", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Domyślny systemu", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Wsparcie dla EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Wymaga dodatkowego wykorzystania sieci", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Przetwarzaj EXIF tylko przez Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Mogą obowiązywać opłaty za przesyłanie danych", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Wspomnienia", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Pokaż zdjęcia z przeszłości", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Konto", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etykieta", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Ustaw etykietę wyświetlaną zamiast adresu URL serwera", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Uwzględniane foldery", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Udostępnij folder", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Zlokalizuj folder udostępniany", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "To ustawienie odpowiada parametrowi share_folder w config.php. Obie wartości MUSZĄ być identyczne. Proszę zlokalizować ten sam folder, który jest ustawiony w config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Proszę zlokalizować ten sam folder, który jest ustawiony w config.php. Naciśnij domyślne jeśli nie ustawiłeś parametru.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Wsparcie dla aplikacji serwera", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Dostosuj zawartość wyświetlaną na karcie Zdjęcia", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Zakres wspomnień", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Przeglądarka", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Dostosowywanie przeglądarki obrazów/wideo", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Jasność ekranu", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Zastąp systemowe ustawienia jasności", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Zignoruj systemową blokadę orientacji ekranu", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Obracaj ekran nawet gdy autoobracanie jest wyłączone", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Dostawca map", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Grupuj zdjęcia według daty", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Zastosuj tylko wtedy, gdy album jest posortowany według czasu", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Edytor", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Dostosuj ulepszenia obrazu i edytor obrazów", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Zdjęcia większe niż wybrana rozdzielczość zostaną zmniejszone. Zdjęcia w wysokiej rozdzielczości wymagają znacznie więcej pamięci i czasu na przetwarzanie. Obniż to ustawienie, jeśli aplikacja uległa awarii podczas poprawiania zdjęć.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Zapisz rezultat na serwerze", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na serwerze, a w przypadku niepowodzenia wracają do pamięci urządzenia", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na tym urządzeniu", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Motyw", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Dostosuj wygląd aplikacji", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Zostosuj motyw systemu", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Kolor motywu", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Służy do ustawienia wszystkich kolorów używanych w aplikacji", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Wybierz kolor", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Ciemniejszy motyw", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Używaj czerni w ciemnym motywie", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Używaj szarości w ciemnym motywie", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Różne", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby wyjść", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Eksperymentalne", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funkcje, które nie są gotowe do codziennego użytku", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Zaawansowane", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Przed kontynuowaniem upewnij się, że w pełni rozumiesz działanie każdej opcji", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Wyczyść bazę danych plików", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Wyczyść informacje o pliku w pamięci podręcznej i uruchom pełną ponowną synchronizację z serwerem", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Baza danych została pomyślnie wyczyszczona. Sugerujemy ponowne uruchomienie aplikacji", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "O aplikacji", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Wersja", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serwer", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Kod źródłowy", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Zgłoś błąd", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Przechwyć logi", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Pomóż w diagnozowaniu błędów", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Translator", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Nie udało się ustawić preferencji", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "WŁĄCZ", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Włączenie obsługi EXIF spowoduje udostępnienie różnych metadanych, takich jak data wykonania zdjęcia, model aparatu itp. Aby odczytać te metadane, wymagane jest dodatkowe użycie sieci w celu pobrania oryginalnego obrazu w pełnym rozmiarze. Aplikacja rozpocznie pobieranie tylko wtedy, gdy jest podłączona do sieci Wi-Fi.", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Włączyć obsługę EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Aby pobrać logi do raportu o błędzie: \n1. Włącz to ustawienie:\n2. Wykonaj kroki generujące problem \n3. Wyłącz to ustawienie:\n4. Poszukaj pliku nc-photos.log w folderze pobierania* Jeśli problem spowoduje zawieszenie się aplikacji, nie będzie można przechwycić żadnych logów. W takim przypadku skontaktuj się z deweloperem, aby uzyskać dalsze instrukcje.", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logi zapisane pomyślnie", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "GOTOWE", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "NASTĘPNY", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "POŁĄCZ", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Wszystkie Twoje pliki zostaną uwzględnione. Może to zwiększyć użycie pamięci i pogorszyć wydajność", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Szczegóły", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Pobierz", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Pobieranie pliku", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Plik pobrany pomyślnie", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Nie udało się pobrać pliku", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Dalej", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Wstecz", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj shift i kliknij aby zazczyć elementy pomiędzy", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj inny element aby zazczyć elementy pomiędzy", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Zmień datę & czas", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Data", + "timeSubtitle": "Czas", + "dateYearInputHint": "Rok", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Miesiąc", + "dateDayInputHint": "Dzień", + "timeHourInputHint": "Godzina", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuta", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Sekunda", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Niewłaściwa wartość", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Nie udało się zmodyfikować daty i czasu", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Wybierz foldery, które mają być powiązane", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "W tym albumie znajdą się tylko zdjęcia z powiązanych folderów", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Proszę wybrać co najmniej jeden folder", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importuj foldery", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importuj foldery jako albumy", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Sugerowane foldery są wskazane poniżej. W zależności od ilości plików na Twoim serwerze, może to trochę potrwać.", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORT", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importowanie folderów", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Gotowe", + "editTooltip": "Edytuj", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Konto z tymi samymi ustawieniami już istnieje", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Proszę czekać", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Sorowanie", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Sortuj według", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Od najstarszych", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Od najnowszych", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku (malejąco)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nazwa albumu (rosnąco)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nazwa albumu (malejąco)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Ręcznie", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Przytrzymaj i przeciągnij element, aby zmienić układ", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Dodaj tekst", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Share", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Wybierz zdjęcia do udostępnienia", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Pobieranie", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Szukaj", + "clearTooltip": "Czyść", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Brak wyników", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Pusto", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Kosz", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Przywróć", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Przywracanie jednego elementu} other{Przywracanie eleentów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Wszystkie elementy przywrócone pomyślnie", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się przywrócić jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się przywrócić elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Przywracanie elementu", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Pomyślnie przywrócono element", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Nie udało się przywrócić elementu", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Usuń na stałe", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Usuń na stałe", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "SWybrane elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera..\n\nTej akcji nie można cofnąć", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Udostępnione", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Przetwarzanie metadanych obrazu w tle", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Oczekiwanie na WiFi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "KONFIGURACJA", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Użyj jako okładki albumu", + "helpTooltip": "Pomoc", + "helpButtonLabel": "POMOC", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Usuń z albumu", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Opis zmian", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Certyfikat serwera jest niezaufany", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Serwer może zostać zhakowany lub ktoś może próbować wykraść twoje informacje", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "ZAAWANSOWANE", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Dodać nieznany certyfikat do listy wyjątków (biała lista)?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Możesz umieścić certyfikat na białej liście, aby aplikacja go zaakceptowała. UWAGA: Stanowi to duże zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa. Upewnij się, że certyfikat jest podpisany samodzielnie przez Ciebie lub zaufaną osobę.\n\nGospodarz: {host}\nOdcisk palca: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ZAAKCEPTUJ RYZYKO I WPISZ NA BIAŁĄ LISTĘ", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Udostępnione tobie przez tego użytkownika", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Opróżnij kosz", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Opróżnij kosz", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Wszystkie elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera.\n\nTo działanie jest nieodwracalne", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Odznacz okładkę", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Wycisz", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Wyłącz wyciszenie", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Osoby", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Pokaz zdjęć", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Ustaw pokaz zdjęć", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Czas przeglądania zdjęcia (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Wymieszaj", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Powtórz", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Powrót", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Link skopiowany", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Udostępnij jako", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Podgląd", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Udostępnij podgląd w obniżonej jakości innym aplikacjom (obsługuje tylko obrazy)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Oryginalny plik", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Pobierz oryginalny plik i udostępnij go innym aplikacjom", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Publiczny link", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Utwórz publiczny link, element pozostanie na serwerze, każda osoba posiadająca link będzie miała dostęp do pliku", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Link zabezpieczony hasłem", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Utwórz link zabezpieczony hasłem, element pozostanie na serwerze, jednak dostęp do pliku będzie możliwy wyłącznie po podaniu hasła", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Udostępniane", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Ostatnio udostępnione {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} udostępnił Tobie {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} udostępnił album {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Współdzielone z", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Zakończ udostępnianie", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Udostępnianie zakończone", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Lokalizacja pliku", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud nie obsługuje udostępniania linku dla wielu plików. Aplikacja zamiast tego skopiuje pliki do nowego folderu i udostępni ten folder.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Nazwa folderu", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę folderu", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Zawiera niedozwolone znaki", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Tworzenie udziału", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Nie udało się skopiować jednego elementu} other{Nie udało się skopiować elementów w ilości: {count}}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Usunąć folder?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ten folder został utworzony przez aplikację do udostępniania wielu plików jako link. Teraz nie jest on już udostępniany, czy chcesz usunąć ten folder?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Dodaj do kolekcji", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Udostępnij użytkownikowi", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album współdzielony z {user}, jednak nie udało się udostępnić niektórych plików", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Zakończono współdzielenie albumu z {user}, jednak nie udało się zakończyć udostępniania niektórych plików", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Napraw udziały", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Napraw", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Napraw wszystko", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Nie współdzielone z {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Współdzielone z {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "DOMYŚLNE", + "addUserInputHint": "Dodaj użytkownika", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Prezentacja współdzielonego albumu", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Współdzielony album umożliwia wielu użytkownikom na tym samym serwerze dostęp do tego samego albumu. Proszę uważnie przeczytać ograniczenia przed kontynuowaniem.", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "DOWIEDZ SIĘ WIĘCEJ", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Aktualizacja bazy danych", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Migracja bazy danych zakończona niepowodzeniem", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{W zeszłym roku} few{{count} lata temu} other{{count} lat temu}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Nie odnaleziono folderu domowego", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Proszę podać prawidłowy adres URL WebDAV. Możesz go znaleźć w interfejsie webowym Nextcloud, dostępnym poprzez przeglądarkę.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Proszę podać nazwę folderu domowego", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nowa kolekcja", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia dodane przez Ciebie z dowolnego miejsca na serwerze", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Folder", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia w folderze", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Ulubione", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Ulubiony", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Dodano do ulubionych", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Usuń z ulubionych", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Usunięto z ulubionych", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć z ulubionych", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia z określonymi tagami", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Dodaj tag", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Dodaj przynajmniej 1 tag", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Zatrzymywanie usługi", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Niski poziom baterii", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Ulepsz", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "ULEPSZ", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Ulepsz swoje zdjęcia", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Twoje zdjęcia są przetwarzane lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Domyślnie są one skalowane do rozdzielczości 2048x1536. Rozdzielczość wyjściową możesz dostosować w Ustawieniach", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Ulepszenia przy słabym oświetleniu", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Rozjaśnij swoje zdjęcia zrobione w warunkach słabego oświetlenia", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Jasność", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edytowane (lokalnie)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Wybrane elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z tego urządzenia.\n\nTo działanie jest nieodwracalne", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Rozmycie portretowe", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Rozmyj tło swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Ilość rozmycia", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super rozdzielczość (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Powiększ swoje zdjęcia do 4x rozdzielczości oryginalnej (zobacz Pomoc, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat stosowania tu maksymalnej rozdzielczości)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfer stylu", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Wybierz styl", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Przenieś styl obrazu z obrazu referencyjnego na swoje zdjęcia", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Proszę wybierz styl", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Zmniejsz nasycenie tła swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Waga", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automatyczny retusz", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Automatycznie retuszuj swoje zdjęcia, poprawiaj ogólny kolor i intensywność", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Stuknij ponownie, aby wyjść", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Odrzucić zmiany?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane", + "discardButtonLabel": "ODRZUĆ", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Zapisz", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Jasność", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Biały punkt", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Czarny punkt", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Nasycenie", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Ciepło", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Odcień", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Podgląd zmian", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Kolor", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Przekształć", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientacja", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Przytnij", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Kategorie", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Wideo", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRY", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtry wyszukiwania", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "ZASTOSUJ", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Każde", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Prawda", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Fałsz", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Obraz", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "obrazy", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Wideo", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "wideo", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Ulubione", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "ulubione", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "nie ulubione", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "POKAŻ WSZYSTKO", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Niedaleko {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "O miejscu", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Miejsce pokazane tutaj jest jedynie przybliżonym szacunkiem i nie gwarantuje się, że będzie dokładne. Nie reprezentuje naszych poglądów na żadne sporne obszary.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Miejsca", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Zapisywanie wyniku", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Wybierz, gdzie zapisać ten i przyszłe przetworzone obrazy. Jeśli wybrałeś serwer, ale aplikacji nie udało się go przesłać, zostanie on zapisany na Twoim urządzeniu.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "URZĄDZENIE", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERWER", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Synchronizacja z serwerem po raz pierwszy", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Pętla", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się utworzyć kolekcji", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Dodaj do kolekcji", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do kolekcji", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nie udało się ustawić okładki kolekcji", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Eksportuj", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Eksportuj kolekcję", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Album Serwera, wymaga Nextcloud 25 lub nowszego", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć niektórych kolekcji", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Nieautoryzowany dostęp. Jeśli problem będzie się powstarzał zaloguj się ponownie", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Nie można się połączyć. Serwer może być offline lub Twoje urządzenie może być odłączone.", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Plik jest zablokowany na serwerze. Proszę spróbować później", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Nie można się połączyć. Upewnij się, że adres jest adresem URL Twojego serwera Nextcloud.", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Nie można uwierzytelnić. Proszę sprawdzić nazwę użytkownika i hasło.", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Błąd serwera. Proszę upewnić się, że serwer jest poprawnie skonfigurowany.", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Nie można zmodyfikować tego albumu, ponieważ został on utworzony przez inną wersję tej aplikacji. Proszę zaktualizować aplikację i spróbować ponownie.", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Wymagany dostęp do pamięci", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadane pliku", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Dostawca Rozpoznawania", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Użyj koloru systemowego", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "UŻYJ KOLORU SYSTEMU", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Naciśnij ustawienia, aby zmienić dostawcę lub naciśnij pomoc, aby dowiedzieć się więcej", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Ustawienia konta", + "contributorsTooltip": "Współautorzy", + "setAsTooltip": "Ustaw jako", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Zamierzasz się wylogować z {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb index f6f56a21..9b8ccb4f 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -1,1397 +1,1397 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotos", - "translator": "fernosan", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Coleções", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Atualizar", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Configurações", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{1 selecionada} other{{count} selecionadas}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Apagando 1 item} other{Apagando {count} itens}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram apagados com sucesso", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao apagar 1 item} other{Falha ao apagar {count} itens}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Arquivados", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Arquivando 1 item} other{Arquivando {count} itens}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram arquivados com sucesso", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao arquivar 1 item} other{Falha ao arquivar {count} itens}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarquivar", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Desarquivando 1 item} other{Desarquivando {count} itens}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram desarquivados com sucesso", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao desarquivar 1 item} other{Falha ao desarquivar {count} itens}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Apagar", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Apagando item", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Item apagado com sucesso", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Falhou ao apagar o item", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Falha ao remover os itens selecionados do álbum", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Cadastrar servidor", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "O servidor {server} foi removido", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Novo álbum", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Vazio} =1{1 item} other{{count} itens}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Arquivo", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Conectando ao\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Esperando pela autorização do servidor", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Por favor autentique pelo navegador", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Nome", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "Pular", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "Confirma", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Cadastre seu servidor Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Use uma senha de aplicativo se você possui 2fa habilitada no servidor", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nSLogar-se", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Endereço do servidor", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira o endereço do servidor", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Nome de usuário", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira o nome de usuário", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Senha", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira a sua senha", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Escolha as pastas a serem incluídas", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Apenas as fotos dentro das pastas serão incluídas. Pressione Pular para incluir todos os itens", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(voltar)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Falha ao desfazer a seleção do item", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Selecione ao menos uma pasta ou pressione Pular para incluir todas", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Primeiros passos", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Você pode modificar isso mais tarde em Configurações", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Esse app cria uma pasta na raiz do seu armazenamento Nextcloud para armazenar arquivos de preferências. Por favor não a modifique ou a remova a não ser que você tenha a intenção de desinstalar este app", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Configurações", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Língua", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "O padrão do sistema", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suporte a EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requer consumo de dados elevado", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processar EXIF somente pelo Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Pode consumir dados móveis", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memórias", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos tiradas no passado", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Conta", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Apelido", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Set a label to be shown in place of the server URL", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Pastas inclusas", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Pasta compartilhada", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localizar a pasta compartilhada", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Essa configuração corresponde ao parâmetro share_folder em config.php. Os dois valores DEVEM ser idênticos.\n\nPor favor localize a mesma pasta referenciada em seu arquivo config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Selecione a mesma pasta que a configurada no arquivo config.php de seu servidor. Presisone Padrão se você não modificou o parâmetro.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Suporte a app do servidor", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Customize os conteúdos mostrados na aba Fotos", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Janela de data para memórias", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} dia} other{+-{range} dias}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Visualização", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Customize a visualização de image e video", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Brilho da tela", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Ignora o nivel de brilho do sistema", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorar a trava de rotação do sistema", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Rodar a tela mesmo que a rotação do sistema estiver travada", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Provedor de mapa", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Agrupe as fotos por data", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Se aplica apenas quando está organizado cronologicamente", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Customize o editor de aprimoramento de imagens", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Resolução das imagens aprimoradas", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Resoluções de entrara maiores que a determinada serão reduzidas. Fotos em alta resolução requerem significativamente mais memória RAM e processamento. Por gentileza reduza o parâmetro de resolução das imagens aprimoradas caso o app trave", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Salve os resultados diretamente no servidor", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Os resultados são salvos no servidor, e caso encontre problemas, salva localmente", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Os resultados são salvos localmente", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Customize a aparência do app", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Seguir o tema do sistema", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Cor do tema", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Pode ser usado para customizar todas as cores do app", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Escolha uma cor", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema mais escuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usar fundo com preto absoluto", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Use fundo com cinza escuro", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Miscelânea", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Toque duas vezes para sair do app", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Organize fotos por nome do arquivo", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Novidades que não estão prontas ao uso do dia a dia", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Avançado", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Entenda os riscos e objetivos de cada opção antes de prosseguir", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Clear file database", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Clear cached file info and trigger a complete resync with the server", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Database cleared successfully. You are suggested to restart the app", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Sobre", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Versão", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Código-fonte", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Reportar problema", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Registrar logs", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Ajude o desenvolvedor a encontrar bugs", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Tradutor", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Falhou em salvar as preferências", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "HABILITADO", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Ativar o suporte ao EXIF vai disponibilizar vários metadados como data de captura, modelo da câmera etc. Para ler estes metadados, um consumo de dados de internet extra é necessário para acessar a imagem em tamanho original. O aplicativo só baixa quando conectado ao Wi-Fi.", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ativar o suporte ao EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Para reportar bugs:\n\n1. Ative essa configuração\n2. Reproduza o problema\n3. Desative essa configuração\n4. Procure por nc-photos.log na pasta de download\n\n*Se o bug fizer que o app trave, nenhum log será gravado. Nesse caso, por gentileza contacte o desenvolvedor do app para instruções adicionais", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logs gravados com sucesso", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "PRONTO", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "PRÓXIMO", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "CONECTAR", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Todos os seus arquivos serão incluídos. Isso poderá aumentar o uso de memória RAM e prejudicar a performance", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Detalhes", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Download", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Baixando arquivo", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Download finalizado com sucesso", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Falha no download", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Próximo", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Anterior", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Segure shift + clique para selecionar itens intermediários", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Use um toque longo para selecionar itens intermediários", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modificar data e hora", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Data", - "timeSubtitle": "Hora", - "dateYearInputHint": "Ano", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Mês", - "dateDayInputHint": "Dia", - "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Segundos", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor inválido", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Falha ao modificar data e hora", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Escolha as pastas a serem associadas", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Somente as fotos nas pastas associadas serão incluídas nesse álbum", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Escolha pelo menos uma pasta", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Importar pastas", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importar pastas como álbuns", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Pastas sugeridas são listadas abaixo. Dependendo no número de arquivos no seu servidor, isso pode demorar um pouco para terminar", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTAR", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importando pastas", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Pronto", - "editTooltip": "Editar", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Uma conta já existe com essas mesmas configurações", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Por favor, espere", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Organizar", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Organizar por", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Antigas primeiro", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Recentes primeiro", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Por nome de arquivo", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Por nome de arquivo (Z-A)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Por nome do álbum", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nome do álbum (A-Z)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Organização manual", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Use toque longo para arrastar um item para organizá-lo manualmente", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Adicionar texto", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Compartilhar", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecione as fotos a serem compartilhadas", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Baixando", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Busca", - "clearTooltip": "Limpar", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Sem resultados", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Vazio", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Lixeira", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Recuperar", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Recuperando 1 item} other{Recuperando {count} itens}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens forma recuperados com sucesso", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao recuperar 1 item} other{Falha ao recuperar {count} itens}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Recuperando item", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Item recuperado com sucesso", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Falha ao recuperar o item", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Apagar permanentemente", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Apagar permanentemente", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Os itens selecionados serão apagados permanentemente do servidor.\n\nEssa ação é irreversível", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Compartilhadas", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Processando metadados das imagens em segundo plano", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Esperando por conexão Wi-Fi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAÇÃO", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Use como capa de álbum", - "helpTooltip": "Ajuda", - "helpButtonLabel": "AJUDA", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Remover do álbum", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Histórico de mudanças", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "O certificado SSL do servidor parece não confiável", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "O servidor pode ter sido hackeado ou alguém pode estar tentando reoubar suas informações", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANÇADAS", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Acreditar em certificado não confiável?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Você pode fazer com que o app aceite um certificado não confiável. CUIDADO! isso configura um grande risco de segurança. Tenha certeza que seu certifico seja auto-assinado por você ou por terceiro de confiança\n\nServidor: {host}\nImpressão digital: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACEITAR O RISCO E ADICIONE COMO CONFIÁVEL", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Compartilhado com você pelo usuário", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Esvaziar lixeira", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Tem certeza de que quer esvaziar a lixeira?", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Todos os itens serão apagados permanentemente do servidor remoto.\n\nThis action is nonreversible", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Desmarcar como capa de álbum", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Sem áudio", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Reativer som", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Pessoas", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Slideshow", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configurar slideshow", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duração do slideshow (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Aleatório", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repetir", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "De trás pra frente", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Link copiado", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Compartilhe como", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsão", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Compartilha um arquivo com qualidade menor para outros aplicativos (apenas para imagens)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Original file", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Baixa o arquivo original e compartilhe com outros appps", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Link público", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Cria um endereço público no servidor. Qualquer pessoa com o endereço pode acessar o arquivo", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Link protegido por senha", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Cria um link protegido por senha no servidor", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Compartilhados", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Compartilhado por último em {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartilhou com você em {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartilhou o álbum com você em {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Compartilhado com", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Desfazer o compartilhamento", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Compartilhamento removido", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Local", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud não tem suporte para link único para vários arquivos. Em vez disso, o app vai COPIAR os arquivos para uma nova pasta e compartilhá-la.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Nome da pasta", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Por favor entre com o nome da pasta", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contém caracteres inválidos", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Criando compartilhamento", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falhou ao copiar 1 item} other{Falhou ao copiar {count} itens}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Apagar pasta?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Essa pasta foi criada automaticamente pelo app para compartilhar vários arquivos ao mesmo tempo através de um link. No momento ela não é mais compartilhada com ninguém. Quer apagar esta pasta?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Adicionar à minha coleção", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Compartilhar com usuário", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum foi compartilhado com {user}, porém falhou em prover alguns arquivos", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Compartilhamento de álbum removido para {user}, porém falhou em remover o compartilhamento de alguns arquivos", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Consertar compartilhamentos", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Consertar", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Consertar tudo", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "Não compartilhado com {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "Compartilhado com {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "PADRÃO", - "addUserInputHint": "Adicionar usuário", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Introdução aos álbums compartilhados", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Álbuns compartilhados permitem multiplos usuários em um mesmo servidor Nextcloud a acessar o mesmo álbum. Por favor leia com atenção às limitações antes de prosseguir", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "APRENDA MAIS", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Atualizando banco de dados", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Falhou em migrar a base de dados", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Há 1 ano} other{Há {count} anos}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Pasta inicial não encontrada", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Por favor corrija o URL WebDAV URL abaixo. Você pode encontrar o URL na interface web do Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Entre com o nome da sua pasta inicial", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Nova coleção", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Álbum", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Mostra fotos adicionadas por você ou por outrem quando compartilhado", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Pasta", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Mostre fotos dentro da pasta", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoritas", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Favoritar", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Adicionada aos favoritos", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Falha ao adicionar como favorita", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Desfavoritar", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Removida dos favoritos", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Falha ao remover dos favoritos", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiqueta", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Mostre fotos com etiquetas específicas", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Adicionar etiqueta", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Por favor adicione ao menos uma etiqueta", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Parando serviço de plano de fundo", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "A bateria está fraca", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Aprimorar", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "APRIMORAR", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Aprimore uma foto", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Suas fotos são processadas localmente no aparelho. Por padrão, elas são reduzidas a 2048x1536. Você pode ajustar a resolução en configurações", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Retoque para pouca luz", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Clareia as fotos tiradas em ambientes com pouca luz", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Brilho", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Editatas (local)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Itens selecionados serão apagados permanentemente do aparelho.\n\nEssa ação é irreversível", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Desfoque para de retrato", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Desfoca o plano de fundo das imagens. Funcioma melhor para retratos", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Nível de desfoque", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolução (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Aumenta as fotos em 4x (veja a Ajuda para detalhes)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transferir estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Selecione um estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transfere um estilo de uma imagem de referencia para outra", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Por favor, selecione um estilo", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Destaque de cores", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Torna o fundo preto e branco. Funciona melhor com retratos", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Intensidade", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto-retoque", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Aprimora as fotos de forma automatizada. Melhora a matiz e saturação", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Toque novamente pra sair", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Descartar modificações?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Suas mudanças não foram salvas", - "discardButtonLabel": "DESCARTAR", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "SALVAR", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Brilho", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Contrate", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Branco referencial", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Preto referencial", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturação", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Temperatura de cor", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Matiz", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Previsão das edições", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Cor", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transforme", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientação", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "Para a direita", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "Para a esquerda", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Cortar", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Categorias", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vídeos", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTROS", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtros de buscaSearch filters", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "APLICAR", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Todas", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Verdadeiro", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Falso", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Imagem", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "imagens", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vídeo", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vídeos", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favoritas", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoritas", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "não favoritas", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRE TUDO", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Próximo a {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Sobre o lugar", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "A localização é uma estimativa grosseira e não garante precisão. Não representa nossas visões ou opiniões sobre regiões disputadas.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Lugares", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Salvando o resultado", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Selecione onde salvar esse e futuros arquivos processados. Se você escolheu o servidor, e houve falha no upload, ele será salvo no aparelho.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "APARELHO", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVIDOR", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Sincronizando com o servidor pela primeira vez", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Reinício automático", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "errorUnauthenticated": "Acesso não autenticado. Por favor faça login novamente se o problema persistir", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Não foi possível conectar. O servidor pode estar offline ou o seu dispositivo pode estar desconectado da rede", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "O arquivo está bloqueado no servidor. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Não foi possível comunicar. Por favor tenha certeza de que o endereço seja a base URL do seu servidor Nextcloud", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "A autenticação não foi possível. Por favor confira o nome de usuário e a senha", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Erro no servidor. Por favor tenha certeza de que o servidor esteja configurado corretamente ou contacte seu administrador Nextcloud", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Não foi possível modificar o álbum, pois ele foi criado por um versão posterior desse app. Por favor atualize o app e tente novamente", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Requer permissão para acessar o armazenamento", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - } + "appTitle": "Fotos", + "translator": "fernosan", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotos", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Coleções", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Zoom", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Atualizar", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Configurações", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{1 selecionada} other{{count} selecionadas}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Apagando 1 item} other{Apagando {count} itens}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram apagados com sucesso", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao apagar 1 item} other{Falha ao apagar {count} itens}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Arquivados", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Arquivando 1 item} other{Arquivando {count} itens}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram arquivados com sucesso", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao arquivar 1 item} other{Falha ao arquivar {count} itens}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarquivar", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Desarquivando 1 item} other{Desarquivando {count} itens}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens foram desarquivados com sucesso", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao desarquivar 1 item} other{Falha ao desarquivar {count} itens}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Apagar", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Apagando item", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Item apagado com sucesso", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Falhou ao apagar o item", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Falha ao remover os itens selecionados do álbum", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Cadastrar servidor", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "O servidor {server} foi removido", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Novo álbum", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Vazio} =1{1 item} other{{count} itens}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Arquivo", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Conectando ao\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Esperando pela autorização do servidor", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Por favor autentique pelo navegador", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Nome", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "Pular", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "Confirma", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Cadastre seu servidor Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Use uma senha de aplicativo se você possui 2fa habilitada no servidor", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nSLogar-se", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Endereço do servidor", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira o endereço do servidor", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Nome de usuário", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira o nome de usuário", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Senha", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Insira a sua senha", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Escolha as pastas a serem incluídas", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Apenas as fotos dentro das pastas serão incluídas. Pressione Pular para incluir todos os itens", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(voltar)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Falha ao desfazer a seleção do item", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Selecione ao menos uma pasta ou pressione Pular para incluir todas", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Primeiros passos", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Você pode modificar isso mais tarde em Configurações", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Esse app cria uma pasta na raiz do seu armazenamento Nextcloud para armazenar arquivos de preferências. Por favor não a modifique ou a remova a não ser que você tenha a intenção de desinstalar este app", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Configurações", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Língua", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "O padrão do sistema", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suporte a EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requer consumo de dados elevado", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processar EXIF somente pelo Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Pode consumir dados móveis", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memórias", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos tiradas no passado", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Conta", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Apelido", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Set a label to be shown in place of the server URL", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Pastas inclusas", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Pasta compartilhada", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localizar a pasta compartilhada", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Essa configuração corresponde ao parâmetro share_folder em config.php. Os dois valores DEVEM ser idênticos.\n\nPor favor localize a mesma pasta referenciada em seu arquivo config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Selecione a mesma pasta que a configurada no arquivo config.php de seu servidor. Presisone Padrão se você não modificou o parâmetro.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Suporte a app do servidor", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Customize os conteúdos mostrados na aba Fotos", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Janela de data para memórias", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} dia} other{+-{range} dias}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Visualização", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Customize a visualização de image e video", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Brilho da tela", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Ignora o nivel de brilho do sistema", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorar a trava de rotação do sistema", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Rodar a tela mesmo que a rotação do sistema estiver travada", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Provedor de mapa", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Agrupe as fotos por data", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Se aplica apenas quando está organizado cronologicamente", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editor", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Customize o editor de aprimoramento de imagens", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Resolução das imagens aprimoradas", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Resoluções de entrara maiores que a determinada serão reduzidas. Fotos em alta resolução requerem significativamente mais memória RAM e processamento. Por gentileza reduza o parâmetro de resolução das imagens aprimoradas caso o app trave", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Salve os resultados diretamente no servidor", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Os resultados são salvos no servidor, e caso encontre problemas, salva localmente", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Os resultados são salvos localmente", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Customize a aparência do app", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Seguir o tema do sistema", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Cor do tema", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Pode ser usado para customizar todas as cores do app", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Escolha uma cor", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema mais escuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Usar fundo com preto absoluto", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Use fundo com cinza escuro", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Miscelânea", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Toque duas vezes para sair do app", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Organize fotos por nome do arquivo", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Novidades que não estão prontas ao uso do dia a dia", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Avançado", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Entenda os riscos e objetivos de cada opção antes de prosseguir", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Clear file database", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Clear cached file info and trigger a complete resync with the server", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Database cleared successfully. You are suggested to restart the app", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Sobre", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Versão", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Código-fonte", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Reportar problema", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Registrar logs", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Ajude o desenvolvedor a encontrar bugs", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Tradutor", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Falhou em salvar as preferências", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "HABILITADO", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Ativar o suporte ao EXIF vai disponibilizar vários metadados como data de captura, modelo da câmera etc. Para ler estes metadados, um consumo de dados de internet extra é necessário para acessar a imagem em tamanho original. O aplicativo só baixa quando conectado ao Wi-Fi.", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Ativar o suporte ao EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Para reportar bugs:\n\n1. Ative essa configuração\n2. Reproduza o problema\n3. Desative essa configuração\n4. Procure por nc-photos.log na pasta de download\n\n*Se o bug fizer que o app trave, nenhum log será gravado. Nesse caso, por gentileza contacte o desenvolvedor do app para instruções adicionais", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logs gravados com sucesso", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "PRONTO", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "PRÓXIMO", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "CONECTAR", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Todos os seus arquivos serão incluídos. Isso poderá aumentar o uso de memória RAM e prejudicar a performance", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Detalhes", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Download", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Baixando arquivo", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Download finalizado com sucesso", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Falha no download", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Próximo", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Anterior", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Segure shift + clique para selecionar itens intermediários", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Use um toque longo para selecionar itens intermediários", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modificar data e hora", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Data", + "timeSubtitle": "Hora", + "dateYearInputHint": "Ano", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Mês", + "dateDayInputHint": "Dia", + "timeHourInputHint": "Hora", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minuto", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Segundos", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor inválido", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Falha ao modificar data e hora", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Escolha as pastas a serem associadas", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Somente as fotos nas pastas associadas serão incluídas nesse álbum", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Escolha pelo menos uma pasta", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Importar pastas", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Importar pastas como álbuns", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Pastas sugeridas são listadas abaixo. Dependendo no número de arquivos no seu servidor, isso pode demorar um pouco para terminar", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "IMPORTAR", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importando pastas", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Pronto", + "editTooltip": "Editar", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Uma conta já existe com essas mesmas configurações", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Por favor, espere", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Organizar", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Organizar por", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Antigas primeiro", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Recentes primeiro", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Por nome de arquivo", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Por nome de arquivo (Z-A)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Por nome do álbum", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nome do álbum (A-Z)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Organização manual", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Use toque longo para arrastar um item para organizá-lo manualmente", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Adicionar texto", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Compartilhar", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecione as fotos a serem compartilhadas", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Baixando", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Busca", + "clearTooltip": "Limpar", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Sem resultados", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Vazio", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Lixeira", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Recuperar", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Recuperando 1 item} other{Recuperando {count} itens}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Todos os itens forma recuperados com sucesso", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falha ao recuperar 1 item} other{Falha ao recuperar {count} itens}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Recuperando item", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Item recuperado com sucesso", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Falha ao recuperar o item", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Apagar permanentemente", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Apagar permanentemente", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Os itens selecionados serão apagados permanentemente do servidor.\n\nEssa ação é irreversível", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Compartilhadas", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Processando metadados das imagens em segundo plano", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Esperando por conexão Wi-Fi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURAÇÃO", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Use como capa de álbum", + "helpTooltip": "Ajuda", + "helpButtonLabel": "AJUDA", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Remover do álbum", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Histórico de mudanças", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "O certificado SSL do servidor parece não confiável", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "O servidor pode ter sido hackeado ou alguém pode estar tentando reoubar suas informações", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "AVANÇADAS", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Acreditar em certificado não confiável?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Você pode fazer com que o app aceite um certificado não confiável. CUIDADO! isso configura um grande risco de segurança. Tenha certeza que seu certifico seja auto-assinado por você ou por terceiro de confiança\n\nServidor: {host}\nImpressão digital: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ACEITAR O RISCO E ADICIONE COMO CONFIÁVEL", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Compartilhado com você pelo usuário", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Esvaziar lixeira", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Tem certeza de que quer esvaziar a lixeira?", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Todos os itens serão apagados permanentemente do servidor remoto.\n\nThis action is nonreversible", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Desmarcar como capa de álbum", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Sem áudio", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Reativer som", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Pessoas", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Slideshow", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configurar slideshow", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duração do slideshow (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Aleatório", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repetir", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "De trás pra frente", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Link copiado", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Compartilhe como", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsão", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Compartilha um arquivo com qualidade menor para outros aplicativos (apenas para imagens)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Original file", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Baixa o arquivo original e compartilhe com outros appps", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Link público", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Cria um endereço público no servidor. Qualquer pessoa com o endereço pode acessar o arquivo", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Link protegido por senha", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Cria um link protegido por senha no servidor", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Compartilhados", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Compartilhado por último em {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartilhou com você em {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} compartilhou o álbum com você em {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Compartilhado com", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Desfazer o compartilhamento", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Compartilhamento removido", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Local", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud não tem suporte para link único para vários arquivos. Em vez disso, o app vai COPIAR os arquivos para uma nova pasta e compartilhá-la.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Nome da pasta", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Por favor entre com o nome da pasta", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contém caracteres inválidos", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Criando compartilhamento", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Falhou ao copiar 1 item} other{Falhou ao copiar {count} itens}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Apagar pasta?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Essa pasta foi criada automaticamente pelo app para compartilhar vários arquivos ao mesmo tempo através de um link. No momento ela não é mais compartilhada com ninguém. Quer apagar esta pasta?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Adicionar à minha coleção", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Compartilhar com usuário", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Álbum foi compartilhado com {user}, porém falhou em prover alguns arquivos", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Compartilhamento de álbum removido para {user}, porém falhou em remover o compartilhamento de alguns arquivos", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Consertar compartilhamentos", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Consertar", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Consertar tudo", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "Não compartilhado com {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "Compartilhado com {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "PADRÃO", + "addUserInputHint": "Adicionar usuário", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Introdução aos álbums compartilhados", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Álbuns compartilhados permitem multiplos usuários em um mesmo servidor Nextcloud a acessar o mesmo álbum. Por favor leia com atenção às limitações antes de prosseguir", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "APRENDA MAIS", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Atualizando banco de dados", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Falhou em migrar a base de dados", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Há 1 ano} other{Há {count} anos}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Pasta inicial não encontrada", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Por favor corrija o URL WebDAV URL abaixo. Você pode encontrar o URL na interface web do Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Entre com o nome da sua pasta inicial", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Nova coleção", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Álbum", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Mostra fotos adicionadas por você ou por outrem quando compartilhado", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Pasta", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Mostre fotos dentro da pasta", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoritas", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Favoritar", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Adicionada aos favoritos", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Falha ao adicionar como favorita", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Desfavoritar", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Removida dos favoritos", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Falha ao remover dos favoritos", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiqueta", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Mostre fotos com etiquetas específicas", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Adicionar etiqueta", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Por favor adicione ao menos uma etiqueta", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Parando serviço de plano de fundo", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "A bateria está fraca", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Aprimorar", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "APRIMORAR", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Aprimore uma foto", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Suas fotos são processadas localmente no aparelho. Por padrão, elas são reduzidas a 2048x1536. Você pode ajustar a resolução en configurações", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Retoque para pouca luz", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Clareia as fotos tiradas em ambientes com pouca luz", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Brilho", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Editatas (local)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Itens selecionados serão apagados permanentemente do aparelho.\n\nEssa ação é irreversível", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Desfoque para de retrato", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Desfoca o plano de fundo das imagens. Funcioma melhor para retratos", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Nível de desfoque", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolução (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Aumenta as fotos em 4x (veja a Ajuda para detalhes)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transferir estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Selecione um estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transfere um estilo de uma imagem de referencia para outra", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Por favor, selecione um estilo", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Destaque de cores", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Torna o fundo preto e branco. Funciona melhor com retratos", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Intensidade", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Auto-retoque", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Aprimora as fotos de forma automatizada. Melhora a matiz e saturação", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Toque novamente pra sair", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Descartar modificações?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Suas mudanças não foram salvas", + "discardButtonLabel": "DESCARTAR", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "SALVAR", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Brilho", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Contrate", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Branco referencial", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Preto referencial", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturação", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Temperatura de cor", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Matiz", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Previsão das edições", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Cor", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transforme", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientação", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "Para a direita", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "Para a esquerda", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Cortar", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Categorias", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vídeos", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTROS", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtros de buscaSearch filters", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "APLICAR", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Todas", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Verdadeiro", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Falso", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tipo", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Imagem", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "imagens", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vídeo", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vídeos", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favoritas", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoritas", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "não favoritas", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "MOSTRE TUDO", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Próximo a {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Sobre o lugar", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "A localização é uma estimativa grosseira e não garante precisão. Não representa nossas visões ou opiniões sobre regiões disputadas.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Lugares", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Salvando o resultado", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Selecione onde salvar esse e futuros arquivos processados. Se você escolheu o servidor, e houve falha no upload, ele será salvo no aparelho.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "APARELHO", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVIDOR", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Sincronizando com o servidor pela primeira vez", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Reinício automático", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "errorUnauthenticated": "Acesso não autenticado. Por favor faça login novamente se o problema persistir", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Não foi possível conectar. O servidor pode estar offline ou o seu dispositivo pode estar desconectado da rede", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "O arquivo está bloqueado no servidor. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Não foi possível comunicar. Por favor tenha certeza de que o endereço seja a base URL do seu servidor Nextcloud", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "A autenticação não foi possível. Por favor confira o nome de usuário e a senha", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Erro no servidor. Por favor tenha certeza de que o servidor esteja configurado corretamente ou contacte seu administrador Nextcloud", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Não foi possível modificar o álbum, pois ele foi criado por um versão posterior desse app. Por favor atualize o app e tente novamente", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Requer permissão para acessar o armazenamento", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb index e1a20191..db067d56 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb @@ -1,1467 +1,1467 @@ { - "appTitle": "Фото", - "translator": "kvasenok\nmeixnt & eriane\nRandomRoot", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Фото", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Альбомы", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Размер миниатюр", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Обновить", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Настройки", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{Выбрано {count} фото}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Удаление фото} other{Удаление {count} фото}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото перемещены в корзину", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось удалить фото} other{Не удалось удалить {count} фото}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Отправить в архив", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Добавление фото в архив} other{Добавление {count} фото в архив}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото отправлены в архив", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось отправить фото в архив} other{Не удалось отправить {count} фото в архив}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Вернуть из архива", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Возвращение фото из архива} other{Возвращение {count} фото из архива}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото возвращены из архива", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось вернуть фото из архива} other{Не удалось вернуть {count} фото из архива}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Удалить", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Удаление файла", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Файл удалён", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Не удалось удалить файл", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Не удалось убрать фото из альбома", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Добавить сервер", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Сервер {server} удалён", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Новый альбом", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Пустой} =1{1 фото} other{{count} фото}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Архив", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "Подключение к серверу\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Ожидание ответа от сервера", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь через браузер", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "Название альбома", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите название", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "ПРОПУСТИТЬ", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "ПОДТВЕРДИТЬ", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Войти на сервер Nextcloud", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "Воспользуйтесь паролем приложения, если на сервере действует двухфакторная аутентификация", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nВход", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Адрес сервера", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Укажите адрес сервера", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Логин", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите логин", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Пароль", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите пароль", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Выберите папки с фотографиями", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Будут отображаться фото, содержащиеся только в указанных папках. Нажмите Пропустить, чтобы выбрать все", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(назад)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Не удалось исключить папку", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Выберите хотя бы одну папку или нажмите Пропустить, чтобы выбрать все", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Начнём!", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Вы можете изменить это позже в настройках", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Это приложение создаёт папку для хранения настроек на сервере Nextcloud. Не удаляйте и не изменяйте её содержимое, пока используете приложение", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Настройки", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Язык", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "По умолчанию", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Поддержка EXIF", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Повышенный расход трафика", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Обработка EXIF только через Wi-Fi", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Возможна плата за передачу данных", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Воспоминания", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Показывать фото, сделанные в прошлом", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Учётная запись", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Ярлык", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Установить текст, который будет отображаться вместо URL-адреса сервера", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Выбранные папки", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Общая папка", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Выберите общую папку", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Эта настройка соответствует параметру share_folder в config.php. Эти два значения ДОЛЖНЫ быть одинаковыми.\n\nВыберите ту же папку, которая указана в файле config.php.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Выберите ту же папку, которая указана в файле config.php. Нажмите кнопку по умолчанию, если вы не задавали этот параметр.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Поддержка серверных приложений", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Настройка содержимого, отображаемого на вкладке Фото", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Диапазон воспоминаний", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} день} other{+-{range} дней}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Просмотр", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Настройки просмотра фото/видео", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Яркость экрана", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Настройка яркости экрана независимо от системных настроек", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Игнорировать блокировку поворота экрана", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Поворачивать экран даже если выключен автоповорот", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Постащик карт", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Группировать фото по дате", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Применяется только в том случае, если альбом отсортирован по времени", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Редактор", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Настроить параметры улучшений и редактора изображений", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Разрешение изображения для улучшений", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Фотографии, размер которых превышает выбранное разрешение, будут уменьшены.\n\nДля обработки фотографий высокого разрешения требуется значительно больше памяти и времени. Уменьшите этот параметр, если при улучшении фотографий произошел сбой приложения.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Сохранить результат на сервер", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Результаты сохраняются на сервере, а в случае неудачи - на устройстве", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Результаты сохраняются на этом устройстве", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Оформление", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Настройки внешнего вида приложения", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Использовать системные настройки", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Цвет темы", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Для получения всех цветов, используемых в приложении", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Выберите цвет", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Тёмная тема", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Чёрный", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Тёмно-серый", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Разное", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Двойной тап для выхода", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Сортировка по имени в Фото", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Экспериментальные", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Функции, которые не готовы к повседневному использованию", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Расширенные", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Прежде чем приступить к работе, убедитесь, что вы полностью понимаете, что делает каждый параметр", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Очистить базу данных файлов", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Очистить кэш и запустить полную синхронизацию с сервером", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "База данных успешно очищена. Пожалуйста, перезапустите приложение", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "О программе", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Версия", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Сервер", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Исходный код", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Сообщить о проблеме", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Собирать логи", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Помощь разработчику в диагностике ошибок", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Переводчик", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Не удалось сохранить настройки", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "ВКЛЮЧИТЬ", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "Включение поддержки EXIF даёт возможность видеть дополнительные метаданные, такие как дата снимка, модель камеры и т.д. В свою очередь, для получения этих метаданных необходимо получить оригинальное, несжатое изображение, что влечёт расход большого объёма трафика. Приложение начинает скачивание только при подключении к сети Wi-Fi", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Включить поддержку EXIF?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Чтобы собрать логи для отправки отчета об ошибке:\n\n1. Включите эту настройку\n2. Воспроизведите проблему\n3. Отключите эту настройку\n4. Найдите файл nc-photos.log в папке загрузки\n\n*Если проблема привела к аварийному завершению работы приложения, логи собрать не удастся. В этом случае, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с разработчиком для получения дальнейших инструкций.", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Логи успешно сохранены", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "ЗАВЕРШИТЬ", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "ДАЛЕЕ", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "ПОДКЛЮЧИТЬСЯ", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Будут добавлены все ваши файлы. Это может увеличить использование памяти и снизить производительность", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count} Мп", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count} с", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count} мм", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Подробности", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "Скачать", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Скачивание файла", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Файл скачан", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Не удалось скачать файл", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "Далее", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Назад", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Кликните мышью, зажав Shift, чтобы выбрать несколько объектов", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Длительным нажатием на второй объект можно выбрать все остальные между ним и первым", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Изменить время и дату", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Дата", - "timeSubtitle": "Время", - "dateYearInputHint": "Год", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Месяц", - "dateDayInputHint": "День", - "timeHourInputHint": "Час", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Минута", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Секунда", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Некорректное значение", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Не удалось изменить время и дату", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Выберите папки, которые нужно связать с альбомом", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Будут отображаться фото, содержащиеся только в указанных папках", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Выберите хотя бы одну папку", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Импорт папки", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Импорт папок в виде альбомов", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Доступные для импорта папки перечислены ниже. В зависимости от количества файлов, процесс может занять продолжительное время", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "ИМПОРТ", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Завершить", - "editTooltip": "Редактирование", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Запись с такими настройками уже существует", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Пожалуйста, подождите", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Сортировка", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Сортировка", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Сначала старые", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Сначала новые", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Имя", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Имя (по убыванию)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Название альбома", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Название альбома (в обратном порядке)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Вручную", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Удерживайте, а затем перетаскивайте фото, чтобы упорядочить их вручную", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Добавить текст", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Поделиться", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Выберите фотографии, чтобы поделиться", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Загрузка", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Поиск", - "clearTooltip": "Очистить", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Ничего не найдено", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Ничего нет", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Корзина", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Восстановить", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Восстановление 1 фото} other{Восстановление {count} фото}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото восстановлены", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось восстановить 1 фото} other{Не удалось восстановить {count} фото}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Восстановить", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Файл восстановлен", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Не удалось восстановить файл", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Удалить окончательно", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Окончательное удаление", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные файлы будут навсегда удалены с сервера.\n\nЭто необратимое действие", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Общий доступ", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Обрабатываются метаданные изображений", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Ожидание Wi-Fi", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "НАСТРОЙКИ", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Использовать как обложку альбома", - "helpTooltip": "Справка", - "helpButtonLabel": "СПРАВКА", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Убрать из альбома", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Список изменений", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Недоверенный сертификат сервера", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Возможно, сервер взломан или злоумышленники пытаются похитить ваши данные.", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Всё равно доверять этому сертификату?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Вы можете добавить этот сертификат в список исключений. ВНИМАНИЕ: Это значительное изменение в системе безопасности. Убедитесь, что это сертификат, подписанный вами или доверенной стороной\n\nСервер: {host}\nОтпечаток сертификата: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ДОВЕРЯТЬ ЭТОМУ СЕРТИФИКАТУ", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Поделился пользователь", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Очистить корзину", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Очистить корзину?", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные файлы будут навсегда удалены с сервера.\n\nЭто действие необратимо", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Сбросить обложку альбома", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Убрать звук", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Включить звук", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Люди", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Слайд-шоу", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Настройка слайд-шоу", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Длительность показа изображения (ММ:СС)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Перемешать", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Повтор", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Обратный", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Ссылка скопирована", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Поделиться как", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Предпросмотр", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Передавать другим приложениям предпросмотр с низким качеством (только фото)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Исходный файл", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Загрузить исходный файл и передать его другим приложениям", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Общедоступная ссылка", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Создайте новую общедоступную ссылку на сервере. Любой человек, имеющий доступ к ссылке, сможет получить доступ к файлу", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Ссылка с защитой паролем", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Создайте на сервере новую ссылку, защищенную паролем", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Общий доступ", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Общий доступ предоставлен {date}", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} предоставил(а) доступ {date}", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} предоставил(а) доступ к альбому {date}", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Общий доступ предоставлен", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Отменить общий доступ", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Общий доступ отменен", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Расположение", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud не поддерживает ссылки общего доступа для нескольких файлов. Вместо этого приложение скопирует файлы в новую папку и предоставит общий доступ к этой папке.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Имя папки", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите имя папки", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Содержит недопустимые символы", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Предоставление общего доступа", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Не удалось скопировать {count} элемент} few{Не удалось скопировать {count} элемента} other{Не удалось скопировать {count} элементов}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Удалить папку?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Эта папка была создана предоставления общего доступа к нескольким файлами в виде ссылки. Теперь она больше не используется для общего доступа с другими пользователями, хотите удалить эту папку?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Добавить в коллекцию", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Предоставить общий доступ пользователю", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Ползователю {user} предоставлен общий доступ к альбому, но не удалось предоставить общий доступ к некоторым файлам", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "У ползователя {user} отозван общий доступ к альбому, но не удалось отозвать общий доступ к некоторым файлам", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Исправить общий доступ", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Исправить", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Исправить всё", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "У пользователя {user} нет общего доступа к файлу", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "У пользователя {user} есть общий доступ к файлу", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "ПО УМОЛЧАНИЮ", - "addUserInputHint": "Добавить пользователя", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Представляем общий доступ к альбомам", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Общий доступ к альбому позволяет нескольким пользователям на одном сервере получить доступ к одному и тому же альбому. Пожалуйста, внимательно ознакомьтесь с ограничениями, прежде чем продолжить", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "УЗНАТЬ БОЛЬШЕ", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Обновление базы данных", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Не удалось перенести базу данных", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{1 год назад} few{2 года назад} other{{count} лет назад}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Домашняя папка не найдена", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Исправьте URL-адрес WebDAV, показанный ниже. URL можно найти в веб-интерфейсе Nextcloud.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите имя домашней папки", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Новая коллекция", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Альбом", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Показывать фото, добавленные из любого места на сервере", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Папка", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Показать фото внутри папки", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Избранное", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Добавить в избранное", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Добавлено в избранное", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Не удалось добавить в избранное", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Удалить из избранного", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Удалено из избранного", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Не удалось удалить из избранного", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Тэг", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Показать фото с определенными тегами", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Добавить тэг", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Добавьте хотя бы 1 тег", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Остановка службы", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Батарея разряжена", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "Улучшить", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "УЛУЧШИТЬ", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Улучшите ваши фото", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Обработка фотографий производится на устройстве. По умолчанию они уменьшаются до 2048x1536. Настроить выходное разрешение можно в Настройках", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Улучшение освещения", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Повыcить яркость фотографий, сделанных в условиях недостаточной освещенности", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Яркость", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Изменено (локально)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные элементы будут удалены с данного устройства навсегда.\n\nЭто действие является необратимым", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Размытие заднего фона", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Размытие фона фотографий, лучше всего работает с портретами", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Размытость", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Супер-разрешение (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Увеличение фотографий до 4x от исходного разрешения (подробнее о том, как это работает, см. в справке)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Перенос стиля", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Выберите стиль", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Перенос стиля изображения с эталонного изображения на ваши фотографии", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Пожалуйста, выберите стиль", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Обесцветить фон", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Обесцветить фон фотографий, лучше всего работает с портретами", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Вес", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Авторетушь", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Автоматически ретушировать фото, улучшить цвет и сочность", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Для выхода тапните еще раз", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Сбросить изменения?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Изменения не сохранены", - "discardButtonLabel": "СБРОСИТЬ", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Сохранить", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Яркость", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Контрастность", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Белая точка", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Черная точка", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Насыщенность", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Теплота", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Оттенок", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Предпросмотр", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Цвет", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Преобразовать", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Поворот", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "cw", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ccw", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Обрезать", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Категории", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Видео", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "ФИЛЬТРЫ", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Фильтры поиска", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "ПРИМЕНИТЬ", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Любой", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Истина", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Ложь", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Тип", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Фото", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "фото", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Видео", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "видео", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Избранное", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "избранное", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "не избранное", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "ПОКАЗАТЬ ВСЕ", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "Около {place}", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "О месте", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Не гарантируется точность информации о местоположении данной точки. Оно не отражает нашу точку зрения на какие-либо спорные территории.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Места", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Сохранить результат", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Выберите место сохранения обработанных изображений. Если вы выберете сервер, но произойдет ошибка при загрузке, то они будет сохранены на вашем устройстве.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "УСТРОЙСТВО", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "СЕРВЕР", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "Синхронизация с сервером в первый раз", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "Повтор", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Не удалось создать альбом", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Добавить в альбом", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Не удалось добавить в альбом", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Не удалось установить обложку альбома", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Экспорт", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Экспорт альбома", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Альбом Nextcloud", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Альбом на сервере, требуется Nextcloud 25 и выше", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Не удалось удалить некоторые альбомы", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Неавторизованный доступ. Если ошибка возникает снова, попробуйте перелогиниться", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Не удаётся подключиться. Сервер может быть недоступен либо ваше устройство не подключено к сети", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Файл заблокирован на сервере. Попробуйте повторить позже", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Не удаётся подключиться. Проверьте, что адрес вашего Nextcloud указан верно", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Не удаётся войти на сервер. Проверьте, правильно ли указаны логин и пароль", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Ошибка сервера. Проверьте, правильно ли настроен ваш сервер", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Невозможно изменить этот альбом, так как он был создан более поздней версией этого приложения. Обновите приложение и повторите попытку", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Необходимо разрешение на доступ к хранилищу", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Метаданные файла", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Провайдер распознавания лиц", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Использовать цвет системы", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ЦВЕТ СИСТЕМЫ", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Нажмите на настройки, чтобы сменить провайдера или воспользуйтесь справкой", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Настройка аккаунта", - "contributorsTooltip": "Контрибьюторы", - "setAsTooltip": "Установить как", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Вы собираетесь выйти из {server}", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } + "appTitle": "Фото", + "translator": "kvasenok\nmeixnt & eriane\nRandomRoot", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Фото", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Альбомы", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Размер миниатюр", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Обновить", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Настройки", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{Выбрано {count} фото}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Удаление фото} other{Удаление {count} фото}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото перемещены в корзину", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось удалить фото} other{Не удалось удалить {count} фото}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Отправить в архив", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Добавление фото в архив} other{Добавление {count} фото в архив}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото отправлены в архив", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось отправить фото в архив} other{Не удалось отправить {count} фото в архив}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Вернуть из архива", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Возвращение фото из архива} other{Возвращение {count} фото из архива}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото возвращены из архива", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось вернуть фото из архива} other{Не удалось вернуть {count} фото из архива}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Удалить", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Удаление файла", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Файл удалён", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Не удалось удалить файл", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Не удалось убрать фото из альбома", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Добавить сервер", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "Сервер {server} удалён", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Новый альбом", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Пустой} =1{1 фото} other{{count} фото}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Архив", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "Подключение к серверу\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Ожидание ответа от сервера", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь через браузер", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "Название альбома", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите название", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "ПРОПУСТИТЬ", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "ПОДТВЕРДИТЬ", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Войти на сервер Nextcloud", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "Воспользуйтесь паролем приложения, если на сервере действует двухфакторная аутентификация", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nВход", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Адрес сервера", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Укажите адрес сервера", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Логин", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите логин", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Пароль", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите пароль", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Выберите папки с фотографиями", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Будут отображаться фото, содержащиеся только в указанных папках. Нажмите Пропустить, чтобы выбрать все", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(назад)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Не удалось исключить папку", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Выберите хотя бы одну папку или нажмите Пропустить, чтобы выбрать все", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Начнём!", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Вы можете изменить это позже в настройках", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Это приложение создаёт папку для хранения настроек на сервере Nextcloud. Не удаляйте и не изменяйте её содержимое, пока используете приложение", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Настройки", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Язык", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "По умолчанию", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Поддержка EXIF", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Повышенный расход трафика", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Обработка EXIF только через Wi-Fi", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Возможна плата за передачу данных", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Воспоминания", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Показывать фото, сделанные в прошлом", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Учётная запись", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Ярлык", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Установить текст, который будет отображаться вместо URL-адреса сервера", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Выбранные папки", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Общая папка", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Выберите общую папку", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Эта настройка соответствует параметру share_folder в config.php. Эти два значения ДОЛЖНЫ быть одинаковыми.\n\nВыберите ту же папку, которая указана в файле config.php.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Выберите ту же папку, которая указана в файле config.php. Нажмите кнопку по умолчанию, если вы не задавали этот параметр.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Поддержка серверных приложений", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Настройка содержимого, отображаемого на вкладке Фото", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Диапазон воспоминаний", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, =1{+-{range} день} other{+-{range} дней}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Просмотр", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Настройки просмотра фото/видео", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Яркость экрана", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Настройка яркости экрана независимо от системных настроек", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Игнорировать блокировку поворота экрана", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Поворачивать экран даже если выключен автоповорот", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Постащик карт", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Группировать фото по дате", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Применяется только в том случае, если альбом отсортирован по времени", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Редактор", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Настроить параметры улучшений и редактора изображений", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Разрешение изображения для улучшений", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Фотографии, размер которых превышает выбранное разрешение, будут уменьшены.\n\nДля обработки фотографий высокого разрешения требуется значительно больше памяти и времени. Уменьшите этот параметр, если при улучшении фотографий произошел сбой приложения.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Сохранить результат на сервер", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Результаты сохраняются на сервере, а в случае неудачи - на устройстве", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Результаты сохраняются на этом устройстве", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Оформление", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Настройки внешнего вида приложения", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Использовать системные настройки", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Цвет темы", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Для получения всех цветов, используемых в приложении", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Выберите цвет", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Тёмная тема", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Чёрный", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Тёмно-серый", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Разное", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Двойной тап для выхода", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Сортировка по имени в Фото", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Экспериментальные", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Функции, которые не готовы к повседневному использованию", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Расширенные", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Прежде чем приступить к работе, убедитесь, что вы полностью понимаете, что делает каждый параметр", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Очистить базу данных файлов", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Очистить кэш и запустить полную синхронизацию с сервером", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "База данных успешно очищена. Пожалуйста, перезапустите приложение", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "О программе", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Версия", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Сервер", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Исходный код", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Сообщить о проблеме", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Собирать логи", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Помощь разработчику в диагностике ошибок", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Переводчик", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Не удалось сохранить настройки", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "ВКЛЮЧИТЬ", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "Включение поддержки EXIF даёт возможность видеть дополнительные метаданные, такие как дата снимка, модель камеры и т.д. В свою очередь, для получения этих метаданных необходимо получить оригинальное, несжатое изображение, что влечёт расход большого объёма трафика. Приложение начинает скачивание только при подключении к сети Wi-Fi", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Включить поддержку EXIF?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Чтобы собрать логи для отправки отчета об ошибке:\n\n1. Включите эту настройку\n2. Воспроизведите проблему\n3. Отключите эту настройку\n4. Найдите файл nc-photos.log в папке загрузки\n\n*Если проблема привела к аварийному завершению работы приложения, логи собрать не удастся. В этом случае, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с разработчиком для получения дальнейших инструкций.", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Логи успешно сохранены", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "ЗАВЕРШИТЬ", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "ДАЛЕЕ", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "ПОДКЛЮЧИТЬСЯ", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Будут добавлены все ваши файлы. Это может увеличить использование памяти и снизить производительность", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count} Мп", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count} с", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count} мм", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Подробности", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "Скачать", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Скачивание файла", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Файл скачан", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Не удалось скачать файл", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "Далее", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Назад", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Кликните мышью, зажав Shift, чтобы выбрать несколько объектов", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Длительным нажатием на второй объект можно выбрать все остальные между ним и первым", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Изменить время и дату", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Дата", + "timeSubtitle": "Время", + "dateYearInputHint": "Год", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Месяц", + "dateDayInputHint": "День", + "timeHourInputHint": "Час", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Минута", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Секунда", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Некорректное значение", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Не удалось изменить время и дату", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Выберите папки, которые нужно связать с альбомом", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Будут отображаться фото, содержащиеся только в указанных папках", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Выберите хотя бы одну папку", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Импорт папки", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Импорт папок в виде альбомов", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Доступные для импорта папки перечислены ниже. В зависимости от количества файлов, процесс может занять продолжительное время", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "ИМПОРТ", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Importing folders", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Завершить", + "editTooltip": "Редактирование", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Запись с такими настройками уже существует", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Пожалуйста, подождите", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Сортировка", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Сортировка", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Сначала старые", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Сначала новые", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Имя", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Имя (по убыванию)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Название альбома", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Название альбома (в обратном порядке)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Вручную", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Удерживайте, а затем перетаскивайте фото, чтобы упорядочить их вручную", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Добавить текст", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Поделиться", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Выберите фотографии, чтобы поделиться", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Загрузка", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Поиск", + "clearTooltip": "Очистить", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Ничего не найдено", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Ничего нет", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Корзина", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Восстановить", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Восстановление 1 фото} other{Восстановление {count} фото}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Выбранные фото восстановлены", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Не удалось восстановить 1 фото} other{Не удалось восстановить {count} фото}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Восстановить", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Файл восстановлен", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Не удалось восстановить файл", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Удалить окончательно", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Окончательное удаление", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные файлы будут навсегда удалены с сервера.\n\nЭто необратимое действие", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Общий доступ", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Обрабатываются метаданные изображений", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "Ожидание Wi-Fi", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "НАСТРОЙКИ", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Использовать как обложку альбома", + "helpTooltip": "Справка", + "helpButtonLabel": "СПРАВКА", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Убрать из альбома", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Список изменений", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Недоверенный сертификат сервера", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Возможно, сервер взломан или злоумышленники пытаются похитить ваши данные.", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Всё равно доверять этому сертификату?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Вы можете добавить этот сертификат в список исключений. ВНИМАНИЕ: Это значительное изменение в системе безопасности. Убедитесь, что это сертификат, подписанный вами или доверенной стороной\n\nСервер: {host}\nОтпечаток сертификата: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "ДОВЕРЯТЬ ЭТОМУ СЕРТИФИКАТУ", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Поделился пользователь", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Очистить корзину", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Очистить корзину?", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные файлы будут навсегда удалены с сервера.\n\nЭто действие необратимо", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Сбросить обложку альбома", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Убрать звук", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Включить звук", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Люди", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Слайд-шоу", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Настройка слайд-шоу", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Длительность показа изображения (ММ:СС)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Перемешать", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Повтор", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Обратный", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Ссылка скопирована", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Поделиться как", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Предпросмотр", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Передавать другим приложениям предпросмотр с низким качеством (только фото)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Исходный файл", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Загрузить исходный файл и передать его другим приложениям", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Общедоступная ссылка", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Создайте новую общедоступную ссылку на сервере. Любой человек, имеющий доступ к ссылке, сможет получить доступ к файлу", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Ссылка с защитой паролем", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Создайте на сервере новую ссылку, защищенную паролем", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Общий доступ", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Общий доступ предоставлен {date}", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} предоставил(а) доступ {date}", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} предоставил(а) доступ к альбому {date}", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Общий доступ предоставлен", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Отменить общий доступ", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Общий доступ отменен", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Расположение", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud не поддерживает ссылки общего доступа для нескольких файлов. Вместо этого приложение скопирует файлы в новую папку и предоставит общий доступ к этой папке.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Имя папки", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите имя папки", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Содержит недопустимые символы", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Предоставление общего доступа", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{Не удалось скопировать {count} элемент} few{Не удалось скопировать {count} элемента} other{Не удалось скопировать {count} элементов}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Удалить папку?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Эта папка была создана предоставления общего доступа к нескольким файлами в виде ссылки. Теперь она больше не используется для общего доступа с другими пользователями, хотите удалить эту папку?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Добавить в коллекцию", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Предоставить общий доступ пользователю", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Ползователю {user} предоставлен общий доступ к альбому, но не удалось предоставить общий доступ к некоторым файлам", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "У ползователя {user} отозван общий доступ к альбому, но не удалось отозвать общий доступ к некоторым файлам", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Исправить общий доступ", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Исправить", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Исправить всё", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "У пользователя {user} нет общего доступа к файлу", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "У пользователя {user} есть общий доступ к файлу", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "ПО УМОЛЧАНИЮ", + "addUserInputHint": "Добавить пользователя", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Представляем общий доступ к альбомам", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Общий доступ к альбому позволяет нескольким пользователям на одном сервере получить доступ к одному и тому же альбому. Пожалуйста, внимательно ознакомьтесь с ограничениями, прежде чем продолжить", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "УЗНАТЬ БОЛЬШЕ", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Обновление базы данных", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Не удалось перенести базу данных", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{1 год назад} few{2 года назад} other{{count} лет назад}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Домашняя папка не найдена", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Исправьте URL-адрес WebDAV, показанный ниже. URL можно найти в веб-интерфейсе Nextcloud.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Введите имя домашней папки", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Новая коллекция", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Альбом", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Показывать фото, добавленные из любого места на сервере", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Папка", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Показать фото внутри папки", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Избранное", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Добавить в избранное", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Добавлено в избранное", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Не удалось добавить в избранное", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Удалить из избранного", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Удалено из избранного", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Не удалось удалить из избранного", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Тэг", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Показать фото с определенными тегами", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Добавить тэг", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Добавьте хотя бы 1 тег", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Остановка службы", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Батарея разряжена", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "Улучшить", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "УЛУЧШИТЬ", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Улучшите ваши фото", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Обработка фотографий производится на устройстве. По умолчанию они уменьшаются до 2048x1536. Настроить выходное разрешение можно в Настройках", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Улучшение освещения", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Повыcить яркость фотографий, сделанных в условиях недостаточной освещенности", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Яркость", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Изменено (локально)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Выбранные элементы будут удалены с данного устройства навсегда.\n\nЭто действие является необратимым", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Размытие заднего фона", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Размытие фона фотографий, лучше всего работает с портретами", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Размытость", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Супер-разрешение (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Увеличение фотографий до 4x от исходного разрешения (подробнее о том, как это работает, см. в справке)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Перенос стиля", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Выберите стиль", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Перенос стиля изображения с эталонного изображения на ваши фотографии", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Пожалуйста, выберите стиль", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Обесцветить фон", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Обесцветить фон фотографий, лучше всего работает с портретами", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Вес", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Авторетушь", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Автоматически ретушировать фото, улучшить цвет и сочность", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Для выхода тапните еще раз", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Сбросить изменения?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Изменения не сохранены", + "discardButtonLabel": "СБРОСИТЬ", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Сохранить", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Яркость", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Контрастность", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Белая точка", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Черная точка", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Насыщенность", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Теплота", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Оттенок", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Предпросмотр", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Цвет", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Преобразовать", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Поворот", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "cw", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ccw", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Обрезать", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Категории", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Видео", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "ФИЛЬТРЫ", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Фильтры поиска", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "ПРИМЕНИТЬ", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Любой", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Истина", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Ложь", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Тип", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Фото", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "фото", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Видео", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "видео", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Избранное", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "избранное", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "не избранное", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "ПОКАЗАТЬ ВСЕ", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "Около {place}", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "О месте", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Не гарантируется точность информации о местоположении данной точки. Оно не отражает нашу точку зрения на какие-либо спорные территории.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Места", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Сохранить результат", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Выберите место сохранения обработанных изображений. Если вы выберете сервер, но произойдет ошибка при загрузке, то они будет сохранены на вашем устройстве.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "УСТРОЙСТВО", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "СЕРВЕР", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "Синхронизация с сервером в первый раз", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "Повтор", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Не удалось создать альбом", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Добавить в альбом", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Не удалось добавить в альбом", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Не удалось установить обложку альбома", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Экспорт", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Экспорт альбома", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Альбом Nextcloud", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Альбом на сервере, требуется Nextcloud 25 и выше", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Не удалось удалить некоторые альбомы", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Неавторизованный доступ. Если ошибка возникает снова, попробуйте перелогиниться", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Не удаётся подключиться. Сервер может быть недоступен либо ваше устройство не подключено к сети", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Файл заблокирован на сервере. Попробуйте повторить позже", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Не удаётся подключиться. Проверьте, что адрес вашего Nextcloud указан верно", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Не удаётся войти на сервер. Проверьте, правильно ли указаны логин и пароль", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Ошибка сервера. Проверьте, правильно ли настроен ваш сервер", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Невозможно изменить этот альбом, так как он был создан более поздней версией этого приложения. Обновите приложение и повторите попытку", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Необходимо разрешение на доступ к хранилищу", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Метаданные файла", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Провайдер распознавания лиц", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Использовать цвет системы", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ЦВЕТ СИСТЕМЫ", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Нажмите на настройки, чтобы сменить провайдера или воспользуйтесь справкой", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Настройка аккаунта", + "contributorsTooltip": "Контрибьюторы", + "setAsTooltip": "Установить как", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Вы собираетесь выйти из {server}", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb index 1a3117da..b1ca2980 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb @@ -1,415 +1,1473 @@ { - "appTitle": "Fotoğraflar", - "translator": "Çeviren", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "Fotoğraflar", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "Koleksiyonlar", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "Yakınlaştır", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "Yenile", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "Ayarlar", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seçildi}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe siliniyor} other{{count} öğe siliniyor}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla silindi", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe silinemedi} other{{count} öğe silinemedi}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "Arşiv", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivleniyor} other{{count} öğe arşivleniyor}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla arşivlendi", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivlenemedi} other{{count} öğe arşivlenemedi}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "Arşivden çıkar", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivden kaldırılıyor} other{{count} öğe arşivden kaldırılıyor}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla arşivden kaldırıldı", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivden kaldırılamadı} other{{count} öğe arşivden kaldırılamadı}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "Sil", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "Öğeler siliniyor", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "Öğeler başarıyla silindi", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "Öğeler silinirken bir hata oluştu", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Öğe albümden kaldırılırken bir hata oluştu", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "Sunucu Ekle", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} başarıyla kaldırıldı", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "Yeni Albüm", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} one{1 öğe} other{{count} öğe}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "Arşiv", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "{server}'a\nBağlanılıyor", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "Sunucu tarafından yetkilendirme bekleniyor", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "Lütfen açılan tarayıcı üzerinden giriş yapın", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "İsim", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "İsim gereklidir", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "ATLA", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "ONAYLA", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "Nextcloud sunucunuzda oturum açın", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "İki aşamalı doğrulamayı etkinleştirdiyseniz bir uygulama şifresi kullanın", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nGiriş Yap", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "Sunucu Adresi", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen sunucu adresinizi girin", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "Kullanıcı adı", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen kullanıcı adınızı girin", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "Şifre", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen şifrenizi girin", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "Dahil edilecek klasörleri seçin", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Yalnızca klasörlerin içindeki fotoğraflar gösterilecektir. Tümünü eklemek için Atla'ya basın", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(geri gel)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Öğenin seçimi kaldırılamadı", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Lütfen en az bir klasör seçin veya tümünü eklemek için atla tuşuna basın", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "Başlarken", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Bu ayarı istediğiniz zaman ayarlardan değiştirebilirsiniz", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Bu uygulama, ayarlarınızı depolamak için Nextcloud sunucusunda bir klasör oluşturur. Bu uygulamayı kaldırmayı planlamıyorsanız lütfen değiştirmeyin veya kaldırmayın", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ayarlar", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "Dil", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Sistem Varsayılanı", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF Desteği", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Bu özellik daha fazla ağ kullanımına sebep olabilir", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "EXIF dosyalarını sadece WIFI ile işle", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Ek veri ücretlerine sebep olabilir", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Anılar", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Geçmişte çekilen fotoğrafları gör", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "Hesap", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Başlık", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Sunucu URL'si yerine gösterilecek bir başlık ayarlayın", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Dahil edilen Klasörler", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Klasörü Paylaş", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Paylaşım klasörünü bulun", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Bu ayar config.php'de bulunan share_folder parametresine karşılık gelir. Bu iki değer aynı OLMALIDIR.\n\nLütfen config.php dosyasındakiyle aynı şekilde ayarlayın.", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Lütfen config.php dosyasındakiyle aynı şekilde ayarlayın. Parametreyi ayarlamadıysanız varsayılana basabilirsiniz.", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Sunucu eklentileri desteği", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "Fotoğraflar sekmesinin içeriklerini özelleştirin", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Anılar aralığı", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} gün} other{+-{range} gün}}", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", - "placeholders": { - "range": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "Görüntüleyici", - "settingsViewerDescription": "Fotoğraf/Video görüntüleyicinizi Özelleştirin", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Ekran Parlaklığı", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Sistem parlaklık düzeyini geçersiz kıl", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Döndürme kilidini yoksay", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Bu ayar Otomatik Döndürme ayarı devre dışı olsa dahi ekranı döndürmenizi sağlar", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Harita Sağlayıcısı", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Fotoğrafları tarihe göre gruplara ayır", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Yalnızca albüm zamana göre sıralandığında uygula", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editör", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "Görüntü iyileştirmelerini ve görüntü düzenleyiciyi özelleştirin", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "İyileştirmeler için görüntü çözünürlüğü", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Seçilen çözünürlükten daha büyük fotoğrafların çözünürlüğü otomatik olarak küçültülecektir.\n\nYüksek çözünürlüklü fotoğrafların işlenmesi daha fazla bellek ve zaman gerektirir. Fotoğraflarınızı iyileştirirken uygulama çökerse lütfen bu ayarı düşürün.", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Düzenlenmiş versiyonu Sunucuya kaydet", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Düzenlenmiş versiyon sunucuya kaydedilir, başarısız olursa cihaz depolama alanına kaydedilir", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Düzenlenmiş versiyon bu cihaza kaydedildi", - "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", - "settingsThemeDescription": "Uygulamanın görünümünü özelleştirin", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Sistem temasını kullan", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Tema rengi", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Uygulamada kullanılan tüm renkleri türetmek için kullanılır", - "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Bir renk seçin", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsThemePrimaryColor": "Birincil", - "settingsThemeSecondaryColor": "İkincil", - "settingsThemePresets": "Önayarlar", + "appTitle": "Fotoğraflar", + "translator": "Çeviren", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "Fotoğraflar", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "Koleksiyonlar", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "Yakınlaştır", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "Yenile", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "Ayarlar", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seçildi}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe siliniyor} other{{count} öğe siliniyor}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla silindi", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe silinemedi} other{{count} öğe silinemedi}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "Arşiv", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivleniyor} other{{count} öğe arşivleniyor}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla arşivlendi", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivlenemedi} other{{count} öğe arşivlenemedi}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "Arşivden çıkar", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivden kaldırılıyor} other{{count} öğe arşivden kaldırılıyor}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler başarıyla arşivden kaldırıldı", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe arşivden kaldırılamadı} other{{count} öğe arşivden kaldırılamadı}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "Sil", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "Öğeler siliniyor", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "Öğeler başarıyla silindi", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "Öğeler silinirken bir hata oluştu", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "Öğe albümden kaldırılırken bir hata oluştu", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "Sunucu Ekle", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} başarıyla kaldırıldı", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "Yeni Albüm", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} one{1 öğe} other{{count} öğe}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "Arşiv", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "{server}'a\nBağlanılıyor", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "Sunucu tarafından yetkilendirme bekleniyor", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "Lütfen açılan tarayıcı üzerinden giriş yapın", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "İsim", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "İsim gereklidir", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "ATLA", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "ONAYLA", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "Nextcloud sunucunuzda oturum açın", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "İki aşamalı doğrulamayı etkinleştirdiyseniz bir uygulama şifresi kullanın", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nGiriş Yap", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "Sunucu Adresi", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen sunucu adresinizi girin", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "Kullanıcı adı", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen kullanıcı adınızı girin", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "Şifre", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen şifrenizi girin", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "Dahil edilecek klasörleri seçin", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Yalnızca klasörlerin içindeki fotoğraflar gösterilecektir. Tümünü eklemek için Atla'ya basın", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(geri gel)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Öğenin seçimi kaldırılamadı", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Lütfen en az bir klasör seçin veya tümünü eklemek için atla tuşuna basın", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "Başlarken", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Bu ayarı istediğiniz zaman ayarlardan değiştirebilirsiniz", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Bu uygulama, ayarlarınızı depolamak için Nextcloud sunucusunda bir klasör oluşturur. Bu uygulamayı kaldırmayı planlamıyorsanız lütfen değiştirmeyin veya kaldırmayın", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "Ayarlar", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "Dil", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Sistem Varsayılanı", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF Desteği", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Bu özellik daha fazla ağ kullanımına sebep olabilir", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "EXIF dosyalarını sadece WIFI ile işle", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Ek veri ücretlerine sebep olabilir", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Anılar", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Geçmişte çekilen fotoğrafları gör", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "Hesap", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Başlık", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Sunucu URL'si yerine gösterilecek bir başlık ayarlayın", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Dahil edilen Klasörler", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Klasörü Paylaş", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Paylaşım klasörünü bulun", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Bu ayar config.php'de bulunan share_folder parametresine karşılık gelir. Bu iki değer aynı OLMALIDIR.\n\nLütfen config.php dosyasındakiyle aynı şekilde ayarlayın.", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Lütfen config.php dosyasındakiyle aynı şekilde ayarlayın. Parametreyi ayarlamadıysanız varsayılana basabilirsiniz.", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Sunucu eklentileri desteği", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "Fotoğraflar sekmesinin içeriklerini özelleştirin", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Anılar aralığı", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} gün} other{+-{range} gün}}", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0", + "placeholders": { + "range": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "Görüntüleyici", + "settingsViewerDescription": "Fotoğraf/Video görüntüleyicinizi Özelleştirin", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Ekran Parlaklığı", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Sistem parlaklık düzeyini geçersiz kıl", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "Döndürme kilidini yoksay", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "Bu ayar Otomatik Döndürme ayarı devre dışı olsa dahi ekranı döndürmenizi sağlar", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "Harita Sağlayıcısı", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Fotoğrafları tarihe göre gruplara ayır", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Yalnızca albüm zamana göre sıralandığında uygula", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "Editör", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "Görüntü iyileştirmelerini ve görüntü düzenleyiciyi özelleştirin", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "İyileştirmeler için görüntü çözünürlüğü", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Seçilen çözünürlükten daha büyük fotoğrafların çözünürlüğü otomatik olarak küçültülecektir.\n\nYüksek çözünürlüklü fotoğrafların işlenmesi daha fazla bellek ve zaman gerektirir. Fotoğraflarınızı iyileştirirken uygulama çökerse lütfen bu ayarı düşürün.", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Düzenlenmiş versiyonu Sunucuya kaydet", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Düzenlenmiş versiyon sunucuya kaydedilir, başarısız olursa cihaz depolama alanına kaydedilir", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Düzenlenmiş versiyon bu cihaza kaydedildi", + "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema", + "settingsThemeDescription": "Uygulamanın görünümünü özelleştirin", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Sistem temasını kullan", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Tema rengi", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Uygulamada kullanılan tüm renkleri türetmek için kullanılır", + "@settingsSeedColorDescription": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Bir renk seçin", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Koyu tema", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Siyah renkli koyu tema kullanın", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Gri renkli koyu tema kullanın", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Çeşitli", + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Çıkmak için iki kez dokunun", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Fotoğrafları dosya ismine göre sırala", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Deneysel", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Henüz geliştirme aşamasındaki özellikler", + "settingsExpertTitle": "Gelişmiş", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "Lütfen devam etmeden önce her seçeneğin ne işe yaradığını tam olarak anladığınızdan emin olun", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Dosya veritabanını temizle", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Önbelleğe alınmış dosya bilgilerini temizler ve sunucu ile tekrar senkronize eder", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Veritabanı başarıyla temizlendi. Uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız tavsiye edilir", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Hakkında", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "Sürüm", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Sunucu", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Kaynak Kodu", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "Hata Bildir", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Kayıtları İncele", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Geliştiricilerin hataları teşhis etmesine yardımcı olun", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Çeviren", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Yapılandırma klasörü değiştirilemedi", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "ETKİNLEŞTİR", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "EXIF desteğinin etkinleştirilmesi, çekilme tarihi, kamera modeli gibi çeşitli üst verileri kullanılabilir hale getirecektir. Bu üst verileri okumak ve orijinal tam boyutlu görüntüyü indirmek için ekstra ağ kullanımı gerekir. Uygulama yalnızca bir Wi-Fi ağına bağlanıldığında indirilmeye başlayacaktır", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "EXIF Desteğini Etkinleştir?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "Bir hata raporuna yönelik günlükleri almak için:\n\n1. Bu ayarı etkinleştirin\n2. Sorunu tekrar yaşayın\n3. Bu ayarı devre dışı bırakın\n4. İndirme klasöründe nc-photos.log dosyasını arayın\n\n*Sorun uygulamanın çökmesine neden oluyorsa günlük kaydı gerçekleştirilemez. Böyle bir durumda farklı yöntemler için lütfen geliştiricilerle iletişime geçin", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Kayıtlar başarıyla kaydedildi", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "TAMAMLA", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "İLERİ", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "BAĞLAN", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tüm dosyalarınız dahil edilecektir. Bu, bellek kullanımını artırabilir ve performansı düşürebilir", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "Detaylar", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "İndir", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "Dosya indiriliyor", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "Dosya başarıyla indirildi", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "Dosya indirilemedi", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "İleri", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "Geri", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "Aradakilerin hepsini seçmek için Shift tuşunu basılı tutun ardından + tıklayın", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Aradaki tüm öğeleri seçmek için başka bir öğeye uzun basın", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Tarih ve saati düzenle", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "Tarih", + "timeSubtitle": "Saat", + "dateYearInputHint": "Yıl", + "dateMonthInputHint": "Ay", + "dateDayInputHint": "Gün", + "timeHourInputHint": "Saat", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "Dakika", + "timeSecondInputHint": "Saniye", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Geçersiz Değer", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Tarih ve saat değiştirilemedi", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Albümle ilişkilendirilecek klasörleri seçin", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Bu albüme yalnızca eklediğiniz klasörlerdeki fotoğraflar dahil edilecek", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Lütfen en az bir klasör seçin", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "Klasörleri içe aktar", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "Klasörleri albüme ekle", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Önerilen klasörler aşağıda listelenmiştir. Sunucunuzdaki dosya sayısına bağlı olarak tamamlanması biraz zaman alabilir", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "İÇE AKTAR", + "albumImporterProgressText": "Klasörler içe aktarılıyor", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "Bitir", + "editTooltip": "Düzenle", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Bu ayarlara sahip başka bir hesap zaten mevcut", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Lütfen bekleyin", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "Sırala", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Şuna göre sırala", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Eskiden yeniye", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Yeniden eskiye", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Dosya ismi", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Dosya adı (azalan)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albüm İsmi", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albüm İsmi (azalan)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuel", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Bir öğeyi manuel olarak yeniden düzenlemek için uzun basın ve sürükleyin", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "Yazı Ekle", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "Paylaş", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Paylaşılacak fotoğrafları seçin", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "İndiriliyor", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "Ara", + "clearTooltip": "Temizle", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "Sonuç Yok", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "Boş", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "Çöp", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "Geri Yükle", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe geri yükleniyor} other{{count} öğe geri yükleniyor}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler geri yüklendi", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe geri yüklenemedi} other{{count} öğe geri yüklenemedi}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "Öğe geri yükleniyor", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "Öğe geri yüklendi", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "Öğe geri yüklenemedi", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Kalıcı olarak sil", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Kalıcı olarak sil", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Seçili öğeler sunucudan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "Paylaşılan", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Görüntü üst verileri arka planda işleniyor", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "WIFI bekleniyor", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "YAPILANDIRMA", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Albüm kapağı olarak kullan", + "helpTooltip": "Yardım", + "helpButtonLabel": "YARDIM", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Albümden Kaldır", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "Değişiklik Günlüğü", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Sunucu sertifikası güvenilir değil", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Sunucu saldırıya uğramış olabilir veya birisi bilgilerinizi çalmaya çalışıyor olabilir", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "GELİŞMİŞ", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Bilinmeyen sertifika beyaz listeye alınsın mı?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Uygulamanın kabul etmesini sağlamak için sertifikayı beyaz listeye ekleyebilirsiniz. UYARI: Bu büyük bir güvenlik riski oluşturur. Sertifikanın sizin tarafınızdan veya güvenilir bir tarafça imzalandığından emin olun\n\nAnabilgisayar: {host}\nParmak izi: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "RİSKLERİ KABUL ET VE BEYAZ LİSTEYE EKLE", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "Bu kullanıcı tarafından sizinle paylaşıldı", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Çöpü Boşalt", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Çöpü Boşalt", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tüm öğeler sunucudan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Kapağı kaldır", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "Sesi Kapat", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "Sesi Aç", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "Kişiler", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "Slayt Gösterisi", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Slayt gösterisini ayarla", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Görüntü süresi (DD:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Karıştır", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Döngü", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Tersten", + "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { + "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "Bağlantı kopyalandı", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Paylaş", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Önizle", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Düşük kaliteli bir önizlemeyi diğer uygulamalarla paylaşın (yalnızca resimlerde desteklenir)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Orjinal Dosya", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Orijinal dosyayı indirin ve diğer uygulamalarla paylaşın", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Herkese açık bağlantı", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Sunucuda herkese açık bağlantı oluşturun. Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes dosyaya erişebilir", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Şifre korumalı bağlantı", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Sunucuda yeni bir parola korumalı bağlantı oluşturun", + "collectionSharingLabel": "Paylaşılmakta", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "Son paylaşım {date} tarihinde gerçekleşti", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} sizinle {date} tarihinde paylaştı", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user}, {date} tarihinde sizinle bir albüm paylaştı", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "Paylaşılanlar", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "Paylaşımı durdur", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "Paylaşım durduruldu", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "Konum", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud üzerinde birden fazla dosya tek paylaşım bağlantısı ile desteklenmemektedir. Uygulama bunun yerine dosyaları yeni bir klasöre KOPYALAYACAK ve bunun yerine klasörü paylaşacaktır.", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "Klasör İsmi", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen klasör ismi girin", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Geçersiz karakterler içeriyor", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "Paylaşım oluşturuluyor", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe kopyalanamadı} other{{count} öğe kopyalanamadı}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Klasörü Sil?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Bu klasör, uygulama tarafından birden fazla dosyayı bağlantı ile paylaşmak için oluşturuldu. Artık hiç kimse ile paylaşılmıyor, Bu klasörü silmek istiyor musunuz?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Koleksiyonlara Ekle", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Başka biriyle paylaş", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albüm {user} ile paylaşıldı ancak bazı dosyalar paylaşılamadı", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albümün {user} ile paylaşımı durduruldu, ancak bazı dosyaların paylaşımı iptal edilemedi", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "Paylaşımı Düzelt", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "Düzelt", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "Tümünü Düzelt", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "{user} ile paylaşılmıyor", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "{user} ile paylaşılıyor", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "VARSAYILAN", + "addUserInputHint": "Kullanıcı Ekle", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Albüm Paylaşımıyla tanışın", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Albüm Paylaşımı----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, aynı sunucudaki birden fazla kullanıcının aynı albüme erişmesine olanak tanır. Devam etmeden önce lütfen sınırlamaları dikkatlice okuyun", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "DAHA FAZLA", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Veritabanı güncelleniyor", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Veritabanı güncellemesi başarısız oldu", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{1 yıl önce} other{{count} yıl önce}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Ana dizin bulunamadı", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Lütfen aşağıda gösterilen WebDAV URL'sini düzeltin. URL'yi Nextcloud web arayüzünde bulabilirsiniz.", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen ana dizininizin adını girin", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "Yeni Koleksiyon", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Albüm", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Sunucuda sizin tarafınızdan eklenen fotoğrafları ekleyin", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Klasör", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Fotoğrafları bir klasör içinde göster", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoriler", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "Favoriye Ekle", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Favorilere eklendi", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "Favorilere eklenemedi", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "Favorilerden Çıkar", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Favorilerden çıkarıldı", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Favorilerden çıkarılamadı", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiket", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Fotoğrafları belirli etiketlerle göster", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "Etiket Ekle", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Lütfen en az 1 etiket ekleyin", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "Servis durduruluyor", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Batarya zayıf", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "İyileştir", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "İYİLEŞTİR", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Fotoğrafları iyileştir", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Fotoğraflarınız cihazınızda yerel olarak işlenir. Varsayılan olarak 2048x1536 boyutundadır. Bu çözünürlüğü Ayarlar'dan ayarlayabilirsiniz", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Düşük ışık iyileştirmesi", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Düşük ışıklı ortamlarda çekilen fotoğraflarınızı parlaklaştırır", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Parlaklık", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Düzenlendi (Yerel)", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Seçilen öğeler bu cihazdan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Portre bulanıklığı", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızın arka planını bulanıklaştırır, portrelerde en iyi sonucu sağlar", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Parlaklık", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Süper-çözünürlük (4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızı orijinal çözünürlüğünün 4 katına kadar yükseltin (maksimum çözünürlüğün nasıl uygulandığına ilişkin ayrıntılar için Yardım'a bakın)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Stil transferi", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Bir stil seç", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Görüntü stilini referans görselden fotoğraflarınıza aktarın", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Lütfen bir stil seçin", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Renk doygunluğu", + "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { + "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızın arka plan doygunluğunu gidererek portrelerde en iyi sonucu alın", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Ağırlık", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Otomatik iyileştir", + "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { + "description": "Automatically improve your photo" + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Fotoğraflarınıza otomatik olarak iyileştirin, genel rengi ve canlılığı iyileştirin", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "Çıkmak için tekrar dokunun", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Değişiklikleri sil?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi", + "discardButtonLabel": "İPTAL", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "Kaydet", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "Parlaklık", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", + "@imageEditColorContrast": { + "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Beyaz nokta", + "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { + "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" + }, + "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Siyah nokta", + "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { + "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorSaturation": "Doygunluk", + "@imageEditColorSaturation": { + "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" + }, + "imageEditColorWarmth": "Sıcaklık", + "@imageEditColorWarmth": { + "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" + }, + "imageEditColorTint": "Ton", + "@imageEditColorTint": { + "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" + }, + "imageEditTitle": "Değişikliklere göz at", + "@imageEditTitle": { + "description": "Title of the image editor" + }, + "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Renk", + "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { + "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" + }, + "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Dönüştür", + "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { + "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Yön", + "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { + "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "cw", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ccw", + "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { + "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" + }, + "imageEditTransformCrop": "Kırp", + "@imageEditTransformCrop": { + "description": "Crop the image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "Kategoriler", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "VİDEOLAR", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FİLTRELER", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtre Ara", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "UYGULA", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Herhangi biri", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Doğru", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Yanlış", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tür", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Fotoğraf", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "fotoğraflar", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "Videolar", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favori", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoriler", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "favoride olmayanlar", + "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "TÜMÜNÜ GÖSTER", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceText": "{place} yakını", + "@gpsPlaceText": { + "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", + "placeholders": { + "place": {} + } + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Yer Hakkında", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Burada gösterilen yer tahminidir ve doğruluğu garanti edilemez. Herhangi bir yere ilişkin görüşlerimizi temsil etmemektedir.", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "Yerler", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Sonuçların Kaydı", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Bu ve gelecekte işlenecek görüntülerin nereye kaydedileceğini seçin. Sunucuyu seçtiyseniz ancak uygulama bunu yükleyemediyse cihazınıza kaydedilecektir.", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "CİHAZ", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SUNUCU", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "İlk kurulum için senkronizasyon gerçekleşiyor", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "loopTooltip": "DÖNGÜ", + "@loopTooltip": { + "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Koleksiyon oluşturulamadı", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Koleksiyona Ekle", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Koleksiyona eklenemedi", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Koleksiyon kapağı ayarlanamadı", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "Dışa Aktar", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Koleksiyonu Dışa Aktar", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud Albüm", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Sunucu taraflı Albüm, Nextcloud 25 veya daha yüksek bir sürüm gerektirir", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Bazı koleksiyonlar kaldırılamadı", + "errorUnauthenticated": "Erişim kimliğiniz doğrulanamadı. Sorun devam ederse lütfen tekrar oturum açın", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "Bağlantı başarısız. Sunucu çevrimdışı olabilir veya cihazınızın bağlantısı kesilmiş olabilir", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "Dosya sunucuda kilitli. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Bağlantı kurulamıyor. Lütfen adresin Nextcloud sunucunuzun temel URL'si olduğundan emin olun", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "Kimlik doğrulaması yapılamıyor. Lütfen kullanıcı adınızı ve şifrenizi tekrar kontrol edin", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "Bir sunucu hatası oluştu. Lütfen sunucunun doğru kurulduğundan emin olun", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Bu uygulamanın daha sonraki bir sürümü tarafından oluşturulduğu için bu albüm değiştirilemiyor. Lütfen uygulamayı güncelleyin ve tekrar deneyin", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "Depolama erişimi gerekiyor", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "settingsMetadataTitle": "Dosya Üstverisi", + "@settingsMetadataTitle": { + "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" + }, + "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Kişi Sağlayıcısı", + "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { + "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" + }, + "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Sistem rengini kullan", + "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { + "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" + }, "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "SİSTEM RENGİNİ KULLAN", "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Koyu tema", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Siyah renkli koyu tema kullanın", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Gri renkli koyu tema kullanın", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Çeşitli", - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Çıkmak için iki kez dokunun", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Fotoğrafları dosya ismine göre sırala", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsAppLock": "Uygulama Kilidi", + "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Sağlayıcıyı değiştirmek için ayarlara basın veya daha fazla bilgi edinmek için yardıma basın", + "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { + "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "Hesap Ayarları", + "contributorsTooltip": "Katkıda bulunanlar", + "setAsTooltip": "Ayarla", + "@setAsTooltip": { + "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" + }, + "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "{server} oturumunuz kapatılıyor", + "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { + "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "settingsThemePrimaryColor": "Birincil", + "settingsThemeSecondaryColor": "İkincil", + "settingsThemePresets": "Önayarlar", + "settingsAppLock": "Uygulama Kilidi", "@settingsAppLock": { "description": "If enabled, users need to authenticate themselves when opening the app" }, @@ -431,1060 +1489,7 @@ "settingsAppLockConfirmPinDialogTitle": "PIN'i tekrar girin", "settingsAppLockSetupPasswordDialogTitle": "Uygulamanın kilidini açmak için şifre ayarlayın", "settingsAppLockConfirmPasswordDialogTitle": "Şifreyi tekrar girin", - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Deneysel", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Henüz geliştirme aşamasındaki özellikler", - "settingsExpertTitle": "Gelişmiş", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "Lütfen devam etmeden önce her seçeneğin ne işe yaradığını tam olarak anladığınızdan emin olun", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Dosya veritabanını temizle", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Önbelleğe alınmış dosya bilgilerini temizler ve sunucu ile tekrar senkronize eder", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Veritabanı başarıyla temizlendi. Uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız tavsiye edilir", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Hakkında", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "Sürüm", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "Sunucu", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Kaynak Kodu", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "Hata Bildir", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "Kayıtları İncele", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Geliştiricilerin hataları teşhis etmesine yardımcı olun", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "Çeviren", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Yapılandırma klasörü değiştirilemedi", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "ETKİNLEŞTİR", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "EXIF desteğinin etkinleştirilmesi, çekilme tarihi, kamera modeli gibi çeşitli üst verileri kullanılabilir hale getirecektir. Bu üst verileri okumak ve orijinal tam boyutlu görüntüyü indirmek için ekstra ağ kullanımı gerekir. Uygulama yalnızca bir Wi-Fi ağına bağlanıldığında indirilmeye başlayacaktır", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "EXIF Desteğini Etkinleştir?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "Bir hata raporuna yönelik günlükleri almak için:\n\n1. Bu ayarı etkinleştirin\n2. Sorunu tekrar yaşayın\n3. Bu ayarı devre dışı bırakın\n4. İndirme klasöründe nc-photos.log dosyasını arayın\n\n*Sorun uygulamanın çökmesine neden oluyorsa günlük kaydı gerçekleştirilemez. Böyle bir durumda farklı yöntemler için lütfen geliştiricilerle iletişime geçin", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "Kayıtlar başarıyla kaydedildi", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "TAMAMLA", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "İLERİ", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "BAĞLAN", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tüm dosyalarınız dahil edilecektir. Bu, bellek kullanımını artırabilir ve performansı düşürebilir", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}MP", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}s", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "Detaylar", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "İndir", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "Dosya indiriliyor", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "Dosya başarıyla indirildi", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "Dosya indirilemedi", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "İleri", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "Geri", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "Aradakilerin hepsini seçmek için Shift tuşunu basılı tutun ardından + tıklayın", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Aradaki tüm öğeleri seçmek için başka bir öğeye uzun basın", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Tarih ve saati düzenle", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "Tarih", - "timeSubtitle": "Saat", - "dateYearInputHint": "Yıl", - "dateMonthInputHint": "Ay", - "dateDayInputHint": "Gün", - "timeHourInputHint": "Saat", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "Dakika", - "timeSecondInputHint": "Saniye", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Geçersiz Değer", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Tarih ve saat değiştirilemedi", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Albümle ilişkilendirilecek klasörleri seçin", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Bu albüme yalnızca eklediğiniz klasörlerdeki fotoğraflar dahil edilecek", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Lütfen en az bir klasör seçin", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "Klasörleri içe aktar", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "Klasörleri albüme ekle", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Önerilen klasörler aşağıda listelenmiştir. Sunucunuzdaki dosya sayısına bağlı olarak tamamlanması biraz zaman alabilir", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "İÇE AKTAR", - "albumImporterProgressText": "Klasörler içe aktarılıyor", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "Bitir", - "editTooltip": "Düzenle", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Bu ayarlara sahip başka bir hesap zaten mevcut", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "Lütfen bekleyin", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "Sırala", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "Şuna göre sırala", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "Eskiden yeniye", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "Yeniden eskiye", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Dosya ismi", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Dosya adı (azalan)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Albüm İsmi", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Albüm İsmi (azalan)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manuel", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Bir öğeyi manuel olarak yeniden düzenlemek için uzun basın ve sürükleyin", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "Yazı Ekle", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "Paylaş", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Paylaşılacak fotoğrafları seçin", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "İndiriliyor", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "Ara", - "clearTooltip": "Temizle", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "Sonuç Yok", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "Boş", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "Çöp", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "Geri Yükle", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe geri yükleniyor} other{{count} öğe geri yükleniyor}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tüm öğeler geri yüklendi", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe geri yüklenemedi} other{{count} öğe geri yüklenemedi}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "Öğe geri yükleniyor", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "Öğe geri yüklendi", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "Öğe geri yüklenemedi", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Kalıcı olarak sil", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "Kalıcı olarak sil", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "Seçili öğeler sunucudan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "Paylaşılan", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "Görüntü üst verileri arka planda işleniyor", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "WIFI bekleniyor", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "YAPILANDIRMA", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Albüm kapağı olarak kullan", - "helpTooltip": "Yardım", - "helpButtonLabel": "YARDIM", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Albümden Kaldır", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "Değişiklik Günlüğü", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Sunucu sertifikası güvenilir değil", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Sunucu saldırıya uğramış olabilir veya birisi bilgilerinizi çalmaya çalışıyor olabilir", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "GELİŞMİŞ", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Bilinmeyen sertifika beyaz listeye alınsın mı?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "Uygulamanın kabul etmesini sağlamak için sertifikayı beyaz listeye ekleyebilirsiniz. UYARI: Bu büyük bir güvenlik riski oluşturur. Sertifikanın sizin tarafınızdan veya güvenilir bir tarafça imzalandığından emin olun\n\nAnabilgisayar: {host}\nParmak izi: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "RİSKLERİ KABUL ET VE BEYAZ LİSTEYE EKLE", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "Bu kullanıcı tarafından sizinle paylaşıldı", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "Çöpü Boşalt", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "Çöpü Boşalt", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tüm öğeler sunucudan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Kapağı kaldır", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "Sesi Kapat", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "Sesi Aç", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "Kişiler", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "Slayt Gösterisi", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Slayt gösterisini ayarla", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Görüntü süresi (DD:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Karıştır", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Döngü", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Tersten", - "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": { - "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "Bağlantı kopyalandı", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Paylaş", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Önizle", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Düşük kaliteli bir önizlemeyi diğer uygulamalarla paylaşın (yalnızca resimlerde desteklenir)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Orjinal Dosya", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Orijinal dosyayı indirin ve diğer uygulamalarla paylaşın", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Herkese açık bağlantı", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Sunucuda herkese açık bağlantı oluşturun. Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes dosyaya erişebilir", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Şifre korumalı bağlantı", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Sunucuda yeni bir parola korumalı bağlantı oluşturun", - "collectionSharingLabel": "Paylaşılmakta", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "Son paylaşım {date} tarihinde gerçekleşti", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} sizinle {date} tarihinde paylaştı", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user}, {date} tarihinde sizinle bir albüm paylaştı", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "Paylaşılanlar", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "Paylaşımı durdur", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "Paylaşım durduruldu", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "Konum", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud üzerinde birden fazla dosya tek paylaşım bağlantısı ile desteklenmemektedir. Uygulama bunun yerine dosyaları yeni bir klasöre KOPYALAYACAK ve bunun yerine klasörü paylaşacaktır.", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "Klasör İsmi", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen klasör ismi girin", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Geçersiz karakterler içeriyor", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "Paylaşım oluşturuluyor", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{1 öğe kopyalanamadı} other{{count} öğe kopyalanamadı}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Klasörü Sil?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Bu klasör, uygulama tarafından birden fazla dosyayı bağlantı ile paylaşmak için oluşturuldu. Artık hiç kimse ile paylaşılmıyor, Bu klasörü silmek istiyor musunuz?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "Koleksiyonlara Ekle", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Başka biriyle paylaş", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albüm {user} ile paylaşıldı ancak bazı dosyalar paylaşılamadı", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albümün {user} ile paylaşımı durduruldu, ancak bazı dosyaların paylaşımı iptal edilemedi", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "Paylaşımı Düzelt", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "Düzelt", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "Tümünü Düzelt", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "{user} ile paylaşılmıyor", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "{user} ile paylaşılıyor", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "VARSAYILAN", - "addUserInputHint": "Kullanıcı Ekle", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Albüm Paylaşımıyla tanışın", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "Albüm Paylaşımı----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, aynı sunucudaki birden fazla kullanıcının aynı albüme erişmesine olanak tanır. Devam etmeden önce lütfen sınırlamaları dikkatlice okuyun", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "DAHA FAZLA", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Veritabanı güncelleniyor", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Veritabanı güncellemesi başarısız oldu", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, one{1 yıl önce} other{{count} yıl önce}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Ana dizin bulunamadı", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Lütfen aşağıda gösterilen WebDAV URL'sini düzeltin. URL'yi Nextcloud web arayüzünde bulabilirsiniz.", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Lütfen ana dizininizin adını girin", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "Yeni Koleksiyon", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Albüm", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Sunucuda sizin tarafınızdan eklenen fotoğrafları ekleyin", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Klasör", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Fotoğrafları bir klasör içinde göster", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "Favoriler", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "Favoriye Ekle", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "Favorilere eklendi", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "Favorilere eklenemedi", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "Favorilerden Çıkar", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Favorilerden çıkarıldı", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Favorilerden çıkarılamadı", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Etiket", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Fotoğrafları belirli etiketlerle göster", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "Etiket Ekle", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Lütfen en az 1 etiket ekleyin", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "Servis durduruluyor", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Batarya zayıf", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "İyileştir", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "İYİLEŞTİR", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Fotoğrafları iyileştir", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Fotoğraflarınız cihazınızda yerel olarak işlenir. Varsayılan olarak 2048x1536 boyutundadır. Bu çözünürlüğü Ayarlar'dan ayarlayabilirsiniz", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "Düşük ışık iyileştirmesi", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "Düşük ışıklı ortamlarda çekilen fotoğraflarınızı parlaklaştırır", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Parlaklık", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Düzenlendi (Yerel)", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Seçilen öğeler bu cihazdan kalıcı olarak silinecek.\n\nBu işlem geri alınamaz", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Portre bulanıklığı", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızın arka planını bulanıklaştırır, portrelerde en iyi sonucu sağlar", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Parlaklık", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Süper-çözünürlük (4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızı orijinal çözünürlüğünün 4 katına kadar yükseltin (maksimum çözünürlüğün nasıl uygulandığına ilişkin ayrıntılar için Yardım'a bakın)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Stil transferi", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Bir stil seç", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Görüntü stilini referans görselden fotoğraflarınıza aktarın", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Lütfen bir stil seçin", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopTitle": "Renk doygunluğu", - "@enhanceColorPopTitle": { - "description": "Desaturate the background of a photo" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "Fotoğraflarınızın arka plan doygunluğunu gidererek portrelerde en iyi sonucu alın", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Ağırlık", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchTitle": "Otomatik iyileştir", - "@enhanceRetouchTitle": { - "description": "Automatically improve your photo" - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "Fotoğraflarınıza otomatik olarak iyileştirin, genel rengi ve canlılığı iyileştirin", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "Çıkmak için tekrar dokunun", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Değişiklikleri sil?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi", - "discardButtonLabel": "İPTAL", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "Kaydet", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "Parlaklık", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast", - "@imageEditColorContrast": { - "description": "Adjust the contrast of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Beyaz nokta", - "@imageEditColorWhitePoint": { - "description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments" - }, - "imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Siyah nokta", - "@imageEditColorBlackPoint": { - "description": "Adjust the black point of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorSaturation": "Doygunluk", - "@imageEditColorSaturation": { - "description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image" - }, - "imageEditColorWarmth": "Sıcaklık", - "@imageEditColorWarmth": { - "description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'" - }, - "imageEditColorTint": "Ton", - "@imageEditColorTint": { - "description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint" - }, - "imageEditTitle": "Değişikliklere göz at", - "@imageEditTitle": { - "description": "Title of the image editor" - }, - "imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Renk", - "@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": { - "description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image" - }, - "imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Dönüştür", - "@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": { - "description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientation": "Yön", - "@imageEditTransformOrientation": { - "description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "cw", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ccw", - "@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": { - "description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space" - }, - "imageEditTransformCrop": "Kırp", - "@imageEditTransformCrop": { - "description": "Crop the image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "Kategoriler", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "VİDEOLAR", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "FİLTRELER", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtre Ara", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "UYGULA", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Herhangi biri", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Doğru", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Yanlış", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "Tür", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Fotoğraf", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "fotoğraflar", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Video", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "Videolar", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favori", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoriler", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "favoride olmayanlar", - "@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "TÜMÜNÜ GÖSTER", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceText": "{place} yakını", - "@gpsPlaceText": { - "description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.", - "placeholders": { - "place": {} - } - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Yer Hakkında", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Burada gösterilen yer tahminidir ve doğruluğu garanti edilemez. Herhangi bir yere ilişkin görüşlerimizi temsil etmemektedir.", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "Yerler", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Sonuçların Kaydı", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Bu ve gelecekte işlenecek görüntülerin nereye kaydedileceğini seçin. Sunucuyu seçtiyseniz ancak uygulama bunu yükleyemediyse cihazınıza kaydedilecektir.", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "CİHAZ", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SUNUCU", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "İlk kurulum için senkronizasyon gerçekleşiyor", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "loopTooltip": "DÖNGÜ", - "@loopTooltip": { - "description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player" - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "Koleksiyon oluşturulamadı", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Koleksiyona Ekle", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Koleksiyona eklenemedi", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Koleksiyon kapağı ayarlanamadı", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "Dışa Aktar", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Koleksiyonu Dışa Aktar", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud Albüm", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Sunucu taraflı Albüm, Nextcloud 25 veya daha yüksek bir sürüm gerektirir", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Bazı koleksiyonlar kaldırılamadı", - "errorUnauthenticated": "Erişim kimliğiniz doğrulanamadı. Sorun devam ederse lütfen tekrar oturum açın", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "Bağlantı başarısız. Sunucu çevrimdışı olabilir veya cihazınızın bağlantısı kesilmiş olabilir", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "Dosya sunucuda kilitli. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Bağlantı kurulamıyor. Lütfen adresin Nextcloud sunucunuzun temel URL'si olduğundan emin olun", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "Kimlik doğrulaması yapılamıyor. Lütfen kullanıcı adınızı ve şifrenizi tekrar kontrol edin", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "Bir sunucu hatası oluştu. Lütfen sunucunun doğru kurulduğundan emin olun", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "Bu uygulamanın daha sonraki bir sürümü tarafından oluşturulduğu için bu albüm değiştirilemiyor. Lütfen uygulamayı güncelleyin ve tekrar deneyin", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "Depolama erişimi gerekiyor", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "settingsMetadataTitle": "Dosya Üstverisi", - "@settingsMetadataTitle": { - "description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)" - }, - "settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Kişi Sağlayıcısı", - "@settingsPersonProviderTitle": { - "description": "Select the server app for face recognition" - }, - "settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Sistem rengini kullan", - "@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "SİSTEM RENGİNİ KULLAN", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": { - "description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You" - }, - "searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Sağlayıcıyı değiştirmek için ayarlara basın veya daha fazla bilgi edinmek için yardıma basın", - "@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": { - "description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "Hesap Ayarları", - "contributorsTooltip": "Katkıda bulunanlar", - "setAsTooltip": "Ayarla", - "@setAsTooltip": { - "description": "e.g., set as wallpaper" - }, - "appLockUnlockHint": "Uygulamanın kilidini açın", + "appLockUnlockHint": "Uygulamanın kilidini açın", "@appLockUnlockHint": { "description": "Unlock app via selected means (e.g., password) in case app lock is enabled by user" }, @@ -1493,14 +1498,5 @@ "description": "Unlock app via selected means (e.g., password) in case app lock is enabled by user" }, "enabledText": "Etkin", - "disabledText": "Devre Dışı", - "deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "{server} oturumunuz kapatılıyor", - "@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": { - "description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - } -} + "disabledText": "Devre Dışı" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb index c4b2fe28..27467bef 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -1,1333 +1,1333 @@ { - "appTitle": "相册", - "translator": "zerolin\n老兄", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "照片", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "收藏库", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "放大", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "刷新", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "设置", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{已选 {count} 项}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在删除 {count} 个项目}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功删除所有项目", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能删除 {count} 个项目}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "归档", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在归档 {count} 个项目}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功归档所有项目", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能归档 {count} 个项目}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "取消归档", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在取消归档 {count} 个项目}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功取消归档所有项目", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能取消归档 {count} 个项目}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "删除", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "正在删除", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "成功删除", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "未能删除", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "未能从相册中移除项目", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "添加服务器", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "成功移除 {server}", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "新建相册", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, other{{count} 项内容}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "归档", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "正在连接\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "connectingToServer2": "等待服务器授权", - "@connectingToServer2": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "connectingToServerInstruction": "请在打开的浏览器窗口中登入", - "@connectingToServerInstruction": { - "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" - }, - "nameInputHint": "名称", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "名字不能为空", - "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "跳过", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "确认", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "登录 Nextcloud 服务器", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "若你的服务器使用双重认证,请使用应用程式密码登录", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\n登入", - "@signInHeaderText2": { - "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "服务器地址", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入服务器网址", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "帐户名", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入帐户名", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "密码", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入密码", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "请选择照片文件夹", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "App 只会显示已选取文件夹内的照片,如需包含所有文件夹,请按跳过", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(返回上级目录)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "未能取消选取文件夹", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "请选取至少一个文件夹或按跳过", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "开始使用", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "你亦可稍后于设置页面中修改", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "本 App 将于你的 Nextcloud 服务器中添加一个文件夹以储存配置文档,除非你计划删除本 App,否则请不要更改或删除文件夹的内容", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "设置", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "语言", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "系统语言", - "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { - "description": "Follow the Android system language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF 支持", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "需要额外的网络流量", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "仅在WiFI网络下处理EXIF文件", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { - "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" - }, - "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "可能会产生流量费用", - "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { - "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "回忆", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "显示你过去的照片", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "帐号", - "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "标签", - "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { - "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" - }, - "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "设置一个标签以代替服务器URL显示", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "已选取的文件夹", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "共享文件夹", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "设置共享文件夹", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "此设置必需与你服务器上的设置一致,请参考服务器上 config.php 内的 share_folder 项目", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "请选择与 config.php 中 share_folder 路径一致的文件夹,若你从未更改服务器设置,请按默认", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "服务器 App 支持", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsPhotosDescription": "自定义在图片页展示的内容", - "@settingsPhotosDescription": { - "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" - }, - "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "回忆天数", - "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { - "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "查看器", - "settingsViewerDescription": "设置照片和视频查看器", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "屏幕亮度", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "覆盖系统亮度设置", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "无视屏幕旋转锁定", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "在系统锁定屏幕旋转时支持自动旋轉", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "地图供应商", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "显示日期分类", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "只应用于以日期排序的相册", - "settingsImageEditTitle": "编辑器", - "@settingsImageEditTitle": { - "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" - }, - "settingsImageEditDescription": "自定义图片增强与编辑器", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "图片增强的分辨率", - "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "大于选定分辨率的图片会被缩小。\n\n高分辨率的图片需要更多的内存和时间进行处理。如果增强图片时应用发生了崩溃,请降低该数值。", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "将编辑后的图片保存至服务器", - "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { - "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" - }, - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "编辑后的图片会保存到服务器,出错仍会保存到本地", - "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "编辑后的图片已保存到设备", - "settingsThemeTitle": "主题", - "settingsThemeDescription": "设置 App 的外观", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "跟随系统主题", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsSeedColorTitle": "主题色", - "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { - "description": "Customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "选择颜色", - "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "黑色主题", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "深色主题中使用黑色背景", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "深色主题中使用深色背景", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "双击退出", - "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { - "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" - }, - "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "通过文件名排列图片", - "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { - "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "实验", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "可能不稳定的实验性功能", - "settingsExpertTitle": "高级", - "@settingsExpertTitle": { - "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" - }, - "settingsExpertWarningText": "在进行操作前请确保您完全理解每个选择的作用", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "清除文件数据库", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "清理缓存的文件信息并完全从服务器重新同步", - "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "存数据已清除,建议重启应用", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "关于", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "版本", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsServerVersionTitle": "服务器", - "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { - "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "源代码", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "问题反馈", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "收集 App 事件日志", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "帮助开发者分析 bug", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "翻译", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "未能储存设置", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "启用", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "启用 EXIF 支持功能将使 App 可以读取照片中的中继数据 (metadata),例如拍照日期、相机型号等等,而为了读取这些资料,App 需要额外的网络流量从服务器下载完整的档案。App 只会在装置连接 WiFi 网络的时候才会下载。", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "启用 EXIF 支持?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "如需记录事件日志以反馈问题:\n\n1. 启用本设置\n2. 重现一次你遇到的问题\n3. 禁用本设置\n4. 在装置的下载文件夹寻找 nc-photos.log 文件\n\n*此功能不支持使 App 强制关闭的问题,如遇此种情况,请直接联络开发者", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "成功储存事件日志", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "完成", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "下一项", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "连接", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "你服务器上的所有文件将会被添加到 App,这将提高内存用量并有机会影响 App 的性能", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}百万像素", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}秒", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}毫米", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "详情", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "下载", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "正在下载文件", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "成功下载文件", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "未能下载文件", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "下一项", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "上一项", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "按下 shit 键点击以选取两项目之间的所有项目", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "长按以选取两项目之间的所有项目", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "修改日期和时间", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "日期", - "timeSubtitle": "时间", - "dateYearInputHint": "年", - "dateMonthInputHint": "月", - "dateDayInputHint": "日", - "timeHourInputHint": "时", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "分", - "timeSecondInputHint": "秒", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "输入错误", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "未能修改日期和时间", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "选取绑定的文件夹", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "相册只会包含已绑定文件夹内的照片", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "请选取至少一个文件夹", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "导入文件夹", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "导入文件夹为相册", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "于下表列出推荐的文件夹。若你的服务器包含大量文件夹,将可能增加所需的时间", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "导入", - "albumImporterProgressText": "正在导入文件夹", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "完成", - "editTooltip": "修改", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "已存在相同设置的帐号", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "请等候", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "排序", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "排序方式", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "由旧到新", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "由新到旧", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "文件名", - "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "文件名(降序)", - "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "相册名称", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "相册名称(降序)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "手动", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "长按拖曳项目以改变排序", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "添加文字", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "分享", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "请选取要分享的照片", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "正在下载", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "搜寻", - "clearTooltip": "清除", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "0 项内容", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "0 项内容", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "回收站", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "还原", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在还原 {count} 个项目}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功还原所有项目", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能还原 {count} 个项目}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "正在还原", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "成功还原", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "未能还原", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "永久删除", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "永久删除", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "将于你的服务器上永久删除所选的文件。\n\n此为不可逆操作", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "已分享", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "正在背景读取照片的中继数据", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "正在等候 WiFi 网络", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "设置", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "设为相册封面", - "helpTooltip": "帮助", - "helpButtonLabel": "帮助", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "从相册中移除", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "更新日志", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "不安全的服务器证书", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "此服务器可能遭到入侵或你的网络正被监听", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "进阶设置", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "把服务器证书添加白名单?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "你可以把此服务器证书添加 App 的白名单。警告:此行为有可能构成安全风险,请确保此证书的来源可信\n\n主机: {host}\n指纹: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "明白风险并添加白名单", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "为此用户分享给你", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "清空回收站", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "清空回收站", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "将于你的服务器上永久删除所有文件。\n\n此为不可逆操作", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "取消设为相册封面", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "静音", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "取消静音", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "人物", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "幻灯片", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "设置幻燈片", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "照片时长 (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "随机", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "重复", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "已复制链接", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "分享方式", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "预览", - "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { - "description": "Share the preview of a file" - }, - "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "将低质量的预览分享到其他应用(仅支持图片)", - "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "原始文件", - "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { - "description": "Share the original file" - }, - "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "下载并分享原始文件到其他应用", - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "公开链接", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "于服务器上建立新的公开链接,所有开启链接的人都能存取文件", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "密码保护链接", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "于服务器上建立新的密码保护链接", - "collectionSharingLabel": "分享", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "于 {date} 分享", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 于 {date} 分享给你", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 于 {date} 分享相册给你", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "分享详情", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "取消分享", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "已移除分享", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "地点", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud 并不支持建立多文件的分享链接,App 将会复制选取的文件到一新的文件夹,并分享该文件夹", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "文件夹名称", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入文件夹名称", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "包含不支持的字母", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "正在建立分享", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能复制 {count} 个项目}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "删除文件夹?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "此文件夹本是 App 为了分享多文件而建立的,而此文件夹现在已没有任何分享,你希望删除此文件夹吗?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "添加到收藏库", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "分享给用户", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功分享相册给 {user},但部分照片未能分享", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功取消分享相册给 {user},但部分照片未能取消分享", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "修复分享", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "修复", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "修复全部", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "未有分享到 {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "已分享到 {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "默认", - "addUserInputHint": "添加用户", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "关于共享相册", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "共享相册容许同一服务器上的多名用户存取相同的相册,请于使用本功能前细阅说明和限制", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "更多说明", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "正在更新数据库", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "未能更新数据库", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, other{{count} 年前}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "未找到用户文件夹", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "请更正下面的 WebDAV 网址,你可以在 Nextcloud 网页界面中找到正确的网址", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入用户文件夹的名称", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "新建照片集", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "相册", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "显示你任意添加的照片", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "文件夹", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "显示文件夹内的照片", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "收藏", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "添加到收藏", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "成功添加到收藏", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "未能添加到收藏", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "从收藏移除", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "成功从收藏移除", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "未能从收藏移除", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "标签", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "显示特定标签的文件", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "添加标签", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "请添加至少一个标签", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "正在停止后台服务", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "电量不足", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "enhanceTooltip": "增强", - "@enhanceTooltip": { - "description": "Enhance a photo" - }, - "enhanceButtonLabel": "图片增强", - "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "增强你的图片", - "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "你的图片将会在本地处理,默认情况下会降低分辨率至2048x1536,你可以随时在设置的输出分辨率中调整", - "enhanceLowLightTitle": "弱光优化", - "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { - "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" - }, - "enhanceLowLightDescription": "在弱光环境下提亮您的照片", - "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "亮度", - "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" - }, - "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "本地编辑", - "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { - "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" - }, - "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "被选择的项目将会被永久的从此设备中删除\n\n这个操作是不可逆的", - "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "背景虚化", - "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { - "description": "Blur the background of a photo" - }, - "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "虚化背景,最适用于肖像照片", - "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "模糊度", - "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { - "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "超分辨率(4x)", - "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { - "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" - }, - "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "将您的照片放大到原始分辨率的4倍(有关最大分辨率如何作用的信息,请参阅帮助)", - "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "风格转变", - "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { - "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "选择风格", - "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { - "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" - }, - "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "将您的照片转变为参考图片的风格", - "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "选择风格", - "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { - "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" - }, - "enhanceColorPopDescription": "模糊背景,最实用于肖像图", - "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "宽度", - "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { - "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." - }, - "enhanceRetouchDescription": "自动修饰您的照片,提高整体色彩和生动感", - "doubleTapExitNotification": "再次点击以退出", - "@doubleTapExitNotification": { - "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "放弃更改?", - "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" - }, - "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "你的更改未被保存", - "discardButtonLabel": "放弃", - "@discardButtonLabel": { - "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" - }, - "saveTooltip": "保存", - "@saveTooltip": { - "description": "Save the current content" - }, - "imageEditColorBrightness": "亮度", - "@imageEditColorBrightness": { - "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" - }, - "categoriesLabel": "类别", - "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "视频", - "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { - "description": "Search all videos" - }, - "searchFilterButtonLabel": "过滤器", - "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { - "description": "Modify search filters" - }, - "searchFilterDialogTitle": "搜索过滤器", - "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" - }, - "applyButtonLabel": "应用", - "@applyButtonLabel": { - "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" - }, - "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "任意", - "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { - "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" - }, - "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "是", - "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { - "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "否", - "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { - "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" - }, - "searchFilterTypeLabel": "类别", - "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "图片", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "图片", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" - }, - "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "视频", - "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by file type" - }, - "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "视频", - "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { - "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" - }, - "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "喜爱的", - "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { - "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" - }, - "showAllButtonLabel": "展示全部", - "@showAllButtonLabel": { - "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "关于地点", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "展示的地点仅是一个粗略的估计值。它不代表我们对有争议地区的观点。", - "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" - }, - "collectionPlacesLabel": "地点", - "@collectionPlacesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "保存结果", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "设备", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on the current device" - }, - "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "服务器", - "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { - "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" - }, - "initialSyncMessage": "这是从服务器的第一次同步", - "@initialSyncMessage": { - "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." - }, - "createCollectionFailureNotification": "创建影集失败", - "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" - }, - "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "添加到影集", - "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" - }, - "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "添加到影集失败", - "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" - }, - "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "设置影集封面失败", - "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" - }, - "exportCollectionTooltip": "导出", - "@exportCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" - }, - "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "导出影集", - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud影集", - "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" - }, - "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "服务器侧影集,需要Nextcloud 25+", - "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "删除影集失败", - "errorUnauthenticated": "未授权的存取,若问题持续请重新登录", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "无法建立连接,服务器可能正在维护或你的装置已离线", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "文件于服务器上被锁定,请稍候重试", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "无法建立连接,请确认网址为你 Nextcloud 服务器的基底网址", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "服务器授权失败,请确认你的帐户名和密码为正确", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "服务器错误,请确认服务器设置无误", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "无法修改新版本 App 所储存的相册,请更新 App 后重试", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "需要存取装置文件的权限", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - }, - "accountSettingsTooltip": "账号设置", - "contributorsTooltip": "贡献者" + "appTitle": "相册", + "translator": "zerolin\n老兄", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "照片", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "收藏库", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "放大", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "刷新", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "设置", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{已选 {count} 项}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在删除 {count} 个项目}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功删除所有项目", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能删除 {count} 个项目}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "归档", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在归档 {count} 个项目}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功归档所有项目", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能归档 {count} 个项目}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "取消归档", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在取消归档 {count} 个项目}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功取消归档所有项目", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能取消归档 {count} 个项目}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "删除", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "正在删除", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "成功删除", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "未能删除", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "未能从相册中移除项目", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "添加服务器", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "成功移除 {server}", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "新建相册", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, other{{count} 项内容}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "归档", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "正在连接\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "connectingToServer2": "等待服务器授权", + "@connectingToServer2": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "connectingToServerInstruction": "请在打开的浏览器窗口中登入", + "@connectingToServerInstruction": { + "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser" + }, + "nameInputHint": "名称", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "名字不能为空", + "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "跳过", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "确认", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "登录 Nextcloud 服务器", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "若你的服务器使用双重认证,请使用应用程式密码登录", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\n登入", + "@signInHeaderText2": { + "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "服务器地址", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入服务器网址", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "帐户名", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入帐户名", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "密码", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入密码", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "请选择照片文件夹", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "App 只会显示已选取文件夹内的照片,如需包含所有文件夹,请按跳过", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(返回上级目录)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "未能取消选取文件夹", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "请选取至少一个文件夹或按跳过", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "开始使用", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "你亦可稍后于设置页面中修改", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "本 App 将于你的 Nextcloud 服务器中添加一个文件夹以储存配置文档,除非你计划删除本 App,否则请不要更改或删除文件夹的内容", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "设置", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "语言", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "系统语言", + "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": { + "description": "Follow the Android system language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF 支持", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "需要额外的网络流量", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "仅在WiFI网络下处理EXIF文件", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": { + "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network" + }, + "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "可能会产生流量费用", + "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": { + "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "回忆", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "显示你过去的照片", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "帐号", + "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "标签", + "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": { + "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason" + }, + "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "设置一个标签以代替服务器URL显示", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "已选取的文件夹", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "共享文件夹", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "设置共享文件夹", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "此设置必需与你服务器上的设置一致,请参考服务器上 config.php 内的 share_folder 项目", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "请选择与 config.php 中 share_folder 路径一致的文件夹,若你从未更改服务器设置,请按默认", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "服务器 App 支持", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsPhotosDescription": "自定义在图片页展示的内容", + "@settingsPhotosDescription": { + "description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab" + }, + "settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "回忆天数", + "@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": { + "description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year" + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "查看器", + "settingsViewerDescription": "设置照片和视频查看器", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "屏幕亮度", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "覆盖系统亮度设置", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "无视屏幕旋转锁定", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "在系统锁定屏幕旋转时支持自动旋轉", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "地图供应商", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "显示日期分类", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "只应用于以日期排序的相册", + "settingsImageEditTitle": "编辑器", + "@settingsImageEditTitle": { + "description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor" + }, + "settingsImageEditDescription": "自定义图片增强与编辑器", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "图片增强的分辨率", + "settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "大于选定分辨率的图片会被缩小。\n\n高分辨率的图片需要更多的内存和时间进行处理。如果增强图片时应用发生了崩溃,请降低该数值。", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "将编辑后的图片保存至服务器", + "@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": { + "description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device" + }, + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "编辑后的图片会保存到服务器,出错仍会保存到本地", + "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "编辑后的图片已保存到设备", + "settingsThemeTitle": "主题", + "settingsThemeDescription": "设置 App 的外观", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "跟随系统主题", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsSeedColorTitle": "主题色", + "@settingsSeedColorTitle": { + "description": "Customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "选择颜色", + "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "黑色主题", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "深色主题中使用黑色背景", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "深色主题中使用深色背景", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "双击退出", + "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": { + "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app" + }, + "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "通过文件名排列图片", + "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": { + "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "实验", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "可能不稳定的实验性功能", + "settingsExpertTitle": "高级", + "@settingsExpertTitle": { + "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution" + }, + "settingsExpertWarningText": "在进行操作前请确保您完全理解每个选择的作用", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "清除文件数据库", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "清理缓存的文件信息并完全从服务器重新同步", + "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "存数据已清除,建议重启应用", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "关于", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "版本", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsServerVersionTitle": "服务器", + "@settingsServerVersionTitle": { + "description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "源代码", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "问题反馈", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "收集 App 事件日志", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "帮助开发者分析 bug", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "翻译", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "未能储存设置", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "启用", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "启用 EXIF 支持功能将使 App 可以读取照片中的中继数据 (metadata),例如拍照日期、相机型号等等,而为了读取这些资料,App 需要额外的网络流量从服务器下载完整的档案。App 只会在装置连接 WiFi 网络的时候才会下载。", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "启用 EXIF 支持?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "如需记录事件日志以反馈问题:\n\n1. 启用本设置\n2. 重现一次你遇到的问题\n3. 禁用本设置\n4. 在装置的下载文件夹寻找 nc-photos.log 文件\n\n*此功能不支持使 App 强制关闭的问题,如遇此种情况,请直接联络开发者", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "成功储存事件日志", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "完成", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "下一项", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "连接", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "你服务器上的所有文件将会被添加到 App,这将提高内存用量并有机会影响 App 的性能", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}百万像素", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}秒", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}毫米", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "详情", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "下载", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "正在下载文件", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "成功下载文件", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "未能下载文件", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "下一项", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "上一项", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "按下 shit 键点击以选取两项目之间的所有项目", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "长按以选取两项目之间的所有项目", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "修改日期和时间", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "日期", + "timeSubtitle": "时间", + "dateYearInputHint": "年", + "dateMonthInputHint": "月", + "dateDayInputHint": "日", + "timeHourInputHint": "时", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "分", + "timeSecondInputHint": "秒", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "输入错误", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "未能修改日期和时间", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "选取绑定的文件夹", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "相册只会包含已绑定文件夹内的照片", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "请选取至少一个文件夹", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "导入文件夹", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "导入文件夹为相册", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "于下表列出推荐的文件夹。若你的服务器包含大量文件夹,将可能增加所需的时间", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "导入", + "albumImporterProgressText": "正在导入文件夹", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "完成", + "editTooltip": "修改", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "已存在相同设置的帐号", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "请等候", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "排序", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "排序方式", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "由旧到新", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "由新到旧", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "文件名", + "@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "文件名(降序)", + "@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by filename, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "相册名称", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "相册名称(降序)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "手动", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "长按拖曳项目以改变排序", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "添加文字", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "分享", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "请选取要分享的照片", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "正在下载", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "搜寻", + "clearTooltip": "清除", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "0 项内容", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "0 项内容", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "回收站", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "还原", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在还原 {count} 个项目}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功还原所有项目", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能还原 {count} 个项目}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "正在还原", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "成功还原", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "未能还原", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "永久删除", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "永久删除", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "将于你的服务器上永久删除所选的文件。\n\n此为不可逆操作", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "已分享", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "正在背景读取照片的中继数据", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "正在等候 WiFi 网络", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "设置", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "设为相册封面", + "helpTooltip": "帮助", + "helpButtonLabel": "帮助", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "从相册中移除", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "更新日志", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "不安全的服务器证书", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "此服务器可能遭到入侵或你的网络正被监听", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "进阶设置", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "把服务器证书添加白名单?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "你可以把此服务器证书添加 App 的白名单。警告:此行为有可能构成安全风险,请确保此证书的来源可信\n\n主机: {host}\n指纹: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "明白风险并添加白名单", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "为此用户分享给你", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "清空回收站", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "清空回收站", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "将于你的服务器上永久删除所有文件。\n\n此为不可逆操作", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "取消设为相册封面", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "静音", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "取消静音", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "人物", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "幻灯片", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "设置幻燈片", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "照片时长 (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "随机", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "重复", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "已复制链接", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "分享方式", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "预览", + "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": { + "description": "Share the preview of a file" + }, + "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "将低质量的预览分享到其他应用(仅支持图片)", + "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "原始文件", + "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": { + "description": "Share the original file" + }, + "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "下载并分享原始文件到其他应用", + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "公开链接", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "于服务器上建立新的公开链接,所有开启链接的人都能存取文件", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "密码保护链接", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "于服务器上建立新的密码保护链接", + "collectionSharingLabel": "分享", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "于 {date} 分享", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 于 {date} 分享给你", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 于 {date} 分享相册给你", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "分享详情", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "取消分享", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "已移除分享", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "地点", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud 并不支持建立多文件的分享链接,App 将会复制选取的文件到一新的文件夹,并分享该文件夹", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "文件夹名称", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入文件夹名称", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "包含不支持的字母", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "正在建立分享", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能复制 {count} 个项目}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "删除文件夹?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "此文件夹本是 App 为了分享多文件而建立的,而此文件夹现在已没有任何分享,你希望删除此文件夹吗?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "添加到收藏库", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "分享给用户", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功分享相册给 {user},但部分照片未能分享", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功取消分享相册给 {user},但部分照片未能取消分享", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "修复分享", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "修复", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "修复全部", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "未有分享到 {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "已分享到 {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "默认", + "addUserInputHint": "添加用户", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "关于共享相册", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "共享相册容许同一服务器上的多名用户存取相同的相册,请于使用本功能前细阅说明和限制", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "更多说明", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "正在更新数据库", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "未能更新数据库", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, other{{count} 年前}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "未找到用户文件夹", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "请更正下面的 WebDAV 网址,你可以在 Nextcloud 网页界面中找到正确的网址", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "请输入用户文件夹的名称", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "新建照片集", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "相册", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "显示你任意添加的照片", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "文件夹", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "显示文件夹内的照片", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "收藏", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "添加到收藏", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "成功添加到收藏", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "未能添加到收藏", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "从收藏移除", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "成功从收藏移除", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "未能从收藏移除", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "标签", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "显示特定标签的文件", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "添加标签", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "请添加至少一个标签", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "正在停止后台服务", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "电量不足", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "enhanceTooltip": "增强", + "@enhanceTooltip": { + "description": "Enhance a photo" + }, + "enhanceButtonLabel": "图片增强", + "enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "增强你的图片", + "enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "你的图片将会在本地处理,默认情况下会降低分辨率至2048x1536,你可以随时在设置的输出分辨率中调整", + "enhanceLowLightTitle": "弱光优化", + "@enhanceLowLightTitle": { + "description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment" + }, + "enhanceLowLightDescription": "在弱光环境下提亮您的照片", + "enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "亮度", + "@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be" + }, + "collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "本地编辑", + "@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": { + "description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor" + }, + "deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "被选择的项目将会被永久的从此设备中删除\n\n这个操作是不可逆的", + "@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "背景虚化", + "@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": { + "description": "Blur the background of a photo" + }, + "enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "虚化背景,最适用于肖像照片", + "enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "模糊度", + "@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": { + "description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "超分辨率(4x)", + "@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": { + "description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)" + }, + "enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "将您的照片放大到原始分辨率的4倍(有关最大分辨率如何作用的信息,请参阅帮助)", + "enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "风格转变", + "@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": { + "description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "选择风格", + "@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": { + "description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm" + }, + "enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "将您的照片转变为参考图片的风格", + "enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "选择风格", + "@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": { + "description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image" + }, + "enhanceColorPopDescription": "模糊背景,最实用于肖像图", + "enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "宽度", + "@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": { + "description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high." + }, + "enhanceRetouchDescription": "自动修饰您的照片,提高整体色彩和生动感", + "doubleTapExitNotification": "再次点击以退出", + "@doubleTapExitNotification": { + "description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "放弃更改?", + "@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)" + }, + "imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "你的更改未被保存", + "discardButtonLabel": "放弃", + "@discardButtonLabel": { + "description": "Discard the current unsaved content" + }, + "saveTooltip": "保存", + "@saveTooltip": { + "description": "Save the current content" + }, + "imageEditColorBrightness": "亮度", + "@imageEditColorBrightness": { + "description": "Adjust the brightness of an image" + }, + "categoriesLabel": "类别", + "searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "视频", + "@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": { + "description": "Search all videos" + }, + "searchFilterButtonLabel": "过滤器", + "@searchFilterButtonLabel": { + "description": "Modify search filters" + }, + "searchFilterDialogTitle": "搜索过滤器", + "@searchFilterDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify search filters" + }, + "applyButtonLabel": "应用", + "@applyButtonLabel": { + "description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings" + }, + "searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "任意", + "@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": { + "description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored" + }, + "searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "是", + "@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": { + "description": "Positive option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "否", + "@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": { + "description": "Negative option for a boolean filter" + }, + "searchFilterTypeLabel": "类别", + "@searchFilterTypeLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "图片", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "图片", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)" + }, + "searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "视频", + "@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by file type" + }, + "searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "视频", + "@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": { + "description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)" + }, + "searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "收藏", + "@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": { + "description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites" + }, + "showAllButtonLabel": "展示全部", + "@showAllButtonLabel": { + "description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "关于地点", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "展示的地点仅是一个粗略的估计值。它不代表我们对有争议地区的观点。", + "@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)" + }, + "collectionPlacesLabel": "地点", + "@collectionPlacesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by place" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "保存结果", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "设备", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on the current device" + }, + "imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "服务器", + "@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": { + "description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server" + }, + "initialSyncMessage": "这是从服务器的第一次同步", + "@initialSyncMessage": { + "description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced." + }, + "createCollectionFailureNotification": "创建影集失败", + "@createCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created" + }, + "addItemToCollectionTooltip": "添加到影集", + "@addItemToCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Add one or more items to a collection" + }, + "addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "添加到影集失败", + "@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection" + }, + "setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "设置影集封面失败", + "@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover" + }, + "exportCollectionTooltip": "导出", + "@exportCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection" + }, + "exportCollectionDialogTitle": "导出影集", + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Nextcloud影集", + "@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+" + }, + "createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "服务器侧影集,需要Nextcloud 25+", + "removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "删除影集失败", + "errorUnauthenticated": "未授权的存取,若问题持续请重新登录", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "无法建立连接,服务器可能正在维护或你的装置已离线", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "文件于服务器上被锁定,请稍候重试", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "无法建立连接,请确认网址为你 Nextcloud 服务器的基底网址", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "服务器授权失败,请确认你的帐户名和密码为正确", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "服务器错误,请确认服务器设置无误", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "无法修改新版本 App 所储存的相册,请更新 App 后重试", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "需要存取装置文件的权限", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + }, + "accountSettingsTooltip": "账号设置", + "contributorsTooltip": "贡献者" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/lib/l10n/app_zh_Hant.arb b/app/lib/l10n/app_zh_Hant.arb index d7d34500..7c12acd8 100644 --- a/app/lib/l10n/app_zh_Hant.arb +++ b/app/lib/l10n/app_zh_Hant.arb @@ -1,1041 +1,1041 @@ { - "appTitle": "相簿", - "translator": "zerolin", - "@translator": { - "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" - }, - "photosTabLabel": "相片", - "@photosTabLabel": { - "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" - }, - "collectionsTooltip": "收藏庫", - "@collectionsTooltip": { - "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" - }, - "zoomTooltip": "放大", - "@zoomTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" - }, - "refreshMenuLabel": "重新整理", - "@refreshMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" - }, - "settingsMenuLabel": "設定", - "@settingsMenuLabel": { - "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" - }, - "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{已選 {count} 項}}", - "@selectionAppBarTitle": { - "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在刪除 {count} 個項目}}", - "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功刪除所有項目", - "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能刪除 {count} 個項目}}", - "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveTooltip": "封存", - "@archiveTooltip": { - "description": "Archive selected items" - }, - "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在封存 {count} 個項目}}", - "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Archiving the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功封存所有項目", - "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" - }, - "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能封存 {count} 個項目}}", - "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveTooltip": "取消封存", - "@unarchiveTooltip": { - "description": "Unarchive selected items" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在取消封存 {count} 個項目}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Unarchiving selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功取消封存所有項目", - "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" - }, - "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能取消封存 {count} 個項目}}", - "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "deleteTooltip": "刪除", - "@deleteTooltip": { - "description": "Delete selected items" - }, - "deleteProcessingNotification": "正在刪除", - "@deleteProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" - }, - "deleteSuccessNotification": "成功刪除", - "@deleteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" - }, - "deleteFailureNotification": "未能刪除", - "@deleteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" - }, - "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "未能從相簿中移除項目", - "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" - }, - "addServerTooltip": "新增伺服器", - "@addServerTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" - }, - "removeServerSuccessNotification": "成功移除 {server}", - "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "createAlbumTooltip": "新增相簿", - "@createAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" - }, - "albumSize": "{count, plural, other{{count} 個項目}}", - "@albumSize": { - "description": "Number of items inside an album", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "albumArchiveLabel": "封存庫", - "@albumArchiveLabel": { - "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" - }, - "connectingToServer": "正在連接\n{server}", - "@connectingToServer": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", - "placeholders": { - "server": { - "example": "http://www.example.com" - } - } - }, - "nameInputHint": "名稱", - "@nameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" - }, - "skipButtonLabel": "跳過", - "@skipButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the skip button" - }, - "confirmButtonLabel": "確認", - "@confirmButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the confirm button" - }, - "signInHeaderText": "登入 Nextcloud 伺服器", - "@signInHeaderText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "signIn2faHintText": "若你的伺服器使用雙重認證,請以應用程式密碼登入", - "@signIn2faHintText": { - "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" - }, - "serverAddressInputHint": "伺服器地址", - "@serverAddressInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" - }, - "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入伺服器地址", - "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" - }, - "usernameInputHint": "用戶名稱", - "@usernameInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" - }, - "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入用戶名稱", - "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" - }, - "passwordInputHint": "密碼", - "@passwordInputHint": { - "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" - }, - "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入密碼", - "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" - }, - "rootPickerHeaderText": "請選擇相片資料夾", - "@rootPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "App 只會顯示已選取資料夾內的相片,如需包含所有資料夾,請按跳過", - "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" - }, - "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(返回上一層)", - "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { - "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" - }, - "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "未能取消選取資料夾", - "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" - }, - "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "請選取至少一個資料夾或按跳過", - "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "setupWidgetTitle": "開始使用", - "@setupWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the introductory widget" - }, - "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "你亦可稍後於設定頁面中修改", - "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { - "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" - }, - "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "本 App 將於你的 Nextcloud 伺服器中新增一個資料夾以儲存設定文件,除非你計劃刪除本 App,否則請不要更改或刪除資料夾的內容", - "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { - "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" - }, - "settingsWidgetTitle": "設定", - "@settingsWidgetTitle": { - "description": "Title of the Settings widget" - }, - "settingsLanguageTitle": "語言", - "@settingsLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Set display language" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF 支援", - "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { - "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" - }, - "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "需要額外的網絡用量", - "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" - }, - "settingsMemoriesTitle": "回憶", - "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "顯示你過去的相片", - "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { - "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" - }, - "settingsAccountTitle": "帳戶", - "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "已選取的資料夾", - "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { - "description": "Change the included folders of an account" - }, - "settingsShareFolderTitle": "共享資料夾", - "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "設置共享資料夾", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "此設定必需與你伺服器上的設置一致,請參考伺服器上 config.php 內的 share_folder 項目", - "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "請選擇與 config.php 中 share_folder 路徑一致的資料夾,若你從未更改伺服器設置,請按默認", - "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { - "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" - }, - "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "伺服器 App 支援", - "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { - "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" - }, - "settingsViewerTitle": "檢視器", - "settingsViewerDescription": "設置相片和影片檢視器", - "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "螢幕亮度", - "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "覆蓋系統亮度設定", - "settingsForceRotationTitle": "無視螢幕旋轉鎖定", - "settingsForceRotationDescription": "在系統鎖定螢幕旋轉時保持自動旋轉", - "settingsMapProviderTitle": "地圖供應商", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "顯示日期分類", - "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "只應用於以日期排序的相簿", - "settingsThemeTitle": "主題", - "settingsThemeDescription": "設置 App 的外觀", - "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "跟隨系統主題", - "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { - "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "黑色主題", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { - "description": "Make the dark theme darker" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "深色主題中使用黑色背景", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" - }, - "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "深色主題中使用深色背景", - "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { - "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" - }, - "settingsExperimentalTitle": "實驗", - "settingsExperimentalDescription": "可能不穩定的實驗性功能", - "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "關於", - "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" - }, - "settingsVersionTitle": "版本", - "@settingsVersionTitle": { - "description": "Title of the version data item" - }, - "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "源代碼", - "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { - "description": "Title of the source code item" - }, - "settingsBugReportTitle": "問題匯報", - "@settingsBugReportTitle": { - "description": "Report issue" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "收集 App 事件日誌", - "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { - "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" - }, - "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "幫助開發者分析 bug", - "settingsTranslatorTitle": "翻譯", - "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { - "description": "Title of the translator item" - }, - "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "未能儲存設定", - "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" - }, - "enableButtonLabel": "啟用", - "@enableButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the enable button" - }, - "exifSupportDetails": "啟用 EXIF 支援功能將使 App 可以讀取相片中的中繼資料 (metadata),例如拍照日期、相機型號等等,而為了讀取這些資料,App 需要額外的網絡用量從伺服器下載完整的檔案。App 只會在裝置連接 WiFi 網絡的時候才會下載。", - "@exifSupportDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" - }, - "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "啟用 EXIF 支援?", - "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" - }, - "captureLogDetails": "如需記錄事件日誌以匯報問題:\n\n1. 啟用本設定\n2. 重現一次你遇到的問題\n3. 禁用本設定\n4. 在裝置的下載資料夾尋找 nc-photos.log 檔案\n\n*此功能不支援使 App 強制關閉的問題,如遇此種情況,請直接聯絡開發者", - "@captureLogDetails": { - "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" - }, - "captureLogSuccessNotification": "成功儲存事件日誌", - "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" - }, - "doneButtonLabel": "完成", - "@doneButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the done button" - }, - "nextButtonLabel": "下一項", - "@nextButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the next button" - }, - "connectButtonLabel": "連接", - "@connectButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the connect button" - }, - "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "你伺服器上的所有檔案將會被加入到 App,這將提高記憶體用量並有機會影響 App 的性能", - "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { - "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" - }, - "megapixelCount": "{count}百萬像素", - "@megapixelCount": { - "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1.3" - } - } - }, - "secondCountSymbol": "{count}秒", - "@secondCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of seconds", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}毫米", - "@millimeterCountSymbol": { - "description": "Number of millimeters", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "detailsTooltip": "詳情", - "@detailsTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the details button" - }, - "downloadTooltip": "下載", - "@downloadTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the download button" - }, - "downloadProcessingNotification": "正在下載檔案", - "@downloadProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" - }, - "downloadSuccessNotification": "成功下載檔案", - "@downloadSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" - }, - "downloadFailureNotification": "未能下載檔案", - "@downloadFailureNotification": { - "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" - }, - "nextTooltip": "下一項", - "@nextTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the next button" - }, - "previousTooltip": "上一項", - "@previousTooltip": { - "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" - }, - "webSelectRangeNotification": "按下 shit 鍵點擊以選取兩項目之間的所有項目", - "@webSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" - }, - "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "長按以選取兩項目之間的所有項目", - "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { - "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" - }, - "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "修改日期和時間", - "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" - }, - "dateSubtitle": "日期", - "timeSubtitle": "時間", - "dateYearInputHint": "年", - "dateMonthInputHint": "月", - "dateDayInputHint": "日", - "timeHourInputHint": "時", - "timeMinuteInputHint": "分", - "timeSecondInputHint": "秒", - "dateTimeInputInvalid": "輸入錯誤", - "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { - "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" - }, - "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "未能修改日期和時間", - "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" - }, - "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "選取綁定的資料夾", - "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "相簿只會包含已綁定資料夾內的相片", - "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" - }, - "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "請選取至少一個資料夾", - "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" - }, - "importFoldersTooltip": "導入資料夾", - "@importFoldersTooltip": { - "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterHeaderText": "導入資料夾為相簿", - "@albumImporterHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "於下表列出推薦的資料夾。若你的伺服器包含大量資料夾,將可能增加所需的時間", - "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { - "description": "Import folders as albums" - }, - "importButtonLabel": "導入", - "albumImporterProgressText": "正在導入資料夾", - "@albumImporterProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown while importing" - }, - "doneButtonTooltip": "完成", - "editTooltip": "修改", - "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "已存在相同設置的帳戶", - "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" - }, - "genericProcessingDialogContent": "請等候", - "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { - "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" - }, - "sortTooltip": "排序", - "sortOptionDialogTitle": "排序方式", - "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { - "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" - }, - "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "由舊到新", - "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "由新到舊", - "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "相簿名稱", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" - }, - "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "相簿名稱(降序)", - "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { - "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" - }, - "sortOptionManualLabel": "手動", - "@sortOptionManualLabel": { - "description": "Sort manually" - }, - "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "長按拖曳項目以改變排序", - "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { - "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" - }, - "albumAddTextTooltip": "新增文字", - "@albumAddTextTooltip": { - "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" - }, - "shareTooltip": "分享", - "@shareTooltip": { - "description": "Share selected items to other apps" - }, - "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "請選取要分享的相片", - "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { - "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" - }, - "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "正在下載", - "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { - "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" - }, - "searchTooltip": "搜尋", - "clearTooltip": "清除", - "@clearTooltip": { - "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" - }, - "listNoResultsText": "0 個項目", - "@listNoResultsText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "listEmptyText": "0 個項目", - "@listEmptyText": { - "description": "When there's nothing in a list" - }, - "albumTrashLabel": "垃圾桶", - "@albumTrashLabel": { - "description": "Deleted photos" - }, - "restoreTooltip": "還原", - "@restoreTooltip": { - "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在還原 {count} 個項目}}", - "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功還原所有項目", - "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能還原 {count} 個項目}}", - "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "restoreProcessingNotification": "正在還原", - "@restoreProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "restoreSuccessNotification": "成功還原", - "@restoreSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" - }, - "restoreFailureNotification": "未能還原", - "@restoreFailureNotification": { - "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "永久刪除", - "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "永久刪除", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "將於你的伺服器上永久刪除所選的檔案。\n\n此為不可逆操作", - "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" - }, - "albumSharedLabel": "已分享", - "@albumSharedLabel": { - "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" - }, - "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "正在背景讀取相片的中繼資料", - "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "正在等候 WiFi 網絡", - "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" - }, - "configButtonLabel": "設定", - "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "設為相簿封面", - "helpTooltip": "幫助", - "helpButtonLabel": "幫助", - "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "從相簿中移除", - "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { - "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" - }, - "changelogTitle": "更新日誌", - "@changelogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the changelog page" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "不安全的伺服器憑證", - "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "此伺服器可能遭到入侵或你的網絡正被竊聽", - "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { - "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "advancedButtonLabel": "進階設定", - "@advancedButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the advanced button" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "把伺服器憑證加入白名單?", - "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" - }, - "whitelistCertDialogContent": "你可以把此伺服器憑證加入 App 的白名單。警告:此行為有可能構成安全風險,請確保此憑證的來源可信\n\n主機: {host}\n指紋: {fingerprint}", - "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { - "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", - "placeholders": { - "host": { - "example": "www.example.com" - }, - "fingerprint": { - "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" - } - } - }, - "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "明白風險並加入白名單", - "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { - "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" - }, - "fileSharedByDescription": "為此用戶分享給你", - "@fileSharedByDescription": { - "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" - }, - "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "清空垃圾桶", - "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { - "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "清空垃圾桶", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "將於你的伺服器上永久刪除所有檔案。\n\n此為不可逆操作", - "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { - "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" - }, - "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "取消設為相簿封面", - "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { - "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" - }, - "muteTooltip": "靜音", - "@muteTooltip": { - "description": "Mute the video player" - }, - "unmuteTooltip": "解除靜音", - "@unmuteTooltip": { - "description": "Unmute the video player" - }, - "collectionPeopleLabel": "人物", - "@collectionPeopleLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" - }, - "slideshowTooltip": "幻燈片", - "@slideshowTooltip": { - "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "設置幻燈片", - "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { - "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "相片時長 (MM:SS)", - "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { - "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "隨機", - "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { - "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" - }, - "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "重複", - "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { - "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" - }, - "linkCopiedNotification": "已複製連結", - "@linkCopiedNotification": { - "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" - }, - "shareMethodDialogTitle": "分享方式", - "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { - "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "公開連結", - "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "於伺服器上建立新的公開連結,所有開啟連結的人都能存取檔案", - "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "密碼保護連結", - "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { - "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" - }, - "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "於伺服器上建立新的密碼保護連結", - "collectionSharingLabel": "分享", - "@collectionSharingLabel": { - "description": "List items being shared by the current account" - }, - "fileLastSharedDescription": "於 {date} 分享", - "@fileLastSharedDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 於 {date} 分享給你", - "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 於 {date} 分享相簿給你", - "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { - "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - }, - "date": { - "example": "Jan 1, 2021", - "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" - } - } - }, - "sharedWithLabel": "分享詳情", - "@sharedWithLabel": { - "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" - }, - "unshareTooltip": "取消分享", - "@unshareTooltip": { - "description": "Remove a share" - }, - "unshareSuccessNotification": "已移除分享", - "@unshareSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Removed a share" - }, - "locationLabel": "地點", - "@locationLabel": { - "description": "Show where the file is located" - }, - "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud 並不支援建立多檔案的分享連結,App 將會複製選取的檔案至一新的資料夾,並分享該資料夾", - "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" - }, - "folderNameInputHint": "資料夾名稱", - "@folderNameInputHint": { - "description": "Input field for folder name" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入資料夾名稱", - "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" - }, - "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "包含不支援的字母", - "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { - "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" - }, - "createShareProgressText": "正在建立分享", - "@createShareProgressText": { - "description": "Message shown when sharing files" - }, - "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能複製 {count} 個項目}}", - "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { - "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "刪除資料夾?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "此資料夾本是 App 為了分享多檔案而建立的,而此資料夾現在已沒有任何分享,你希望刪除此資料夾嗎?", - "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { - "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" - }, - "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "新增至收藏庫", - "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { - "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" - }, - "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "分享給用戶", - "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { - "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" - }, - "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功分享相簿給 {user},但部分相片未能分享", - "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功取消分享相簿給 {user},但部分相片未能取消分享", - "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { - "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "fixSharesTooltip": "修正分享", - "@fixSharesTooltip": { - "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" - }, - "fixTooltip": "修正", - "@fixTooltip": { - "description": "Fix an issue" - }, - "fixAllTooltip": "修正全部", - "@fixAllTooltip": { - "description": "Fix all listed issues" - }, - "missingShareDescription": "未有分享至 {user}", - "@missingShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "extraShareDescription": "已分享至 {user}", - "@extraShareDescription": { - "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", - "placeholders": { - "user": { - "example": "Alice" - } - } - }, - "defaultButtonLabel": "默認", - "addUserInputHint": "新增用戶", - "@addUserInputHint": { - "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "關於共享相簿", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "共享相簿容許同一伺服器上的多名用戶存取相同的相簿,請於使用本功能前細閱說明和限制", - "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { - "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" - }, - "learnMoreButtonLabel": "更多說明", - "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "正在更新數據庫", - "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { - "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" - }, - "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "未能更新數據庫", - "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, other{{count} 年前}}", - "@memoryAlbumName": { - "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "未找到用戶資料夾", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { - "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" - }, - "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "請修正下面的 WebDAV 地址,你可以於 Nextcloud 網頁介面中找到正確的地址", - "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { - "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" - }, - "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入用戶資料夾的名稱", - "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { - "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" - }, - "createCollectionTooltip": "新增相片集", - "@createCollectionTooltip": { - "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "相簿", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { - "description": "Create an album as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "顯示你任意加入的相片", - "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { - "description": "Describe how an album collection works" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "資料夾", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { - "description": "Create a folder as collection" - }, - "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "顯示資料夾內的相片", - "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" - }, - "collectionFavoritesLabel": "我的最愛", - "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { - "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" - }, - "favoriteTooltip": "新增至我的最愛", - "@favoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Add photo to favorites" - }, - "favoriteSuccessNotification": "成功新增至我的最愛", - "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" - }, - "favoriteFailureNotification": "未能新增至我的最愛", - "@favoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteTooltip": "從我的最愛移除", - "@unfavoriteTooltip": { - "description": "Remove photo to favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "成功從我的最愛移除", - "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { - "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" - }, - "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "未能從我的最愛移除", - "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { - "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "標籤", - "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { - "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" - }, - "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "顯示特定標籤的檔案", - "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { - "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" - }, - "addTagInputHint": "新增標籤", - "@addTagInputHint": { - "description": "Input a tag" - }, - "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "請新增至少一個標籤", - "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { - "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" - }, - "backgroundServiceStopping": "正在停止背景服務", - "@backgroundServiceStopping": { - "description": "The background service is stopping itself" - }, - "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "電量不足", - "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { - "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" - }, - "errorUnauthenticated": "未授權的存取,若問題持續請重新登入", - "@errorUnauthenticated": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" - }, - "errorDisconnected": "無法建立連線,服務器可能正在維護或你的裝置已離線", - "@errorDisconnected": { - "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" - }, - "errorLocked": "檔案於伺服器上被鎖定,請稍候重試", - "@errorLocked": { - "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" - }, - "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "無法建立連線,請確認網絡地址為你 Nextcloud 伺服器的基底地址", - "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { - "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" - }, - "errorWrongPassword": "無法建立授權,請確認你的用戶名稱和密碼為正確", - "@errorWrongPassword": { - "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" - }, - "errorServerError": "伺服器錯誤,請確認伺服器設置無誤", - "@errorServerError": { - "description": "HTTP 500" - }, - "errorAlbumDowngrade": "無法修改新版本 App 所儲存的相簿,請更新 App 後重試", - "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { - "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" - }, - "errorNoStoragePermission": "需要存取裝置檔案的權限", - "@errorNoStoragePermission": { - "description": "Missing permission on Android" - } + "appTitle": "相簿", + "translator": "zerolin", + "@translator": { + "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language" + }, + "photosTabLabel": "相片", + "@photosTabLabel": { + "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos" + }, + "collectionsTooltip": "收藏庫", + "@collectionsTooltip": { + "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc" + }, + "zoomTooltip": "放大", + "@zoomTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button" + }, + "refreshMenuLabel": "重新整理", + "@refreshMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu" + }, + "settingsMenuLabel": "設定", + "@settingsMenuLabel": { + "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu" + }, + "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{已選 {count} 項}}", + "@selectionAppBarTitle": { + "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在刪除 {count} 個項目}}", + "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功刪除所有項目", + "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能刪除 {count} 個項目}}", + "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveTooltip": "封存", + "@archiveTooltip": { + "description": "Archive selected items" + }, + "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在封存 {count} 個項目}}", + "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Archiving the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功封存所有項目", + "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Archived all selected items successfully" + }, + "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能封存 {count} 個項目}}", + "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveTooltip": "取消封存", + "@unarchiveTooltip": { + "description": "Unarchive selected items" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在取消封存 {count} 個項目}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Unarchiving selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功取消封存所有項目", + "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully" + }, + "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能取消封存 {count} 個項目}}", + "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "deleteTooltip": "刪除", + "@deleteTooltip": { + "description": "Delete selected items" + }, + "deleteProcessingNotification": "正在刪除", + "@deleteProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted" + }, + "deleteSuccessNotification": "成功刪除", + "@deleteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully" + }, + "deleteFailureNotification": "未能刪除", + "@deleteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted" + }, + "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "未能從相簿中移除項目", + "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album" + }, + "addServerTooltip": "新增伺服器", + "@addServerTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server" + }, + "removeServerSuccessNotification": "成功移除 {server}", + "@removeServerSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "createAlbumTooltip": "新增相簿", + "@createAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album" + }, + "albumSize": "{count, plural, other{{count} 個項目}}", + "@albumSize": { + "description": "Number of items inside an album", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "albumArchiveLabel": "封存庫", + "@albumArchiveLabel": { + "description": "A collection containing all archived photos" + }, + "connectingToServer": "正在連接\n{server}", + "@connectingToServer": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server", + "placeholders": { + "server": { + "example": "http://www.example.com" + } + } + }, + "nameInputHint": "名稱", + "@nameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data" + }, + "skipButtonLabel": "跳過", + "@skipButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the skip button" + }, + "confirmButtonLabel": "確認", + "@confirmButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the confirm button" + }, + "signInHeaderText": "登入 Nextcloud 伺服器", + "@signInHeaderText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "signIn2faHintText": "若你的伺服器使用雙重認證,請以應用程式密碼登入", + "@signIn2faHintText": { + "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)" + }, + "serverAddressInputHint": "伺服器地址", + "@serverAddressInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data" + }, + "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入伺服器地址", + "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty" + }, + "usernameInputHint": "用戶名稱", + "@usernameInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data" + }, + "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入用戶名稱", + "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty" + }, + "passwordInputHint": "密碼", + "@passwordInputHint": { + "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data" + }, + "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入密碼", + "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty" + }, + "rootPickerHeaderText": "請選擇相片資料夾", + "@rootPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "App 只會顯示已選取資料夾內的相片,如需包含所有資料夾,請按跳過", + "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget" + }, + "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(返回上一層)", + "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": { + "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree" + }, + "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "未能取消選取資料夾", + "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list" + }, + "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "請選取至少一個資料夾或按跳過", + "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "setupWidgetTitle": "開始使用", + "@setupWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the introductory widget" + }, + "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "你亦可稍後於設定頁面中修改", + "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": { + "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process" + }, + "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "本 App 將於你的 Nextcloud 伺服器中新增一個資料夾以儲存設定文件,除非你計劃刪除本 App,否則請不要更改或刪除資料夾的內容", + "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": { + "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app" + }, + "settingsWidgetTitle": "設定", + "@settingsWidgetTitle": { + "description": "Title of the Settings widget" + }, + "settingsLanguageTitle": "語言", + "@settingsLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Set display language" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTitle": "EXIF 支援", + "@settingsExifSupportTitle": { + "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting" + }, + "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "需要額外的網絡用量", + "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting" + }, + "settingsMemoriesTitle": "回憶", + "@settingsMemoriesTitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "顯示你過去的相片", + "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": { + "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past" + }, + "settingsAccountTitle": "帳戶", + "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "已選取的資料夾", + "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": { + "description": "Change the included folders of an account" + }, + "settingsShareFolderTitle": "共享資料夾", + "@settingsShareFolderTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "設置共享資料夾", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "此設定必需與你伺服器上的設置一致,請參考伺服器上 config.php 內的 share_folder 項目", + "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "請選擇與 config.php 中 share_folder 路徑一致的資料夾,若你從未更改伺服器設置,請按默認", + "@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": { + "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php" + }, + "settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "伺服器 App 支援", + "@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": { + "description": "Enable/disable various server apps" + }, + "settingsViewerTitle": "檢視器", + "settingsViewerDescription": "設置相片和影片檢視器", + "settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "螢幕亮度", + "settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "覆蓋系統亮度設定", + "settingsForceRotationTitle": "無視螢幕旋轉鎖定", + "settingsForceRotationDescription": "在系統鎖定螢幕旋轉時保持自動旋轉", + "settingsMapProviderTitle": "地圖供應商", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "顯示日期分類", + "settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "只應用於以日期排序的相簿", + "settingsThemeTitle": "主題", + "settingsThemeDescription": "設置 App 的外觀", + "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "跟隨系統主題", + "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": { + "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "黑色主題", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": { + "description": "Make the dark theme darker" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "深色主題中使用黑色背景", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true" + }, + "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "深色主題中使用深色背景", + "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": { + "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false" + }, + "settingsExperimentalTitle": "實驗", + "settingsExperimentalDescription": "可能不穩定的實驗性功能", + "settingsAboutSectionTitle": "關於", + "@settingsAboutSectionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the about section in settings widget" + }, + "settingsVersionTitle": "版本", + "@settingsVersionTitle": { + "description": "Title of the version data item" + }, + "settingsSourceCodeTitle": "源代碼", + "@settingsSourceCodeTitle": { + "description": "Title of the source code item" + }, + "settingsBugReportTitle": "問題匯報", + "@settingsBugReportTitle": { + "description": "Report issue" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsTitle": "收集 App 事件日誌", + "@settingsCaptureLogsTitle": { + "description": "Capture app logs for bug report" + }, + "settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "幫助開發者分析 bug", + "settingsTranslatorTitle": "翻譯", + "@settingsTranslatorTitle": { + "description": "Title of the translator item" + }, + "writePreferenceFailureNotification": "未能儲存設定", + "@writePreferenceFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified" + }, + "enableButtonLabel": "啟用", + "@enableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the enable button" + }, + "exifSupportDetails": "啟用 EXIF 支援功能將使 App 可以讀取相片中的中繼資料 (metadata),例如拍照日期、相機型號等等,而為了讀取這些資料,App 需要額外的網絡用量從伺服器下載完整的檔案。App 只會在裝置連接 WiFi 網絡的時候才會下載。", + "@exifSupportDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature" + }, + "exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "啟用 EXIF 支援?", + "@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support" + }, + "captureLogDetails": "如需記錄事件日誌以匯報問題:\n\n1. 啟用本設定\n2. 重現一次你遇到的問題\n3. 禁用本設定\n4. 在裝置的下載資料夾尋找 nc-photos.log 檔案\n\n*此功能不支援使 App 強制關閉的問題,如遇此種情況,請直接聯絡開發者", + "@captureLogDetails": { + "description": "Detailed description on capturing logs" + }, + "captureLogSuccessNotification": "成功儲存事件日誌", + "@captureLogSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory" + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "完成", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the done button" + }, + "nextButtonLabel": "下一項", + "@nextButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the next button" + }, + "connectButtonLabel": "連接", + "@connectButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the connect button" + }, + "rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "你伺服器上的所有檔案將會被加入到 App,這將提高記憶體用量並有機會影響 App 的性能", + "@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": { + "description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server" + }, + "megapixelCount": "{count}百萬像素", + "@megapixelCount": { + "description": "Resolution of an image in megapixel", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1.3" + } + } + }, + "secondCountSymbol": "{count}秒", + "@secondCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of seconds", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}毫米", + "@millimeterCountSymbol": { + "description": "Number of millimeters", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "detailsTooltip": "詳情", + "@detailsTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the details button" + }, + "downloadTooltip": "下載", + "@downloadTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the download button" + }, + "downloadProcessingNotification": "正在下載檔案", + "@downloadProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded" + }, + "downloadSuccessNotification": "成功下載檔案", + "@downloadSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully" + }, + "downloadFailureNotification": "未能下載檔案", + "@downloadFailureNotification": { + "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded" + }, + "nextTooltip": "下一項", + "@nextTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the next button" + }, + "previousTooltip": "上一項", + "@previousTooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip of the previous button" + }, + "webSelectRangeNotification": "按下 shit 鍵點擊以選取兩項目之間的所有項目", + "@webSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range" + }, + "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "長按以選取兩項目之間的所有項目", + "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": { + "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range" + }, + "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "修改日期和時間", + "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file" + }, + "dateSubtitle": "日期", + "timeSubtitle": "時間", + "dateYearInputHint": "年", + "dateMonthInputHint": "月", + "dateDayInputHint": "日", + "timeHourInputHint": "時", + "timeMinuteInputHint": "分", + "timeSecondInputHint": "秒", + "dateTimeInputInvalid": "輸入錯誤", + "@dateTimeInputInvalid": { + "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)" + }, + "updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "未能修改日期和時間", + "@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file" + }, + "albumDirPickerHeaderText": "選取綁定的資料夾", + "@albumDirPickerHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "相簿只會包含已綁定資料夾內的相片", + "@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album" + }, + "albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "請選取至少一個資料夾", + "@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders" + }, + "importFoldersTooltip": "導入資料夾", + "@importFoldersTooltip": { + "description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterHeaderText": "導入資料夾為相簿", + "@albumImporterHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "albumImporterSubHeaderText": "於下表列出推薦的資料夾。若你的伺服器包含大量資料夾,將可能增加所需的時間", + "@albumImporterSubHeaderText": { + "description": "Import folders as albums" + }, + "importButtonLabel": "導入", + "albumImporterProgressText": "正在導入資料夾", + "@albumImporterProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown while importing" + }, + "doneButtonTooltip": "完成", + "editTooltip": "修改", + "editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "已存在相同設置的帳戶", + "@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one" + }, + "genericProcessingDialogContent": "請等候", + "@genericProcessingDialogContent": { + "description": "Generic dialog shown when the app is temporarily blocking user input to work on something" + }, + "sortTooltip": "排序", + "sortOptionDialogTitle": "排序方式", + "@sortOptionDialogTitle": { + "description": "Select how the photos should be sorted" + }, + "sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": "由舊到新", + "@sortOptionTimeAscendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": "由新到舊", + "@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by time, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "相簿名稱", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order" + }, + "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "相簿名稱(降序)", + "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": { + "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order" + }, + "sortOptionManualLabel": "手動", + "@sortOptionManualLabel": { + "description": "Sort manually" + }, + "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "長按拖曳項目以改變排序", + "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": { + "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos" + }, + "albumAddTextTooltip": "新增文字", + "@albumAddTextTooltip": { + "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album" + }, + "shareTooltip": "分享", + "@shareTooltip": { + "description": "Share selected items to other apps" + }, + "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "請選取要分享的相片", + "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": { + "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected" + }, + "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "正在下載", + "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": { + "description": "Downloading photos to be shared" + }, + "searchTooltip": "搜尋", + "clearTooltip": "清除", + "@clearTooltip": { + "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field" + }, + "listNoResultsText": "0 個項目", + "@listNoResultsText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "listEmptyText": "0 個項目", + "@listEmptyText": { + "description": "When there's nothing in a list" + }, + "albumTrashLabel": "垃圾桶", + "@albumTrashLabel": { + "description": "Deleted photos" + }, + "restoreTooltip": "還原", + "@restoreTooltip": { + "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, other{正在還原 {count} 個項目}}", + "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "成功還原所有項目", + "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能還原 {count} 個項目}}", + "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "restoreProcessingNotification": "正在還原", + "@restoreProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "restoreSuccessNotification": "成功還原", + "@restoreSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully" + }, + "restoreFailureNotification": "未能還原", + "@restoreFailureNotification": { + "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "永久刪除", + "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": "永久刪除", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": "將於你的伺服器上永久刪除所選的檔案。\n\n此為不可逆操作", + "@deletePermanentlyConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items" + }, + "albumSharedLabel": "已分享", + "@albumSharedLabel": { + "description": "A small label placed next to a shared album" + }, + "metadataTaskProcessingNotification": "正在背景讀取相片的中繼資料", + "@metadataTaskProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app is reading image metadata" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": "正在等候 WiFi 網絡", + "@metadataTaskPauseNoWiFiNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata" + }, + "configButtonLabel": "設定", + "useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "設為相簿封面", + "helpTooltip": "幫助", + "helpButtonLabel": "幫助", + "removeFromAlbumTooltip": "從相簿中移除", + "@removeFromAlbumTooltip": { + "description": "Remove the opened photo from an album" + }, + "changelogTitle": "更新日誌", + "@changelogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the changelog page" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "不安全的伺服器憑證", + "@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "serverCertErrorDialogContent": "此伺服器可能遭到入侵或你的網絡正被竊聽", + "@serverCertErrorDialogContent": { + "description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "advancedButtonLabel": "進階設定", + "@advancedButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the advanced button" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogTitle": "把伺服器憑證加入白名單?", + "@whitelistCertDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate" + }, + "whitelistCertDialogContent": "你可以把此伺服器憑證加入 App 的白名單。警告:此行為有可能構成安全風險,請確保此憑證的來源可信\n\n主機: {host}\n指紋: {fingerprint}", + "@whitelistCertDialogContent": { + "description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate", + "placeholders": { + "host": { + "example": "www.example.com" + }, + "fingerprint": { + "example": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" + } + } + }, + "whitelistCertButtonLabel": "明白風險並加入白名單", + "@whitelistCertButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label of the whitelist certificate button" + }, + "fileSharedByDescription": "為此用戶分享給你", + "@fileSharedByDescription": { + "description": "The app will show the owner of the file if it's being shared with you by others. The name of the owner is displayed above this line" + }, + "emptyTrashbinTooltip": "清空垃圾桶", + "@emptyTrashbinTooltip": { + "description": "Permanently delete all items from trashbin" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": "清空垃圾桶", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogTitle": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "將於你的伺服器上永久刪除所有檔案。\n\n此為不可逆操作", + "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": { + "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items" + }, + "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "取消設為相簿封面", + "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": { + "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album" + }, + "muteTooltip": "靜音", + "@muteTooltip": { + "description": "Mute the video player" + }, + "unmuteTooltip": "解除靜音", + "@unmuteTooltip": { + "description": "Unmute the video player" + }, + "collectionPeopleLabel": "人物", + "@collectionPeopleLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos grouped by person" + }, + "slideshowTooltip": "幻燈片", + "@slideshowTooltip": { + "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "設置幻燈片", + "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": { + "description": "Setup slideshow before starting" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "相片時長 (MM:SS)", + "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": { + "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "隨機", + "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": { + "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection" + }, + "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "重複", + "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide" + }, + "linkCopiedNotification": "已複製連結", + "@linkCopiedNotification": { + "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard" + }, + "shareMethodDialogTitle": "分享方式", + "@shareMethodDialogTitle": { + "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "公開連結", + "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "於伺服器上建立新的公開連結,所有開啟連結的人都能存取檔案", + "shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "密碼保護連結", + "@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": { + "description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it" + }, + "shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "於伺服器上建立新的密碼保護連結", + "collectionSharingLabel": "分享", + "@collectionSharingLabel": { + "description": "List items being shared by the current account" + }, + "fileLastSharedDescription": "於 {date} 分享", + "@fileLastSharedDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was last shared by you", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 於 {date} 分享給你", + "@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this file was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} 於 {date} 分享相簿給你", + "@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": { + "description": "The date when this album was shared with you", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + }, + "date": { + "example": "Jan 1, 2021", + "description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale" + } + } + }, + "sharedWithLabel": "分享詳情", + "@sharedWithLabel": { + "description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with" + }, + "unshareTooltip": "取消分享", + "@unshareTooltip": { + "description": "Remove a share" + }, + "unshareSuccessNotification": "已移除分享", + "@unshareSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Removed a share" + }, + "locationLabel": "地點", + "@locationLabel": { + "description": "Show where the file is located" + }, + "multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud 並不支援建立多檔案的分享連結,App 將會複製選取的檔案至一新的資料夾,並分享該資料夾", + "@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link" + }, + "folderNameInputHint": "資料夾名稱", + "@folderNameInputHint": { + "description": "Input field for folder name" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入資料夾名稱", + "@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Folder name cannot be left empty" + }, + "folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "包含不支援的字母", + "@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": { + "description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed" + }, + "createShareProgressText": "正在建立分享", + "@createShareProgressText": { + "description": "Message shown when sharing files" + }, + "copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, other{未能複製 {count} 個項目}}", + "@copyItemsFailureNotification": { + "description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "刪除資料夾?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "此資料夾本是 App 為了分享多檔案而建立的,而此資料夾現在已沒有任何分享,你希望刪除此資料夾嗎?", + "@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": { + "description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files" + }, + "addToCollectionsViewTooltip": "新增至收藏庫", + "@addToCollectionsViewTooltip": { + "description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does" + }, + "shareAlbumDialogTitle": "分享給用戶", + "@shareAlbumDialogTitle": { + "description": "Dialog to share an album with another user" + }, + "shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功分享相簿給 {user},但部分相片未能分享", + "@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "成功取消分享相簿給 {user},但部分相片未能取消分享", + "@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": { + "description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "fixSharesTooltip": "修正分享", + "@fixSharesTooltip": { + "description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them" + }, + "fixTooltip": "修正", + "@fixTooltip": { + "description": "Fix an issue" + }, + "fixAllTooltip": "修正全部", + "@fixAllTooltip": { + "description": "Fix all listed issues" + }, + "missingShareDescription": "未有分享至 {user}", + "@missingShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "extraShareDescription": "已分享至 {user}", + "@extraShareDescription": { + "description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is", + "placeholders": { + "user": { + "example": "Alice" + } + } + }, + "defaultButtonLabel": "默認", + "addUserInputHint": "新增用戶", + "@addUserInputHint": { + "description": "Input a user name to share this album with" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "關於共享相簿", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "共享相簿容許同一伺服器上的多名用戶存取相同的相簿,請於使用本功能前細閱說明和限制", + "@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": { + "description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album" + }, + "learnMoreButtonLabel": "更多說明", + "migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "正在更新數據庫", + "@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": { + "description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app" + }, + "migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "未能更新數據庫", + "memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, other{{count} 年前}}", + "@memoryAlbumName": { + "description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "未找到用戶資料夾", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": { + "description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in" + }, + "homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "請修正下面的 WebDAV 地址,你可以於 Nextcloud 網頁介面中找到正確的地址", + "@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": { + "description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL" + }, + "homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "請輸入用戶資料夾的名稱", + "@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": { + "description": "Home folder can't be left empty" + }, + "createCollectionTooltip": "新增相片集", + "@createCollectionTooltip": { + "description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "相簿", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": { + "description": "Create an album as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "顯示你任意加入的相片", + "@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": { + "description": "Describe how an album collection works" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "資料夾", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": { + "description": "Create a folder as collection" + }, + "createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "顯示資料夾內的相片", + "@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a folder collection works" + }, + "collectionFavoritesLabel": "我的最愛", + "@collectionFavoritesLabel": { + "description": "Browse photos added to favorites" + }, + "favoriteTooltip": "新增至我的最愛", + "@favoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Add photo to favorites" + }, + "favoriteSuccessNotification": "成功新增至我的最愛", + "@favoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully added photos to favorites" + }, + "favoriteFailureNotification": "未能新增至我的最愛", + "@favoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed adding photos to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteTooltip": "從我的最愛移除", + "@unfavoriteTooltip": { + "description": "Remove photo to favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "成功從我的最愛移除", + "@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": { + "description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites" + }, + "unfavoriteFailureNotification": "未能從我的最愛移除", + "@unfavoriteFailureNotification": { + "description": "Failed removing photos from favorites" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "標籤", + "@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": { + "description": "Create a collection containing files with tags" + }, + "createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "顯示特定標籤的檔案", + "@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": { + "description": "Describe how a tag collection works" + }, + "addTagInputHint": "新增標籤", + "@addTagInputHint": { + "description": "Input a tag" + }, + "tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "請新增至少一個標籤", + "@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": { + "description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags" + }, + "backgroundServiceStopping": "正在停止背景服務", + "@backgroundServiceStopping": { + "description": "The background service is stopping itself" + }, + "metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "電量不足", + "@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": { + "description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery" + }, + "errorUnauthenticated": "未授權的存取,若問題持續請重新登入", + "@errorUnauthenticated": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401" + }, + "errorDisconnected": "無法建立連線,服務器可能正在維護或你的裝置已離線", + "@errorDisconnected": { + "description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server" + }, + "errorLocked": "檔案於伺服器上被鎖定,請稍候重試", + "@errorLocked": { + "description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423" + }, + "errorInvalidBaseUrl": "無法建立連線,請確認網絡地址為你 Nextcloud 伺服器的基底地址", + "@errorInvalidBaseUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid" + }, + "errorWrongPassword": "無法建立授權,請確認你的用戶名稱和密碼為正確", + "@errorWrongPassword": { + "description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong" + }, + "errorServerError": "伺服器錯誤,請確認伺服器設置無誤", + "@errorServerError": { + "description": "HTTP 500" + }, + "errorAlbumDowngrade": "無法修改新版本 App 所儲存的相簿,請更新 App 後重試", + "@errorAlbumDowngrade": { + "description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss" + }, + "errorNoStoragePermission": "需要存取裝置檔案的權限", + "@errorNoStoragePermission": { + "description": "Missing permission on Android" + } } \ No newline at end of file