{{- /* // GoToSocial // Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ -}} {{- /* Template for rendering a gallery of status media attachments. To use this template, pass a web view status into it. */ -}} {{- define "imagePreview" }} <img src="{{- .PreviewURL -}}" loading="lazy" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- .Description -}}" title="{{- .Description -}}" {{- end }} width="{{- .Meta.Original.Width -}}" height="{{- .Meta.Original.Height -}}" /> {{- end }} {{- define "videoPreview" }} <img src="{{- .PreviewURL -}}" loading="lazy" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- .Description -}}" title="{{- .Description -}}" {{- end }} width="{{- .Meta.Small.Width -}}" height="{{- .Meta.Small.Height -}}" /> {{- end }} {{- define "audioPreview" }} {{- if and .PreviewURL .Meta.Small.Width }} <img src="{{- .PreviewURL -}}" loading="lazy" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- .Description -}}" title="{{- .Description -}}" {{- end }} width="{{- .Meta.Small.Width -}}" height="{{- .Meta.Small.Height -}}" /> {{- else }} <img src="/assets/logo.webp" loading="lazy" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- .Description -}}" title="{{- .Description -}}" {{- end }} width="518" height="460" /> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- /* Produces something like "1 attachment", "2 attachments", etc */ -}} {{- define "attachmentsLength" -}} {{- (len .) }}{{- if eq (len .) 1 }} attachment{{- else }} attachments{{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Produces something like "media photoswipe-gallery odd single" */ -}} {{- define "galleryClass" -}} media photoswipe-gallery {{ (len .) | oddOrEven }} {{ if eq (len .) 1 }}single{{ else if eq (len .) 2 }}double{{ end }} {{- end -}} {{- with .MediaAttachments }} <div class="{{- template "galleryClass" . -}}" role="group" aria-label="{{- template "attachmentsLength" . -}}" > {{- range $index, $media := . }} <div class="media-wrapper"> <details class="{{- $media.Type -}}-spoiler media-spoiler" {{- if not $media.Sensitive }} open{{- end -}}> <summary> <div class="show sensitive button" aria-hidden="true">Show sensitive media</div> <span class="eye button" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="Toggle media"> <i class="hide fa fa-fw fa-eye-slash" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="show fa fa-fw fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> {{- if eq .Type "video" }} {{- include "videoPreview" $media | indent 4 }} {{- else if eq .Type "image" }} {{- include "imagePreview" $media | indent 4 }} {{- else if eq .Type "audio" }} {{- include "audioPreview" $media | indent 4 }} {{- end }} </summary> {{- if eq .Type "video" }} <video preload="none" class="plyr-video photoswipe-slide" controls data-pswp-index="{{- $index -}}" poster="{{- .PreviewURL -}}" data-pswp-width="{{- $media.Meta.Small.Width -}}px" data-pswp-height="{{- $media.Meta.Small.Height -}}px" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- $media.Description -}}" title="{{- $media.Description -}}" {{- end }} > <source type="{{- $media.MIMEType -}}" src="{{- $media.URL -}}"/> </video> {{- else if eq .Type "audio" }} <video preload="none" class="plyr-video photoswipe-slide" controls data-pswp-index="{{- $index -}}" {{- if and $media.PreviewURL $media.Meta.Small.Width }} poster="{{- .PreviewURL -}}" data-pswp-width="{{- $media.Meta.Small.Width -}}px" data-pswp-height="{{- $media.Meta.Small.Height -}}px" {{- else }} poster="/assets/logo.webp" width="518px" height="460px" {{- end }} {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- $media.Description -}}" title="{{- $media.Description -}}" {{- end }} > <source type="{{- $media.MIMEType -}}" src="{{- $media.URL -}}"/> </video> {{- else if eq .Type "image" }} <a class="photoswipe-slide" href="{{- $media.URL -}}" target="_blank" data-pswp-width="{{- $media.Meta.Original.Width -}}px" data-pswp-height="{{- $media.Meta.Original.Height -}}px" data-cropped="true" {{- if .Description }} alt="{{- $media.Description -}}" title="{{- $media.Description -}}" {{- end }} > {{- with $media }} {{- include "imagePreview" . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} </a> {{- else }} <a class="unknown-attachment" href="{{- $media.RemoteURL -}}" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" {{- if .Description }} title="Open external media: {{ $media.Description -}} {{- $media.RemoteURL -}}" {{- else }} title="Open external media. {{- $media.RemoteURL -}}" {{- end }} > <div class="placeholder" aria-hidden="true"> <i class="placeholder-external-link fa fa-external-link"></i> <i class="placeholder-icon fa fa-file-text"></i> <div class="placeholder-link-to">External media</div> </div> </a> {{- end }} </details> </div> {{- end }} </div> {{- end }}