basePath: / definitions: FileHeader: properties: Filename: type: string Header: $ref: '#/definitions/MIMEHeader' Size: format: int64 type: integer title: A FileHeader describes a file part of a multipart request. type: object x-go-package: mime/multipart MIMEHeader: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array description: |- A MIMEHeader represents a MIME-style header mapping keys to sets of values. type: object x-go-package: net/textproto Mention: properties: acct: description: |- The account URI as discovered via webfinger. Equal to username for local users, or username@domain for remote users. example: type: string x-go-name: Acct id: description: The ID of the mentioned account. example: 01FBYJHQWQZAVWFRK9PDYTKGMB type: string x-go-name: ID url: description: The web URL of the mentioned account's profile. example: type: string x-go-name: URL username: description: The username of the mentioned account. example: some_user type: string x-go-name: Username title: Mention represents a mention of another account. type: object x-go-package: Source: description: |- Returned as an additional entity when verifying and updated credentials, as an attribute of Account. See properties: fields: description: Metadata about the account. items: $ref: '#/definitions/field' type: array x-go-name: Fields follow_requests_count: description: The number of pending follow requests. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: FollowRequestsCount language: description: The default posting language for new statuses. type: string x-go-name: Language note: description: Profile bio. type: string x-go-name: Note privacy: $ref: '#/definitions/statusVisibility' sensitive: description: Whether new statuses should be marked sensitive by default. type: boolean x-go-name: Sensitive title: Source represents display or publishing preferences of user's own account. type: object x-go-package: account: properties: acct: description: |- The account URI as discovered via webfinger. Equal to username for local users, or username@domain for remote users. example: type: string x-go-name: Acct avatar: description: Web location of the account's avatar. example: type: string x-go-name: Avatar avatar_static: description: |- Web location of a static version of the account's avatar. Only relevant when the account's main avatar is a video or a gif. example: type: string x-go-name: AvatarStatic bot: description: Account identifies as a bot. type: boolean x-go-name: Bot created_at: description: When the account was created (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt discoverable: description: Account has opted into discovery features such as the profile directory. type: boolean x-go-name: Discoverable display_name: description: The account's display name. example: big jeff (he/him) type: string x-go-name: DisplayName emojis: description: Array of custom emojis used in this account's note or display name. items: $ref: '#/definitions/emoji' type: array x-go-name: Emojis fields: description: Additional metadata attached to this account's profile. items: $ref: '#/definitions/field' type: array x-go-name: Fields followers_count: description: Number of accounts following this account, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: FollowersCount following_count: description: Number of account's followed by this account, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: FollowingCount header: description: Web location of the account's header image. example: type: string x-go-name: Header header_static: description: |- Web location of a static version of the account's header. Only relevant when the account's main header is a video or a gif. example: type: string x-go-name: HeaderStatic id: description: The account id. example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B type: string x-go-name: ID last_status_at: description: When the account's most recent status was posted (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: LastStatusAt locked: description: Account manually approves follow requests. type: boolean x-go-name: Locked mute_expires_at: description: If this account has been muted, when will the mute expire (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: MuteExpiresAt note: description: Bio/description of this account. type: string x-go-name: Note source: $ref: '#/definitions/Source' statuses_count: description: Number of statuses posted by this account, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: StatusesCount suspended: description: Account has been suspended by our instance. type: boolean x-go-name: Suspended url: description: Web location of the account's profile page. example: type: string x-go-name: URL username: description: The username of the account, not including domain. example: some_user type: string x-go-name: Username title: Account represents a fediverse account of some kind, either a remote one or one on this instance. type: object x-go-name: Account x-go-package: accountCreateRequest: properties: agreement: description: The user agrees to the terms, conditions, and policies of the instance. type: boolean x-go-name: Agreement email: description: The email address to be used for login. type: string x-go-name: Email locale: description: The language of the confirmation email that will be sent. type: string x-go-name: Locale password: description: The password to be used for login. This will be hashed before storage. type: string x-go-name: Password reason: description: Text that will be reviewed by moderators if registrations require manual approval. type: string x-go-name: Reason username: description: The desired username for the account. type: string x-go-name: Username title: AccountCreateRequest represents the form submitted during a POST request to /api/v1/accounts. type: object x-go-name: AccountCreateRequest x-go-package: accountFollowRequest: description: AccountFollowRequest is for parsing requests at /api/v1/accounts/:id/follow properties: TargetAccountID: description: |- ID of the account to follow request This should be a URL parameter not a form field type: string notify: description: Notify when this account posts? type: boolean x-go-name: Notify reblogs: description: Show reblogs for this account? type: boolean x-go-name: Reblogs type: object x-go-name: AccountFollowRequest x-go-package: accountRelationship: properties: blocked_by: description: This account is blocking you. type: boolean x-go-name: BlockedBy blocking: description: You are blocking this account. type: boolean x-go-name: Blocking domain_blocking: description: You are blocking this account's domain. type: boolean x-go-name: DomainBlocking endorsed: description: You are featuring this account on your profile. type: boolean x-go-name: Endorsed followed_by: description: This account follows you. type: boolean x-go-name: FollowedBy following: description: You are following this account. type: boolean x-go-name: Following id: description: The account id. example: 01FBW9XGEP7G6K88VY4S9MPE1R type: string x-go-name: ID muting: description: You are muting this account. type: boolean x-go-name: Muting muting_notifications: description: You are muting notifications from this account. type: boolean x-go-name: MutingNotifications note: description: Your note on this account. type: string x-go-name: Note notifying: description: You are seeing notifications when this account posts. type: boolean x-go-name: Notifying requested: description: You have requested to follow this account, and the request is pending. type: boolean x-go-name: Requested showing_reblogs: description: You are seeing reblogs/boosts from this account in your home timeline. type: boolean x-go-name: ShowingReblogs title: Relationship represents a relationship between accounts. type: object x-go-name: Relationship x-go-package: application: description: Primarily, application is used for allowing apps like Tusky etc to connect to Mastodon on behalf of a user. properties: client_id: description: Client ID associated with this application. type: string x-go-name: ClientID client_secret: description: Client secret associated with this application. type: string x-go-name: ClientSecret id: description: The ID of the application. example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B type: string x-go-name: ID name: description: The name of the application. example: Tusky type: string x-go-name: Name redirect_uri: description: Post-authorization redirect URI for the application (OAuth2). example: type: string x-go-name: RedirectURI vapid_key: description: Push API key for this application. type: string x-go-name: VapidKey website: description: The website associated with the application (url) example: type: string x-go-name: Website title: Application represents an api Application, as defined here. type: object x-go-name: Application x-go-package: attachment: properties: blurhash: description: |- A hash computed by the BlurHash algorithm, for generating colorful preview thumbnails when media has not been downloaded yet. See type: string x-go-name: Blurhash description: description: Alt text that describes what is in the media attachment. example: This is a picture of a kitten. type: string x-go-name: Description id: description: The ID of the attachment. type: string x-go-name: ID meta: $ref: '#/definitions/mediaMeta' preview_remote_url: description: |- The location of a scaled-down preview of the attachment on the remote server. Only defined for instances other than our own. example: type: string x-go-name: PreviewRemoteURL preview_url: description: The location of a scaled-down preview of the attachment. example: type: string x-go-name: PreviewURL remote_url: description: |- The location of the full-size original attachment on the remote server. Only defined for instances other than our own. example: type: string x-go-name: RemoteURL text_url: description: A shorter URL for the attachment. type: string x-go-name: TextURL type: description: |- The type of the attachment. unknown = unsupported or unrecognized file type. image = Static image. gifv = Looping, soundless animation. video = Video clip. audio = Audio track. example: image type: string x-go-name: Type url: description: The location of the original full-size attachment. example: type: string x-go-name: URL title: Attachment represents the object returned to a client after a successful media upload request. type: object x-go-name: Attachment x-go-package: card: properties: author_name: description: The author of the original resource. example: type: string x-go-name: AuthorName author_url: description: A link to the author of the original resource. example: type: string x-go-name: AuthorURL blurhash: description: A hash computed by the BlurHash algorithm, for generating colorful preview thumbnails when media has not been downloaded yet. type: string x-go-name: Blurhash description: description: Description of preview. example: Is water wet? We're not sure. In this article, we ask an expert... type: string x-go-name: Description embed_url: description: Used for photo embeds, instead of custom html. type: string x-go-name: EmbedURL height: description: Height of preview, in pixels. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Height html: description: HTML to be used for generating the preview card. type: string x-go-name: HTML image: description: Preview thumbnail. example: type: string x-go-name: Image provider_name: description: The provider of the original resource. example: Buzzfeed type: string x-go-name: ProviderName provider_url: description: A link to the provider of the original resource. example: type: string x-go-name: ProviderURL title: description: Title of linked resource. example: Buzzfeed - Is Water Wet? type: string x-go-name: Title type: description: |- The type of the preview card. String (Enumerable, oneOf) link = Link OEmbed photo = Photo OEmbed video = Video OEmbed rich = iframe OEmbed. Not currently accepted, so won't show up in practice. example: link type: string x-go-name: Type url: description: Location of linked resource. example: type: string x-go-name: URL width: description: Width of preview, in pixels. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Width title: Card represents a rich preview card that is generated using OpenGraph tags from a URL. type: object x-go-name: Card x-go-package: domainBlock: description: DomainBlock represents a block on one domain properties: created_at: description: Time at which this block was created (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt created_by: description: ID of the account that created this domain block. example: 01FBW2758ZB6PBR200YPDDJK4C type: string x-go-name: CreatedBy domain: description: The hostname of the blocked domain. example: type: string x-go-name: Domain id: description: The ID of the domain block. example: 01FBW21XJA09XYX51KV5JVBW0F readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: ID obfuscate: description: |- Obfuscate the domain name when serving this domain block publicly. A useful anti-harassment tool. example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Obfuscate private_comment: description: Private comment for this block, visible to our instance admins only. example: they are poopoo type: string x-go-name: PrivateComment public_comment: description: Public comment for this block, visible if domain blocks are served publicly. example: they smell type: string x-go-name: PublicComment subscription_id: description: The ID of the subscription that created/caused this domain block. example: 01FBW25TF5J67JW3HFHZCSD23K type: string x-go-name: SubscriptionID type: object x-go-name: DomainBlock x-go-package: domainBlockCreateRequest: properties: domain: description: hostname/domain to block type: string x-go-name: Domain domains: $ref: '#/definitions/FileHeader' obfuscate: description: whether the domain should be obfuscated when being displayed publicly type: boolean x-go-name: Obfuscate private_comment: description: private comment for other admins on why the domain was blocked type: string x-go-name: PrivateComment public_comment: description: public comment on the reason for the domain block type: string x-go-name: PublicComment title: DomainBlockCreateRequest is the form submitted as a POST to /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks to create a new block. type: object x-go-name: DomainBlockCreateRequest x-go-package: emoji: properties: category: description: Used for sorting custom emoji in the picker. example: blobcats type: string x-go-name: Category shortcode: description: The name of the custom emoji. example: blobcat_uwu type: string x-go-name: Shortcode static_url: description: A link to a static copy of the custom emoji. example: type: string x-go-name: StaticURL url: description: Web URL of the custom emoji. example: type: string x-go-name: URL visible_in_picker: description: Emoji is visible in the emoji picker of the instance. example: true type: boolean x-go-name: VisibleInPicker title: Emoji represents a custom emoji. type: object x-go-name: Emoji x-go-package: emojiCreateRequest: properties: Image: $ref: '#/definitions/FileHeader' Shortcode: description: Desired shortcode for the emoji, without surrounding colons. This must be unique for the domain. example: blobcat_uwu type: string title: EmojiCreateRequest represents a request to create a custom emoji made through the admin API. type: object x-go-name: EmojiCreateRequest x-go-package: field: properties: name: description: The key/name of this field. example: pronouns type: string x-go-name: Name value: description: The value of this field. example: they/them type: string x-go-name: Value verified_at: description: If this field has been verified, when did this occur? (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: VerifiedAt title: Field represents a name/value pair to display on an account's profile. type: object x-go-name: Field x-go-package: mediaDimensions: properties: aspect: format: float type: number x-go-name: Aspect bitrate: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Bitrate duration: format: float type: number x-go-name: Duration frame_rate: type: string x-go-name: FrameRate height: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Height size: type: string x-go-name: Size width: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Width title: MediaDimensions describes the physical properties of a piece of media. It should be returned to the caller as part of MediaMeta. type: object x-go-name: MediaDimensions x-go-package: mediaFocus: properties: x: format: float type: number x-go-name: X "y": format: float type: number x-go-name: "Y" title: MediaFocus describes the focal point of a piece of media. It should be returned to the caller as part of MediaMeta. type: object x-go-name: MediaFocus x-go-package: mediaMeta: description: MediaMeta describes the returned media properties: aspect: format: float type: number x-go-name: Aspect audio_bitrate: type: string x-go-name: AudioBitrate audio_channels: type: string x-go-name: AudioChannels audio_encode: type: string x-go-name: AudioEncode duration: format: float type: number x-go-name: Duration focus: $ref: '#/definitions/mediaFocus' fps: format: uint16 type: integer x-go-name: FPS height: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Height length: type: string x-go-name: Length original: $ref: '#/definitions/mediaDimensions' size: type: string x-go-name: Size small: $ref: '#/definitions/mediaDimensions' width: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Width type: object x-go-name: MediaMeta x-go-package: oauthToken: properties: access_token: description: Access token used for authorization. type: string x-go-name: AccessToken created_at: description: When the OAuth token was generated (UNIX timestamp seconds). example: 1627644520 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: CreatedAt scope: description: OAuth scopes granted by this token, space-separated. example: read write admin type: string x-go-name: Scope token_type: description: OAuth token type. Will always be 'Bearer'. example: bearer type: string x-go-name: TokenType title: Token represents an OAuth token used for authenticating with the GoToSocial API and performing actions. type: object x-go-name: Token x-go-package: poll: properties: emojis: description: Custom emoji to be used for rendering poll options. items: $ref: '#/definitions/emoji' type: array x-go-name: Emojis expired: description: Is the poll currently expired? type: boolean x-go-name: Expired expires_at: description: When the poll ends. (ISO 8601 Datetime), or null if the poll does not end type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt id: description: The ID of the poll in the database. example: 01FBYKMD1KBMJ0W6JF1YZ3VY5D type: string x-go-name: ID multiple: description: Does the poll allow multiple-choice answers? type: boolean x-go-name: Multiple options: description: Possible answers for the poll. items: $ref: '#/definitions/pollOptions' type: array x-go-name: Options own_votes: description: When called with a user token, which options has the authorized user chosen? Contains an array of index values for options. items: format: int64 type: integer type: array x-go-name: OwnVotes voted: description: When called with a user token, has the authorized user voted? type: boolean x-go-name: Voted voters_count: description: How many unique accounts have voted on a multiple-choice poll. Null if multiple is false. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: VotersCount votes_count: description: How many votes have been received. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: VotesCount title: Poll represents a poll attached to a status. type: object x-go-name: Poll x-go-package: pollOptions: properties: title: description: The text value of the poll option. String. type: string x-go-name: Title votes_count: description: The number of received votes for this option. Number, or null if results are not published yet. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: VotesCount title: PollOptions represents the current vote counts for different poll options. type: object x-go-name: PollOptions x-go-package: status: properties: account: $ref: '#/definitions/account' application: $ref: '#/definitions/application' bookmarked: description: This status has been bookmarked by the account viewing it. type: boolean x-go-name: Bookmarked card: $ref: '#/definitions/card' content: description: The content of this status. Should be HTML, but might also be plaintext in some cases. example:

Hey this is a status!

type: string x-go-name: Content created_at: description: The date when this status was created (ISO 8601 Datetime). example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00" type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt emojis: description: Custom emoji to be used when rendering status content. items: $ref: '#/definitions/emoji' type: array x-go-name: Emojis favourited: description: This status has been favourited by the account viewing it. type: boolean x-go-name: Favourited favourites_count: description: Number of favourites/likes this status has received, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: FavouritesCount id: description: ID of the status. example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B type: string x-go-name: ID in_reply_to_account_id: description: ID of the account being replied to. example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B type: string x-go-name: InReplyToAccountID in_reply_to_id: description: ID of the status being replied to. example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B type: string x-go-name: InReplyToID language: description: Primary language of this status (ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code). example: en type: string x-go-name: Language media_attachments: description: Media that is attached to this status. items: $ref: '#/definitions/attachment' type: array x-go-name: MediaAttachments mentions: description: Mentions of users within the status content. items: $ref: '#/definitions/Mention' type: array x-go-name: Mentions muted: description: Replies to this status have been muted by the account viewing it. type: boolean x-go-name: Muted pinned: description: This status has been pinned by the account viewing it (only relevant for your own statuses). type: boolean x-go-name: Pinned poll: $ref: '#/definitions/poll' reblog: $ref: '#/definitions/status' reblogged: description: This status has been boosted/reblogged by the account viewing it. type: boolean x-go-name: Reblogged reblogs_count: description: Number of times this status has been boosted/reblogged, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ReblogsCount replies_count: description: Number of replies to this status, according to our instance. format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: RepliesCount sensitive: description: Status contains sensitive content. example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Sensitive spoiler_text: description: Subject, summary, or content warning for the status. example: warning nsfw type: string x-go-name: SpoilerText tags: description: Hashtags used within the status content. items: $ref: '#/definitions/tag' type: array x-go-name: Tags text: description: |- Plain-text source of a status. Returned instead of content when status is deleted, so the user may redraft from the source text without the client having to reverse-engineer the original text from the HTML content. type: string x-go-name: Text uri: description: ActivityPub URI of the status. Equivalent to the status's activitypub ID. example: type: string x-go-name: URI url: description: The status's publicly available web URL. This link will only work if the visibility of the status is 'public'. example: type: string x-go-name: URL visibility: $ref: '#/definitions/statusVisibility' title: Status represents a status or post. type: object x-go-name: Status x-go-package: statusVisibility: title: Visibility denotes the visibility of a status to other users. type: string x-go-name: Visibility x-go-package: tag: properties: name: description: 'The value of the hashtag after the # sign.' example: helloworld type: string x-go-name: Name url: description: Web link to the hashtag. example: type: string x-go-name: URL title: Tag represents a hashtag used within the content of a status. type: object x-go-name: Tag x-go-package: updateField: description: By default, max 4 fields and 255 characters per property/value. properties: name: description: Name of the field type: string x-go-name: Name value: description: Value of the field type: string x-go-name: Value title: UpdateField is to be used specifically in an UpdateCredentialsRequest. type: object x-go-name: UpdateField x-go-package: host: info: contact: email: name: GoToSocial Authors description: GoToSocial Swagger documentation. license: name: AGPL3 url: title: GoToSocial version: 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT paths: /api/v1/accounts: post: consumes: - application/json - application/xml - application/x-www-form-urlencoded - multipart/form-data operationId: accountCreate parameters: - in: body name: Account Create Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/accountCreateRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: An OAuth2 access token for the newly-created account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/oauthToken' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found "500": description: internal error security: - OAuth2 Application: - write:accounts summary: Create a new account using an application token. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}: get: operationId: accountGet parameters: - description: The id of the requested account. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/account' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: Get information about an account with the given ID. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/block: post: operationId: accountBlock parameters: - description: The id of the account to block. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Your relationship to this account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - write:blocks summary: Block account with id. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/follow: post: operationId: accountFollow parameters: - description: The id of the account to follow. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Your relationship to this account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - write:follows summary: Follow account with id. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/followers: get: operationId: accountFollowers parameters: - description: Account ID. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Array of accounts that follow this account. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/account' type: array "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: See followers of account with given id. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/following: get: operationId: accountFollowing parameters: - description: Account ID. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Array of accounts that are followed by this account. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/account' type: array "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: See accounts followed by given account id. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/statuses: get: description: The statuses will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer). operationId: accountStatuses parameters: - description: Account ID. in: path name: id required: true type: string - default: 30 description: Number of statuses to return. in: query name: limit type: integer - default: false description: Exclude statuses that are a reply to another status. in: query name: exclude_replies type: boolean - description: |- Return only statuses *OLDER* than the given max status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response. in: query name: max_id type: string - default: false description: Show only pinned statuses. In other words,e xclude statuses that are not pinned to the given account ID. in: query name: pinned_only type: boolean - default: false description: Show only statuses with media attachments. in: query name: media_only type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Array of statuses.. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/status' type: array "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: See statuses posted by the requested account. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unblock: post: operationId: accountUnblock parameters: - description: The id of the account to unblock. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Your relationship to this account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - write:blocks summary: Unblock account with ID. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unfollow: post: operationId: accountUnfollow parameters: - description: The id of the account to unfollow. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Your relationship to this account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - write:follows summary: Unfollow account with id. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/relationships: get: operationId: accountRelationships parameters: - description: Account IDs. in: query items: type: string name: id required: true type: array produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Array of account relationships. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship' type: array "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: See your account's relationships with the given account IDs. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials: patch: consumes: - multipart/form-data operationId: accountUpdate parameters: - description: Account should be made discoverable and shown in the profile directory (if enabled). in: formData name: discoverable type: boolean - description: Account is flagged as a bot. in: formData name: bot type: boolean - description: The display name to use for the account. in: formData name: display_name type: string - description: Bio/description of this account. in: formData name: note type: string - description: Avatar of the user. in: formData name: avatar type: file - description: Header of the user. in: formData name: header type: file - description: Require manual approval of follow requests. in: formData name: locked type: boolean - description: Default post privacy for authored statuses. in: formData name: source.privacy type: string - description: Mark authored statuses as sensitive by default. in: formData name: source.sensitive type: boolean - description: Default language to use for authored statuses (ISO 6391). in: formData name: source.language type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The newly updated account. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/account' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - write:accounts summary: Update your account. tags: - accounts /api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials: get: operationId: accountVerify produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/account' "400": description: bad request "401": description: unauthorized "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - read:accounts summary: Verify a token by returning account details pertaining to it. tags: - accounts /api/v1/admin/custom_emojis: post: consumes: - multipart/form-data operationId: emojiCreate parameters: - description: |- The code to use for the emoji, which will be used by instance denizens to select it. This must be unique on the instance. example: blobcat_uwu in: formData name: shortcode pattern: \w{2,30} type: string - description: A jpeg, png, or gif image of the emoji. in: formData name: domains type: file produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The newly-created emoji. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/emoji' "400": description: bad request "403": description: forbidden security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - admin summary: Upload and create a new instance emoji. tags: - admin /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks: get: operationId: domainBlocksGet parameters: - description: |- If set to true, then each entry in the returned list of domain blocks will only consist of the fields 'domain' and 'public_comment'. This is perfect for when you want to save and share a list of all the domains you have blocked on your instance, so that someone else can easily import them, but you don't need them to see the database IDs of your blocks, or private comments etc. in: query name: export type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All domain blocks currently in place. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock' type: array "400": description: bad request "403": description: forbidden "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - admin summary: View all domain blocks currently in place. tags: - admin patch: consumes: - multipart/form-data description: |- Note that you have two options when using this endpoint: either you can set 'import' to true and upload a file containing multiple domain blocks, JSON-formatted, or you can leave import as false, and just add one domain block. The format of the json file should be something like: `[{"domain":""},{"domain":"","public_comment":"they smell"}]` operationId: domainBlockCreate parameters: - description: |- Signal that a list of domain blocks is being imported as a file. If set to true, then 'domains' must be present as a JSON-formatted file. If set to false, then 'domains' will be ignored, and 'domain' must be present. in: query name: import type: boolean - description: |- JSON-formatted list of domain blocks to import. This is only used if 'import' is set to true. in: formData name: domains type: file - description: |- Single domain to block. Used only if 'import' is not true. example: in: formData name: domain type: string - description: |- Obfuscate the name of the domain when serving it publicly. Eg., '' becomes something like 'ex***'. Used only if 'import' is not true. in: formData name: obfuscate type: boolean - description: |- Public comment about this domain block. Will be displayed alongside the domain block if you choose to share blocks. Used only if 'import' is not true. example: harassment, transphobia in: formData name: public_comment type: string - description: |- Private comment about this domain block. Will only be shown to other admins, so this is a useful way of internally keeping track of why a certain domain ended up blocked. Used only if 'import' is not true. example: harassment, transphobia, and some stuff only other admins need to know about in: formData name: private_comment type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: "The newly created domain block, if import != true.\nNote that if a list has been imported, then an `array` of\nnewly created domain blocks will be returned instead. " schema: $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock' "400": description: bad request "403": description: forbidden security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - admin summary: Create one or more domain blocks, from a string or a file. tags: - admin /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/{id}: delete: operationId: domainBlockDelete parameters: - description: The id of the domain block. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The domain block that was just deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock' "400": description: bad request "403": description: forbidden "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - admin summary: Delete domain block with the given ID. tags: - admin get: operationId: domainBlockGet parameters: - description: The id of the domain block. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The requested domain block. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock' "400": description: bad request "403": description: forbidden "404": description: not found security: - OAuth2 Bearer: - admin summary: View domain block with the given ID. tags: - admin schemes: - https - http securityDefinitions: OAuth2 Application: flow: application scopes: write:accounts: grants write access to accounts tokenUrl: type: oauth2 OAuth2 Bearer: authorizationUrl: flow: accessCode scopes: admin: grants admin access to everything admin:accounts: grants admin access to accounts read: grants read access to everything read:accounts: grants read access to accounts write: grants write access to everything write:accounts: grants write access to accounts write:blocks: grants write access to blocks write:follows: grants write access to follows tokenUrl: type: oauth2 swagger: "2.0"