/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" "reflect" "strings" "time" "codeberg.org/gruf/go-bytesize" ) const license = `/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ ` type Configuration struct { LogLevel string `name:"log-level" usage:"Log level to run at: [trace, debug, info, warn, fatal]"` LogDbQueries bool `name:"log-db-queries" usage:"Log database queries verbosely when log-level is trace or debug"` ApplicationName string `name:"application-name" usage:"Name of the application, used in various places internally"` LandingPageUser string `name:"landing-page-user" usage:"the user that should be shown on the instance's landing page"` ConfigPath string `name:"config-path" usage:"Path to a file containing gotosocial configuration. Values set in this file will be overwritten by values set as env vars or arguments"` Host string `name:"host" usage:"Hostname to use for the server (eg., example.org, gotosocial.whatever.com). DO NOT change this on a server that's already run!"` AccountDomain string `name:"account-domain" usage:"Domain to use in account names (eg., example.org, whatever.com). If not set, will default to the setting for host. DO NOT change this on a server that's already run!"` Protocol string `name:"protocol" usage:"Protocol to use for the REST api of the server (only use http if you are debugging or behind a reverse proxy!)"` BindAddress string `name:"bind-address" usage:"Bind address to use for the GoToSocial server (eg.,,, [::], localhost). For ipv6, enclose the address in square brackets, eg [2001:db8::fed1]. Default binds to all interfaces."` Port int `name:"port" usage:"Port to use for GoToSocial. Change this to 443 if you're running the binary directly on the host machine."` TrustedProxies []string `name:"trusted-proxies" usage:"Proxies to trust when parsing x-forwarded headers into real IPs."` SoftwareVersion string `name:"software-version" usage:""` DbType string `name:"db-type" usage:"Database type: eg., postgres"` DbAddress string `name:"db-address" usage:"Database ipv4 address, hostname, or filename"` DbPort int `name:"db-port" usage:"Database port"` DbUser string `name:"db-user" usage:"Database username"` DbPassword string `name:"db-password" usage:"Database password"` DbDatabase string `name:"db-database" usage:"Database name"` DbTLSMode string `name:"db-tls-mode" usage:"Database tls mode"` DbTLSCACert string `name:"db-tls-ca-cert" usage:"Path to CA cert for db tls connection"` WebTemplateBaseDir string `name:"web-template-base-dir" usage:"Basedir for html templating files for rendering pages and composing emails."` WebAssetBaseDir string `name:"web-asset-base-dir" usage:"Directory to serve static assets from, accessible at example.org/assets/"` InstanceExposePeers bool `name:"instance-expose-peers" usage:"Allow unauthenticated users to query /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=open"` InstanceExposeSuspended bool `name:"instance-expose-suspended" usage:"Expose suspended instances via web UI, and allow unauthenticated users to query /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=suspended"` InstanceExposePublicTimeline bool `name:"instance-expose-public-timeline" usage:"Allow unauthenticated users to query /api/v1/timelines/public"` InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes bool `name:"instance-deliver-to-shared-inboxes" usage:"Deliver federated messages to shared inboxes, if they're available."` AccountsRegistrationOpen bool `name:"accounts-registration-open" usage:"Allow anyone to submit an account signup request. If false, server will be invite-only."` AccountsApprovalRequired bool `name:"accounts-approval-required" usage:"Do account signups require approval by an admin or moderator before user can log in? If false, new registrations will be automatically approved."` AccountsReasonRequired bool `name:"accounts-reason-required" usage:"Do new account signups require a reason to be submitted on registration?"` AccountsAllowCustomCSS bool `name:"accounts-allow-custom-css" usage:"Allow accounts to enable custom CSS for their profile pages and statuses."` MediaImageMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-image-max-size" usage:"Max size of accepted images in bytes"` MediaVideoMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-video-max-size" usage:"Max size of accepted videos in bytes"` MediaDescriptionMinChars int `name:"media-description-min-chars" usage:"Min required chars for an image description"` MediaDescriptionMaxChars int `name:"media-description-max-chars" usage:"Max permitted chars for an image description"` MediaRemoteCacheDays int `name:"media-remote-cache-days" usage:"Number of days to locally cache media from remote instances. If set to 0, remote media will be kept indefinitely."` MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-emoji-local-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of emojis uploaded to this instance via the admin API."` MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-emoji-remote-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of emojis to download from other instances."` StorageBackend string `name:"storage-backend" usage:"Storage backend to use for media attachments"` StorageLocalBasePath string `name:"storage-local-base-path" usage:"Full path to an already-created directory where gts should store/retrieve media files. Subfolders will be created within this dir."` StorageS3Endpoint string `name:"storage-s3-endpoint" usage:"S3 Endpoint URL (e.g 'minio.example.org:9000')"` StorageS3AccessKey string `name:"storage-s3-access-key" usage:"S3 Access Key"` StorageS3SecretKey string `name:"storage-s3-secret-key" usage:"S3 Secret Key"` StorageS3UseSSL bool `name:"storage-s3-use-ssl" usage:"Use SSL for S3 connections. Only set this to 'false' when testing locally"` StorageS3BucketName string `name:"storage-s3-bucket" usage:"Place blobs in this bucket"` StorageS3Proxy bool `name:"storage-s3-proxy" usage:"Proxy S3 contents through GoToSocial instead of redirecting to a presigned URL"` StatusesMaxChars int `name:"statuses-max-chars" usage:"Max permitted characters for posted statuses"` StatusesCWMaxChars int `name:"statuses-cw-max-chars" usage:"Max permitted characters for content/spoiler warnings on statuses"` StatusesPollMaxOptions int `name:"statuses-poll-max-options" usage:"Max amount of options permitted on a poll"` StatusesPollOptionMaxChars int `name:"statuses-poll-option-max-chars" usage:"Max amount of characters for a poll option"` StatusesMediaMaxFiles int `name:"statuses-media-max-files" usage:"Maximum number of media files/attachments per status"` LetsEncryptEnabled bool `name:"letsencrypt-enabled" usage:"Enable letsencrypt TLS certs for this server. If set to true, then cert dir also needs to be set (or take the default)."` LetsEncryptPort int `name:"letsencrypt-port" usage:"Port to listen on for letsencrypt certificate challenges. Must not be the same as the GtS webserver/API port."` LetsEncryptCertDir string `name:"letsencrypt-cert-dir" usage:"Directory to store acquired letsencrypt certificates."` LetsEncryptEmailAddress string `name:"letsencrypt-email-address" usage:"Email address to use when requesting letsencrypt certs. Will receive updates on cert expiry etc."` OIDCEnabled bool `name:"oidc-enabled" usage:"Enabled OIDC authorization for this instance. If set to true, then the other OIDC flags must also be set."` OIDCIdpName string `name:"oidc-idp-name" usage:"Name of the OIDC identity provider. Will be shown to the user when logging in."` OIDCSkipVerification bool `name:"oidc-skip-verification" usage:"Skip verification of tokens returned by the OIDC provider. Should only be set to 'true' for testing purposes, never in a production environment!"` OIDCIssuer string `name:"oidc-issuer" usage:"Address of the OIDC issuer. Should be the web address, including protocol, at which the issuer can be reached. Eg., 'https://example.org/auth'"` OIDCClientID string `name:"oidc-client-id" usage:"ClientID of GoToSocial, as registered with the OIDC provider."` OIDCClientSecret string `name:"oidc-client-secret" usage:"ClientSecret of GoToSocial, as registered with the OIDC provider."` OIDCScopes []string `name:"oidc-scopes" usage:"OIDC scopes."` OIDCLinkExisting bool `name:"oidc-link-existing" usage:"link existing user accounts to OIDC logins based on the stored email value"` SMTPHost string `name:"smtp-host" usage:"Host of the smtp server. Eg., 'smtp.eu.mailgun.org'"` SMTPPort int `name:"smtp-port" usage:"Port of the smtp server. Eg., 587"` SMTPUsername string `name:"smtp-username" usage:"Username to authenticate with the smtp server as. Eg., 'postmaster@mail.example.org'"` SMTPPassword string `name:"smtp-password" usage:"Password to pass to the smtp server."` SMTPFrom string `name:"smtp-from" usage:"Address to use as the 'from' field of the email. Eg., 'gotosocial@example.org'"` SyslogEnabled bool `name:"syslog-enabled" usage:"Enable the syslog logging hook. Logs will be mirrored to the configured destination."` SyslogProtocol string `name:"syslog-protocol" usage:"Protocol to use when directing logs to syslog. Leave empty to connect to local syslog."` SyslogAddress string `name:"syslog-address" usage:"Address:port to send syslog logs to. Leave empty to connect to local syslog."` AdvancedCookiesSamesite string `name:"advanced-cookies-samesite" usage:"'strict' or 'lax', see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite"` AdvancedRateLimitRequests int `name:"advanced-rate-limit-requests" usage:"Amount of HTTP requests to permit within a 5 minute window. 0 or less turns rate limiting off."` // Cache configuration vars. Cache CacheConfiguration `name:"cache"` // TODO: move these elsewhere, these are more ephemeral vs long-running flags like above AdminAccountUsername string `name:"username" usage:"the username to create/delete/etc"` AdminAccountEmail string `name:"email" usage:"the email address of this account"` AdminAccountPassword string `name:"password" usage:"the password to set for this account"` AdminTransPath string `name:"path" usage:"the path of the file to import from/export to"` AdminMediaPruneDryRun bool `name:"dry-run" usage:"perform a dry run and only log number of items eligible for pruning"` } type CacheConfiguration struct { GTS GTSCacheConfiguration `name:"gts"` } type GTSCacheConfiguration struct { AccountMaxSize int `name:"account-max-size"` AccountTTL time.Duration `name:"account-ttl"` AccountSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"account-sweep-freq"` BlockMaxSize int `name:"block-max-size"` BlockTTL time.Duration `name:"block-ttl"` BlockSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"block-sweep-freq"` DomainBlockMaxSize int `name:"domain-block-max-size"` DomainBlockTTL time.Duration `name:"domain-block-ttl"` DomainBlockSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"domain-block-sweep-freq"` EmojiMaxSize int `name:"emoji-max-size"` EmojiTTL time.Duration `name:"emoji-ttl"` EmojiSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"emoji-sweep-freq"` EmojiCategoryMaxSize int `name:"emoji-category-max-size"` EmojiCategoryTTL time.Duration `name:"emoji-category-ttl"` EmojiCategorySweepFreq time.Duration `name:"emoji-category-sweep-freq"` MentionMaxSize int `name:"mention-max-size"` MentionTTL time.Duration `name:"mention-ttl"` MentionSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"mention-sweep-freq"` NotificationMaxSize int `name:"notification-max-size"` NotificationTTL time.Duration `name:"notification-ttl"` NotificationSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"notification-sweep-freq"` StatusMaxSize int `name:"status-max-size"` StatusTTL time.Duration `name:"status-ttl"` StatusSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"status-sweep-freq"` TombstoneMaxSize int `name:"tombstone-max-size"` TombstoneTTL time.Duration `name:"tombstone-ttl"` TombstoneSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"tombstone-sweep-freq"` UserMaxSize int `name:"user-max-size"` UserTTL time.Duration `name:"user-ttl"` UserSweepFreq time.Duration `name:"user-sweep-freq"` } func main() { var out string // Load runtime config flags flag.StringVar(&out, "out", "", "Generated file output path") flag.Parse() // Open output file path output, err := os.OpenFile(out, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0o644) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Fprint(output, "// THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT BY HAND\n") fmt.Fprint(output, license) fmt.Fprint(output, "package config\n\n") fmt.Fprint(output, "import \"codeberg.org/gruf/go-bytesize\"\n\n") generateFields(output, nil, reflect.TypeOf(Configuration{})) _ = output.Close() _ = exec.Command("gofumports", "-w", out).Run() // The plan here is that eventually we might be able // to generate an example configuration from struct tags } func generateFields(output io.Writer, prefixes []string, t reflect.Type) { for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { field := t.Field(i) if ft := field.Type; ft.Kind() == reflect.Struct { // This is a struct field containing further nested config vars. generateFields(output, append(prefixes, field.Name), ft) continue } // Get prefixed config variable name name := strings.Join(prefixes, "") + field.Name // Get period-separated (if nested) config variable "path" fieldPath := strings.Join(append(prefixes, field.Name), ".") // Get dash-separated config variable CLI flag "path" flagPath := strings.Join(append(prefixes, field.Tag.Get("name")), "-") flagPath = strings.ToLower(flagPath) // ConfigState structure helper methods fmt.Fprintf(output, "// Get%s safely fetches the Configuration value for state's '%s' field\n", name, fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "func (st *ConfigState) Get%s() (v %s) {\n", name, field.Type.String()) fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tst.mutex.Lock()\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tv = st.config.%s\n", fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tst.mutex.Unlock()\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "\treturn\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "}\n\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "// Set%s safely sets the Configuration value for state's '%s' field\n", name, fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "func (st *ConfigState) Set%s(v %s) {\n", name, field.Type.String()) fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tst.mutex.Lock()\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tdefer st.mutex.Unlock()\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tst.config.%s = v\n", fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "\tst.reloadToViper()\n") fmt.Fprintf(output, "}\n\n") // Global ConfigState helper methods // TODO: remove when we pass around a ConfigState{} fmt.Fprintf(output, "// %sFlag returns the flag name for the '%s' field\n", name, fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "func %sFlag() string { return \"%s\" }\n\n", name, flagPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "// Get%s safely fetches the value for global configuration '%s' field\n", name, fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "func Get%[1]s() %[2]s { return global.Get%[1]s() }\n\n", name, field.Type.String()) fmt.Fprintf(output, "// Set%s safely sets the value for global configuration '%s' field\n", name, fieldPath) fmt.Fprintf(output, "func Set%[1]s(v %[2]s) { global.Set%[1]s(v) }\n\n", name, field.Type.String()) } }