// Copyright (c) 2015, Daniel Martà <mvdan@mvdan.cc> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package xurls extracts urls from plain text using regular expressions. package xurls import ( "regexp" "strings" "sync" "unicode/utf8" ) //go:generate go run ./generate/tldsgen //go:generate go run ./generate/schemesgen //go:generate go run ./generate/unicodegen const ( // pathCont is based on https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3987#section-2.2 // but does not match separators anywhere or most puncutation in final position, // to avoid creating asymmetries like // `Did you know that **<a href="...">https://example.com/**</a> is reserved for documentation?` // from `Did you know that **https://example.com/** is reserved for documentation?`. unreservedChar = `a-zA-Z0-9\-._~` endUnreservedChar = `a-zA-Z0-9\-_~` midSubDelimChar = `!$&'*+,;=` endSubDelimChar = `$&+=` midIPathSegmentChar = unreservedChar + `%` + midSubDelimChar + `:@` + allowedUcsChar endIPathSegmentChar = endUnreservedChar + `%` + endSubDelimChar + allowedUcsCharMinusPunc iPrivateChar = `\x{E000}-\x{F8FF}\x{F0000}-\x{FFFFD}\x{100000}-\x{10FFFD}` midIChar = `/?#\\` + midIPathSegmentChar + iPrivateChar endIChar = `/#` + endIPathSegmentChar + iPrivateChar wellParen = `\((?:[` + midIChar + `]|\([` + midIChar + `]*\))*\)` wellBrack = `\[(?:[` + midIChar + `]|\[[` + midIChar + `]*\])*\]` wellBrace = `\{(?:[` + midIChar + `]|\{[` + midIChar + `]*\})*\}` wellAll = wellParen + `|` + wellBrack + `|` + wellBrace pathCont = `(?:[` + midIChar + `]*(?:` + wellAll + `|[` + endIChar + `]))+` letter = `\p{L}` mark = `\p{M}` number = `\p{N}` iriChar = letter + mark + number iri = `[` + iriChar + `](?:[` + iriChar + `\-]*[` + iriChar + `])?` subdomain = `(?:` + iri + `\.)+` octet = `(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])` ipv4Addr = octet + `\.` + octet + `\.` + octet + `\.` + octet // ipv6Addr is based on https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4291#section-2.2 // with a specific alternative for each valid count of leading 16-bit hexadecimal "chomps" // that have not been replaced with a `::` elision. h4 = `[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}` ipv6AddrMinusEmpty = `(?:` + // 7 colon-terminated chomps, followed by a final chomp or the rest of an elision. `(?:` + h4 + `:){7}(?:` + h4 + `|:)|` + // 6 chomps, followed by an IPv4 address or elision with final chomp or final elision. `(?:` + h4 + `:){6}(?:` + ipv4Addr + `|:` + h4 + `|:)|` + // 5 chomps, followed by an elision with optional IPv4 or up to 2 final chomps. `(?:` + h4 + `:){5}(?::` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,2}|:)|` + // 4 chomps, followed by an elision with optional IPv4 (optionally preceded by a chomp) or // up to 3 final chomps. `(?:` + h4 + `:){4}(?:(?::` + h4 + `){0,1}:` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,3}|:)|` + // 3 chomps, followed by an elision with optional IPv4 (preceded by up to 2 chomps) or // up to 4 final chomps. `(?:` + h4 + `:){3}(?:(?::` + h4 + `){0,2}:` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,4}|:)|` + // 2 chomps, followed by an elision with optional IPv4 (preceded by up to 3 chomps) or // up to 5 final chomps. `(?:` + h4 + `:){2}(?:(?::` + h4 + `){0,3}:` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,5}|:)|` + // 1 chomp, followed by an elision with optional IPv4 (preceded by up to 4 chomps) or // up to 6 final chomps. `(?:` + h4 + `:){1}(?:(?::` + h4 + `){0,4}:` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,6}|:)|` + // elision, followed by optional IPv4 (preceded by up to 5 chomps) or // up to 7 final chomps. // `:` is an intentionally omitted alternative, to avoid matching `::`. `:(?:(?::` + h4 + `){0,5}:` + ipv4Addr + `|(?::` + h4 + `){1,7})` + `)` ipv6Addr = `(?:` + ipv6AddrMinusEmpty + `|::)` ipAddrMinusEmpty = `(?:` + ipv6AddrMinusEmpty + `|\b` + ipv4Addr + `\b)` port = `(?::[0-9]+)?` ) // AnyScheme can be passed to StrictMatchingScheme to match any possibly valid // scheme, and not just the known ones. var AnyScheme = `(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.\-+]*://|` + anyOf(SchemesNoAuthority...) + `:)` // SchemesNoAuthority is a sorted list of some well-known url schemes that are // followed by ":" instead of "://". The list includes both officially // registered and unofficial schemes. var SchemesNoAuthority = []string{ `bitcoin`, // Bitcoin `cid`, // Content-ID `file`, // Files `geo`, // Geographic location `magnet`, // Torrent magnets `mailto`, // Mail `matrix`, // Matrix `mid`, // Message-ID `sms`, // SMS `tel`, // Telephone `xmpp`, // XMPP } // SchemesUnofficial is a sorted list of some well-known url schemes which // aren't officially registered just yet. They tend to correspond to software. // // Mostly collected from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_URI_schemes#Unofficial_but_common_URI_schemes. var SchemesUnofficial = []string{ `gemini`, // gemini `jdbc`, // Java database Connectivity `moz-extension`, // Firefox extension `postgres`, // PostgreSQL (short form) `postgresql`, // PostgreSQL `slack`, // Slack `zoommtg`, // Zoom (desktop) `zoomus`, // Zoom (mobile) } // The regular expressions are compiled when the API is first called. // Any subsequent calls will use the same regular expression pointers. // // We do not need to make a copy of them for each API call, // as Copy is now only useful if one copy calls Longest but not another, // and we always call Longest after compiling the regular expression. var ( strictRe *regexp.Regexp strictInit sync.Once relaxedRe *regexp.Regexp relaxedInit sync.Once ) func anyOf(strs ...string) string { var b strings.Builder b.WriteString("(?:") for i, s := range strs { if i != 0 { b.WriteByte('|') } b.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(s)) } b.WriteByte(')') return b.String() } func strictExp() string { schemes := `(?:(?i)(?:` + anyOf(Schemes...) + `|` + anyOf(SchemesUnofficial...) + `)://|` + anyOf(SchemesNoAuthority...) + `:)` return schemes + pathCont } func relaxedExp() string { var asciiTLDs, unicodeTLDs []string for i, tld := range TLDs { if tld[0] >= utf8.RuneSelf { asciiTLDs = TLDs[:i:i] unicodeTLDs = TLDs[i:] break } } punycode := `xn--[a-z0-9-]+` // Use \b to make sure ASCII TLDs are immediately followed by a word break. // We can't do that with unicode TLDs, as they don't see following // whitespace as a word break. tlds := `(?:(?i)` + punycode + `|` + anyOf(append(asciiTLDs, PseudoTLDs...)...) + `\b|` + anyOf(unicodeTLDs...) + `)` domain := subdomain + tlds hostName := `(?:` + domain + `|\[` + ipv6Addr + `\]|\b` + ipv4Addr + `\b)` webURL := hostName + port + `(?:/` + pathCont + `|/)?` email := `(?P<relaxedEmail>[a-zA-Z0-9._%\-+]+@` + domain + `)` return strictExp() + `|` + webURL + `|` + email + `|` + ipv6AddrMinusEmpty } // Strict produces a regexp that matches any URL with a scheme in either the // Schemes or SchemesNoAuthority lists. func Strict() *regexp.Regexp { strictInit.Do(func() { strictRe = regexp.MustCompile(strictExp()) strictRe.Longest() }) return strictRe } // Relaxed produces a regexp that matches any URL matched by Strict, plus any // URL or email address with no scheme. // // Email addresses without a scheme match the `relaxedEmail` subexpression, // which can be used to filter them as needed. func Relaxed() *regexp.Regexp { relaxedInit.Do(func() { relaxedRe = regexp.MustCompile(relaxedExp()) relaxedRe.Longest() }) return relaxedRe } // StrictMatchingScheme produces a regexp similar to Strict, but requiring that // the scheme match the given regular expression. See AnyScheme too. func StrictMatchingScheme(exp string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) { strictMatching := `(?i)(?:` + exp + `)(?-i)` + pathCont re, err := regexp.Compile(strictMatching) if err != nil { return nil, err } re.Longest() return re, nil }