
set -e

# Log and execute provided args.
log_exec() { echo "$ ${*}"; "$@"; }

# Grab environment variables and set defaults + requirements.
GO_BUILDTAGS="${GO_BUILDTAGS-} netgo osusergo static_build kvformat timetzdata"
GO_LDFLAGS="${GO_LDFLAGS-} -s -w -extldflags '-static' -X 'main.Version=${VERSION:-$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)}'"

# Maintain old $DEBUG compat.
[ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && \

# Available Go build tags, with explanation, followed by benefits of enabling it:
# - kvformat:    enables prettier output of log fields                       (slightly better performance)
# - timetzdata:  embed timezone database inside binary                       (allow setting local time inside Docker containers, at cost of 450KB)
# - notracing:   disables compiling-in otel tracing support                  (reduced binary size, better performance)
# - noerrcaller: disables caller function prefix in errors                   (slightly better performance, at cost of err readability)
# - debug:       enables /debug/pprof endpoint                               (adds debug, at performance cost)
# - debugenv:    enables /debug/pprof endpoint if DEBUG=1 env during runtime (adds debug, at performance cost)
log_exec env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -v \
                       -tags "${GO_BUILDTAGS}" \
                       -ldflags="${GO_LDFLAGS}" \
                       -gcflags="${GO_GCFLAGS}" \