/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import React from "react"; import FormWithData from "../lib/form/form-with-data"; import { useVerifyCredentialsQuery } from "../lib/query/oauth"; import { useArrayInput, useTextInput } from "../lib/form"; import { TextInput } from "../components/form/inputs"; import useFormSubmit from "../lib/form/submit"; import MutationButton from "../components/form/mutation-button"; import { useAliasAccountMutation, useMoveAccountMutation } from "../lib/query/user"; import { FormContext, useWithFormContext } from "../lib/form/context"; import { store } from "../redux/store"; export default function UserMigration() { return ( ); } function UserMigrationForm({ data: profile }) { let urlStr = store.getState().oauth.instanceUrl ?? ""; let url = new URL(urlStr); return ( <>

Account Migration Settings

Moving your account to another instance, or moving an account from another instance to your account, isn't implemented yet! See here for progress.

The following settings allow you to alias your account to another account elsewhere, and to move your followers and following lists to another account.

Account aliasing is harmless and reversible; you can set and unset up to five account aliases as many times as you wish.

The account move action, on the other hand, has serious and irreversible consequences.

To move, you must set an alias from your account to the target account, using this settings panel.

You must also set an alias from the target account back to your account, using the settings panel of the instance on which the target account resides.

Provide the following details to the other instance:

Account handle/username:
Account URI:

For more information on account migration, please see the documentation.

); } function AliasForm({ data: profile }) { const form = { alsoKnownAs: useArrayInput("also_known_as_uris", { source: profile, valueSelector: (p) => ( p.source?.also_known_as_uris ? p.source?.also_known_as_uris.map(entry => [entry]) : [] ), length: 5, }), }; const [submitForm, result] = useFormSubmit(form, useAliasAccountMutation()); return (
); } function AlsoKnownAsURIs({ field: formField }) { return (
{formField.value.map((data, i) => ( ))}
); } function AlsoKnownAsURI({ index, data }) { const name = `${index}`; const form = useWithFormContext(index, { alsoKnownAsURI: useTextInput( name, // Only one field per entry. { defaultValue: data[0] ?? "" }, ), }); return ( ); } function MoveForm({ data: profile }) { const form = { movedToURI: useTextInput("moved_to_uri", { source: profile, valueSelector: (p) => p.moved?.uri }, ), password: useTextInput("password"), }; const [submitForm, result] = useFormSubmit(form, useMoveAccountMutation()); return (
); }