/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { useLocation } from "wouter"; import { AdminAccount } from "../lib/types/account"; import { useLazyGetAccountQuery } from "../lib/query/admin"; import Loading from "./loading"; import { Error as ErrorC } from "./error"; interface UsernameLozengeProps { /** * Either an account ID (for fetching) or an account. */ account?: string | AdminAccount; /** * Make the lozenge clickable and link to this location. */ linkTo?: string; /** * Location to set as backLocation after linking to linkTo. */ backLocation?: string; /** * Additional classnames to add to the lozenge. */ classNames?: string[]; } export default function UsernameLozenge({ account, linkTo, backLocation, classNames }: UsernameLozengeProps) { if (account === undefined) { return <>[unknown]</>; } else if (typeof account === "string") { return ( <FetchUsernameLozenge accountID={account} linkTo={linkTo} backLocation={backLocation} classNames={classNames} /> ); } else { return ( <ReadyUsernameLozenge account={account} linkTo={linkTo} backLocation={backLocation} classNames={classNames} /> ); } } interface FetchUsernameLozengeProps { accountID: string; linkTo?: string; backLocation?: string; classNames?: string[]; } function FetchUsernameLozenge({ accountID, linkTo, backLocation, classNames }: FetchUsernameLozengeProps) { const [ trigger, result ] = useLazyGetAccountQuery(); // Call to get the account // using the provided ID. useEffect(() => { trigger(accountID, true); }, [trigger, accountID]); const { data: account, isLoading, isFetching, isError, error, } = result; // Wait for the account // model to be returned. if (isError) { return <ErrorC error={error} />; } else if (isLoading || isFetching || account === undefined) { return <Loading />; } return ( <ReadyUsernameLozenge account={account} linkTo={linkTo} backLocation={backLocation} classNames={classNames} /> ); } interface ReadyUsernameLozengeProps { account: AdminAccount; linkTo?: string; backLocation?: string; classNames?: string[]; } function ReadyUsernameLozenge({ account, linkTo, backLocation, classNames }: ReadyUsernameLozengeProps) { const [ _location, setLocation ] = useLocation(); let className = "username-lozenge"; let isLocal = account.domain == null; if (account.suspended) { className += " suspended"; } if (isLocal) { className += " local"; } if (classNames) { className = [ className, classNames ].flat().join(" "); } let icon = isLocal ? { fa: "fa-home", info: "Local user" } : { fa: "fa-external-link-square", info: "Remote user" }; const content = ( <> <i className={`fa fa-fw ${icon.fa}`} aria-hidden="true" title={icon.info} /> <span className="sr-only">{icon.info}</span> <span className="acct">@{account.account.acct}</span> </> ); if (linkTo) { className += " pseudolink"; return ( <span className={className} onClick={() => { // When clicking on an account, direct // to the detail view for that account. setLocation(linkTo, { // Store the back location in history so // the detail view can use it to return to // this page (including query parameters). state: { backLocation: backLocation } }); }} role="link" tabIndex={0} > {content} </span> ); } else { return ( <div className={className}> {content} </div> ); } }