package urn import ( "fmt" scimschema "" ) var ( errPrefix = "expecting the prefix to be the \"urn\" string (whatever case) [col %d]" errIdentifier = "expecting the identifier to be string (1..31 alnum chars, also containing dashes but not at its beginning) [col %d]" errSpecificString = "expecting the specific string to be a string containing alnum, hex, or others ([()+,-.:=@;$_!*']) chars [col %d]" errNoUrnWithinID = "expecting the identifier to not contain the \"urn\" reserved string [col %d]" errHex = "expecting the percent encoded chars to be well-formed (%%alnum{2}) [col %d]" errSCIMNamespace = "expecing the SCIM namespace identifier (ietf:params:scim) [col %d]" errSCIMType = "expecting a correct SCIM type (schemas, api, param) [col %d]" errSCIMName = "expecting one or more alnum char in the SCIM name part [col %d]" errSCIMOther = "expecting a well-formed other SCIM part [col %d]" errSCIMOtherIncomplete = "expecting a not empty SCIM other part after colon [col %d]" err8141InformalID = "informal URN namespace must be in the form urn-[1-9][0-9] [col %d]" err8141SpecificString = "expecting the specific string to contain alnum, hex, or others ([~&()+,-.:=@;$_!*'] or [/?] not in first position) chars [col %d]" err8141Identifier = "expecting the indentifier to be a string with (length 2 to 32 chars) containing alnum (or dashes) not starting or ending with a dash [col %d]" err8141RComponentStart = "expecting only one r-component (starting with the ?+ sequence) [col %d]" err8141QComponentStart = "expecting only one q-component (starting with the ?= sequence) [col %d]" err8141MalformedRComp = "expecting a non-empty r-component containing alnum, hex, or others ([~&()+,-.:=@;$_!*'] or [/?] but not at its beginning) [col %d]" err8141MalformedQComp = "expecting a non-empty q-component containing alnum, hex, or others ([~&()+,-.:=@;$_!*'] or [/?] but not at its beginning) [col %d]" ) %%{ machine urn; # unsigned alphabet alphtype uint8; action mark { m.pb = m.p } action tolower { // List of positions in the buffer to later lowercase output.tolower = append(output.tolower, m.p - m.pb) } action set_pre { output.prefix = string(m.text()) } action throw_pre_urn_err { if m.parsingMode != RFC8141Only { // Throw an error when: // - we are entering here matching the the prefix in the namespace identifier part // - looking ahead (3 chars) we find a colon if pos := m.p + 3; pos < &&[pos] == 58 && output.prefix != "" { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errNoUrnWithinID, pos) fhold; fgoto fail; } } } action set_nid { output.ID = string(m.text()) } action set_nss { output.SS = string(m.text()) // Iterate upper letters lowering them for _, i := range output.tolower {[m.pb+i] =[m.pb+i] + 32 } output.norm = string(m.text()) // Revert the buffer to the original for _, i := range output.tolower {[m.pb+i] =[m.pb+i] - 32 } } action err_pre { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errPrefix, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_nid { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errIdentifier, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_nss { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSpecificString, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_urn { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errNoUrnWithinID, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_hex { if m.parsingMode == RFC2141Only || m.parsingMode == RFC8141Only { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errHex, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } } action base_type { output.kind = RFC2141; } pre = ([uU] @err(err_pre) [rR] @err(err_pre) [nN] @err(err_pre)) >mark >throw_pre_urn_err %set_pre; nid = (alnum >mark (alnum | '-'){0,31}) $err(err_nid) %set_nid; hex = '%' (digit | lower | upper >tolower){2} $err(err_hex); sss = (alnum | [()+,\-.:=@;$_!*']); nss = (sss | hex)+ $err(err_nss); nid_not_urn = (nid - pre %err(err_urn)); urn = pre ':' @err(err_pre) (nid_not_urn ':' nss >mark %set_nss) %eof(base_type); ### SCIM BEG action err_scim_nid { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSCIMNamespace, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_scim_type { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSCIMType, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_scim_name { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSCIMName, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_scim_other { if m.p == { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSCIMOtherIncomplete, m.p-1) } else { m.err = fmt.Errorf(errSCIMOther, m.p) } fhold; fgoto fail; } action scim_type { output.kind = RFC7643; } action create_scim { output.scim = &SCIM{}; } action set_scim_type { output.scim.Type = scimschema.TypeFromString(string(m.text())) } action mark_scim_name { output.scim.pos = m.p } action set_scim_name { output.scim.Name = string([output.scim.pos:m.p]) } action mark_scim_other { output.scim.pos = m.p } action set_scim_other { output.scim.Other = string([output.scim.pos:m.p]) } scim_nid = 'ietf:params:scim' >mark %set_nid %create_scim $err(err_scim_nid); scim_other = ':' (sss | hex)+ >mark_scim_other %set_scim_other $err(err_scim_other); scim_name = (alnum)+ >mark_scim_name %set_scim_name $err(err_scim_name); scim_type = ('schemas' | 'api' | 'param') >mark %set_scim_type $err(err_scim_type); scim_only := pre ':' @err(err_pre) (scim_nid ':' scim_type ':' scim_name scim_other? %set_nss) %eof(scim_type); ### SCIM END ### 8141 BEG action err_nss_8141 { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141SpecificString, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_nid_8141 { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141Identifier, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action rfc8141_type { output.kind = RFC8141; } action set_r_component { output.rComponent = string(m.text()) } action set_q_component { output.qComponent = string(m.text()) } action set_f_component { output.fComponent = string(m.text()) } action informal_nid_match { fhold; m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141InformalID, m.p); fgoto fail; } action mark_r_start { if output.rStart { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141RComponentStart, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } output.rStart = true } action mark_q_start { if output.qStart { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141QComponentStart, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } output.qStart = true } action err_malformed_r_component { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141MalformedRComp, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } action err_malformed_q_component { m.err = fmt.Errorf(err8141MalformedQComp, m.p) fhold; fgoto fail; } pchar = (sss | '~' | '&' | hex); component = pchar (pchar | '/' | '?')*; r_start = ('?+') %mark_r_start; r_component = r_start <: (r_start | component)+ $err(err_malformed_r_component) >mark %set_r_component; q_start = ('?=') %mark_q_start; q_component = q_start <: (q_start | component)+ $err(err_malformed_q_component) >mark %set_q_component; rq_components = (r_component :>> q_component? | q_component); fragment = (pchar | '/' | '?')*; f_component = '#' fragment >mark %set_f_component; nss_rfc8141 = (pchar >mark (pchar | '/')*) $err(err_nss_8141) %set_nss; nid_rfc8141 = (alnum >mark (alnum | '-'){0,30} alnum) $err(err_nid_8141) %set_nid; informal_id = pre ('-' [a-zA-z0] %to(informal_nid_match)); nid_rfc8141_not_urn = (nid_rfc8141 - informal_id?); rfc8141_only := pre ':' @err(err_pre) nid_rfc8141_not_urn ':' nss_rfc8141 rq_components? f_component? %eof(rfc8141_type); ### 8141 END fail := (any - [\n\r])* @err{ fgoto main; }; main := urn; }%% %% write data noerror noprefix; // Machine is the interface representing the FSM type Machine interface { Error() error Parse(input []byte) (*URN, error) WithParsingMode(ParsingMode) } type machine struct { data []byte cs int p, pe, eof, pb int err error startParsingAt int parsingMode ParsingMode parsingModeSet bool } // NewMachine creates a new FSM able to parse RFC 2141 strings. func NewMachine(options ...Option) Machine { m := &machine{ parsingModeSet: false, } for _, o := range options { o(m) } // Set default parsing mode if !m.parsingModeSet { m.WithParsingMode(DefaultParsingMode) } %% access m.; %% variable p m.p; %% variable pe; %% variable eof m.eof; %% variable data; return m } // Err returns the error that occurred on the last call to Parse. // // If the result is nil, then the line was parsed successfully. func (m *machine) Error() error { return m.err } func (m *machine) text() []byte { return[m.pb:m.p] } // Parse parses the input byte array as a RFC 2141 or RFC7643 string. func (m *machine) Parse(input []byte) (*URN, error) { = input m.p = 0 m.pb = 0 = len(input) m.eof = len(input) m.err = nil m.cs = m.startParsingAt output := &URN{ tolower: []int{}, } %% write exec; if m.cs < first_final || m.cs == en_fail { return nil, m.err } return output, nil } func (m *machine) WithParsingMode(x ParsingMode) { m.parsingMode = x switch m.parsingMode { case RFC2141Only: m.startParsingAt = en_main case RFC8141Only: m.startParsingAt = en_rfc8141_only case RFC7643Only: m.startParsingAt = en_scim_only } m.parsingModeSet = true }