package otelginmetrics import ( "net/http" "time" "" semconv "" ) // Middleware returns middleware that will trace incoming requests. // The service parameter should describe the name of the (virtual) // server handling the request. func Middleware(service string, options ...Option) gin.HandlerFunc { cfg := defaultConfig() for _, option := range options { option.apply(cfg) } recorder := cfg.recorder if recorder == nil { recorder = GetRecorder("") } return func(ginCtx *gin.Context) { ctx := ginCtx.Request.Context() route := ginCtx.FullPath() if len(route) <= 0 { route = "nonconfigured" } if !cfg.shouldRecord(service, route, ginCtx.Request) { ginCtx.Next() return } start := time.Now() reqAttributes := cfg.attributes(service, route, ginCtx.Request) if cfg.recordInFlight { recorder.AddInflightRequests(ctx, 1, reqAttributes) defer recorder.AddInflightRequests(ctx, -1, reqAttributes) } defer func() { resAttributes := append(reqAttributes[0:0], reqAttributes...) if cfg.groupedStatus { code := int(ginCtx.Writer.Status()/100) * 100 resAttributes = append(resAttributes, semconv.HTTPStatusCodeKey.Int(code)) } else { resAttributes = append(resAttributes, semconv.HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(ginCtx.Writer.Status())...) } recorder.AddRequests(ctx, 1, resAttributes) if cfg.recordSize { requestSize := computeApproximateRequestSize(ginCtx.Request) recorder.ObserveHTTPRequestSize(ctx, requestSize, resAttributes) recorder.ObserveHTTPResponseSize(ctx, int64(ginCtx.Writer.Size()), resAttributes) } if cfg.recordDuration { recorder.ObserveHTTPRequestDuration(ctx, time.Since(start), resAttributes) } }() ginCtx.Next() } } func computeApproximateRequestSize(r *http.Request) int64 { s := 0 if r.URL != nil { s = len(r.URL.Path) } s += len(r.Method) s += len(r.Proto) for name, values := range r.Header { s += len(name) for _, value := range values { s += len(value) } } s += len(r.Host) // N.B. r.Form and r.MultipartForm are assumed to be included in r.URL. if r.ContentLength != -1 { s += int(r.ContentLength) } return int64(s) }