package auth_test

import (


type AuthAuthorizeTestSuite struct {

type authorizeHandlerTestCase struct {
	description            string
	mutateUserAccount      func(*gtsmodel.User, *gtsmodel.Account)
	expectedStatusCode     int
	expectedLocationHeader string

func (suite *AuthAuthorizeTestSuite) TestAccountAuthorizeHandler() {

	var tests = []authorizeHandlerTestCase{
			description: "user has their email unconfirmed",
			mutateUserAccount: func(user *gtsmodel.User, account *gtsmodel.Account) {
				// nothing to do, weed_lord420 already has their email unconfirmed
			expectedStatusCode:     http.StatusSeeOther,
			expectedLocationHeader: auth.CheckYourEmailPath,
			description: "user has their email confirmed but is not approved",
			mutateUserAccount: func(user *gtsmodel.User, account *gtsmodel.Account) {
				user.ConfirmedAt = time.Now()
				user.Email = user.UnconfirmedEmail
			expectedStatusCode:     http.StatusSeeOther,
			expectedLocationHeader: auth.WaitForApprovalPath,
			description: "user has their email confirmed and is approved, but User entity has been disabled",
			mutateUserAccount: func(user *gtsmodel.User, account *gtsmodel.Account) {
				user.ConfirmedAt = time.Now()
				user.Email = user.UnconfirmedEmail
				user.Approved = true
				user.Disabled = true
			expectedStatusCode:     http.StatusSeeOther,
			expectedLocationHeader: auth.AccountDisabledPath,
			description: "user has their email confirmed and is approved, but Account entity has been suspended",
			mutateUserAccount: func(user *gtsmodel.User, account *gtsmodel.Account) {
				user.ConfirmedAt = time.Now()
				user.Email = user.UnconfirmedEmail
				user.Approved = true
				user.Disabled = false
				account.SuspendedAt = time.Now()
			expectedStatusCode:     http.StatusSeeOther,
			expectedLocationHeader: auth.AccountDisabledPath,

	doTest := func(testCase authorizeHandlerTestCase) {
		ctx, recorder := suite.newContext(http.MethodGet, auth.OauthAuthorizePath)

		user := suite.testUsers["unconfirmed_account"]
		account := suite.testAccounts["unconfirmed_account"]

		testSession := sessions.Default(ctx)
		testSession.Set(sessionUserID, user.ID)
		testSession.Set(sessionClientID, suite.testApplications["application_1"].ClientID)
		if err := testSession.Save(); err != nil {
			panic(errors.WrapMsgf(err, "failed on case: %s", testCase.description))

		testCase.mutateUserAccount(user, account)

		testCase.description = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %t, %s", user.Email, user.Disabled, account.SuspendedAt)

		user.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
		err := suite.db.UpdateByPrimaryKey(context.Background(), user)
		_, err = suite.db.UpdateAccount(context.Background(), account)

		// call the handler

		// 1. we should have a redirect
		suite.Equal(testCase.expectedStatusCode, recorder.Code, fmt.Sprintf("failed on case: %s", testCase.description))

		// 2. we should have a redirect to the check your email path, as this user has not confirmed their email yet.
		suite.Equal(testCase.expectedLocationHeader, recorder.Header().Get("Location"), fmt.Sprintf("failed on case: %s", testCase.description))

	for _, testCase := range tests {

func TestAccountUpdateTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
	suite.Run(t, new(AuthAuthorizeTestSuite))