// GoToSocial // Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package push_test import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/api/client/push" apimodel "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/api/model" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/config" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/oauth" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/testrig" ) // postSubscription creates or replaces the push subscription for the named account and token. // It only allows updating two event types if using the form API. Add more if you need them. func (suite *PushTestSuite) postSubscription( accountFixtureName string, tokenFixtureName string, endpoint *string, auth *string, p256dh *string, alertsMention *bool, alertsStatus *bool, policy *string, requestJson *string, expectedHTTPStatus int, ) (*apimodel.WebPushSubscription, error) { // instantiate recorder + test context recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() ctx, _ := testrig.CreateGinTestContext(recorder, nil) ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedAccount, suite.testAccounts[accountFixtureName]) ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedToken, oauth.DBTokenToToken(suite.testTokens[tokenFixtureName])) ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedApplication, suite.testApplications["application_1"]) ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedUser, suite.testUsers[accountFixtureName]) // create the request requestUrl := config.GetProtocol() + "://" + config.GetHost() + "/api" + push.SubscriptionPath ctx.Request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, requestUrl, nil) ctx.Request.Header.Set("accept", "application/json") if requestJson != nil { ctx.Request.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json") ctx.Request.Body = io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(*requestJson)) } else { ctx.Request.Form = make(url.Values) if endpoint != nil { ctx.Request.Form["subscription[endpoint]"] = []string{*endpoint} } if auth != nil { ctx.Request.Form["subscription[keys][auth]"] = []string{*auth} } if p256dh != nil { ctx.Request.Form["subscription[keys][p256dh]"] = []string{*p256dh} } if alertsMention != nil { ctx.Request.Form["data[alerts][mention]"] = []string{strconv.FormatBool(*alertsMention)} } if alertsStatus != nil { ctx.Request.Form["data[alerts][status]"] = []string{strconv.FormatBool(*alertsStatus)} } if policy != nil { ctx.Request.Form["data[policy]"] = []string{*policy} } } // trigger the handler suite.pushModule.PushSubscriptionPOSTHandler(ctx) // read the response result := recorder.Result() defer func() { _ = result.Body.Close() }() b, err := io.ReadAll(result.Body) if err != nil { return nil, err } if resultCode := recorder.Code; expectedHTTPStatus != resultCode { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected %d got %d", expectedHTTPStatus, resultCode) } resp := &apimodel.WebPushSubscription{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, resp); err != nil { return nil, err } return resp, nil } // Create a new subscription. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostSubscription() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" endpoint := "https://example.test/push" auth := "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==" p256dh := "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" alertsMention := true alertsStatus := false policy := "followed" subscription, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, &endpoint, &auth, &p256dh, &alertsMention, &alertsStatus, &policy, nil, 200, ) if suite.NoError(err) { suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ID) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.Endpoint) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ServerKey) suite.True(subscription.Alerts.Mention) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Status) // Omitted event types should default to off. suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Favourite) suite.Equal(apimodel.WebPushNotificationPolicyFollowed, subscription.Policy) } } // Create a new subscription with only required fields. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostSubscriptionMinimal() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" endpoint := "https://example.test/push" auth := "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==" p256dh := "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" subscription, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, &endpoint, &auth, &p256dh, nil, nil, nil, nil, 200, ) if suite.NoError(err) { suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ID) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.Endpoint) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ServerKey) // All event types should default to off. suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Mention) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Status) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Favourite) // Policy should default to all. suite.Equal(apimodel.WebPushNotificationPolicyAll, subscription.Policy) } } // Create a new subscription with a missing endpoint, which should fail. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostInvalidSubscription() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" // No endpoint. auth := "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==" p256dh := "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" alertsMention := true alertsStatus := false _, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, nil, &auth, &p256dh, &alertsMention, &alertsStatus, nil, nil, 422, ) suite.NoError(err) } // Create a new subscription, using the JSON format. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostSubscriptionJSON() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" requestJson := `{ "subscription": { "endpoint": "https://example.test/push", "keys": { "auth": "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==", "p256dh": "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" } }, "data": { "alerts": { "mention": true, "status": false }, "policy": "followed" } }` subscription, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &requestJson, 200, ) if suite.NoError(err) { suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ID) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.Endpoint) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ServerKey) suite.True(subscription.Alerts.Mention) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Status) // Omitted event types should default to off. suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Favourite) suite.Equal(apimodel.WebPushNotificationPolicyFollowed, subscription.Policy) } } // Create a new subscription, using the JSON format and only required fields. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostSubscriptionJSONMinimal() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" requestJson := `{ "subscription": { "endpoint": "https://example.test/push", "keys": { "auth": "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==", "p256dh": "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" } } }` subscription, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &requestJson, 200, ) if suite.NoError(err) { suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ID) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.Endpoint) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ServerKey) // All event types should default to off. suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Mention) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Status) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Favourite) // Policy should default to all. suite.Equal(apimodel.WebPushNotificationPolicyAll, subscription.Policy) } } // Create a new subscription with a missing endpoint, using the JSON format, which should fail. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostInvalidSubscriptionJSON() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should not have a subscription. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1_push_only" // No endpoint. requestJson := `{ "subscription": { "keys": { "auth": "cgna/fzrYLDQyPf5hD7IsA==", "p256dh": "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" } }, "data": { "alerts": { "mention": true, "status": false } } }` _, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &requestJson, 422, ) suite.NoError(err) } // Replace a subscription that already exists. func (suite *PushTestSuite) TestPostExistingSubscription() { accountFixtureName := "local_account_1" // This token should have a subscription associated with it already, with all event types turned on. tokenFixtureName := "local_account_1" endpoint := "https://example.test/push" auth := "JMFtMRgZaeHpwsDjBnhcmQ==" p256dh := "BMYVItYVOX+AHBdtA62Q0i6c+F7MV2Gia3aoDr8mvHkuPBNIOuTLDfmFcnBqoZcQk6BtLcIONbxhHpy2R+mYIUY=" alertsMention := true alertsStatus := false policy := "followed" subscription, err := suite.postSubscription( accountFixtureName, tokenFixtureName, &endpoint, &auth, &p256dh, &alertsMention, &alertsStatus, &policy, nil, 200, ) if suite.NoError(err) { suite.NotEqual(suite.testWebPushSubscriptions["local_account_1_token_1"].ID, subscription.ID) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.Endpoint) suite.NotEmpty(subscription.ServerKey) suite.True(subscription.Alerts.Mention) suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Status) // Omitted event types should default to off. suite.False(subscription.Alerts.Favourite) } }