/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package validate_test import ( "os" "testing" "time" "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/validate" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/testrig" ) func happyEmoji() *gtsmodel.Emoji { // the file validator actually runs os.Stat on given paths, so we need to just create small // temp files for both the main attachment file and the thumbnail imageFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "gts_test_emoji") if err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err := imageFile.WriteString("main"); err != nil { panic(err) } imagePath := imageFile.Name() if err := imageFile.Close(); err != nil { panic(err) } staticFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "gts_test_emoji_static") if err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err := staticFile.WriteString("thumbnail"); err != nil { panic(err) } imageStaticPath := staticFile.Name() if err := staticFile.Close(); err != nil { panic(err) } return >smodel.Emoji{ ID: "01F8MH6NEM8D7527KZAECTCR76", CreatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour), UpdatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour), Shortcode: "blob_test", Domain: "example.org", ImageRemoteURL: "https://example.org/emojis/blob_test.gif", ImageStaticRemoteURL: "https://example.org/emojis/blob_test.png", ImageURL: "", ImageStaticURL: "", ImagePath: imagePath, ImageStaticPath: imageStaticPath, ImageContentType: "image/gif", ImageStaticContentType: "image/png", ImageFileSize: 1024, ImageStaticFileSize: 256, ImageUpdatedAt: time.Now(), Disabled: testrig.FalseBool(), URI: "https://example.org/emojis/blob_test", VisibleInPicker: testrig.TrueBool(), CategoryID: "01FEE47ZH70PWDSEAVBRFNX325", } } type EmojiValidateTestSuite struct { suite.Suite } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateEmojiHappyPath() { // no problem here m := happyEmoji() err := validate.Struct(*m) suite.NoError(err) } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateEmojiBadFilePaths() { e := happyEmoji() e.ImagePath = "/tmp/nonexistent/file/for/gotosocial/test" err := validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'file' tag") e.ImagePath = "" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'required' tag") e.ImagePath = "???????????thisnot a valid path####" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'file' tag") e.ImageStaticPath = "/tmp/nonexistent/file/for/gotosocial/test" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticPath' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticPath' failed on the 'file' tag") e.ImageStaticPath = "" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticPath' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticPath' failed on the 'required' tag") e.ImageStaticPath = "???????????thisnot a valid path####" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImagePath' Error:Field validation for 'ImagePath' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticPath' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticPath' failed on the 'file' tag") } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateEmojiURI() { e := happyEmoji() e.URI = "aaaaaaaaaa" err := validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.URI' Error:Field validation for 'URI' failed on the 'url' tag") e.URI = "" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.URI' Error:Field validation for 'URI' failed on the 'url' tag") } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateEmojiURLCombos() { e := happyEmoji() e.ImageRemoteURL = "" err := validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageRemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageRemoteURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag") e.ImageURL = "https://whatever.org" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.NoError(err) e.ImageStaticRemoteURL = "" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageStaticRemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticRemoteURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag") e.ImageStaticURL = "https://whatever.org" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.NoError(err) e.ImageURL = "" e.ImageStaticURL = "" e.ImageRemoteURL = "" e.ImageStaticRemoteURL = "" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageRemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageRemoteURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticRemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticRemoteURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag") } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateFileSize() { e := happyEmoji() e.ImageFileSize = 0 err := validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageFileSize' failed on the 'required' tag") e.ImageStaticFileSize = 0 err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageFileSize' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticFileSize' failed on the 'required' tag") e.ImageFileSize = -1 err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageFileSize' failed on the 'min' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticFileSize' failed on the 'required' tag") e.ImageStaticFileSize = -1 err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageFileSize' failed on the 'min' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticFileSize' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticFileSize' failed on the 'min' tag") } func (suite *EmojiValidateTestSuite) TestValidateDomain() { e := happyEmoji() e.Domain = "" err := validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.ImageURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'Emoji.ImageStaticURL' Error:Field validation for 'ImageStaticURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag") e.Domain = "aaaaaaaaa" err = validate.Struct(e) suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Emoji.Domain' Error:Field validation for 'Domain' failed on the 'fqdn' tag") } func TestEmojiValidateTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(EmojiValidateTestSuite)) }