import type { mastodon } from 'masto' export interface TranslationResponse { translatedText: string detectedLanguage: { confidence: number language: string } } // @see export const supportedTranslationCodes = [ 'ar', 'az', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga', 'he', 'hi', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sk', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh', ] as const export function getLanguageCode() { let code = 'en' const getCode = (code: string) => code.replace(/-.*$/, '') if (!process.server) { const { locale } = useI18n() code = getCode(locale.value ? locale.value : navigator.language) } return code } interface TranslationErr { data?: { error?: string } } export async function translateText(text: string, from: string | null | undefined, to: string) { const config = useRuntimeConfig() const status = $ref({ success: false, error: '', text: '', }) const regex = /]*>.*?<\/a>/g try { const response = await ($fetch as any)(config.public.translateApi, { method: 'POST', body: { q: text, source: from ?? 'auto', target: to, format: 'html', api_key: '', }, }) as TranslationResponse status.success = true // replace the translated links with the original status.text = response.translatedText.replace(regex, (match) => { const tagLink = regex.exec(text) return tagLink ? tagLink[0] : match }) } catch (err) { // TODO: improve type if ((err as TranslationErr).data?.error) status.error = (err as TranslationErr).data!.error! else status.error = 'Unknown Error, Please check your console in browser devtool.' console.error('Translate Post Error: ', err) } return status } const translations = new WeakMap() export function useTranslation(status: mastodon.v1.Status | mastodon.v1.StatusEdit, to: string) { if (!translations.has(status)) translations.set(status, reactive({ visible: false, text: '', success: false, error: '' })) const translation = translations.get(status)! const userSettings = useUserSettings() const shouldTranslate = 'language' in status && status.language && status.language !== to && supportedTranslationCodes.includes(to as any) && supportedTranslationCodes.includes(status.language as any) && !userSettings.value.disabledTranslationLanguages.includes(status.language) const enabled = /*! !useRuntimeConfig().public.translateApi && */ shouldTranslate async function toggle() { if (!shouldTranslate) return if (!translation.text) { const { success, text, error } = await translateText(status.content, status.language, to) translation.error = error translation.text = text translation.success = success } translation.visible = !translation.visible } return { enabled, toggle, translation, } }