// @ts-expect-error unstorage needs to provide backwards-compatible subpath types import _fs from 'unstorage/drivers/fs' // @ts-expect-error unstorage needs to provide backwards-compatible subpath types import _kv from 'unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv-http' import { isCI } from 'std-env' import { parseURL } from 'ufo' import { $fetch } from 'ohmyfetch' import type { Storage } from 'unstorage' import cached from './cache-driver' import type { AppInfo } from '~/types' import { APP_NAME } from '~/constants' const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig() export const HOST_URL = runtimeConfig.deployUrl || (process.dev || !isCI ? 'http://localhost:5314' : 'https://elk.zone') export const HOST_DOMAIN = parseURL(HOST_URL).host! const fs = _fs as typeof import('unstorage/dist/drivers/fs')['default'] const kv = _kv as typeof import('unstorage/dist/drivers/cloudflare-kv-http')['default'] const storage = useStorage() as Storage if (process.dev || !isCI) { storage.mount('servers', fs({ base: 'node_modules/.cache/servers' })) } else { const config = useRuntimeConfig() storage.mount('servers', cached(kv({ accountId: config.cloudflare.accountId, namespaceId: config.cloudflare.namespaceId, apiToken: config.cloudflare.apiToken, }))) } async function fetchAppInfo(server: string) { const redirect_uris = [ 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', `${HOST_URL}/api/${server}/oauth`, ].join('\n') const app: AppInfo = await $fetch(`https://${server}/api/v1/apps`, { method: 'POST', body: { client_name: APP_NAME, redirect_uris, scopes: 'read write follow push', }, }) return app } const serverKey = (host: string, server: string) => `servers:${host}:${server}.json` export async function getApp(host: string, server: string) { const key = serverKey(host, server) try { if (await storage.hasItem(key)) return await storage.getItem(key) as Promise const appInfo = await fetchAppInfo(server) await storage.setItem(key, appInfo) return appInfo } catch { return null } }