{ "banner.title": "Support a safe\nand open Internet", "banner.subtitle": "donate to imput or share the\njoy of cobalt with a friend", "body.motivation": "cobalt helps producers, educators, video makers, and many others to do what they love. it's a different kind of service that is made with love, not for profit.", "body.no_bullshit": "we believe that the internet doesn't have to be scary, which is why cobalt will never have ads or other kinds of malicious content. it's a promise that we firmly stand by. everything we do is built with privacy, accessibility, and ease of use in mind, making cobalt available for everyone.", "body.keep_going": "if you found cobalt useful, please consider supporting our work! you can help us by making a donation or sharing cobalt with a friend. every donation is highly appreciated and helps us keep working on cobalt and other projects.", "card.once": "one-time donation", "card.recurring": "recurring donation", "card.custom": "custom amount (from $2)", "card.processor": "via {{value}}", "card.option.5": "cup of coffee", "card.option.10": "full size pizza", "card.option.15": "full lunch", "card.option.30": "lunch for two", "card.option.50": "10kg of cat food", "card.option.100": "one year of domains", "card.option.200": "air fryer", "card.option.500": "fancy office chair", "card.option.1599": "base macbook pro", "card.option.4900": "10,000 apples", "card.option.7398": "maxed out macbook pro", "card.option.8629": "a small plot of land", "card.option.9433": "luxury hot tub", "card.custom.submit": "donate custom amount", "share.title": "share cobalt with a friend", "alternative.title": "alternative ways to donate", "alt.copy": "{{ value }}. crypto wallet address. press to copy.", "alt.open": "{{ value }}. press to open." }