services: cobalt-api: image: init: true read_only: true restart: unless-stopped container_name: cobalt-api ports: - 9000:9000/tcp # if you use a reverse proxy (such as nginx), # uncomment the next line and remove the one above (9000:9000/tcp): # - environment: # replace https://api.url.example/ with your instance's url # or else tunneling functionality won't work properly API_URL: "https://api.url.example/" # if you want to use cookies for fetching data from services, # uncomment the next line & volumes section # COOKIE_PATH: "/cookies.json" # it's recommended to configure bot protection or api keys if the instance is public, # see /docs/ for more info # see /docs/ for more variables that you can use here labels: - com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.scope=cobalt # uncomment only if you use the COOKIE_PATH variable # volumes: # - ./cookies.json:/cookies.json # watchtower updates the cobalt image automatically watchtower: image: restart: unless-stopped command: --cleanup --scope cobalt --interval 900 --include-restarting volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # if needed, use this image for automatically generating poToken & visitor_data # yt-session-generator: # image: # init: true # restart: unless-stopped # container_name: yt-session-generator # ports: # -