import { services } from "../config.js"; import { strict as assert } from "node:assert"; import psl from "psl"; export function aliasURL(url) { assert(url instanceof URL); const host = psl.parse(url.hostname); const parts = url.pathname.split('/'); switch (host.sld) { case "youtube": if (url.pathname.startsWith('/live/') || url.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) { url.pathname = '/watch'; // ['', 'live' || 'shorts', id,] = `?v=${encodeURIComponent(parts[2])}` } break; case "youtu": if (url.hostname === '' && parts.length >= 2) { /* urls can be weird, e.g. still works ** but we only care about the 1st segment of the path */ url = new URL(`${ encodeURIComponent(parts[1]) }`) } break; case "vxtwitter": case "x": if (['', ''].includes(url.hostname)) { url.hostname = '' } break; case "tumblr": if (!url.pathname.includes("/blog/view")) { if (url.pathname.endsWith('/')) url.pathname = url.pathname.slice(0, -1); url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(parts[5], '') } break; case "twitch": if (url.hostname === '' && parts.length >= 2) { url = new URL(`${parts[1]}`); } break; } return url } export function cleanURL(url) { assert(url instanceof URL); const host = psl.parse(url.hostname).sld; let stripQuery = true; if (host === 'pinterest') { url.hostname = '' } else if (host === 'vk' && url.pathname.includes('/clip')) { if (url.searchParams.get('z')) = '?z=' + encodeURIComponent(url.searchParams.get('z')); stripQuery = false; } else if (host === 'youtube' && url.searchParams.get('v')) { = '?v=' + encodeURIComponent(url.searchParams.get('v')); stripQuery = false; } if (stripQuery) { = url.hash = '' } if (url.pathname.endsWith('/')) url.pathname = url.pathname.slice(0, -1); return url } export function normalizeURL(url) { return cleanURL( aliasURL( new URL(url.replace(/^https\/\//, 'https://')) ) ); } export function getHostIfValid(url) { const host = psl.parse(url.hostname); if (host.error) return; const service = services[host.sld]; if (!service) return; if ((service.tld ?? 'com') !== host.tld) return; const anySubdomainAllowed = service.subdomains === '*'; const validSubdomain = [null, 'www', ...(service.subdomains ?? [])].includes(host.subdomain); if (!validSubdomain && !anySubdomainAllowed) return; return host.sld; }