import { request } from 'undici' import { Readable } from 'node:stream' import { assert } from 'console' import { getHeaders } from './shared.js' const CHUNK_SIZE = BigInt(8e6); // 8 MB const min = (a, b) => a < b ? a : b; async function* readChunks(streamInfo, size) { let read = 0n; while (read < size) { if (streamInfo.controller.signal.aborted) { throw new Error("controller aborted"); } const chunk = await request(streamInfo.url, { headers: { ...getHeaders('youtube'), Range: `bytes=${read}-${read + CHUNK_SIZE}` }, signal: streamInfo.controller.signal }); const expected = min(CHUNK_SIZE, size - read); const received = BigInt(chunk.headers['content-length']); if (received < expected / 2n) { streamInfo.controller.abort(); } for await (const data of chunk.body) { yield data; } read += received; } } function chunkedStream(streamInfo, size) { assert(streamInfo.controller instanceof AbortController); const stream = Readable.from(readChunks(streamInfo, size)); return stream; } async function handleYoutubeStream(streamInfo, res) { try { const req = await fetch(streamInfo.url, { headers: getHeaders('youtube'), method: 'HEAD', signal: streamInfo.controller.signal }); streamInfo.url = req.url; const size = BigInt(req.headers.get('content-length')); if (req.status !== 200 || !size) return res.destroy(); const stream = chunkedStream(streamInfo, size); res.setHeader('content-type', req.headers.get('content-type')); stream.pipe(res); stream.on('error', () => res.destroy()); } catch { res.destroy(); } } export async function internalStream(streamInfo, res) { if (streamInfo.service === 'youtube') { return handleYoutubeStream(streamInfo, res); } try { const req = await request(streamInfo.url, { headers: streamInfo.headers, signal: streamInfo.controller.signal, maxRedirections: 16 }); res.status(req.statusCode); for (const [ name, value ] of Object.entries(req.headers)) res.setHeader(name, value) if (req.statusCode < 200 || req.statusCode > 299) return res.destroy(); req.body.pipe(res); req.body.on('error', () => res.destroy()); } catch { streamInfo.controller.abort(); } }