import mime from "mime"; import LibAV, { type LibAV as LibAVInstance } from "@imput/libav.js-remux-cli"; import type { FileInfo, RenderParams } from "./types/libav"; export default class LibAVWrapper { libav: LibAVInstance | null; concurrency: number; constructor() { this.libav = null; this.concurrency = Math.min(4, navigator.hardwareConcurrency); } async init() { if (!this.libav) { this.libav = await LibAV.LibAV({ yesthreads: true, base: '/_libav/' }) } } async render({ blob, output, args }: RenderParams) { if (!this.libav) throw new Error("LibAV wasn't initialized"); const inputKind = blob.type.split("/")[0]; const inputExtension = mime.getExtension(blob.type); if (inputKind !== "video" && inputKind !== "audio") return; if (!inputExtension) return; const input: FileInfo = { kind: inputKind, extension: inputExtension, } if (!output) output = input; output.type = mime.getType(output.extension); if (!output.type) return; const outputName = `output.${output.extension}`; await this.libav.mkreadaheadfile("input", blob); // await this.libav.mkwriterdev(outputName); // since we expect the output file to be roughly the same size // as the original, preallocate its size for the output let writtenData = new Uint8Array(blob.size), actualSize = 0; this.libav.onwrite = (name, pos, data) => { if (name !== outputName) return; actualSize = Math.max(pos + data.length, actualSize); const newLen = Math.max(pos + data.length, writtenData.length); if (newLen > writtenData.length) { const newData = new Uint8Array(newLen); newData.set(writtenData); writtenData = newData; } writtenData.set(data, pos); }; // if we didn't need as much space as we allocated for some reason, // shrink the buffer so that we don't inflate the file with zeros if (writtenData.length > actualSize) { writtenData = writtenData.slice(0, actualSize); } await this.libav.ffmpeg([ '-nostdin', '-y', '-threads', this.concurrency.toString(), '-i', 'input', ...args, outputName ]); await this.libav.unlink(outputName); // FIXME: this is not correct, and needs to be replaced // with unlinkmkreadaheadfile(). await this.libav.unlink("input"); const renderBlob = new Blob( [ writtenData ], { type: output.type } ); if (renderBlob.size === 0) return; return renderBlob; } }