import cors from "cors"; import http from "node:http"; import rateLimit from "express-rate-limit"; import { setGlobalDispatcher, ProxyAgent } from "undici"; import { getCommit, getBranch, getRemote, getVersion } from "@imput/version-info"; import jwt from "../security/jwt.js"; import stream from "../stream/stream.js"; import match from "../processing/match.js"; import { env, setTunnelPort } from "../config.js"; import { extract } from "../processing/url.js"; import { Green, Bright, Cyan } from "../misc/console-text.js"; import { generateHmac, generateSalt } from "../misc/crypto.js"; import { randomizeCiphers } from "../misc/randomize-ciphers.js"; import { verifyTurnstileToken } from "../security/turnstile.js"; import { friendlyServiceName } from "../processing/service-alias.js"; import { verifyStream, getInternalStream } from "../stream/manage.js"; import { createResponse, normalizeRequest, getIP } from "../processing/request.js"; import * as APIKeys from "../security/api-keys.js"; import * as Cookies from "../processing/cookie/manager.js"; const git = { branch: await getBranch(), commit: await getCommit(), remote: await getRemote(), } const version = await getVersion(); const acceptRegex = /^application\/json(; charset=utf-8)?$/; const ipSalt = generateSalt(); const corsConfig = env.corsWildcard ? {} : { origin: env.corsURL, optionsSuccessStatus: 200 } const fail = (res, code, context) => { const { status, body } = createResponse("error", { code, context }); res.status(status).json(body); } export const runAPI = (express, app, __dirname, isPrimary = true) => { const startTime = new Date(); const startTimestamp = startTime.getTime(); const serverInfo = JSON.stringify({ cobalt: { version: version, url: env.apiURL, startTime: `${startTimestamp}`, durationLimit: env.durationLimit, turnstileSitekey: env.sessionEnabled ? env.turnstileSitekey : undefined, services: [...env.enabledServices].map(e => { return friendlyServiceName(e); }), }, git, }) const handleRateExceeded = (_, res) => { const { status, body } = createResponse("error", { code: "error.api.rate_exceeded", context: { limit: env.rateLimitWindow } }); return res.status(status).json(body); }; const sessionLimiter = rateLimit({ windowMs: 60000, max: 10, standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, keyGenerator: req => generateHmac(getIP(req), ipSalt), handler: handleRateExceeded }); const apiLimiter = rateLimit({ windowMs: env.rateLimitWindow * 1000, max: (req) => req.rateLimitMax || env.rateLimitMax, standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, keyGenerator: req => req.rateLimitKey || generateHmac(getIP(req), ipSalt), handler: handleRateExceeded }) const apiTunnelLimiter = rateLimit({ windowMs: env.rateLimitWindow * 1000, max: (req) => req.rateLimitMax || env.rateLimitMax, standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, keyGenerator: req => req.rateLimitKey || generateHmac(getIP(req), ipSalt), handler: (req, res) => { return res.sendStatus(429) } }) app.set('trust proxy', ['loopback', 'uniquelocal']); app.use('/', cors({ methods: ['GET', 'POST'], exposedHeaders: [ 'Ratelimit-Limit', 'Ratelimit-Policy', 'Ratelimit-Remaining', 'Ratelimit-Reset' ], ...corsConfig, }));'/', (req, res, next) => { if (!acceptRegex.test(req.header('Accept'))) { return fail(res, "error.api.header.accept"); } if (!acceptRegex.test(req.header('Content-Type'))) { return fail(res, "error.api.header.content_type"); } next(); });'/', (req, res, next) => { if (!env.apiKeyURL) { return next(); } const { success, error } = APIKeys.validateAuthorization(req); if (!success) { // We call next() here if either if: // a) we have user sessions enabled, meaning the request // will still need a Bearer token to not be rejected, or // b) we do not require the user to be authenticated, and // so they can just make the request with the regular // rate limit configuration; // otherwise, we reject the request. if ( (env.sessionEnabled || !env.authRequired) && ['missing', 'not_api_key'].includes(error) ) { return next(); } return fail(res, `error.api.auth.key.${error}`); } return next(); });'/', (req, res, next) => { if (!env.sessionEnabled || req.rateLimitKey) { return next(); } try { const authorization = req.header("Authorization"); if (!authorization) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.jwt.missing"); } if (authorization.length >= 256) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.jwt.invalid"); } const [ type, token, ] = authorization.split(" "); if (!token || type.toLowerCase() !== 'bearer' || rest.length) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.jwt.invalid"); } if (!jwt.verify(token)) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.jwt.invalid"); } req.rateLimitKey = generateHmac(token, ipSalt); } catch { return fail(res, "error.api.generic"); } next(); });'/', apiLimiter); app.use('/', express.json({ limit: 1024 })); app.use('/', (err, _, res, next) => { if (err) { const { status, body } = createResponse("error", { code: "error.api.invalid_body", }); return res.status(status).json(body); } next(); });"/session", sessionLimiter, async (req, res) => { if (!env.sessionEnabled) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.not_configured") } const turnstileResponse = req.header("cf-turnstile-response"); if (!turnstileResponse) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.turnstile.missing"); } const turnstileResult = await verifyTurnstileToken( turnstileResponse, req.ip ); if (!turnstileResult) { return fail(res, "error.api.auth.turnstile.invalid"); } try { res.json(jwt.generate()); } catch { return fail(res, "error.api.generic"); } });'/', async (req, res) => { const request = req.body; if (!request.url) { return fail(res, ""); } const { success, data: normalizedRequest } = await normalizeRequest(request); if (!success) { return fail(res, "error.api.invalid_body"); } const parsed = extract(normalizedRequest.url); if (!parsed) { return fail(res, ""); } if ("error" in parsed) { let context; if (parsed?.context) { context = parsed.context; } return fail(res, `error.api.${parsed.error}`, context); } try { const result = await match({ host:, patternMatch: parsed.patternMatch, params: normalizedRequest, }); res.status(result.status).json(result.body); } catch { fail(res, "error.api.generic"); } }) app.get('/tunnel', apiTunnelLimiter, async (req, res) => { const id = String(; const exp = String(req.query.exp); const sig = String(req.query.sig); const sec = String(req.query.sec); const iv = String(req.query.iv); const checkQueries = id && exp && sig && sec && iv; const checkBaseLength = id.length === 21 && exp.length === 13; const checkSafeLength = sig.length === 43 && sec.length === 43 && iv.length === 22; if (!checkQueries || !checkBaseLength || !checkSafeLength) { return res.status(400).end(); } if (req.query.p) { return res.status(200).end(); } const streamInfo = await verifyStream(id, sig, exp, sec, iv); if (!streamInfo?.service) { return res.status(streamInfo.status).end(); } if (streamInfo.type === 'proxy') { streamInfo.range = req.headers['range']; } return stream(res, streamInfo); }) const itunnelHandler = (req, res) => { if (!req.ip.endsWith('')) { return res.sendStatus(403); } if (String( !== 21) { return res.sendStatus(400); } const streamInfo = getInternalStream(; if (!streamInfo) { return res.sendStatus(404); } streamInfo.headers = new Map([ ...(streamInfo.headers || []), ...Object.entries(req.headers) ]); return stream(res, { type: 'internal', ...streamInfo }); }; app.get('/itunnel', itunnelHandler); app.get('/', (_, res) => { res.type('json'); res.status(200).send(serverInfo); }) app.get('/favicon.ico', (req, res) => { res.status(404).end(); }) app.get('/*', (req, res) => { res.redirect('/'); }) // handle all express errors app.use((_, __, res, ___) => { return fail(res, "error.api.generic"); }) randomizeCiphers(); setInterval(randomizeCiphers, 1000 * 60 * 30); // shuffle ciphers every 30 minutes if (env.externalProxy) { if (env.freebindCIDR) { throw new Error('Freebind is not available when external proxy is enabled') } setGlobalDispatcher(new ProxyAgent(env.externalProxy)) } http.createServer(app).listen({ port: env.apiPort, host: env.listenAddress, reusePort: env.instanceCount > 1 || undefined }, () => { if (isPrimary) { console.log(`\n` + Bright(Cyan("cobalt ")) + Bright("API ^ω⁠^") + "\n" + "~~~~~~\n" + Bright("version: ") + version + "\n" + Bright("commit: ") + git.commit + "\n" + Bright("branch: ") + git.branch + "\n" + Bright("remote: ") + git.remote + "\n" + Bright("start time: ") + startTime.toUTCString() + "\n" + "~~~~~~\n" + Bright("url: ") + Bright(Cyan(env.apiURL)) + "\n" + Bright("port: ") + env.apiPort + "\n" ); } if (env.apiKeyURL) { APIKeys.setup(env.apiKeyURL); } if (env.cookiePath) { Cookies.setup(env.cookiePath); } }); if (!isPrimary) { const istreamer = express(); istreamer.get('/itunnel', itunnelHandler); const server = istreamer.listen({ port: 0, host: '', exclusive: true }, () => { const { port } = server.address(); console.log(`${Green('[✓]')} cobalt sub-instance running on${port}`); setTunnelPort(port); }); } }