const version = 42; const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); const isIOS = ua.match("iphone os"); const isMobile = ua.match("android") || ua.match("iphone os"); const isSafari = ua.match("safari/"); const isFirefox = ua.match("firefox/"); const isOldFirefox = ua.match("firefox/") && ua.split("firefox/")[1].split('.')[0] < 103; const regex = new RegExp(/https:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()!@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)/); const notification = ``; const switchers = { "theme": ["auto", "light", "dark"], "vCodec": ["h264", "av1", "vp9"], "vQuality": ["1080", "max", "2160", "1440", "720", "480", "360"], "aFormat": ["mp3", "best", "ogg", "wav", "opus"], "dubLang": ["original", "auto"], "vimeoDash": ["false", "true"], "audioMode": ["false", "true"], "filenamePattern": ["classic", "pretty", "basic", "nerdy"] }; const checkboxes = [ "alwaysVisibleButton", "downloadPopup", "fullTikTokAudio", "muteAudio", "reduceTransparency", "disableAnimations", "disableMetadata", "twitterGif", "plausible_ignore" ]; const exceptions = { // used for mobile devices "vQuality": "720" }; const bottomPopups = ["error", "download"]; const pageQuery = new URLSearchParams(; let store = {}; function fixApiUrl(url) { return url.endsWith('/') ? url.slice(0, -1) : url } let apiURL = fixApiUrl(defaultApiUrl); function changeApi(url) { apiURL = fixApiUrl(url); return true } function eid(id) { return document.getElementById(id) } function sGet(id) { return localStorage.getItem(id) } function sSet(id, value) { localStorage.setItem(id, value) } function enable(id) { eid(id).dataset.enabled = "true"; } function disable(id) { eid(id).dataset.enabled = "false"; } function vis(state) { return (state === 1) ? 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popup('download', 1, j.url) :, '_blank'); break; case "picker": if ( && j.picker) { changeDownloadButton(2, '>>>'); popup('picker', 1, { audio:, arr: j.picker, type: j.pickerType }); setTimeout(() => { changeButton(1) }, 2500); } else if (j.picker) { changeDownloadButton(2, '>>>'); popup('picker', 1, { arr: j.picker, type: j.pickerType }); setTimeout(() => { changeButton(1) }, 2500); } else { changeButton(0, loc.ErrorNoUrlReturned); } break; case "stream": changeDownloadButton(2, '?..') fetch(`${j.url}&p=1`).then(async (res) => { let jp = await res.json(); if (jp.status === "continue") { changeDownloadButton(2, '>>>'); if (sGet("downloadPopup") === "true") { popup('download', 1, j.url) } else { if (isMobile || isSafari) { window.location.href = j.url; } else, '_blank'); } setTimeout(() => { changeButton(1) }, 2500); } else { changeButton(0, jp.text); } }).catch((error) => internetError()); break; case "success": changeButton(2, j.text); break; default: changeButton(0, loc.ErrorUnknownStatus); break; } } else if (j && j.text) { changeButton(0, j.text); } } async function loadCelebrationsEmoji() { let bac = eid("about-footer").innerHTML; try { let j = await fetch(`/onDemand?blockId=1`).then((r) => { if (r.status === 200) { return r.json() } else { return false } }).catch(() => { return false }); if (j && j.status === "success" && j.text) { eid("about-footer").innerHTML = eid("about-footer").innerHTML.replace('🐲', j.text); } } catch (e) { eid("about-footer").innerHTML = bac; } } async function loadOnDemand(elementId, blockId) { let j = {}; store.historyButton = eid(elementId).innerHTML; eid(elementId).innerHTML = `
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'webm' : 'mp4'}`; audioFilePreview = `${loc.FilenamePreviewAudioTitle} - ${loc.FilenamePreviewAudioAuthor}.${sGet('aFormat') !== "best" ? sGet('aFormat') : 'opus'}`; break; case "nerdy": videoFilePreview = `${loc.FilenamePreviewVideoTitle} ` + `(${sGet('vQuality') === "max" ? "2160p" : `${sGet('vQuality')}p`}, ${sGet('vCodec')}, ` + `${sGet("muteAudio") === "true" ? "mute, " : ""}youtube, yPYZpwSpKmA).${sGet('vCodec') === "vp9" ? 'webm' : 'mp4'}`; audioFilePreview = `${loc.FilenamePreviewAudioTitle} - ${loc.FilenamePreviewAudioAuthor} (soundcloud, 1242868615).${sGet('aFormat') !== "best" ? sGet('aFormat') : 'opus'}`; break; } eid("video-filename-text").innerHTML = videoFilePreview eid("audio-filename-text").innerHTML = audioFilePreview } function loadSettings() { if (sGet("alwaysVisibleButton") === "true") { eid("alwaysVisibleButton").checked = true; eid("download-button").value = '>>' eid("download-button").style.padding = '0 1rem'; } if (sGet("downloadPopup") === "true" && !isIOS) { eid("downloadPopup").checked = true; } if (sGet("reduceTransparency") === "true" || isOldFirefox) { eid("cobalt-body").classList.add('no-transparency'); } if (sGet("disableAnimations") === "true") { eid("cobalt-body").classList.add('no-animation'); } for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { try { if (sGet(checkboxes[i]) === "true") eid(checkboxes[i]).checked = true; } catch { console.error(`checkbox ${checkboxes[i]} failed to initialize`) } } for (let i in switchers) { changeSwitcher(i, sGet(i)) } updateFilenamePreview() } window.onload = () => { loadCelebrationsEmoji(); loadSettings(); detectColorScheme(); changeDownloadButton(0, '>>'); eid("url-input-area").value = ""; if (isIOS) { sSet("downloadPopup", "true"); eid("downloadPopup-chkbx").style.display = "none"; } eid("home").style.visibility = 'visible'; eid("home").classList.toggle("visible"); if (pageQuery.has("u") && regex.test(pageQuery.get("u"))) { eid("url-input-area").value = pageQuery.get("u"); button() } if (pageQuery.has("migration")) { if (pageQuery.has("settingsData") && !sGet("migrated")) { let setUn = unpackSettings(pageQuery.get("settingsData")); if (setUn !== null) { if (setUn) { sSet("migrated", "true") } } } loadSettings(); detectColorScheme(); } window.history.replaceState(null, '', window.location.pathname); notificationCheck(); // fix for animations not working in Safari if (isIOS) { document.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {}, true); } } eid("url-input-area").addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { button(); }) eid("url-input-area").addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if (e.key === 'Enter') eid("download-button").click(); }) document.onkeydown = (e) => { if (!store.isPopupOpen) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.key === "/") eid("url-input-area").focus(); if (e.key === "Escape" || e.key === "Clear") clearInput(); if ( === eid("url-input-area")) return; // top buttons if (e.key === "D") pasteClipboard(); if (e.key === "K") changeSwitcher('audioMode', 'false'); if (e.key === "L") changeSwitcher('audioMode', 'true'); // popups if (e.key === "B") popup('about', 1, 'about'); // open about if (e.key === "N") popup('about', 1, 'changelog'); // open changelog if (e.key === "M") popup('settings', 1); } else { if (e.key === "Escape") hideAllPopups(); } }