Catppuccin Palettes

## Available formats - Development - [Node Package](#node-package) - [CSS](#css) - [Sass](#sass) - [Tailwind CSS](https://github.com/catppuccin/tailwindcss) (separate repository) - [Rust](#rust) - [Python](#python) - Design - [Affinity](#affinity) - [Aseprite / LibreSprite](#aseprite) - [Gimp](#gimp) - [Inkscape](#inkscape) - [Krita](#krita) - Colour pickers - [macOS Color Picker](#macos-color-picker) - [Sip](#sip) - Reference - [PNG](#png) ## Usage ### Node Package ```bash # npm npm install @catppuccin/palette # yarn yarn add @catppuccin/palette ``` Example: `test.js` ```js import {variants, labels} from '@catppuccin/palette' console.log(variants.latte.lavender.hex) // #7287FD console.log(labels.base.macchiato.hex) // #24273A ``` ### CSS Import the palettes: ```css /* directly from the file */ @import "@catppuccin/palette/style" /* or using unpkg.com */ @import url('https://unpkg.com/@catppuccin/palette@0.1.4/css/catppuccin.css'); ``` Then use them: ```css body { color: var(--ctp-mocha-text); background: var(--ctp-frappe-base); } ``` ### Sass The usage instructions for Sass are documented [here](https://github.com/catppuccin/palette/tree/main/scss), in the `scss` folder. ### Rust Add the crate to your `Cargo.toml`: ```bash cargo add catppuccin ``` More information and examples can be found on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/catppuccin), [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/catppuccin/latest/catppuccin/), and in the [`rust`](https://github.com/catppuccin/palette/tree/main/rust) folder. ### Python Install the package with `pip` or the dependency management tool of your choice: ```bash pip install catppuccin ``` Documentation and examples can be found in the [`python`](https://github.com/catppuccin/palette/tree/main/python) folder. ### Affinity 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Open a file in the `afpalette` folder. If you have multiple Affinity products installed, you can choose to import it as a System palette ### Aseprite / LibreSprite 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Open Palette Options 3. Select "Load Palette" from the menu 4. Open a file in `gpl/` in the dialog that appears ### Gimp 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Navigate to Edit > Preferences > Folders > Palettes in GIMP 3. Select the folder with the 'x' and press "Show file location in the file manager" (the rightmost button) 4. Copy the files in `gpl/` to this folder ### Inkscape 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Navigate to Edit > Preferences > System > User palettes in Inkscape 3. Press the "Open" button next to the folder path 4. Copy the files in `gpl/` to this folder ### Krita 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Navigate to Settings > Dockers > Palette in Krita 3. Open the "Choose Palette" button in the bottom left corner of Palette docker 4. Select "Import a new palette from file" 5. Open a file in `gpl/` in the dialog that appears ### macOS Color Picker 1. Clone this repository locally 2. `cd` into the repo directory 3. Run the following command in terminal, to copy the files into the library: ```bash cp -r clr/* ~/Library/Colors ``` ### Sip 1. Clone this repository locally 2. Open the `sip/` folder 3. Open the `.palette` files, and Sip will import the palettes ## 💝 Thanks to - [Gingeh](https://github.com/gingeh) - [TheExistingOne](https://github.com/TheExistingOne) - [Andreas Grafen](https://github.com/andreasgrafen) - [Pocco81](https://github.com/Pocco81) - [winston](https://github.com/nekowinston) - [backwardspy](https://github.com/backwardspy)  

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