Catppuccin Lookup Tables (Hald-CLUT)

## Previews > Generated using `noise_2` variant
🌻 Latte
🪴 Frappé
🌺 Macchiato
🌿 Mocha
⚫ Oled
## Usage Images: ```bash magick input.png src/noise_2/mocha.png -hald-clut output.png ``` Videos: ```bash ffmpeg -i input.mkv -i src/noise_2/mocha.png -filter_complex '[0][1] haldclut' output.mp4 ``` ### Example script `apply.sh` is an example script that uses the LUTs provided in `src` to theme an image with each of the flavors. Multiple images and flavors at a time are supported. ```bash bash examples/apply.sh -i examples/simon-berger-unsplash.png [-n noise] [-f flavors] ``` ### (Re)generating LUTs Requirements: [cargo-play](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-play), [imagemagick](https://imagemagick.org) ```bash # Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/catppuccin/palette cd palette # Install deps yarn install # or npm i # Run the script node src/scripts/build_luts.mjs ``` ## 💝 Thanks to - Gingeh for pioneering the process :)  

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