# Catppuccin Sass There are two ways of using these Sass files: ## Import one-by-one The easiest way to import a single flavour, is to use one of these 4 files:\ `_latte.scss`, `_frappe.scss`, `_macchiato.scss`, `_mocha.scss` Input: ```scss @import "mocha"; .my-mocha-class { background: $base; color: $text; } ``` Output: ```css .my-mocha-class { background: #1e1e2e; color: #cdd6f4; } ``` ## Import the single-map file Another way to create all four flavours, in a single file, from a single file, is to use `_catppuccin.scss`. Input: ```scss @use "catppuccin"; @each $flavour, $colour in catppuccin.$palette { .my-#{flavour}-class { background: map-get($colour, base); color: map-get($colour, text); } } ``` Output: ```css .my-mocha-class { background: #1e1e2e; color: #cdd6f4; } .my-macchiato-class { background: #24273a; color: #cad3f5; } .my-frappe-class { background: #303446; color: #c6d0f5; } .my-latte-class { background: #eff1f5; color: #4c4f69; } ```