// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package acmeserver

import (


func init() {
	httpcaddyfile.RegisterDirective("acme_server", parseACMEServer)

// parseACMEServer sets up an ACME server handler from Caddyfile tokens.
//	acme_server [<matcher>] {
//		ca        <id>
//		lifetime  <duration>
//		resolvers <addresses...>
//		challenges <challenges...>
//		allow_wildcard_names
//		allow {
//			domains <domains...>
//			ip_ranges <addresses...>
//		}
//		deny {
//			domains <domains...>
//			ip_ranges <addresses...>
//		}
//		sign_with_root
//	}
func parseACMEServer(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) ([]httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue, error) {
	h.Next() // consume directive name
	matcherSet, err := h.ExtractMatcherSet()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	h.Next() // consume the directive name again (matcher parsing resets)

	// no inline args allowed
	if h.NextArg() {
		return nil, h.ArgErr()

	var acmeServer Handler
	var ca *caddypki.CA

	for h.NextBlock(0) {
		switch h.Val() {
		case "ca":
			if !h.AllArgs(&acmeServer.CA) {
				return nil, h.ArgErr()
			if ca == nil {
				ca = new(caddypki.CA)
			ca.ID = acmeServer.CA
		case "lifetime":
			if !h.NextArg() {
				return nil, h.ArgErr()

			dur, err := caddy.ParseDuration(h.Val())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if d := time.Duration(ca.IntermediateLifetime); d > 0 && dur > d {
				return nil, h.Errf("certificate lifetime (%s) exceeds intermediate certificate lifetime (%s)", dur, d)
			acmeServer.Lifetime = caddy.Duration(dur)
		case "resolvers":
			acmeServer.Resolvers = h.RemainingArgs()
			if len(acmeServer.Resolvers) == 0 {
				return nil, h.Errf("must specify at least one resolver address")
		case "challenges":
			acmeServer.Challenges = append(acmeServer.Challenges, stringToChallenges(h.RemainingArgs())...)
		case "allow_wildcard_names":
			if acmeServer.Policy == nil {
				acmeServer.Policy = &Policy{}
			acmeServer.Policy.AllowWildcardNames = true
		case "allow":
			r := &RuleSet{}
			for h.Next() {
				for h.NextBlock(h.Nesting() - 1) {
					if h.CountRemainingArgs() == 0 {
						return nil, h.ArgErr() // TODO:
					switch h.Val() {
					case "domains":
						r.Domains = append(r.Domains, h.RemainingArgs()...)
					case "ip_ranges":
						r.IPRanges = append(r.IPRanges, h.RemainingArgs()...)
						return nil, h.Errf("unrecognized 'allow' subdirective: %s", h.Val())
			if acmeServer.Policy == nil {
				acmeServer.Policy = &Policy{}
			acmeServer.Policy.Allow = r
		case "deny":
			r := &RuleSet{}
			for h.Next() {
				for h.NextBlock(h.Nesting() - 1) {
					if h.CountRemainingArgs() == 0 {
						return nil, h.ArgErr() // TODO:
					switch h.Val() {
					case "domains":
						r.Domains = append(r.Domains, h.RemainingArgs()...)
					case "ip_ranges":
						r.IPRanges = append(r.IPRanges, h.RemainingArgs()...)
						return nil, h.Errf("unrecognized 'deny' subdirective: %s", h.Val())
			if acmeServer.Policy == nil {
				acmeServer.Policy = &Policy{}
			acmeServer.Policy.Deny = r
		case "sign_with_root":
			if h.NextArg() {
				return nil, h.ArgErr()
			acmeServer.SignWithRoot = true
			return nil, h.Errf("unrecognized ACME server directive: %s", h.Val())

	configVals := h.NewRoute(matcherSet, acmeServer)

	if ca == nil {
		return configVals, nil

	return append(configVals, httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue{
		Class: "pki.ca",
		Value: ca,
	}), nil