// Copyright 2015 Light Code Labs, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package caddyfile

import (


// Parse parses the input just enough to group tokens, in
// order, by server block. No further parsing is performed.
// Server blocks are returned in the order in which they appear.
// Directives that do not appear in validDirectives will cause
// an error. If you do not want to check for valid directives,
// pass in nil instead.
// Environment variables in {$ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE} notation
// will be replaced before parsing begins.
func Parse(filename string, input []byte) ([]ServerBlock, error) {
	tokens, err := allTokens(filename, input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	p := parser{
		Dispenser: NewDispenser(tokens),
		importGraph: importGraph{
			nodes: make(map[string]bool),
			edges: make(adjacency),
	return p.parseAll()

// replaceEnvVars replaces all occurrences of environment variables.
func replaceEnvVars(input []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var offset int
	for {
		begin := bytes.Index(input[offset:], spanOpen)
		if begin < 0 {
		begin += offset // make beginning relative to input, not offset
		end := bytes.Index(input[begin+len(spanOpen):], spanClose)
		if end < 0 {
		end += begin + len(spanOpen) // make end relative to input, not begin

		// get the name; if there is no name, skip it
		envString := input[begin+len(spanOpen) : end]
		if len(envString) == 0 {
			offset = end + len(spanClose)

		// split the string into a key and an optional default
		envParts := strings.SplitN(string(envString), envVarDefaultDelimiter, 2)

		// do a lookup for the env var, replace with the default if not found
		envVarValue, found := os.LookupEnv(envParts[0])
		if !found && len(envParts) == 2 {
			envVarValue = envParts[1]

		// get the value of the environment variable
		// note that this causes one-level deep chaining
		envVarBytes := []byte(envVarValue)

		// splice in the value
		input = append(input[:begin],
			append(envVarBytes, input[end+len(spanClose):]...)...)

		// continue at the end of the replacement
		offset = begin + len(envVarBytes)
	return input, nil

// allTokens lexes the entire input, but does not parse it.
// It returns all the tokens from the input, unstructured
// and in order.
func allTokens(filename string, input []byte) ([]Token, error) {
	input, err := replaceEnvVars(input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tokens, err := Tokenize(input, filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return tokens, nil

type parser struct {
	block           ServerBlock // current server block being parsed
	eof             bool        // if we encounter a valid EOF in a hard place
	definedSnippets map[string][]Token
	nesting         int
	importGraph     importGraph

func (p *parser) parseAll() ([]ServerBlock, error) {
	var blocks []ServerBlock

	for p.Next() {
		err := p.parseOne()
		if err != nil {
			return blocks, err
		if len(p.block.Keys) > 0 || len(p.block.Segments) > 0 {
			blocks = append(blocks, p.block)
		if p.nesting > 0 {
			return blocks, p.EOFErr()

	return blocks, nil

func (p *parser) parseOne() error {
	p.block = ServerBlock{}
	return p.begin()

func (p *parser) begin() error {
	if len(p.tokens) == 0 {
		return nil

	err := p.addresses()

	if err != nil {
		return err

	if p.eof {
		// this happens if the Caddyfile consists of only
		// a line of addresses and nothing else
		return nil

	if ok, name := p.isSnippet(); ok {
		if p.definedSnippets == nil {
			p.definedSnippets = map[string][]Token{}
		if _, found := p.definedSnippets[name]; found {
			return p.Errf("redeclaration of previously declared snippet %s", name)
		// consume all tokens til matched close brace
		tokens, err := p.snippetTokens()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// Just as we need to track which file the token comes from, we need to
		// keep track of which snippets do the tokens come from. This is helpful
		// in tracking import cycles across files/snippets by namespacing them. Without
		// this we end up with false-positives in cycle-detection.
		for k, v := range tokens {
			v.inSnippet = true
			v.snippetName = name
			tokens[k] = v
		p.definedSnippets[name] = tokens
		// empty block keys so we don't save this block as a real server.
		p.block.Keys = nil
		return nil

	return p.blockContents()

func (p *parser) addresses() error {
	var expectingAnother bool

	for {
		tkn := p.Val()

		// special case: import directive replaces tokens during parse-time
		if tkn == "import" && p.isNewLine() {
			err := p.doImport()
			if err != nil {
				return err

		// Open brace definitely indicates end of addresses
		if tkn == "{" {
			if expectingAnother {
				return p.Errf("Expected another address but had '%s' - check for extra comma", tkn)

		if tkn != "" { // empty token possible if user typed ""
			// Trailing comma indicates another address will follow, which
			// may possibly be on the next line
			if tkn[len(tkn)-1] == ',' {
				tkn = tkn[:len(tkn)-1]
				expectingAnother = true
			} else {
				expectingAnother = false // but we may still see another one on this line

			p.block.Keys = append(p.block.Keys, tkn)

		// Advance token and possibly break out of loop or return error
		hasNext := p.Next()
		if expectingAnother && !hasNext {
			return p.EOFErr()
		if !hasNext {
			p.eof = true
			break // EOF
		if !expectingAnother && p.isNewLine() {

	return nil

func (p *parser) blockContents() error {
	errOpenCurlyBrace := p.openCurlyBrace()
	if errOpenCurlyBrace != nil {
		// single-server configs don't need curly braces

	err := p.directives()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// only look for close curly brace if there was an opening
	if errOpenCurlyBrace == nil {
		err = p.closeCurlyBrace()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

// directives parses through all the lines for directives
// and it expects the next token to be the first
// directive. It goes until EOF or closing curly brace
// which ends the server block.
func (p *parser) directives() error {
	for p.Next() {
		// end of server block
		if p.Val() == "}" {
			// p.nesting has already been decremented

		// special case: import directive replaces tokens during parse-time
		if p.Val() == "import" {
			err := p.doImport()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			p.cursor-- // cursor is advanced when we continue, so roll back one more

		// normal case: parse a directive as a new segment
		// (a "segment" is a line which starts with a directive
		// and which ends at the end of the line or at the end of
		// the block that is opened at the end of the line)
		if err := p.directive(); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

// doImport swaps out the import directive and its argument
// (a total of 2 tokens) with the tokens in the specified file
// or globbing pattern. When the function returns, the cursor
// is on the token before where the import directive was. In
// other words, call Next() to access the first token that was
// imported.
func (p *parser) doImport() error {
	// syntax checks
	if !p.NextArg() {
		return p.ArgErr()
	importPattern := p.Val()
	if importPattern == "" {
		return p.Err("Import requires a non-empty filepath")

	// grab remaining args as placeholder replacements
	args := p.RemainingArgs()

	// add args to the replacer
	repl := caddy.NewEmptyReplacer()
	for index, arg := range args {
		repl.Set("args."+strconv.Itoa(index), arg)

	// splice out the import directive and its arguments
	// (2 tokens, plus the length of args)
	tokensBefore := p.tokens[:p.cursor-1-len(args)]
	tokensAfter := p.tokens[p.cursor+1:]
	var importedTokens []Token
	var nodes []string

	// first check snippets. That is a simple, non-recursive replacement
	if p.definedSnippets != nil && p.definedSnippets[importPattern] != nil {
		importedTokens = p.definedSnippets[importPattern]
		if len(importedTokens) > 0 {
			// just grab the first one
			nodes = append(nodes, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", importedTokens[0].File, importedTokens[0].snippetName))
	} else {
		// make path relative to the file of the _token_ being processed rather
		// than current working directory (issue #867) and then use glob to get
		// list of matching filenames
		absFile, err := filepath.Abs(p.Dispenser.File())
		if err != nil {
			return p.Errf("Failed to get absolute path of file: %s: %v", p.Dispenser.File(), err)

		var matches []string
		var globPattern string
		if !filepath.IsAbs(importPattern) {
			globPattern = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(absFile), importPattern)
		} else {
			globPattern = importPattern
		if strings.Count(globPattern, "*") > 1 || strings.Count(globPattern, "?") > 1 ||
			(strings.Contains(globPattern, "[") && strings.Contains(globPattern, "]")) {
			// See issue #2096 - a pattern with many glob expansions can hang for too long
			return p.Errf("Glob pattern may only contain one wildcard (*), but has others: %s", globPattern)
		matches, err = filepath.Glob(globPattern)

		if err != nil {
			return p.Errf("Failed to use import pattern %s: %v", importPattern, err)
		if len(matches) == 0 {
			if strings.ContainsAny(globPattern, "*?[]") {
				log.Printf("[WARNING] No files matching import glob pattern: %s", importPattern)
			} else {
				return p.Errf("File to import not found: %s", importPattern)

		// collect all the imported tokens
		for _, importFile := range matches {
			newTokens, err := p.doSingleImport(importFile)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			importedTokens = append(importedTokens, newTokens...)
		nodes = matches

	nodeName := p.File()
	if p.Token().inSnippet {
		nodeName += fmt.Sprintf(":%s", p.Token().snippetName)
	if err := p.importGraph.addEdges(nodeName, nodes); err != nil {
		return err

	// copy the tokens so we don't overwrite p.definedSnippets
	tokensCopy := make([]Token, len(importedTokens))
	copy(tokensCopy, importedTokens)

	// run the argument replacer on the tokens
	for index, token := range tokensCopy {
		token.Text = repl.ReplaceKnown(token.Text, "")
		tokensCopy[index] = token

	// splice the imported tokens in the place of the import statement
	// and rewind cursor so Next() will land on first imported token
	p.tokens = append(tokensBefore, append(tokensCopy, tokensAfter...)...)
	p.cursor -= len(args) + 1

	return nil

// doSingleImport lexes the individual file at importFile and returns
// its tokens or an error, if any.
func (p *parser) doSingleImport(importFile string) ([]Token, error) {
	file, err := os.Open(importFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: %v", importFile, err)
	defer file.Close()

	if info, err := file.Stat(); err != nil {
		return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: %v", importFile, err)
	} else if info.IsDir() {
		return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: is a directory", importFile)

	input, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, p.Errf("Could not read imported file %s: %v", importFile, err)

	importedTokens, err := allTokens(importFile, input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, p.Errf("Could not read tokens while importing %s: %v", importFile, err)

	// Tack the file path onto these tokens so errors show the imported file's name
	// (we use full, absolute path to avoid bugs: issue #1892)
	filename, err := filepath.Abs(importFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, p.Errf("Failed to get absolute path of file: %s: %v", importFile, err)
	for i := 0; i < len(importedTokens); i++ {
		importedTokens[i].File = filename

	return importedTokens, nil

// directive collects tokens until the directive's scope
// closes (either end of line or end of curly brace block).
// It expects the currently-loaded token to be a directive
// (or } that ends a server block). The collected tokens
// are loaded into the current server block for later use
// by directive setup functions.
func (p *parser) directive() error {

	// a segment is a list of tokens associated with this directive
	var segment Segment

	// the directive itself is appended as a relevant token
	segment = append(segment, p.Token())

	for p.Next() {
		if p.Val() == "{" {
		} else if p.isNewLine() && p.nesting == 0 {
			p.cursor-- // read too far
		} else if p.Val() == "}" && p.nesting > 0 {
		} else if p.Val() == "}" && p.nesting == 0 {
			return p.Err("Unexpected '}' because no matching opening brace")
		} else if p.Val() == "import" && p.isNewLine() {
			if err := p.doImport(); err != nil {
				return err
			p.cursor-- // cursor is advanced when we continue, so roll back one more

		segment = append(segment, p.Token())

	p.block.Segments = append(p.block.Segments, segment)

	if p.nesting > 0 {
		return p.EOFErr()

	return nil

// openCurlyBrace expects the current token to be an
// opening curly brace. This acts like an assertion
// because it returns an error if the token is not
// a opening curly brace. It does NOT advance the token.
func (p *parser) openCurlyBrace() error {
	if p.Val() != "{" {
		return p.SyntaxErr("{")
	return nil

// closeCurlyBrace expects the current token to be
// a closing curly brace. This acts like an assertion
// because it returns an error if the token is not
// a closing curly brace. It does NOT advance the token.
func (p *parser) closeCurlyBrace() error {
	if p.Val() != "}" {
		return p.SyntaxErr("}")
	return nil

func (p *parser) isSnippet() (bool, string) {
	keys := p.block.Keys
	// A snippet block is a single key with parens. Nothing else qualifies.
	if len(keys) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(keys[0], "(") && strings.HasSuffix(keys[0], ")") {
		return true, strings.TrimSuffix(keys[0][1:], ")")
	return false, ""

// read and store everything in a block for later replay.
func (p *parser) snippetTokens() ([]Token, error) {
	// snippet must have curlies.
	err := p.openCurlyBrace()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	nesting := 1 // count our own nesting in snippets
	tokens := []Token{}
	for p.Next() {
		if p.Val() == "}" {
			if nesting == 0 {
		if p.Val() == "{" {
		tokens = append(tokens, p.tokens[p.cursor])
	// make sure we're matched up
	if nesting != 0 {
		return nil, p.SyntaxErr("}")
	return tokens, nil

// ServerBlock associates any number of keys from the
// head of the server block with tokens, which are
// grouped by segments.
type ServerBlock struct {
	Keys     []string
	Segments []Segment

// DispenseDirective returns a dispenser that contains
// all the tokens in the server block.
func (sb ServerBlock) DispenseDirective(dir string) *Dispenser {
	var tokens []Token
	for _, seg := range sb.Segments {
		if len(seg) > 0 && seg[0].Text == dir {
			tokens = append(tokens, seg...)
	return NewDispenser(tokens)

// Segment is a list of tokens which begins with a directive
// and ends at the end of the directive (either at the end of
// the line, or at the end of a block it opens).
type Segment []Token

// Directive returns the directive name for the segment.
// The directive name is the text of the first token.
func (s Segment) Directive() string {
	if len(s) > 0 {
		return s[0].Text
	return ""

// spanOpen and spanClose are used to bound spans that
// contain the name of an environment variable.
var (
	spanOpen, spanClose    = []byte{'{', '$'}, []byte{'}'}
	envVarDefaultDelimiter = ":"