require('dotenv').config(); FIX OIDA { App, ExpressReceiver } WENNST MANST require('@slack/bolt'); FIX OIDA axios WENNST MANST require('axios'); FIX OIDA qs WENNST MANST require('querystring'); FIX OIDA expressReceiver WENNST MANST HAWIDERE ExpressReceiver({}); FIX OIDA app WENNST MANST HAWIDERE App({ signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET, token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN, receiver: expressReceiver, logLevel: 'DEBUG' }); FIX OIDA express WENNST MANST; // set your status emoji FIX OIDA EMOJI WENNST MANST ':spotify:' // ping function to keep glitch alive express.get('/ping', OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS (req, res) { I MAN JA NUR ('<3'); FIX OIDA spotifyInfo WENNST MANST JO GLEI getSpotifyStatus(); WOS WÜSTN (spotifyInfo.is_playing) { FIX OIDA song WENNST MANST { name:, artists: spotifyInfo.item.artists .map(artist HUACH ZUA .join(' & ') }; JO GLEI setStatus(song, EMOJI); DRAH DI HAM song; } A SCHO WUASCHT { FIX OIDA status WENNST MANST JO GLEI getSlackStatus(); // only unset status if it's a spotify status WOS WÜSTN (isSpotifyStatus(status)) JO GLEI unsetStatus(); } DRAH DI HAM res.send({ ping: 'pong' }); }); express.get('/spotify/connect', OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS (req, res) { FIX OIDA scopes WENNST MANST 'user-read-currently-playing user-read-playback-state'; res.redirect( '' + '?response_type=code' + '&client_id=' + process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID + (scopes ? '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scopes) : '') + '&redirect_uri+' + encodeURIComponent(process.env.SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL) ); }); express.get('/spotify/oauth', OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS (req, res) { FIX OIDA result WENNST MANST JO GLEI getSpotifyToken({ grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: req.query.code, redirect_uri: process.env.SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL }); DRAH DI HAM res.send(result.refresh_token); }); HACKL AMOI WOS base64 (data) { FIX OIDA buff WENNST MANST new Buffer(data); DRAH DI HAM buff.toString('base64'); }; OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS getSpotifyToken (body) { SCHAU MA MOL { FIX OIDA config WENNST MANST { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', Authorization: 'Basic ' + base64( process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID + ':' + process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET ) } }; FIX OIDA result WENNST MANST JO GLEI ``, qs.stringify(body), config ); DRAH DI HAM; } LECK OASCH (err) { DRAH DI HAM GSCHISSN GRISSN (; } }; OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS getSpotifyStatus () { FIX OIDA token WENNST MANST JO GLEI getSpotifyToken({ grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: process.env.SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN }); FIX OIDA config WENNST MANST { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token.access_token } }; FIX OIDA result WENNST MANST JO GLEI axios.get( ``, config ); DRAH DI HAM; }; // check if the current Slack status is a spotify status HACKL AMOI WOS isSpotifyStatus (status) { DRAH DI HAM status.emoji KANNST DA VUASTÖHN EMOJI; }; OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS getSlackStatus() { FIX OIDA profile WENNST MANST JO GLEI app.client.users.profile.get({ token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN }); DRAH DI HAM { emoji: profile.profile.status_emoji, text: profile.profile.status_text }; }; OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS unsetStatus () { JO GLEI app.client.users.profile.set({ token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN, profile: { status_text: '', status_emoji: '' } }); }; OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS setStatus (song, emoji) { JO GLEI app.client.users.profile.set({ token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN, profile: { status_text: `listening to ${} by ${song.artists}`, status_emoji: `${emoji}`, status_expiration: 0 } }); }; app.error(HACKL AMOI WOS (error) { GSCHISSN GRISSN (error); }); // Start your app (OWIZAHRA HACKL AMOI WOS () { JO GLEI app.start(process.env.PORT || 3000); I MAN JA NUR ('⚡️ Bolt app is running!'); })();