# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48

translate it strings:

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28
    old "Self-voicing disabled."
    new "Auto-doppiaggio disabilitato."

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:29
    old "Clipboard voicing enabled. "
    new "Doppiaggio appunti abilitato. "

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:30
    old "Self-voicing enabled. "
    new "Auto-doppiaggio abilitato. "

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32
    old "bar"
    new "barra"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33
    old "selected"
    new "selezionato"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34
    old "viewport"
    new "viewport"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35
    old "horizontal scroll"
    new "scorrimento orizzontale"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36
    old "vertical scroll"
    new "scorrimento verticale"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37
    old "activate"
    new "attiva"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38
    old "deactivate"
    new "disattiva"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39
    old "increase"
    new "aumenta"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40
    old "decrease"
    new "decrementa"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:120
    old "Accessibility Menu. Use up and down arrows to navigate, and enter to activate buttons and bars."
    new "Menù di Accessibilità. Usa le frecce sù e giù per navigare, e premi invio per attivare pulsanti o barre."

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:139
    old "Font Override"
    new "Sostituzione Font"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:143
    old "Default"
    new "Predefinito"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:147
    old "DejaVu Sans"
    new "DejaVu Sans"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:151
    old "Opendyslexic"
    new "Opendyslexic"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:157
    old "Text Size Scaling"
    new "Scalatura Dimensioni Testo"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:169
    old "Line Spacing Scaling"
    new "Scalatura Spaziatura Righe"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:181
    old "High Contrast Text"
    new "Testo Alto Contrasto"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:183
    old "Enable"
    new "Abilita"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:194
    old "Self-Voicing"
    new "Auto-Doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:198
    old "Off"
    new "Off"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:202
    old "Text-to-speech"
    new "Da-Testo-A-Voce"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:206
    old "Clipboard"
    new "Appunti"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:210
    old "Debug"
    new "Debug"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:224
    old "Self-Voicing Volume Drop"
    new "Abbassamento Volume di Auto-Doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:235
    old "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was."
    new "Le opzioni in questo menù hanno lo svopo di migliorare l'accessbilità. Potrebbero non funzionare con tutti i giochi, ed alcune combinazioni di opzioni potrebbero rendere il gioco ingiocabile. Questo non è un problema con il gioco o l'engine. Per avere risultati migliori quando si cambiano font, prova a tenere la grandezza del testo uguale a quella originale."

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Monday"
    new "{#weekday}Lunedì"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Tuesday"
    new "{#weekday}Martedì"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Wednesday"
    new "{#weekday}Mercoledì"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Thursday"
    new "{#weekday}Giovedì"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Friday"
    new "{#weekday}Venerdì"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Saturday"
    new "{#weekday}Sabato"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
    old "{#weekday}Sunday"
    new "{#weekday}Domenica"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Mon"
    new "{#weekday_short}Lun"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Tue"
    new "{#weekday_short}Mar"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Wed"
    new "{#weekday_short}Mer"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Thu"
    new "{#weekday_short}Gio"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Fri"
    new "{#weekday_short}Ven"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Sat"
    new "{#weekday_short}Sab"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
    old "{#weekday_short}Sun"
    new "{#weekday_short}Dom"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}January"
    new "{#month}Gennaio"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}February"
    new "{#month}Febbraio"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}March"
    new "{#month}Marzo"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}April"
    new "{#month}Aprile"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}May"
    new "{#month}Maggio"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}June"
    new "{#month}Giugno"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}July"
    new "{#month}Luglio"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}August"
    new "{#month}Agosto"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}September"
    new "{#month}Settembre"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}October"
    new "{#month}Ottobre"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}November"
    new "{#month}Novembre"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
    old "{#month}December"
    new "{#month}Dicembre"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Jan"
    new "{#month_short}Gen"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Feb"
    new "{#month_short}Feb"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Mar"
    new "{#month_short}Mar"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Apr"
    new "{#month_short}Apr"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}May"
    new "{#month_short}Mag"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Jun"
    new "{#month_short}Giu"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Jul"
    new "{#month_short}Lug"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Aug"
    new "{#month_short}Ago"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Sep"
    new "{#month_short}Set"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Oct"
    new "{#month_short}Ott"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Nov"
    new "{#month_short}Nov"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
    old "{#month_short}Dec"
    new "{#month_short}Dic"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:258
    old "%b %d, %H:%M"
    new "%d %b, %H:%M"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:395
    old "Save slot %s: [text]"
    new "Slot Salvataggio %s: [text]"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:480
    old "Load slot %s: [text]"
    new "Slot Caricamento %s: [text]"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:533
    old "Delete slot [text]"
    new "Cancella Slot [text]"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:612
    old "File page auto"
    new "Pagina file automatico"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:614
    old "File page quick"
    new "Pagina file rapido"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:616
    old "File page [text]"
    new "Pagina file [text]"

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:815
    old "Next file page."
    new "Pagina file successiva."

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:887
    old "Previous file page."
    new "Pagina file precedente."

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:948
    old "Quick save complete."
    new "Salvataggio rapido completato."

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:963
    old "Quick save."
    new "Salvataggio rapido."

    # renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:982
    old "Quick load."
    new "Caricamento rapido."

    # renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:383
    old "Language [text]"
    new "Lingua [text]"

    # renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:746
    old "Open [text] directory."
    new "Apri cartella [text]."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:712
    old "The interactive director is not enabled here."
    new "Interactive Director non è abilitato."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1511
    old "⬆"
    new "⬆"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1517
    old "⬇"
    new "⬇"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1581
    old "Done"
    new "Fatto"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1591
    old "(statement)"
    new "(statement)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1592
    old "(tag)"
    new "(tag)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1593
    old "(attributes)"
    new "(attributes)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1594
    old "(transform)"
    new "(transform)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1619
    old "(transition)"
    new "(transition)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1631
    old "(channel)"
    new "(channel)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1632
    old "(filename)"
    new "(filename)"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1661
    old "Change"
    new "Cambia"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1663
    old "Add"
    new "Aggiungi"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1666
    old "Cancel"
    new "Cancella"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1669
    old "Remove"
    new "Rimuovi"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1704
    old "Statement:"
    new "Statement:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1725
    old "Tag:"
    new "Tag:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1741
    old "Attributes:"
    new "Attributes:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1752
    old "Click to toggle attribute, right click to toggle negative attribute."
    new "Clicca per attivare attribute, tasto destro per attivare attribute negativo."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1764
    old "Transforms:"
    new "Transforms:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1775
    old "Click to set transform, right click to add to transform list."
    new "Clicca per regolare transform, tasto destro per aggiungere alla lista dei transform"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1776
    old "Customize director.transforms to add more transforms."
    new "Personalizza director.transforms per aggiungere più transforms."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1788
    old "Behind:"
    new "Behind:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1799
    old "Click to set, right click to add to behind list."
    new "Clicca per regolare, tasto destro per aggiungere alla lista behind."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1811
    old "Transition:"
    new "Transition:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1821
    old "Click to set."
    new "Clicca per regolare."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1822
    old "Customize director.transitions to add more transitions."
    new "Personalizza director.transitions per aggiungere più transitions."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1834
    old "Channel:"
    new "Channel:"

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1845
    old "Customize director.audio_channels to add more channels."
    new "Personalizza director.audio_channels per aggiungere più channels."

    # renpy/common/00director.rpy:1857
    old "Audio Filename:"
    new "Nome File Audio:"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:448
    old "Are you sure?"
    new "Sei sicuro?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:449
    old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo salvataggio?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:450
    old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler sostituire il tuo salvataggio?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:451
    old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"
    new "Caricando perderai progresso non salvato.\nSei sicuro di volerlo fare?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:452
    old "Are you sure you want to quit?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler uscire?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:453
    old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress."
    new "Sei sicuro di voler ritornare al menù principale?\nPerderai progresso non salvato."

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:454
    old "Are you sure you want to continue where you left off?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler continuare da dove hai lasciato?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:455
    old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler terminare il replay?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:456
    old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler iniziare a saltare?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:457
    old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler saltare fino alla prossima scelta?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:458
    old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?"
    new "Sei sicuro di voler saltare dialogo non visto fino alla prossima scelta?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:459
    old "This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who could have changed the file?"
    new "Questo salvataggio è stato creato su un altro dispositivo. File di salvataggio creati con malizia possono danneggiare il tuo computer. Ti fidi del creatore di questo salataggio e di chiunque possa aver modificato il file?"

    # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:460
    old "Do you trust the device the save was created on? You should only choose yes if you are the device's sole user."
    new "Ti fidi del dispositivo dove è stato creato il file? Dovresti scegliere sì se sei l'unico proprietario del dispositivo."

    # renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:323
    old "Failed to save screenshot as %s."
    new "Fallito nel salvare lo screenshot come %s."

    # renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:335
    old "Saved screenshot as %s."
    new "Salvato screenshot come %s."

    # renpy/common/00library.rpy:248
    old "Skip Mode"
    new "Modalità Salta"

    # renpy/common/00library.rpy:317
    old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}."
    new "Questo programma contiene software gratuito sotto un numero di licenze, MIT License e Gnu Lesser General Public License incluse. Una lista completa del software, con link al codice sorgente completo, può essere trovata {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}qui{/a}."

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:289
    old "display"
    new "schermo"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:309
    old "transitions"
    new "transizioni"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:318
    old "skip transitions"
    new "salta transizioni"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:320
    old "video sprites"
    new "sprite video"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:329
    old "show empty window"
    new "mostra finestra vuota"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:338
    old "text speed"
    new "velocità testo"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:346
    old "joystick"
    new "joystick"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:346
    old "joystick..."
    new "joystick..."

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:353
    old "skip"
    new "salta"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:356
    old "skip unseen [text]"
    new "salta [text] non visto"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:361
    old "skip unseen text"
    new "salta testo non visto"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:363
    old "begin skipping"
    new "comincia a saltare"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:367
    old "after choices"
    new "dopo scelte"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:374
    old "skip after choices"
    new "salta dopo scelte"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:376
    old "auto-forward time"
    new "tempo di avanzamento-automatico"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:390
    old "auto-forward"
    new "avanzamento-automatico"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:397
    old "Auto forward"
    new "Avanzamento automatico"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:400
    old "auto-forward after click"
    new "avanzamento-automatico dopo click"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:409
    old "automatic move"
    new "movimento automatico"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:418
    old "wait for voice"
    new "aspetta voce"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:427
    old "voice sustain"
    new "prolungamento voce"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:436
    old "self voicing"
    new "auto doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:439
    old "self voicing enable"
    new "abilita auto doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:441
    old "self voicing disable"
    new "disabilita auto doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:445
    old "self voicing volume drop"
    new "abbassamento volume auto doppiaggio"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:453
    old "clipboard voicing"
    new "doppiaggio appunti"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:456
    old "clipboard voicing enable"
    new "abilita doppiaggio appunti"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:458
    old "clipboard voicing disable"
    new "disabilita doppiaggio appunti"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:462
    old "debug voicing"
    new "doppiaggio debug"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:465
    old "debug voicing enable"
    new "abilita doppiaggio debug"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:467
    old "debug voicing disable"
    new "disabilita doppiaggio backup"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:471
    old "emphasize audio"
    new "enfatizza audio"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:480
    old "rollback side"
    new "lato di ripristino"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:490
    old "gl powersave"
    new "gl risparmio energetico"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:496
    old "gl framerate"
    new "gl framerate"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:499
    old "gl tearing"
    new "gl tearing"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:502
    old "font transform"
    new "trasforma font"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:505
    old "font size"
    new "dimensione font"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:513
    old "font line spacing"
    new "spaziatura righe font"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:521
    old "system cursor"
    new "cursore sistema"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:530
    old "renderer menu"
    new "menù renderer"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:533
    old "accessibility menu"
    new "menù accessbilità"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:536
    old "high contrast text"
    new "testo alto contrasto"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:545
    old "audio when minimized"
    new "audio quando minimizzato"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:554
    old "audio when unfocused"
    new "audio quando fuori focus"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:563
    old "web cache preload"
    new "precaricamento cache web"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:578
    old "voice after game menu"
    new "voce dopo menù di gioco"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:587
    old "restore window position"
    new "ripristina posizione finestra"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:596
    old "reset"
    new "reset"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:609
    old "main volume"
    new "volume principale"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:610
    old "music volume"
    new "volume musica"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:611
    old "sound volume"
    new "volume suono"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:612
    old "voice volume"
    new "volume voce"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:613
    old "mute main"
    new "silenzia principale"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:614
    old "mute music"
    new "silenzia musica"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:615
    old "mute sound"
    new "silenzia suono"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:616
    old "mute voice"
    new "silenzia voce"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:617
    old "mute all"
    new "silenzia tutto"

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:699
    old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable."
    new "Doppiaggio appunti abilitato. Premi 'shift+C per disabilitare."

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:701
    old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable."
    new "Auto-doppiaggio direbbe \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Premi 'alt+shift+V' per disabilitare."

    # renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:703
    old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable."
    new "Auto-doppiaggio abilitato. Premi 'v' per disabilitare"

    # renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:392
    old "Speech Bubble Editor"
    new "Editor Nuvoletta"

    # renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:397
    old "(hide)"
    new "(nascondi)"

    # renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:408
    old "(clear retained bubbles)"
    new "(pulisci nuvolette mantenute)"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:70
    old "Sync downloaded."
    new "Sincronizzazione scaricata."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:190
    old "Could not connect to the Ren'Py Sync server."
    new "Impossibile connettersi al server di Sincronizzazione di Ren'Py."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:192
    old "The Ren'Py Sync server timed out."
    new "Server Sincronizzazione Ren'Py scaduto."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:194
    old "An unknown error occurred while connecting to the Ren'Py Sync server."
    new "Errore sconosciuto durante la connessione al server di Sincronizzazione Ren'Py."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:267
    old "The Ren'Py Sync server does not have a copy of this sync. The sync ID may be invalid, or it may have timed out."
    new "Il server di Sincronizzazione di Ren'Py non ha una copia di questa sincronizzazione. L'ID di sincronizzazione potrebbe essere invalido, o potrebbe essere scaduto."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:412
    old "Please enter the sync ID you generated.\nNever enter a sync ID you didn't create yourself."
    new "Per favore inserisci l'ID di sincronizzazione che hai generato.\nMai inserire un ID di sincronizzazione che non hai creato tu."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:431
    old "The sync ID is not in the correct format."
    new "L'ID di sincronizzazione non è nel formato corretto."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:451
    old "The sync could not be decrypted."
    new "La sincronizzazione non è potuta essere decriptata"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:474
    old "The sync belongs to a different game."
    new "La sincronizzazione è di un altro gioco."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:479
    old "The sync contains a file with an invalid name."
    new "La sincronizzazione contiene un file con un nome invalido."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:538
    old "This will upload your saves to the {a=https://sync.renpy.org}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}.\nDo you want to continue?"
    new "Questo caricherà i tuoi salvataggi al {a=https://sync.renpy.org}Server di Sincronizzazioen di Ren'Py{/a}.\nVuoi continuare?"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:569
    old "Enter Sync ID"
    new "Inserisci ID Sincronizzazione"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:580
    old "This will contact the {a=https://sync.renpy.org}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}."
    new "Questo contatterà il {a=https://sync.renpy.org}Server di Sincronizzazioen di Ren'Py{/a}."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:609
    old "Sync Success"
    new "Sincronizzazione avvenuta con successo"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:612
    old "The Sync ID is:"
    new "L'ID di Sincronizzazione è:"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:618
    old "You can use this ID to download your save on another device.\nThis sync will expire in an hour.\nRen'Py Sync is supported by {a=https://www.renpy.org/sponsors.html}Ren'Py's Sponsors{/a}."
    new "Puoi usare questo ID per scaricare il tuo salvataggio su un altro dispositivo.\nQuesta sincronizzazione scadrà tra un'ora.\nLa Sincronizzazione Ren'Py è sostenuta dagli {a=https://www.renpy.org/sponsors.html}Sponsor di Ren'Py{/a}."

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:622
    old "Continue"
    new "Continua"

    # renpy/common/00sync.rpy:646
    old "Sync Error"
    new "Errore Sincronizzazione"

    # renpy/common/00iap.rpy:231
    old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..."
    new "Contattando App Store\nPer Favore Attendi..."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:504
    old "No update methods found."
    new "Nessun metodo di aggiornamento trovato."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:551
    old "Could not download file list: "
    new "Non ho potuto scaricare la lista di file:"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:554
    old "File list digest does not match."
    new "Compendio di lista file non combacia."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:762
    old "An error is being simulated."
    new "Simulazione errore in corso."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:950
    old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted."
    new "O questo progetto non supporta aggiornamenti, o il file di stato aggiornamento è stato cancellato."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:964
    old "This account does not have permission to perform an update."
    new "Questo account non ha il permesso di eseguire un aggiornamento."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:967
    old "This account does not have permission to write the update log."
    new "Questo account non ha il permesso di scrivere il log aggioramento."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1047
    old "Could not verify update signature."
    new "Non ho potuto verificare la firma dell'aggiornamento."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1366
    old "The update file was not downloaded."
    new "Il file di aggiornamento non è stato scaricato."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1384
    old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted."
    new "Il file di aggiornamento non ha il compendio corretto - potrebbe essere stato corrotto."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1534
    old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}."
    new "Durante spacchettamento {}, tipo sconosciuto {}."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2014
    old "Updater"
    new "Aggiornatore"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2021
    old "An error has occured:"
    new "Un errore è avvenuto:"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2023
    old "Checking for updates."
    new "Controllando aggiornamenti."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2025
    old "This program is up to date."
    new "Questo programma è aggiornato."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2027
    old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?"
    new "[u.version] è disponibile. Vuoi installarla?"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2029
    old "Preparing to download the updates."
    new "Preparazione download aggiornamento."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2031
    old "Downloading the updates."
    new "Scaricando aggiornamenti."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2033
    old "Unpacking the updates."
    new "Spacchettando aggiornamenti"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2035
    old "Finishing up."
    new "Finendo."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2037
    old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart."
    new "Gli aggiornamenti sono stati installati. Il programma verrà riavviato."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2039
    old "The updates have been installed."
    new "Gli aggiornamenti sono stati installati."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2041
    old "The updates were cancelled."
    new "Gli aggiornamenti sono stati cancellati."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2056
    old "Proceed"
    new "Procedi"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2071
    old "Preparing to download the game data."
    new "Preparazione al download dei dati di gioco."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2073
    old "Downloading the game data."
    new "Scaricando i dati di gioco."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2075
    old "The game data has been downloaded."
    new "I dati di gioco sono stati scaricati."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2077
    old "An error occured when trying to download game data:"
    new "Un errore è avvenuto durante il download dei dati di gioco:"

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2082
    old "This game cannot be run until the game data has been downloaded."
    new "Questo gioco non può essere avviato fino a che i dati di gioco non sono stati scaricati."

    # renpy/common/00updater.rpy:2089
    old "Retry"
    new "Riprova"

    # renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:627
    old "Image [index] of [count] locked."
    new "Immagine [index] di [count] bloccata."

    # renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:647
    old "prev"
    new "prec"

    # renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:648
    old "next"
    new "succ"

    # renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:649
    old "slideshow"
    new "presentazione"

    # renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:650
    old "return"
    new "ritorna"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89
    old "Renderer"
    new "Renderer"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:93
    old "Automatically Choose"
    new "Scegli Automaticamente"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:100
    old "Force GL Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer GL"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:105
    old "Force ANGLE Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer ANGLE"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:110
    old "Force GLES Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer GLES"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:116
    old "Force GL2 Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer GL2"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121
    old "Force ANGLE2 Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer ANGLE2"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:126
    old "Force GLES2 Renderer"
    new "Forza Renderer GLES2"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136
    old "Enable (No Blocklist)"
    new "Abiltia (nessuna Lista di Blocco)"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159
    old "Powersave"
    new "Risparmio Energetico"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:173
    old "Framerate"
    new "Framerate"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:177
    old "Screen"
    new "Schermo"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:181
    old "60"
    new "60"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185
    old "30"
    new "30"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:191
    old "Tearing"
    new "Tearing"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:207
    old "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run."
    new "I cambiamenti avranno effetto la prossima volta che il programma viene eseguito."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:214
    old "Quit"
    new "Esci"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:242
    old "Performance Warning"
    new "Allarme di Prestationi"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:247
    old "This computer is using software rendering."
    new "Questo computer utilizza rendering software."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:249
    old "This game requires use of GL2 that can't be initialised."
    new "Questo gioco richiede l'uso di GL2 che non può essere inizializzato."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:251
    old "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]."
    new "Questo computer ha un problema nel mostrare grafiche: [problem]."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255
    old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display."
    new "I suoi driver grafici potrebbero essere scaduti o non funzionano correttamente. Questo può portare ad una esposizione di grafiche lenta o incorretta."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259
    old "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you determine what is wrong with your computer."
    new "Il file {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} potrebbe contenere informazioni per aiutarti a determinare cosa non va con il tuo computer."

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264
    old "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/a}."
    new "Più dettagli su come sistemarlo possono essere trovati nella {a=[url]}documentazione{/a}"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269
    old "Continue, Show this warning again"
    new "Continua, Mostra questo avviso di nuovo"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:273
    old "Continue, Don't show warning again"
    new "Continua, Non mostrare avviso di nuovo"

    # renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:281
    old "Change render options"
    new "Cambia opzioni di render"

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32
    old "Select Gamepad to Calibrate"
    new "Seleziona Gamepad da Calibrare"

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35
    old "No Gamepads Available"
    new "Nessun Gamepad Disponibile"

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54
    old "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])"
    new "Calibrando [name] ([i]/[total])"

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58
    old "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]."
    new "Premi o muovi '[control!s]' [kind]."

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68
    old "Skip (A)"
    new "Salta (A)"

    # renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71
    old "Back (B)"
    new "Indietro (B)"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:662
    old "Open"
    new "Apri"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:664
    old "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor."
    new "Apre il file traceback.txt in un editor di testo."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:666
    old "Copy BBCode"
    new "Copia BBCode"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:668
    old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/."
    new "Copia il file traceback.txt negli appunti come BBcode per forum tipo https://lemmasoft.renai.us/."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:670
    old "Copy Markdown"
    new "Copia Markdown"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:672
    old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord."
    new "Copia il file traceback.txt negli appunti come Markdown per Discord."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:703
    old "An exception has occurred."
    new "Una eccezione è avvenuta."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:726
    old "Rollback"
    new "Ripristino"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:728
    old "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice."
    new "Tenta di ripristinare ad un tempo precedente, permettendoti di salvare o fare una scelta differente."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:731
    old "Ignore"
    new "Ignora"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:735
    old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue."
    new "Ignora l'eccezione, permettendoti di continuare."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:737
    old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors."
    new "Ignora l'eccezione, permettendoti di continuare. Questo provoca spesso altri errori."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:741
    old "Reload"
    new "Ricarica"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:743
    old "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible."
    new "Ricarica il gioco dal disco, salvando e ripristinando lo stato di gioco se possibile."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:746
    old "Console"
    new "Console"

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:748
    old "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem."
    new "Apre una console per permettere al debugging del problema."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:761
    old "Quits the game."
    new "Esce dal gioco."

    # renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:782
    old "Parsing the script failed."
    new "Analisi dello script fallita."