# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:07 # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:4 translate es chapter_2_fe232ec7: # "{cps=*0.2}-- Two Days Later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Dos días después --{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:7 translate es chapter_2_8f9ae265: # "Alarm is off." "La alarma está apagada." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:10 translate es chapter_2_0f67dc2a: # "You know the drill." "Ya sabes lo que hay que hacer." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:12 translate es chapter_2_8e675d77: # "Combat roll,{w=.3}{nw}" "Voltereta de combate,{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:14 translate es chapter_2_546bfd49: # "Combat roll,{fast} head butt,{w=.3} victory screech." with vpunch "Voltereta de combate,{fast} cabezazo,{w=.3} grito de victoria." with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:16 translate es chapter_2_df8c5ec6: # "Breakfast,{w=.3} shitposting,{w=.3} clothes." "Desayuno,{w=.3} shitposting,{w=.3} ropa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:22 translate es chapter_2_f225047c: # "I’m pretty good at this." "Soy bastante bueno en esto." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:24 translate es chapter_2_57a7ccb5: # "I think I’ve finally found a decent routine for the rest of the year." "Creo que finalmente he encontrado una rutina decente para el resto del año." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:26 translate es chapter_2_44cfa518: # "I might have to go easy on the shitposting though, yesterday I might have over indulged{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Aunque tendré que disminuir el shitposting, puede que me haya excedido ayer{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:29 translate es chapter_2_9e747b86: # "But{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:31 translate es chapter_2_31800bce: # "I’ve succeeded in turning invisible, not completely but so far I’m happy." "He conseguido volverme invisible, no del todo pero de momento estoy contento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:33 translate es chapter_2_22b94ebc: # "Even the stupid stuff with Naser seems settled, I can just cruise through schooling and shitpost in the evening." "Incluso las estupideces con Naser parecen resueltas, puedo pasar por la escuela y hacer shitpost por la noche." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:36 translate es chapter_2_4347e3e5: # "Perfection." "Perfección." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:39 translate es chapter_2_6d823631: # "Day four out of however many days are left in the year. So far so good." "Cuarto día de los que quedan en el año. Hasta aquí todo bien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:51 translate es chapter_2_f09090d0: # "It’s a bit of a walk, so I get my phone out and start posting on a shitty imageboard." "Es algo larga la caminata, así que saco mi teléfono y empiezo a publicar en un tablero de imágenes de mierda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:60 translate es chapter_2_8525c2f3: # "Baiting people into replying to my posts isn’t the most rewarding of hobbies, but it passes the time." "Provocar a la gente para que responda a mis mensajes no es el más gratificante de los pasatiempos pero sirve para pasar el rato." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:63 translate es chapter_2_7bd1ae1d: # A "{color=#78FF65}>Meteor dodgers{/color}{w=.3}{nw}" A "{color=#78FF65}>Esquivadores de meteoros{/color}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:64 translate es chapter_2_b12ef977: # extend "\n{color=#78FF65}>having jobs{/color}{w=.5}{nw}" extend "\n{color=#78FF65}>con empleo{/color}{w=.5}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:65 translate es chapter_2_6cfecdda: # extend "\npick one and only one." extend "\nes un oxímoron." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:68 translate es chapter_2_1d9c31e5: # "That oughtta get a few." "Eso debería provocar a algunos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:71 translate es chapter_2_bf0467a1: # "Just before I hit the reply button, I sense the air behind me turn warmer." "Justo antes de pulsar el botón de responder, siento entibiarse el aire detrás de mí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:73 translate es chapter_2_5a6a1b42: # "A few wildflowers growing in the cracks of the sidewalk bloom in seconds." "Algunas plantas silvestres que crecen en las grietas de la acera florecen en segundos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:85 translate es chapter_2_5af16fec: # "She’s here." "Ella está aquí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:97 translate es chapter_2_5adb78a4: # N "Good morning Anon!" N "¡Buenos días, Anon!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:101 translate es chapter_2_a01317c7: # A "{size=-10}It could have been.{/size}" A "{size=-10}Pudo haber sido.{/size}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:114 translate es chapter_2_c2a18669: # "Naomi catches up to me." "Naomi me alcanza." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:117 translate es chapter_2_5ade773c: # N "You say something?" N "¿Dijiste algo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:123 translate es chapter_2_a38fa0eb: # A "Good morning." A "Buenos días." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:126 translate es chapter_2_de064eb1: # A "Don’t you walk with Naser to school? Where is he?" A "¿No acompañas a Naser a la escuela? ¿Dónde está?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:129 translate es chapter_2_e0d51a93: # N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}He went early today to help set up another student event." N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Hoy salió temprano para ayudar a preparar otro evento estudiantil." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:131 translate es chapter_2_f415fd67: # A "Oh. He’s certainly someone you can count on for that." A "Oh. Ciertamente es alguien con quien se puede contar para eso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:134 translate es chapter_2_9559587b: # N "He really is! I’m so proud of him!" N "¡Realmente lo es! ¡Estoy muy orgullosa de él!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:137 translate es chapter_2_9a110f4f: # A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Sí{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:140 translate es chapter_2_07f6dced: # N "Umm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon, have you seen our lovely award-winning school gardens yet?" N "Umm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon, ¿has visto ya nuestros preciosos y premiados jardines escolares?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:142 translate es chapter_2_6ab1d084: # A "Gardens win awards?" A "¿Los jardines ganan premios?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:144 translate es chapter_2_99e88be6: # N "They do! Come on, I’ll show you." N "Lo hacen. Vamos, te mostraré." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:148 translate es chapter_2_69f93945: # A "Actually, wait,{w=0.3} {cps=*.4}I don’t really wan-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" A "De hecho, espera,{w=0.3} {cps=*.4}En realidad no qui-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:164 translate es chapter_2_3ca30534: # "Naomi grabs my hand again and when I come to, we’re already there." "Naomi me agarra la mano de nuevo y cuando vuelvo en mí ya estamos allí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:176 translate es chapter_2_b77cc8ba: # N "And here they are, our school’s flowerbeds!" N "Y aquí están, ¡los parterres de nuestra escuela!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:179 translate es chapter_2_605aadcb: # N "Aren’t they just magnificent?" N "¿No son magníficos?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:183 translate es chapter_2_e509e92c: # A "{cps=*0.6}Please stop dragging me by the hand.{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.6}Por favor, deja de arrastrarme de la mano.{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:186 translate es chapter_2_04b9343a: # "She is right though, the gardens here are absolutely stunning." "Tiene razón, los jardines de aquí son absolutamente impresionantes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:188 translate es chapter_2_3cc27000: # "I can’t tell what’s more colorful, the bushes of flowers, or the students that tend to them." "No puedo decir qué es más colorido, los arbustos de flores, o los estudiantes que los cuidan." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:191 translate es chapter_2_e268ba1a: # A "Yeah, the gardeners here do a great job." A "Sí, los jardineros de aquí hacen un gran trabajo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:193 translate es chapter_2_4b3a8646: # N "Hm?{w=.4} Oh, yeah, you can thank the gardening club for that." N "¿Hm?{w=.4} Oh, sí, puedes agradecer al club de jardinería por eso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:196 translate es chapter_2_741108e2: # "Naomi guides me through the gardens,{w=.4} occasionally giving tour trivia." "Naomi me guía por los jardines,{w=.4} ocasionalmente, dando trivialidades de tour." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:198 translate es chapter_2_31cd13e6: # "I can’t shake the feeling something’s on her mind,{w=.2} though." "Sin embargo, no puedo evitar la sensación de que hay algo{w=.2} en su mente." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:206 translate es chapter_2_0dc70fc9: # N "And here’s where the freshmen planted flower seeds at the start of the school year!" N "¡Y aquí es donde los estudiantes de primer año plantaron semillas de flores al comienzo del año escolar!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:208 translate es chapter_2_d4e8ebc0: # N "By the end they’ll bloom wonderfully{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Antes del final florecerán maravillosamente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:211 translate es chapter_2_ace3a3a7: # N "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" N "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:214 translate es chapter_2_ab53d3d2: # N "And then the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Y luego el{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:217 translate es chapter_2_a7195bca: # "What’s going on here?" "¿Qué ocurre?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:219 translate es chapter_2_bcc874b3: # "Is she coming onto me?" "¿Viene hacia mí?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:222 translate es chapter_2_d97274da: # "I want to ask if she’s upset about something, but is that even right of me to do?" "Quiero preguntarle si está molesta por algo, pero ¿es correcto que lo haga?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:242 translate es chapter_2_naomiWhatsUp_09b549a6: # A "You alright?" A "¿Estás bien?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:244 translate es chapter_2_naomiWhatsUp_83915eea: # N "Hm?" N "¿Hm?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:246 translate es chapter_2_naomiWhatsUp_76ce2882: # A "Something’s bothering you, right?" A "Algo te preocupa, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:249 translate es chapter_2_naomiWhatsUp_629211be: # N "Not really{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} A bit, I guess{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "No realmente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Un poco, supongo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:256 translate es chapter_2_naomiNotMyPlace_457b0bc6: # "Nah, I don’t know her that well." "No, no la conozco tan bien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:258 translate es chapter_2_naomiNotMyPlace_26e11066: # "If it’s something personal Naser can help her with it." "Si es algo personal, Naser puede ayudarla con ello." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:261 translate es chapter_2_naomiNotMyPlace_00e76ce2: # N "I’m sorry, I’ve been a bit stressed lately, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Lo siento, he estado un poco estresada últimamente, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:267 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_08f7c3e3: # N "I’ve just been worried about Naser recently{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "He estado preocupada por Naser recientemente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:269 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_779ae82c: # A "Something wrong with him?" A "¿Le pasa algo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:271 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9b76dc61: # N "No, nothing’s wrong{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "No, no le pasa nada{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:273 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d3535e0e: # N "It’s more that he worries a bit too much for that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} sister of his." N "Es más bien que se preocupa demasiado por esa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} hermana suya." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:275 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_92f45b38: # N "Oftentimes when I’m with him, he’s anxious about something she’s done." N "A menudo, cuando estoy con él, está ansioso por algo que ella ha hecho." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:277 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_72bb676d: # N "I’d just like him to relax about it a bit more, I suppose." N "Solo quisiera que se relajara un poco más, supongo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:280 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3d8aa28c: # N "Is that selfish of me to say?" N "¿Es egoísta que lo diga?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:283 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_900b2615: # A "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Es decir{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:285 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_43251f85: # A "I’ve never had a girlfriend, but I imagine that it’d be a bit inconsiderate to constantly be worried in front of her." A "Nunca he tenido novia, pero imagino que sería un poco desconsiderado estar constantemente preocupado delante de ella." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:287 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c148a592: # A "I dunno." A "No sé." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:289 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f95ba387: # "Naomi nods her head a bit, staring at her shoes." "Naomi asiente un poco con la cabeza, mirando sus zapatos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:292 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_65b07bc0: # N "Sorry, I just wanted to share with someone." N "Lo siento, solo quería compartirlo con alguien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:294 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_74ed6e1c: # N "Guess I ended up doing the same thing I’m complaining about here, huh?" N "Supongo que acabé haciendo lo mismo de lo que me quejo, ¿no?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:296 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0c5c65f9: # A "Don’t sweat it." A "No te preocupes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:302 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0c00fe0f: # "She checks her phone and jumps a bit." "Revisa su teléfono y salta un poco." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:304 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6dc519d6: # N "Oh! I’m going to be late!" N "¡Oh! ¡Voy a llegar tarde!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:306 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_83c6db16: # N "I still need to check in at the front desk{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Todavía tengo que registrarme en la recepción{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:309 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0de09898: # N "Really sorry, Anon, but the tour will have to end here." N "Lo siento mucho, Anon, pero el recorrido tendrá que terminar aquí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:311 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_45dc2801: # A "It was fine, hopefully it just doesn’t make my allergies flare." A "Estuvo bien, solo espero que no haga que mis alergias se disparen." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:323 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d0c4a34d: # "She waves and runs off to a side door." "Se despide y sale corriendo hacia una puerta lateral." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:325 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3f7bfb13: # "I should be getting to homeroom soon, too." "Yo también debería llegar pronto a clase." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:339 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d94257bc: # "I push open the usual side entrance I take and enter the hallway that’s starting to become familiar now." "Abro la entrada lateral que suelo tomar y entro en el pasillo que ya empieza a serme familiar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:342 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_87e5346a: # "Still occasionally glancing at the room numbers just to make absolute sure, I noticed someone in the countercurrent walking past." "Todavía mirando de vez en cuando los números de las salones para no equivocarme, noté a alguien que pasaba a mi lado en el contraflujo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:353 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_78c6aa22: # "It was one of the bass players from the concert two days ago." "Era una de las bajistas del concierto de hace dos días." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:355 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ee037226: # "Naser said she was his sister, right?" "Naser dijo que era su hermana, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:358 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3b95328e: # "Glancing at her for a moment, the expression on her face sort of reminds me of something." "Al mirarla un momento, la expresión de su cara me recuerda algo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:360 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3bce8122: # "It was probably just leftover embarrassment from the concert, but she seemed to have a lost look on her face." "Probablemente eran solo restos de la vergüenza del concierto, pero parecía tener en su rostro una mirada perdida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:362 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e529d1ef: # "Or maybe it was confusion." "O tal vez era confusión." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:364 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7484fb8b: # "Or a mix of the two{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" "¿O una mezcla de los dos{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:366 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f29691ff: # "Either way there's something on her mind." "De cualquier manera hay algo en su mente." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:369 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a43ba220: # "I can't help but think that that must be how I looked on my first day." "No puedo evitar pensar que ese debe haber sido mi aspecto el primer día." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:371 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_49f6d946: # "But it was my first day of school, she had been going here all year." "Pero era mi primer día de clase, ella lleva todo el año viniendo aquí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:373 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_71426f79: # "What's her excuse then?" "¿Cuál es su excusa entonces?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:376 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0fddd35a: # "Either way, doesn’t look like she recognizes me." "De cualquier manera, no parece reconocerme." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:378 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e592421d: # "Objective one out of whatever of the current year is accomplished then, next one is memorizing the class schedule." "El objetivo uno de los que sean del año en curso está cumplido entonces, el próximo es memorizar el horario de clases." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:380 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_51222b94: # "And that says it’s home room in fifteen minutes." "Y dice que la clase es en quince minutos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:383 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_16c89b3e: # "Home room which I share with Naomi." "La clase que comparto con Naomi." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:385 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4f00e55c: # "{i}*shudder*{/i}" "{i}*escalofríos*{/i}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:387 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ebc95863: # "She’s just too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}too {i}sweet{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} and like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} obnoxious{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ella es muy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}muy {i}dulce{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} y como{cps=*.1}...{/cps} molesta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:389 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b9c8f09: # "Ugh, I can’t find the right way to put it, but she feels so{cps=*.1}...{/cps} movie-like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Uf, no encuentro la forma correcta de decirlo, pero se siente tan{cps=*.1}...{/cps} como una película{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:391 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7ed99e59: # "Like an act." "Como una actuación." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:394 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b816936f: # "Day four, Anon. Day four." "Día cuatro, Anon. Día cuatro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:397 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5d1a8c04: # "What the hell?" "¿Qué demonios?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:399 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_63e1fa72: # "Why is she scratching herself?" "¿Por qué se está rascando?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:401 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_87f43f25: # "Is she a junkie?" "¿Es una drogadicta?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:415 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dd5cfed2: # "OH GOD DON’T COME ANY CLOSER." "OH DIOS, NO TE ACERQUES MÁS." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:417 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0c8cbda0: # "I DON’T WANNA GET SHANKED BY A JUNKIE PTERODACTYL." "NO QUIERO QUE ME APUÑALE UN PTERODÁCTILO DROGADICTO." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:420 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5ae0caed: # F "You{cps=*.1}...{/cps}uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2}SKINNIE." F "Tú{cps=*.1}...{/cps}eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2}SKINNIE." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:422 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_05c41dd2: # A "Y{w=.2}-yeah?" A "¿S{w=.2}-si?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:424 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fc4388de: # F "Did you see where they went?" F "¿Viste por dónde se fueron?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:426 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:428 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d0d9f3e6: # F "The group with the uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "El grupo con los, eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:431 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_67c9fb8d: # F "uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "ehhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:434 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6deeb50a: # A "Dinosaurs?" A "¿Dinosaurios?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:437 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f0f0d9ea: # F "No!{w=.4} Yellow hoodie, red hair, pink tail, hair buns{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "¡No!{w=.4} Sudadera amarilla, pelo rojo, cola rosa, moños{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:440 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b007668: # A "Are you describing one person?" A "¿Estás describiendo a una persona?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:443 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8e402099: # F "What? No!" F "¿Qué? ¡No!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:445 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0d5b9ea1: # F "it’s multiple!" F "¡Son varias!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:448 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_48f0dbd7: # A "They’re dinosaurs though, right?" A "Pero son dinosaurios, ¿no?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:451 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_92e98601: # F "WHAT?" F "¿QUÉ?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:453 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_074e0350: # A "I don’t know where they went!" A "¡No sé a dónde fueron!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:457 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_68cbacba: # F "{cps=*.4}uuuuuuughhhhhh{/cps}" F "{cps=*.4}uuuuuuughhhhhh{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:469 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cd4cf506: # "And just like that, she’s gone." "Y así sin más, se ha ido." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:474 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_56e12b04: # "I seem to have this effect on women." "Parece que tengo este efecto en las mujeres." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:476 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_82ae6259: # "I call them poison pheromones." "Yo las llamo feromonas venenosas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:479 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ded55abe: # "But it is relieving that she didn’t recognize me. Guess Naser didn’t tell her." "Pero es un alivio que no me haya reconocido. Supongo que Naser no se lo dijo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:488 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c8508ad6: # "The staccato of the bell signals my tardiness for class." "El staccato del timbre señala mi retraso para la clase." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:493 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_afb0ad1b: # "My class with Naomi." "Mi clase con Naomi." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:496 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b26f207: # "If there is a Jurassic God, please make Naomi miss home room today." "Si hay un Dios Jurásico, por favor, haz que Naomi falte a la clase de hoy." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:502 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_99263223: # "I’ll even offer a goat sacrifice!" "¡Hasta ofreceré una cabra como sacrificio!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:504 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:518 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_45d55ced: # "The day passes uneventfully until fourth period, Science Class." "El día transcurre sin incidentes hasta la cuarta hora, la clase de ciencias." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:520 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_08525183: # "I find a seat near the back of the room and watch the clock hands tick down the remaining few seconds to the bell." "Encuentro un asiento cerca del fondo del aula y observo cómo las manecillas del reloj recorren los pocos segundos que faltan para el timbre." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:522 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b86f85ea: # "Right before the tone, one last student rushes in, out of breath." "Justo antes del tono, un último estudiante entra corriendo, sin aliento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:525 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_aaba4b0e: # "Oh, it's that girl again. I guess we shared a period or two on the first day and I just didn't notice." "Oh, es esa chica de nuevo. Supongo que compartimos un periodo o dos el primer día y no me di cuenta." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:527 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e02b1e1e: # "She strides across the room, taking her seat without a word." "Ella cruza el salón a grandes zancadas, tomando asiento sin decir nada." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:530 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_42c47192: # "Strangely, nobody seems to acknowledge her. Not even a sneer or chuckle." "Extrañamente, nadie parece reconocerla. Ni siquiera una mueca o una risa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:532 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a4ac295b: # "That’s odd." "Eso es extraño." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:534 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_db7d9e2e: # "Given how many people were there that night, you’d expect at least a couple of snickers." "Dada la cantidad de gente que había allí esa noche, uno esperaría al menos un par de risitas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:536 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4c4f7b86: # "But there she was, being completely left alone{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Or ignored." "Pero allí estaba ella, siendo dejada completamente en paz{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O ignorada." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:539 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cb201585: # "Seems almost worse than getting laughed at." "Parece casi peor que que se rían de ti." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:543 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4acc7ec9: # "The lingering chatter in the room dies out as the teacher stands from his desk, moving to the front of the room." "La persistente cháchara en el aula se apaga cuando el profesor se levanta de su mesa y se dirige al frente del aula." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:550 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ace64032: # Drf "Good news everyone!" Drf "¡Buenas noticias para todos!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:552 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2001b5dd: # Drf "Today we'll be having a lab on magnetic fields." Drf "Hoy haremos prácticas de campos magnéticos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:554 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e5bad7cd: # Drf "Find a partner and get prepared." Drf "Busquen un compañero y prepárense." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:565 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_eaf7ea3a: # "My heart sunk as those dreaded words passed my ears." "Mi corazón se hundió cuando esas temidas palabras pasaron por mis oídos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:568 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_eded8315: # "\"Find a partner.\"" "\"Busquen un compañero\"" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:571 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7b49ada5: # "I know it’s pointless, but I at least have to try. Maybe someone was out sick." "Sé que es inútil, pero al menos tengo que intentarlo. Tal vez alguien haya faltado por enfermedad." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:573 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b1a8e580: # "With my luck though, I’ll probably just end up with that fossil of a teacher." "Aunque con mi suerte, probablemente acabaré con ese fósil de profesor." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:576 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ce92da37: # "With everyone else already starting on the assignment I resign myself to working twice as hard." "Como todos los demás ya han empezado la tarea, me resigno a trabajar el doble." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:580 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_63848624: # Drf "Hurry up Mr. Anon, your partner is waiting for you." Drf "Date prisa Sr. Anon, tu compañero te está esperando." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:588 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_60f94cde: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Qué?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:591 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5a5c4333: # Drf "Very well." Drf "Muy bien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:593 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e5847e72: # Drf "Fang, if you would be so kind to sit next to your new partner." Drf "Fang, si eres tan amable de sentarte al lado de tu nuevo compañero." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:600 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a49c2967: # "I sat in momentary confusion as someone took the seat next to mine." "Me quedé ahí en momentánea confusión cuando alguien ocupó el asiento contiguo al mío." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:615 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_08cfcc7e: # "{cps=*2}SPAGHETTI ALERT!!{w=0.6} SPAGHETTI ALERT!!{/cps}" with vpunch "{cps=*2}¡¡¡ALERTA DE ESPAGUETI!!!{w=0.6} ¡¡¡ALERTA DE ESPAGUETI!!!{/cps}" with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:617 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_02edcce5: # "{cps=*2}DEFCON LEVEL TWO{/cps}" "{cps=*2}DEFCON NIVEL DOS{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:619 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6639a20c: # "{cps=*2}THERE IS A FEMOID WITHIN ARMS DISTANCE LOOKING AT ME{/cps}" "{cps=*2}HAY UN FEMOIDE A UN BRAZO DE DISTANCIA DE MIRÁNDOME{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:621 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8e2f994c: # "{cps=*2}DEPLOY ALL SPAGHETTI LOCKDOWN MEASURES{/cps}" "{cps=*2}DESPLEGAR TODAS LAS MEDIDAS DE BLOQUEO DE ESPAGUETIS{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:631 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dd58218f: # F "‘Sup." F "¿Qué cuentas?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:634 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4116a89a: # A "Thanks, you too." A "Gracias, a ti también." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:641 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_80210135: # "SHIT! RECOVERY MANEUVERS NOW!" "¡MIERDA! ¡MANIOBRAS DE RECUPERACIÓN AHORA!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:650 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6d51ff07: # A "I mean, hey. Not much. You?" A "Quiero decir, no mucho. ¿Y tú?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:657 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ed4f0df0: # "CHAD RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL." "RECUPERACIÓN DE CHAD EXITOSA." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:660 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1950beca: # F "None of your business. Just do the damn assignment and don’t bother me." F "No es de tu incumbencia. Solo haz la maldita tarea y no me molestes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:662 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6bed932b: # A "O-oh. You upset right now or something?" A "O-oh. ¿Estás molesta o algo así?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:665 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bbb8282f: # F "What was your first fuckin’ clue." F "¿Cuál fue tu primera puta pista?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:667 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_561f546a: # F "Last time I’ll say it, just do the assignment and don’t.{w=.4} Bother.{w=.4} Me." F "La última vez que lo digo, solo haz la tarea y no{w=.4} Me.{w=.4} Molestes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:670 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b9905abf: # "Okay! Got to keep coolheaded." "¡Está bien! Hay que mantener la cabeza fría." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:673 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c62d8bab: # A "So this assignment, then." A "Por lo tanto, esta tarea." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:681 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c339f98a: # "With that we open our books and start on trying to decipher who Lorentz is and why his force is magnetic." "Con eso abrimos nuestros libros y empezamos a intentar descifrar quién es Lorentz y por qué su fuerza es magnética." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:683 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_37a2bbc6: # "Things are going well for the first few questions, I remember a bit of it from that one time I tried to make a railgun." "Las cosas van bien por las primeras preguntas, recuerdo un poco de aquella vez que intenté hacer un railgun." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:697 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5aa04190: # Drf "How are you two doing so far?" Drf "¿Cómo les va hasta ahora?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:700 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_655b3f88: # F "We're{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fine, Dr. Fernsworth." F "Estamos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Bien, Dr. Fernsworth." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:702 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4969e5c5: # Drf "I see, and you Anon?" Drf "Ya veo, ¿y tú Anon?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:704 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8c341f8a: # A "Yeah what she said." A "Sí, lo que ella dijo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:717 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cb96b33b: # "Why is Dr. Fernsworth making that face?" "¿Por qué el Dr. Fernsworth pone esa cara?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:719 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_133fb6a0: # "I turn to Fang to ask her what the deal is and-" "Me vuelvo hacia Fang para preguntarle de qué se trata y..." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:727 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_94004a03: # "Oh." "Oh." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:735 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d6eebd37: # Drf "Oh dear." Drf "Oh, Dios." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:738 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5bad05c4: # "Mistakes have been made." "Se han cometido errores." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:741 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2dd68ef9: # F "She?" F "¿Ella?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:744 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_615196a8: # A "{cps=*.2}...Yes?{/cps}" A "{cps=*.2}...¿Sí?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:746 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6383ddeb: # F "Can you {i}not{/i} see?!" F "¡¿No {i}lo{/i} ves?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:748 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_04c83cfa: # "Oh Raptor Jesus almighty this is the absolute worst case scenario." "Oh, Jesús Raptor todopoderoso, este es el peor escenario posible." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:751 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1717dfe0: # "The infuriated pteradactyl's wings spread wide and her taloned finger jabs my chest." "Las alas del enfurecido pterodáctilo se abren de par en par y su dedo con garra se clava en mi pecho." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:756 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5cc8e129: # F "I.{w=0.5}{nw}" F "Yo.{w=0.5}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:760 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cfa3a027: # F "I.{fast} Am.{w=0.5}{nw}" F "Yo.{fast} Soy.{w=0.5}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:764 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b096e322: # F "I. Am.{fast} Non.{w=0.5}{nw}" F "Yo. Soy.{fast} No.{w=0.5}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:768 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b8f46836: # F "I. Am. Non.{fast} Binary." F "Yo. Soy. No.{fast} Binarie." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:770 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5026be98: # "How was I supposed to know something so trivial would set something like this off?!" "¡¿Cómo iba a saber que algo tan trivial iba a provocar algo así?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:773 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d1c285c8: # F "Well?!" F "¿Y bien?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:778 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_1: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:780 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5d411e72: # "I can’t bring myself to say anything!!" "¡¡No me atrevo a decir nada!!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:782 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cc152966: # F "Oh,{w=.4} OH,{w=.4} so that’s how it’s going to be, huh?!" F "Oh,{w=.4} OH,{w=.4} ¡¿Entonces es así como va a ser, eh?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:784 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9cec8cf9: # Drf "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Drf "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:788 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_766292a4: # F "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SPIT IN MY FACE AND THEN-{w=.4} AND THEN GIVE ME THE COLD SHOULDER?!" F "¡¿CREES QUE PUEDES ESCUPIRME EN LA CARA Y LUEGO-{w=.4} DARME LA ESPALDA?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:796 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a5448f0c: # F "{cps=*.3}I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" F "{cps=*.3}TE HARÉ SABER QUE-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:806 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_554573d0: # Drf "{b}FANG{/b}.{nw}" with Fade(.1, 0, .4, color="#fff") Drf "{b}FANG{/b}.{nw}" with Fade(.1, 0, .4, color="#fff") # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:807 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d4a68cab: # extend "" with vpunch extend "" with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:819 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2160b44f: # "It feels like the world just stopped." "Se siente como si el mundo se hubiera detenido." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:822 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dd5e0368: # "All eyes are on Fang." "Todos los ojos están en Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:824 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a2032d03: # "And in Fangs’ eyes I see something flash briefly." "Y en los ojos de Fang veo un breve destello de algo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:826 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e22642d8: # "Judging by those exaggerated movements and the eloquent speech, this is something Fang had been practicing." "A juzgar por esos movimientos exagerados y el discurso elocuente, esto es algo que Fang había estado practicando." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:829 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0a5566d4: # "This was supposed to be a big moment where she stopped an evil bigot and the whole class would clap." "Se suponía que iba a ser un gran momento en el que detendría a un malvado fanático y toda la clase aplaudiría." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:832 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_27b131db: # "In all her planning and practice Fang had made one crucial error." "En toda su planificación y práctica, Fang había cometido un error crucial." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:835 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_54a149a3: # "Nobody cared." "A nadie le importaba." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:845 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1eaf7258: # Drf "Please consider stepping into the hall for a moment." Drf "Por favor, considere salir al pasillo por un momento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:857 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0dfc0525: # "Sh-{w=.4} Fang is quick to exit the room." "Ell-{w=.4} Fang se apresura a salir de la habitación." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:859 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b467da0: # "Dr. Fernsworth turns a sympathetic look towards me." "El Dr. Fernsworth dirige una mirada comprensiva hacia mí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:861 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d1834b75: # Drf "Forgive them, Anon, you must understand that Fang is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} experiencing issues." Drf "Perdónale, Anon, debes entender que Fang está{cps=*.1}...{/cps} teniendo problemas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:872 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6cf1c41b: # "What the fuck just happened{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" "¿Qué carajos acaba de pasar{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:875 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a0555feb: # "Well, she blew up at me when I called her a she{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Bueno, ella estalló contra mí cuando la llamé ella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:877 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2faa8c68: # "She was already upset about something before{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ella ya estaba molesta desde antes por algo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:887 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6c06b2b7: # "She was upset before because of the concert the other day?" "¿Estaba molesta desde antes por el concierto del otro día?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:889 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8fb0b5f9: # "Looks like I just pushed her over the edge." "Parece que la he llevado al límite." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:902 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_eb23c03c: # "After a few moments Fang comes back in and sits down without a word." "Después de unos momentos, Fang vuelve a entrar y se sienta sin decir nada." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:911 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ea5dcdab: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sorry." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Lo siento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:914 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f1d0843b: # A "Uh, don’t worry about it." A "No te preocupes por eso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:917 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d7edd024: # "." "." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:919 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9b4601e9: # "{cps=*.05}..{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}..{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:921 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:929 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_82a66922: # "Now that I think about it, something’s off." "Ahora que lo pienso, algo está mal." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:932 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e120e667: # "Fang claims to not be male or female, but the clothes she’s wearing are clearly provocative." "Fang afirma no ser hombre ni mujer, pero la ropa que lleva es claramente provocativa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:934 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_46b5118b: # "It’s almost like she’s showing off her femininity." "Es casi como si estuviera luciendo su feminidad." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:937 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8ab16100: # "Then why?" "Entonces, ¿por qué?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:939 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_41a32854: # "Why would someone be wearing revealing clothes in contradiction to their identity{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" "¿Por qué alguien llevaría ropa reveladora en contradicción con su identidad{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:941 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3a182e58: # "It’s almost like they’re just looking for attent-" "Es casi como si estuviera buscando aten-" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:944 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_23fd9d1f: # "Then suddenly, it hits me." "Entonces, de repente, me doy cuenta." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:946 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f34b78fc: # "I recall memories of a slightly younger Anon, running around school with a cape, pilot goggles{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Recuerdo a un Anon un poco más joven, corriendo por la escuela con una capa, gafas de piloto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:948 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_28280e33: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And three plastic katanas." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Y tres katanas de plástico." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:951 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_adb830b0: # "That was a quick way to get sent to the principal's office." "Esa era una forma rápida de ser enviado a la oficina del director." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:954 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3a644c1d: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Are you even listening to me?!" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¡¿Me estás escuchando?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:956 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ab931f36: # A "Dowhatnow? Wasn’t paying attention." A "¿Qué pasa ahora? No estaba prestando atención." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:959 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4084ecdf: # F "Yeah, I could tell." F "Sí, me di cuenta." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:961 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5ffdb448: # "She mutters as she turns back to the assignment." "Murmura mientras vuelve a la tarea." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:965 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_df29a509: # F "Uh{cps=*.1}....{/cps}{w=.2} You’ve been staring at me for the past 5 minutes. Freak." F "Eh{cps=*.1}....{/cps}{w=.2} Me has estado mirando durante los últimos 5 minutos. Fenómeno." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:973 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e2e55e4e: # "Judging by the looks of the class, and both of our current social standing, we’ll probably be working together a lot more." "A juzgar por el aspecto de la clase, y la posición social actual de ambos, probablemente trabajaremos juntos mucho más." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:989 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1150e7b1: # F "Non-binary people don't owe you androgyny." F "Las personas no binarias no te deben la androginia." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:992 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6e7cff57: # "Doesn’t seem like it’s something she wants to hear right now." "No parece que sea algo que quiera oír ahora mismo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:994 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6a11a6c4: # A "So um, you're Naser’s sister, right?" A "Así que eres la hermana de Naser, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:997 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ded47bcd: # F "SIB-ling." F "Hermane" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:999 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_40a1f6bd: # A "R{w=.1}-right. Sorry." A "C{w=.1}-cierto. Lo siento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1001 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e85cd745: # F "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1004 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5176cfda: # "There’s a brief pause until Fang speaks up again." "Hay una breve pausa hasta que Fang vuelve a hablar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1007 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bf5e56ab: # F "Yes. Naser’s my baby brother, why do you ask?" F "Sí. Naser es mi hermano menor, ¿por qué lo preguntas?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1009 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_66eb9b3e: # A "I was just curious, Naser has been helping me settle into the school." A "Solo tenía curiosidad, Naser me ha ayudado a instalarme en la escuela." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1011 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e0b016fd: # F "Of course he did. {w=.4}{nw}" F "Por supuesto que sí. {w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1013 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a1d5cdd0: # extend "{size=-10}Just wish he’d keep out of my fuckin’ business for two seconds.{/size}" extend "{size=-10}Solo desearía que se mantuviera fuera de mis malditos asuntos por dos segundos.{/size}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1016 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_182766db: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sure." A "Ehh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Claro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1019 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b3410d83: # "Actually, thinking about Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "De hecho, pensando en Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1021 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4af67f30: # N "{i}\"It’s more that he worries a bit too much for that{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sister of his.\"{/i}" N "{i}\"Es más bien que se preocupa demasiado por esa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hermana suya.\"{/i}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1023 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d618e870: # N "{i}\"Oftentimes when I’m with him, he’s anxious about something she’s done.\"{/i}" N "{i}\"A menudo, cuando estoy con él, está ansioso por algo que ella ha hecho.\"{/i}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1026 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e5c28a70: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}He told me about what happened the other day." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Me contó lo que pasó el otro día." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1028 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a54fd67f: # A "Sorry to hear something like that happened to you and your band." A "Lamento oír que algo así les haya sucedido a ti y a tu banda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1031 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1034 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1ec3278c: # F "What do you care?" F "¿A ti qué te importa?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1037 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a2467702: # A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} dunno." A "Yo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} No sé." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1039 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_104ebd39: # "Suddenly my shoes seem more interesting than the conversation at hand." "De repente, mis zapatos parecen más interesantes que la conversación en cuestión." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1042 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_07242154: # A "Just think it’s messed up people would go to a show just to laugh at you." A "Solo pienso que es un desastre que la gente vaya a un espectáculo solo para reírse de ti." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1044 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_df5f2e11: # F "Feh." F "Meh." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1048 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e131f9aa: # F "Guess you aren’t {i}that{/i} awful{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Supongo que no eres {i}tan{/i} horrible{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1051 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ceb60e5b: # F "Unlike every other guy in this school." F "A diferencia de todos los demás tipos de esta escuela." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1053 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_2: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1055 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2c96ee1f: # "The rest of the period passed between continued small talk with Fang." "El resto del período transcurrió entre continuas charlas con Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1057 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fcb86afa: # "She seemed to be controlling the conversation though." "Sin embargo, ella parecía controlar la conversación." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1060 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5b458944: # "When the bell rings, Fang whips out her phone and immediately starts tapping away." "Cuando suena el timbre, Fang saca su teléfono y empieza a teclear inmediatamente." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1071 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_54feda93: # A "You going to your next class?" A "¿Vas a tu próxima clase?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1074 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_10212718: # F "Who cares about being late?" F "¿A quién le importa llegar tarde?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1077 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d9b16c07: # A "Fair. See you then." A "Muy bien. Nos vemos entonces." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1079 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fe2404b3: # "She lazily waves a hand at me and I make my way to my next class." "Me hace un gesto perezoso con la mano y me dirijo a mi siguiente clase." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1089 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_89c52173: # "Unfortunately, fifth period is mathematics." "Por desgracia, la quinta hora es de matemáticas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1099 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e7fb9860: # "I’m barely keeping myself awake while Mr. Carlesiidewski is giving a lecture on the inverse of tangents." "Apenas me mantengo despierto mientras el Sr. Carlesiidewski da una conferencia sobre la inversa de las tangentes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1109 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8b78ccda: # carl "ANON!" with vpunch carl "¡ANON!" with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1111 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_631bc513: # "I sit ramrod straight at the direct address." "Me siento muy recto ante la llamada directa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1113 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_339c2bbe: # carl "Are you frickin’ listening? Come finish this frickin’ problem on the frickin’ board." carl "¿Estás escuchando? Ven a terminar este maldito problema en el maldito pizarrón." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1116 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_92769e8c: # "Just one social disaster after another today." "Hoy es un desastre social tras otro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1125 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_24dce0e0: # "Hesitantly, I slide out of my chair and trundle my way to the whiteboard, trying to decipher the runes I'm expected to make sense of." "Vacilante, me deslizo de mi silla y me dirijo a la pizarra, tratando de descifrar las runas que se espera que tenga sentido." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1135 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_802cb36e: # "Only I never made it to the whiteboard." "Solo que nunca llegué a la pizarra." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1137 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6a3220c9: # "Three rows down and my foot catches on a loose backpack strap in the isle." "Tres filas más abajo y mi pie se engancha con la correa de una mochila suelta en el pasillo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1156 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a3948129: # "Luckily I fell sideways and there was a cold hard desk in the way to catch my fall." "Por suerte, me caí de lado y había un duro y frío escritorio en el camino para atrapar mi caída." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1159 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4c24f107: # "To the chuckles of the rest of the class, I look up from my final resting place to see a massive pink and white muzzle." "Ante las risas del resto de la clase, levanto la vista de mi último lugar de descanso para ver un enorme hocico rosa y blanco." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1162 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_52c5bd32: # Re "Dude." Re "Amigo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1164 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d71543b4: # "Like a deer caught in headlights, I can only stare and wait for him to continue." "Como un ciervo atrapado en los faros, solo puedo mirar y esperar a que continúe." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1167 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_31545c08: # Re "{cps=*.6}You’re on my desk man{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "{cps=*.6}Estás en mi escritorio{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1169 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dd556409: # "My senses return to me, and I quickly get up, picking up and returning the pencil that flew to the floor in a flurry of apologies." "Mis sentidos regresan a mí, y me levanto rápidamente, recogiendo y devolviendo el lápiz que voló al suelo en una ráfaga de disculpas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1171 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8ab2d9f5: # "Then I recognise just whose desk I fell on." "Entonces reconozco en qué mesa he caído." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1173 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7aecc934: # "It’s that drummer in Fang’s band." "Es ese baterista de la banda de Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1175 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8f92c375: # "Don’t I just have the luck of the devil?" "¿No tengo la suerte del diablo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1178 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_56ef727c: # "Giving one last apology, I head to the front of the room to solve the whiteboard problem." "Dando una última disculpa, me dirijo al frente de la sala para resolver el problema de la pizarra." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1181 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3749c48f: # "I tried solving the problem to the best of my ability." "Intenté resolver el problema lo mejor que pude." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1183 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1c4fec9d: # "Still took a solid two minutes." "Aún así, me llevó dos minutos completos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1185 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_28100d5e: # "After circling my answer, I look expectantly at Mr. Carlesiidewski who gives a nod." "Tras rodear mi respuesta, miro expectante al Sr. Carlesiidewski, que asiente con la cabeza." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1187 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d39291ea: # "Finally turning around to return to my seat, I freeze." "Finalmente me doy la vuelta para volver a mi asiento y me quedo helado." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1189 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1c7c019f: # "Right there in the front row is the last member of the band, Trish." "Justo ahí, en la primera fila, está el último miembro de la banda, Trish." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1192 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a01fc7f8: # "I stumble back to my desk." "Vuelvo a mi mesa a trompicones." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1196 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0446ce03: # "Mr. Carlesiidewski gives each row a stack of papers to pass back." "El Sr. Carlesiidewski da a cada fila una pila de papeles para que se los pasen." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1198 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cbb168a7: # carl "Alright, here’s the frickin’ homework covering today’s lesson. Use page two-seventy-nine." carl "Muy bien, aquí están los malditos deberes que cubren la lección de hoy. Usen la página doscientos setenta y nueve." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1200 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_89098b6b: # carl "I’ll give you the last{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" carl "Les voy a dar los últimos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1202 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_582c71ed: # carl "Fifteen frickin’ minutes of class to work with your frickin’ peers." carl "Quince malditos minutos de clase para trabajar con sus malditos compañeros." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1207 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2fd34c95: # "Mr. Carlesiidewski returns to his desk and pulls out a math book with a monthly romance novel crudely stuffed inside it." "El Sr. Carlesiidewski vuelve a su escritorio y saca un libro de matemáticas con una novela romántica mensual burdamente metida dentro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1209 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b419a9c4: # "With a very detailed centerfold, by the way he turned it sideways." "Con un desplegable central muy detallado, por la forma en que lo puso de lado." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1212 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2f3b226c: # "Looking ahead to Reed’s desk, he’s been joined by Trish who's trying to get him to get started." "Mirando hacia la mesa de Reed, se le ha unido Trish, que intenta que empiece." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1214 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c1b97c69: # "I think I can feel their eyes following me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Creo que puedo sentir sus ojos siguiéndome{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1217 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_10727f1e: # "Back at my desk, I glance over the math sheet." "De vuelta a mi mesa, echo un vistazo a la hoja de matemáticas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1219 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b1a4f47: # "Page two-seventy-nine, right?" "Página doscientos setenta y nueve, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1221 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a6541973: # "Looks like I finally get to use that phonebook of a math textbook." "Parece que por fin podré usar esa guía telefónica de libro de matemáticas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1224 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8f52e81c: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Where is it?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Dónde está?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1226 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0f7784f1: # "I open my backpack, and instead of my math textbook{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Abro mi mochila, y en lugar de mi libro de matemáticas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1231 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0bce8ec2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{nw}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1233 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8b20d0fa: # extend "is the Saturnia Collectors Edition Art-book I splurged on yesterday." extend "es el libro de arte Saturnia Collectors Edition que compré ayer." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1236 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_30721e24: # "I’m frozen." "Estoy congelado." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1238 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_303e8413: # "Can’t move an inch." "No puedo moverme ni un centímetro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1240 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c71807cb: # "Did I grab the wrong book this morning?" "¿Tomé el libro incorrecto esta mañana?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1242 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cfb1661b: # "Is someone playing a sick joke?" "¿Alguien me está haciendo una broma pesada?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1246 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e769ade1: # "How could I bring this to school?!?" with vpunch "¿Cómo pude traer esto a la escuela?" with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1249 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_13a3f5fd: # "Something bounces off my head and lands on my desk." "Algo rebota en mi cabeza y aterriza en mi escritorio." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1254 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_95d183ce: # "It’s enough to snap me back to reality and I shove my backpack under my desk, furiously zipping it." "Basta para devolverme a la realidad y meto mi mochila debajo de mi escritorio, cerrando furiosamente la cremallera." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1256 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1bfaa155: # "On my desk is a balled-up wad of paper." "En mi escritorio hay un fajo de papeles hecho bola." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1258 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_37335bd7: # "Oh great. I was hoping to avoid these chain notes." "Oh, genial. Esperaba evitar estas notas en cadena." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1260 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ed72b5c3: # "I unfurl the ball to read the note." "Despliego el fajo para leer la nota." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1263 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c1c57cd7: # "{i}Look up.{/i}" "{i}Mira hacia arriba.{/i}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1265 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_87f7a0f7: # "I look up and see the purple one waving me over." "Levanto la vista y veo al morado haciéndome señas para que me acerque." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1268 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9d469299: # "Fuck." "Mierda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1271 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_729465de: # "Grabbing my stuff I shuffle over slowly to the duo." "Agarrando mis cosas me acerco lentamente al dúo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1284 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fd9a91ce: # Re "Sup compadre." Re "Que pasa, compadre." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1287 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_87f59646: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Sup?" A "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} ¿Qué tal?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1291 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2d817a79: # T "See? He’s my class partner so I look out for him." T "¿Ves? Es mi compañero de clase, así que lo cuido." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1293 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_92ed979f: # T "How are YOU looking out for your class partner, Anon?" T "¿Cómo estás TÚ cuidando a tu compañero de clase, Anon?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1295 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_889867fe: # T "Enforcing the social contract, having good conduct and mutual respect so you can leave class and go on with your life?" T "¿Haciendo cumplir el contrato social, teniendo una buena conducta y respeto mutuo para poder salir de clase y seguir con tu vida?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1298 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a892a522: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}....{/cps} what’s this about?" A "Eh{cps=*.1}....{/cps} ¿de qué se trata esto?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1301 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_39e0d6e5: # T "A certain friend of mine is partnered with you in Science, right?" T "Cierte amigue míe es compañere tuye en Ciencias, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1304 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8a337038: # "Wait.{w=.4} Oh!" "Espera.{w=.4} ¡Oh!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1306 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a23b7b6c: # A "You mean Fang?" A "¿Te refieres a Fang?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1308 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_57b7f88d: # T "They just messaged me before class, said they had to be partnered with a skinnie bigot - then proceeded to show them." T "Me mandó un mensaje antes de la clase y me dijo que tenía que ser compañere de un fanático skinnie, y luego procedió a desenmascararle." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1311 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_920995b5: # T "I had a feeling you’d be him." T "Tenía el presentimiento de que serías tú." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1314 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6f08d084: # "Am I gonna have to tolerate humiliation from these meteor dodgers too?" "¿Voy a tener que tolerar la humillación de estos esquivadores de meteoritos también?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1316 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9f835f58: # "My head is starting to hurt. Hopefully we can just get started on these math exercises." "Me empieza a doler la cabeza. Ojalá pudíeramos solo empezar con estos ejercicios de matemáticas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1319 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_abf6eca6: # A "Yeah, that was me. I apologized, though." A "Sí, era yo. Aunque me disculpé." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1322 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_852e4a09: # T "I know and I appreciate it." T "Lo sé y lo aprecio." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1324 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e8762c11: # T "I’m Trish and this is Reed. We’re Fang’s best friends." T "Soy Trish y este es Reed. Somos los mejores amigos de Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1326 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_18df7af6: # A "Uh-huh." A "A-já." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1329 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_52feb530: # T "What about you? Now you tell us about yourself." T "¿Y tú? Ahora háblanos de ti." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1338 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_435b6e68: # "RED ALERT." "ALERTA ROJA." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1341 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b0272718: # "There is no way I’m telling anyone, especially {i}these{/i} people." "No hay manera de que le diga a nadie, especialmente {i}a estas{/i} personas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1343 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_12edfb13: # "And if they find out where I was a few days ago{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Y si descubren dónde estuve hace un par de días{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1349 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d621ae44: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} I’m Anon and I’m a human. I got here Monday." A "Ehh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Soy Anon y soy un humano. Llegué el lunes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1352 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b999bc48: # A "That’s all." A "Es todo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1356 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_232dc93b: # T "We know that." T "Eso ya lo sabemos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1358 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dad9acbd: # T "We want to know where you’re from, what you've been doing since you got here, if you have any friends{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Queremos saber de dónde eres, qué has hecho desde que llegaste, si tienes amigos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1360 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f015a624: # A "I{w=.1}-I’ve been doing nothing. I don’t really care about friends." A "N{w=.1}-No he hecho nada. Realmente no me importan los amigos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1363 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f4d3d76c: # "She doesn’t look very convinced by that answer." "No parece muy convencida con esa respuesta." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1365 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2b259b1f: # T "Right." T "Bien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1369 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f8f0c056: # Re "You know that Naser dude, right{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" Re "Conoces a ese tal Naser, ¿cierto{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1373 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b9cc2486: # T "Hey{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah, I saw you with that slut Naomi earlier, too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Oye{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sí, te vi con esa zorra de Naomi antes, también{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1375 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cc1a75e4: # "Trish squints her eyes at me." "Trish entrecierra los ojos para mirarme." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1377 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e58f46f7: # A "T{w=.2}-they were my welcoming committee, they helped me with getting settled, nothing besides that." A "F{w=.2}-fueron mi comité de bienvenida, me ayudaron a instalarme, nada más." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1380 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b2049457: # T "{cps=*.4}Riiiiight.{/cps} Didn’t Naser or Naomi invite you to anything{cps=*.4}... or...{/cps}?" T "{cps=*.4}Biiieeeen.{/cps} ¿Naser o Naomi no te invitaron a nada?{cps=*.4}... ¿O...{/cps}?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1383 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bbac18bf: # A "No. I don’t remember." A "No. No que yo recuerde." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1385 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b272e419: # A "I’ve been trying to get them off my back. But w-why you ask?" A "He estado intentando quitármelos de encima. Pero, ¿p-por qué lo preguntas?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1387 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ac14ee90: # T "We had a concert last week, Naser and Naomi invited a whole bunch of assholes to ruin it." T "Tuvimos un concierto la semana pasada y Naser y Naomi invitaron a un montón de imbéciles para arruinarlo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1390 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_989152db: # T "Suppose if we had seen a human in that crowd we would remember, right?" T "Supongo que si hubiéramos visto a un humano en esa multitud lo recordaríamos, ¿no?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1392 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2135cd09: # A "Y-yeah. {cps=*.2}Haha.{/cps}" A "S-sí. {cps=*.2}Jaja.{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1395 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3e0b902b: # A "I{w=.1}-I mean, concert?" A "E{w=.1}-es decir, ¿un concierto?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1401 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_264406f9: # "I don’t think they invited me here to solve math problems." "No creo que me hayan invitado aquí para resolver problemas matemáticos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1405 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e06bcd1a: # T "We have a band. I’m the lead bassist, Fang’s the vocalist and secondary bass, and Reed is the drummer." T "Tenemos una banda. Yo soy la bajista principal, Fang es le vocalista y le bajista secundarie, y Reed es el baterista." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1409 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_620acdbb: # Re "...And the songwriter." Re "...Y el compositor." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1413 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bc53b67a: # T "He just comes up with the funny song titles." T "Solo se le ocurren los títulos graciosos para las canciones." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1415 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d18b6d4c: # A "Uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}that’s very neat! Would love to listen to your band someday." A "Ehhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}¡Eso está muy bien! Me encantaría escuchar a tu banda algún día." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1420 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6f120bdf: # "I drag my chair backwards and clumsily rise from my seat." "Arrastro mi silla hacia atrás y me levanto torpemente de mi asiento." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1422 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_00392ea3: # A "It was great meeting you guys, I’ll be going back to my desk, though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ha sido un placer conocerlos, aunque volveré a mi mesa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1425 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_75ea52a5: # T "Wait, I’m not done with you yet." T "Espera, aún no hemos terminado." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1428 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3d7cb9a8: # A "What? I really should get started on the homework{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" A "¿Qué? ¿Debería empezar a hacer la tarea{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1434 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a148f03b: # T "It’s important.{w=.4} Look at me." T "Es importante.{w=.4} Mírame." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1436 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7f3c3597: # "She has a very serious look on her face." "Tiene una mirada muy seria." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1439 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_78764c8c: # "She’s not saying anything, her glaring through the back of my skull makes me think she means business." "No dice nada, su mirada a través de la parte posterior de mi cráneo me hace pensar que va en serio." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1441 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1d5a3d21: # T "Fang is happy." T "Fang está feliz." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1443 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fb467f9a: # T "They found something about themself they finally like, and I helped them through a dark time. They made up their mind." T "Elle encontró algo de sí misme que por fin le gusta, y yo le ayudé a superar un momento oscuro. Se decidió." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1446 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3dbad5a9: # "They?{w=.4} Themself?{w=.4} No wonder Naser seemed so confused by this." "¿Elle?{w=.4} ¿Sí misme?{w=.4} No es de extrañar que Naser pareciera tan confundido por esto." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1448 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_678edea2: # T "They don’t need people in their life that might hurt or confuse them." T "No necesita personas en su vida que puedan herirle o confundirle." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1450 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_35b55084: # T "They have us, and the band. We’re trying to make it for ourselves." T "Nos tiene a nosotros y a la banda. Estamos tratando de hacerlo por nosotros mismos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1453 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a80d9fcb: # A "O{cps=*.1}...{/cps}kay?" A "¿De{cps=*.1}...{/cps}acuerdo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1455 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_26426afc: # T "I look out for them because I care for them. They’ve been hurting because of those dicks, I’m doing my part in assuring them." T "Me preocupo por elle porque me importa. Han estado sufriendo por culpa de esos putos, estoy haciendo mi parte para hacerle sentir segure." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1457 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_19f7cf2c: # "Was that what I saw her doing earlier?" "Era eso lo que le vi hacer antes?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1459 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e4d82c06: # "Looked more like a one trigga trig-out." "Parecía más bien un berrinche trigga." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1462 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f77bd07e: # A "I don’t understand." A "No entiendo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1464 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_aee9bf20: # T "My point is, don’t upset Fang." T "Lo que quiero decir es que no molestes a Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1467 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_55f1c89d: # "I just wanted to solve math problems." "Solo quería resolver problemas matemáticos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1469 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_737b20f4: # A "I, er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} yes, ma’am." A "Yo, eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sí, señora." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1472 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a8d94161: # "Once again she’s just glaring at me." "Una vez más, me mira fijamente." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1474 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bb15714a: # "Fucking hell my stupid legs, stop shaking." "Malditas sean mis estúpidas piernas, dejen de temblar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1477 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1b8a9119: # "I’ll take this opportunity." "Aprovecharé esta oportunidad." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1479 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d904dbac: # A "Uh... thank you for the lesson, Trish. I’ll keep that in mind. See ya." A "Eh... gracias por la lección, Trish. Lo tendré en cuenta. Nos vemos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1485 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e76b3e77: # Re "Wait man-{w=.4} you want this?" Re "Espera,{w=.4} ¿quieres esto?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1491 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fcc8a358: # "Reed holds out a sheet of paper." "Reed sostiene una hoja de papel." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1494 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d8c2ac08: # "Wait, it’s a copy of the homework assignment-" "Espera, es una copia de la tarea-" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1496 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b8b2620b: # "And it’s complete?!" "¡¿Y está completa?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1498 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e07fe192: # A "Hold on, I thought {i}you{/i} were the one needing help?" A "Espera, ¿creía que eras {i}tú{/i} el que necesitaba ayuda?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1500 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ba78cd9b: # Re "{cps=*.2}Shhhh,{/cps}{nw}" Re "{cps=*.2}Shhhh,{/cps}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1502 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7c8e32c1: # Re "Shhhh,{fast} the friend of my friend who’s the friend that helps me is also my friend too." Re "Shhhh,{fast} el amigo de mi amigo que es el amigo que me ayuda también es mi amigo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1505 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_89220f3e: # A "I don’t think that’s how the saying goes{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" A "No creo que el dicho sea así{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1509 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c77a40fa: # Re "You’re sharp, Anon.{w=.4} Razor sharp." Re "Eres muy agudo, Anon.{w=.4} Agudo como una navaja." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1511 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e52fdaac: # Re "Friends?" Re "¿Amigos?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1522 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_52c80eb1: # "The bell announces lunchtime, and the rest of the students collectively rise and start shuffling out the door." "El timbre anuncia la hora del almuerzo, y el resto de los estudiantes se levantan colectivamente y comienzan a salir por la puerta." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1524 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_59f04bcc: # A "Lunch hour, been a blast talking to you guys." A "La hora del almuerzo, ha sido un placer hablar con ustedes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1539 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_120749e7: # "I swiftly snatch up the backpack by my leg, flashing an earnest sympathetic smile at them - or at least I thought it was one." "Me apresuro a recoger mi mochila junto a mi pierna y les dirijo una sincera sonrisa de simpatía, o al menos eso me pareció." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1552 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4b80f883: # "As I power walk out of the classroom I swear I caught a glimpse of Reed waving goodbye." "Cuando salgo del aula juraría que vi a Reed despidiéndose con la mano." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1554 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a6a1e89b: # "A shame I have other places to be. Namely away from the pissed off midget." "Una pena que tenga otros lugares donde estar. A saber, lejos de la enana enojada." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1556 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_13416385: # "Sorry man, you seem like a good guy. But with that tiny tyrant?" "Lo siento hombre, pareces un buen tipo. ¿Pero con esa tiranita?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1559 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f0d6ad56: # "Not in this lifetime." "No en esta vida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1561 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f33537bc: # "That was the worst fucking experience in a long while. Almost as bad as actually dealing with Fang in class." "Esa fue la peor puta experiencia en mucho tiempo. Casi tan mala como lidiar con Fang en clase." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1564 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_98579ac3: # "Here I was thinking I could be invisible for the rest of the year." "Aquí estaba pensando que podría ser invisible durante el resto del año." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1566 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_785d57e2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And now I have classmates talking about me behind my back on their phones, probably for the rest of the school year." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Y ahora tengo compañeros de clase hablando de mí a mis espaldas en sus teléfonos, probablemente por el resto del año escolar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1569 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2140932b: # "At least it’s the best period of the day now." "Al menos ya es el mejor periodo del día." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1571 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e098e4aa: # "Wonder what to get for lunch today{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Me pregunto qué voy a comer hoy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1574 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_71846403: # "Wait." "Espera." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1576 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5ec79eae: # A "What’s that smell?" A "¿Qué es ese olor?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1579 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9d8a2c49: # "Oh no." "Oh no." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1582 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_cd188aa1: # "I duck into a corner and rip the backpack open." "Me agacho en una esquina y abro la mochila." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1584 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_db91e23b: # "What should have been my lunch card, binders, and {cps=*.25}horrendously{/cps} embarrassing art book{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Lo que debería haber sido mi tarjeta de almuerzo, mis carpetas y mi {cps=*.25}horriblemente{/cps} vergonzoso libro de arte{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1590 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e31c6966: # "Was instead a half dozen glass flasks, bags full of{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something, and all sorts of machinery I didn’t recognize." "Era en cambio una media docena de frascos de vidrio, bolsas llenas de{cps=*.1}...{/cps} algo, y todo tipo de maquinaria que no reconocí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1593 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2879c2bc: # "Someone{cps=*.1}...{/cps} someone else has my backpack{cps=*.1}...{/cps} and that book." "Alguien{cps=*.1}...{/cps} alguien más tiene mi mochila{cps=*.1}...{/cps} y ese libro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1595 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f9215c32: # "If they see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Si ven{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1599 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_3: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1601 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_70752c97: # "This backpack{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Esta mochila{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1603 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5caf3364: # "It's from the Reed guy, I’ll bet." "Seguro que es del tipo Reed." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1605 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fedc3081: # "When I rushed out of class{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Cuando salí corriendo de clase{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1609 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8aa0f471: # "Fuck me." with vpunch "Mierda." with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1612 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_31b60cbd: # "On the other hand{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Por otro lado{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1614 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0cb805d7: # "I could get a medal of honor for turning all this stuff in{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Podrían darme una medalla de honor por entregar todo esto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1616 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4f980610: # "Think you can even get a bit of cash for reporting stuff like this." "Creo que incluso te pueden dar un poco de dinero por denunciar cosas así." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1619 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0e220151: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What am I {i}thinking{/i}?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿En qué estoy {i}pensando{/i}?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1621 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a119cbfe: # "Any amount of money is NOT worth my power level being revealed." "NO hay cantidad de dinero que amerite revelar mi nivel de poder." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1623 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_23508eb3: # "I can't ruin my life." "No puedo arruinar mi vida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1625 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_891d15f7: # "Not again." "No otra vez." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1627 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b590b753: # "Especially not with these losers." "Especialmente no con estos perdedores." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1630 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9304163f: # "A half-hour until lunch period ends. Good." "Media hora hasta que termine el período de almuerzo. Bien." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1632 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_552d6d7e: # "I need to find Reed." "Necesito encontrar a Reed." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1634 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0d3a016d: # "I double back to the classroom I just left and find it empty." "Vuelvo al aula que acabo de dejar y la encuentro vacía." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1636 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2711c32d: # "{i}Fuck.{/i}" "{i}Carajo.{/i}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1638 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bb701f22: # "Maybe he’s getting his lunch now. Cafeteria then." "Tal vez está almorzando ahora. Cafetería entonces." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1651 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f16c9f6b: # "I sprint through the school hallways, already familiar with the layout, looking for the drug dealer." "Corro por los pasillos de la escuela, ya familiarizado con la distribución, en busca del traficante." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1653 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_86522d40: # "The colorful crowd in the lunch line makes it difficult to pick Reed out, so I have to carefully scan the room." "La colorida multitud en la fila del almuerzo hace difícil distinguir a Reed, así que tengo que escudriñar cuidadosamente el salón." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1661 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_67774f5f: # "I finally spot the pink raptor at the end of the queue, tray in hand and incriminating evidence on his back." "Por fin localizo al raptor rosa al final de la cola, bandeja en mano y pruebas incriminatorias a la espalda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1663 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2deebfe9: # "The world must be fucking with me since {b}I’m{/b} the one currently carrying a mini-cartel in a backpack." "El mundo debe estar jodiéndome ya que {b}soy{/b} el único que lleva un minicártel en su mochila." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1670 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_77a20138: # A "REED!" with vpunch A "¡REED!" with vpunch # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1681 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_117b986f: # "The stoner drummer turns my way as I try as calmly as possible to approach him." "El baterista drogadicto se vuelve hacia mí mientras intento acercarme a él con la mayor calma posible." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1685 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7863fa46: # Re "What up, my guy?" Re "¿Qué pasa, amigo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1689 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_172a270b: # A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Yo eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1691 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d67194ea: # "I give the backpack a bump, causing all the dubious glassware within to clink." "Le doy un golpe a la mochila, haciendo tintinear toda la dudosa cristalería que contiene." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1693 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_51b003ba: # A "Think you got my backpack, Reed." A "Creo que tienes mi mochila, Reed." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1696 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0d6694ca: # Re "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Was wonderin’ why this felt lighter." Re "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Me preguntaba por qué se sentía más ligera." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1701 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_20f56b14: # "He holds out my backpack to me." "Me tiende mi mochila." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1703 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0f09d5a5: # Re "‘Ere ya go, man." Re "Aquí tienes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1710 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_69557800: # "We trade backpacks, I’m careful to hand his over while simultaneously examining mine still within his grip." "Intercambiamos las mochilas, tengo cuidado de entregar la suya mientras examino simultáneamente la mía que aún está en su poder." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1712 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2c30f5d8: # "It doesn’t look like he opened it at all but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "No parece que la haya abierto del todo, pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1719 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0797bc1c: # A "{cps=*.25}Thank fuck...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.25}Gracias, carajo...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1723 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9c9472aa: # Re "Why’re you so worried bout the bag, man?" Re "¿Por qué estás tan preocupado por la bolsa?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1726 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3e7651f7: # "{cps=*.3}Shitfuckfuckfuckfuck.{/cps}" "{cps=*.3}Putamierdamierdamierda.{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1728 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f8386735: # A "{cps=*.4}Becaaaauuuuuse...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.4}Porqueeeeeeee...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1730 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1edccdac: # "Don’tbringuptheartbook." "Nomencionesellibrodearte." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1733 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c4802d69: # "Think you dumbfuck, there’s gotta be something you can say-" "Piensa, imbécil, tiene que haber algo que puedas de-" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1736 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0e95f16c: # "Naomi I owe you a fruit basket!" "¡Naomi, te debo una cesta de frutas!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1738 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fd4c340d: # A "My lunch card!" A "¡Mi tarjeta para el almuerzo!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1740 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_14445df7: # A "I wouldn’t have been able to get my lunch without it." A "No habría podido conseguir mi almuerzo sin ella." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1743 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9cb1c9f7: # Re "Oh.{w=.65}{nw}" Re "Oh.{w=.65}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1745 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3e4fabf9: # Re "Oh.{fast} Oh!{w=0.5} Oh fuck, dude I’m sorry to hear that." Re "Oh.{fast} ¡Oh!{w=0.5} Joder, siento mucho oír eso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1748 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0ad25b8b: # "What." "Qué." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1750 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d03dadcb: # Re "New kid in school AND you need the lunch card?" Re "¿Nuevo en la escuela Y necesitas la tarjeta de almuerzo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1753 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_492998c6: # Re "Do you like, wanna hang with us? You look like the lonely type." Re "¿Quieres salir con nosotros? Pareces del tipo solitario." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1756 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_957af9f3: # "FUCK{w=.25} no." "MIERDA{w=.25} no." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1758 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f3a1f75b: # A "{cps=*.3}Naaaaah,{/cps} I’ll be good.{w} {cps=*.5}I just needed my-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" A "{cps=*.3}Naaaaah,{/cps} Estaré bien.{w} {cps=*.5}Solo necesitaba mi-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1761 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_471bc5a9: # Re "Come on bro, I’ll introduce you to the whole band." Re "Vamos hermano, te presentaré a toda la banda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1764 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_229a1f5b: # A "{cps=*.4}You don’t have to-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "{cps=*.4}No es necesario que-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1767 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e6369810: # Re "Y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} reward your good deed with a good deed." Re "Ya sabes{cps=*.1}...{/cps} recompenso tu buena acción con una buena acción." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1770 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ec44c38f: # A "What." A "Qué." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1773 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_aa558008: # Re "I’ll like, be your first friend, Anon." Re "Me gustaría ser tu primer amigo, Anon." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1775 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ec44c38f_1: # A "What." A "Qué." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1778 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_63045a76: # Re "{cps=*.3}Yeeaah{/cps}, man." Re "{cps=*.3}Sí{/cps}, amigo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1782 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dde99058: # A "I appreciate it, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Te lo agradezco, pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ya sabes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1784 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_9ddc0028: # Re "You worried about Trish, bro?" Re "¿Te preocupa Trish, hermano?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1787 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_4: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1789 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ba81baba: # Re "Yeaah, she can be a bit rough, but she’s great." Re "Sí, puede ser un poco dura, pero es genial." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1791 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bd82df9b: # A "Isn’t she on a crusade to assault everyone that laughed at your concert?" A "¿No está en una cruzada para agredir a todos los que se rieron en su concierto?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1793 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8088882e: # Re "Oh yeah, she does that sometimes, don’t worry about it." Re "Oh sí, a veces hace eso, no te preocupes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1796 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dd31ff05: # A "Hrmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1798 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_dc7cff32: # Re "‘s fine for you to be worried." Re "‘Tá bien que te preocupes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1800 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e9f58f22: # Re "You’ll see, she’s plenty nice." Re "Ya verás, es muy agradable." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1803 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_564ac6b4: # "Maybe I was a bit quick to judge{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Tal vez me precipité al juzgar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1806 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_2bab731e: # Re "See,{w=.2} there’s Trish now." Re "Mira,{w=.2} ahí está Trish." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1826 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3046d9f3: # T "Hey, Reed." T "Hola, Reed." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1829 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4b410dee: # T "Sorry, gonna have to return that crowbar a bit later than I promised." T "Lo siento, voy a tener que devolverte la palanca un poco más tarde de lo que prometí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1831 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_22b67a7e: # T "Also, I got vengeance on another one of those jerks." T "Además, ya me vengué de otro de esos imbéciles." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1835 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_076c1c33: # A "Those aren’t{cps=*.1}...{/cps} related, right?" A "Eso no está{cps=*.1}...{/cps} relacionado, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1838 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_48541560: # T "Who’s asking?" T "¿Quién lo pregunta?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1842 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bbea5d76: # "I need to get out of here.{fast}" "Tengo que salir de aquí.{fast}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1845 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_ea1a2fac: # A "Well Reed, thank you for talking{w}, {cps=*.4}I’ll just be on my wa-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "Bueno Reed, gracias por la charla{w}, {cps=*.4}voy a seguir mi cam-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1848 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0f2c0366: # Re "{cps=*.25}Hooollld{/cps} on man, Trish just got here." Re "{cps=*.25}Eesspeeeeeera{/cps}, Trish acaba de llegar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1852 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_8003eb88: # T "Reed, what’s all this about?" T "Reed, ¿a qué viene todo esto?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1854 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7cb3e75d: # Re "Anon here and I had a little{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} mix-up?" Re "Anon y yo tuvimos una pequeña{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} ¿confusión?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1857 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f49143dd: # Re "Anyways, he was a total bro about it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "De todos modos, fue totalmente hermano al respecto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1860 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c0b1f2c1: # Re "And he’s like, super poor and stuff." Re "Y es como, super pobre y eso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1864 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a12d5ed4: # T "How poor?" T "¿Qué tan pobre?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1870 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4daa70de: # Re "Y’know that lunch card thing they advertise on the school brochures?" Re "¿Conoces la tarjeta de almuerzo que anuncian en los folletos escolares?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1874 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6203d6f6: # T "Bull." T "Nop." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1876 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c2d2c35f: # Re "Show her, Anon." Re "Muéstrale, Anon." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1879 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_93b09ae3: # A "I’d rather not{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Preferiría no hacerlo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1882 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_56aca74b: # T "Oh my goodness you poor soul." T "Oh, Dios mío, pobre alma." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1885 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3179b64c: # Re "Literally, even." Re "Literalmente, incluso." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1890 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_382dfa5c: # Re "So I figured, why not be a bro back to him?" Re "Así que pensé, ¿por qué no ser un hermano para él?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1893 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a66f657b: # Re "Like uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Como ehhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1895 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f1f4bd0e: # Re "Be his legit welcome committee." Re "Ser su legítimo comité de bienvenida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1899 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5ce0b988: # A "I appreciate the thought, but uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Aprecio el pensamiento, pero ehh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1901 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e58cff6e: # A "I should really be going right about{cps=*.1}...{/cps} now, bye." A "Debería irme ahora{cps=*.1}...{/cps} mismo, adiós." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1905 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_32226793: # T "Oh, Fang, what took you so long today?" T "Oh, Fang, ¿por qué has tardado tanto hoy?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1926 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_492e31dc: # "{cps=*.2}Why meeee...{/cps}" "{cps=*.2}Por qué a míííí...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1933 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_d08aadae: # F "Yo. Wait, is that Anon?{w=.4} What’s {i}he{/i} doing here?" F "Qué hay. Espera, ¿es Anon?{w=.4} ¿Qué está haciendo {i}él{/i} aquí?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1935 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_fd541e3e: # "No, it’s the other new human transfer student with the dress sense of Rex Luthor." "No, es el otro nuevo estudiante humano transferido con el sentido de la moda de Rex Luthor." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1940 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_66bdc0c9: # A "{cps=*.4}Heeeey{/cps} Fang. Good to see ya again.{w} {cps=*.35}Well lunch is almost over so I’ll-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "{cps=*.4}Holaaaa{/cps}, Fang. Me alegro de verte de nuevo.{w} {cps=*.35}Bueno, el almuerzo está casi por terminar, así que voy a-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1943 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_69d0f31d: # Re "He’s poor." Re "Es pobre." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1946 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_836bbe64: # T "Like, super poor!" T "Como, ¡superpobre!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1950 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4e5c4b9d: # F "How poor?" F "¿Qué tan pobre?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1958 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_82168cbd: # T "Y’know those lunch cards they have on posters near the principals’ office?" T "¿Conoces esas tarjetas de almuerzo que anuncian en los carteles por la oficina del director?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1963 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0c3745e1: # F "Wow. That is hilariously depressing." F "Vaya. Eso es hilarantemente deprimente." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1968 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_bb785933: # "I hate everyone here." "Odio a todo el mundo aquí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1974 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c5929e91: # F "Anyways, that doesn’t answer my question of why the skinnie loser is here." F "De todos modos, eso no responde a mi pregunta de por qué está aquí el perdedor skinnie." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1977 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_395f28fc: # Re "Man, Anon’s like a total bro an’ I’m his {i}first{/i} friend an’ we’re gonna be Rock Ring buddies for the rest of the school year!" Re " Anon es como un hermano total y yo soy su {i}primer{/i} amigo y vamos a ser compañeros de Rock Ring ¡por el resto del año escolar!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1980 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_238aff92: # Re "Then like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} he’ll be my business partner an’ we’ll sell enough goods to get half the country high an’ like, fuck narcs and fuck the IRS too." Re "Entonces como que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} será mi socio de negocios y venderemos suficiente mercancía para drogar a la mitad del país y como, que se jodan los narcos y que se joda Hacienda también." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1984 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_5: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1987 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_12ec2516: # F "{cps=*.65}Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh.{/cps}{w=.4} Trish?" F "{cps=*.65}Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhh.{/cps}{w=.4} ¿Trish?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1993 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e229f2b5: # T "The morons swapped backpacks and now they’re best friends or something." T "Los imbéciles se intercambiaron las mochilas y ahora son mejores amigos o algo así." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1995 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_830d6952: # A "Yeah. That.{w} And now{w=.2} {cps=*.4}I’m gonna go grab my lunch so-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "Sí. Eso.{w} Y ahora{w=.2} {cps=*.4} voy a ir a servirme el almuerzo así que-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:1998 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_57e07206: # Re "We can all grab some together." Re "Podemos tomar algo juntos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2002 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a1064dc0: # T "{cps=*.4}...Well,{/cps} Reed {i}is{/i} a good judge of character{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "{cps=*.4}...Bueno,{/cps} Reed {i}es{/i} un buen juez de la personalidad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2005 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_b4d1951c: # F "Is he?" F "¿Lo es?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2010 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_28902232: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Didn’t you already grab your lunch, Reed?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿No habías ido ya por tu almuerzo, Reed?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2013 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5e6ffd64: # Re "Yeah.{w=.4} I want seconds, man." Re "Sí.{w=.4} Quiero repetir." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2016 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0ad25b8b_1: # "What." "Qué." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2018 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a9b35e88: # "I look at Reed’s tray and see that it’s completely empty." "Miro la bandeja de Reed y veo que está completamente vacía." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2025 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_29613eb5: # A "When did you-{w=.5} {i}How{/i}?!" A "¿Cuando te-{w=.5} ¡¿{i}Cómo{/i}?!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2028 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3a70a624: # Re "Come on, man, I’ve got a mean case of munchies." Re "Vamos, tengo un caso malo de munchies." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2039 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_f55134a5: # "I end up walking to get food with Trish, Reed and Fang." "Termino yendo con Trish, Reed y Fang por la comida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2041 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_abb0c381: # "Every time I consider ditching them, Reed says or does something to keep me with the band." "Cada vez que considero abandonarlos, Reed dice o hace algo para que me quede con la banda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2044 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_1e993423: # "Fuck my life." "Odio mi vida." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2062 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_efb3a0dd: # "I’m able to hold the makings of a conversation with Reed, but it feels like I’m talking to space." "Soy capaz de mantener una conversación con Reed, pero parece que estoy hablando con el espacio." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2064 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_04236cf5: # "Trish was listening in while we made our way to the lunch room, but was more focused on her talk with Fang." "Trish estaba escuchando mientras nos dirigíamos al comedor, pero estaba más concentrada en su charla con Fang." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2070 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4bcd6f53: # F "What do you mean my halter top is ‘out’ right now? I haven’t noticed a difference." F "¿Qué quieres decir con que mi camiseta de tirantes ya está ‘fuera de moda’? No he notado ninguna diferencia." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2073 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_7350ebbc: # T "I’m telling you, the next thing is going to be leotards." T "Te digo que lo próximo serán los leotardos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2077 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_540a5142: # F "No, fuck that. I would never wear something that retarded." F "No, a la mierda. Nunca me pondría algo tan retardado." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2081 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_428fc83d: # "As for Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "En cuanto a Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2087 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_3b0490ee: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{nw}" Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2089 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_23a0f891: # Re "...{fast}So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You play videogames, right?" Re "...{fast}Así que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Juegas videojuegos, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2092 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_6284712b: # A "Yeah, I got a couple consoles and a toaster of a PC." A "Sí, tengo un par de consolas y una tostadora de PC." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2094 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_a9950502: # Re "Only Xrox{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Battle Saurs is sick{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Solo Xrox{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Battle Saurs es genial{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2096 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_139dbb14: # A "Pachystation has a better lineup overall." A "Pachystation tiene una mejor biblioteca en general." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2099 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_12f33a02: # Re "But like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stony-games are all lame{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like, just movies lame{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Pero como que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} todos los juegos Stony son patéticos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} como, solo películas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2101 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e3b08bf4: # A "You can’t prove that." A "No puedes demostrarlo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2104 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c26a21c0: # Re "I can." Re "Puedo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2108 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_829169f7: # A "Huh?" A "¿Huh?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2111 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_407240da: # Re "Get your phone out man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Look up {cps=*.4}'{color=#78FF65}LW_S9znpklI{/color}'..{/cps}" Re "Saca tu teléfono{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Busca {cps=*.4}'{color=#78FF65}LW_S9znpklI{/color}'..{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2115 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_c297a40d: # A "How did you say that out loud?" A "¿Cómo pronunciaste eso?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2117 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_0c6bdb9f: # Re "Just look it up man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Solo búscalo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2120 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_07201dc5: # "What’s the harm?" "¿Qué daño podría hacer?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2122 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_936c6697_6: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2134 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_4e1f836e: # "What on earth{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" "¿Qué demonios{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2136 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_e892d3fa: # Re "Pretty hilarious right?" Re "Muy divertido, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2138 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_5e925de5: # "What is this, a shitty Netstix cartoon knock off?" "¿Qué es esto, una mierda de imitación de dibujos animados de Netstix?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2140 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_56f634ef: # A "It’s funny in a way, yeah." A "Es divertido en cierto modo, sí." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2147 translate es chapter_2_naomiStressMerge_44deb7a5: # "I'll save this one for when I get home." "Guardaré esto para cuando llegue a casa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2153 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_e77e9bf6: # Re "Xrox is better anyways, you see the whole lineup they had prepared for{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Xrox es mejor de todas formas, ya ves toda la alineación que tenían preparada para{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2155 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ed1a573b: # "Reed delves into his rant about console differences." "Reed profundiza en su despotricar sobre las diferencias de las consolas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2158 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c088386a: # "I thought he was just an airhead, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Pensé que solo era un cabeza hueca, pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2160 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_62d3cbe9: # "I totally can’t get a read on this guy." "No puedo entender a este tipo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2166 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ddb3ff83: # F "Well, anyways." F "Bueno, de todos modos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2173 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_6e50d2cf: # F "The lunch lines aren’t going to get any shorter." F "Las colas para comer no van disminuir." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2175 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_7f055bfc: # F "We should hurry and pick one." F "Deberíamos apresurarnos a elegir una." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2183 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_425b46cc: # "Once we all got our food, we all stand around chatting a bit more outside the line." "Una vez que todos tenemos nuestra comida, nos quedamos charlando un poco más fuera de la fila." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2185 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_cf7e39f3: # "Trish and Fang babble to each other about their daily activities all through the lunch line." "Trish y Fang parlotearon entre ellas sobre sus actividades diarias durante toda la cola del almuerzo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2187 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_be4dc15c: # "Reed on the other hand has pulled out a tablet from his backpack to show me something." "Reed, por otro lado, ha sacado una tableta de su mochila para mostrarme algo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2205 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_e11246b6: # Re "So like, y’know we got a band, yeah?" Re "Así que, ya sabes, tenemos una banda, ¿sí?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2208 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5ff313c1: # A "Er, yeah. Trish brought it up earlier and all." A "Eh, sí. Trish lo mencionó antes y todo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2210 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_34391266: # Re "Check it. I’ve been recording our practices." Re "Chécala. He estado grabando nuestras prácticas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2213 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_8efa5e39: # "Fang and Trish both look at me expectantly." "Fang y Trish me miran expectantes." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2215 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ab608b79: # "Fuckshitfuckokay you can do this." "Putamierdamierdaokey, puedes hacerlo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2218 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_2b32ad77: # A "Cool, lemme see." A "Genial, déjame ver." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2227 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_8925d226: # "Even through the poor recording quality I can see and hear just how atrocious the band is." "Incluso a pesar de la mala calidad de la grabación puedo ver y oír lo atroz que es la banda." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2229 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_1b98a686: # "I bite back the grimace threatening to come out as I give the video my full attention." "Contengo la mueca que amenaza con salir mientras presto toda mi atención al vídeo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2232 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_d43f591b: # F "W{w=.2}-well?" F "¿Y{w=.2}-y bien?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2235 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_9f2c6264: # T "We’re great, right Anon?" T "Somos geniales, ¿verdad Anon?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2237 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4cc084d0: # A "It’s uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} certainly original." A "Es, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ciertamente original." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2240 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4703906e: # T "I know, right?" T "Lo sé, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2242 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_889a35e9: # A "But like, why two basses?" A "Pero, ¿por qué dos bajos?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2245 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_3f4165bd: # "Fang glances at me from the side. Weird." "Fang me mira de reojo. Raro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2248 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_dd568bef: # T "It’s our style!" T "¡Es nuestro estilo!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2251 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_9618937e: # A "I{w=.2}-I see." A "Ya{w=.2}-a veo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2253 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_889e74c6: # "What do I say here? I can only give feedback on games I haven’t played, not music!" "¿Qué puedo decir aquí? Solo puedo opinar sobre los juegos que no he jugado, ¡no sobre la música!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2285 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c9f408bd: # "The three stop in their tracks and look back at me." "Los tres se paran en seco y me miran." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2288 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_b0b44a3f: # "Think I messed up." "Creo que he metido la pata." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2292 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_446440d2: # F "How could you tell?" F "¿Cómo lo sabes?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2301 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_792f5a94: # Re "Jeez man, you got the ears of a bat?" Re "Dios, ¿tienes las orejas de un murciélago?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2305 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_2033f726: # A "Uhh, just something I picked up." A "Uhh, solo algo que capté." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2308 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_0a92c47f: # F "I didn’t know you knew about that sort of thing, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "No sabía que supieras de estas cosas, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2311 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_a31852ab: # Re "Yo, next time we have a concert{cps=*.1}... {/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" Re "La próxima vez que tengamos un concierto{cps=*.1}... {/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2314 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5026a4e1: # extend "you gotta come along." extend "tienes que venir." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2318 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_a26331c5: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tal vez{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2321 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_2de5e432: # "Trish glowers at me warily." "Trish me mira con recelo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2323 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_447c0c64: # T "I dunno, maybe if he actually talked about himself for once." T "No sé, tal vez si por una vez hablara de sí mismo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2325 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_1a80d4f4: # "Nope,{w=.3} nuh uh,{w=.3} no way,{w=.3} abort!" "No, {w=.3} nah, em, {w=.3} no hay manera, {w=.3} ¡aborta!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2328 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_41f6b0ac: # Re "Yeah, man, go ahead. None of us are judgin’. I’m not at least." Re "Sí, adelante. Ninguno de nosotros está juzgando. Yo al menos no lo hago." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2334 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_01808fd1: # A "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Bien{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2343 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_fd4432ca: # FRT "Ohfuck.{w=.4} Sorry Anon, we gotta bail." FRT "Ohmierda.{w=.4} Lo siento Anon, tenemos que irnos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2373 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_8e946ebb: # A "Huh?{w=.2} Where-" A "¿Ehh?{w=.2} ¿A dónde-" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2376 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_61d22ad3: # "They’re already gone." "Ya se han ido." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2379 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_0c54cd1b: # "Pretty impressive how fast they can move even with their hands full." "Es impresionante lo rápido que pueden moverse incluso con las manos llenas." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2381 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_59ddb4b4: # "But what could’ve made them run like that?" "Pero, ¿qué puede haberles hecho correr así?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2387 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_14b37913: # N "ANON!" N "¡ANON!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2406 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_94004a03: # "Oh." "Oh." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2410 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_cadfdfaf: # "I turn around to see Naser and Naomi approaching, food in hand." "Me doy la vuelta y veo que Naser y Naomi se acercan con la comida en la mano." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2413 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4b3e10b1: # N "I knew I’d find you here with the others, Anon!" N "¡Sabía que te encontraría aquí con los demás, Anon!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2415 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_72261431: # N "Shame they ran off, why do they do that?" N "Es una pena que salgan corriendo, ¿por qué lo hacen?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2418 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_250fb0af: # "Her shrill goody goody sugary voice is piercing through the chatter of the lunchroom, I don’t wanna reply if it means hearing more of her voice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Su voz chillona y empalagosa atraviesa la charla del comedor, no quiero responder si eso significa escuchar más de su voz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2420 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_7b84b759: # N "Wasn't that Naser's sister? How wonderful that you're making friends, Anon!" N "¿No era esa la hermana de Naser? ¡Qué maravilloso que estés haciendo amigos, Anon!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2422 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_d6cd1161: # N "Tell me everything! What were you and Fang talking about?" N "¡Cuéntame todo! ¿De qué hablaban tú y Fang?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2427 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_43ea9bd9: # N "I wanna know all about it!" N "¡Quiero saberlo todo!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2430 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_937a96ec: # "Oh help me, God. I just can’t catch a break." "Oh, ayúdame, Dios. No puedo tener un respiro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2432 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_973bbf30: # "I just want to go home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Solo quiero ir a casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2434 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_9336fd37: # "But there's still half a day to go{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Pero aún falta medio día{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2436 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_2eb58c55: # Nas "Hey Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" Nas "Hey Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tú, eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2438 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_bb1026be: # extend "seem kinda low energy, are you alright?" extend "pareces un poco bajo de energía, ¿estás bien?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2442 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_046ff017: # "The Anon you are trying to reach is currently having an existential meltdown." "El Anon con el que trata de comunicarse está teniendo un colapso existencial." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2444 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5c812f39: # "Please leave your message after the scream." "Por favor, deje su mensaje después del grito." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2451 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_73ebe579: # N "{cps=*.3}Aaaww,{/cps} he's just thrilled to make new friends!" N "{cps=*.3}Aaaww,{/cps} ¡está encantado de hacer nuevos amigos!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2454 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_bd1f89f8: # Nas "Yeah man, good on you. You’re quite the extrovert!" Nas "Sí, bien por ti. ¡Eres todo un extrovertido!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2457 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_3bf28ea1: # "I’m mentally screaming, I swear I just want to get out and never come back." "Estoy gritando mentalmente, juro que solo quiero salir y no volver nunca más." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2462 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_a9533edf: # Nas "Was that really my sibling you were hanging with?" Nas "¿Era realmente mi pariente con la que andabas?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2464 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c7606caf: # A "Fang and her friends, yeah. Strange group, I know." A "Fang y sus amigos, sí. Un grupo extraño, lo sé." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2467 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5a98b125: # N "I'll say." N "Lo diré." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2470 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_1e7adc3a: # Nas "Sh-{w=.4}{nw}" Nas "Ell-{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2472 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_9efe7f28: # extend "they’re{w=.2} not that bad once you get to know them." extend "elle no es{w=.2} tan male una vez que le conoces." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2474 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_d3178495: # A "Colorful folk, I know." A "Gente colorida, lo sé." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2477 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_6ac5f588: # Nas "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} no{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} I mean -THEY-{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} no{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} digo -ELLE-{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2479 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_2c23493f: # A "Hm?" A "¿Hm?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2482 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_b9700307: # Nas "Fang!" Nas "¡Fang!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2484 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_e9edc467: # A "Uh-huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sure hope so. Seems I’m going to be her lab partner for the rest of the year." A "A-já{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eso espero. Parece que voy a ser su compañero de laboratorio por el resto del año." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2487 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_d839dc1e: # Nas "Whoa." Nas "Wow." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2490 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5531f989: # "Naomi pauses for a second." "Naomi se detiene un segundo." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2493 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_f059f6c7: # Nas "Honestly. They’re just going through a phase man." Nas "Sinceramente. Solo está pasando por una fase." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2495 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_008bbab0: # A "That phase include rants about non-binarism?" A "¿Esa fase incluye despotricar sobre el no-binarismo?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2497 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_8f50c264: # Nas "*sigh* Fang hit you with that too?" Nas "*suspiro* ¿Fang también te atacó con eso?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2500 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_0809602c: # N "What a great opportunity for real friendship Anon! I’m so happy for you!" N "¡Qué gran oportunidad de verdadera amistad, Anon! ¡Me alegro mucho por ti!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2507 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_1fe769a6: # Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2512 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4aee6217: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2514 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ed73e9e8: # N "If there’s anything Fang needs in these trying times, it’s a new friend to talk to!" N "Si hay algo que Fang necesita en estos tiempos difíciles, es un nuevo amigo con quién hablar." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2517 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5b91e1b4: # A "{cps=*.3}Uuuuuh,{/cps} I don’t know about that, you know how they is, right?" A "{cps=*.3}Eeeeeh,{/cps} no lo sé, ya sabes cómo es, ¿verdad?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2520 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ce26520b: # N "I would love it if you tried! {w=.5}{nw}" N "¡Me encantaría que lo intentaras! {w=.5}{nw}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2524 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ef2fecac: # extend "Naser would appreciate it!" extend "¡Naser lo apreciaría!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2526 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c84b3bd2: # "Would he?" "¿Lo haría?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2531 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c0eb487d: # Nas "Whoa, calm down, boo." Nas "Wow, cálmate, cariño." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2533 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5831db45: # Nas "That’s not how it works{cps=*.1}...{/cps} and I don’t think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Así no es como funciona{cps=*.1}...{/cps} y no creo que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2545 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5c78ea4c: # "The bell’s loud sound rings on our ears." "El fuerte sonido de la campana resuena en nuestros oídos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2547 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5682ca4f: # "A rush of relief and dopamine overcome me." "Una ráfaga de alivio y dopamina me invade." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2550 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_d125b2a7: # "I’m free." "Soy libre." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2557 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_ba93af4e: # Nas "Uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we’ll talk later, Anon. I’ll have to keep my eye on you, though." Nas "Ehhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hablaremos más tarde, Anon. Sin embargo, tendré que vigilarte." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2561 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5b59d8dd: # N "Don’t worry, Naser. I know Anon is of good character!" N "No te preocupes, Naser. ¡Sé que Anon es una persona de buen carácter!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2564 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_6aea1f19: # "What is she talking about?" "¿De qué está hablando?" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2567 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_8ad33474: # "You know what, it don’t matter.{w=.4} Nonathiss matters." "¿Sabes qué? No importa.{w=.4} Nada de esto importa." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2570 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4519a127: # "Only useful thing I learned all day." "Lo único útil que he aprendido en todo el día." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2573 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_3d8f9391: # A "Uhhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I guess I’ll have to go now, see you around." A "Ehhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} creo que ya me tengo que ir, nos vemos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2576 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_b801897c: # "Be a little nicer, Anon." "Sé un poco más amable, Anon." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2579 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_044c7281: # A "Ask if you need anything, I’ll help you out." A "Si necesitas algo solo pídelo, te ayudaré." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2583 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_7b61f5f4: # N "Oh I’ll hold you on that one! Just you wait, {cps=*.4}hahahahahah!{/cps}" N "¡Oh, te lo tendré en cuenta! ¡Solo espera, {cps=*.4}jajajajajaj!{/cps}" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2586 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_4236e749: # "Nice. Now you’ll never get them off your back. Congratulations." "Qué bien. Ahora nunca te los quitarás de encima. Enhorabuena." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2591 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_91fec2d4: # Nas "Hey, take it easy, man!" Nas "¡Oye, tómalo con calma!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2593 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_18867b28: # N "Come Naser! We have a busy day today!" N "¡Venga, Naser! ¡Hoy tenemos un día muy ocupado!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2596 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_5972cea8: # Nas "Oh, sure." Nas "Oh, claro." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2598 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_29c98648: # A "See ya." A "Nos vemos." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2608 translate es chapter_2_PostCheckLinkOut_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" translate es strings: # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:228 old "Ask what’s up" new "Preguntarle qué sucede" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:228 old "Not my place to pry" new "No soy quién para entrometerme" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:957 old "Sorry for calling you a girl..." new "Siento haberte llamado chica..." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:977 old "Sorry Fang I should have known from your feminine appearance and dress that you are, in fact, non-binary..." new "Lo siento, Fang, debería haber sabido por tu apariencia femenina y tu forma de vestir que eres, de hecho, no binarie..." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2127 old "Look the link up" new "Mirar el enlace" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2101 old "Save it for later" new "Guardarlo para más tarde" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2258 old "I like the double tension on the G strings." new "Me gusta la doble tensión en las cuerdas de sol." # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2258 old "The synchronization between the melody and the submelody compliments the reverb well!" new "¡La sincronización entre la melodía y la submelodía complementa bien la reverberación!" # game/script/2.fourth-day-of-school.rpy:2232 old "Very nice ironic reference to Beethoven’s Für Elise." new "Muy bonita referencia irónica a Für Elise de Beethoven."