# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:14

translate es strings:

    old "Mr. Tsuki"
    new "Sr. Tsuki"

    old "Chicxulub Gutterlane"
    new "Salida de Chicxs"

    old "The Mous Pad"
    new "El Mous Pad"

    old "PTA Meeting"
    new "Reunión de padres"

    old "Passion of the Trigga I"
    new "La pasión del Trigga I"

    old "Passion of the Trigga II"
    new "La pasión del Trigga II"

    old "Passion of the Trigga III"
    new "La pasión del Trigga III"

    old "Naomi's Tribulations I"
    new "Las tribulaciones de Naomi I"

    old "Naomi's Tribulations II"
    new "Las tribulaciones de Naomi II"

    old "Naomi's Tribulations III"
    new "Las tribulaciones de Naomi III"

    old "RAYmba's Observations"
    new "Las observaciónes de RAYmba"

    old "Performance"
    new "Rendimiento"

    old "Cache Surfaces"
    new "Cachear imagenes"

    old "You have no mods! \nInstall some in:\n\"[moddir]\""
    new "¡No tienes ningún mod!\nInstala algunos en:\"[moddir]\""

    old "Animations"
    new "Animado"

    old "Lewd"
    new "Lascivo"

    old "Fullbody"
    new "Cuerpo"

    old "Backgrounds"
    new "Fondos"

    old "Back"
    new "Atrás"

    old "Choose Your Language"
    new "Elige tu lenguaje"

    old "NOTICE: Please keep in mind this is a fan translation, and as such it may not be completely accurate to the original intent of any written lines."
    new "AVISO: Esta traducción fue creada por y para fans, y como tal puede no representar el significado original de cualquier línea del juego."

    old "Gallery"
    new "Galería"

    old "Updates"
    new "Actualizaciones"

    old "About"
    new "Acerca de"

    old "Help"
    new "Ayúda"

    old "What will you write?"
    new "¿Que escribirás?"

    old "Fang's Dad"
    new "Papá de Fang"

    old 'Driver'
    new "Conductor"

    old "Fang's Mom"
    new "Mamá de Fang"

    old "Lucy's Mom"
    new "Mamá de Lucy"

    old "Lucy's Dad"
    new "Papá de Lucy"

    old 'Waitress'
    new "Camarera"

    old "Anon and Fang"
    new "Anon y Fang"

    old "Street Vendor"
    new "Vendedora Callejera"

    old "Fang Reed & Trish"
    new "Fang Reed y Trish"

    old "Fang and Trish"
    new "Fang y Trish"

    old "Naser and Naomi"
    new "Naser y Naomi"

    old "Team member"
    new "Miembro del equipo"

    old "Everyone"
    new "Todos"

    old "Attendant"
    new "Encargado"

    old "You have unlocked all bonus chapters!"
    new "¡Has desbloqueado todos los capítulos extra!"

    old "You have unlocked the final bonus chapter!"
    new "¡Has desbloqueado el último capítulo extra!"

    old "You have finished all endings! Complete all bonus chapters to receive the final chapter!"
    new "¡Haz conseguido todos los finales! ¡Completa el resto de capítulos extra para desbloquear el último!"

    old "You have unlocked new bonus chapters, complete unseen endings to see more!"
    new "Has desbloqueado nuevos capítulos extra, ¡Completa los finales no vistos para ver más!"

    old "Start"
    new "Comenzar"

    old "Bonus Chapters"
    new "Capitulos extra"

    old "Language"
    new "Lenguaje"

    old "Quit"
    new "Salir"

    # game/screens.rpy:381
    old "History"
    new "Historia"

    # game/screens.rpy:382
    old "Save"
    new "Guardar"

    # game/screens.rpy:383
    old "Load"
    new "Cargar"

    # game/screens.rpy:384
    old "Delete"
    new "Borrar"

    # game/screens.rpy:385
    old "Options"
    new "Opciones"

    # game/screens.rpy:387
    old "Return"
    new "Volver"

    # game/screens.rpy:391
    old "End Replay"
    new "Fin de la reproducción"

    # game/screens.rpy:395
    old "Main Menu"
    new "Menú principal"

    # game/screens.rpy:747
    old "Version [config.version!t]\n"
    new "Version [config.version!t]\n"

    # game/screens.rpy:754
    old "{size=30}Made with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]\nTo find more information about the game (and its source code) please visit {a=https://www.snootgame.xyz/}our website{/a}.{/size}"
    new "{size=30}Made with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]\nTo find more information about the game (and its source code) please visit {a=https://www.snootgame.xyz/}our website{/a}.{/size}"

    # game/screens.rpy:783
    old "Version [config.version!t]"
    new "Version [config.version!t]"

    # game/screens.rpy:785
    old "{color=#00FF00}{size=32}Update directory exists, updating is possible!\n{/size}{/color}"
    new "{color=#00FF00}{size=32}El directorio de actualización existe, ¡La actualización es posible!\n{/size}{/color}"

    # game/screens.rpy:787
    old "{color=#FF0000}{size=32}Update directory does not exist or is corrupt!\n{/size}{/color}"
    new "{color=#FF0000}{size=32}¡El directorio de actualización no existe o está corrupto!\n{/size}{/color}"

    # game/screens.rpy:789
    old "Auto Update:"
    new "Auto Update:"

    # game/screens.rpy:790
    old "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}Automatic Updates: [persistent.autoup!t]{/size}{/color}"
    new "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}Automatic Updates: [persistent.autoup!t]{/size}{/color}"

    # game/screens.rpy:791
    old "{size=36}Toggle Automatic Updates\n{/size}"
    new "{size=36}Activar las actualizaciones automáticas\n{/size}"

    # game/screens.rpy:793
    old "Update Checker:"
    new "Update Checker:"

    # game/screens.rpy:794
    old "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}[persistent.updateresult!t]{/size}{/color}"
    new "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}[persistent.updateresult!t]{/size}{/color}"

    # game/screens.rpy:795
    old "{size=36}Check for Update\n{/size}"
    new "{size=36}Comprobar la actualización\n{/size}"

    # game/screens.rpy:797
    old "Updater:"
    new "Updater:"

    # game/screens.rpy:798
    old "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}Server URL (click to edit):{/size}{/color}"
    new "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=32}URL del servidor (haz clic para editar):{/size}{/color}"

    # game/screens.rpy:813
    old "{size=36}Update Now!\n{/size}"
    new "{size=36}¡Actualizar ahora!\n{/size}"

    # game/screens.rpy:849
    old "Page {}"
    new "Página {}"

    # game/screens.rpy:849
    old "Automatic saves"
    new "Guardado automático"

    # game/screens.rpy:849
    old "Quick saves"
    new "Guardado rápido"

    # game/screens.rpy:894
    old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"
    new "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"

    # game/screens.rpy:894
    old "Empty Slot"
    new "Espacio vacío"

    # game/screens.rpy:911
    old "<"
    new "<"

    # game/screens.rpy:914
    old "{#auto_page}A"
    new "{#auto_page}A"

    # game/screens.rpy:917
    old "{#quick_page}Q"
    new "{#quick_page}Q"

    # game/screens.rpy:923
    old ">"
    new ">"

    # game/screens.rpy:980
    old "Display"
    new "Visualizar"

    # game/screens.rpy:981
    old "Window"
    new "Ventana"

    # game/screens.rpy:982
    old "Fullscreen"
    new "Pantalla Completa"

    # game/screens.rpy:986
    old "Rollback Side"
    new "Lado de retroceso"

    # game/screens.rpy:988
    old "Left"
    new "Izquierda"

    # game/screens.rpy:989
    old "Right"
    new "Derecha"

    # game/screens.rpy:992
    old "Naughty Stuff"
    new "Material Picante"

    # game/screens.rpy:993
    old "Enable Lewd Images"
    new "Habilitar Imágenes Lascivas"

    # game/screens.rpy:997
    old "Requires Restart"
    new "Requiere Reiniciar"

    # game/screens.rpy:998
    old "Enable Forward-Scroll Movement"
    new "Habilitar Movimiento De Desplazamiento Hacia Adelante"

    # game/screens.rpy:1002
    old "Skip"
    new "Saltar"

    # game/screens.rpy:1003
    old "Unseen Text"
    new "Texto No Visto"

    # game/screens.rpy:1004
    old "After Choices"
    new "Después De Las Elecciones"

    # game/screens.rpy:1005
    old "Transitions"
    new "Transiciones"

    # game/screens.rpy:1018
    old "Text Speed"
    new "Velocidad Del Texto"

    # game/screens.rpy:1022
    old "Auto-Forward Time"
    new "Tiempo De Auto-Avance"

    # game/screens.rpy:1029
    old "Music Volume"
    new "Volumen De La Música"

    # game/screens.rpy:1037
    old "Sound Volume"
    new "Volumen Del Sonido"

    # game/screens.rpy:1043
    old "Test"
    new "Test"

    # game/screens.rpy:1045
    old "UI Sounds Volume"
    new "Volumen De La Interfaz"

    # game/screens.rpy:1053
    old "Voice Volume"
    new "Volumen De Voz"

    # game/screens.rpy:1064
    old "Mute All"
    new "Silenciar Todo"

    # game/screens.rpy:1183
    old "The dialogue history is empty."
    new "La historia del diálogo está vacía."

    # game/screens.rpy:1304
    old "Keyboard"
    new "Teclado"

    # game/screens.rpy:1305
    old "Mouse"
    new "Mouse"

    # game/screens.rpy:1307
    old "Gamepad"
    new "Gamepad"

    # game/screens.rpy:1327
    old "Enter"
    new "Enter"

    # game/screens.rpy:1328
    old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface."
    new "Avanza el diálogo y activa la interfaz."

    # game/screens.rpy:1331
    old "Space"
    new "Space"

    # game/screens.rpy:1332
    old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices."
    new "Avanza el diálogo sin seleccionar opciones."

    # game/screens.rpy:1335
    old "Arrow Keys"
    new "Flechas del teclado"

    # game/screens.rpy:1336
    old "Navigate the interface."
    new "Navega por la interfaz."

    # game/screens.rpy:1339
    old "Escape"
    new "Escape"

    # game/screens.rpy:1340
    old "Accesses the game menu. Also escapes the Gallery."
    new "Accede al menú del juego. También se escapa de la Galería."

    # game/screens.rpy:1343
    old "Ctrl"
    new "Ctrl"

    # game/screens.rpy:1344
    old "Skips dialogue while held down."
    new "Se salta el diálogo mientras se mantiene pulsado."

    # game/screens.rpy:1347
    old "Tab"
    new "Tab"

    # game/screens.rpy:1348
    old "Toggles dialogue skipping."
    new "Activa el salto de diálogo."

    # game/screens.rpy:1351
    old "Page Up"
    new "Page Up"

    # game/screens.rpy:1352
    old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue."
    new "Regresa al diálogo anterior."

    # game/screens.rpy:1355
    old "Page Down"
    new "Page Down"

    # game/screens.rpy:1356
    old "Rolls forward to later dialogue."
    new "Avanza el diálogo posterior."

    # game/screens.rpy:1360
    old "Hides the user interface."
    new "Oculta la interfaz de usuario."

    # game/screens.rpy:1364
    old "Takes a screenshot."
    new "Realiza una captura de pantalla."

    # game/screens.rpy:1368
    old "Toggles assistive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}self-voicing{/a}."
    new "Activa la asistencia {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}voz-automática{/a}."

    # game/screens.rpy:1374
    old "Left Click"
    new "Left Click"

    # game/screens.rpy:1378
    old "Middle Click"
    new "Middle Click"

    # game/screens.rpy:1382
    old "Right Click"
    new "Right Click"

    # game/screens.rpy:1386
    old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side"
    new "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side"

    # game/screens.rpy:1390
    old "Mouse Wheel Down"
    new "Mouse Wheel Down"

    # game/screens.rpy:1397
    old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button"
    new "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button"

    # game/screens.rpy:1401
    old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder"
    new "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder"

    # game/screens.rpy:1405
    old "Right Shoulder"
    new "Right Shoulder"

    # game/screens.rpy:1410
    old "D-Pad, Sticks"
    new "D-Pad, Sticks"

    # game/screens.rpy:1414
    old "Start, Guide"
    new "Start, Guide"

    # game/screens.rpy:1415
    old "Accesses the game menu."
    new "Accede al menú del juego."

    # game/screens.rpy:1418
    old "Y/Top Button"
    new "Y/Top Button"

    # game/screens.rpy:1421
    old "Calibrate"
    new "Calibrate"

    # game/screens.rpy:1484
    old "Yes"
    new "Sí"

    # game/screens.rpy:1485
    old "No"
    new "No"

    # game/screens.rpy:1531
    old "Skipping"
    new "Saltando"