# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48 # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:8 translate it chapter_1_721d4187: # "January sixth." "Sei Gennaio" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:10 translate it chapter_1_469b552b: # "Year 201M2020 BC." "Anno 201M202020 AC." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:12 translate it chapter_1_85fed111: # "Volcaldera Bluffs." "Volcaldera Bluffs." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:14 translate it chapter_1_fb0df619: # "Weather conditions; cold as balls." "Condizioni meteorologiche; freddo cane." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:17 translate it chapter_1_faba27b5: # "It’s my first time living close to water." "È la prima volta che vivo vicino all'acqua." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:19 translate it chapter_1_51ab5b42: # "The idea of ‘marine layer’ is new to me, but I do understand morning mist." "L'idea di uno ‘strato marino’ mi è nuova, ma capisco la nebbia mattutina." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:21 translate it chapter_1_f21f3a09: # "This was like it, except infinitely more shitty." "Era simile, ma infinitamente più schifoso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:24 translate it chapter_1_f7e38541: # "The heavy fog makes navigating to my new school more difficult as I fail to see anything five feet in front of me." "La nebbia fitta rende il navigare verso la mia nuova scuola più difficile, dato che non vedo niente a un palmo dal naso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:26 translate it chapter_1_a9c5203d: # "Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid." "Tipo un alberello rachitico piantato nel marciapiede che cerco di evitare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:29 translate it chapter_1_b0ef5ebc: # "It’s my first time having to walk to school too." "È anche la prima volta che cammino per andare a scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:31 translate it chapter_1_d5555773: # "My new apartment is in an awkward spot. Opposite side of town, yet no school or public bus to take me from there." "Il mio nuovo appartamento è in un posto scomodo. È nella parta opposta della città, ma non c'è nessun autobus pubblico o della scuola per portarmi lì." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:33 translate it chapter_1_40dd9d87: # "It’s my first day at a new school." "È il mio primo giorno a una nuova scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:35 translate it chapter_1_7d8cec11: # "The second half of the first semester of senior year." "La seconda metà del primo semestre dell'ultimo anno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:37 translate it chapter_1_3fd4dc11: # "I had six months left at my old school." "Mi mancavano sei mesi alla mia vecchia scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:39 translate it chapter_1_1d1df7c1: # "I can’t even imagine the kind of hell those six months would have been." "Non riesco neanche ad immaginare che inferno sarebbero stati quei sei mesi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:41 translate it chapter_1_873c7ea0: # "But this{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" "Ma questo{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:43 translate it chapter_1_a7f1d9e6: # "I should take my mind off of it." "Dovrei distrarmi un po'." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:46 translate it chapter_1_12a8a9a6: # "I whip out my phone, and consider the best way to make people upset online." "Tiro fuori il telefono, e penso al modo migliore per far arrabbiare gente online" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:58 translate it chapter_1_e9db9787: # "The thread goes 404 right as I'm ready to post my well thought-out reply." "Il thread va in 404 proprio mentre stavo per postare la mia ben ponderata risposta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:60 translate it chapter_1_5581b458: # "Better hide my phone before someone sees fit to take it from me, the only human around town. I think." "Meglio nascondere il telefono prima che qualcuno decida di rubarmelo, dato che sono l'unico umano in città. Almeno credo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:68 translate it chapter_1_d9d93727: # "It’s the sounds that reach me first.{w=.4} The chatter of people milling about." "Sono i suoni i primi a raggiungermi.{w=.4} Chiacchiere di persone che brulicano." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:71 translate it chapter_1_b88e3b5b: # unknown "Bro." unknown "Fra." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:73 translate it chapter_1_2567acb5: # unknown "It’s been too long!" unknown "Quanto tempo!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:75 translate it chapter_1_17e84c5e: # unknown "It was only three weeks *giggle*" unknown "Sono passate solo tre settimane *risatina*" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:78 translate it chapter_1_2df16778: # "I can make out the building now." "Ora riesco a vedere l'edifico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:80 translate it chapter_1_d88bf746: # "The fog shrouding gives the school an ominous vibe to it." "Questa nebbia avvolgente dà alla scuola un'atmosfera inquietante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:82 translate it chapter_1_2c10c191: # "I look at the name written on the arch over the entrance." "Guardo il nome scritto sull'arcata sopra l'ingresso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:85 translate it chapter_1_910136bc: # "{cps=*0.2}{b}{size=+10}{i}Volcano High{/i}{/size}{/b}{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}{b}{size=+10}{i}Volcano High{/i}{/size}{/b}{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:97 translate it chapter_1_17a1fd49: # A "Perfect setting for a horror game. Or maybe a shitty WAD." A "Scenario perfetto per un gioco horror. O forse per una WAD di merda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:100 translate it chapter_1_ac54fa65: # "The attempt at humouring myself just made me feel more alone." "Il tentativo di farmi ridere mi fa solo sentire più solo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:108 translate it chapter_1_8a73dff0: # "A check of my phone says I’m 30 minutes early." "Una controllata al telefono mi dice che sono trenta minuti in anticipo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:110 translate it chapter_1_c819fb6b: # "Wonderful." "Magnifico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:119 translate it chapter_1_c87e60d5: # "I move to the entrance, only to see all of the steps occupied by students." "Mi avvicino all'ingresso, solo per vedere che tutta la scalinata era occupata da studenti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:128 translate it chapter_1_b4cbba1b: # "Their eyes turn to me.{w=0.4} Expressions of confusion and contemplation." "Puntano gli occhi su di me.{w=0.4} Espressioni di confusione e contemplazione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:130 translate it chapter_1_f10cc3d9: # "I can feel their judging stares, the same that had haunted me for four months previous." "Posso sentire i loro sguardi giudicarmi, gli stessi che mi hanno perseguitato da quattro mesi a questa parte" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:133 translate it chapter_1_7e3ccf2e: # "I can already picture what they’re thinking." "Posso già immaginare cosa stanno pensando." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:135 translate it chapter_1_6a98e0dd: # "{i}\"Dude, check it out!\"{/i}" "{i}\"Ehi, guarda qua!\"{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:137 translate it chapter_1_7550897a: # "{i}\"Is that a skinnie?\"{/i}" "{i}\"Ma è un senza-squame?\"{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:139 translate it chapter_1_caa565bb: # "{i}\"Where’s his spear?{w=0.4} Aren’t they all like, spear chuckers or something?\"{/i}" "{i}\"Dov'è la sua lancia?{w=0.4} Non sono tutti tipo, trogloditi o una cosa del genere?\"{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:141 translate it chapter_1_a073d7b7: # "{i}\"Bet he eats his own kind.\"{/i}" "{i}\"Scommetto che è cannibale.\"{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:144 translate it chapter_1_2c969baa: # "They probably see me as some kind of circus attraction and nothing more." "Probabilmente mi vedono come una specie di attrazione da circo e niente più." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:146 translate it chapter_1_48ed7c65: # "Ha, I’m the freakshow among this cereal box mascot crowd." "Ahah, sono il fenomeno da baraccone in mezzo alla folla di mascotte dei cereali." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:148 translate it chapter_1_c55fea5a: # "Taking acid is not nearly as colorful as going to Volcano High, I should write that down." "Neanche se mi fossi strafatto di acidi avrei visto così tanti colori come qui a Volcano High, questa me la segno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:151 translate it chapter_1_95fcf390: # "As I write \"{i}write that down{/i}\" on my phone’s note app, I noticed the surrounding students stopped looking at me, which is good." "Mentre scrivo \"{i}questa me la segno{/i}\" sull'app di note del mio telefono, noto che gli studenti hanno smesso di fissarmi, il che è un bene." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:153 translate it chapter_1_06e5f4ba: # "I can peep around the friend circles without a problem now." "Ora posso sbirciare nei gruppetti di amici senza problemi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:155 translate it chapter_1_d3abf380: # "Not like I'll ever be a part of one anyway." "Non che ne farò mai parte di uno, in ogni caso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:170 translate it chapter_1_84a584c0: # "?" "?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:183 translate it chapter_1_297e964b: # "Talk about wanting to stand out, I never thought it was possible to look like you were from a black and white twenties cartoon." "A proposito di voler mettersi in mostra, non avrei mai pensato fosse possibile per qualcuno di sembrare uscito da un cartone degli anni venti in bianco e nero." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:186 translate it chapter_1_1770ba3b: # "She does differ from the other technicolor students though{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Sembra diversa dagli altri studenti in technicolor, però{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:189 translate it chapter_1_49917820: # "...in the worst way possible." "...nel peggior modo possibile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:196 translate it chapter_1_60e2a362: # "O-oh yeah.{w=0.4} She's staring at me{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "O-oh già.{w=0.4} Mi sta fissando{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:198 translate it chapter_1_599c4881: # "...with that look." "...con quello sguardo" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:200 translate it chapter_1_e50329a0: # "{cps=*0.4}Fucking hell.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.4}Porca troia.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:203 translate it chapter_1_d0160bdb: # "Has she never seen a human in her life?" "Non ha mai visto un umano in vita sua?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:206 translate it chapter_1_1b18e2c6: # "{cps=*0.4}I fucking hate that look.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.4}Mi sta sul cazzo quello sguardo.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:209 translate it chapter_1_f7b8cf08: # "Contempt." "Disprezzo" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:211 translate it chapter_1_cdb596c4: # "Judging." "Giudizio" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:213 translate it chapter_1_c30b5374: # "Everyone that has looked at me like that never proved to be anything more than an asshole." "Ogni persona che mi ha guardato in quel modo non ha mai dimostrato di essere tutt'altro che uno stronzo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:216 translate it chapter_1_b6bf5d89: # "Like I'M the anomaly here. She's just as dumb and insufferable as the rest of them." "Come se l'anomalia qui fossi IO. È stupida e insopportabile come gli altri." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:218 translate it chapter_1_1d6c3c9a: # "She’s probably no better than me, miss \"my snout is so big I can land a plane on it\"." "Lei non è meglio di me, signorina \"il mio muso è così lungo che può fare da portaerei\"." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:220 translate it chapter_1_14b3f71b: # "Go back to your friends." "Torna dai tuoi amici." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:231 translate it chapter_1_a439b59a: # "Huh." "Huh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:233 translate it chapter_1_1b66350f: # "She did." "L'ha fatto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:236 translate it chapter_1_2725013b: # "I feel like I should say something." "Mi sento come se dovessi dire qualcosa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:240 translate it chapter_1_f46581f9: # "I notice that all this time my knees were weak and my arms were heavy." "Faccio caso che per tutto questo tempo le mie ginocchia erano deboli e le mie braccia pesanti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:243 translate it chapter_1_5b0490b5: # "My feet carry me over the soggy grass as I look for somewhere else to be." "I miei piedi mi trascinano verso l'erba bagnata mentre cerco un altro posto dove stare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:245 translate it chapter_1_a93bd557: # "On the side of the building is where I find sanctuary." "Trovo asilo sul lato dell'edificio" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:263 translate it chapter_1_2520286c: # "It’s a small alcove of sorts." "È una specie di piccola nicchia" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:265 translate it chapter_1_248b7672: # "The pavement is cracked to bits and the shrubs surrounding it are overgrown." "Il pavimento è a pezzi e gli arbusti che lo circondano sono troppo cresciuti" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:267 translate it chapter_1_a74eebe1: # "Even the bench, cracked paint on rotted wood held between two concrete legs, matched the ‘abandoned’ vibe of the place." "Anche la panchina, con la vernice screpolata su legno marcio, tenuta in piedi da due gambe di cemento, si addiceva all'aria abbandonata del posto" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:270 translate it chapter_1_89c08daa: # "It was perfect." "Era perfetta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:280 translate it chapter_1_ac35edd8: # "I flop down on the wet bench and the violent crack from it makes my heart drop." "Mi butto sulla panchina bagnata e il violento crack che fa mi fa saltare un battito." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:283 translate it chapter_1_c2ca2ec7: # "Almost perfect but good enough." "Quasi perfetta ma andrà bene." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:286 translate it chapter_1_f36a33bd: # "I feel a tightness in my chest and my lungs fight to draw air in." "Sento una stretta al petto e i miei polmoni fanno fatica a prendere aria." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:291 translate it chapter_1_0808b0bf: # "Head in my hands I can fully understand what I’ve done now." "Con la testa tra le mani, posso capire a pieno cosa ho fatto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:293 translate it chapter_1_fcbaf4fb: # "Six months in a new school." "Sei mesi in una nuova scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:295 translate it chapter_1_a9b6dce0: # "A year on my own in some rundown apartment in a town I know nothing about." "Un anno da solo in un appartamento malandato in una città che non conosco." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:297 translate it chapter_1_ea73072e: # "All on my own." "Tutto da solo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:300 translate it chapter_1_c9e178c2: # "Three weeks." "Tre settimane" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:302 translate it chapter_1_5730d968: # "It took a day for me to want to change schools, three weeks to make it happen, and now this is my life for the next year. " "C'è voluto un giorno per voler cambiare scuola, tre settimane per farlo accadere, ed ora questa è la mia vita per il prossimo anno. " # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:305 translate it chapter_1_d058512d: # "I think back to my old man’s ultimatum." "Ripenso all'ultimatum del vecchio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:307 translate it chapter_1_2154dbf1: # "{i}Once the lease is done, Anon, either college or the service.{/i}" "{i}Quando scade il contratto dell'affitto, Anon, o il college o il militare.{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:309 translate it chapter_1_62618ca4: # "{i}{cps=*0.35}I don’t care which.{/cps}{/i}" "{i}{cps=*0.35}Non mi importa quale.{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:324 translate it chapter_1_0be7640f: # unknown "{cps=*0.5}Would you happen to be Anon?{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.5}Per caso sei Anon?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:327 translate it chapter_1_6402fd69: # "I look up." "Guardo in alto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:329 translate it chapter_1_a31a12af: # "The bench broke down." "La panchina si rompe." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:349 translate it chapter_1_b0f6f9d5: # "I lay on the ground, ass hurt from hitting jagged concrete and splintered wood." "Giaccio a terra, con il culo addolorato, dopo essere caduto su cemento frastagliato e legno scheggiato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:351 translate it chapter_1_3c656109: # "Thank god for jeans." "Grazie a dio per i jeans." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:364 translate it chapter_1_3be2f9ed: # unknown "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" unknown "Oddio! Tutto bene?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:367 translate it chapter_1_129c2868: # "I groan." "Gemo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:369 translate it chapter_1_60d064fb: # A "{cps=*0.35}Never better...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.35}Mai stato meglio...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:371 translate it chapter_1_1804798f: # "I instinctively apply my ‘chill guy’ facade in the presence of strangers to hide how uneasy I am today." "Applico istintivamente la mia maschera da ‘rilassato’ in presenza di estranei per nascondere quanto male mi sento oggi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:373 translate it chapter_1_b219f646: # "A hand is held over my face.{w=0.5} In my pain addled confusion, I shake it." "Una mano viene tesa davanti al mio viso.{w=0.5} Nella mia angosciante confusione, la scuoto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:376 translate it chapter_1_b3e103a4: # unknown "Naser!" unknown "Naser!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:378 translate it chapter_1_39a6d706: # Nas "Right, right." Nas "Giusto, giusto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:390 translate it chapter_1_5c4795b8: # "The hand tightens around my own and pulls roughly." "La stretta diventa più forte e mi tira con forza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:402 translate it chapter_1_49e5d07f: # "The force is enough for my feet to get under me, stumbling back up to stand before the pair of strangers." "È forte abbastanza da rimettermi in piedi, e con fatica mi rialzo davanti ai due estranei." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:404 translate it chapter_1_c5c5d024: # "It also felt like enough force to pull my arm out of its socket." "Forte abbastanza anche da potermi staccare il braccio dalla spalla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:409 translate it chapter_1_771142b2: # A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} 'Sup?" A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Come butta?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:411 translate it chapter_1_fbdfd63f: # Nas "You're Anon, yeah?" Nas "Sei Anon, giusto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:414 translate it chapter_1_d9856389: # unknown "I'm glad we found you!" unknown "Sono felice che ti abbiamo trovato!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:418 translate it chapter_1_27fa7d70: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Who are you guys?{w=0.4} Why do you know my name?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Chi siete?{w=0.4} Perché sapete il mio nome?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:422 translate it chapter_1_b616be43: # unknown "Where are my manners!{w=0.6}{nw}" unknown "Dove sono le mie maniere!{w=0.6}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:426 translate it chapter_1_abb93ace: # N "Where are my manners!{fast} My name is Naomi, student council president and your guide." N "Dove sono le mie maniere!{fast} Mi chiamo Naomi, presidente del consiglio studentesco e la tua guida." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:428 translate it chapter_1_3a6054f1: # N "It’s my sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance Anon!" N "Sono molto lieta di conoscerti Anon!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:431 translate it chapter_1_31526921: # Nas "We’re your welcoming committee." Nas "Siamo il tuo comitato di benvenuto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:435 translate it chapter_1_c92353e8: # A "O{w=0.3}-kay then." A "O{w=0.3}-kay allora." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:437 translate it chapter_1_0608a562: # "{cps=*0.5}Is that really necessary?{/cps}" "{cps=*0.5}È davvero necessario?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:440 translate it chapter_1_8c056025: # N "I had this prepared just for you!" N "Ho preso questa apposta per te!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:451 translate it chapter_1_27086932: # "The orange one, Naomi, hands me a brochure." "Quella arancione, Naomi, mi da una brochure." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:457 translate it chapter_1_850cabfa: # "{i}\"Volcano High and You:{w=0.4} A New Beginning to Adulthood.\"{/i}" "{i}\"Tu e Volcano High:{w=0.4} Un nuovo inizio verso la Maturità.\"{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:459 translate it chapter_1_9468ed67: # "The title alone makes me gag." "Già il titolo mi fa vomitare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:461 translate it chapter_1_bf251447: # "The orange one, Naomi, looks at me expectantly." "Quella arancione, Naomi, mi guarda pazientemente" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:464 translate it chapter_1_fb75a2c7: # "The brochure is full of the typical trivialities." "La brochure è piena delle solite cose" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:466 translate it chapter_1_c2633dd8: # "College prep, financial assistance, after school programs{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Preparazione al college, assistenza finanziaria, programmi di doposcuola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:468 translate it chapter_1_a30fcfe5: # "None of it matters." "Niente di questo ha importanza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:475 translate it chapter_1_a208a3ea: # Nas "Babe, I’ve got some things to take care of." Nas "Amore, ho delle cose di cui mi devo occupare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:477 translate it chapter_1_8bc85051: # "Naser looks back to the school entrance. I follow his eyes and see some people trying to lift a large speaker up the stairs of the school." "Naser volge lo sguardo all'ingresso della scuola. Seguo i suoi occhi e vedo un po' di persone che provano a trasportare un grande altoparlante per le scale " # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:480 translate it chapter_1_56f4f8ad: # N "O{w=.1}-oh." N "O{w=.1}-oh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:482 translate it chapter_1_2f07c130: # N "I’ll see you at lunch, right Naser?" N "Ci vediamo a pranzo, vero Naser?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:485 translate it chapter_1_31c52a21: # "She looks dejected." "Sembra abbattuta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:489 translate it chapter_1_2fc96c72: # Nas "*chuckles*{w=0.4} Of course." Nas "*ridacchia*{w=0.4} Ovvio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:504 translate it chapter_1_4f11694c: # "Naser pulls her into a hug and nudges his muzzle against hers." "Naser le dà un abbraccio e strofina il suo muso con quello di lei." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:506 translate it chapter_1_2e380ba2: # "Is that how dinos kiss?" "È così che si baciano i dinosauri?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:523 translate it chapter_1_15dddff5: # "He leaves, running quickly to assist with the heavy sound equipment." "Lui se ne va, correndo in fretta per assistere con il pesante equipaggiamento sonoro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:526 translate it chapter_1_5af8024d: # N "Ahem." N "Ahem." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:532 translate it chapter_1_4f772110: # "I turn back to Naomi. She smiles again, though there is a plasticity to it." "Mi giro verso Naomi. Sorride di nuovo, anche se sembra di plastica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:535 translate it chapter_1_0cd9f166: # N "So, Anon, why did you transfer here?" N "Quindi, Anon, perché ti sei trasferito qui?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:538 translate it chapter_1_37064025: # "The question catches me off guard." "La domanda mi prende alla sprovvista" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:542 translate it chapter_1_9ffb9ad4: # "I freeze like a deer caught in headlights, scrambling to come up with any plausible answer." "Mi blocco come un cervo davanti a dei fanali, facendo fatica a inventare una risposta plausibile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:545 translate it chapter_1_eb40a622: # "It’s an innocent question, she can’t have known, could she?" "È una domanda innocente, lei non lo sà, vero?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:547 translate it chapter_1_f2eb215c: # "What did mom and pop put in the transfer request form when they shipped my ass here?" "Cosa hanno scritto mamma e papà sul modulo della richiesta di trasferimento quando mi hanno spedito a calci in culo qui?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:551 translate it chapter_1_3ddd19bb: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:554 translate it chapter_1_59c50f1f: # N "You uh, don’t have to answer if you don’t want to." N "Uh, non devi rispondere se non vuoi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:557 translate it chapter_1_1b69ce26: # "I focus my attention on the brochure out of embarrassment." "Mi concentro sulla brochure per l'imbarazzo" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:561 translate it chapter_1_022a6cae: # "Lunch! Right! I’m getting kinda hungry!" "Pranzo! Giusto! Mi sta venendo fame!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:563 translate it chapter_1_cc42047e: # "What about something to eat?" "Che ne dici di qualcosa da mangiare?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:565 translate it chapter_1_124ed23f: # "Yadda yadda, herbivore, vegan, tofu, {cps=*0.6}disgusting{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Bla bla, erbivori, vegano, tofu, {cps=*0.6}disgustoso{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:568 translate it chapter_1_7e32f54d: # "Wait, hold on{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Aspetta, aspetta un attimo{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:570 translate it chapter_1_312bc1f1: # "Carnivore line, Filet Mignon-{w=.4} what the fuck is wrong with this school?!" "Linea Carnivora, Filet Mignon-{w=.4} che cazzo di problemi ha questa scuola?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:573 translate it chapter_1_cf7b8513: # A "Is there a soup kitchen or something around here?" A "Non c'è una mensa per i poveri o una cosa del genere qua intorno?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:577 translate it chapter_1_5c18df95: # N "Oh dear{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.7}{nw}" N "Oh cielo{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.7}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:579 translate it chapter_1_279f8205: # N "Oh dear...{fast} Anon, are you in need of financial assistance?" N "Oh cielo...{fast} Anon, hai bisogno di sostegno finanziario?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:582 translate it chapter_1_02130b64: # A "I can figure things out on my own, don’t worry too much about it." A "Me la posso cavare da solo, non ti preoccupare" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:587 translate it chapter_1_bc766f4f: # N "Oh, the school here has programs to help it’s less fortunate students!" N "Oh, la scuola ha dei programmi per aiutare gli studenti meno fortunati!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:591 translate it chapter_1_4ba2ed0f: # N "The principal here is great, come on, I’ll take you to him!" N "Il preside è ottimo, dai, ti porto da lui!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:595 translate it chapter_1_b709eb92: # "The absolute last thing I want to be doing is asking for handouts{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "L'ultima cosa che voglio fare è andare in giro a chiedere l'elemosina {cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:597 translate it chapter_1_1fae028b: # A "{cps=*0.35}Actually,{w=.4} I-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" A "{cps=*0.35}Ecco,{w=.4} io-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:610 translate it chapter_1_71ef7c12: # "Naomi grabs my hand and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Naomi mi prende per mano e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:614 translate it chapter_1_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:626 translate it chapter_1_78048af8: # "{cps=*0.5}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{/cps}" with vpunch "{cps=*0.5}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{/cps}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:629 translate it chapter_1_851a1cbe: # "ALERT" "ALLARME" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:632 translate it chapter_1_851a1cbe_1: # "ALERT" "ALLARME" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:635 translate it chapter_1_6ad49046: # "DEFCON LEVEL ONE!{w=0.5} DEFCON LEVEL ONE!" "DEFCON LIVELLO UNO!{w=0.5} DEFCON LIVELLO UNO!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:637 translate it chapter_1_ef0a6907: # "FEMALE MAKING PHYSICAL CONTACT" "FEMMINA STA FACENDO CONTATTO FISICO" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:639 translate it chapter_1_1b097de1: # "DO NOT PANIC" "NON ANDARE NEL PANICO" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:642 translate it chapter_1_1b097de1_1: # "DO NOT PANIC" "NON ANDARE NEL PANICO" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:645 translate it chapter_1_fe45e0a2: # "GET A GRIP ON THE SITUATION" "RITORNA IN TE" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:648 translate it chapter_1_1ab92254: # "THIS IS NAOMI." "QUESTA È NAOMI." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:650 translate it chapter_1_8fa3f982: # "SHE’S TAKING ME SOMEWHERE BY THE HAND{w=0.15} {size=-5}HAND{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-10}HAND{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-15}HAND{/size}" "MI STA PORTANDO DA QUALCHE PARTE PER MANO{w=0.15} {size=-5}MANO{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-10}MANO{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-15}MANO{/size}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:653 translate it chapter_1_51f126b6: # "SHE ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND DOESN’T SHE?" "LEI HA GIÀ UN RAGAZZO NON È VERO?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:656 translate it chapter_1_24a25c08: # "WAIT" "ASPETTA" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:660 translate it chapter_1_37823eb7: # "SHE ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND" "LEI HA GIÀ UN RAGAZZO" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:663 translate it chapter_1_24272216: # "I AM SAFE." "SONO AL SICURO." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:670 translate it chapter_1_469e414e: # "Okay, okay. Just stay silent and don’t make a mess of things." "Okay, okay. Stai zitto e non fare un casino" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:687 translate it chapter_1_7c6d4764: # "{cps=*0.1}......{/cps}" "{cps=*0.1}......{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:689 translate it chapter_1_9d0fec52: # "It’s so soft, and smooth, and surprisingly warm for scales." "È così soffice, e liscia, e sorprendentemente calda nonostante le squame." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:692 translate it chapter_1_c1877b29: # "How lewd." "Quanta indecenza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:694 translate it chapter_1_2099d1d5: # "Day one and I’ve already fallen to such depraved lows as handholding." "È solo il primo giorno e già sono caduto nelle oscenità più basse come il tenersi per mano." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:707 translate it chapter_1_03f4d699: # N "Here we are Anon. Principal Spears should be able to help with your money situation." N "Eccoci qui Anon. Il Preside Spears dovrebbe essere in grado di aiutarti con la tua situazione economica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:710 translate it chapter_1_71e39bde: # "Huwhat." "Checos." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:712 translate it chapter_1_c13a640e: # "Oh. Right." "Oh. Giusto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:716 translate it chapter_1_4d09988d: # "Naomi knocks on the door." "Naomi bussa alla porta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:719 translate it chapter_1_4ab37fa7: # unknown "State your business!" unknown "Dite cosa volete!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:723 translate it chapter_1_1b7d2bb9: # N "The new student needs financial help, Principal Spears." N "Il nuovo studente ha bisogno di aiuto finanziario, Preside Spears." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:728 translate it chapter_1_adfe6f99: # Sp "Lend him a five!" Sp "Prestagli 5 dollari!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:730 translate it chapter_1_c9c6117f: # N "I think he means the loan program, sir." N "Credo che intenda il programma di prestiti, signore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:732 translate it chapter_1_b943d34d: # Sp "Tell him to come in later, I’m dealing with another student." Sp "Digli di venire dopo, mi sto occupando di un altro studente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:736 translate it chapter_1_1f9f56e2: # unknown "-THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER?!" with vpunch unknown "-CHE CAZZO VUOL DIRE CHE POI DEVO PULIRE?!" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:740 translate it chapter_1_c3f49d99: # N "Tsk." N "Tsk." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:745 translate it chapter_1_7d8e9279: # "The orange parasaurolophus’ expression quickly changes from{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} whatever that was to that same smile she’s had up until now." "L'espressione del parasaurolofo arancione muta in fretta da{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} qualsiasi cosa fosse quella allo stesso sorriso di prima." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:750 translate it chapter_1_bf193cce: # N "Well Anon, why don’t I show you to class? Home room should be starting soon." N "Bene Anon, perché non ti faccio vedere la classe? L'appello sta per iniziare" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:754 translate it chapter_1_7a4749a2: # "Right. Home room. I take out my crumpled schedule from my pocket." "Bene. Appello. Prendo il foglio accartocciato dalla mia tasca." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:756 translate it chapter_1_f7f6fb1e: # "Naomi takes the slip from me." "Naomi mi prende il foglio dalle mani" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:758 translate it chapter_1_37747083: # "And blows my eardrums out with a squeal capable of shattering glass." "E mi perfora i timpani con un strillo in grado in spaccare il vetro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:764 translate it chapter_1_4046c8d3: # N "We share first period and English together!" N "Abbiamo la prima ora e inglese insieme!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:766 translate it chapter_1_cc8fddc8: # N "Come on, I’ll introduce you to the class and you’ll be able to make all sorts of new friends!" N "Dai, ti presento alla classe e potrai fare tanti nuovi amici!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:771 translate it chapter_1_ffa4eff0: # "{cps=*.2}Yay me.{/cps}" "{cps=*.2}Che bello.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:825 translate it chapter_1_2646b746: # "I follow after her to a classroom on the 2nd floor. The seats were being filled with students." "La seguo fino a una classe al secondo piano. I banchi si riempivano di studenti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:827 translate it chapter_1_828f6ef9: # "I take one near the front, knowing I’ll have to introduce myself. I’ll probably be doing that for all my classes." "Mi siedo a uno nelle prime file, sapendo che mi dovrò presentare. Lo dovrò fare per ogni classe probabilmente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:830 translate it chapter_1_5ae03075: # "{cps=*0.4}Fuck my life.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.4}Che vita di merda.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:848 translate it chapter_1_927e213a: # "The artificial ring of a bell blares from a speaker on the wall. With it everyone waits as the teacher finally enters the room and shuts the door." "Il suono artificiale di una campanella squilla da una cassa sul muro. Con quella tutti attendono mentre il professore finalmente entra in classe e chiude la porta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:856 translate it chapter_1_ac541a2e: # Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Ohayo gozaimasu curassu. Tudei yu habu e niu curassu-meito tsu Borukeino Hai{/cps}" Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Ohayo gozaimasu crasse. Ogi abiamo nuovo studente a Vorukeino Hai{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:859 translate it chapter_1_67aaa788: # "What?" "Che?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:861 translate it chapter_1_64bb90bc: # Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun puriizu camu appu zen intorudiusu yooru serfu{/cps}" Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun pelfavole vieni e plesentati{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:864 translate it chapter_1_37d680a4: # "Naomi coughs and makes a subtle nod up." "Naomi tossisce e fa un leggero cenno con la testa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:870 translate it chapter_1_42f3e19f: # "OH!" "OH!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:873 translate it chapter_1_4979e949: # "I stand from my seat and face the class." "Mi alzo dal banco e guardo la classe." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:875 translate it chapter_1_ebe6aa8c: # "Once again all eyes on me and the tightness in my chest returns. I inhale deep, willing my erratic heart to slow." "Ancora una volta mi ritrovo con tutti gli occhi addosso e una stretta al petto. Faccio un respiro profondo, ordinando al mio cuore impazzito di rallentare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:892 translate it chapter_1_161540de: # A "Hey{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "Hey{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:895 translate it chapter_1_9207fde9: # "Again those eyes, just like three weeks ago." "Di nuovo quegli occhi, proprio come tre settimane fa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:897 translate it chapter_1_d73012b6: # A "My name is Anon. I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "Mi chiamo Anon. E uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:899 translate it chapter_1_8053e463: # "Just like every day for the past four months." "Proprio come ogni giorno negli ultimi quattro mesi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:901 translate it chapter_1_1b2a8f40: # A "I don’t really have any hobbies." A "Non ho veri e propri hobby." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:904 translate it chapter_1_409fba67: # "I wanted to flee." "Volevo scappare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:906 translate it chapter_1_a5f89624: # "Hide away." "Nascondermi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:908 translate it chapter_1_a00640d6: # "Anything to avoid those judging eyes." "Qualsiasi cosa per evitare quegli occhi critici." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:911 translate it chapter_1_c06e1f25: # N "{cps=*0.5}What was your old school like?{/cps}" N "{cps=*0.5}Come era la tua vecchia scuola?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:921 translate it chapter_1_bf9b6be6: # "My throat clenches. I think back again to it all." "Ho un nodo in gola. Ripenso a tutto quanto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:923 translate it chapter_1_6e5f6344: # A "Uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} I{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" A "Uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Io{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:925 translate it chapter_1_049b957e: # "There’s whispers now." "Ora ci sono dei bisbigli." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:927 translate it chapter_1_9f5f7131: # "The hushed tones, silenced snickers, blending with the everpresent stares." "I toni ovattati, le risatine silenziose, si fondono con i loro sguardi fissi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:929 translate it chapter_1_e59ae129: # "My heart hammers at my chest and I am sure that they all can hear it. See the cold chill racing over me." "Il cuore mi martella il petto e sono sicuro che tutti riescano a sentirlo, e anche a vedere il freddo brivido che mi trafiggeva." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:933 translate it chapter_1_d280ac58: # Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun, yuu du natto habu tsu ansaa zattu{/cps}" Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun, tu non avele bisogno di rispondele{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:946 translate it chapter_1_4b077f6b: # "His words snap me out of my trance." "Le sue parole mi riportano alla realtà." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:948 translate it chapter_1_32c4553f: # "Only Naomi was looking at me. The rest were preoccupied." "Solo Naomi mi stava guardando. Gli altri erano occupati." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:950 translate it chapter_1_3dd34bf6: # "Either talking about their winter break. Or catching up on sleep." "A parlare delle vacanze invernali. O a recuperare un po' di sonno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:953 translate it chapter_1_44659828: # "They’ve all been ignoring me the entire time." "Mi hanno ignorato tutto il tempo" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:958 translate it chapter_1_804873a0: # Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Puriizu retaano tsu yo shiito, Anon-kun.{/cps}" Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Pelfavole litolna a tuo banco, Anon-kun.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:960 translate it chapter_1_b5d4abf9: # Tsuki "{i}Hai{/i}, nao curassu-" Tsuki "{i}Hai{/i}, ola crasse-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:963 translate it chapter_1_ded7df67: # "{cps=*0.75}That was nothing like my Japanese animes.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.75}Non è stato per niente come i miei cartoni animati giapponesi.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:970 translate it chapter_1_b32e2dd2: # "Mr. Tsuki continued on, drawing what little attention there was to himself." " Il Sig. Tsuki continuò, richiamando la poca attenzione della classe su di sè." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:972 translate it chapter_1_2128295c: # "I sat down, finally feeling the blood that had caught in my legs rush up, leaving me lightheaded." "Mi siedo, e sento il sangue risalirmi dalle gambe, lasciandomi stordito." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:977 translate it chapter_1_e5721baa: # "And I probably have to do this for each class today?" "Ogni lezione di oggi sarà così?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:980 translate it chapter_1_62693e7c: # "{cps=*0.6}Double fuck my life.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.6}Che vitaccia di merda.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:987 translate it chapter_1_22e2899e: # "Awkward introduction after awkward introduction to classmates that couldn’t care less kept me anxious the whole morning." "Una presentazione imbarazzante dopo l'altra per dei compagni di classe a cui non gliene fregava niente, mi hanno reso ansioso per tutta la mattinata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:989 translate it chapter_1_7ca4575b: # "And there’s still the rest of the day to go." "E mancava ancora il resto della giornata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:998 translate it chapter_1_e0895b16: # "Eventually, lunch comes around." "Prima o poi, è ora di pranzo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1000 translate it chapter_1_031a8f80: # "All the edible stuff is well outside my price range of fucking free, so I settle for a pseudopizza." "Tutta la roba commestibile è ben oltre il mio fottuto budget, che è ‘zero’, quindi mi accontento di una pseudo-pizza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1002 translate it chapter_1_ea6155e9: # "The kind that becomes a viable weapon if you leave it alone for ten minutes." "Quelle che diventano vere e proprie armi se le lasci da sole per dieci minuti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1005 translate it chapter_1_14d01def: # "No time to waste after exiting the line, I scan the lunchroom for an open seat." "Non perdo tempo ad uscire dalla fila, scansiono l'aula pranzo per un posto libero." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1007 translate it chapter_1_e7b64473: # "I thought I had found a decent spot in the corner when disaster struck." "Pensavo di aver trovato un posto decente all'angolino quando succede il disastro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1030 translate it chapter_1_3e388f35: # "Said disaster was a hand grabbing my shoulder and turning me about." "Il disastro in questione era una mano che mi prendeva la spalla e mi girava." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1032 translate it chapter_1_58044b12: # "My plate of pizza shaped cardboard threatened to smear across my shirt." "Il mio piatto di cartone a forma di pizza minacciava di macchiare la mia maglietta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1034 translate it chapter_1_b9abab58: # "I fought the momentum of the tray until the hand that had spun me stabilized it and me." "Ho lottato contro lo slancio del vassoio, fino a che la mano che mi aveva girato stabilizzò entrambi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1046 translate it chapter_1_605c04e5: # Nas "Whoa there!{w=0.4} Nearly dropped your food Anon." Nas "Whoa attento!{w=0.4} Ti è quasi cascato da mangiare Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1053 translate it chapter_1_5f4149c7: # A "Yeah, whose fault is that?" A "Già, e di chi è la colpa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1059 translate it chapter_1_19f7b668: # Nas "...Yours?{fast}" Nas "...Tua?{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1062 translate it chapter_1_6ace475a: # "I swear to all that is good and holy." "Giuro su tutto ciò che è buono e santo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1067 translate it chapter_1_708e6335: # Nas "Wanna sit with us?" Nas "Ti vuoi sedere con noi?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1069 translate it chapter_1_0b716a4f: # A "What?" A "Cosa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1071 translate it chapter_1_687ab71e: # Nas "Wanna sit with Naomi and me? Since you’re new and all." Nas "Ti vuoi sedere con me e Naomi? Dato che sei nuovo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1073 translate it chapter_1_d1a698b5: # "He points to a table where the living pink sugar rush is waving." "Indica il tavolo dove la rosata scarica di zuccheri vivente ci stava salutando." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1076 translate it chapter_1_4d8c4393: # "God damn it." "Porca miseria." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1078 translate it chapter_1_dd6f52c6: # "I don’t want to make a scene." "Non voglio fare una scenata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1081 translate it chapter_1_5484a4d1: # A "{cps=*0.2}Suuuure{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.2}Ceeeertooooo{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1104 translate it chapter_1_011b9a25: # "Before I even sit down the barrage of questions begins." "Ancor prima che mi sieda comincia l'assalto di domande." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1113 translate it chapter_1_bdd9cc18: # N "SO!{w=0.5}{nw}" N "QUINDI!{w=0.5}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1115 translate it chapter_1_94a5cbc6: # N "What do you think of Volcano High?{w=0.4}{nw}" N "Cosa ne pensi di Volcano High?{w=0.4}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1117 translate it chapter_1_fbd39503: # N "How about your classes?{w=0.3}{nw}" N "Come sono state le lezioni?{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1119 translate it chapter_1_9825e9a1: # N "You seem-{w=0.3}{nw}" N "Sembri-{w=0.3}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1121 translate it chapter_1_950db4ca: # "I just nod along, starting to not pay attention." "Annuisco e comincio a non prestare attenzione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1125 translate it chapter_1_313d6883: # Nas "You looking forward to the rest of the day?" Nas "Non vedi l'ora di ritornare in classe?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1127 translate it chapter_1_c9d760f3: # A "Not really." A "Non proprio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1129 translate it chapter_1_97fb3c71: # A "All these introductions, you know?" A "Tutte queste presentazioni, capisci?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1131 translate it chapter_1_1e65db9b: # Nas "I get you, hard to talk to people you don’t know, right?" Nas "Ti capisco, è tosto parlare con persone che non conosci, giusto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1133 translate it chapter_1_fe078986: # A "Something like that, yeah." A "Diciamo di sì, già." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1136 translate it chapter_1_f7afbdbc: # A "Hell, last period I tripped in front of everyone. Talk about a first impression." A "Cioè, l'ora prima sono inciampato di fronte a tutti. Bella prima impressione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1140 translate it chapter_1_42071ee3: # Nas "I don’t think they’d care too much." Nas "Non credo gliene freghi molto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1147 translate it chapter_1_728808ea: # N "Have you had any trouble since then?{w=0.4} Do you have enough money for food today?" N "Hai avuto problemi da allora?{w=0.4} Hai abbastanza soldi per mangiare?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1154 translate it chapter_1_76fc311e: # Nas "Oh, you’re short on food money man?" Nas "Oh, sei al verde?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1164 translate it chapter_1_1a004ba0: # A "Not really, just got to sign up for some handouts." A "Non esattamente, basta richiedere qualche sussidio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1168 translate it chapter_1_a8d6f66e: # "Naomi is starting to look disappointed I’m only picking up on Naser’s interjections." "Naomi comincia ad avere una faccia delusa dato che sto rispondendo solo a Naser." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1170 translate it chapter_1_06c36783: # Nas "If you need a bit more extra chow, there’s going to be free refreshments at my si--{w=0.4} uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Se vuoi qualcosa in più da sgranocchiare, ci sarà un rinfresco oggi al concerto di mia sore--{w=0.4} uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1175 translate it chapter_1_42bd1eee: # Nas "At Fang’s concert after school today" Nas "Al concerto di Fang oggi dopo la scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1177 translate it chapter_1_4a1d7796: # A "Your what?" A "La tua che?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1180 translate it chapter_1_fa038881: # Nas "Fang." Nas "Fang." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1182 translate it chapter_1_41b7057b: # A "Your brother or{cps=*0.2}...?{/cps}" A "Tuo fratello o{cps=*0.2}...?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1185 translate it chapter_1_a83f6e18: # Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{cps=*0.3}Sibling.{/cps}" Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{cps=*0.3}Parente.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1188 translate it chapter_1_0ad25b8b: # "What." "Che." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1192 translate it chapter_1_27717921: # Nas "Fang’s gonna have some extra pizzas for the show. You could take some home." Nas "Ci saranno un po' di pizze extra al concerto di Fang. Se vuoi te le puoi portare a casa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1194 translate it chapter_1_ad9c1b57: # A "I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} dunno about concerts." A "Io uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} non ne so niente di concerti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1196 translate it chapter_1_4913198e: # A "Not really one for public events like that." A "Non sono uno da eventi pubblici del genere." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1199 translate it chapter_1_0a35062f: # Nas "Alright man, just thought you could use a few opportunities to make friends." Nas "Capito, dico solo che questa potrebbe essere un'occasione per fare amicizie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1202 translate it chapter_1_42c98a99: # "What was that?" "Come scusa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1204 translate it chapter_1_3c88d5d3: # "I’ll assume that wasn’t meant to be malicious." "Presumo che non l'abbia detto con cattiveria, almeno credo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1208 translate it chapter_1_61e3b8da: # A "{cps=*0.5}I’ll consider it.{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.5}Ci farò un pensierino.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1213 translate it chapter_1_eb047db5: # N "Hey!{w=0.4} Don’t leave me out of the conversation!" N "Hey!{w=0.4} Non escludetemi dalla conversazione!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1217 translate it chapter_1_919fe3c6: # N "How about I help you pick out some cheap food after school?" N "Che ne dici se ti aiutassi a scegliere del cibo economico dopo la scuola?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1219 translate it chapter_1_0b40d74e: # N "I know some {i}great{/i} vegan shops in the area!" N "Conosco dei negozi vegani {i}favolosi{/i} in zona!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1222 translate it chapter_1_079a44cb: # "My stomach rolls at the V-word." "La parola con la V mi da il voltastomaco." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1224 translate it chapter_1_b0a72d47: # A "{cps=*0.25}Maaaaybe{/cps} another time, sorry." A "{cps=*0.25}Foooooorse{/cps} un'altra volta, scusa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1226 translate it chapter_1_52fa995c: # A "So about that concert Naser?" A "Hey Naser, stavi dicendo di quel concerto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1231 translate it chapter_1_addca604: # "Dinner and a show? Sign me the fuck up." "Cena con spettacolo? Dove cazzo devo firmare?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1235 translate it chapter_1_e1ff2b79: # A "So what do they play?" A "Cosa suonano?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1237 translate it chapter_1_eb76ce3c: # Nas "Music." Nas "Musica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1239 translate it chapter_1_666499c6: # A "Music?" A "Musica?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1241 translate it chapter_1_fc4c7e1e: # Nas "Yes." Nas "Sì." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1243 translate it chapter_1_7a2c17ec: # A "What kind?" A "Che tipo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1245 translate it chapter_1_fae0d782: # Nas "The kind you listen to." Nas "Quella che ascolti tu." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1247 translate it chapter_1_2a83dfa7: # A "Wh-{w=0.3} Well what genre?" A "Cos-{w=0.3} Che genere?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1250 translate it chapter_1_976280e4: # Nas "The good kind?" Nas "Quello bello?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1253 translate it chapter_1_6c1f02bc: # A "You don’t know, do you." A "Non lo sai, vero?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1256 translate it chapter_1_3a8a91aa: # Nas "Nope." Nas "No." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1258 translate it chapter_1_7aaea753: # "Well, free food is free food." "Vabbè, cibo gratis è cibo gratis." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1261 translate it chapter_1_e28c6cb3: # "I look at my pizza, noticing something is wrong." "Guardo la mia pizza e mi accorgo che qualcosa non va." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1263 translate it chapter_1_00d8ed37: # "I test it with my plastic spork and watch the cheap utensil shatter to bits." "Controllo con il mio forchiaio di plastica e vedo la scadente posata sgretolarsi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1266 translate it chapter_1_e574a586: # "I curse life for a third time today." "Maledico la mia vita per la terza volta oggi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1268 translate it chapter_1_cc1da391: # "The dreaded ten-minute mark has passed, rendering my ‘pizza’ only useful as building material." "I famigerati 10 minuti sono passati, ed ora la mia ‘pizza’ è buona solo come materiale edile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1272 translate it chapter_1_2130dc1b: # N "{cps=*0.3}Oh dear.{/cps}{w=0.4} Naser why don’t you split your sandwich with him?" N "{cps=*0.3}Oh cielo.{/cps}{w=0.4} Naser perché non dividi il tuo panino con lui?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1276 translate it chapter_1_d72dd327: # Nas "But it’s my sandwich!" Nas "Ma è il mio panino!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1281 translate it chapter_1_32272050: # N "It’s fine, we can split my vegan TLT!" N "Non ti preoccupare, possiamo dividere il mio TLT vegano!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1286 translate it chapter_1_56252d4a: # "Naser shudders and looks at his own footlong philly sub longingly." "Naser rabbrividisce e guarda il suo paninozzo con manzo, formaggio, e cipolle grigliate con nostalgia." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1288 translate it chapter_1_1184332a: # Nas "S{w=0.2}-sure thing, babe." Nas "C{w=0.2}-con piacere, amore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1297 translate it chapter_1_ac69b347: # "He tears the sandwich in two and hands me the larger half." "Divide il panino in due e mi dà la metà più grande" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1299 translate it chapter_1_32a0b257: # Nas "Here, Anon." Nas "Ecco, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1305 translate it chapter_1_7870f5e1: # "I will never forget your brave sacrifice." "Non dimenticherò mai il tuo eroico sacrificio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1308 translate it chapter_1_6fa69ebb: # "With that we all dig into our meal." "Con ciò cominciamo tutti a mangiare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1310 translate it chapter_1_c904541c: # "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1321 translate it chapter_1_6eab3a53: # "{cps=*0.2}-- After school --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Dopo la scuola --{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1324 translate it chapter_1_49090fe6: # "My classes after lunch were the same as before it." "Le lezioni dopo pranzo erano uguali a quelle prima." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1326 translate it chapter_1_acf08bec: # "By now I had a rehearsed introduction that only the teacher cared about." "A quel punto mi presentavo senza problemi ma interessava solo all'insegnante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1328 translate it chapter_1_2bcdb17e: # "My classmates were disinterested and I would sit down to be forgotten." "I miei compagni di classe erano disinteressati e vengo dimenticato dopo essermi seduto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1330 translate it chapter_1_0b13518e: # "I hope the rest of the year is just like that." "Spero che il resto dell'anno sarà così." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1332 translate it chapter_1_ea4df449: # "I just want to skate through it all." "Voglio solo che fili tutto liscio come l'olio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1334 translate it chapter_1_8bdb85ec: # "All that’s left for today is the concert. And dinner." "Per oggi non resta che il concerto. E la cena." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1349 translate it chapter_1_7e161d07: # "I wait outside the auditorium entrance with Naser, who was checking his phone for messages." "Aspetto all'ingresso dell'auditorium con Naser, che controllava i messaggi sul telefono." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1351 translate it chapter_1_6d62e671: # Nas "Right, Fang says the show is starting in a bit. See?" Nas "Ok, Fang dice che lo spettacolo inizierà tra poco. Vedi?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1356 translate it chapter_1_0d8a9028: # "Naser turns the screen to me." "Naser mi fa vedere lo schermo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1373 translate it chapter_1_d8045c29: # A "{cps=*0.15}FWR?{/cps}{w=0.4} Like, Franklin W. Roosevelt?" A "{cps=*0.15}RAT?{/cps}{w=0.4} Rock Antonio Tano?" # mi dispiace # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1375 translate it chapter_1_e20c2800: # Nas "Nah.{w=0.4} Fucked-wing retard." Nas "Nah.{w=0.4} Ritardato con l'Ala Tarpata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1378 translate it chapter_1_0d82ba41: # Nas "Fang’s words, not mine." Nas "Parole di Fang, non mie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1380 translate it chapter_1_a72c93ea: # A "Is your uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}sibling{w=0.4} always like this?" A "Il tuo uuh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}parente{w=0.4} si comporta sempre così?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1382 translate it chapter_1_3fcc25c3: # Nas "{cps=*0.4}Fang’s{/cps}{cps=*0.1}....{/cps}" Nas "{cps=*0.4}Fang è{/cps}{cps=*0.1}....{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1386 translate it chapter_1_82177a82: # "I wait for him to continue." "Aspetto che continui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1388 translate it chapter_1_6a112103: # Nas "Well um{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Beh uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1390 translate it chapter_1_6d7f7d55: # Nas "I mean, kinda?" Nas "Diciamo di sì?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1393 translate it chapter_1_b74dfa4e: # A "Glad I’m an only child." A "Per fortuna che sono figlio unico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1396 translate it chapter_1_5ca6e608: # "Naser glares at me." "Naser mi dà un'occhiataccia." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1399 translate it chapter_1_fc2d184a: # Nas "Fang’s still family." Nas "Fang è pur sempre famiglia." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1401 translate it chapter_1_c40a8d13: # A "Ah, sorry. Just saying is all." A "Ah, scusa. Solo per dire." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1404 translate it chapter_1_f5c16365: # "Naser deflates." "Naser si calma." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1406 translate it chapter_1_3c54384b: # Nas "You’re good, Anon." Nas "Tutto apposto, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1408 translate it chapter_1_9195a178: # Nas "And yeah, they’re family but Fang’s just so{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} so{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Comunque sì, ləi è sempre parte della famiglia ma Fang è così{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} così{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1411 translate it chapter_1_123e9914: # A "Difficult?" A "Difficile?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1414 translate it chapter_1_4627db0a: # Nas "YES!{w=0.4} Difficult!{w=0.4} And I don’t know why." Nas "ESATTO!{w=0.4} Difficile!{w=0.4} E non capisco perché." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1416 translate it chapter_1_cc465ad6: # A "Sounds rough." A "Che bordello." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1419 translate it chapter_1_dd18c493: # Nas "It is." Nas "Già." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1421 translate it chapter_1_630812d9: # Nas "Like, I know sh-{w=0.4} THEY care{w=0.4} but Fang doesn’t even wanna be around me." Nas "Cioè, lo so che a le-{w=0.4} A LƏI importa{w=0.4} ma Fang non vuole avere a che fare con me." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1423 translate it chapter_1_a06e7411: # A "{cps=*0.25}Hmmm.{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.25}Hmmm.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1427 translate it chapter_1_be9681df: # "Finally the doors open and I smell the cheesy, heart-clogging goodness within." "Finalmente le porte si spalancano e riesco ad annusare quelle bontà da infarto al formaggio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1430 translate it chapter_1_126aaa3a: # Nas "Sweet. Come on, Anon." Nas "Ottimo. Dai entra, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1440 translate it chapter_1_f0ecf94f: # "{cps=*0.6}A caveman of a man holds open the door for everyone.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.6}Un uomo bestiale tiene la porta aperta per tutti.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1453 translate it chapter_1_fde6f7a0: # unknown "Wait.{fast}" unknown "Aspetta.{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1456 translate it chapter_1_a8a4e02a: # "His massive hand stops me." "Vengo fermato dalla sua mano enorme." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1459 translate it chapter_1_8d85773e: # A "A{w=0.2}-ah. Y-yes?" A "A{w=0.2}-ah. S-sì?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1461 translate it chapter_1_5b61c964: # "I’m guided to the side, away from the crowd that’s filtering into the auditorium." "Mi mette in disparte, lontano dalla folla che entrava nell'auditorium." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1469 translate it chapter_1_0b2f902b: # unknown "So how are you feeling about our lovely school, Anon?" unknown "Quindi, cosa ne pensi della nostra bellissima scuola, Anon?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1474 translate it chapter_1_07fe5707: # A "{cps=*0.1}Uh...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.1}Uh...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1476 translate it chapter_1_918a4b16: # "It’s the spear-shaped pin on his lapel that reads ‘principal’ that informs me of who this giant is." "Dopo aver letto ‘preside’ sulla spilla a forma di lancia che ha sul risvolto, mi rendo conto chi è questo gigante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1478 translate it chapter_1_725dc4b1: # A "O{w=0.1}-oh!{w=0.4} It’s uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}nice?!" A "O{w=0.1}-oh!{w=0.4} È uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}piacevole?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1480 translate it chapter_1_2f0c9e99: # A "Cleaner than my old school." A "Più pulita della mia vecchia scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1482 translate it chapter_1_d87e681d: # "He guffaws and slaps his chest." "Sghignazza e batte sul petto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1485 translate it chapter_1_b3d274ae: # Sp "You can thank your classmates for that." Sp "Tutto merito dei tuoi compagni di classe." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1488 translate it chapter_1_67aaa788_1: # "What?" "Che?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1491 translate it chapter_1_bc08ed67: # Sp "Now, go enjoy the show." Sp "Vai, divertiti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1493 translate it chapter_1_73b69041: # A "Yes sir." A "Si signore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1496 translate it chapter_1_c7747a59: # Sp "Oh, I do need you to come by my office tomorrow for some paperwork." Sp "Oh, domani dovresti venire nel mio ufficio per qualche pratica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1499 translate it chapter_1_cca270f2: # "I nod and go back to the door where Naser is standing, holding it open for the last of the audience to go inside." "Annuisco e torno vicino alla porta da Naser, che la sta tenendo aperta per far entrare gli ultimi arrivati." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1519 translate it chapter_1_fa62d78f: # "Naser leads me and the large crowd into the shitty school theater." "Naser guida me e l'enorme folla nel merdoso teatro scolastico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1521 translate it chapter_1_a66ce908: # "The foyer has tables with boxes of pizzas stacked taller than me." "All'ingresso ci sono dei tavoli con torri pendenti di pizza più alte di me." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1526 translate it chapter_1_bb1fbe51: # Nas "You can take a couple boxes after, Anon. That should help ya out." Nas "Poi ne puoi prendere un paio, Anon. Così dovresti stare a posto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1529 translate it chapter_1_19fe706d: # A "Who the hell got all these anyway?" A "Chi diamine ne ha ordinate cosi tante?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1531 translate it chapter_1_a5ad2fc3: # Nas "I did." Nas "Io." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1533 translate it chapter_1_3dccdd72: # "I take a box down from the stack. Others have already started stacking their plates." "Prendo una scatola dalla torre. Gli altri hanno già cominciato a riempire i piatti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1536 translate it chapter_1_15bfd602: # "I check the logo on the box." "Do una controllata al logo sulla scatola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1538 translate it chapter_1_557c71ef: # A "And to get so many larges from{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} \"Dino-moe’s Pizza\"?" A "Per prendere così tante pizze grandi da{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} \"Dino-moe’s Pizza\"?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1540 translate it chapter_1_7aaa8470: # A "That’s a couple hundred bucks though." A "Saranno voluti un paio di centinaia di dollari." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1543 translate it chapter_1_151cd8be: # Nas "Meh, ‘bout a month’s allowance." Nas "Meh, quasi la paghetta di un mese." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1546 translate it chapter_1_2072d0ec: # "A month? That explains that disaster of a jacket." "Un mese? Questo spiega quel disastro di giacca." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1549 translate it chapter_1_b288cfc6: # A "So about the actual show-" A "Quindi questo spettacolo-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1551 translate it chapter_1_a84e9e2f: # Nas "I’ll check on them. Be right back." Nas "Vado a dare un'occhiata. Torno subito." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1556 translate it chapter_1_7f7da7e0: # "Left on my own I stack my plate up with some quality grease-topped delight." "Rimasto solo, comincio a riempire il mio piatto di unta bontà." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1564 translate it chapter_1_1083c70d: # "I lean against the wall, chewing bits of supreme and observing the rest of the crowd." "Mi appoggio al muro mentre mangio un po' di pizza supreme e osservo il resto della folla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1569 translate it chapter_1_e630f1c5: # unknown "{cps=*0.6}-nother shitshow-{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.6}-ltro merdaio-{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1571 translate it chapter_1_92bda576: # unknown "{cps=*0.6}She’s so stupid-{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.6}È proprio stupida-{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1573 translate it chapter_1_67a711a5: # unknown "{cps=*0.6}-they even bother?{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.6}-chè ci provano ancora?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1575 translate it chapter_1_886e5482: # unknown "{cps=*0.6}Bunch of losers-{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.6}Branco di sfigati-{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1581 translate it chapter_1_af313d73: # "Everyone seems to share the same sentiment." "A quanto pare tutti la pensano allo stesso modo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1583 translate it chapter_1_f4aa44d3: # "So why the hell did they even show up for this?" "Ma allora che diamine sono venuti a fare?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1586 translate it chapter_1_8cb0f35a: # "Naser finally comes back and opens the door to the main hall." "Finalmente ritorna Naser e apre la porta dell'aula magna." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1590 translate it chapter_1_1247d870: # "The crowd moves in, though I hang back so I can talk with Naser." "La folla entra dentro, mentre io resto indietro per parlare con Naser." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1595 translate it chapter_1_c1949473: # A "What’s with them, Naser?" A "Che problemi hanno, Naser?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1597 translate it chapter_1_3394b7fa: # Nas "What do you mean?" Nas "In che senso?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1599 translate it chapter_1_2628ab0a: # A "The crowd. They were talking mad shit." A "La folla. Sta spalando merda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1603 translate it chapter_1_4d0a41b1: # Nas "{i}What?!{/i}{fast}" Nas "{i}Cosa?!{/i}{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1610 translate it chapter_1_34a3a151: # "Naser grasps at the air unsure what to think or do at the moment.{w=0.5} I think he’s angry." "Naser stringe i pugni, insicuro di cosa fare o pensare al momento.{w=0.5} Penso sia arrabbiato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1637 translate it chapter_1_11dcdcb2: # A "Whoa{w=0.2} whoa." A "Whoa{w=0.2} whoa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1641 translate it chapter_1_61a34d55: # Nas "Ugh, I should’ve known." Nas "Ugh, me lo sarei dovuto aspettare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1646 translate it chapter_1_8558cfd5: # A "I don’t, what are you talking about man?" A "Io no, di che stai parlando?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1653 translate it chapter_1_15492a6e: # Nas "{cps=*0.5}I brought them here so Fang has an audience.{/cps}" Nas "{cps=*0.5}Li ho portati qui così che Fang avesse un pubblico.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1656 translate it chapter_1_5e7d4890: # A "Oh." A "Oh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1663 translate it chapter_1_9bdb634a: # "Naser’s phone rings." "Il telefono di Naser squilla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1665 translate it chapter_1_bbbdf303: # "He moves aside to answer it." "Si mette in disparte per rispondere." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1678 translate it chapter_1_00f32a37: # Nas "Fa-{w=0.6}{nw}" Nas "Fa-{w=0.6}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1683 translate it chapter_1_5e3e2c00: # "{i}!#&$@*%%?!{/i}" with vpunch "{i}!#&$@*%%?!{/i}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1686 translate it chapter_1_e6206702: # "The voice on the other end is loud and shrill." "La voce dall'altro lato è alta e stridula." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1689 translate it chapter_1_768fb1ac: # Nas "Yeah{w=0.2} I-{w=0.5}{nw}" Nas "Sì{w=0.2} ho-{w=0.5}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1694 translate it chapter_1_5c86f035: # "{b}&%%#$@*%%!@#&*%%!!{/b}" with hpunch "{b}&%%#$@*%%!@#&*%%!!{/b}" with hpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1696 translate it chapter_1_202682c2: # "He holds the phone away from his ear to save his eardrum." "Allontana il telefono dall'orecchio per non diventare sordo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1699 translate it chapter_1_803a2ce8: # Nas "Okay okay I-" Nas "Okay okay m-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1702 translate it chapter_1_3a87006f: # "The call ends and Naser sags." "La chiamata finisce e Naser sprofonda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1712 translate it chapter_1_f13a9037: # Nas "I’ve gotta leave." Nas "Devo andarmene." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1718 translate it chapter_1_14dbb8d2: # A "Seriously?" A "Serio?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1720 translate it chapter_1_acaef8b1: # Nas "Yeah, Fang doesn’t want me here." Nas "Già, Fang non mi vuole qui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1722 translate it chapter_1_a4b101eb: # Nas "Said I’ll ruin the show." Nas "Dice che rovinerei lo spettacolo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1725 translate it chapter_1_5e6d1ac0: # "Harsh." "Proprio difficile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1730 translate it chapter_1_2ce391a9: # Nas "Look, whatever happens promise you won’t hold this against them." Nas "Senti, qualsiasi cosa succeda promettimi di non giudicarlə male." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1732 translate it chapter_1_6921293f: # Nas "They're actually a really nice person once you get to know them." Nas "È una brava persona una volta che lə si conosce." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1735 translate it chapter_1_bb31485a: # A "Naser why did you just murder the english language in cold blood?" A "Naser, perché ogni tanto pronunci le parole come se fossi un cavernicolo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1738 translate it chapter_1_1ee6d6ec: # "Within I see the rest of the audience, huddled in groups around tiny snack tables." "Dentro la sala vedo il resto del pubblico, erano divisi in gruppetti intorno a dei tavolini." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1742 translate it chapter_1_e154de10: # Nas "Even went to the trouble of switching out the seats for them. Naomi said it’d help." Nas "Mi sono anche preso la briga di sistemare le sedie per ləi. Naomi diceva che avrebbe aiutato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1744 translate it chapter_1_7f4a4c32: # "With a huff Naser turns away, begrudgingly leaving the auditorium." "Con uno sbuffo Naser si gira ed abbandona l'auditorium a malincuore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1752 translate it chapter_1_aa1576d6: # "I enter the hall and take a seat in the back, away from the rest of the crowd." "Entro in sala e prendo posto nel retro, lontano dal resto della folla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1758 translate it chapter_1_a7104309: # "The lights dim and the curtains are drawn open." "Le luci si abbassano e il sipario si apre." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1768 translate it chapter_1_aaed6e7d: # "Onstage is a trio of people my age." "Sul palco c'è un trio che ha la mia stessa età." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1770 translate it chapter_1_e4e3543e: # "I think Fang is the drummer? He doesn’t look related to Naser, maybe it is the main front-woman?" "Credo che Fang sia il batterista? Però non sembra parente di Naser, forse è la frontwoman?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1772 translate it chapter_1_49cdbf8c: # "That must be Naser’s sister." "È la sorella di Naser allora." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1775 translate it chapter_1_44a17d88: # A "Wh-" A "Ch-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1777 translate it chapter_1_037eb724: # "Then why the whole confusion over her sex? For fuck’s sake." "Allora perché tutta questa confusione sul suo sesso? E che cazzo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1779 translate it chapter_1_86c7e605: # "I’m just getting thrown around today. I don’t know." "Oggi è tutto un casino. Boh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1782 translate it chapter_1_28aa8568: # "She looks familiar." "Ha un'aria familiare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1787 translate it chapter_1_48ef5640: # "The band doesn’t bother introducing themselves." "La band non si preoccupa minimamente di presentarsi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1792 translate it chapter_1_14f5bcef: # "Instead the purple one begins plucking her bass." "Invece quella viola comincia a pizzicare il suo basso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1794 translate it chapter_1_a94e7592: # "It all went tumbling down from there." "Da lì è successo il putiferio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1804 translate it chapter_1_c8451924: # "What I thought was a guitar sounded horrifically wrong, far too heavy." "Quella che credevo fosse una chitarra aveva un suono estremamente sbagliato, troppo pesante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1806 translate it chapter_1_1f6079d3: # "The lead guitarist was using a fucking bass." "La chitarrista principale stava usando un cazzo di basso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1809 translate it chapter_1_62d44145: # "And then the vocals kicked in." "Poi arrivò il testo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1811 translate it chapter_1_f7387105: # "It’s horrific screeching, combined with the amelodious shredding on a bass created a cacophony equal to hundreds of cats ritualistically sacrificed." "Il suo stridio orripilante, insieme a un basso suonato senza melodia, ha creato una cacofonia pari al sacrificio rituale di un centinaio di gatti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1813 translate it chapter_1_2c9b76e7: # "I fight the urge to cover my ears." "Lotto contro il bisogno di tapparmi le orecchie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1815 translate it chapter_1_734e24d0: # "I don’t know too much about music, but even I know that you don’t use two basses in one band unless you know exactly what you’re doing." "Non ne so molto di musica, ma anche io so che non si usano due bassi nella stessa band a meno che tu non sappia esattamente cosa stai facendo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1818 translate it chapter_1_854d8db3: # "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooh nooooooo.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooh nooooooo.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1820 translate it chapter_1_402681f2: # "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooooh{/cps} God." "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooooddio.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1823 translate it chapter_1_5d3bc179: # "What were they thinking?!{fast}" with vpunch "Ma che hanno in testa?!{fast}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1825 translate it chapter_1_22fe6c40: # "I looked back to the crowd to gauge their interest." "Do un occhiata al pubblico per vedere cose ne pensano." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1827 translate it chapter_1_7eddea60: # "Surely I’m not alone in thinking this is an absolute travesty." "Sono sicuro di non essere l'unico che pensa che tutto questo sia un disastro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1831 translate it chapter_1_acf6661c: # unknown "{cps=*0.5}PFFFT AHAHAHA{/cps}{w=0.5} THEY STILL FUCKING SUCK!!" unknown "{cps=*0.5}PFFFT AHAHAHA{/cps}{w=0.5} FANNO ANCORA CAGARE!!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1858 translate it chapter_1_28a05b4d: # "The crowd was standing, jeering and laughing with whoever said that." "La folla era in piedi, e rideva con chiunque lo abbia detto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1860 translate it chapter_1_70ab340e: # "More words were said but the laughter eclipsed them and the music." "Vennero dette altre cose ma le risate hanno eclissato loro e la musica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1863 translate it chapter_1_6756f382: # "Wait, what happened to the music?" "Aspetta, cosa è successo alla musica?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1865 translate it chapter_1_8b3556d6: # "On-stage, the trio looked panicked." "Sul palco, il trio era nel panico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1867 translate it chapter_1_3f7373f7: # "The drummer was inching off stage, while the purple bassist was about to break down into tears." "Il batterista si stava lentamente muovendo verso le quinte, mentre la bassista viola stava per scoppiare in lacrime." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1869 translate it chapter_1_bb71e9f2: # "But the frontwoman stood there. Stood her ground." "Ma la frontwoman restò lì. Rimase immobile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1884 translate it chapter_1_81b4ec76: # unknown "{b}FUCK YOU!{/b}{fast}" unknown "{b}VAFFANCULO!{/b}{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1886 translate it chapter_1_b887c92a: # "She tossed her bass aside, raising both hands and proudly displaying a finger on each of them." "Lanciò il suo basso e alzò entrambe le mani, ed alzò un dito con fierezza su entrambe." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1888 translate it chapter_1_9414818e: # unknown "FUCK ALL OF YOU!" unknown "ANDATE TUTTI A FARE IN CULO!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1892 translate it chapter_1_9e57a8ff: # unknown "NO ONE WOULD WANT TO FUCK YOU, BITCH!" unknown "NESSUNO VORREBBE MAI FARCI QUALCOSA CON IL {b}TUO{/b} CULO, TROIA!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1895 translate it chapter_1_68ef3955: # "Pffft{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}{w=0.2} That struck a chord with her." "Pffft{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Colpita nel segno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1910 translate it chapter_1_a8a08600: # "I watch as she grabs her bass and takes the arm of the purple one, rushing off stage with the pink drummer." "Guardo mentre prende il suo basso e il braccio di quella viola, correndo verso le quinte con il batterista rosa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1922 translate it chapter_1_e4e8f7c1: # "Oh God I can’t take this, I’m gonna grow a 6 pack from laughing so much, I’m just gonna grab my pizza and leave." "Oddio non ce la faccio, mi sta venendo la tartaruga a forza di ridere così tanto, prendo la mia pizza e me ne vado." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1935 translate it chapter_1_563160f7: # "I turn towards the door and see Principal Spears, a fierce glare freezing me in place." "Mi giro verso la porta e vedo il Preside Spears, che mi blocca con uno sguardo gelido." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1939 translate it chapter_1_1223c3a9: # Sp "Anon.{fast}" Sp "Anon.{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1943 translate it chapter_1_3bbb7999: # "{cps=*0.2}Oh fuck.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}Oh cazzo.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1945 translate it chapter_1_31989947: # "His voice is even more stern than this morning." "La sua voce è più severa di stamattina." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1948 translate it chapter_1_72430a5a: # A "Yes sir?" A "Sì signore?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1950 translate it chapter_1_70e8a409: # "He looks to the crowd and then to me." "Guarda la folla e poi guarda me." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1953 translate it chapter_1_2d639362: # Sp "I don’t want to hear about any of this come tomorrow." Sp "Non ne voglio sentire parlare domani." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1955 translate it chapter_1_3baaae98: # Sp "I expect some goddamned maturity from you, Anon." Sp "Mi aspetto un po' di dannata maturità da te, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1957 translate it chapter_1_162f159b: # Sp "You’ll be an adult once you graduate." Sp "Sarai un adulto dopo il diploma." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1960 translate it chapter_1_d662aab9: # A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Why me though?" A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Perché lo dice a me?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1962 translate it chapter_1_3cfa9b88: # Sp "I’ve taught many students, and I can tell these things." Sp "Ho insegnato a molti studenti, ci faccio caso a queste cose." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1977 translate it chapter_1_8507b210: # "His hand lands on my shoulder." "Appoggia la sua mano sulla mia spalla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1979 translate it chapter_1_69bc47c0: # "It’s grip was firm as it weighed on me." "La sua presa era solida e pesante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1983 translate it chapter_1_bf1a30c3: # Sp "Listen here, Anon." Sp "Ascoltami, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1985 translate it chapter_1_f5d38831: # Sp "{cps=*0.6}You are not the only person in the world.{/cps}" Sp "{cps=*0.6}Non sei l'unica persona al mondo.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1988 translate it chapter_1_0ad3e36e: # Sp "Everyone’s fighting their own battles." Sp "Ognuno sta combattendo le proprie battaglie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1990 translate it chapter_1_3e933b5c: # "The hand squeezes before pushing me towards the door." "La sua mano mi stringe prima di spingermi verso la porta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2000 translate it chapter_1_c75a374d: # Sp "I want to see you in my office first thing tomorrow." Sp "Voglio vederti domattina presto nel mio ufficio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2002 translate it chapter_1_74750784: # Sp "Now get out of here, this is the only warning that you’ll get from me." Sp "Ora vattene, questo è il tuo unico avvertimento." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2004 translate it chapter_1_600124ae: # Sp "Next time it will be campus clean-up." Sp "La prossima volta ti toccherà la pulizia del campus." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2019 translate it chapter_1_7b3661c2: # "Behind me the principal’s voice shakes the room." "Dietro di me la voce del preside fa tremare la stanza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2027 translate it chapter_1_34700231: # Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}WHOSE SORRY ASS AM I GOING TO HAVE TO SUPLEX!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}A CHI DI VOI TOCCHERÀ UNO DEI MIEI SUPLEX!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2042 translate it chapter_1_07a08bfb: # "Back in the foyer I see some boxes of partially finished pizza left." "Ritornato nell'atrio vedo alcune scatole di pizza mezze finite." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2044 translate it chapter_1_5ccaeca1: # "I consolidate them all into a pair of boxes and make my exit." "Le unisco in un paio di scatole ed esco." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2058 translate it chapter_1_26a7e37c: # "The sun is starting to set now as I make my way home." "Mentre torno a casa il sole stava per tramontare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2064 translate it chapter_1_75675c5d: # Sp "{i}{cps=*0.6}You are not the only person in the world.{/cps}{/i}" Sp "{i}{cps=*0.6}Non sei l'unica persona al mondo.{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2067 translate it chapter_1_23a6a4ad: # "Pfft. Like I don’t already know that. There’s like{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" "Pfft. Come se già non lo sapessi. Ci sono{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2069 translate it chapter_1_2faacd27: # "The classmates that all ignored me today." "Tutti i compagni che mi hanno ignorato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2071 translate it chapter_1_29e70fe8: # "Naomi’s annoying ass." "Quella rompiscatole di Naomi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2073 translate it chapter_1_2afc4970: # "That fucking caveman of a principal." "Quel cavernicolo del preside." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2076 translate it chapter_1_3b9f7e48: # "Naser, whose been a bro." "Naser, che è stato un grande." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2079 translate it chapter_1_7533fc51: # "Naser’s Sis-" "La sore-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2084 translate it chapter_1_94004a03: # "Oh." "Oh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2086 translate it chapter_1_fb6e33a2: # "Shit." "Merda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2088 translate it chapter_1_c904541c_1: # "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2100 translate it chapter_1_b6cdb4da: # "{cps=*0.2}-- The Next Day --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Il Giorno Dopo --{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2105 translate it chapter_1_2e5e92d3: # "{cps=*20}*BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{/cps}" "{cps=*20}*BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2112 translate it chapter_1_80db955f: # "The bane of all sleep echoes violently by my head, swiftly erasing any traces of slumber." "Il nemico di ogni dormita mi rimbomba in testa, eliminando con facilità ogni traccia del mio sonno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2114 translate it chapter_1_f087375a: # "Still without the energy to turn the alarm off, I stare at the ceiling for a bit, recalling the events of the last few days as an exercise." "Ancora senza l'energia di spegnere la sveglia, fisso il soffitto per un po', ripenso a quello che è successo in questi giorni come esercizio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2117 translate it chapter_1_4585d3d4: # "The school, if you could call it one." "La scuola, se la puoi definire tale." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2119 translate it chapter_1_fd48d7ad: # "My new friends, if you could call them that." "I miei nuovi amici, se li puoi definire tali." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2121 translate it chapter_1_a80525e3: # "That band, if you could call it such." "La band, se la puoi definire tale." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2124 translate it chapter_1_d1309b30: # "Great idea Anon, start the day by dissing everything you've done so far in your new life." "Ottima idea Anon, inizia la giornata insultando tutto ciò che hai fatto fino ad ora nella tua nuova vita." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2126 translate it chapter_1_43988396: # "No wonder you're so damn popular." "Ora so perché sei così popolare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2129 translate it chapter_1_2ea63bf5: # "Finally, I lean out of bed and turn the alarm clock off." "Alla fine, mi allungo dal letto e spengo la sveglia." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2131 translate it chapter_1_4e965170: # "I have a good forty-five minutes before I need to be at school - and it takes twenty to walk." "Rimangono ben quarantacinque minuti prima che la scuola inizi - e ce ne vogliono venti di camminata per arrivare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2133 translate it chapter_1_eeb34c75: # "That leaves twenty-five minutes to get ready." "Quindi ho venticinque minuti per prepararmi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2135 translate it chapter_1_8a144f15: # "With practiced movements I execute a proper combat roll from bed, tackling the floor and headbutting it into submission." "Con manovre precise eseguo una capriola tattica dal letto, placcando il pavimento e prendendolo a testate per sottometterlo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2139 translate it chapter_1_5985d46e: # "With practiced movements I execute a proper combat roll from bed, tackling the floor and headbutting it into submission.{fast}{w=0.6} My foe defeated, I groan in victory." with vpunch "Con manovre precise eseguo una capriola tattica dal letto, placcando il pavimento e prendendolo a testate per sottometterlo.{fast}{w=0.6} Il mio nemico è sconfitto, gemo di vittoria." with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2143 translate it chapter_1_ec4b0114: # "My new bed is half the size of what I’m used to." "Il mio nuovo letto è la metà di quello a cui sono abituato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2145 translate it chapter_1_27bcdfe6: # "The hardwood{w=0.2} (or is it vinyl?){w=0.2} floor is cold as hell." "Il pavimento di legno {w=0.2} (o in vinile?){w=0.2} è gelido." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2147 translate it chapter_1_fc2856e2: # "From the purview of the floor, I look around my room again." "Dalla prospettiva del pavimento, do di nuovo un'occhiata alla mia stanza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2154 translate it chapter_1_5fd7ceb8: # "A tiny, one room apartment with only a computer, bed, television, and fridge." "Un piccolo monolocale con solamente un computer, un letto, un televisore, e un frigo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2156 translate it chapter_1_d3e7de8d: # "A whole year in this shithole." "Un anno in questo cesso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2158 translate it chapter_1_6a3bb01d: # "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Guess I gotta take it one day at a time." "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Mi toccherà viverlo un giorno alla volta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2168 translate it chapter_1_6a63c1f7: # "Picking myself up, I slide into todays’{w=0.2} (and everyday's){w=0.2} clothes and pour myself a bowl of off-brand cereal I picked up the day before." "Mi rialzo, mi infilo i vestiti di oggi{w=0.2} (e di tutti gli altri giorni){w=0.2} e mi verso una scatola di cereali sottomarca che ho comprato ieri." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2170 translate it chapter_1_638d2565: # "My eyes scan over my phone while I shovel my sugary breakfast into my mouth." "Guardo il telefono mentre mi riempio di colazione zuccherata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2173 translate it chapter_1_d169e79e: # "*Scroll*{fast}" "*Scroll*{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2175 translate it chapter_1_db47b1c7: # "*Crunch*{fast}" "*Crunch*{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2177 translate it chapter_1_d169e79e_1: # "*Scroll*{fast}" "*Scroll*{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2179 translate it chapter_1_db47b1c7_1: # "*Crunch*{fast}" "*Crunch*{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2181 translate it chapter_1_7070d109: # "Like a poorly-oiled machine until it runs out of fuel with a noisy slurp." "Mi muovo come una macchina poco oliata fino a che non rimane a secco e termina il lavoro con una sonora bevuta di latte." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2184 translate it chapter_1_845a6981: # "Soon enough, it's time to leave for school. I grab my backpack and slide it over my shoulders." "Dopo poco, è ora di andare a scuola. Prendo lo zaino e lo metto in spalla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2186 translate it chapter_1_554cc9f9: # "I take my jacket off the hanger and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Prendo il mio giacchetto dall'attaccapanni e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2190 translate it chapter_1_c904541c_2: # "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2192 translate it chapter_1_d9d24cd1: # "I take off the backpack and put the jacket on." "Levo lo zaino e mi metto il giacchetto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2212 translate it chapter_1_d3f74506: # "I approach the grand building, looking to find a place in line between the other students trundling into the front doors." "Mi avvicino al grande edificio, e cerco un posto in fila tra gli altri studenti che spingevano per entrare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2214 translate it chapter_1_58aac202: # "The halls before class are as crowded as always, with hundreds of students filing in unison towards their homerooms." "I corridoi prima delle lezioni sono pieni come sempre, con centinaia di studenti che si dirigono in unisono verso l'aula della prima ora." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2216 translate it chapter_1_0cd91a5f: # "By now I was starting to be able to make my way around on autopilot, I've walked the same path twice already after all." "Ormai ero quasi in grado di andare in pilota automatico, dopo tutto è la seconda volta che faccio questo tragitto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2219 translate it chapter_1_a295d33f: # "Even after the longest sleep of my life, I still feel miserably tired and ready to crash once again." "Anche dopo il sonno più lungo della mia vita, mi sento ancora terribilmente assonnato e stavo per crollare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2221 translate it chapter_1_319e1ba4: # "I found another entrance at the side of the school that has less students on it. The less the merrier." "Ho trovato un'altra entrata al lato della scuola con meno studenti. Meno si è meglio è." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2224 translate it chapter_1_a617a85e: # "I check my clock once again - I’m early. Fucking hell. Should have shitposted a bit more." "Controllo l'orologio di nuovo - Sono in anticipo. Cazzo. Avrei dovuto shitpostare di più." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2229 translate it chapter_1_abfb5bba: # "Why am I here so early again?" "Che ci faccio qui così presto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2231 translate it chapter_1_5bf4c984: # "Think I had to do something." "Mi pare che dovevo fare qualcosa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2235 translate it chapter_1_3c6e0704: # "Oh yeah." "Oh giusto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2237 translate it chapter_1_4257b494: # "I should talk to Naser. Give him my version of events." "Dovrei parlare con Naser. Dargli la mia versione dei fatti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2239 translate it chapter_1_2bba5c69: # "That way he won’t kick my ass." "Così non mi farà il culo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2242 translate it chapter_1_71846403: # "Wait." "Aspetta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2244 translate it chapter_1_d872b4bd: # "Oh goddamn it." "Oh porca miseria." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2246 translate it chapter_1_228444c7: # "The principal also wanted to see me." "Il preside voleva vedermi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2248 translate it chapter_1_dcd5448a: # "Shit, probably gonna get some demerit or whatever rich schools do as punishment." "Merda, mi beccherò un demerito o qualsiasi cosa le scuole da ricchi usano come punizione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2250 translate it chapter_1_4cbb1d59: # "I had almost forgotten." "Mi ero quasi dimenticato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2252 translate it chapter_1_52a4d7f3: # "Please Raptor Jesus just let this be the last time I need to deal with stuff like this." "Ti prego Gesù Raptor fai che sia l'ultima volta che debba preoccuparmi di cose del genere." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2254 translate it chapter_1_f802c3dc: # "Get it over with so I can finally just slip my way through this year." "Facciamola finita così posso finire quest'anno senza intoppi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2271 translate it lnaserBro_79b06e6d: # "Principal caveman can wait. I want to apologize to Naser about yesterday{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Il preside cavernicolo può aspettare. Voglio chiedere scusa a Naser per ieri{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2273 translate it lnaserBro_b04c76d1: # "I hope I can be nice to him this time." "Spero di comportarmi meglio con lui questa volta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2276 translate it lnaserBro_ab38126b: # "Great job, Anon!" "Ottimo lavoro, Anon!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2278 translate it lnaserBro_3e41f05b: # "He saves you from soy poisoning by sacrificing his footlong, and how do you repay him? By laughing at his sister." "Ti salva da avvelenamento da soia con il sacrificio del suo paninazzo, e come lo ripaghi? Ridendo di sua sorella." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2281 translate it lnaserBro_81dc9517: # "There he is, I hope he’s not too busy." "Eccolo, spero non sia troppo occupato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2283 translate it lnaserBro_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2285 translate it lnaserBro_c97a1401: # "I just realized I don’t know what to say to him." "Mi sono appena reso conto che non so cosa dirgli." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2288 translate it lnaserBro_f3c64976: # "\"I wasn’t laughing AT your sister,{w=0.4} I was laughing WITH the crowd.\"" "\"Non stavo ridendo DI tua sorella,{w=0.4} Stavo ridendo CON la folla.\"" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2290 translate it lnaserBro_a038ce56: # "No,{w=0.3} that sounds bad." "No,{w=0.3} può sembrare una cosa brutta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2293 translate it lnaserBro_de4e1ca8: # "\"Weird sisters,{w=0.2} amirite?\"" "\"Che strane le sorelle,{w=0.2} vero?\"" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2295 translate it lnaserBro_b97b4fff: # "I might be retarded.{w=0.5} I just told him I’m an only son yesterday." "Credo di essere ritardato.{w=0.5} Ieri gli ho detto che sono figlio unico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2298 translate it lnaserBro_72296700: # "\"Can’t help it,{w=0.1} dude.{w=0.5} Some people just won’t amount to anything in life.{w=0.5} Sorry.\"" "\"Non ci posso fare niente, {w=0.1} amico.{w=0.5} Certe persone non combineranno niente nella propria vita.{w=0.5} Scusa.\"" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2300 translate it lnaserBro_e28d0b9e: # "This isn’t time to be edgy,{w=0.2} Anon." "Non è questo il momento di fare l'edgy,{w=0.2} Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2302 translate it lnaserBro_262ba3b1: # "As I try and fail to find some way to explain myself to Naser I also fail at actually finding Naser." "Mentre provo, senza successo, a trovare un modo per spiegarmi a Naser, non riesco neanche a trovare Naser." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2305 translate it lnaserBro_7f6b21e6: # "How the fuck did I even end up in the tard yard?" "Come cazzo ci sono finito nell'aula dei ritardati?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2318 translate it lnaserBro_91bd23d5: # "After what feels like a space decade of walking, or really just half an hour I find the crippled pteradon being accosted by a {cps=*0.1}VERY{/cps} pissed off purple midget." "Dopo quello che sembra un decennio di camminata, oppure solo una mezz'ora, trovo il pteranodonte storpio mentre viene importunato da un nanerottolo viola {cps=*0.1}MOLTO{/cps} incazzato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2336 translate it lnaserBro_0c148ca0: # unknown "{cps=*0.4}-SAID YOU INVITED ALL THOSE ASSHOLES!{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*0.4}-DETTO CHE LI HAI INVITATI TU QUEGLI STRONZI!{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2339 translate it lnaserBro_037dbe7c: # Nas "Wait, Trish, you don’t understand-!" Nas "Aspetta, Trish, non capisci-!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2344 translate it lnaserBro_0dcc7da5: # T "DON’T CUT ME OFF YOU GRAY PIECE OF SHIT!" with vpunch T "NON MI INTERROMPERE GRIGIO PEZZO DI MERDA!" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2349 translate it lnaserBro_4ba0ccd3: # "Students are clearing out of the way, just trying to get to their classes." "Gli studenti si tengono alla larga mentre tentano di entrare nelle loro classi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2352 translate it lnaserBro_5d399fd6: # "This must be a common occurrence." "Deve succedere spesso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2365 translate it lnaserBro_7a81c55e: # "The diminutive triceratops, Trish, bows her head and charges Naser." "Il minuto triceratopo, Trish, abbassa la testa e carica Naser" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2388 translate it lnaserBro_82138b24: # "He just holds a hand out to her forehead." "Lui gli tene la mano sulla fronte." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2409 translate it lnaserBro_b2f5261b: # T "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!" with vpunch T "TOGLIMI LE MANACCE DI DOSSO!!" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2411 translate it lnaserBro_bf664d4a: # Nas "Trish, I’m not going to fight you again." Nas "Trish, non voglio litigare di nuovo con te." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2413 translate it lnaserBro_efc98c6f: # Nas "The principal’s already gotten onto me about the lockers from last time." Nas "Il preside già si è arrabbiato con me per via di quello che è successo agli armadietti la volta scorsa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2415 translate it lnaserBro_cb51533d: # Nas "Believe me, I had no idea the concert would have turned out like that." Nas "Credimi, non avevo idea che il concerto sarebbe finito così." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2417 translate it lnaserBro_def43cbf: # T "LIAR!!" T "BUGIARDO!!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2419 translate it lnaserBro_410545a6: # Nas "I just wanted to make sure you guys had an actual audience-" Nas "Volevo solamente essere sicuro che aveste un vero pubblico-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2421 translate it lnaserBro_e2eb7964: # T "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!?" T "COME SCUSA?!?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2423 translate it lnaserBro_c8d91dd1: # Nas "You know what I mean, come on{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Lo sai cosa intendo, andiamo{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2425 translate it lnaserBro_0aca0dc3: # T "Argh!" T "Argh!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2435 translate it lnaserBro_dfcbf5c0: # "She stops trying to gore Naser and throws her arms to her sides." "Lei la smette di provare ad incornare Naser e getta le braccia ai fianchi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2441 translate it lnaserBro_c4127f71: # T "Screw you!" T "Fottiti!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2445 translate it lnaserBro_bb8662d6: # T "Even if you weren’t trying to mess with Fang!" T "Anche se non volevi provocare Fang di proposito!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2447 translate it lnaserBro_5f6f8996: # T "Screw!{w=0.4} You!" T "FO-!{w=0.4} -TTITI!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2454 translate it lnaserBro_946230d3: # "She stomps off." "Se ne va arrabbiata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2462 translate it lnaserBro_af330b4a: # Nas "{i}*Sigh.*{/i}" Nas "{i}*Sigh.*{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2465 translate it lnaserBro_ae6cd455: # A "What was that all about?" A "Che cosa è successo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2477 translate it lnaserBro_4b777a49: # N "Oh,{w=0.3} Anon." N "Oh,{w=0.3} Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2480 translate it lnaserBro_f798647f: # N "Don’t worry about it,{w=0.4} it’s nothing." N "Non ti preoccupare,{w=0.4} non è niente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2484 translate it lnaserBro_c08a432f: # Nas "Y’know, girl issues, right?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.15}Haha...{/cps}" Nas "Sai com'è, problemi da ragazze, no?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.15}Haha...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2488 translate it lnaserBro_0c2b6746: # A "{cps=*0.4}Sure...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.4}Va bene...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2490 translate it lnaserBro_c120ad13: # A "Sounds like she was grilling you about the concert." A "Sembrava ti stesse cazziando per il concerto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2494 translate it lnaserBro_c5372c6f: # Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2498 translate it lnaserBro_7c1cfd6f: # N "Some concert,{w=0.3} right?" N "Che concerto,{w=0.3} vero?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2504 translate it lnaserBro_bb34686c: # A "Actually, about that{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "Comunque, a proposito{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2507 translate it lnaserBro_70c479f9: # A "I, uhh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "Io, uhh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2526 translate it lnaserBro_7e391a31: # Sp "{i}ANON MOUS,{w=0.4} IF YOU ARE NOT IN MY OFFICE WITHIN TEN MINUTES I SWEAR ON MY DEAR FAMILY I WILL PERSONALLY MOUNT YOU ON MY WALL.{/i}" with vpunch Sp "{i}ANON IMO,{w=0.4} SE NON TI PRESENTI NEL MIO UFFICIO ENTRO DIECI MINUTI GIURO SULLA MIA CARA FAMIGLIA CHE TI APPENDERÒ PERSONALMENTE AL MURO.{/i}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2539 translate it lnaserBro_f556d884: # A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2541 translate it lnaserBro_477cddb3: # "A layer of cold sweat makes its presence known." "Uno strato di sudore freddo si fa sentire." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2546 translate it lnaserBro_b23f47ad: # Nas "It can wait, the office is down this hall on the right." Nas "Posso aspettare, l'ufficio è in fondo al corridoio sulla destra." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2548 translate it lnaserBro_ef94bb66: # A "I know the way, but thanks." A "Conosco la via, ma grazie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2550 translate it lnaserBro_b28dde92: # "Naser waves and heads off." "Naser mi saluta e se ne va." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2556 translate it lnaserBro_9212b3e0: # "Guess it’s to the principal’s office with me. Again." "Mi tocca andare all'ufficio del preside. Di nuovo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2558 translate it lnaserBro_ac64ecb7: # "And thinking about him makes me think about last night." "Pensare a lui mi fa ricordare di ieri notte." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2561 translate it lnaserBro_37820b6b: # Sp "{cps=*0.6}{i}You are not the only person in the world.{/i}{/cps}" Sp "{cps=*0.6}{i}Non sei l'unica persona al mondo.{/i}{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2564 translate it lnaserBro_9d1c937e: # "Poor Naser, man." "Di dispiace un sacco per Naser." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2566 translate it lnaserBro_633cce4b: # "Just wanted to help his sister." "Voleva soltanto aiutare sua sorella." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2568 translate it lnaserBro_d73b455d: # "But it’s not like he did anything wrong." "Non ha fatto niente di male." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2585 translate it lnaserBro_fc10b4cb: # "Just as I reach the office the sound of clinking glass draws my attention to the apricot asspain and some pink raptor." "Proprio mentre raggiungo l'ufficio il suono di vetro che tintinna attrae la mia attenzione verso l'attaccabottone albicocca e un raptor rosa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2589 translate it lnaserBro_029484b7: # N "Is that contraband, Reed?" N "È contrabbando, Reed?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2594 translate it lnaserBro_a12402a2: # Re "Bro, you’ve known I’m in a band for like, a year now." Re "Fra, lo sai che ormai sono nella band da tipo, un anno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2603 translate it lnaserBro_30cfc405: # N "No!{w=0.4} {cps=*.4}{i}Contra{/i}band!{/cps}{w=0.4} In your backpack!" N "No!{w=0.4} {cps=*0.4}{i}Contra{/i}bbando!{/cps}{w=0.4} Nel tuo zaino!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2606 translate it lnaserBro_1867051a: # Re "{cps=*0.2}Hmmm...{/cps}{w=0.4}{nw}" Re "{cps=*0.2}Hmmm...{/cps}{w=0.4}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2608 translate it lnaserBro_cb6ec6f0: # Re "Hmmm...{fast} nah, I left my games at home." Re "Hmmm...{fast} nah, i videogiochi li ho lasciati a casa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2613 translate it lnaserBro_355cb004: # "Naomi facepalms, or whatever counts as a facepalm with a snout." "Naomi fa un facepalm, o qualsiasi cosa sia un facepalm con un muso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2620 translate it lnaserBro_5dca1759: # N "Reed!{fast}{w=0.7} You have a bong in your backpack!" with vpunch N "Reed!{fast}{w=0.7} Hai un bong nello zaino!" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2623 translate it lnaserBro_b4b85ac9: # Re "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2}{nw}" Re "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2625 translate it lnaserBro_0fa52348: # Re "...{fast} But we aren’t in Britain?" Re "...{fast} Ma io suono solo la batteria?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2630 translate it lnaserBro_b02399bb: # N "Ugh, you’re impossible{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Ugh, sei impossibile{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2640 translate it lnaserBro_477151be: # "Naomi huffs and returns her focus to a stack of papers on the desk, leaving a satisfied raptor in her wake." "Naomi sbuffa e si concentra sulla pila di fogli sulla sua scrivania, lasciandosi alle spalle un raptor soddisfatto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2644 translate it lnaserBro_890cc470: # Re "Heh, {cps=*.5}works every time{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Heh, {cps=*.5}funziona sempre{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2646 translate it lnaserBro_9b3fdfae: # "I need to learn how to do that." "Devo imparare a farlo anch'io." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2650 translate it lnaserBro_c9697865: # Re "S’all ‘bout misdirection{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Sta tutto nella distrazione{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2653 translate it lnaserBro_0ad25b8b: # "What." "Che." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2657 translate it lnaserBro_2ef29b9e: # Re "Deuces." Re "Pace." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2668 translate it lnaserBro_93bfc487: # "The fuck just happened?" "Che cazzo è appena successo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2679 translate it lnaserBro_05a2dd6c: # N "Oh! Anon, I didn’t see you there!" N "Oh! Anon, non ti avevo visto!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2682 translate it lnaserBro_08862c92: # N "Just in time to finish your paperwork!" N "Sei giusto in tempo per finire le tue pratiche!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2685 translate it lnaserBro_e3b3c9d6: # A "Paperwhatsit now?" A "Le mie praticosa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2688 translate it lnaserBro_52ba1abb: # N "Go inside, Principal Spears will finalize it with you now." N "Entra, il Preside Spears finirà di compilarle con te." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2692 translate it lnaserBro_6422ed2a: # "Paperwork? What fucking paperwork? I’m pretty sure all that stuff was finished before I even came here." "Pratiche? Quali cazzo di pratiche? Sono abbastanza sicuro che tutta quella roba era stata già fatta prima che venissi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2694 translate it lnaserBro_c40fd5e5: # "Whatever. Probably a detention slip or whatever the principal has planned." "Vabbè. Sarà una nota punitiva o qualsiasi cosa avrà pianificato il preside." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2707 translate it lpissOffCaveman_f79e83a7: # "Probably best I try and not make the principal pissed at me." "Forse è meglio per me provare a non far arrabbiare il preside." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2709 translate it lpissOffCaveman_83558697: # "Campus beautification sounds like slave labor. And my arms are strictly for shitposting and gaming." "L'abbellimento del campus sembra lavoro forzato. E queste braccia sono solo per shitpostare e giocare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2712 translate it lpissOffCaveman_5607df1e: # "I try to recall the way that the pomelo primadonna showed me to the office." "Tento di ricordare la via per l'ufficio che mi aveva detto la primadonna pomelo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2714 translate it lpissOffCaveman_ab96ca4a: # "I somehow found myself in the potato ranch at the back of the school." "Non so come ma mi sono ritrovato nel campo di patate dietro la scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2717 translate it lpissOffCaveman_41a0d905: # "Fuck am I tired already." "Cazzo se sono stanco." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2729 translate it lpissOffCaveman_f854a35f: # A "How the fuck did I end up here?" A "Come cazzo ci sono finito qui?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2741 translate it lpissOffCaveman_3bec2ad6: # unknown "Don’t worry man, it happens to new students all the time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" unknown "Non ti preoccupare fra, succede sempre ai nuovi studenti{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2744 translate it lpissOffCaveman_36c1271c: # A "Wha-?" A "Cos-?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2746 translate it lpissOffCaveman_6de220d3: # "Some pink raptor smelling of very heavily burnt grass surprises me." "Un raptor rosa che puzza pesantemente di erba bruciata mi prende alla sprovvista." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2750 translate it lpissOffCaveman_312f84ce: # unknown "If you’re looking for the office you’re gonna wanna go thataway." unknown "Se stai cercando l'ufficio è da quella parte." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2752 translate it lpissOffCaveman_1196f077: # A "Oh-{w=0.3} thanks." A "Oh-{w=0.3} grazie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2755 translate it lpissOffCaveman_3048f867: # unknown "Yeah, no problem, man{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" unknown "Già, nessun problema, fra{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2757 translate it lpissOffCaveman_01ebf169: # unknown "I’m about to go myself, but I forgot something in my locker." unknown "Ci stavo per andare pure io, ma mi sono dimenticato una cosa nell'armadietto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2759 translate it lpissOffCaveman_d46685e6: # unknown "See ya." unknown "Bella." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2772 translate it lpissOffCaveman_13bb0fd5: # "He walks off down another hallway." "Se ne va per un altro corridoio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2775 translate it lpissOffCaveman_e419e27f: # "I should follow the directions he gave me." "Dovrei seguire le sue indicazioni." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2779 translate it lpissOffCaveman_6546cc02: # "Oh wait{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Aspetta{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2781 translate it lpissOffCaveman_3ea9e367: # "Was that the drummer from last night?" "Ma non era il batterista di ieri?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2784 translate it lpissOffCaveman_a439b59a: # "Huh." "Huh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2788 translate it lpissOffCaveman_f824d9b6: # "As I near the office I can feel a heavy tension suffusing the air." "Mentre mi avvicino all'ufficio sento una tensione pesante che soffoca l'aria." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2790 translate it lpissOffCaveman_8e8fc47e: # "In front of the principals’ office is Naomi and some other chick, engaged in a heated conversation." "Di fronte all'ufficio del preside ci sono Naomi e un'altra tizia, mentre discutono in modo acceso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2803 translate it lpissOffCaveman_e8fd58f6: # unknown "Come on, Naomi, there’s no reason at all for you to keep us from selling merchandise at school!" unknown "Eddai, Naomi, non c'è alcun motivo per impedirci di vendere il nostro merchandise a scuola!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2807 translate it lpissOffCaveman_523f418f: # N "Very sorry, Trish, but we’ve already told you before that due to your friends’{cps=*.1}...{/cps} record{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we can’t allow you to sell on school grounds." N "Scusa tanto, Trish, ma ti abbiamo già detto che per via dei{cps=*.1}...{/cps} precedenti{cps=*.1}...{/cps}dei tuoi amici non ti possiamo permettere di vendere a scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2809 translate it lpissOffCaveman_15a4d3c2: # N "Seven times, in fact." N "Sette volte, per la precisione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2811 translate it lpissOffCaveman_ccd56bf3: # "The purple one, Trish, throws up her hands in frustration." "Quella viola, Trish, alza le mani per la frustazione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2815 translate it lpissOffCaveman_049d66f8: # T "Six! {i}This{/i} is the seventh!" T "Sei! {i}Questa{/i} è la settima!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2818 translate it lpissOffCaveman_4845dabb: # N "Go ahead and fill out a form{w=0.2}{nw}" N "Vai e riempi un modulo{w=0.2}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2822 translate it lpissOffCaveman_ef21b6b5: # N "Go ahead and fill out a form{fast} if you really want to try again." N "Vai e riempi un modulo{fast} se ci vuoi riprovare così tanto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2824 translate it lpissOffCaveman_c75f3d1f: # T "I saw last time you just threw it in the trash without reading it!" T "Ho visto che la volta scorsa lo hai buttato nella spazzatura senza leggerlo!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2828 translate it lpissOffCaveman_d8621205: # N "It was illegible, Trish. You should work on your handwriting a bit." N "Era illegibile, Trish. Dovresti lavorare di più sulla tua calligrafia." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2833 translate it lpissOffCaveman_f75601d9: # T "{b}ARGH!{/b}" with vpunch T "{b}ARGH!{/b}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2836 translate it lpissOffCaveman_d8c23aa2: # T "I don’t have time for this, I need to go track someone down." T "Non ho tempo per queste scemenze, devo andare a cercare qualcuno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2845 translate it lpissOffCaveman_cc00d767: # "She stomps away, leaving Naomi to deflate a bit." "Se ne va arrabbiata, lasciando Naomi un po' depressa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2848 translate it lpissOffCaveman_dba12802: # A "That anything important?" A "Qualcosa di serio?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2859 translate it lpissOffCaveman_1316256b: # N "Sorry you had to see that, Anon." N "Mi dispiace che tu abbia visto, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2862 translate it lpissOffCaveman_02abc532: # N "Oh, I didn’t notice we were blocking the door from you, my apologies." N "Oh, non mi sono accorta che ti stavamo bloccando la porta, chiedo scusa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2864 translate it lpissOffCaveman_dd64362b: # A "The principal asked to see me early, I’m not really in any rush." A "Il preside voleva vedermi di prima mattina, non vado di fretta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2867 translate it lpissOffCaveman_7582407d: # N "Very commendable of you, though!" N "Molto lodevole da parte tua, però!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2869 translate it lpissOffCaveman_9596cc1b: # N "Go right ahead on in." N "Dai entra." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2872 translate it lpissOffCaveman_ce08bb23: # A "Sure, thanks." A "Certo, grazie." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2888 translate it lspears_office_6b5cc754: # "I open the door to the cramped office, expecting to see a gruff cave of a workspace." "Apro la porta dell'angusto ufficio, aspettandomi una vera e propria caverna." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2890 translate it lspears_office_c0fe6b32: # "Instead, it was a fairly well furnished space complete with armchairs and cabinets of old photos." "Invece, era una stanza molto ben arredata completa di poltrone e armadietti di vecchie foto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2900 translate it lspears_office_6da06368: # Sp "You going to stand there forever? What are you waiting for? Sit." Sp "Resterai lì in piedi per sempre? Cosa stai aspettando? Siediti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2905 translate it lspears_office_60d9ff81: # "I plant myself in one of the armchairs and sink a bit lower into the cushion than expected." "Mi siedo in una delle poltrone e sprofondo nel cuscino più del previsto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2907 translate it lspears_office_352c24c3: # "Perks of being a human, I guess." "I pregi di essere un umano, credo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2912 translate it lspears_office_ee53deb2: # Sp "I believe I told you last night to be here first thing this morning." Sp "Ieri sera mi pare di averti detto di venire qui in prima mattinata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2915 translate it lspears_office_891c07f4: # "Shit!" "Merda!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2918 translate it lspears_office_412f2215: # Sp "Tell me, do I have a stutter?" Sp "Dimmi, balbetto quando parlo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2920 translate it lspears_office_f556d884: # A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2923 translate it lspears_office_39f40583: # Sp "Speak.{fast}" Sp "Parla.{fast}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2925 translate it lspears_office_fefdcb50: # A "N-no, sir." A "N-no, signore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2928 translate it lspears_office_f4a717de: # Sp "{i}{cps=*.25}*sigh…*{/cps}{/i}" Sp "{i}{cps=*.25}*sigh…*{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2930 translate it lspears_office_22bcb4ce: # Sp "Take this as a learning experience, Anon." Sp "Prendila come una esperienza formativa, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2932 translate it lspears_office_c977cb19: # Sp "Punctuality gets you far in life." Sp "La puntualità ti aiuterà molto nella vita." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2934 translate it lspears_office_9971a4db: # A "Yes, sir." A "Sì, signore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2937 translate it lspears_office_8be5dccf: # Sp "I let you off the hook last night because you’re a new student." Sp "Ho chiuso un occhio ieri sera perché sei un nuovo studente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2939 translate it lspears_office_19e62dce: # Sp "I meant what I said last night." Sp "Ero serio ieri sera." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2943 translate it lspears_office_da8545e6: # Sp "Punctual like I asked. I like that, Anon." Sp "Puntuale come ho chiesto. Questo mi piace, Anon." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2945 translate it lspears_office_a3423fdf: # Sp "I trust that what happened last night won’t become a recurring problem with you?" Sp "Presumo che quello che è successo ieri sera non sarà un problema ricorrente con te." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2947 translate it lspears_office_6601c322: # A "No, sir." A "No, signore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2949 translate it lspears_office_9b2b1a83: # Sp "Good. I meant what I said last night." Sp "Bene. Ero serio ieri sera." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2952 translate it lspears_office_cde08c8a: # "Hopefully not about the whole pile driving thing." "Spero non si riferisca anche ai piledriver." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2954 translate it lspears_office_55158ace: # Sp "Still, I didn’t bring you in here to lecture you." Sp "Comunque, non ti ho portato qui per farti la predica." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2956 translate it lspears_office_bb10f799: # "He didn’t?" "Non l'ha fatto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2958 translate it lspears_office_8ef5b222: # Sp "Not many people have to use the school’s financial services." Sp "Non molte persone devono usare il sostegno finanziario della scuola." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2961 translate it lspears_office_0b716a4f: # A "What?" A "Cosa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2963 translate it lspears_office_b1c845a5: # A "Financial services?" A "Sostegno finanziario?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2965 translate it lspears_office_967cd5d6: # Sp "All the paperwork’s done to get you a special lunch card for the semester." Sp "Tutte le pratiche per darti una tessera speciale per il pranzo per il semestre sono fatte." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2967 translate it lspears_office_79c44df7: # Sp "You don’t have to worry about paying until after graduation." Sp "Non ti dovrai preoccupare di pagare fino a dopo il diploma." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2969 translate it lspears_office_2e8bb63f: # Sp "No interest, no down payments, none of that." Sp "Niente interessi, niene anticipi, niente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2972 translate it lspears_office_a19c94fc: # A "I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} What’s happening, sir?" A "Io uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Cosa sta succedendo, signore?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2974 translate it lspears_office_0ff8a734: # Sp "You signed up for the financial services, correct?" Sp "Hai richiesto il sostegno finanziario, giusto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2976 translate it lspears_office_e3c881e7: # Sp "Naomi told me you needed help with food and even had the papers filed out." Sp "Naomi mi ha detto che ti serviva aiuto per mangiare e aveva anche i moduli compilati." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2978 translate it lspears_office_a2279aca: # "Naomi?!" "Naomi?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2980 translate it lspears_office_57c957ca: # Sp "Allow me to double-check real fast." Sp "Permettimi di ridare una controllata veloce." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2991 translate it lspears_office_bce54825: # Sp "{b}NAOMI!!{/b}" with vpunch Sp "{b}NAOMI!!{/b}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3003 translate it lspears_office_895fd4b2: # "Hello tinnitus my old friend{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Hello acufene my old friend{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3009 translate it lspears_office_c9afde3d: # N "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" N "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3013 translate it lspears_office_b0a1ee00: # Sp "{cps=*0.2}......{/cps}" Sp "{cps=*0.2}......{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3017 translate it lspears_office_fa8715a0: # N "{cps=*0.2}....{/cps}" N "{cps=*0.2}....{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3021 translate it lspears_office_a7140457: # Sp "{cps=*0.2}.....{/cps}" Sp "{cps=*0.2}.....{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3025 translate it lspears_office_e639a21e: # "Oh god am I stuck like this?" "Oddio rimarrò sordo per sempre?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3033 translate it lspears_office_2bf1c244: # Sp "-dismissed Naomi." Sp "-congedata Naomi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3035 translate it lspears_office_f32c17a7: # Sp "And just to be absolutely clear, Anon did ask you for this, correct?" Sp "E giusto per essere completamente sicuri, è stato Anon a chiedertelo, giusto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3039 translate it lspears_office_f3dc9af6: # N "Well, he {i}is{/i} in need of assistance, right?" N "Beh, lui {i}ha{/i} bisogno di aiuto, giusto?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3041 translate it lspears_office_a8d0a6e3: # N "Otherwise he’s stuck with the budget meals." N "Altrimenti sarà costretto a mangiare i pasti economici." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3047 translate it lspears_office_4605065c: # Sp "Anon?" Sp "Anon?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3049 translate it lspears_office_98569b47: # "I glance between the two." "Do un'occhiata ai due." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3051 translate it lspears_office_58890863: # "It probably wasn’t malicious, but still{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" "Probabilmente non l'ha fatto con malizia, ma{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3053 translate it lspears_office_29826615: # "I’m not getting involved in office politics today." "Oggi non voglio immischiarmi in politiche da ufficio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3055 translate it lspears_office_c26931bd: # A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {cps=*0.2}Yes.{/cps}" A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {cps=*0.2}Sì.{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3059 translate it lspears_office_0df2f2e9: # N "Oh, lovely!" N "Oh, fantastico!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3065 translate it lspears_office_6cab2144: # N "{cps=*0.5}Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any other prob-{/cps}{nw}" N "{cps=*0.5}Non esitare a chiedere se hai altri prob-{/cps}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3067 translate it lspears_office_8d3e115f: # Sp "You may leave now, Naomi." Sp "Te ne puoi andare, Naomi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3071 translate it lspears_office_5bcbd156: # N "Oh! Yes sir!" N "Oh! Sì signore!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3074 translate it lspears_office_c6c4dac1: # "She leaves the office and Spears clicks the papers on his desk into a stack." "Lei esce dall'ufficio e Spears raddrizza i fogli sulla sua scrivania." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3077 translate it lspears_office_4de3d0c9: # Sp "Hate to do that, but she goes on for ages." Sp "Odio farlo, ma va avanti in eterno." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3079 translate it lspears_office_ca149770: # Sp "Anyways, go ahead and sign here.{w=0.4} Here.{w=0.4} Here.{w=0.4} Initial here.{w=0.4} Date here.{w=0.4} Print your name here." Sp "Comunque, ecco, firma qui.{w=0.4} Qui.{w=0.4} Qui.{w=0.4} Iniziali qui.{w=0.4} Data qui.{w=0.4} Stampa il tuo nome qui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3082 translate it lspears_office_39b1aa64: # "I didn’t catch any of that." "Non ci ho capito niente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3084 translate it lspears_office_d0465fa4: # A "W{w=0.1}-what?" A "C{w=0.1}-cosa?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3086 translate it lspears_office_699c037b: # Sp "Just kidding. You’re good to go Anon, and don’t forget this." Sp "Scherzo. Puoi andare Anon, e non ti scordare di questa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3091 translate it lspears_office_1c806082: # "He holds out the poorly laminated lunch card for me to take." "Mi offre la tessera per il pranzo plastificata male." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3093 translate it lspears_office_5c585be5: # Sp "Just keep in mind," Sp "Ricorda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3095 translate it lspears_office_94ba4043: # Sp "As a senior, this semester is your last, your biggest chance to figure your future out." Sp "Sei all'ultimo anno, questo semestre è la tua ultima e più importante possibilità per pensare al tuo futuro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3097 translate it lspears_office_3509b824: # Sp "Even if you’re new to all of us here at Volcano High, we’re here to help you make the most of it." Sp "Anche se sei nuovo qui a Volcano High, siamo qui per aiutarti a viverlo e usarlo al meglio." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3100 translate it lspears_office_893ecd27: # "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3102 translate it lspears_office_c0122d40: # A "Thank you, Mister Spears." A "Grazie, Signor Spears." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3106 translate it lspears_office_5e9ed34a: # "Mr. Spears nods and gives a small smile." "Il Sig. Spears annuisce e fa un sorrisetto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3108 translate it lspears_office_d264cfd3: # Sp "You can come in anytime. I’m always here to listen." Sp "Puoi venire quando vuoi. Ci sono sempre per parlare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3112 translate it lspears_office_926eb9e1: # Sp "You can come in anytime. I’m always here to listen.{fast} Except for topics relating to estrus season." Sp "Puoi venire quando vuoi. Ci sono sempre per parlare.{fast} Tranne per cose inerenti alla stagione dell'estro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3115 translate it lspears_office_7e8dae32: # "I sense great exhaustion in that last bit." "Quell'ultima parte lo fa sembrare molto esausto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3119 translate it lspears_office_23bd00f1: # "I thank Mr. Spears one last time and head to homeroom." "Ringrazio il Sig. Spears un ultima volta e mi dirigo verso l'aula della prima ora." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3121 translate it lspears_office_a20cefa7: # "..." "..." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3133 translate it lspears_office_1906c3a8: # "I thank Mr. Spears one last time and head out." "Ringrazio il Sig. Spears un'ultima volta ed esco." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3149 translate it lfinding_naser_3bb6e375: # "Naser should be around here somewhere, I wanted to talk to him before class." "Naser dovrebbe essere qui vicino, volevo parlagli prima di andare in classe." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3151 translate it lfinding_naser_e5a43a54: # "There’s still a bit of time before the bell." "Manca ancora un po' di tempo prima della campanella." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3154 translate it lfinding_naser_fe484c21: # "But where would Naser be hanging out about now?" "Ma dove potrebbe trovarsi?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3156 translate it lfinding_naser_9dfd4c27: # "Maybe near the cafeteria?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.5}This place serves breakfa-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" "Forse vicino al bar?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.5}Questo posto serve la colazio-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3161 translate it lfinding_naser_711fc0ec: # unknown "{cps=*0.25}WAOOOH!!{/cps}" with vpunch unknown "{cps=*0.25}WAOOOH!!{/cps}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3163 translate it lfinding_naser_1d746e1d: # "With the screech of a banshee, a blur of purple launches itself onto an unsuspecting student." "Con l'urlo da pazza, una macchia viola si lancia verso uno studente ignaro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3165 translate it lfinding_naser_f9285378: # "Everyone in the hallway pauses to watch as a midget of a triceratops attempts to bring down the taller raptor student." "Tutti in corridoio si fermano e guardano mentre un triceratopo nano prova ad abbattere un raptor studente più alto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3169 translate it lfinding_naser_c83435e1: # unknown "{b}{cps=*2}IMMAKILLYOUTRIGGA!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch unknown "{b}{cps=*2}T'AMMAZZOTRIGGA!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3172 translate it lfinding_naser_39057d9f: # "The student body collectively rolls their eyes and continues on, choosing to ignore the pissed off trigga as she finally forces the helpless guy to the floor and sits triumphantly on his chest." "Tutti gli studenti alzano gli occhi al cielo e continuano a camminare, scegliendo di ignorare il trigga incazzato che tiene il tizio indifeso atterrato, sedendosi trionfante sul suo petto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3175 translate it lfinding_naser_c7dfead2: # "I’m pretty sure some would pay good money for this treatment." "Sono sicuro che c'è qualcuno che pagherebbe molto per un trattamento del genere." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3177 translate it lfinding_naser_9ee84da7: # "The ineffectual pummel-slapping included as she flails at the raptor’s face." "Testate e schiaffi inefficaci inclusi. Ora sta flagellando la faccia del raptor." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3180 translate it lfinding_naser_f1b5ddb3: # T "You were there last night weren’t you?!" T "Tu eri lì ieri sera vero?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3182 translate it lfinding_naser_d02d4bdd: # unknown "YES, ALRIGHT, I WAS! GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO BITCH!" unknown "SÌ, VA BENE, C'ERO! LASCAMI STARE STRONZA PSICOPATICA!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3184 translate it lfinding_naser_e0aac050: # T "You owe my band an apology!" T "Devi delle scuse alla mia band!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3186 translate it lfinding_naser_16d3d809: # unknown "WILL IT GET YOU OFF OF ME?!" unknown "SE LO FACCIO TI LEVI DI DOSSO?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3188 translate it lfinding_naser_c173a841: # T "If it’s good enough." T "Se saranno sincere abbastanza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3190 translate it lfinding_naser_a319b047: # unknown "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I’M SORRY, JUST GET OFF!!" unknown "OK, CAPITO, SCUSA, LEVATI DI DOSSO!!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3193 translate it lfinding_naser_603d2955: # "Wait, she’s in the band that played yesterday?" "Aspetta, lei era nella band che ha suonato ieri?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3197 translate it lfinding_naser_6e0b216c: # "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Should get out of here." "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Dovrei andarmene da qui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3199 translate it lfinding_naser_83496df6: # "Last thing I need is whatever’s going on here." "L'ultima cosa di cui ho bisogno è qualsiasi cosa stia succedendo qui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3202 translate it lfinding_naser_625ab8aa: # "I discreetly slip away, down the nearest hall." "Me la svigno con discrezione, verso il corridoio più vicino." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3214 translate it lfinding_naser_8e3c4133: # A "That happen often{cps=*0.1}...?{/cps}" A "Succede spesso{cps=*0.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3228 translate it lfinding_naser_ab20fb55: # Nas "Does what happen often?" Nas "Succede cosa spesso?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3234 translate it lfinding_naser_d3b87133: # A "WAH!" A "WAH!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3238 translate it lfinding_naser_bd63c162: # "Naser’s leaning against a set of lockers, along with that guy from before." "Naser è appoggiato a un paio di armadietti, insieme al tizio di prima." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3241 translate it lfinding_naser_f9ab0ac6: # "The other one’s making a throat-slashing gesture, waving a palm across his neck." "L'altro fa un gesto di tagliare la gola, ondeggiando le dita verso il collo" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3246 translate it lfinding_naser_6e2b3992: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} nothing important." A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} niente di che." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3261 translate it lfinding_naser_c89a4c28: # unknown "So as I was saying, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" unknown "Quindi come ti stavo dicendo, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3263 translate it lfinding_naser_256b42eb: # unknown "BXR, best tactic in the game, y’know?" unknown "BXR, è la miglior tattica nel gioco, sai?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3269 translate it lfinding_naser_ee65213c: # Nas "Erm, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Makes sense, I guess?" Nas "Erm, già{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ha senso, credo?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3273 translate it lfinding_naser_2c3f2ba7: # Nas "Anyways, Reed. I’m sorry for how things went last night, I didn’t think those assholes would laugh at you." Nas "Comunque, Reed. Sono dispiaciuto per quello che è successo ieri sera, non avevo idea che quegli stronzi avrebbero riso di voi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3277 translate it lfinding_naser_94004a03: # "Oh." "Oh." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3285 translate it lfinding_naser_37421412: # Re "Nah man, s’cool." Re "Nah fra, scialla." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3287 translate it lfinding_naser_49c0c397: # Re "They called me because they wanted me to kill bugs crawling on the drums with a couple sticks, I don't know why a bunch of people came there to watch it." Re "Mi avevano chiamato perché uccidessi un po' di insetti sui tamburi con un paio di bastoncini, non so perché così tante persone siano venute a vedere." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3290 translate it lfinding_naser_6998880c: # Nas "Right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} And you’re absolutely sure Trish is taking it okay?" Nas "Giusto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} E sei assolutamente sicuro che Trish la stia prendendo bene?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3293 translate it lfinding_naser_ee5beccd: # Re "Hell yeah, man. Nothin’ goin’ on in the Trish department at all." Re "Sicurissimo, fra. Non c'è assolutamente niente che non va nel reparto Trish." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3296 translate it lfinding_naser_93f06ddf: # "Reed suddenly reaches into his pocket and retrieves his phone, tapping away at a shockingly long password." "Reed all'improvviso mette la mano in tasca, prende il suo telefono, e pigia una password sorprendentemente lunga." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3302 translate it lfinding_naser_1b625d82: # Re "Oh,{w=0.2} sick!{w=0.4} Right, gotta go. Catch you later, amigo." Re "Oh,{w=0.2} figo!{w=0.4} Devo scappare. Ci vediamo dopo, amigo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3310 translate it lfinding_naser_f9494198: # "The raptor bolts before Naser can respond, undoubtedly related to the triceratops." "Il raptor scatta via prima che Naser possa rispondere, ha di sicuro a che fare con il triceratopo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3315 translate it lfinding_naser_3af4a2c0: # Nas "Weird guy." Nas "Che tipo strano." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3318 translate it lfinding_naser_3d62f163: # A "Uh,{w=0.4} Naser,{w=0.4} {cps=*.7}I actually wanted to talk to-{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" A "Uh,{w=0.4} Naser,{w=0.4} {cps=*.7}Volevo parlarti di-{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3333 translate it lfinding_naser_8b262b2a: # Nas "Crap, can’t miss my homeroom today." Nas "Merda, oggi non posso saltare l'appello." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3336 translate it lfinding_naser_743248e8: # Nas "Sorry, it’ll have to wait a bit." Nas "Scusa, dovrà aspettare un po'." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3339 translate it lfinding_naser_b15668d9: # A "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} no, that’s fine." A "È{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} no, non importa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3341 translate it lfinding_naser_ad21e258: # A "See you later." A "Ci vediamo dopo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3347 translate it lfinding_naser_fdf7758f: # "Naser heads off down the hall and I go to my own homeroom." "Naser tira dritto verso il corridoio e io vado nella mia aula." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3349 translate it lfinding_naser_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3363 translate it lpostCavemanConference_95c52013: # "The periods pass and eventually it’s lunchtime again." "Le ore passano e prima o poi è di nuovo ora di pranzo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3365 translate it lpostCavemanConference_76839c26: # "I’ve been focusing a bit less on class, and more on getting a routine down to avoid unwanted confrontation." "Mi sto concentrando di meno a lezione, e di più sul creare una routine che mi permetta di evitare conflitti inutili." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3367 translate it lpostCavemanConference_2662575a: # "It’s like it’s only me and the teacher in class, phasing out everyone else." "Come se in classe ci fossero solamente io e il professore, ignorando tutti gli altri." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3375 translate it lpostCavemanConference_18f98820: # "I follow the flow of students towards the lunchroom, mindlessly looking about the halls." "Seguo il flusso di studenti verso la mensa, mentre guardo nei corridoi senza pensarci." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3377 translate it lpostCavemanConference_80c24032: # "Passing by the athletic awards case, a decent amount of group photos have Naser front and center." "Passo davanti a una teca di premi sportivi, un buon numero delle foto di gruppo hanno Naser al centro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3379 translate it lpostCavemanConference_b1f5cf9d: # "Apparently this school is pretty well known for their track team." "A quanto pare questa scuola è famosa per la sua squadra di atletica leggera." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3381 translate it lpostCavemanConference_9a605727: # "In a similar vein, Naomi is present in a good deal of the photos in the academic achievement case." "Allo stesso modo, Naomi è presente in molte foto nella teca dei premi accademici." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3383 translate it lpostCavemanConference_6105289f: # "The last case was reserved for general awards, I guess trophies that don’t belong anywhere else." "L'ultima teca è riservata a premi generali, presumo per trofei che non hanno posto dove stare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3386 translate it lpostCavemanConference_2a496875: # "The school has a few commendation awards for their efforts to stop bullying." "La scuola ha qualche premio di merito per i suoi sforzi nel fermare il bullismo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3388 translate it lpostCavemanConference_6f1065fc: # "Feh, they pass those around to every school." "Se vabbè, quelli li danno a tutte le scuole." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3391 translate it lpostCavemanConference_1747947c: # "Looking around, there’s several posters on the walls here." "Guardandomi in giro, ci sono molti poster sui muri." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3393 translate it lpostCavemanConference_71b60fd7: # "All simple slogans to stop the evil bully menace." "Tutti semplici slogan per fermare la minaccia del bullo cattivo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3395 translate it lpostCavemanConference_88878519: # "A fat lot of good those did me at my old school{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Col cavolo che quelli mi hanno aiutato alla mia vecchia scuola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3397 translate it lpostCavemanConference_314b40b5: # "They always went all in with those efforts." "Si sforzavano sempre così tanto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3399 translate it lpostCavemanConference_1572d415: # "One time they even got the whole student body into the auditorium to watch a short movie." "Una volta hanno portato tutti gli studenti nell'auditorium per farci vedere un corto." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3401 translate it lpostCavemanConference_1031795f: # "Some frail, pasty kid gets pestered by a chubby, buff bully." "Un gracile e pallido ragazzo viene infastidito da un grande e paffuto bullo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3403 translate it lpostCavemanConference_1e452339: # "The kid ended up trying to run away and got hit by a car, with the credits scrolling over a scene in the hospital." "Il ragazzo finì per essere investito da una macchina mentre tentava di scappare, con i titoli di coda che scorrevano durante una scena in un ospedale." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3405 translate it lpostCavemanConference_ffa42251: # "Everyone in class just said things like \"Man,{w=0.2} good thing I’m not like that bully.\", \"Yeah, if I ever see a bully like that I’ll help the kid!\"" "Tutti in classe dicevano cose tipo \"Wow,{w=0.2} menomale che non sono come quel bullo.\", \"Già, se mai vedrò un bullo così aiuterò il ragazzo!\"" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3408 translate it lpostCavemanConference_17dc65d3: # "Then they went right back to talking about me." "Poi riprendevano immediatamente a sparlare di me." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3410 translate it lpostCavemanConference_7ef78c31: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No use feeling bad about the past." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non serve a niente rimuginare sul passato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3424 translate it lpostCavemanConference_95797750: # "I’m here now." "Ora sono qui." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3426 translate it lpostCavemanConference_03adb2d8: # "With the lunch card in my possession I’m able to snag something actually edible." "Con la mia tessera del pranzo posso finalmente prendere qualcosa di commestibile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3428 translate it lpostCavemanConference_e4178897: # "I should run the math on how much I’ll end up owing, but I feel more like indulging myself." "Dovrei fare i conti per vedere quanto dovrò alla scuola, ma mi voglio concedere qualche lusso." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3444 translate it lpostCavemanConference_b09e3caf: # "Why not both?" "Perché non entrambi?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3446 translate it lpostCavemanConference_4cb69c18: # "Hence my tray stacked high with desserts and the tastiest looking sandwich from the lunchline." "Infatti ora ho un vasoio pieno zeppo di dolci e con il panino più succulento della mensa." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3449 translate it lpostCavemanConference_5e567df2: # "Looking around for a place to sit I see the aggravating creamsicle waving at me." "Mentre cerco un posto dove sedermi vedo il solero irritante che mi saluta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3455 translate it lpostCavemanConference_329ccd5b: # "Next to her is Naser with a complicated expression." "Vicino a lei c'è Naser con una espressione complicata." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3461 translate it lpostCavemanConference_f83fe2ae: # Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}I just wanted to make sure you guys had an actual audience-{/cps}{/i}" Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}Volevo solamente essere sicuro che aveste un vero pubblico-{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3465 translate it lpostCavemanConference_079f958c: # Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}I brought them here so Fang has an audience.{/cps}{/i}" Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}Li ho portati qui così che Fang avesse un pubblico.{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3468 translate it lpostCavemanConference_fb6e33a2: # "Shit." "Merda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3470 translate it lpostCavemanConference_23887fcc: # "I go and sit across from Naser and Naomi." "Vado e mi siedo di fronte a Naser e Naomi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3487 translate it lpostCavemanConference_36ba1ab8: # N "I see you’re making use of the lunch card." N "Vedo che stai facendo uso della tua tessera." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3491 translate it lpostCavemanConference_0a75b057: # A "{cps=*.4}Yyyyeeeaaaaah...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.4}Eeeesaaaattoooooo...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3494 translate it lpostCavemanConference_f7853b71: # N "But all those sugars! All that is bad for your health, Anon. This school’s vegan options-" N "Ma tutti quegli zuccheri! Ti faranno male, Anon. Le opzioni vegane della scuola-" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3496 translate it lpostCavemanConference_f8d5f7c5: # "I tune her out with the help of a crunchy sugar cookie." "La ignoro con l'aiuto di un croccante biscotto zuccherato." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3499 translate it lpostCavemanConference_aec6b71a: # "A glance at Naser and I notice that he’s just poking at his pasta." "Do uno sguardo a Naser e mi accorgo che sta solamente muovendo la sua pasta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3505 translate it lpostCavemanConference_ca801e66: # N "Naser sweetie, you shouldn’t play with your food." N "Naser tesoro, non dovresti giocare con il tuo cibo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3512 translate it lpostCavemanConference_07ef26a2: # Nas "Huhwha-{w=0.6}{nw}" Nas "Huhcos-{w=0.6}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3515 translate it lpostCavemanConference_a3c93083: # Nas "Huhwha-{fast} OH! Anon, what’s up?" Nas "Huhcos-{fast} OH! Anon, come va?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3517 translate it lpostCavemanConference_4f45cd81: # A "Not much. And you?" A "Tutto ok. Te?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3520 translate it lpostCavemanConference_0fde9976: # Nas "Yeah no, totally good!" Nas "Pure io, tutto apposto!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3522 translate it lpostCavemanConference_be4ba734: # "His following laugh sounds hollow." "La risata che segue sembra vuota." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3525 translate it lpostCavemanConference_d632225b: # N "Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3530 translate it lpostCavemanConference_e29a9731: # Nas "Yeah yeah. It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Lo so lo so. È solo che{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3534 translate it lpostCavemanConference_06a7f820: # Nas "Fang stayed home today." Nas "Fang è rimastə a casa oggi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3536 translate it lpostCavemanConference_e643dc67: # Nas "The concert was a shitshow and they wanted to avoid everyone. I knew I shouldn’t have invited all those guys." Nas "Il concerto è stato un merdaio e voleva stare lontanə da tutti. Lo sapevo che non li avrei dovuti invitare." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3544 translate it lpostCavemanConference_a26b07cc: # "Naomi places a comforting hand on his shoulder." "Naomi porge la sua mano sulla spalla di Naser per confortalo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3546 translate it lpostCavemanConference_802dd6f1: # A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Io uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Già{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3548 translate it lpostCavemanConference_45913fe3: # A "That crowd was harsh." A "Pubblico difficile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3550 translate it lpostCavemanConference_976c6a98: # Nas "What happened after I left?" Nas "Cosa è successo dopo che me ne sono andato?" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3552 translate it lpostCavemanConference_aece86fa: # "Naser looks at me pitifully." "Naser mi guarda pietosamente." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3554 translate it lpostCavemanConference_7a475fad: # Nas "Trish gave me a general idea, but I have to know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Trish mi ha dato un'idea generale, ma devo sapere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3557 translate it lpostCavemanConference_4198b179: # Sp "{cps=*.6}{i}You are not the only person in the world.{/i}{/cps}" Sp "{cps=*.6}{i}Non sei l'unica persona al mondo.{/i}{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3560 translate it lpostCavemanConference_8bbf4d5f: # "Ah, shit." "Ah, merda." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3563 translate it lpostCavemanConference_2efb2439: # A "The band never made it past the first song. Someone said they ‘still’ sucked." A "La band non ha neanche finito la prima canzone. Qualcuno ha detto che facevano ‘ancora’ schifo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3569 translate it lpostCavemanConference_212248b5: # "Naser grits his teeth." "Naser stringe i denti." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3575 translate it lpostCavemanConference_723db08a: # A "Whoa whoa, calm down man." A "Whoa whoa, calmati bro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3577 translate it lpostCavemanConference_af9b84dd: # Nas "What else? Did they say anything about Fang?!" Nas "Nient'altro? Hanno detto qualcosa di Fang?!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3580 translate it lpostCavemanConference_0ac4c1d5: # unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}NO ONE WOULD WANT TO FUCK YOU, BITCH!{/i}{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}NESSUNO VORREBBE MAI FARE QUALCOSA CON IL TUO CULO, TROIA!{/i}{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3583 translate it lpostCavemanConference_e2c8fe19: # A "{cps=*.4}...Yeah...{/cps} I don’t think you’d want to hear it though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.4}...Sì...{/cps} Però non credo tu voglia sentire{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3585 translate it lpostCavemanConference_b8f0a709: # Nas "And? What happened after?!{w=.5}{nw}" Nas "Allora? Poi cosa è successo?!{w=.5}{nw}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3593 translate it lpostCavemanConference_15717fee: # Nas "And? What happened after?!{fast} I’m gonna kick all their asses!" with vpunch Nas "Allora? Poi cosa è successo?!{fast} Gli spacco il culo a quelli!" with vpunch # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3598 translate it lpostCavemanConference_bc23eef1: # N "Naser! Please calm yourself!" N "Naser! Ti prego calmati!" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3604 translate it lpostCavemanConference_8ba6e6f0: # "I realize now that I had been laughing with them." "Ora mi rendo conto che stavo ridendo con loro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3607 translate it lpostCavemanConference_36fc5476: # A "I left after that. Principal Spears was fucking pissed." A "Me ne sono andato dopo ciò. Il Preside Spears era incazzato nero." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3609 translate it lpostCavemanConference_b1a6e4e3: # A "Even threatened to suplex them." A "Ha anche minacciato di fare qualche suplex." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3616 translate it lpostCavemanConference_266fe8e3: # "Naser sags, emotionally spent." "Naser si affloscia, emozionalmente esaurito." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3621 translate it lpostCavemanConference_2139b394: # Nas "{cps=*.3}Haaaaah....{/cps} Fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps} So that’s why she stayed home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "{cps=*.3}Haaaaah....{/cps} Cazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ecco perché è rimasta a casa oggi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3625 translate it lpostCavemanConference_a03486ad: # N "If Fang wishes to stay home then that is her prerogative." N "Se Fang vuole rimanere a casa da sola questa è una sua scelta." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3627 translate it lpostCavemanConference_f9be240f: # N "You just need to give her some time, Naser." N "Devi darle un po' di tempo, Naser." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3629 translate it lpostCavemanConference_7f2247cc: # "While she said that I noticed a strange expression cross over Naomi’s face." "Mentre diceva ciò ho notato una strana espressione sul volto di Naomi." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3632 translate it lpostCavemanConference_3a4fd19a: # Nas "I know babe. I just wish I could help them more." Nas "Lo so amore. Voglio solo poterlə aiutare di più." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3635 translate it lpostCavemanConference_284ff9ea: # A "Yeah. If you need any help Naser, I owe ya for the pizza." A "Già. Naser se ti serve aiuto, ti devo per la pizza." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3643 translate it lpostCavemanConference_34998a7d: # "We finish eating and make small talk until the bell signals us to go to our sixth period." "Finiamo di mangiare a chiaccheriamo fino a che la campanella annuncia la sesta ora." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3645 translate it lpostCavemanConference_d59c0e3e: # "Day two out of however many left is now out of my way." "Il secondo giorno di chissà quanti sta per finire." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3648 translate it lpostCavemanConference_2b6fcf56: # "I’m fairly certain that if Naser found out I laughed too I’d need to avoid him." "Sono abbastanza sicuro che se Naser scoprisse che ho riso anch'io dovrei cominciare ad evitarlo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3650 translate it lpostCavemanConference_a418b269: # "Those cheeto covered claws look like they’d freakin’ hurt, man." "Quegli artigli ricoperti di fonzies sembrano fare un male cane." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3654 translate it lpostCavemanConference_15ce8b25: # "With that drama now past me I can just disappear and cheese through the rest of the year like I’m invisible." "Con questa tragedia alle spalle posso sparire e far filare il resto dell'anno come se fossi invisibile." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3656 translate it lpostCavemanConference_3de2441e: # "Oh when June hits it’s gonna be so sweet." "Oh quando arriverà Giugno sarà fantastico." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3659 translate it lpostCavemanConference_d84a3f46: # "Amen to that." "Parole sante." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3661 translate it lpostCavemanConference_ddd008b5: # "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" translate it strings: # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:50 old "Reply to the obvious shill thread" new "Rispondi al thread palesemente fatto da un imbonitore." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:50 old "Bait the obvious underaged poster" new "Baita il poster palesemente minorenne." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2257 old "Naser's a bro" new "Naser è un bro." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2257 old "I don't wanna piss off the caveman." new "Non voglio stare sul cazzo al cavernicolo." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3433 old "Grab the cookies you fatass" new "Prendi i biscotti ciccione." # game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3433 old "That sandwich looks good" new "Quel panino non sembra male."