# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24 # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:13 translate pt_br chapter_x8_9875563a: # "I find myself worrying more and more." "Me sinto cada vez mais preocupada." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:15 translate pt_br chapter_x8_1447ef11: # "With the night coming to a close everyone begins to leave Naser’s home." "Com a noite chegando ao fim, todos começam a ir embora da casa de Naser." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:17 translate pt_br chapter_x8_3f2e6b29: # "All his old teammates give him congratulatory hugs and back pats on their way out." "Todos os seus antigos colegas de time o parabenizam com abraços e tapinhas nas costas quando passam por ele." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:19 translate pt_br chapter_x8_780bccc0: # "Even Chet and Stella, who’re the last to leave." "Até mesmo Chet e Stela, que são os últimos a saírem." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:38 translate pt_br chapter_x8_d3265813: # FD "Don’t think you’re getting out of cleaning, missy!" FD "Não pense que vai escapar da limpeza, mocinha!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:41 translate pt_br chapter_x8_d13462e8: # F "{cps=*0.5}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH{/cps}." F "{cps=*0.5}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH{/cps}." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:44 translate pt_br chapter_x8_9d818b40: # "I frown a little. After all this time, she still argues with her family?" "Eu franzo um pouco a testa. Depois de todo esse tempo ela ainda discute com a família?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:46 translate pt_br chapter_x8_3f01575a: # "I was always taught to respect my elders by my parents." "Fui ensinada desde cedo pelos meus pais a respeitar os mais velhos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:71 translate pt_br chapter_x8_5b498573: # FM "Naomi dear, you don’t have to-" FM "Naomi, querida, você não precisa-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:74 translate pt_br chapter_x8_942a7c20: # N "I insist, ma’am. I was the one to suggest the party, after all." N "Eu insisto, senhora. A festa foi uma sugestão minha no fim das contas." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:89 translate pt_br chapter_x8_69a64803: # "I continue sweeping the detritus from the floor, making sure to focus on the nooks and crannies." "Continuo limpando a sujeira do chão, me certificando de focar em todos os cantos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:92 translate pt_br chapter_x8_f314d228: # "I try to focus on my task but{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" "Tento me concentrar na tarefa, mas{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:95 translate pt_br chapter_x8_0650995c: # "My thoughts keep going back to how odd Naser has been acting." "Meus pensamentos continuam voltando para a maneira estranha com que Naser está agindo ultimamente." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:97 translate pt_br chapter_x8_7114a2a5: # "When I had to keep Naser out so his family could set the party up he was{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" "Quando mantive ele longe para que sua família pudesse preparar a festa, ele estava{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:100 translate pt_br chapter_x8_380bc617: # "Distant{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" "Distante{cps=*0.075}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:103 translate pt_br chapter_x8_7a8e8b12: # "A part of me wants to say it’s just nerves." "Uma parte de mim quer dizer que é apenas nervosismo." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:105 translate pt_br chapter_x8_64460790: # "After all, he’s going away to college." "Afinal de contas, ele vai para longe por conta da faculdade." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:107 translate pt_br chapter_x8_69871ddf: # "Leaving his home." "Vai sair de casa." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:110 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b12a9eba: # "Even when I promised him that I’ll be with him so he won’t feel lonely." "Mesmo quando prometi a ele que estaria lá para que não se sinta sozinho." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:112 translate pt_br chapter_x8_50ce722a: # "He felt so stiff when I said that." "Ele pareceu muito rígido quando eu disse isso." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:115 translate pt_br chapter_x8_99bc5281: # "I shake my head to clear my mind of these awful thoughts." "Balanço a cabeça para tirar esses pensamentos horríveis da minha mente." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:117 translate pt_br chapter_x8_827eb10e: # "After all, Naser and I can talk about this once we move in together." "Enfim, Naser e eu podemos tocar no assunto assim que estivermos morando juntos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:120 translate pt_br chapter_x8_97d84115: # "Aw, it’ll be as if we’re newlyweds." "Aw, vai ser como se fôssemos recém-casados." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:122 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b1ed048d: # "That thought makes me a little giddy as I push the pile neatly into the dust pan." "A ideia me deixa um pouco aérea enquanto varro a pilha de sujeira para a pá." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:125 translate pt_br chapter_x8_06030386: # "Yes, in fact maybe we can talk about our plans for our living arrangements now." "Sim, na verdade talvez agora seja hora de conversarmos sobre os nossos planos de morarmos juntos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:142 translate pt_br chapter_x8_2bcdf8e1: # N "Naser dear, I-" N "Naser, amor, eu-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:145 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e33bf068: # "Huh? Why is he making that face?" "Hã? Por que ele tá fazendo essa cara?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:148 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e266c354: # N "Is something the matter?" N "Aconteceu alguma coisa?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:154 translate pt_br chapter_x8_ca33547f: # Nas "W-{w=.15}what? N-{w=.15}nah, nothing really." Nas "Q-{w=.15}quê? N-{w=.15}não, nada não." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:157 translate pt_br chapter_x8_c9cf9a08: # "He’s looking around the room, but there’s only me, Naser and Lucy here at the moment." "Ele está olhando em volta da sala, mas no momento estamos apenas eu, ele e Lucy por aqui." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:160 translate pt_br chapter_x8_feb8affc: # N "Naser, please, you’ve seemed troubled the entire day. What’s wrong?" N "Naser, por favor, parece que tem alguma coisa te incomodando o dia inteiro. O que foi?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:163 translate pt_br chapter_x8_de790823: # Nas "Nothing! Nothing at all Naomi!" Nas "Nada! Não foi nada, Naomi!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:165 translate pt_br chapter_x8_fd9183bc: # Nas "Just uh{cps=*.15}...{/cps} ah, damn it{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" Nas "É só que{cps=*.15}...{/cps} ah, droga{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:168 translate pt_br chapter_x8_449ddc7f: # "Naser’s shoulders slump down and he heaves out a heavy sigh." "Os ombros de Naser caem e ele solta um suspiro pesado." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:172 translate pt_br chapter_x8_d936eeb2: # Nas "I’ve been uh{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Thinking about this a lot, Naomi{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" Nas "Eu estive, hã{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Pensando sobre isso um bocado, Naomi." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:175 translate pt_br chapter_x8_ecb78213: # Nas "I uh{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Wanna take a break{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" Nas "Eu{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Quero dar um tempo{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:178 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b740698f: # "A break?" "Um tempo?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:181 translate pt_br chapter_x8_0d71d762: # N "That’s it? I mean, we only just started cleaning and-" N "É só isso? Digo, acabamos de começar a limpar, mas-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:183 translate pt_br chapter_x8_bf64283d: # Nas "No I mean, us." Nas "Não, eu tô falando de nós dois." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:186 translate pt_br chapter_x8_0ad25b8b: # "What." "O quê." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:189 translate pt_br chapter_x8_ebb79de0: # Nas "I think we need a break, Naomi." Nas "Acho que a gente devia dar um tempo, Naomi." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:196 translate pt_br chapter_x8_f851913c: # "O-oh." "A-ah." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:199 translate pt_br chapter_x8_33b37201: # "I{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Eu{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:202 translate pt_br chapter_x8_a9731894: # N "I see{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" N "Entendi{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:205 translate pt_br chapter_x8_9943fe08: # Nas "Lucy and Anon are taking one, and I thought-" Nas "A Lucy e o Anon tão dando um tempo também, então eu achei que-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:208 translate pt_br chapter_x8_cb7f0985: # "I gently set the broom against the wall." "Gentilmente apoio a vassoura contra a parede." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:211 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e566a25d: # N "Yes{cps=*.15}...{/cps} A break{cps=*.15}...{/cps} I{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" N "Sim{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Um tempo{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Eu{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:214 translate pt_br chapter_x8_0882f9da: # Nas "I mean, I wanted to tell you sooner but-" Nas "Digo, eu queria ter te falado isso antes, mas-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:216 translate pt_br chapter_x8_77f6f003: # N "I understand, Naser. After all, you always have the best ideas." N "Eu entendo, Naser. Afinal, você sempre teve as melhores ideias." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:230 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e3374a00: # Nas "Wait, Naomi-" Nas "Espera, Naomi-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:237 translate pt_br chapter_x8_68be9d16: # F "God damn it Naser!" F "Puta merda, Naser!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:253 translate pt_br chapter_x8_07873e1d: # "I slip out the door of Naser’s house." "Saio pela porta da casa." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:256 translate pt_br chapter_x8_4c33eeff: # "A break{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Um tempo{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:259 translate pt_br chapter_x8_4c33eeff_1: # "A break{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Um tempo{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:262 translate pt_br chapter_x8_3440caa5: # "But why?" "Mas por quê?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:264 translate pt_br chapter_x8_5c2a6c6e: # "I’ve done everything right, right?" "Eu fiz tudo certo, não fiz?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:266 translate pt_br chapter_x8_f7cda17f: # "Been the model girlfriend, right?" "Fui a namorada perfeita, não fui?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:279 translate pt_br chapter_x8_03ce8eea: # "I carry myself down the driveway, trying to hold my thoughts together." "Me arrasto pela entrada, tentando juntar os meus pensamentos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:282 translate pt_br chapter_x8_dda5131a: # "Spring is about over, but it’s cold." "A primavera está quase no fim, mas está frio." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:285 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e77815cc: # "Tears prick my eyes, but I suddenly don’t have the energy to wipe them off." "Lágrimas brotam dos meus olhos, mas não tenho forças para secá-las." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:288 translate pt_br chapter_x8_6081fdb5: # "Everything was going wonderfully, but now it’s come shattering down." "As coisas estavam indo maravilhosamente bem, mas tudo caiu por terra." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:316 translate pt_br chapter_x8_35718dcb: # "When I reach the curb I crumple into my knees." "Quando chego no meio-fio, caio de joelhos." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:319 translate pt_br chapter_x8_fc72e377: # "I can’t even focus on a single calamitous thought with so many firing through me." "Não consigo me focar em um único pensamento caótico em meio a tantos passando por mim." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:322 translate pt_br chapter_x8_f000544d: # "The thought of being away from Naser, of things just ending{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Só de imaginar estar longe do Naser, das coisas simplesmente terminando{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:331 translate pt_br chapter_x8_90cb0bca: # N "{b}*sob*{/b}" N "{b}*choro*{/b}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:334 translate pt_br chapter_x8_ddd008b5: # "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:337 translate pt_br chapter_x8_3e56ac82: # "{cps=*0.2}--Two Years Prior--{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Dois Anos Antes --{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:349 translate pt_br chapter_x8_36d8fabb: # Sp "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}And lastly, here is your own desk to work at." Sp "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} e por último, aqui está sua própria mesa de trabalho." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:352 translate pt_br chapter_x8_afd19c95: # "My principal slaps the top of an aged, yet official looking table furnished with a lamp and its own drawers." with vpunch "Meu diretor bate no topo de uma mesa com aparência antiquada, mas profissional, equipada com uma lâmpada e suas próprias gavetas." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:355 translate pt_br chapter_x8_dd70b5d6: # "Most students in any school would only ever be seated behind the regular ‘board on some sticks’ model, maybe one with a little cubbyhole built in for binders if the school were old enough." "A maioria dos estudantes em qualquer outra escola usaria apenas um modelo de carteira comum, talvez alguma com um pequeno compartimento para pastas e fichários, se a escola fosse antiga o suficiente." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:358 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b41672ba: # "But here I am, one of the lucky few{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Mas aqui estou eu, uma das poucas sortudas{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:364 translate pt_br chapter_x8_5c4644de: # N "Thank you sir!" N "Obrigada, senhor!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:371 translate pt_br chapter_x8_5e6266b0: # "I should feel a lot more excited about winning the election, but{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" "Eu deveria me sentir muito mais animada depois de ganhar as eleições, mas{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:374 translate pt_br chapter_x8_16eefa32: # Sp "{cps=*.10}...{/cps}Naomi." Sp "{cps=*.10}...{/cps} Naomi." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:377 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e8cbcc3f: # "Uh oh, did he see me sulking?" "Ah não, será que ele me viu ficar amuada?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:380 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e13e438a: # Sp "There may not have been many candidates, nor voters in deciding you should be the class president, but the fact remains that you won." Sp "Mesmo que não houvessem muitos candidatos nem muitos eleitores decidindo que você deveria ser presidente do conselho estudantil, ainda é um fato que você venceu." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:382 translate pt_br chapter_x8_e9ca03ce: # Sp "You shouldn’t stress yourself about how things might’ve gone differently if there were a larger voting pool." Sp "Não se preocupe sobre como as coisas poderiam ter sido diferentes caso o grupo de votação fosse maior." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:384 translate pt_br chapter_x8_534c54b1: # Sp "Don’t go underselling yourself." Sp "Não se subestime." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:386 translate pt_br chapter_x8_14c017b6: # Sp "If you try, you can be good enough." Sp "Se você tentar, pode ser boa o suficiente." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:389 translate pt_br chapter_x8_3c524301: # N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:393 translate pt_br chapter_x8_6fb11214: # N "Thank you, Principal Spears. I’ll try." N "Obrigada, Diretor Spears. Eu irei." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:398 translate pt_br chapter_x8_d4356595: # "He gives me a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder and leaves to let me get acquainted with the new space." "Ele me dá um sorriso caloroso e um tapinha no ombro, depois se retira para que eu possa me acostumar com o novo ambiente." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:413 translate pt_br chapter_x8_8c71a271: # "Looks like there’s already a few forms to fill out{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Parece que já tenho alguns formulários para preencher{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:416 translate pt_br chapter_x8_aa845c91: # "Oh? There’s a letter in here, too{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Hã? Tem uma carta aqui, também{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:428 translate pt_br chapter_x8_948febf2: # N "It’s addressed to me, specifically?" N "É endereçada especificamente a mim?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:431 translate pt_br chapter_x8_43724bf4: # "Oops, I said that out loud." "Ops, disse isso em voz alta." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:433 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b81c8ac9: # "Good thing there’s nobody here{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" "Ainda bem que não tem mais ninguém aqui{cps=*.20}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:435 translate pt_br chapter_x8_1a964789: # "But then what’s that drumming sound?" "Mas então o que é esse som de batuque?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:438 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b2ebba87: # "Oh dear, that’s my own feet." "Oh céus, isso é o meu próprio pé." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:441 translate pt_br chapter_x8_689377f5: # "What am I getting so worked up over?" "Por que eu estou tão ansiosa?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:443 translate pt_br chapter_x8_875b0896: # "It’s probably just a letter of congratulations." "Provavelmente é só uma carta de parabéns." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:445 translate pt_br chapter_x8_c352f720: # "Not that anyone other than Spears would even care about-" "Não que alguém além do Spears sequer se importe com-" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:448 translate pt_br chapter_x8_bf07633b: # "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}‘Dearest Naomi{cps=*.20}...{/cps}’?" "{cps=*.20}...{/cps} ’Querida Naomi{cps=*.20}...{/cps}’?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:451 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b97a60a3: # "Is this a joke? Who would{cps=*.20}...{/cps}?" "Isso é algum tipo de piada? Quem faria{cps=*.20}...?{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:454 translate pt_br chapter_x8_b5f0e8d6: # "My eyes trace the paragraph multiple times before I realize I haven’t actually been reading it." "Meus olhos passam pelo parágrafo várias vezes antes de reparar que eu não estou de fato lendo." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:456 translate pt_br chapter_x8_bb993f81: # "Then all of a sudden it all registers at once." "Então, de repente, toda a informação é registrada ao mesmo tempo." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:459 translate pt_br chapter_x8_6aa7ac49: # "There’s a loud squeal that echoes through the hallway." "Um grito alto ecoa pelo corredor." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:462 translate pt_br chapter_x8_88abc6ce: # "Oh wait." "Ah, espera." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:464 translate pt_br chapter_x8_aaf0384a: # "I cover my lips and I feel my entire face heat up." "Cubro meus lábios e sinto meu rosto inteiro esquentar." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:466 translate pt_br chapter_x8_7cf630aa: # "That was me. I hope no one else heard that." "Isso fui eu. Espero que mais ninguém tenha ouvido." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:469 translate pt_br chapter_x8_bc963e23: # "But, but, but{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "Mas, mas, mas{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:472 translate pt_br chapter_x8_61864a72: # "Naser is{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" "O Naser é tão{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:475 translate pt_br chapter_x8_025abadc: # "And I’m just{cps=*.10}...{/cps}" "E eu sou só{cps=*.10}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:478 translate pt_br chapter_x8_09793efc: # "Wouldn’t people look at him funny?" "Será que as pessoas não olhariam pra ele de um jeito estranho?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:480 translate pt_br chapter_x8_20b9d13f: # "Wouldn’t they look at me funny?" "Será que elas não olhariam {i}para mim{/i} de um jeito estranho?" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:482 translate pt_br chapter_x8_bed05230: # "After all, I’m just so...{w=0.5} so{cps=*.25}...{/cps}" "Afinal eu sou tão{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.5} tão{cps=*.25}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:485 translate pt_br chapter_x8_4c8888d2: # Sp "{alpha=*0.6}{i}Don’t go underselling yourself.{/i}{/alpha}" Sp "{i}{alpha=0.75}Não se subestime.{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:487 translate pt_br chapter_x8_f5b68d8c: # Sp "{alpha=*0.6}{i}If you try, you can be good enough.{/i}{/alpha}" Sp "{i}{alpha=0.75}Se você tentar, você pode ser boa o suficiente.{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:490 translate pt_br chapter_x8_6b2b3545: # N "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" N "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:493 translate pt_br chapter_x8_484049d6: # "No, I can do this." "Não, eu dou conta." # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:495 translate pt_br chapter_x8_9dbe4e42: # "For our date!" "Por esse encontro!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:523 translate pt_br chapter_x8_4987388b: # "I’ll go check out the library for romantic self-help books after school!" "Depois das aulas eu vou até a biblioteca procurar por livros de autoajuda sobre romance!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:528 translate pt_br chapter_x8_fdaff57c: # "I’ll be the perfect girlfriend!" "Eu vou ser a namorada perfeita!" # game/script/x8-naomi-tribulations.rpy:537 translate pt_br chapter_x8_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"