# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24 # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:3 translate pt_br chapter_7_a61ccc3f: # "{cps=*0.2}-- One Week Later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Uma Semana Depois --{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:14 translate pt_br chapter_7_5fcb15ce: # "The week’s been a mix of excitement and trepidation." "A semana foi uma mistura de entusiasmo e ansiedade." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:16 translate pt_br chapter_7_0222a9b9: # "More excitement from Fang and the band and trepidation on my part around Fang." "Mais entusiasmo da parte da Fang e a banda, e minha ansiedade por estar perto de Fang." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:18 translate pt_br chapter_7_ae27d2ec: # "Having come to terms with how I feel, I just can’t stop noticing all the little things she does." "Agora que aceito o que sinto de verdade, não consigo deixar de reparar em todas as coisinhas que ela faz." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:21 translate pt_br chapter_7_06527ee3: # "Like her cute tail wagging to a silent tune." "Tipo como o rabinho fofo dela abana ao ritmo de alguma música silenciosa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:24 translate pt_br chapter_7_7696aecf: # "Or her weird and funny way of eating." "Ou o jeito esquisito e engraçado dela comer." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:27 translate pt_br chapter_7_a6017c94: # "Or how soft and huggable her wings look." "Ou o quão macias e abraçáveis as asas dela parecem." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:30 translate pt_br chapter_7_00e9b409: # "Raptor Jesus, if this is what love is I kind of want to sample buckshot." "Jesus Raptor, se amar é assim, eu prefiro levar um tiro. " # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:33 translate pt_br chapter_7_caf13308: # "And yet I don’t want it to stop." "Mas ainda assim eu não quero que isso pare." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:35 translate pt_br chapter_7_b673b429: # "Even now as Moe and Reed work on clearing the floor of tables and making a noise." "Mesmo agora, que o Moe e Reed estão liberando espaço, tirando as mesas e fazendo barulho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:41 translate pt_br chapter_7_6c82475b: # "And I’m drooling like an idiot as I watch Fang bend over a large Amp." "E eu tô aqui, babando feito um idiota enquanto vejo a Fang se curvar por cima de um amplificador." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:44 translate pt_br chapter_7_000c9c21: # unknown "Ahem." unknown "Qual foi?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:46 translate pt_br chapter_7_f36af35d: # "Even now her tail wags to that mysterious beat in her head." "Mesmo agora o rabinho abana no ritmo dessa música misteriosa na cabeça dela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:49 translate pt_br chapter_7_4d09aac6: # unknown "AHEM." unknown "QUAL FOI?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:51 translate pt_br chapter_7_d6754a5c: # "Not to mention the way those jeans hug her hips and ass-" "Sem falar no jeito que essas jeans apertam a cintura dela e esse rabã-" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:54 translate pt_br chapter_7_4136ac1f: # unknown "AH-{b}HEM!{/b}{w=.3}" unknown "QUAL-{b}FOI!{/b}{w=.3}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:56 translate pt_br chapter_7_2c23493f: # A "Hm?" A "Quê?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:62 translate pt_br chapter_7_2b667a2a: # T "Aren’t you supposed to be helping?" T "Tu não devia tá ajudando?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:64 translate pt_br chapter_7_a16e248f: # "Hm? {w=.3} OH SHIT RIGHT!" "Hm?{w=.3} EITA PORRA, VERDADE!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:66 translate pt_br chapter_7_49e2f933: # A "Y-yeah, right! Just moving this table ahahaha." A "A-ah, sim, beleza! Tô só levando essa mesa aqui hahaha." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:88 translate pt_br chapter_7_6016d302: # "I pick up the last table on the floor and hurriedly move it to the suspiciously large storage room in the back of Dino-Moe’s." "Pego a última mesa no salão e a levo rapidamente para o depósito suspeitamente grande na parte de trás do Dino-Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:90 translate pt_br chapter_7_8e6341a5: # "I set the table down with the rest, right next to the seemingly out of place buckets of cement mix." "Deixo a mesa junto às outras, logo ao lado de uma mistura para cimento que não me parece que deveria estar aqui." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:93 translate pt_br chapter_7_1b3c4311: # "Looking out from the closet, the joint is actually pretty big." "Olhando para fora do depósito, esse lugar na verdade é bem grande." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:95 translate pt_br chapter_7_f4fd17b5: # "The area is a good one-hundred and fifty by two-hundred feet, so without the tables there’s enough space for at least a few hundred people." "Essa área tem uns quarenta e cinco por sessenta metros, então sem as mesas tem espaço o suficiente para pelo menos algumas centenas de pessoas." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:105 translate pt_br chapter_7_51077db5: # "Impressed, I let out a low whistle." "Impressionado, solto um assobio baixo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:110 translate pt_br chapter_7_63f4d23e: # St "I’m on time, right?" St "Cheguei a tempo, né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:121 translate pt_br chapter_7_176d1e35: # "Where did she come from?" "De onde é que ela saiu?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:124 translate pt_br chapter_7_a0f32033: # A "Hm? Who are you?" A "Hein? Quem é você?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:126 translate pt_br chapter_7_c292f49b: # St "We’ve met before..." St "A gente já se conhece{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:128 translate pt_br chapter_7_d2c2e399: # A "Wha- wait… Stella, right? From the school gardens." A "Hã- pera{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stella, né? Dos jardins da escola." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:130 translate pt_br chapter_7_c43e80cb: # "She gleefully nods." "Ela acena com a cabeça alegremente." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:132 translate pt_br chapter_7_6f6d9d35: # St "Yes! Rosa should be coming any minute now, too!" St "Aham! A Rosa deve chegar daqui a pouco também!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:135 translate pt_br chapter_7_3312b35a: # "I haven’t spoken to either of them since campus beautification." "Não falei com nenhuma das duas desde o embelezamento de campus." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:137 translate pt_br chapter_7_8d554e6f: # "Well, other than Stella through the bathroom door, but that doesn’t really count." "Bom, fora aquela vez que falei com a Stella através da porta do banheiro, mas acho que isso não conta." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:139 translate pt_br chapter_7_a2e3c3c0: # "But Fang and the rest will be happy they have at least two fans, right?" "Mas Fang e o restante devem ficar felizes por terem pelo menos duas fãs, né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:142 translate pt_br chapter_7_eb08622c: # St "You know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:144 translate pt_br chapter_7_395c0492: # St "There’s always room in the gardening club if you still want to join, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Sempre tem espaço no clube de jardinagem, se você ainda quiser participar, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:147 translate pt_br chapter_7_e8f1a064: # "There’s no way I’m going back to that sort of prison labor." "Nem a pau que eu volto praquele trabalho escravo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:150 translate pt_br chapter_7_32b94547: # "I look the pale green, spine covered thing up and down." "Olho de cima a baixo para essa coisinha verde coberta de placas." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:152 translate pt_br chapter_7_e59e86e4: # "Including the ‘OPPAI’ t-shirt she’s wearing." "Incluindo a blusa que ela está vestindo que tem escrito ‘OPPAI’." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:155 translate pt_br chapter_7_12e816a2: # "What the fuck." "Que porra é essa?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:158 translate pt_br chapter_7_d89c537d: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:160 translate pt_br chapter_7_117fde8c: # A "Y-you {i}do{/i} know what your shirt says, right?" A "Você s-sabe o que significa {i}isso{/i} na tua blusa, né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:170 translate pt_br chapter_7_057dc906: # "Stella gives me a quizzical look and glances down at her shirt, her face turning bright red." "Stella me dá um olhar confuso, depois olha para a própria blusa, seu rosto ficando imediatamente vermelho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:173 translate pt_br chapter_7_c6b60e91: # St "Oh my{cps=*.1}...{/cps} th-this was the only clean shirt I had{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Meu Deus{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e-essa era a única blusa limpa que eu tinha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:176 translate pt_br chapter_7_32e17811: # "If I didn’t feel the way I did about Fang, I’d think Stella’s stammering was kinda cute." "Se eu já não tivesse sentimentos pela Fang, até acharia essa gagueira da Stella bem fofinha." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:179 translate pt_br chapter_7_222d26d9: # "Suddenly her face lights up and her eyes return to me." "De repente ela se anima novamente e os olhos voltam para mim." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:187 translate pt_br chapter_7_42d2903d: # St "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You like anime too, don’t you?" St "Espera aí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Você gosta de anime também, não é?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:190 translate pt_br chapter_7_8fd9fdfa: # "Play it cool, Anon. No need to reveal your power level." "Vai com calma, Anon. Não precisa revelar seu poder de luta." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:198 translate pt_br chapter_7_9070640f: # A "I saw some back in elementary school." A "Eu assistia quando tava no fundamental." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:201 translate pt_br chapter_7_8d75a81f: # A "Yeah, uh… a little bit." A "É, mas tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} só um pouco." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:203 translate pt_br chapter_7_84354581: # St "That’s amazing! I don’t have anyone else I can talk to about it!" St "Que incrível! Eu não tenho ninguém pra falar sobre isso!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:205 translate pt_br chapter_7_90324c86: # St "What’s your favorite anime? I {i}loooove{/i} PreCure!" St "Qual seu anime favorito? Eu {i}aaaaaaaamo{/i} PreCure!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:208 translate pt_br chapter_7_c5e6f919: # "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock." "Jesus Raptor na cruz de pedra." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:210 translate pt_br chapter_7_7551bee0: # "It takes all my strength not to physically cringe." "Preciso de toda a minha força pra não me contorcer de vergonha alheia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:218 translate pt_br chapter_7_a4cbb53d: # St "Oooh, we should watch it together sometime!" St "Aaaah, a gente devia assistir juntos qualquer dia!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:220 translate pt_br chapter_7_e4b7456d: # St "I have the box set of {i}every{/i} season!" St "Eu tenho um box com {i}todas{/i} as temporadas!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:222 translate pt_br chapter_7_7cf9caad: # St "We could marathon it over a long weekend or something!" St "Dá pra maratonar em um fim de semana!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:225 translate pt_br chapter_7_6eb65898: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe some other time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} talvez outro dia{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:228 translate pt_br chapter_7_e861916b: # "I’ll just block my calendar for this{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Maybe for after the heat death of the universe." "Eu vou bloquear minha agenda pra isso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Talvez pra depois da morte térmica do universo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:231 translate pt_br chapter_7_d244f561: # A "Anyway, the show isn’t for another half-hour." A "Mas então, o show é só daqui a meia-hora." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:236 translate pt_br chapter_7_14bf4d2a: # St "I wanted to ask you before... What did you think of your fortune?" St "Eu queria ter te perguntado antes{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O que você achou da sua leitura?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:239 translate pt_br chapter_7_9c9fb755: # A "Uh... I kinda forgot..." A "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} meio que esqueci{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:241 translate pt_br chapter_7_5f0cd2f0: # St "You got the Judgement?" St "Você pegou o Julgamento?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:243 translate pt_br chapter_7_ddade9df: # A "Doesn’t ring a bell." A "Lembro não." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:245 translate pt_br chapter_7_d8eb1995: # St "O-oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} How would you like another?" St "A-ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quer tentar de novo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:247 translate pt_br chapter_7_35c72214: # A "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I got time to kill, sure." A "Meh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tô com tempo sobrando, pode ser." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:250 translate pt_br chapter_7_3039d81d: # "She pulls her deck of tarot cards from{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Somewhere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ela puxa o deck de cartas de tarô de{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Algum lugar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:252 translate pt_br chapter_7_3000d2a5: # "Where the fuck does she hide these things?" "Onde caralhos ela esconde essas coisas?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:254 translate pt_br chapter_7_9fba187a: # "Anyway, she fans the deck out." "Enfim, ela abre as cartas." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:257 translate pt_br chapter_7_18b3554f: # St "Alright, take one." St "Certo, escolhe uma." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:262 translate pt_br chapter_7_4afa778b: # "I take one at random and show it to her." "Pego uma aleatória e mostro para ela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:270 translate pt_br chapter_7_3973c9a6: # St "Upright Strength." St "A Força, direita." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:271 translate pt_br chapter_7_6776e951: # St "OH! {w=.3} I don’t think you need to worry about what’s to come, Anon." St "AH!{w=.3} Eu acho que você não precisa se preocupar com nada, Anon." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:274 translate pt_br chapter_7_5569856b: # St "Inverted Hierophant." St "O Hierofante, invertido." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:275 translate pt_br chapter_7_e48ec533: # St "You need to be wary of your words and actions, Anon." St "Você precisa tomar cuidado com as suas palavras e ações, Anon." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:278 translate pt_br chapter_7_f734bb08: # St "Inverted Hermit." St "O Heremita, invertido." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:279 translate pt_br chapter_7_781fa87d: # St "Anon, if you ever feel lonely you can come to me." St "Anon, se você estiver se sentindo sozinho, pode falar comigo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:282 translate pt_br chapter_7_5034cacd: # St "Oh my, {w=.3} inverted Empress." St "Meu Deus,{w=.3} A Imperatriz invertida." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:283 translate pt_br chapter_7_49832ed4: # St "You need to be wary about future negligence, Anon." St "Você precisa tomar cuidado com negligência futura, Anon." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:286 translate pt_br chapter_7_61c8d749: # St "uh oh..." St "uh oh..." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:287 translate pt_br chapter_7_0b716a4f: # A "What?" A "Que foi?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:288 translate pt_br chapter_7_4e478542: # St "Some dipshit developer made broken code and this is the error handling message and you should report this as a bug" St "É que algum dev retardado fez um código quebrado e essa é a mensagem de erro. Você deveria reportar isso como um bug." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:289 translate pt_br chapter_7_0b716a4f_1: # A "What?" A "Quê?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:290 translate pt_br chapter_7_6f4aa48f: # St "Basically the if/else statement that handles this shit has failed at catching the score, and I cannot give you a tarot reading..." St "Basicamente o if/else que cuida dessa merda falhou em fazer a contagem das escolhas, e eu não consigo te dar uma leitura das cartas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:296 translate pt_br chapter_7_4cbce818: # A "The fuck does that mean?" A "Que porra isso significa?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:298 translate pt_br chapter_7_96d8a523: # St "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*1.4}Gottago,naturecalls,seeyouattheshow{/cps}!" St "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*1.4}Precisoir, chamadodanatureza, tevejonoshow{/cps}!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:311 translate pt_br chapter_7_7d401d7b: # "She flees in denim pissing fear." "Ela corre, se mijando de medo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:315 translate pt_br chapter_7_48baf49a: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Well then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Então tá, eu acho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:318 translate pt_br chapter_7_ad039950: # "What was I doing?" "O que eu tava fazendo mesmo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:321 translate pt_br chapter_7_3c6e0704: # "Oh yeah." "Ah é." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:323 translate pt_br chapter_7_47f86faa: # "I step up to the stage to see the band’s point of view." "Subo no palco para checar o ponto de vista da banda." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:344 translate pt_br chapter_7_8906d074: # "And then promptly trip." "E prontamente tropeço." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:359 translate pt_br chapter_7_d45aabc1: # A "Argh!" A "Argh!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:364 translate pt_br chapter_7_a081eead: # "What the fuck was that?!" "Que merda foi essa?!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:366 translate pt_br chapter_7_1131cc8d: # "There’s a loose cord over my foot." "Tem um cabo solto no meu pé." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:368 translate pt_br chapter_7_b1f39f1c: # "That’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Isso aqui{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:370 translate pt_br chapter_7_23f9db84: # "Probably not good for the show." "Provavelmente não vai ser muito legal pro show." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:380 translate pt_br chapter_7_70c5d3ab: # "I stand up and wipe the dust from my pants." "Me levanto e bato a poeira das minhas calças." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:383 translate pt_br chapter_7_acac4234: # "Trish is the organizer{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Trish é quem tá organizando{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:385 translate pt_br chapter_7_f50546b9: # "Right now she’s giving Reed a lecture on why it’s probably a bad idea to put carfentanyl in the smoke machine." "Nesse instante ela tá dando um sermão no Reed explicando porque não seria uma boa ideia colocar carfentanil na máquina de fumaça." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:388 translate pt_br chapter_7_de9e403a: # A "Hey, Trish!" A "Ô Trish!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:392 translate pt_br chapter_7_0cef45ab: # "Trish looks over her shoulder and Reed’s face lights up." "Trish olha por cima dos ombros e o rosto de Reed se ilumina." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:394 translate pt_br chapter_7_1c9a9d0d: # A "Can you come here a second?" A "Pode vir aqui rapidão?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:397 translate pt_br chapter_7_97b83429: # "Trish sighs, points between her eyes and Reed’s, and stomps over to the stage." "Trish suspira, aponta entre os próprios olhos e os de Reed e então marcha até o palco." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:410 translate pt_br chapter_7_5b71432e: # T "Whaddayawant, skinnie?" T "Quê que cê quer, pelanca?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:412 translate pt_br chapter_7_7b37772d: # A "I just tripped on one of the wires up here." A "Tropecei num desses fios soltos aqui." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:415 translate pt_br chapter_7_77d5d261: # T "Sucks to be you." T "Porra, que pena." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:418 translate pt_br chapter_7_06843748: # "Bitch." "Vadia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:421 translate pt_br chapter_7_1bb71199: # A "Should I plug them all into a surge protector so you guys don’t fall during the concert?" A "Será que eu devia conectar todos eles no filtro de linha ali pra que ninguém caia no meio do show?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:424 translate pt_br chapter_7_32b67ccf: # T "What?" T "Quê?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:426 translate pt_br chapter_7_65d94342: # T "No, of course not." T "Não, óbvio que não!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:428 translate pt_br chapter_7_fdc04c7b: # T "We won’t trip, I have that on good authority." T "A gente não vai tropeçar, eu tenho um responsável por essa parte." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:430 translate pt_br chapter_7_25cc7d0e: # A "Whose?" A "Quem?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:433 translate pt_br chapter_7_d3f02e4c: # T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Reed’s." T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} o Reed." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:435 translate pt_br chapter_7_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:438 translate pt_br chapter_7_d5664f6e: # T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:441 translate pt_br chapter_7_c38edf0c: # A "And you trust his word on something like this?" A "E você confia na palavra dele com um negócio desses?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:444 translate pt_br chapter_7_db8414d5: # T "Sure." T "Com certeza." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:446 translate pt_br chapter_7_835406a7: # T "He’s the expert on this stuff and all." T "Ele é experiente nessas coisas e tal." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:449 translate pt_br chapter_7_c84c975c: # "Before I can object, Trish turns away and runs after Reed who is huddled over the smoke machine, pungent fumes wafting from it’s exposed innards." "Antes que eu possa reclamar, Trish se vira e corre até o Reed, que está fuçando na máquina, essa soltando fumaça das suas partes internas expostas. " # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:463 translate pt_br chapter_7_57a8ea69: # "Well, seems like he’s got that handled." "Bom, parece que ele dá conta disso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:465 translate pt_br chapter_7_955ce6eb: # "Trish seemed pretty confident that Reed knows what he’s doing with the stage." "Trish realmente parece confiante de que o Reed sabe o que está fazendo no palco." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:467 translate pt_br chapter_7_99b3a5de: # "But Reed obviously doesn’t understand cable management." "Mas não parece que o Reed entenda muito sobre organização de cabos." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:482 translate pt_br LeaveStageAsIs_5440c126: # "Reed may not understand cable management,{w=.4} but then again neither did I." "Reed pode até não sacar de organização de cabos,{w=.4} mas eu também não entendo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:484 translate pt_br LeaveStageAsIs_ab1cd510: # "Probably better to let sleeping fossils lie." "Melhor deixar os fósseis no canto deles." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:494 translate pt_br FixCables_882ac1b2: # "It could be a serious hazard if I leave them like this." "Pode ser um perigo enorme se eu deixar isso do jeito que tá." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:496 translate pt_br FixCables_c8efb1e3: # "Like a fire hazard or something. I think." "Tipo um incêndio ou alguma coisa assim, eu acho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:498 translate pt_br FixCables_4cf48915: # "I’ll just put them all on one of Moe’s surge protectors." "Vou só ligar tudo num dos filtros de linha do Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:501 translate pt_br FixCables_aa5598b5: # "{cps=*0.5}Aaaaaand{/cps} done." "{cps=*0.5}Eeeeeee{/cps}, pronto." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:505 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d4a4d01e: # "Now that that’s taken care of, I glance at the pizza-themed clock on the wall." "Agora que já tá tudo resolvido, dou uma olhada no relógio em formato de pizza na parede." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:507 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_08ab12fa: # "Thirty minutes until the show starts." "Trinta minutos para o show começar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:509 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4e9208a1: # "The band is doing one last sound test, Reed’s bass drum bearing another new logo for VVURM DRAMA that doesn’t look half bad." "A banda está fazendo o último teste de som. O bumbo da bateria do Reed tem agora uma nova logo da VVURM DRAMA, que não parece nada mal." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:511 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c068186e: # "Trish has a wicked grin on her face and I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes." "Trish tem um sorriso maligno no rosto e eu tô quase conseguindo enxergar os símbolos de dólar nos seus olhos." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:514 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2f833ca7: # "And Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "E a Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:526 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c294bf7b: # "Fang looks anxious, hands wringing the strap of her hollowbody electric guitar." "Fang parece ansiosa, as mãos torcendo a correia da sua guitarra elétrica oca." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:529 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c3af6ce5: # "I consider what I’m about to do is extremely stupid but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Acho que vou fazer algo extremamente estúpido, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:533 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_eb608ac1: # A "Hey." A "E aí." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:553 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d76754fa: # "She jumps a little as I step back on stage. Her knuckles are bright white as they strangle the leather strap." "Ela se assusta quando subo no palco novamente. Seus punhos estão brancos por conta da força com que ela está apertando a correia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:556 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0e544bae: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Hey." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E aí." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:559 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e9fc0031: # Moe "{alpha=0.5}{i}The secret is support!{/i}{/alpha}" Moe "{alpha=0.75}{i}O segredo é supporto!{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:561 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_976f65c2: # "I offer her my most supportive smile." "Dou a ela o meu melhor sorriso solidário." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:563 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7c72943d: # A "You’ve got this, Fang." A "Você consegue, Fang." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:566 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_aa8014ba: # F "Don’t feel like I do, though." F "Acho que eu não dou conta, não." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:568 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5443cdd5: # A "You do. You’ve been practicing all month for this." A "Vai sim. Você tá praticando o mês inteiro pra isso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:570 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a79f513a: # A "And you’ve improved immensely since your last gig." A "E você melhorou demais desde a última apresentação." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:572 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1a61f7ac: # A "I have complete faith in your ability to play guitar." A "Eu acredito completamente na sua habilidade tocando guitarra." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:574 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_15d5b4fe: # A "Don’t worry so much." A "Não se preocupa tanto assim." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:576 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0a033f58: # A "Just don't fret about it, you’ll be fine." A "É só não surtar com isso, que vai ficar tudo bem." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:579 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8e9f9d1c: # "Trish rolls her eyes, Reed’s vacant stare has a bit of approval." "Trish revira os olhos. O olhar vago do Reed passa um pouco de aprovação." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:586 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bd325a55: # T "At least it wasn't a dinosaur pun this time." T "Pelo menos não foi nenhum trocadilho com dinossauro dessa vez." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:589 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_dfe8cb11: # A "I'm not that unfunny!" A "Qual é, eu não sou tão sem graça assim!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:591 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e05f7f23: # T "You are." T "É sim." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:593 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5fe6019e: # A "Fuck you, I’m hilarious." A "Pau no seu cu, eu sou hilário." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:595 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_72543c2c: # T "No one thinks that, loser." T "Ninguém acha isso, otário." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:597 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_34ae6be8: # A "Don’t you have something to be triggered about?" A "Tu não tem nenhuma trioulagem pra fazer por aí?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:612 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7e187c84: # T "YOU CAN’T USE THAT WORD, THAT’S {b}OUR{/b} WORD!" T "TU NÃO PODE USAR ESSA PALAVRA, ESSA É A {b}NOSSA{/b} PALAVRA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:620 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d08ead11: # A "Just did, wanna see me do it again?" A "Acabei de falar, duvida que eu fale de novo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:623 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_03e1645f: # F "Ladies, Ladies, please." F "Moça, moças, se acalmem." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:625 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a50e2eb1: # F "Shut the fuck up." F "Calem a porra da boca." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:628 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8a666110: # F "We’ve got sweet music to play." F "A gente tem música massa pra tocar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:641 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5c62a3ce: # "Showtime!" "É hora do show!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:659 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_14ed9e55: # F "All right! Next up we got 'The!'" F "Beleza! Agora a gente vai de ‘O!’" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:662 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_72546432: # "WHAT." "QUÊ?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:665 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e6e21b0c: # "They go right into their next song with gusto." "Eles vão direto pra próxima música com gosto." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:676 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:679 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_32e40240: # "An hour later and the band is wrapping up their last song for the night." "Uma hora depois a banda está se preparando para a última música da noite." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:681 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5d3f464b: # "I take my eyes off the stage to get a read on the crowd." "Tiro os olhos do palco para dar uma checada na platéia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:683 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c1bd7321: # "Easily a good hundred people showed up to see VVURM DRAMA, better than any of us expected." "Tem pelo menos umas cem pessoas que vieram ver o VVURM DRAMA. Muito melhor do que qualquer um de nós esperava." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:685 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4a03122b: # "The look on Fang’s face when everyone began filtering into the restaurant was priceless." "O olhar no rosto de Fang quando todo mundo começou a se afunilar para dentro do restaurante foi impagável." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:719 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bb0d3be1: # "They were on the last song of the night, the bizarrely long name of which I missed." "Eles estavam na última música da noite, com um nome enorme bizarro que eu não prestei atenção." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:723 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e48a8b4a: # F "I JUST GOTTA ASK:" F "EU SÓ QUERIA SABER:" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:724 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_67ab293e: # F "WHY IS HITLER," F "POR QUE HITLER," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:725 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b26ed274: # F "RIDING MY BIKE," F "TÁ ANDANDO NA MINHA BIKE," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:726 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b7ca5ef4: # F "PRETENDING TO BE," F "FINGINDO SER," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:727 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8f1b83ae: # F "A MONKEY!" F "UM MACACO!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:730 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_90db522d: # "Oh right… Reed definitely wrote this one." "Ah sim{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Com certeza foi o Reed que escreveu essa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:733 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ef59ce4f: # "The band really has improved, as opposed to booing and pointing at the audience is listening intently." "A banda melhorou de verdade, ao contrário das vaias e dedos apontados, a platéia tá ouvindo com bastante atenção." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:736 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ffc40d6e: # F "AT THREEEEEEE AAAAAAAA MMMMM-" F "ÀS TRÊÊÊÊÊÊS DAAAAAAA MANHÃÃÃÃÃ-" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:737 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6e46797e: # F "IN THE MORNIIIIIING!" F "DA MADRUGAAAAAA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:738 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1eaf26e1: # F "ON A FUCKIN’ TUESDAAAAY!" F "NA PORRA DE UMA TERÇAAAAAA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:750 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_cbbbd9ec: # "After the song ends, VVURM DRAMA hangs onto the pose of their final note." "Depois que a música termina, VVURM DRAMA mantém a pose em sua nota final." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:753 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c9f997f1: # "It’s silent." "Silêncio." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:755 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_be16fa2f: # "I applaud the band, eventually some other patrons join in." "Eu aplaudo a banda, eventualmente outros também seguem." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:764 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bd6ea7e4: # "The applause turns to cheers, and the cheers turn to uproar." "Os aplausos se tornam vivas, que então viram gritos." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:766 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3ad667b4: # "The crowd was cheering." "A platéia foi à loucura." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:768 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a6242b68: # "{i}Actually{/i} cheering this time." "Eles {i}realmente{/i} curtiram dessa vez." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:793 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_60d3512d: # "The bandmates’ faces light up, and they all glance at each other." "O rosto dos integrantes da banda se iluminam enquanto olham uns para os outros." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:795 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c9938d1c: # "The hard work has taken its toll on the three, giving them varying degrees of perspiration." "O trabalho duro teve seu peso nos três, cada um com vários graus de transpiração." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:797 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ba26d394: # "The sweat is trickling down Fang’s forehead, Trish has gone from an afro to dreadlocks, and Reed is providing the restaurant with a nice ocean scent." "O suor escorre da testa de Fang, o cabelo da Trish foi de afro para dreadlocks e o Reed deu um aroma de oceano para o restaurante todo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:800 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e3f96e92: # "Fang finishes with a furious flurry of strumming on her fretboard." "Fang termina com um dedilhado furioso no braço de sua guitarra." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:803 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_be644334: # F "Woooooooo! THANK YOU LITTLE TROODON!" F "Woooooooo! VALEU LITTLE TROODON!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:805 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f3dd26f1: # "The crowd’s approval is obvious, even in the makeshift mosh pit where I see Stella getting fake curb-stomped." "A aprovação da platéia é óbvia, até na roda punk improvisada onde vejo Stella sendo pisoteada de brincadeira." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:808 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_efe6a699: # "At least I think it’s fake." "Pelo menos eu acho que é de brincadeira." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:811 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_66baca6b: # "Rosa is on the other side of the room, too entranced by the music to care." "Rosa está do outro lado do salão, muito fascinada pela música para se importar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:813 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a0893abd: # "Eh, I don’t see any blood so she’s good." "Meh, não tô vendo sangue, então ela tá de boa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:832 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_88868f85: # F "ANON!" F "ANON!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:833 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_31a88fe5: # "Before I could react I was swept up in a blur of feathers." "Antes que eu pudesse reagir, fui engolido por um mar de penas." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:851 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f490d15c: # "Fang wrapped her arms and wings around me and kept rocking back and forth." "Fang me envolveu em seus braços e asas e ficou nos balançando para frente e para trás." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:858 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7fc86e19: # F "OHMYGOD OHMYGOD WE DID IT WE DID IT!" F "MEUDEUS MEUDEUS A GENTE CONSEGUIU A GENTE CONSEGUIU!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:860 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ced81537: # F "THEY ACTUALLY LOVE VVURM DRAMA!" F "ELES REALMENTE CURTIRAM A VVURM DRAMA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:863 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3a7a12a8: # "I tune out the alarms screaming in my head and hug her back." "Dou uma desligada nos alarmes gritando na minha cabeça e a abraço de volta." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:874 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d843666a: # "Her wings are just as soft and huggable as they look." "Suas asas são tão macias e abraçáveis quanto aparentavam." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:876 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9ca260d5: # "Fang’s beak settles against my cheek, the warm scales sliding smoothly up and down against it." "O bico de Fang está perto da minha bochecha, suas escamas quentes deslizando suavemente para cima e para baixo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:878 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_81c2b0df: # "This is nice." "Isso é bacana." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:881 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_82504022: # "I become aware of my hands, planted firmly on the small of Fang’s back and pressing her closer to me." "Reparo agora onde estão minhas mãos, plantadas firmemente nas costas de Fang a puxando para mais perto de mim." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:883 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e9743b34: # "Beneath my splayed palms is soft, warm and drenched in sweat. I find that I don’t really mind the slickness." "Espalhado sob minhas palmas há algo macio, quente e encharcado de suor. Ainda assim não me importo muito com isso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:886 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_38b886ba: # T "Fang?" T "Fang?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:889 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_61d17985: # "I feel like I could stay like this forever." "Acho que eu poderia ficar assim pra sempre." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:892 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a51f1e27: # T "Hellooo, Fang?" T "Ooooooi, Fang?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:894 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_222f186b: # "Fang suddenly flinches, and I get a split second view of a purple hand on her shoulder." "Fang se assusta, e eu vejo uma mão roxa segurando seu ombro." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:896 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_167103cd: # "Her face is beet red and the warmth in my own cheeks tells me I don’t look far behind." "Seu rosto está completamente vermelho, e o calor nas minhas próprias bochechas me dizem que eu não estou muito diferente. " # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:904 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afd699b6: # "Trish looks like she’s sucked on a lemon with how twisted her face is." "Trish parece ter chupado um limão com a careta que está fazendo agora." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:906 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_dce5e972: # "The tiny triceratops pulls Fang out of my hands, and I can picture my fist twisting that horn right off her face." "A tricerátopo tampinha puxa Fang de meus braços, e eu consigo imaginar a minha mão arrancando esse chifrinho da cara dela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:922 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_fb6178ec: # T "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:924 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8b3ed357: # A "Great show, right?" A "Baita show hein?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:926 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_79a07513: # T "I guess. For our first show, anyway." T "Acho que foi. Pro nosso primeiro, digo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:929 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7cd34de6: # F "What? It was great though! Everyone was cheering!" F "Quê? Foi foda! Todo mundo tava curtindo!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:932 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d02a4dfe: # T "But it was a small crowd." T "Mas é uma platéia pequena." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:934 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0411e20a: # A "Was it? The place was packed." A "Era mesmo? Tava lotado." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:937 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_13af7146: # T "Small venue. We gotta think bigger now." T "Local pequeno. A gente tem que pensar grande agora." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:939 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7eebc950: # A "Why bigger?" A "Grande? Por quê?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:942 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_dfb1bbe0: # T "Because I still have stock!" T "Por que eu ainda tenho estoque!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:945 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_148d427d: # "She motions to the bar, where there is still some hung up shirts with the new mediocre logo lazily spray painted on." "Ela aponta para o bar, onde ainda tem algumas blusas com a nova logo medíocre pintada de qualquer jeito." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:948 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_37fed207: # A "Have you sold much?" A "Vendeu muito?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:950 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_32a41602: # T "Three buttons, four stickers, and an Apron!" T "Três bottons, quatro adesivos e um avental!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:954 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4e052c92: # A "An apron?" A "Um avental?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:956 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_124c1b7a: # Moe "AY, KIDS!" Moe "EI {i}BAMBINI{/i}!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:983 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_03e8cd87: # Moe "LOOKIT DIS ‘ERE AH-PRON YA LIL TRIGGA FRIEN SOL’ ME!" Moe "OLHA SÓ ESSE {i}GREMBIULE{/i} QUE TUA AMIGA TRIOULA {i}MI HA VENDUTO{/i}!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:986 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d316aa7b: # "Trish looks split on whether to be mad about the trigga comment or happy about the successful sale." "Trish parece estar dividida entre puta sobre o comentário de trioula e feliz com a venda bem-sucedida." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:989 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a27d61d3: # unknown "Hey! Someone took ma apron!" unknown "Ei! Alguém roubou meu avental!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:991 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ec97a340: # Moe "GIT BACK TA WORK JERRY YER ON DA CLOCK!" Moe "{i}TORNARE AL LAVORO{/i} JERRY, CÊ TÁ NO EXPEDIENTE!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:994 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_317d9aa2: # F "It uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} looks nice, Uncle Moe." F "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} bem legal, Tio Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:997 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_034240b8: # Moe "Anyways, youse all gonna be helpin’ wit da clean up, right?" Moe "{i}Comunque{/i}, vocês todos vão ajudar com a limpeza, certo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1000 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_cd95c001: # "I look at the absolute mess around us." "Dou uma olhada na bagunça catastrófica à nossa volta." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1003 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d469299: # "Fuck." "Puta merda." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1013 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5d3f464b_1: # "I take my eyes off the stage to get a read on the crowd." "Tiro os olhos do palco para dar uma checada na platéia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1015 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c1bd7321_1: # "Easily a good hundred people showed up to see VVURM DRAMA, better than any of us expected." "Tem pelo menos umas cem pessoas que vieram ver o VVURM DRAMA. Muito melhor do que qualquer um de nós esperava." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1017 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4a03122b_1: # "The look on Fang’s face when everyone began filtering into the restaurant was priceless." "O olhar no rosto de Fang quando todo mundo começou a se afunilar para dentro do restaurante foi impagável." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1051 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bb0d3be1_1: # "They were on the last song of the night, the bizarrely long name of which I missed." "Eles estavam na última música da noite, com um nome enorme bizarro que eu não prestei atenção." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1055 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e48a8b4a_1: # F "I JUST GOTTA ASK:" F "EU SÓ QUERIA SABER:" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1056 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_67ab293e_1: # F "WHY IS HITLER," F "POR QUE HITLER," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1057 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b26ed274_1: # F "RIDING MY BIKE," F "TÁ ANDANDO NA MINHA BIKE," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1058 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b7ca5ef4_1: # F "PRETENDING TO BE," F "FINGINDO SER," # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1059 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8f1b83ae_1: # F "A MONKEY!" F "UM MACACO!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1062 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_90db522d_1: # "Oh right… Reed definitely wrote this one." "Ah sim{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Com certeza foi o Reed que escreveu essa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1065 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ef59ce4f_1: # "The band really has improved, as opposed to booing and pointing at the audience is listening intently." "A banda melhorou de verdade, ao contrário das vaias e dedos apontados, a platéia tá ouvindo com bastante atenção." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1067 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f175b8f1: # "And nobody has tripped so far." "E ninguém tropeçou ainda." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1070 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ffc40d6e_1: # F "AT THREEEEEEE AAAAAAAA MMMMM-" F "ÀS TRÊÊÊÊÊÊS DAAAAAAA MMMMMMANHÃ" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1071 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6e46797e_1: # F "IN THE MORNIIIIIING!" F "DA MADRUGAAAAAA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1072 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0f702231: # F "ON A-" F "NA-" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1081 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_693b52c8: # "As if right on cue, half of the lights on stage cut out." "Como se estivesse na hora exata, as luzes do palco se apagaram." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1083 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_70e19581: # "Trish strummed silently before giving a confused glance at the speakers." "Trish dedilhava silenciosamente o seu baixo antes de olhar confusa para as caixas de som." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1086 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1b8f84bf: # F "T-tuesday?" F "T-terça?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1089 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2e18a0f5: # "Fang fell out of tempo with Reed’s drums, stumbling over the end of the song." "Fang perdeu o ritmo da bateria do Reed, se atrapalhando no final da música." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1092 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c9f997f1_1: # "It’s silent." "Silêncio." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1094 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2d388199: # "I began to clap, followed by several other patrons." "Começo a aplaudir, seguido por outros clientes." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1101 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_08828d1a: # "Including Stella who looked seconds away from being curb-stomped." "Incluindo a Stella, que parecia estar a instantes de ser pisoteada." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1103 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_66baca6b_1: # "Rosa is on the other side of the room, too entranced by the music to care." "Rosa está do outro lado do salão, muito fascinada pela música para se importar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1120 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_837a0bd8: # "My eyes scan the room before noticing Trish, the sheer vehement rage radiating from her visibly distorting the air around her." "Meus olhos dão uma olhada pelo salão antes de reparar em Trish, irradiando tanta raiva que começou a distorcer visivelmente o ar em volta dela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1123 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d469299_1: # "Fuck." "Merda." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1125 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3939f5db: # "My jaw aches as I picture myself in Stella’s place, courtesy of one pissed off womanlet." "Minha mandíbula dói enquanto me imagino no lugar da Stella, cortesia de uma anãzinha pistola." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1127 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_923afb01: # "Before I have the chance to escape I hear my one saving grace." "Antes que eu tivesse chance de escapar, ouço minha salvação." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1136 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_88868f85_1: # F "ANON!" F "ANON!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1138 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a4b1062c: # "Fang reaches me before Trish leaves the stage, extending her hand for a high-five." "Fang me alcança antes que Trish desça do palco, estendendo sua mão para um high-five." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1141 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c21070b6: # F "We did it!" F "A gente conseguiu!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1149 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c5d3a9ee: # T "No thanks to that asshole!" T "Não graças a esse imbecil!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1152 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d8a2c49: # "Oh no." "Essa não." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1159 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1a90ffcb: # F "What’s wrong?" F "Qual o problema?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1161 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6e324ba3: # T "Skinnie sabotaged the show!" T "O pelanca sabotou o show!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1163 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1f986768: # T "I told him not to touch the wires and look what happened!" T "Eu falei pra ele não fuçar nos fios e olha a merda que deu!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1166 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_787942da: # A "I was only trying to help." A "Eu só tava tentando ajudar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1169 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_21290b93: # "Trish holds up her hand to my face, waving the other around in grand gestures." "Trish aponta um dedo pro meu rosto, gesticulando exageradamente com a outra mão." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1172 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f9e6323f: # T "You ruined the big finale! We missed our chance to make it big!" T "Tu arruinou o grande final! A gente perdeu a chance de deixar foda!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1174 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1e316e57: # T "Why is it that only my bass cut out anyways?!" T "Aliás, por que só o meu baixo parou?!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1176 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d4097c2b: # T "Are you actively trying to ruin us?!" T "Tu tá tentando arruinar a gente?!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1178 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_00944ee0: # T "I told you Reed knew what he was doing!" T "Eu te falei que o Reed sabia o que tava fazendo!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1180 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4e5643cc: # T "Do you not trust him and I?" T "Cê não confia na gente?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1186 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_abbc2136: # "Tears trickle down her sweat-glazed face." "Lágrimas escorrem pelo rosto suado dela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1191 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1df0f953: # T "Is Fang really the only one here you care about?!" T "Fang é a única coisa aqui que importa pra você?!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1193 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c4a8ec31: # T "We exist too, you know!" T "A gente existe também, sabia?!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1201 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_06b2ab16: # "This hypocritical bitch!" "Vagabunda hipócrita!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1203 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_da72bc9b: # "The sharp words cut right through me." "As palavras afiadas me cortam com força." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1206 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7b16855d: # F "Jeez, Trish. The show went great! Our first good concert!" F "Credo, Trish. O show foi ótimo! Nossa primeira apresentação boa!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1210 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_75caebcc: # F "The crowd actually clapped this time!" F "A galera aplaudiu de verdade dessa vez!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1212 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3cca8887: # T "No thanks to him." T "Não graças a ele." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1214 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_64500fc0: # A "I didn’t do it on purpose." A "Eu não fiz por querer." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1216 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_604b1969: # "Even though you deserved it." "Por mais que você mereça isso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1219 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8565c38a: # "Before she could interrogate me further, Fang grabbed Trish on the arm." "Antes que ela pudesse continuar me interrogando, Fang agarrou Trish pelo braço." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1225 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f5d8dc39: # F "Trish! Didn’t you say you wanted to set up our merch!" F "Trish! Cê não queria vender alguns produtos da banda?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1230 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_82486da5: # "Trish winces, then gives a begrudging sigh, lowering her accusatory finger." "Trish estremece com um suspiro relutante, depois abaixa o dedo acusatório." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1233 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1a2d5f9c: # T "Ugh, you aren’t worth it." T "Aff, cê não vale meu tempo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1246 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_72016b59: # "Trish storms off leaving Fang and I alone." "Trish sai com raiva, deixando Fang e eu a sós." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1248 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d7c4d5e9: # "And Reed who was listening the entire time." "E o Reed, que estava ouvindo tudo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1265 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_84fe78c2: # Re "Anon, dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you really should trust others, y’know?" Re "Anon, irmãozinho{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tu devia confiar mais nos outros, tá ligado?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1267 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0240c5f2: # Re "It’s like they say{cps=*.1}...{/cps} trust is the building block of our economy, or something." Re "É tipo como dizem{cps=*.1}...{/cps} confia no tijolo da nossa economia e tal{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ou algum bagulho desses." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1270 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0ad25b8b: # "What." "Quê." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1273 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_13e30218: # Re "There are two kinds of people in this world, bro... people who believe and people who trust." Re "Tem dois tipos de pessoa nesse mundo meu brother{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gente que acredita e gente que confia." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1275 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_958c4864: # Re "And you believed in something false, your impulsiveness." Re "E tu acreditou em uma parada falsa, tua impulsividade." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1278 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1c6e1705: # "Before I can begin to comprehend Reed’s capitalist sermon, my ears are assaulted by very Italian yelling." "Antes que eu possa sequer começar a compreender o sermão capitalista do Reed, meus ouvidos sofrem um ataque de um grito muito italiano." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1287 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_11beccf2: # Moe "AY, KIDS!" with vpunch Moe "EI {i}BAMBINI{/i}!" with vpunch # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1305 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_03e8cd87_1: # Moe "LOOKIT DIS ‘ERE AH-PRON YA LIL TRIGGA FRIEN SOL’ ME!" Moe "OLHA SÓ ESSE {i}GREMBIULE{/i} QUE TUA AMIGA TRIOULA {i}MI HA VENDUTO{/i}!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1308 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ca147b26: # "Reed looks almost jealous of Moe’s new garb." "Reed parece sentir um pouco de inveja da nova peça de roupa do Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1311 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9dc108d4: # Re "Nice threads, compadre." Re "Pano massa, manito." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1314 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a27d61d3_1: # unknown "Hey! Someone took ma apron!" unknown "Ei! Alguém roubou meu avental!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1316 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ec97a340_1: # Moe "GIT BACK TA WORK JERRY YER ON DA CLOCK!" Moe "TORNARE AL LAVORO JERRY, CÊ TÁ NO EXPEDIENTE!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1319 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_317d9aa2_1: # F "It uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} looks nice, Uncle Moe." F "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} bem legal, Tio Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1322 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_034240b8_1: # Moe "Anyways, youse all gonna be helpin’ wit da clean up, right?" Moe "{i}Comunque{/i}, vocês todos vão ajudar com a limpeza, certo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1325 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_cd95c001_1: # "I look at the absolute mess around us." "Dou uma olhada na bagunça catastrófica à nossa volta." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1328 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d469299_2: # "Fuck." "Puta merda." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1343 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ca17fee8: # "An hour later and I’m stuck mopping up where the mosh pit once stood." "Uma hora depois e eu ainda estou preso passando pano no chão onde rolou a roda punk." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1345 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5a7ca39c: # "As my mop head gains a tinge of red I pray to god this isn’t from Stella." "Quando o pano começa a ficar vermelho, eu rezo para que isso não seja sangue da Stella." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1347 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b5bc04eb: # "Rosa wanted to stay and help clean buuut{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Rosa queria ficar pra ajudar a limpar maaaas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1350 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_76f393d0: # Ro "{i}I am so sorry Stella! Come, I shall nurse you back at my home!{/i}" Ro "{i}Meu deus, me desculpa Stella! Vem, vou cuidar de você na minha casa!{/i}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1353 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_47db0ce6: # "I’d feel more sorry for Stella but Rosa looked capable of helping her." "Eu ficaria com mais pena da Stella, mas a Rosa parece capaz o suficiente pra ajudar ela." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1355 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f0a5687e: # "My god that’s a lot of{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Marinara{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Meu deus, isso é muito{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Molho marinara{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1358 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_380dcb4f: # "Fang and Trish are trying to divide and carry out the stage." "Fang e Trish tentam dividir as tarefas e limpar o palco." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1360 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ca111ad9: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}The mop really isn’t getting much from the floor." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O pano realmente não tá limpando muito o chão." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1362 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_e05e23f0: # "Am I supposed to have a bucket or something?" "Será que eu devia pegar um balde ou alguma coisa do tipo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1372 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_fa1600c3: # Re "Yooo, Anon!" Re "Faaaaala, Anon!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1375 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_619c0320: # "Reed crosses right through the puddles, tracking grimy footprints without a care." "Reed corre pelas poças, sem se importar com as pegadas sujas que ele deixa pelo caminho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1378 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5dd9a349: # Re "Hey man... what’d you think of the lyrics?" Re "Fala aí manito{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quê que tu achou das letras?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1381 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d23e5386: # A "What were you on when you wrote that?" A "Onde tava tua cabeça quando escreveu aquilo?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1384 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_039ed682: # "Reed rubs his forehead, struggling to remember more than ten minutes ago." "Reed esfrega a testa, tentando lembrar de alguma coisa que rolou há mais de dez minutos." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1387 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f708ae6f: # Re "I dunno man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} the floor maybe? But I also distinctly remember floating{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Sei lá mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} talvez no chão? Mas boto fé que eu cheguei a flutuar um pouco{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1390 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_db18d4c1: # Re "Y’know, dude, we’ve been doing this since junior year, right?" Re "Saca meu brother, a gente tá fazendo isso desde o segundo ano, tá ligado?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1392 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6340167e: # Re "And this is the first show that anyone’s actually liked." Re "E tipo, esse é o primeiro show que a galera curtiu." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1394 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7a8841af: # Re "Wild." Re "Cabuloso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1397 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_52136291: # A "You’ve only been playing together for a year?" A "Vocês tão tocando juntos faz só um ano?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1399 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_efef2d77: # Re "You know it man, crazy how time flies." Re "Tá ligado mano, doidera como o tempo voa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1401 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2a874d4d: # Re "Man, back then Trish had these crazy long horns and glasses." Re "Meu brother, naquele tempo a Trish tinha uns chifres enormes e usava óculos, saca?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1404 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9fdacfce: # "Now there’s a thought. How would Trish even look with glasses?" "Agora isso sim é algo pra se pensar. Como será que a Trish fica de óculos?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1406 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_cc782464: # "Actually, how would glasses even work on any triceratops?" "Na verdade, como é que um tricerátopo usa óculos?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1409 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ed56bd40: # Re "Fang wasn’t Fang." Re "Fang não era Fang." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1411 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ca5a8398: # A "She- what?" A "Ela nã- quê?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1414 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8c5bfe3d: # Re "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that…" Re "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu provavelmente não deveria ter dito isso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1416 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_34ca0184: # A "Fang wasn’t herself?" A "Fang não era ela mesma?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1419 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d2d5cede: # Re "Honestly{cps=*.1}...{/cps} That’s probably something to be left for Fang and Fang alone to talk about{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sorry." Re "Na real mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Provavelmente é melhor Fang falar sobre isso aí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Foi mal, irmão." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1421 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9efb173d: # A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ri{cps=*0.65}iiiii{/cps}ght." A "Tá c{cps=*0.65}eeeee{/cps}rto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1424 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2205eb9d: # Re "Only thing that stayed the same was like... me and my carfe, bro." Re "A única coisa que não mudou é tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu e meu carfê aqui, morô?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1427 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b0c13684: # "How long has he been on that stuff?" "Quanto tempo faz que ele usa essa parada?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1430 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ac4569d6: # Re "It was almost like a totally different time, man." Re "Parece que foi uma época totalmente diferente, maninho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1433 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f0503a8c: # "Before I even got a moment to picture what it might have been like not even a year ago, Trish appears behind Reed." "Antes que eu conseguisse imaginar como as coisas poderiam ter sido há menos de um ano atrás, Trish aparece atrás de Reed." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1447 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1c72245b: # "She looks like she’s about to snap both our necks." "Parece que ela vai quebrar os nossos pescoços." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1450 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_910a38e5: # T "Hey, Reed, what are you two talking about?" T "Ei Reed, tão falando do quê aí?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1452 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_925ad1b5: # Re "Just talking about some memories of the band, Trish." Re "Só conversando sobre umas memórias da banda, Trish." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1455 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_43aee2ce: # T "You didn’t tell him anything about me, did you?" T "Não falou nada de mim não, né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1457 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f05d1f08: # A "Glasses." A "Óculos." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1460 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6603d186: # T "Reed, you absolute ass." T "Reed, seu babaca." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1464 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9fd88c33: # "Reed just shrugs." "Reed dá de ombros." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1466 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3b392b89: # "By this point the restaurant has been mostly cleaned up with only a few tables left to put back." "A essa altura o restaurante já está praticamente limpo, só faltando devolver algumas mesas para o lugar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1472 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4cda1ffc: # T "So Anon, we showed you ours, now it’s your turn to show us yours." T "Então Anon, a gente mostrou o nosso, hora de mostrar o teu." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1474 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2657972d: # A "What, out here in public? Didn’t peg you for the kinky type." A "O quê, sério, na frente de todo mundo? Não achei que cê curtia essas coisas, Trish." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1477 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9270723c: # "Trish inhales sharply, visibly trying to master herself." "Trish respira profundamente, claramente tentando se controlar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1479 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_da781377: # T "I meant with your old school." T "Tô falando do teu passado. Da sua antiga escola." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1482 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_91e17d28: # A "That’s on a need to know basis, and you don’t need to know." A "Isso aí é só pra quem precisa saber, e tu não precisa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1492 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0bc24d87: # F "Come on Anon, don’t you have any good memories from your old school?" F "Ah qual é, Anon, não tem nenhuma lembrança legal da escola antiga?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1495 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6e69fe64: # "Oh god no." "Meu Deus, não." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1498 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_26826301: # A "I’d really rather not talk about it." A "Eu realmente prefiro não falar sobre isso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1500 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6621cfc9: # F "Why not? You’ve told me about your parents." F "Por que não? Cê já me falou até dos seus pais." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1503 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3af8c422: # "That seems to catch Trish’s attention." "Isso parece ter chamado a atenção da Trish." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1505 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_0aee461d: # "Shit. And that look of expectancy from Fang too?" "Que merda. E agora esse olhar de expectativa da Fang também?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1508 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b531e308: # "I guess it can’t hurt." "Acho que não custa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1511 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9f81dea9: # A "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I did try to get into music at one point." A "Bom{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu tentei a sorte com música uma vez." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1513 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d652b0df: # F "With how much you need my help in music class?" F "Com o tanto de ajuda que você precisa nas aulas?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1515 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_da29b5ea: # A "I didn’t say I was good at it. I was just clicking buttons and seeing what stuck." A "Ei, eu não falei que era bom. Eu tava só apertando uns botões e vendo o que rolava." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1517 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_16dfb7dd: # A "And spoiler alert, nothing did." A "Alerta de spoiler, nada prestou." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1522 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_47ffeee5: # "That got a giggle out of Fang and a look from Trish." "Isso tirou uma risadinha da Fang e uma encarada da Trish." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1526 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4820b106: # T "By the way Anon, I saw you talking to that Stella girl before the concert. You have something going on there?" T "Então Anon, te vi falando com aquela Stella antes do show. Tá rolando alguma coisa entre vocês?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1529 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f48b53b1: # "I feel a pit in my stomach as a look of betrayal crosses Fang’s face." "Sinto um peso enorme no estômago quando um olhar de traição cruza o rosto de Fang." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1531 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_797b4809: # "Right into Trish’s trap, {w=0.3}hook, {w=0.3}line, {w=0.3}sinker and rod." "Direto na armadilha da Trish, {w=0.3}com linha, {w=0.3}anzol, {w=0.3}vara e tudo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1539 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1542 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_1: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1545 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_2: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1548 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_3: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1551 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_4: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1554 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_5: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1557 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_6: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1560 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_7: # A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha." A "Eu NÃO tenho nada com a incontinêixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1563 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_aba8e4d4: # Re "Who?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Thought like, we were talkin’ bout whatsherface." Re "Quem?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Achei que a gente tava falando da fulaninha lá." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1565 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b4b72ff6: # T "The one with the Dino Duel cards." T "Aquela com as cartinhas de Dino Duel." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1568 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f4cfa3bd: # Re "...I thought those were Pocket Raptor cards." Re "...Eu achei que eram cartinhas de Pocket Raptor." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1571 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d4e2064: # F "Weren’t they handegg cards?" F "Não eram cartas de futebol americano?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1574 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a279d9f6: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} moving on{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Enfim{cps=*.1}...{/cps} continuando{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1577 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_de8dc930: # T "Anyone back home you had your eye on then?" T "Tem alguém na tua cidade que você tava de olho?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1579 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4ac9003a: # A "Nobody at Rock Bottom was worth the time." A "Ninguém valia à pena em Rock Bottom." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1582 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b2e0f170: # "Fang’s face softens, almost in a silent sigh of relief." "A expressão de Fang se suaviza, quase que um suspiro de alívio." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1584 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f76418c4: # "Is there hope for me yet?" "Será que ainda há esperança pra mim?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1588 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_64e719d0: # T "Rock Bottom, huh? I don’t think you’ve ever told us where you’re from before." T "Rock Bottom hein? Acho que tu nunca contou pra gente onde tinha estudado." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1591 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1595 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c285bafe: # "SHIT." "MERDA!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1598 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bbf41042: # A "O-oh, I haven’t? Huh." A "A-ah, não falei né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1600 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_408bad8f: # F "Who really cares where you went to last?" F "Mas quem se importa também, né?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1602 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_578dae49: # Re "Yeah, man, it’s just a school." Re "Pois é mano, é só uma escola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1604 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3d4a2bbb: # F "Was it in the sticks?" F "Era uma quebrada?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1606 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6145d032: # A "Not exactly, it was certainly lower class though." A "Não tanto na real, mas era de classe mais baixa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1608 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_8ddfb6ed: # A "I used to buy bulk soda and sell them to the stupid kids for lunch money." A "Eu costumava comprar uns engradados de refri e vender pros moleques burros no intervalo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1611 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_39d1925b: # Re "Yooo, my man!" Re "Aí sim, meu mano!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1622 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5634e58e: # "Reed gives me a fist bump." "Reed me dá um soquinho." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1625 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_57446987: # A "I’d usually just go places on a crappy dirt bike, leaving donuts in parking lots when I was sure nobody was looking." A "Eu normalmente andava por aí numa motinha vagabunda, dando grau nos estacionamentos quando não tinha ninguém olhando." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1628 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_5cd100d9: # F "Sounds like you were pretty cool at your last school." F "Parece que você era um cara bem maneiro na antiga escola." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1631 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_4a144cb2: # "HA." "HA." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1634 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1847528a: # A "I dunno about that…" A "Ah, eu não sei, não{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1636 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_a79e5da6: # Re "Sure, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I don’t get why you left in the first place if you had it so good." Re "Claro meu nobre{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não tô sacando porque tu saiu de lá se tava tão massa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1639 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_9d8a2c49_1: # "Oh no." "Ah não." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1642 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_911e9b8d: # A "Oh, uh, actually{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Então, é, na verdade{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1650 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_584a304f: # "{cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING!{/cps}" "{cps=*3.0}PENSA EM ALGUMA{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}COISA PENSA EM ALGUMA COISA{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}PENSA EM ALGUMA COISA!{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1653 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_eb858f3d: # A "I had to leave because of, uh…" A "Eu tive que sair porque{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1656 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_728ecf1c: # "DON’T SAY SOMETHING STUPID YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT AT THIS." "NÃO FALA MERDA ESSA É SUA ÚNICA CHANCE." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1659 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_68e2bc77: # A "Family issues." A "Tava com problemas familiares." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1668 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_71126069: # "Nailed it." "Acertei." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1670 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_00b65d9c: # Re "Bummer man... glad you’re here instead." Re "Sacanagem mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} que bom que tu veio pra cá." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1673 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_2bfe209c: # A "Yeah, yeah, thanks man." A "Aham, valeu, mano." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1675 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1d1860b2: # T "Sounds personal, guess we shouldn’t pry." T "Parece coisa bem pessoal, melhor a gente não se meter muito." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1677 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_6a431647: # T "We’re all friends here, after all." T "Nós somos todos amigos aqui, afinal." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1680 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_fc842902: # "Guess we are all friends at this point." "Bom, acho que somos mesmo todos amigos agora." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1682 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_fed74143: # "To varying degrees." "Em níveis variados." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1684 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_cd6bd11d: # "I let a content smile creep onto my face." "Deixo um sorriso contente surgir no meu rosto." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1688 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_1cab933b: # Moe "AY YOU STUPID KIDS!" Moe "EI {i}STUPIDI BAMBINI{/i}!" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1690 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_7b6fac65: # "The tyrannosaur stomps over to us from the kitchen." "O tiranossauro sai da cozinha e vem até nós." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1711 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_b3d3aac5: # Moe "Great job again on da show, punks." Moe "Ótimo trabalho com o show, {i}barboni{/i}." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1713 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_3b1a3871: # Moe "I knew my lil Lucy could pull dis shindig off." Moe "Eu sabia que {i}mia piccola{/i} Lucy dava conta do recado." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1716 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_82712c7b: # "He clamps one of his tiny hands down on Fang’s shoulder as she reflexively tries to hide her face with a wing." "Ele põe uma das suas pequenas mãos no ombro de Fang enquanto ela instintivamente tenta esconder o rosto com a asa." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1719 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_57619bb1: # Moe "Alas, I’m expecting a late night visita’, so I needs you punks to piss off." Moe "{i}Aspetto una visita{/i} tardia essa noite, então preciso que todos vão embora." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1721 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_c391fe18: # Moe "Come on by for a slice sometime, yeah?" Moe "{i}Vieni di nuovo{/i} para comer mais umas fatias, {i}sì{/i}?" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1723 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d5d987c3: # A "Thanks, Moe." A "Valeu, Moe." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1725 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_ec685625: # Re "Yeah man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thanks a bunch{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "É mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tipo, valeu demais{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1727 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_bcac5457: # Moe "Now scram youse kids. I’ve got a different kinds a clean-up ta deal wit’." Moe "{i}Ora{/i} sumam daqui vocês, {i}bambini{/i}. Tenho outro tipo de limpeza para lidar." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1737 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_d94ed6a2: # "Aaaaaaand repressing that." "Eeeeeeeee eu vou ignorar essa parte{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1740 translate pt_br PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1_2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" translate pt_br strings: # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:195 old "I used to when I was little." new "Eu curtia quando era pequeno." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:195 old "I’ve seen a bit here and there." new "Assisti umas coisinhas aqui e ali." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:475 old "Leave the stage as-is" new "Deixar como está" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:475 old "Fix the cables" new "Mexer nos cabos" # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Nyet." new "Nyet." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Nein." new "Nein." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Non." new "Non." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Nope." new "Nope." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Inai." new "Inai." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "Mei yo." new "Mei yo." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "None of that." new "Nada disso." # game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536 old "No." new "No."