# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24 # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:4 translate pt_br chapter_14D_19d22bc0: # "{cps=*0.2}-- Five Years Later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Cinco Anos Depois --{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:8 translate pt_br chapter_14D_8a9bf125: # "July seventeenth." "Dezessete de Julho." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:10 translate pt_br chapter_14D_0051784f: # "Year 201M2025 BC." "Ano 201M2025 AC." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:12 translate pt_br chapter_14D_85fed111: # "Volcaldera Bluffs." "Volcaldera Bluffs." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:14 translate pt_br chapter_14D_d16da4b7: # "Weather conditions; hot as tits." "O clima de hoje: Quente de suar as tetas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:17 translate pt_br chapter_14D_11810155: # "The evening sun is boiling hot and I’m reminded of one of the myriad of reasons why I first loathed living here." "O sol da tarde é escaldante e sou lembrado de uma das milhares de razões pelas quais eu inicialmente odiava morar aqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:19 translate pt_br chapter_14D_08344323: # "The sweat dripping in my eyes makes it difficult to see anything five feet in front of me." "O suor pingando nos meus olhos torna difícil enxergar qualquer coisa a mais de um metro na minha frente." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:22 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a9c5203d: # "Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid." "Prova disso é esse toco de árvore no meio da calçada, que precisei desviar." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:24 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9eca8dcb: # "The air is hot and humid, and I can feel my body grow heavier as I get closer." "O ar é quente e úmido, posso sentir meu corpo ficar mais pesado enquanto chego mais perto." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:26 translate pt_br chapter_14D_36b2d23b: # "I can’t determine if it’s from the sweat soaking my clothes or the welling trepidation inside me." "Não consigo determinar se é por conta do suor ensopando minhas roupas ou essa tremedeira enorme dentro de mim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:29 translate pt_br chapter_14D_269d237f: # "It’s been five years since I’ve seen anyone here." "Já se passaram cinco anos desde que vi qualquer um aqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:31 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b84af64c: # "I’ve kept in touch with all of them." "Apesar de manter contato com todos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:33 translate pt_br chapter_14D_50adff47: # "But to see them again in person?" "Encontrá-los de novo pessoalmente?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:42 translate pt_br chapter_14D_566d5475: # "It’s the sounds that reach me first. The chatter of people milling about." "São os sons que me atingem primeiro. A conversa fiada de gente matando tempo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:44 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c49aafac: # unknown "Bro" unknown "Mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:46 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2567acb5: # unknown "It’s been too long!" unknown "Faz tanto tempo!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:48 translate pt_br chapter_14D_68bdbd55: # unknown "It was only five years *Giggle*" unknown "Foram só cinco anos *risadinhas*" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:51 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9c4baeed: # "I can make out the building now. I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe the sweat from my eyes and brow." "Já consigo ver o prédio agora. Uso a manga da minha blusa para secar o suor dos meus olhos e sobrancelhas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:53 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2c10c191: # "I look at the name written on the arch over the entrance." "Dou uma olhada no nome escrito no arco sobre a entrada." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:56 translate pt_br chapter_14D_39b4a433: # "Volcano High." "Volcano High." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:65 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e36e1e65: # A "Still the perfect setting for a horror game.{w=0.2} Or maybe a shitty WAD." A "Ainda é um cenário perfeito para um jogo de terror.{w=0.2} Ou talvez um atentado." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:67 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b0136501: # "The attempt at humouring myself just made me feel more anxious." "A tentativa de me alegrar só fez com que me sentisse ainda mais ansioso." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:69 translate pt_br chapter_14D_98b5af93: # "A check of my phone says I’m thirty minutes early.{w=0.2} Wonderful." "Uma conferida rápida no celular me diz que estou cerca de meia-hora adiantado.{w=0.2} Maravilha." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:71 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7debcb9b: # "I move to the entrance, only to see all of the steps occupied by twenty-somethings waiting." "Ando até a entrada, apenas para ver todos os degraus ocupados por jovens de vinte e tantos anos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:79 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6e43bb5d: # A "Yo, this the line?" A "E aí, essa é a fila?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:83 translate pt_br chapter_14D_638c3636: # Re "Anon?" Re "Anon?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:93 translate pt_br chapter_14D_68748c1d: # "A hobo raptor at the top of the steps pulls his oversized shades down to peer at me." "Um raptor mendigo no topo das escadas puxa seus óculos de sol enormes para baixo e olha para mim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:96 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2ee5fbc1: # Re "Ayyy Anon, what’s up dude?" Re "Qual ééééé Anon! Quê que tá pegando, meu mano?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:98 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5d9b8282: # "I immediately recognize his voice." "Imediatamente reconheço sua voz." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:101 translate pt_br chapter_14D_938052fc: # A "Hey Reed, what’s happening?" A "E aí, Reed, como tá?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:103 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b833ca10: # A "You seem to certainly have uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} changed." A "Você parece{cps=*.1}...{/cps} diferente." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:105 translate pt_br chapter_14D_bcd975a6: # A "Why do you look like uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Por que cê tá parecendo um, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Olha, eu não quero soar rude nem nada, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:108 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c781c47b: # A "You look homeless, Reed." A "Tu tá parecendo um morador de rua, Reed." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:110 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7aef5eb5: # Re "{cps=*0.5}Whaaaat?{/cps}" Re "{cps=*0.5}Queeeeê?{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:112 translate pt_br chapter_14D_dada3de0: # Re "Duuude, I’m not a hobo! I’m the richest raptor in the world, guy!" Re "Maaaaano, eu não sou mendigo! Cê tá falando com o raptor mais rico do mundo, bicho!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:115 translate pt_br chapter_14D_cec35a7a: # "I think Reed’s lost it." "Acho que o Reed enlouqueceu de vez." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:118 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2c5320b0: # Re "What’d you say, man?" Re "Disse alguma coisa, meu brother?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:120 translate pt_br chapter_14D_3afbbc14: # A "What? Nothing. No idea what you’re talking about." A "Quê? Não, nada. Não tenho ideia do que você tá falando." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:123 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b067c3ff: # A "So, how did you get to become the 'richest raptor in the world'?" A "E aí, como foi que tu virou o ‘raptor mais rico do mundo’?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:125 translate pt_br chapter_14D_314907f5: # Re "You wouldn’t believe it, man!" Re "Tu nem acredita, irmãozinho!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:127 translate pt_br chapter_14D_28a8f4d3: # Re "See, it all started with{cps=*.12}...{/cps}" Re "Se liga, tudo começou com{cps=*.12}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:130 translate pt_br chapter_14D_ab5edc9f: # "Reed proceeds to run his mouth off about a bunch of gibberish." "Reed começa a tagarelar sobre um monte de baboseiras." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:132 translate pt_br chapter_14D_275d184f: # "I cannot understand anything he's saying." "Não consigo entender nada do que ele diz." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:134 translate pt_br chapter_14D_81c95434: # "I think I heard ‘pharmaceutical business’ at one point?" "Acho que ouvi alguma coisa sobre ‘negócios farmacêuticos’ em algum momento?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:137 translate pt_br chapter_14D_63af4935: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}and then I was brought here by the birds, dude." Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e aí os pássaros me trouxeram pra cá, velho." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:139 translate pt_br chapter_14D_80c09eea: # Re "So what’ve you been up to, man?" Re "E tu, tá fazendo o quê, irmão?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:141 translate pt_br chapter_14D_03b8f2da: # Re "You look like you haven’t changed a day." Re "Parece que cê não mudou nada." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:144 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7d1fd75b: # A "It’s not as exciting as your story, honestly." A "Não é tão interessante quanto a sua história, na real." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:146 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c559b955: # A "I just went off to college, got my bachelor’s, and now I’m just a sound engineer." A "Só fui pra faculdade mesmo, peguei meu bacharelado e agora sou um engenheiro de som." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:148 translate pt_br chapter_14D_20300bf9: # Re "Sounds pretty sweet, dude." Re "Bom demais, maninho." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:152 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b336d8d3: # "We stand there for a moment in the blazing heat." "Ficamos por mais um momento no calor forte." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:155 translate pt_br chapter_14D_16e4578f: # Re "Dude, it’s fuckin’ hot out here, you wanna get inside?" Re "Velho, tá quente pra um caralho aqui fora. Quer entrar?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:157 translate pt_br chapter_14D_26dab552: # Re "They got drinks n’ shit!" Re "Eles tem bebidas e a porra toda lá!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:159 translate pt_br chapter_14D_aaa2cbd9: # A "Definitely, I need some air conditioning." A "Com certeza, eu preciso de um ar condicionado." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:162 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f920cb1b: # "We quickly moved along to the gymnasium." "Andamos rapidamente até o ginásio." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:172 translate pt_br chapter_14D_36ffc0ce: # A "Man, it really hasn’t changed. Takes me back." A "Cara, isso aqui não mudou nada. Me traz lembranças." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:178 translate pt_br chapter_14D_08aaddc5: # Re "Yeah, takes me back too, man." Re "Pois é, pra mim também, irmão." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:181 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2d305803: # Re "Hold on, have you signed in yet?" Re "Pera aí, tu não assinou ainda?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:183 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f179239d: # A "No, didn’t know I had to." A "Não, não sabia que precisava." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:185 translate pt_br chapter_14D_26b0ed16: # "Reed gestures to the sign-in table." "Reed aponta para a mesa com o livro de visitas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:200 translate pt_br chapter_14D_b78ae174: # "The clerk is crouched behind the table sorting through a box." "A atendente está agachada atrás da mesa, mexendo em uma caixa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:202 translate pt_br chapter_14D_533c4477: # "I go over to write in my John Hancock and the person behind the counter stands up." "Vou até lá deixar minha assinatura e a pessoa atrás do balcão se levanta." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:204 translate pt_br chapter_14D_86be81a4: # "My nose is assaulted by the pheronomes of perfumes that probably cost more than a years' salary." "Meu nariz é bombardeado pelos feromônios de perfumes que provavelmente custam mais do que um ano do meu salário." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:212 translate pt_br chapter_14D_caf62298: # N "Oh!" N "Oh!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:217 translate pt_br chapter_14D_25152993: # N "Anon,{w=.1} you made it!" N "Anon,{w=.1} você veio!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:220 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f542b84a: # A "Yeah,{w=.1} I did." A "Aham,{w=.1} tô aqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:222 translate pt_br chapter_14D_dc2e6ea7: # A "Life been treating you well?" A "A vida tá sendo boa pra ti?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:224 translate pt_br chapter_14D_4d49cdb5: # N "Oh yes, just last year I moved in with my dear Kanyesaurus." N "Ah sim, ano passado eu me mudei para morar junto do meu Kanyessauro." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:227 translate pt_br chapter_14D_de9327d0: # "What the fuck is this world anymore?" "Que porra de mundo é esse?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:230 translate pt_br chapter_14D_156e72f7: # A "Real shame about his last presidential run." A "É uma pena ele ter perdido as últimas eleições." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:232 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e70eda5c: # N "Oh, he got over it." N "Ah, ele já superou isso." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:234 translate pt_br chapter_14D_74fd1b60: # N "There’s always 2028!" N "Sempre tem 2028!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:236 translate pt_br chapter_14D_94d90b41: # N "Presidential yeezys shall rise again, he says." N "Os Yeezys Presidenciais farão sucesso de novo, diz ele." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:239 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9ba77719: # "{cps=*0.5}WHAT THE FUUUUCK.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.5}QUE PORRA É EEEESSA.{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:242 translate pt_br chapter_14D_45e9c887: # A "That reminds me, have you seen Naser’s college posts?" A "Ah, isso me lembra de uma coisa, cê tem visto as postagens da faculdade do Naser?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:244 translate pt_br chapter_14D_cb14e08d: # A "He got top marks on his last exam." A "Ele tirou as maiores notas nas últimas provas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:246 translate pt_br chapter_14D_22ff68ad: # N "No, I lost touch with him about three years ago." N "Não, eu perdi o contato com ele há uns três anos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:248 translate pt_br chapter_14D_1549500a: # A "Oh, sorry. How about work, then?" A "Ah, foi mal. E o trabalho, como tá indo?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:250 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a9293f7e: # N "I haven’t been working, mostly staying back at home and looking after the kids." N "Eu não estou trabalhando, a maior parte do tempo fico em casa cuidando das crianças." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:252 translate pt_br chapter_14D_66752a0b: # A "Sounds like you got a pretty good deal going on." A "Parece que cê tá indo bem então." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:255 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7d074d79: # "I turn around to see a short line forming behind me." "Me viro e vejo uma pequena fila se formando atrás de mim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:258 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7b8cc934: # A "Sorry to keep you so long, I’ll get out of here." A "Desculpa te atrapalhar, vou sair da fila." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:260 translate pt_br chapter_14D_fa4fb73e: # N "Thanks for catching up, Anon. When I’m done here we can chat more." N "Bom te ver, Anon. Quando eu terminar aqui a gente pode conversar mais." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:279 translate pt_br chapter_14D_70b1d936: # "I go rejoin Reed and we enter the gymnasium together." "Volto para o lado de Reed e entramos no ginásio juntos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:282 translate pt_br chapter_14D_1e44ce02: # "The setup is rather similar to that prom night all those years ago, albeit without the foreign decor." "A decoração é bem parecida com a do baile de tantos anos atrás, mas sem os enfeites estrangeiros." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:284 translate pt_br chapter_14D_70fd0855: # "Young men and women mingle with small drinks and party foods across the floor." "Homens e mulheres jovens se entrosam com pequenos drinques e petiscos de festa espalhados pelo local." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:286 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e3601289: # Re "Man, those look good. Come over here, I’ll get you a drink, on me." Re "Caaaara, esses parecem bons. Chega aí, eu pago um drinque pra ti." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:295 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e9a7f9c6: # "I follow him over to the minibar. Trish is sitting in one of the seats, huddled over an empty glass." "Sigo ele até o minibar. Trish está sentada em uma das cadeiras, curvada sobre um copo vazio." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:309 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7a928828: # "Rosa is pouring drinks for the few other drunkards when she spots us approach." "Rosa está servindo drinques para os outros bêbados quando nos vê chegando." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:312 translate pt_br chapter_14D_05ffdeeb: # Ro "Oh! An-on, it is great to see you after all this time!" Ro "Ah! Anón, é ótimo te ver depois de tanto tempo!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:314 translate pt_br chapter_14D_cc9f694f: # Ro "Please, sit and talk awhile!" Ro "Por favor, sente e converse um pouco!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:317 translate pt_br chapter_14D_ebc40480: # A "Trish, glad we found you here!" A "Trish, Rosa, ótimo encontrar vocês aqui!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:331 translate pt_br chapter_14D_132786bb: # "She looks up from her sulking and her face lights up at the sight of us." "Ela tira os olhos do seu copo, meio chateada, mas seu rosto se ilumina ao nos ver." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:334 translate pt_br chapter_14D_959346bb: # T "Anon! It’s been years!" T "Anon! Faz tantos anos!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:336 translate pt_br chapter_14D_42e84332: # A "Trish, Rosa, glad we found you here!" A "Tô muito feliz de ver vocês de novo!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:338 translate pt_br chapter_14D_886abf23: # Re "Come on man, we’ve been texting this whole time." Re "Qual é irmão, a gente tem trocado mensagem esse tempo todo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:341 translate pt_br chapter_14D_30d15fad: # "Reed flashes two fingers at the barkeeper, who sets out a few glasses." "Reed mostra dois dedos para a barmaid, que foi buscar alguns copos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:344 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9da97c13: # A "Yeah, good to see you too." A "É, Reed, ver todo mundo pessoalmente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:346 translate pt_br chapter_14D_251e8abb: # A "Why’re you looking so gloomy over here?" A "Por que cê tava toda desanimada ali?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:348 translate pt_br chapter_14D_27f0f92c: # Ro "She has been telling me about how it is the end of her world." Ro "Ela tá me falando sobre isso como se fosse o fim do mundo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:351 translate pt_br chapter_14D_26cd7b51: # T "It’s nothing that serious, just workplace drama." T "Nah, não é nada sério, só drama no trabalho." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:353 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7861c964: # Re "What, your employees raise another beef with the concept of horn piercings again?" Re "O quê, teus funcionários tão arrumando confusão de novo com a ideia dos piercings nos chifres?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:355 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a95bc618: # Ro "No, this time it’s with the engraving tools." Ro "Não, dessa vez é com as ferramentas para gravuras." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:357 translate pt_br chapter_14D_25da8e02: # T "They’re telling me people would rather go to the dentist with all the drills we use." T "Eles tão falando que as pessoas vão preferir ir ao dentista com todas as brocas que a gente usa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:359 translate pt_br chapter_14D_ac100755: # T "And mostly with my designs for hollowed-out horns." T "Principalmente por conta dos meus designs que deixam os chifres ocos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:362 translate pt_br chapter_14D_cf783c1e: # "Rosa instinctively rubs her own horn." "Rosa instintivamente passa a mão no seu próprio chifre." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:365 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6eae8cda: # A "H-hollow?" A "O-oco?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:367 translate pt_br chapter_14D_200a7873: # T "Of course, I even got in contact with a sculptor and figured out how to make them whistle in the wind!" T "Claro! Eu até entrei em contato com um escultor e descobri como fazer eles assobiarem no vento!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:370 translate pt_br chapter_14D_27a95374: # "Reed leans in to whisper in my ear." "Reed se inclina para falar no meu ouvido." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:373 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9b76e265: # Re "One of the designs sounds like Road Warrior." Re "Um dos designs soa como Mad Max." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:376 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6cf1f31d: # "I shudder at the image." "Sinto um calafrio só de imaginar." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:379 translate pt_br chapter_14D_1fe9e6b3: # T "Don’t knock it, my satisfaction rate is a clean one-hundred percent!" T "Mas sem problema, minha taxa de satisfação é de cem por cento!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:381 translate pt_br chapter_14D_cae83f48: # Ro "The only problem is getting people to be willing to try it." Ro "O único problema é conseguir gente que queira tentar fazer." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:384 translate pt_br chapter_14D_45e4b11a: # A "Sounds like there’s a lot of risk there, yeah." A "Parece um negócio de alto risco, hein?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:386 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c313c57e: # T "It’s not even that bloody, I only hire the best." T "Nem sangra tanto assim, eu só contrato os melhores." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:389 translate pt_br chapter_14D_d72456b0: # A "B-bloody?" A "S-sangrar?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:391 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f7324eb7: # T "What, never had a piercing before? Same thing." T "Ué, nunca colocou um piercing antes? É a mesma coisa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:394 translate pt_br chapter_14D_20dce5cb: # "Reed shakes his head." "Reed balança a cabeça." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:397 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5e5b24cb: # Ro "Anything more than a regular piercing is an abomination before our Lord." Ro "Qualquer coisa além de um piercing normal é uma abominação perante ao nosso Senhor." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:400 translate pt_br chapter_14D_53e28621: # "I finish my drink and Reed downs his in one shot, tossing a few dollars on the counter." "Termino minha bebida e Reed toma a dele em um gole só, largando algumas notas no balcão." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:403 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a5322d13: # "I look up to see the one person I’m most anxious and excited to talk with again approaching." "Olho para a frente e vejo a pessoa que estou mais ansioso e animado para reencontrar se aproximando." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:405 translate pt_br chapter_14D_1eb6ba4c: # A "Fang! You’re here!" A "Fang! Cê tá aqui!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:437 translate pt_br chapter_14D_88ec99ea: # F "Wha-{w=0.2} I-{w=0.2} dammit Anon,{w=0.2} I told you to stop calling me that!" F "Que-{w=0.2} Eu-{w=0.2} caramba, Anon,{w=0.2} eu te disse pra parar de me chamar assim!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:440 translate pt_br chapter_14D_fa33059d: # Re "Isn’t that the name Lucy used back in senior year?" Re "Esse aí não era o nome que a Lucy usava no terceiro ano?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:442 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5e3b91b2: # T "Yeah, I think it was." T "Aham, era sim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:445 translate pt_br chapter_14D_0a4dfe91: # A "Come on, you’ll always be Fang to me." A "Qual é, cê sempre vai ser a Fang pra mim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:447 translate pt_br chapter_14D_3271e0e9: # "Lucy covers her eyes with her hands." "Lucy cobre os olhos com as mãos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:450 translate pt_br chapter_14D_54f56133: # F "You haven’t changed a bit, I swear." F "Eu juro, você não mudou nada." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:463 translate pt_br chapter_14D_aad19a35: # Re "C’mon, get over here. I’ll order us all another watchamacallit of drinks. It’s on me, the richest raptor in the {cps=*0.3}woooorld{/cps}!" Re "Chega aí. Vou pedir mais uma rodada pra gente. Pode deixar, quem tá pagando é o raptor mais rico do {cps=*0.3}muuuuuundo!{/cps}!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:466 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5c9f902c: # "Reed cheerfully throws his arms up as he shouts out a prolonged 'world’." "Reed alegremente joga os braços para o ar enquanto grita a palavra ‘mundo’." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:469 translate pt_br chapter_14D_8b0eeed8: # F "Sure, thanks. I can’t have too much though, I’m the event organizer and all." F "Claro, valeu. Mas não posso beber muito, sendo organizadora do evento e tal." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:471 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7c94dbb7: # A "Sounds like a tough break." A "Parece complicado." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:474 translate pt_br chapter_14D_444a6019: # A "Wait, I thought you were the music teacher here?" A "Mas pera, eu achei que você fosse a professora de música daqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:477 translate pt_br chapter_14D_eb99e87e: # F "I’m getting there. Still working with Mister Jingo until he retires next year." F "Tô chegando lá. Ainda trabalho com o Senhor Jingo até ele se aposentar ano que vem." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:479 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5ec8ca36: # F "Until then I’m a teachers’ assistant." F "Por enquanto ainda sou assistente do professor." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:481 translate pt_br chapter_14D_eb5b648d: # A "Oh, alright, I see." A "Ah, beleza, entendi." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:484 translate pt_br chapter_14D_4b4657bd: # "I take a quick glimpse around the room and fail to see any large ape-man." "Dou uma olhada rápida em volta do salão e não encontro o enorme homem-macaco." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:487 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c4f23c62: # A "I feel like we’re missing someone." A "Acho que tá faltando alguém." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:489 translate pt_br chapter_14D_71169858: # A "Where’s Spears? I could have sworn he would be here." A "Cadê o Spears? Eu jurava que ele estaria aqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:491 translate pt_br chapter_14D_619fe51d: # Re "Nah man, he’s gone. I saw him on TV the other day, though." Re "Nah mano, ele foi embora. Mas vi ele na TV outro dia." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:493 translate pt_br chapter_14D_042ca3aa: # A "Was he giving a speech or something?" A "Dando um discurso ou algo assim?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:495 translate pt_br chapter_14D_af818b1c: # Re "Sort of, he does commercials for car dealerships now." Re "Mais ou menos. Agora ele faz comerciais pra umas concessionárias." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:497 translate pt_br chapter_14D_36ee4900: # Re "He’s built a reputation for his gimmick of wrecking a car every ad he does." Re "Ele criou uma reputação por sempre destruir um carro inteiro em todo comercial." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:500 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e722a294: # A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I see." A "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Entendi." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:503 translate pt_br chapter_14D_0b2d439a: # "Oh god I thought that was a joke about slamming people into cars." "Meu Deus, eu achei que era brincadeira aquele negócio de jogar as pessoas nos carros." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:506 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f36dccde: # "The hours reconnecting with my old friends pass surprisingly quickly, and the time eventually comes for everyone to go home." "As horas se passaram surpreendentemente rápido enquanto me reconectava com meus amigos, até que chegou o momento de todos irem para casa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:508 translate pt_br chapter_14D_24b5ec78: # "Lucy excuses herself from the group to go give the closing speech." "Lucy pede licença ao grupo para dar o discurso de encerramento." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:522 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6a893557: # "She goes up onstage and tests the microphone, getting everyone’s attention." "Ela vai até o palco e testa o microfone, chamando a atenção de todos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:525 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f903e6cc: # F "Alright everyone, it’s been a wonderful night." F "Beleza pessoal, foi uma noite maravilhosa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:527 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2c2df3c0: # F "You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here." F "Vocês não precisam ir para casa, mas também não podem ficar aqui." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:529 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6f356320: # F "Please start finding your designated drivers or calling up the taxi driver." F "Por favor comecem a encontrar seus motoristas designados ou chamem seus táxis." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:531 translate pt_br chapter_14D_4fd06f92: # F "We will be locking the doors at three." F "Vamos trancar as portas às três." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:534 translate pt_br chapter_14D_e669f544: # "She puts the mic back on its stand and jumps offstage." "Ela coloca o microfone novamente no suporte e pula para fora do palco." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:536 translate pt_br chapter_14D_dcd47162: # "Reed pats my shoulder." "Reed dá um tapinha no meu ombro." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:539 translate pt_br chapter_14D_02067c69: # Re "You got a ride home, man?" Re "Tem carona pra casa, irmão?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:541 translate pt_br chapter_14D_56bc8bcd: # A "I can walk, but thanks." A "Eu vou andando, mas valeu." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:547 translate pt_br chapter_14D_72df95ce: # "Lucy returns to the minibar, where Rosa is waiting with the last of the alcohol." "Lucy volta para o mini bar, onde Rosa está esperando com as últimas bebidas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:549 translate pt_br chapter_14D_9a3a1673: # T "There it is." T "É isso aí." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:552 translate pt_br chapter_14D_21e01539: # Re "Alright, great seeing you guys. I’ll bounce." Re "Beleza, foi ótimo ver vocês, galera. Eu tô vazando." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:555 translate pt_br chapter_14D_4ed827d8: # T "We should all meet again for lunch sometime!" T "A gente devia se encontrar pra almoçar qualquer dia!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:557 translate pt_br chapter_14D_addce282: # A "Yeah, absolutely. It’s been forever since I’ve been in town, would love to get a tour of what’s new." A "Sim, com certeza. Faz um tempão desde que eu estive na cidade, quero ver o que tem de novo por aí." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:559 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6e8a15d2: # Re "You got it, man. See ya." Re "Pode crer, mano. Falou." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:562 translate pt_br chapter_14D_55975a4b: # A "Bye, Reed." A "Falou, Reed." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:565 translate pt_br chapter_14D_bde01c24: # T "Actually, I should get going, too." T "Na verdade eu acho que vou indo também." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:567 translate pt_br chapter_14D_af969e6e: # T "I don’t want to get stuck in traffic." T "Não quero ficar presa no trânsito." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:569 translate pt_br chapter_14D_616d2c31: # A "You’ve had the most to drink out of all of us, you gonna be alright?" A "Você foi a que mais bebeu, vai ficar tudo bem?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:571 translate pt_br chapter_14D_14039e7e: # "She raises a smug eyebrow and starts walking to the exit." "Ela levanta uma sobrancelha de forma presunçosa e começa a andar em direção à saída." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:574 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6a853462: # T "See you guys." T "Falou, galera." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:577 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a3b012d5: # Ro "Come visit me too, An-on. Stella and I would love to have you." Ro "Vem me visitar também, Anón. Stella e eu vamos adorar te receber." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:580 translate pt_br chapter_14D_262c1b23: # "More people trickle out of the room until it’s just Lucy and I." "Mais pessoas saem do salão até que estejamos apenas Lucy e eu." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:583 translate pt_br chapter_14D_0f82b206: # "Naomi gives a thumbs-up to Lucy through the door to signal that everyone else has left." "Naomi dá um joinha para Lucy pela porta para sinalizar que todos já foram embora." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:586 translate pt_br chapter_14D_7a36f633: # F "Thanks, Naomi, couldn’t have organized this without you." F "Valeu, Naomi. Não teria conseguido sem você." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:588 translate pt_br chapter_14D_643b4900: # N "Oh, don’t worry about it! It was nice getting to act like a class representative again." N "Ah, não se preocupa com isso! Foi legal atuar como uma representante de classe de novo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:596 translate pt_br chapter_14D_87dcb2dc: # "The Plastic Persimmon waves and lets the door swing closed with an echoing *clang*." "O Caqui de Plástico acena e fecha a porta, com um *clang* ecoante." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:599 translate pt_br chapter_14D_5bd6ee31: # A "Sooo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1}Just the two of us{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Entãããão{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1} ♪ Just the two of us ♪ {cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:601 translate pt_br chapter_14D_51b7c6d1: # F "Damn you Anon and damn you Bill Withers." F "Vai se ferrar Anon. E você também, Bill Withers." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:603 translate pt_br chapter_14D_c00e6148: # A "Ha! Still got it." A "Ha! Ainda dou conta." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:605 translate pt_br chapter_14D_2a050898: # F "Yeah yeah." F "Tá, tá." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:608 translate pt_br chapter_14D_be2f80a1: # "Lucy holds up a plastic bag that *clink*s with each shake." "Lucy segura uma sacola de plástico que faz um *clang* a cada sacudida." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:611 translate pt_br chapter_14D_6b911afc: # F "I was gonna offer you the last of these{cps=*.12}...{/cps} Buuuut{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" F "Eu ia te oferecer os últimos desses{cps=*.12}...{/cps} Maaaaas{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:613 translate pt_br chapter_14D_77bff373: # A "Hey now, let’s not let those go to waste." A "Ah, qual é, não vamos desperdiçar." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:616 translate pt_br chapter_14D_30349167: # "Her smug grin and laugh says enough." "Seu sorriso convencido e risada me dizem o suficiente." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:619 translate pt_br chapter_14D_f7ae86b5: # A "Rooftop?" A "Telhado?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:621 translate pt_br chapter_14D_4f4f844c: # F "Rooftop. Now." F "Telhado. Agora." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:624 translate pt_br chapter_14D_8b82d4d4: # "She leads the way through the darkened school hallways and stairwell." "Ela vai na frente pelos corredores escuros da escola e escadarias." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:633 translate pt_br chapter_14D_a70f4cbb: # "I can picture all the old posters from my time here along the walls." "Consigo ver todos os velhos pôsteres nas paredes, que estão aqui desde que eu era um estudante." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:635 translate pt_br chapter_14D_de790784: # "Oh hey, they finally replaced the door." "Olha só, finalmente trocaram a porta." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:651 translate pt_br kino_b62fab63: # "The door is booted open and the night air has finally cooled down to something breathable now." "Chegando no telhado, o ar da noite finalmente esfriou o suficiente para algo que seja respirável." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:653 translate pt_br kino_4fb21693: # "I turn to the ladder on the side of the stair enclosure and climb up." "Me viro para a escada na lateral e subo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:656 translate pt_br kino_532ca362: # "Lucy hands me the bag and makes her own ascent." "Lucy me entrega a sacola e também começa a subir." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:658 translate pt_br kino_ad019fdd: # "From our new vantage point we can see all of the town lit up." "Do nosso novo ponto de vantagem, podemos ver a cidade inteira iluminada." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:661 translate pt_br kino_adf7114b: # "And with the stars above and no moon I would say the view is picturesque." "Com as estrelas acima de nós e sem Lua, eu diria que a visão é pitoresca." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:664 translate pt_br kino_34078072: # F "Oi, you gonna hog the drinks?" F "Ei, vai casar com as bebidas?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:666 translate pt_br kino_7aa19bd2: # "I take out a pair of bottles, using one to pop the cap off the other." "Pego duas garrafas, usando uma para tirar a tampa da outra." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:668 translate pt_br kino_a0cb9cb2: # F "Show-off. They’re twist-offs, ya know." F "Exibido. Essas são de girar, sabia?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:670 translate pt_br kino_074666ed: # "To prove her point she takes the capped one and simply twists it’s top off." "Para mostrar que está certa, ela pega a que ainda está lacrada e gira a tampa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:673 translate pt_br kino_88bf75f7: # A "Ow. My ego." A "Ai. Meu ego." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:676 translate pt_br kino_cce243a7: # F "Pfffft. Anyways." F "Pffff. Enfim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:678 translate pt_br kino_0161da66: # A "A toast!" A "Um brinde!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:680 translate pt_br kino_ba54c74f: # F "To adulthood!" F "À vida adulta!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:682 translate pt_br kino_effa013b: # A "To stable employment!" A "Ao emprego fixo!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:685 translate pt_br kino_d10ca0fe: # "We tap our bottles together and chug the sweet ambrosia down." "Brindamos com nossas garrafas e bebemos a ambrosia doce." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:688 translate pt_br kino_b4cbfb68: # F "Aaaaah. I needed this." F "Aaaaah. Eu precisava disso." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:690 translate pt_br kino_176ca94c: # A "Oh?" A "Ah é?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:692 translate pt_br kino_dfe07a85: # "I’m already handing her a second bottle, knowing that she’ll finish her first with her next chug." "Já estou entregando a segunda garrafa, sabendo que ela vai terminar a primeira no próximo gole." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:695 translate pt_br kino_9ef01287: # A "I guess you’ve been busy." A "Acho que você andou ocupada." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:698 translate pt_br kino_2c6f46b0: # F "Dealing with teens is a fuckin’ nightmare." F "Lidar com adolescentes é um inferno do caralho." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:700 translate pt_br kino_904e9ae5: # F "There’s this one brat, Kenny. The little shit has broken two trumpets already." F "Tem esse moleque, Kenny. O merdinha já quebrou duas trombetas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:703 translate pt_br kino_6584d285: # A "Can’t be that bad." A "Não pode ser tão ruim assim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:705 translate pt_br kino_52983a3b: # F "Well you see, it happened during band camp-" F "Então, aí que tá, aconteceu durante o acampamento de banda-" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:707 translate pt_br kino_0ecff505: # "Lucy’s rant went on for what felt like an hour." "O discurso de Lucy durou pelo que pareceu ser uma hora." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:709 translate pt_br kino_138a0a70: # "Though judging by the pile of beer bottles, it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes." "Mas julgando pela pilha de garrafas de cerveja, não pode ter sido mais do que uns vinte minutos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:712 translate pt_br kino_37b76fb1: # F "-at the fucking dance of all places." F "-na porra da dança, de todos os lugares possíveis." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:714 translate pt_br kino_2928f6cb: # A "Snrk." A "Snrk." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:717 translate pt_br kino_b39a8dc5: # F "What!" F "O quê?!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:719 translate pt_br kino_7a05ed48: # A "Sounds like us, honestly." A "Parece com a gente, na verdade." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:721 translate pt_br kino_ef87b503: # F "Bullshit." F "Nada a ver." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:723 translate pt_br kino_94f8e3e7: # A "For real! You were just as bad!" A "É sério! Você era terrível!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:735 translate pt_br kino_91805932: # "Lucy’s elbow finds it’s familiar spot in my side." "O cotovelo de Lucy encontra seu lugar de costume nas minhas costelas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:738 translate pt_br kino_06e11dfe: # F "Nuh uh." F "Nuh uh." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:740 translate pt_br kino_da29b9aa: # A "Yeah huh. {cps=*.5}Faaaaang.{/cps}" A "Aham. {cps=*.5}Faaaaang.{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:743 translate pt_br kino_88e18001: # "She groans and hides her face in her knees." "Ela resmunga e esconde o rosto entre os joelhos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:746 translate pt_br kino_885a7380: # F "Why the fuck was I so edgy?" F "Por que será que eu era tão revoltadinha nessa merda?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:748 translate pt_br kino_9a49f514: # A "Trish." A "Trish." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:750 translate pt_br kino_4138302d: # F "Mrrrr{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} Okay, so maybe we were that bad." F "Mmmm.{w=0.1} Tá, então {i}talvez{/i} nós fôssemos terríveis assim também." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:752 translate pt_br kino_7f289a14: # A "That’s life for ya." A "É a vida." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:755 translate pt_br kino_4885266f: # "She sighs and relaxes. Her legs stretch forward and she leans back on her arms." "Ela suspira e relaxa. Suas pernas se esticam para frente e ela se apoia nos braços." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:758 translate pt_br kino_94eea3f7: # F "Yeah{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" F "Pois é{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:760 translate pt_br kino_d6bed2f5: # F "That’s life{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" F "Essa é a vida{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:763 translate pt_br kino_c8d4728e: # "I mimic her pose and find myself staring at the small dots spreading across the night sky." "Copio sua pose e me encontro encarando os pequenos pontos espalhados pelo céu da noite." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:767 translate pt_br kino_af708251: # A "Teacher at your alma mater. Wasn’t really expecting that, ya know." A "Professora na sua alma mater. Não esperava mesmo por essa." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:769 translate pt_br kino_b9008c8d: # F "And you as a sound engineer? Pffft, I figured you’d be making a sexbot or something." F "E você, um engenheiro de som? Pfff, eu achei que você construiria um robô de sexo ou qualquer coisa do tipo." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:771 translate pt_br kino_335fb774: # A "The self-cleaning subroutine never worked right." A "A subrotina de auto-limpeza nunca funcionou direito." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:774 translate pt_br kino_e94649d3: # "We chuckle together." "Nós rimos juntos." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:780 translate pt_br kino_e8edc010: # A "Hey, Lucy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ei, Lucy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:782 translate pt_br kino_7ffeeaa9: # "I keep my eyes on the stars, even when Lucy turns to look at me." "Mantenho meus olhos nas estrelas, mesmo quando Lucy se vira para olhar para mim." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:784 translate pt_br kino_ed551e58: # "I can feel heat creep across my face." "Consigo sentir o calor surgir no meu rosto." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:787 translate pt_br kino_7f29facb: # A "I got a contract with a studio here. I’m thinking{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eu consegui um contrato em um estúdio por aqui. Tava pensando{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:789 translate pt_br kino_ec1ba49c: # A "Since I’ll be here for a good while, how about we get some dinner sometime?" A "Já que eu vou ficar aqui por um bom tempo, que tal a gente sair pra jantar um dia?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:791 translate pt_br kino_3ee64270: # A "Y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} together{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" A "Sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} juntos{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:794 translate pt_br kino_367d0aec: # "I look at Lucy at last." "Finalmente olho para Lucy." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:796 translate pt_br kino_5f08c7e3: # "Her face is turned back to the sky, but there’s a dusting of pink across her cheeks." "Seu rosto está virado para o céu, mas tem um pouco de rosa em suas bochechas." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:799 translate pt_br kino_c57a5571: # F "I would{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} I totally would, Anon{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" F "Eu queria{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} Queria mesmo, Anon{cps=*.15}...{/cps}" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:801 translate pt_br kino_475756f1: # F "But I’ve got work like you wouldn’t believe." F "Mas tô com tanto trabalho aqui que cê nem tem ideia." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:804 translate pt_br kino_8f704d6c: # A "O-oh. Well, if it’s too mu-" A "A-ah. Bom, se for mu-" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:806 translate pt_br kino_195414e0: # F "However!" F "Por outro lado!" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:809 translate pt_br kino_916aee02: # "Something covers my hand." "Algo cobre minha mão." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:811 translate pt_br kino_72b782af: # "I quick glimpse down and I see it’s Lucy’s atop mine." "Olho rapidamente para baixo e vejo que é a mão de Lucy." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:814 translate pt_br kino_af3a7c6a: # F "I’ve got time in the morning." F "Eu tenho tempo livre pela manhã." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:816 translate pt_br kino_7238ef32: # F "So how bout breakfasts?" F "Que tal um café da manhã?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:819 translate pt_br kino_ad10a89a: # "I smile." "Eu sorrio." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:822 translate pt_br kino_d143e0eb: # A "Is that a date then?" A "É um encontro então?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:824 translate pt_br kino_1ca103c0: # F "I don’t know, is it?" F "Não sei, é?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:826 translate pt_br kino_c65b1b06: # "Lucy turns back to me and smiles." "Lucy se vira para mim e sorri." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:829 translate pt_br kino_402ccb66: # A "It is, then." A "Sim, é." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:833 translate pt_br kino_d55d5d83: # F "You’re such a dweeb." F "Você é muito mané." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:837 translate pt_br kino_7bbaefe2: # A "I know." A "Eu sei." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:850 translate pt_br kino_a70e0800: # "That didn’t stop Lucy from shuffling closer until our legs were pressed together." "Isso não impediu Lucy de se aproximar até que nossas pernas estivessem encostando." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:852 translate pt_br kino_152e5085: # "That didn’t stop Lucy from leaning her head on my shoulder." "Isso não impediu Lucy de apoiar sua cabeça em meu ombro." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:855 translate pt_br kino_5535bc01: # "I grin and wrap my arm around her shoulder." "Sorrio e coloco meu braço em volta do seu ombro." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:857 translate pt_br kino_d228528c: # "Feels just like old times, honestly." "Sendo sincero, é exatamente como antes." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:859 translate pt_br kino_7cc37b0f: # "Like no time has passed since I left Volcaldera Bluff." "Como se nenhum tempo tivesse passado desde que saí de Volcaldera Bluffs." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:862 translate pt_br kino_e0f8f2f0: # "I guess I never did say goodbye to Volcano High." "Acho que eu nunca disse adeus para Volcano High." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:865 translate pt_br kino_d9f385c2: # F "Thanks, now my face is forever stuck in a cringe, Anon." F "Valeu, agora eu vou morrer de vergonha alheia, Anon." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:867 translate pt_br kino_bff4b4e0: # A "{cps=*.2}...{/cps}Way to ruin the moment Fang." A "{cps=*.2}...{/cps} Que jeito de arruinar o momento hein, Fang?" # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:869 translate pt_br kino_69b7adf1: # F "You ruined it first with your mumbling." F "Você estragou antes, resmungão." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:871 translate pt_br kino_5e97b684: # A "Fix it then." A "Então conserta." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:873 translate pt_br kino_86daeafb: # F "You ruined it, you fix it." F "Você estragou, você conserta." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:875 translate pt_br kino_dc0f1ddb: # A "Fine I will." A "Beleza, eu vou." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:883 translate pt_br kino_73dec6b8: # "My hand cups her cheek gently." "Minhas mãos seguram seu rosto gentilmente." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:885 translate pt_br kino_5b2b0430: # "Lucy smiles and leans in." "Lucy sorri e se inclina para mais perto." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:888 translate pt_br kino_813de48e: # "Ah, I missed this feeling." "Ah, eu senti falta dessa sensação." # game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:890 translate pt_br kino_03f53ea3: # "Our lips meld together as we embrace just like we were teens again." "Nossos lábios se encontram enquanto nos abraçamos como se fôssemos adolescentes de novo."