# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24 # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:5 translate pt_br chapter_11A_57608767: # "I help Fang through the first few questions until she says she has a good grasp on the concept." "Ajudo Fang com as primeiras questões, até ela dizer que entendeu o conceito." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:7 translate pt_br chapter_11A_53de02b5: # "Eventually I’m able to focus on my own work again, making steady progress through the remaining problems." "Eventualmente consigo me concentrar na minha própria tarefa, progredindo bem pelos problemas restantes." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:10 translate pt_br chapter_11A_10cb1f54: # "My mind wanders back to the idea of going to Prom." "Minha mente volta a pensar na ideia do Baile." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:12 translate pt_br chapter_11A_db931904: # "I honestly don’t feel like going." "Na verdade, eu não tô muito afim de ir." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:14 translate pt_br chapter_11A_f4be3bf3: # "Maybe Fang will feel the same about skipping prom and just going to the beach or something." "Talvez Fang se sinta da mesma forma e queira ignorar o baile, ir para a praia ou algo assim." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:17 translate pt_br chapter_11A_0665a8e3: # A "Hey Fang. Do-" A "Ei, Fang. Voc-" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:22 translate pt_br chapter_11A_5148fa4b: # "Something’s off with Fang, she’s gazing vacantly into space." "Tem algo de errado com Fang, ela está com o olhar vazio." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:24 translate pt_br chapter_11A_5e8c8515: # "Her worksheet lies untouched in front of her." "A tarefa dela está intocada em sua frente." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:26 translate pt_br chapter_11A_7171edcd: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fang?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:29 translate pt_br chapter_11A_784b7a01: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’ve decided." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu tomei uma decisão." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:31 translate pt_br chapter_11A_829169f7: # A "Huh?" A "Hã?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:34 translate pt_br chapter_11A_ee17c2e8: # F "VVURM DRAMA has to play for the school at prom." F "VVURM DRAMA tem que tocar pra escola no baile." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:36 translate pt_br chapter_11A_b7041cc7: # F "It’s the only way that everyone will finally see our talent." F "É o único jeito de todo mundo reconhecer nosso talento." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:39 translate pt_br chapter_11A_af05d71e: # A "Wait, your band? But I thought you broke off last mon-" A "Calma, sua banda? Mas achei que você tinha saído mê-" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:44 translate pt_br chapter_11A_89bbfc3d: # F "Oh, don’t worry about that." F "Ah, não se preocupa com isso." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:46 translate pt_br chapter_11A_140df526: # F "Trish called with the idea last night and I apologized!" F "A Trish ligou ontem com essa ideia e eu pedi desculpas!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:51 translate pt_br chapter_11A_2a3fa510: # A "I-wait, {i}you{/i} apologized?" A "É-pera, {i}você{/i} pediu desculpas?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:54 translate pt_br chapter_11A_d49dab18: # F "Thinking about it again, leaving the band was something of an overreaction on my part." F "Depois de pensar um pouco no assunto, deixar a banda foi um exagero da minha parte." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:56 translate pt_br chapter_11A_0cf62217: # A "Overreaction? But she-" A "Exagero? Mas ela-" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:58 translate pt_br chapter_11A_68b23159: # F "Trish has been my friend for a long time, and I shouldn’t have been so harsh on her." F "A Trish é minha amiga faz muito tempo. Eu não devia ter sido tão inflexível com ela." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:60 translate pt_br chapter_11A_f42f0ced: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} ye-{w=.4}{nw}" A "Hã{cps=*.1}...{/cps} t-{w=.2} ye-{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:63 translate pt_br chapter_11A_cb936082: # F "So the band’s back together!" F "Então a banda tá de volta!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:65 translate pt_br chapter_11A_c6e70309: # F "Isn’t that great!?" F "Isso não é ótimo?!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:67 translate pt_br chapter_11A_4cf0cd74: # A "I-I, uh, sure?" A "A-ah, acho que sim?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:69 translate pt_br chapter_11A_300b6da2: # F "So you’ll go to prom to help us play, right?" F "Então você vai pro baile ajudar a gente a tocar, né?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:72 translate pt_br chapter_11A_bc6d7537: # "So much for avoiding it. Fuck me." "Não adianta mais evitar isso agora. Que se foda." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:74 translate pt_br chapter_11A_a7981a65: # A "Guess I don’t have much of a choice." A "Acho que eu não tenho lá muita escolha." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:76 translate pt_br chapter_11A_32138f76: # A "You sure about Trish though?" A "Mas tem certeza sobre a Trish?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:78 translate pt_br chapter_11A_1db507b4: # A "{cps=*.6}She proba-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" A "{cps=*.6}Ela prova-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:81 translate pt_br chapter_11A_8c68f564: # F "Oh, you can apologize to her at lunch today." F "Ah, você pode se desculpar com ela no almoço hoje." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:90 translate pt_br chapter_11A_13b4e631: # A "Wh-buh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What?!" A "Ah-hã{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Quê?!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:95 translate pt_br chapter_11A_c619164b: # A "Why in the seven fucks would I apologize to her?" A "Por que caralhos eu pediria desculpa pra ela nessa merda?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:99 translate pt_br chapter_11A_a821fb1e: # A "The janitors have stopped washing my locker since it just gets more dicks drawn on it every day!" A "Os faxineiros já até pararam de tentar limpar o meu armário porque todo dia aparecem mais pirocas desenhadas nele!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:102 translate pt_br chapter_11A_a7a14206: # A "There’s more dicks on my locker than in a pride parade for fucks sake!" A "Tem mais piroca no meu armário do que na porra de uma parada gay!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:105 translate pt_br chapter_11A_ef066920: # F "It’s easier than just letting it boil, right?" F "É mais fácil do que deixar explodir, não é?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:107 translate pt_br chapter_11A_d8ee1bbd: # F "You should be more willing to forgive people." F "Você devia se esforçar mais para perdoar as pessoas." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:110 translate pt_br chapter_11A_0ac798ae: # F "Come on, we both have limited friend groups." F "Fala sério, nós dois temos grupos de amigos limitados." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:112 translate pt_br chapter_11A_1a98aaf3: # F "We can’t afford to burn bridges when we can just accept things, right?" F "A gente não pode simplesmente queimar essas pontes quando dá pra simplesmente aceitar as coisas, né?" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:115 translate pt_br chapter_11A_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:117 translate pt_br chapter_11A_2ce83728: # "When she puts it like that." "Bom, olhando por esse lado{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:120 translate pt_br chapter_11A_c4c620fe: # A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Whatever. Fine." A "Olha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá, tanto faz. Beleza." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:126 translate pt_br chapter_11A_539722eb: # "But how she put it." "Mas o jeito que ela disse isso." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:128 translate pt_br chapter_11A_fac801d6: # "Maybe it’s just me, but she seems a little{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Pode ser só impressão minha, mas ela parece meio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:130 translate pt_br chapter_11A_95096231: # "Frantic." "Frenética." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:136 translate pt_br chapter_11A_4292df86: # F "Ohh, thank you so much Anon!" F "Ahh, valeu mesmo, Anon!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:138 translate pt_br chapter_11A_86fbf73f: # F "I’ll start looking for a good suit to wear!" F "Vou começar a procurar uma roupa legal pra usar!" # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:141 translate pt_br chapter_11A_2d88d8fc: # "Fang yanks her phone out and starts looking through an online catalogue of androgynous formal wear." "Fang puxa seu celular e começa a olhar um catálogo online de roupas formais andróginas. " # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:144 translate pt_br chapter_11A_a87bb792: # "Well, this can’t be a good sign." "Isso não pode ser um bom sinal." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:146 translate pt_br chapter_11A_261c87bf: # "\"Highlight of our time here at Volcano High\" indeed." "Realmente é \"O ápice das nossas vidas aqui em Volcano High\"." # game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:156 translate pt_br chapter_11A_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"