#################################################################### ### PL ### # TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:07 # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:7 translate pl chapter_3_a61ccc3f: # "{cps=*0.2}-- One Week Later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Tydzień później --{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:17 translate pl chapter_3_554773bd: # "It's math. Bane of retards and lazy intellectuals alike." "Matematyka. Plaga dla opóźnionych i leniwych intelektualistów jednocześnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:19 translate pl chapter_3_17d6611d: # "And teachers too, judging by the lack of a certain coomer teacher." "I nauczycieli również, sądząc po braku pewnego nauczyciela coomera." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:21 translate pl chapter_3_3ae4bef8: # "Substitute today, which means busywork. Group problems busywork specifically." "Dziś zastępstwo, co oznacza robotę. Pracę w grupach, konkretnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:23 translate pl chapter_3_8cdde118: # "Of course, I can't escape this any more than I could have escaped the lab partner assignment." "Oczywiście, nie mogę uciec od tego bardziej niż mogłem uciec od zadania z partnerem w laboratorium." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:25 translate pl chapter_3_5dc85e01: # "At least here I have the opportunity to just keep to myself for an hour." "Przynajmniej tutaj mam możliwość być samemu przez godzinę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:28 translate pl chapter_3_6f40802c: # "I don't even bother attempting the assignment, instead pretending my phone is a calculator and spending the first half shitposting about video games I haven’t played online." "Nawet nie próbuję wykonać zadania, udając że mój telefon to kalkulator i spędzając pierwszą połowę shitpostując o grach wideo których nie grałem, online." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:32 translate pl chapter_3_a9c05b72: # "The second half, interrupted by something pointy to the back of the dome." "Druga połowa, przerwana przez coś ostrego wbijającego się w tył mojej głowy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:35 translate pl chapter_3_ebc758ad: # "*sshk*" "*szk*" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:38 translate pl chapter_3_c3069c62: # "I can feel something stuck between my chair and my back." "Czuję coś między krzesłem a plecami." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:40 translate pl chapter_3_7dfe3825: # "I fish around and pull out a crumpled paper airplane, a completed set of problems." "Szperam i wyciągam zgnieciony samolot z papieru, kompletny zestaw zadań." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:43 translate pl chapter_3_e5751d65: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}this is Reed's. And it's{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}to jest Reeda. I jest{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:46 translate pl chapter_3_55b4d2bc: # "...done?" "...zrobione?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:48 translate pl chapter_3_aa59ff3d: # "Even the extra problems that I don't even bother with because they take another ten minutes each." "Nawet dodatkowe problemy, z którymi nawet się nie męczę, bo każdy zajmuje kolejne dziesięć minut." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:50 translate pl chapter_3_d8b119c6: # "I turn around to see that technicolor burnout waving me over. He's sitting next to Trish." "Odwracam się, żeby zobaczyć jak technicolorowy wypaleniec macha do mnie. Siedzi obok Trish." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:53 translate pl chapter_3_77cb90a7: # "She's giving me the evil eye." "Rzuciła mi złe spojrzenie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:55 translate pl chapter_3_ea4bf139: # "At least I think it's the evil eye. Whatever that expression is, it clashes with her smile." "Przynajmniej myślę, że to złe spojrzenie. Cokolwiek to za wyraz, koliduje z jej uśmiechem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:58 translate pl chapter_3_081c32a8: # "Might as well see what they want." "Może lepiej zobaczyć, czego chcą." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:68 translate pl chapter_3_c9d2d37b: # "As I weave through the maze of desks squished together with partners more interested in their phones than the worksheet, I catch a hint of whatever Reed and Trish are talking about." "Przeplatając się przez labirynt biurek przytłoczonych partnerami bardziej zainteresowanymi swoimi telefonami niż arkuszem, dostrzegam coś z tego, o czym rozmawiają Reed i Trish." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:70 translate pl chapter_3_ff44f8c5: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Honesty is the best policy, eh?" Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Uczciwość to najlepsza startegia, co nie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:72 translate pl chapter_3_f622546b: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Bad juju to keep somethin’ bottled up{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}To zły znak trzymać coś w sekrecie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:91 translate pl chapter_3_c3786480: # "Reed grabs hold of another chair and sets it on Trish's other side, nodding in my direction before taking a big pull from whatever he's got in that thermos on his desk." "Reed chwycił kolejne krzesło i postawił je po drugiej stronie Trish, kiwając w moim kierunku głową, zanim wziął duży łyk z tego, co ma w termosie na swoim biurku." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:93 translate pl chapter_3_171646eb: # "The widening of his pupils suggest its more than just Roarbucks cold brew in it." "Rozszerzenie się jego źrenic sugeruje, że jest w nim więcej niż tylko zimny napój z Roarbucks." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:96 translate pl chapter_3_15e85a48: # T "Hey, Anon!" T "Cześć, Anon!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:98 translate pl chapter_3_5d688392: # A "You guys need something?" A "Potrzebujecie czegoś?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:100 translate pl chapter_3_846f1c72: # T "Nah, just wanted to chat a bit since we got the time." T "Nie, po prostu chciałam trochę porozmawiać, skoro mamy czas." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:103 translate pl chapter_3_8052cd98: # "There’s something in her tone of voice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Jest coś w jej tonie głosu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:105 translate pl chapter_3_ac518b72: # " It’s like she's getting ready to gore me with those nubs she calls horns." "To jakby przygotowywała się, żeby wybić mnie na rogi z tymi wybrzuszeniami, które nazywa rogami." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:108 translate pl chapter_3_3d590e93: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sure" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Pewnie" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:112 translate pl chapter_3_b60488da: # Re "Imma let you two get to whatever{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gonna go for a refill{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Pozwolę wam dwojgu dojść do sedna{cps=*.1}...{/cps} pójdę po dolewkę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:115 translate pl chapter_3_58b84545: # "He shakes his thermos and heads for the door." "Potrząsa swoim termosem i kieruje się w stronę drzwi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:124 translate pl chapter_3_db2d6142: # "What's in that anyway?" "Co tam jest w ogóle?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:129 translate pl chapter_3_14799203: # Re "Don't ask{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Nie pytaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:138 translate pl chapter_3_1ad8c816: # "Fair enough." "W porządku." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:141 translate pl chapter_3_01f805f3: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Poczekaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:143 translate pl chapter_3_d03bfe39: # "Fuck it." "Do diabła." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:149 translate pl chapter_3_3f90d3f3: # T "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You and Fang?" T "Więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ty i Fang?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:151 translate pl chapter_3_14e77f5c: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You and Fang what?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ty i Fang co?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:153 translate pl chapter_3_44b6508b: # T "They’ve been talkin’ about you." T "Oni rozmawiali o tobie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:156 translate pl chapter_3_9f25f2af: # A "They?" A "Oni?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:158 translate pl chapter_3_02e17d95: # "The tiny triceratops rolled her eyes dramatically." "Mały triceratops dramatycznie przewrócił oczami." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:161 translate pl chapter_3_ab12a548: # T "Fang.{w=.4} Fang’s been talkin’ bout you." T "Fang.{w=.4} Fang rozmawiał o tobie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:164 translate pl chapter_3_d92b27c1: # A "All good things, I’m sure." A "Na pewno same dobre rzeczy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:168 translate pl chapter_3_66f62ddd: # "Fang’s been talking about me? That’s dumb." "Fang rozmawiał o mnie? To głupie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:170 translate pl chapter_3_002644a8: # "Oh yeah. The phones." "No tak. Telefony." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:173 translate pl chapter_3_b1502457: # "All we’ve been doing is more labwork in science." "Wszystko, co robiliśmy, to więcej prac laboratoryjnych z nauki." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:178 translate pl chapter_3_2a7ba880: # "Last Thursday I tried to remember how to make a railgun." "W zeszły czwartek próbowałem przypomnieć sobie, jak zrobić railguna." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:180 translate pl chapter_3_999f6cb6: # "To show I could, of course." "Oczywiście, żeby pokazać, że potrafię." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:183 translate pl chapter_3_b05dacd1: # F "{alpha=0.8}\"{i}Pfft, I could make one too.{/i}\"{/alpha}" F "{alpha=0.8}\"{i}Pfft, ja też mógłbym zrobić jeden.{/i}\"{/alpha}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:186 translate pl chapter_3_3146b7dc: # "She seemed unimpressed at the time, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Wtedy wydawała się niezbyt pod wrażeniem, ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:190 translate pl chapter_3_550b0740: # A "Was it about making a railgun?" A "Czy chodziło o zrobienie railguna?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:193 translate pl chapter_3_94f393a4: # T "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah, it was." T "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tak, o to chodziło." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:196 translate pl chapter_3_f8c33181: # T "What exactly are you talking about with them?" T "O czym dokładnie rozmawiasz z nimi?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:198 translate pl chapter_3_20160718: # A "Just science stuff." A "Tylko sprawy naukowe." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:200 translate pl chapter_3_34153c18: # A "The railgun is just something I happen to know though, picked it up from an old game." A "Railgun to po prostu coś, co przypadkiem znam, pochodzi to z starej gry." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:203 translate pl chapter_3_45067b7c: # "Trish raises an eyebrow." "Trish unosi brew." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:205 translate pl chapter_3_1eadea6f: # T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Right." T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dobrze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:207 translate pl chapter_3_dd3324ca: # A "Why do you ask?" A "Dlaczego pytasz?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:209 translate pl chapter_3_f1060d8a: # T "You learned to make a deadly weapon from a video game?" T "Nauczyłeś się robić śmiercionośną broń z gry wideo?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:211 translate pl chapter_3_b9818f23: # "Her tone is flat.{w=.4} Unlike her chest." "Jej ton jest płaski.{w=.4} W przeciwieństwie do jej klatki piersiowej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:214 translate pl chapter_3_091d1672: # A "{cps=*.4}I wouldn’t say deadl-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "{cps=*.4}Nie powiedziałbym śmier-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:217 translate pl chapter_3_23f84fc4: # T "Don’t interrupt." T "Nie przerywaj." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:220 translate pl chapter_3_514ce73c: # T "Why would you think that it’s a good idea to make a weapon in class?" T "Dlaczego sądzisz, że to dobry pomysł robić broń na lekcji?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:222 translate pl chapter_3_857b70cd: # T "How did you not get in trouble?" T "Jak to się stało, że nie dostałeś kary?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:225 translate pl chapter_3_9c9a2028: # A "Spears actually did talk to me, said something about the 'great equaliser'." A "Spears faktycznie ze mną rozmawiał, powiedział coś o 'wielkim wyrównywaczu'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:229 translate pl chapter_3_85d504ca: # "Trish grabs the bridge of her snout." "Trish chwyta mostek swojego pyska." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:231 translate pl chapter_3_7e053c37: # T "This is why men are useless." T "To dlatego mężczyźni są bezużyteczni." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:233 translate pl chapter_3_c8c91e39: # "She continues to mutter to herself. All of it incoherent." "Kontynuuje mamrotanie do siebie. Wszystko to jest niespójne." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:236 translate pl chapter_3_c903f0ff: # A "Is there a point?" A "Jest jakiś sens?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:239 translate pl chapter_3_89766949: # "She rounds back on me, anger painted clearly on her face." "Obraca się w moją stronę, złość wyraźnie maluje się na jej twarzy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:242 translate pl chapter_3_0f773bef: # T "Look, Anon, YOU may be into that stuff, but leave Fang out of it." T "Patrz, Anon, MOŻE to być twój klimat, ale zostaw Fang w spokoju." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:244 translate pl chapter_3_13010b34: # T "They have better things to do than{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.1} than{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Mają lepsze rzeczy do roboty niż{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.1} niż{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:251 translate pl chapter_3_dcba4588: # T "Than play with some man-child’s lethal toys!" T "Niż bawić się śmiertelnymi zabawkami dla dzieci!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:264 translate pl chapter_3_33332296: # Re "Whoa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Harsh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Wow{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Ostra riposta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:273 translate pl chapter_3_8b3ba4c9: # "Reed slumps into the seat next to Trish, sipping on his thermos of{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Reed zapada się w fotelu obok Trish, łykając z termosu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:276 translate pl chapter_3_45fbf58c: # Re "Just agua, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Tylko woda, kumpel{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:279 translate pl chapter_3_61a6f47c: # "Thermos of water{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Termos z wodą{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:282 translate pl chapter_3_d0691e10: # "{cps=*.5}What the-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" "{cps=*.5}Co za-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:284 translate pl chapter_3_a2c6967f: # Re "What’d I miss?" Re "Co przegapiłem?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:287 translate pl chapter_3_8a3be102: # T "I’m just trying to tell Anon here that he shouldn’t be telling Fang how to make a fuckin’ gun in school." T "Próbuję tylko powiedzieć Anonowi, że nie powinien uczyć Fang, jak robić pieprzoną broń w szkole." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:292 translate pl chapter_3_5412a227: # Re "Why not?" Re "Dlaczego nie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:297 translate pl chapter_3_abf80c76: # T "We’ve been over this." T "Już to omówiliśmy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:299 translate pl chapter_3_95c8d083: # Re "We have?{w=.4} When?" Re "Tak?{w=.4} Kiedy?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:302 translate pl chapter_3_9e1feba0: # T "Less than five minutes ago." T "Mniej niż pięć minut temu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:304 translate pl chapter_3_d3cd60b9: # Re "Thought we were talkin’ about Anon?" Re "Myślałem, że rozmawiamy o Anonie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:310 translate pl chapter_3_f3a603b6: # T "Yes!" T "Tak!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:312 translate pl chapter_3_2e063b55: # T "And specifically!" T "Konkretnie o nim!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:321 translate pl chapter_3_c27b898e: # T "We were talking about Anon’s gun!" with vpunch T "Rozmawialiśmy o broni Anona!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:326 translate pl chapter_3_c7db43e2: # "Heads start to turn." "Głowy zaczynają się obracać." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:334 translate pl chapter_3_616ad183: # "Reed grins at them all." "Reed uśmiecha się do wszystkich." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:336 translate pl chapter_3_2fb61fc1: # Re "Then how bout {i}these{/i} guns?" Re "A co powiesz na {i}te{/i} bronie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:338 translate pl chapter_3_b4e6d7c2: # "Reed places his hands on the back of his head and flexes his biceps." "Reed kładzie ręce na tylnej części głowy i napina bicepsy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:359 translate pl chapter_3_6080b0f2: # "Trish’s face is a blur of emotions." "Twarz Trish jest zamazana emocjami." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:361 translate pl chapter_3_ed205c51: # "At first confused, then fucking pissed, then aroused, then back to fucking pissed, all in the space of an attosecond." "Najpierw zdezorientowana, potem cholernie wkurzona, potem podniecona, potem z powrotem cholernie wkurzona, wszystko w przeciągu attosekundy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:364 translate pl chapter_3_984b0d13: # T "Not those!{w=.4} {nw}" T "Nie te!{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:372 translate pl chapter_3_238e2cbc: # extend "The one he made with magnets!" with vpunch extend "Ta, którą zrobił z magnesami!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:376 translate pl chapter_3_ba8849a5: # Re "But like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" Re "Ale jak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:378 translate pl chapter_3_58020e1b: # extend "how do magnets work?" extend "jak działają magnesy?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:386 translate pl chapter_3_4698e32e: # "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}" "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:391 translate pl chapter_3_891555d7: # "All at once all the students giving the clock a blank stare stand to attention and file out the door." "Wszyscy uczniowie, którzy patrzyli na zegar z pustym spojrzeniem, wstają na baczność i wychodzą przez drzwi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:398 translate pl chapter_3_a8981b2b: # T "I{w=.2}-I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=.75}{nw}" T "Ja{w=.2}-ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=.75}{nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:402 translate pl chapter_3_74838519: # extend "Damn it, Reed!" extend "Cholera, Reed!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:423 translate pl chapter_3_ac86a0bf: # "Trish punches Reed in the shoulder, gives me another evil stare, and saunters out the room." "Trish uderza Reeda w ramię, rzuca mi kolejne złe spojrzenie i wychodzi z pokoju." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:440 translate pl chapter_3_31aa6f66: # Re "Hey." Re "Hej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:442 translate pl chapter_3_4f52ebfd: # "Reed pats me on the shoulder." "Reed klepie mnie w ramię." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:449 translate pl chapter_3_88099cb9: # Re "Bruh." Re "Brachu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:460 translate pl chapter_3_7b692572: # "He gives me a thumbs up and exits as well." "Daje mi kciuka do góry i również wychodzi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:463 translate pl chapter_3_a54cfc04: # "Leaving only the substitute teacher, looking at me from her desk impatiently for me to leave." "Zostawiając tylko nauczycielkę zastępczą, która patrzy na mnie z biurka, czekając niecierpliwie, aż wyjdę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:466 translate pl chapter_3_0428c341: # "Guess it’s her lunch period, too." "Wygląda na to, że to też jej czas na lunch." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:480 translate pl chapter_3_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:497 translate pl chapter_3_05f345ab: # "Naser ended up dragging me to sit with him and the magenta motormouth again." "Naser skończył mnie ciągnąć, abym znowu usiadł z nim i z fioletową gadulą." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:500 translate pl chapter_3_c2823f5e: # "Naomi hovers over Naser, who currently has Gucci under his eyes." "Naomi krąży nad Naserem, który obecnie ma Gucci pod oczami." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:503 translate pl chapter_3_b2e4ec60: # Nas "So, I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} talked to the soccer team earlier." Nas "Więc, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} wcześniej rozmawiałem z drużyną piłkarską." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:505 translate pl chapter_3_96d73d38: # Nas "They’re going to make the first game after all." Nas "W końcu zagrają w pierwszym meczu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:508 translate pl chapter_3_8b035777: # N "Isn’t that great, Anon?" N "Czy to nie wspaniałe, Anon?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:511 translate pl chapter_3_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:518 translate pl chapter_3_74cafc33: # Nas "I also{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} got the L&L Club to{w=.4} {cps=*.5}finally take down their{w=.3} christmas decorations{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Udało mi się również{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} przekonać Klub L&L, aby{w=.4} {cps=*.5}wreszcie zdjął swoje{w=.3} dekoracje świąteczne{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:520 translate pl chapter_3_17e75bd8: # Nas "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {cps=*.3}{size=-5}the library’s{/size}{size=-10} clean again...{/size}{/cps}" Nas "Więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {cps=*.3}{size=-5}biblioteka jest{/size}{size=-10} znowu czysta...{/size}{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:529 translate pl chapter_3_282d62ad: # "Naser’s head lands in his chicken salad, then he jerks wide awake." "Głowa Nasera ląduje w jego sałatce z kurczakiem, potem nagle się obudzi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:537 translate pl chapter_3_8b3e5343: # N "NASER!" N "NASER!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:542 translate pl chapter_3_880b2403: # Nas "OH GOOD LORD NOT THE WATER-{fast}" with vpunch Nas "O MATKO, NIE WODA-{fast}" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:545 translate pl chapter_3_936c6697_1: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:548 translate pl chapter_3_35b57f04: # Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sorry." Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} przepraszam." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:554 translate pl chapter_3_8bffd08c: # Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did you say something, Anon?" Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Czy coś powiedziałeś, Anon?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:556 translate pl chapter_3_4d984528: # A "Naser, you look like you fell into another blender." A "Naser, wyglądasz jakbyś wpadł do kolejnego blendera." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:563 translate pl chapter_3_24fef41c: # A "What’s going on, big guy?" A "Co się dzieje, wielkoludzie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:566 translate pl chapter_3_268d5883: # Nas "Don’t worry about it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Nie martw się tym{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:568 translate pl chapter_3_227d5619: # Nas "Just some{cps=*.1}...{/cps} family problems last night{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Tylko kilka{cps=*.1}...{/cps} problemów rodzinnych zeszłej nocy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:570 translate pl chapter_3_83b45f22: # A "Like what?" A "Jak np.?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:574 translate pl chapter_3_2186c39e: # Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:577 translate pl chapter_3_89506443: # N "You don’t have to tell him if you don’t want to, dear." N "Nie musisz mu mówić, jeśli nie chcesz, kochanie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:582 translate pl chapter_3_1a6e23c5: # N "Why don’t you wipe that alfredo sauce off your cute little face." N "Czemu nie wytrzysz tego sosu alfredo z twojej uroczej małej twarzy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:584 translate pl chapter_3_75006875: # "She’s so saccharine she’d give a third world country diabetes." "Ona jest tak cukierkowa, że dałaby cukrzycę krajowi trzeciego świata." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:587 translate pl chapter_3_09976b08: # Nas "It’s my sister again{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Znowu chodzi o moją siostrę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:589 translate pl chapter_3_af9677b3: # "Why is it always his sister with him?" "Dlaczego zawsze chodzi o jego siostrę?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:592 translate pl chapter_3_53954a7c: # N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:594 translate pl chapter_3_46cac050: # Nas "I was going to sleep last night, when I heard something downstairs." Nas "Wczoraj wieczorem miałem iść spać, gdy usłyszałem coś na dole." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:596 translate pl chapter_3_8a3f81e1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}When did this turn into an interrogation?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Kiedy to zamieniło się w przesłuchanie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:599 translate pl chapter_3_41fd0b76: # Nas "It was about one or two in the morning." Nas "Było około pierwszej lub drugiej w nocy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:601 translate pl chapter_3_16356edd: # Nas "I checked what it was, and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Sprawdziłem, co to było, i{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:604 translate pl chapter_3_ee68e861: # Nas "Fang was just, standing in front of the microwave." Nas "Fang po prostu stała przed mikrofalówką." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:607 translate pl chapter_3_466c285e: # Nas "Staring at the dino nuggets rotate inside." Nas "Patrząc, jak dino nuggetsy kręcą się wewnątrz." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:610 translate pl chapter_3_f7334363: # "At one in the morning?" "O pierwszej nad ranem?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:613 translate pl chapter_3_9602cd1d: # Nas "At one in the morning." Nas "O pierwszej nad ranem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:616 translate pl chapter_3_62c052d5: # N "This is a personal issue, isn’t it?" N "To jest osobista sprawa, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:619 translate pl chapter_3_91ca14a5: # N "Wouldn’t you rather just be {nw}" N "Czy nie wolałbyś po prostu {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:623 translate pl chapter_3_99986c1e: # extend "enjoying lunch with us?" extend "być z nami przy lunchu?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:626 translate pl chapter_3_28cb2eab: # Nas "I just need advice from someone at this point, Naomi." Nas "Potrzebuję w tym momencie porady kogoś, Naomi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:629 translate pl chapter_3_750e6346: # N "But from Anon?" N "Ale od Anona?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:631 translate pl chapter_3_646ef733: # A "But from me?" A "Ale ode mnie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:634 translate pl chapter_3_b0173596: # "Naser continues." "Naser kontynuuje." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:636 translate pl chapter_3_e7c32571: # Nas "I asked her what she was doing, and she just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Nas "Spytałem ją, co robiła, a ona po prostu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:639 translate pl chapter_3_e2f0f1d0: # Nas "Just says 'fuck off...', so I think 'maybe dad will help'." Nas "Po prostu mówi 'spierdalaj...', więc pomyślałem 'może tata pomoże'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:642 translate pl chapter_3_6badf367: # Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}He didn’t." Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie pomógł." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:644 translate pl chapter_3_5b9d8208: # Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}They just got into a shouting match." Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Zaczęli krzyczeć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:646 translate pl chapter_3_462277fc: # Nas "Screamin’ bout her lack of control an’ dad was pissed an’-" Nas "Krzyczeli o jej braku kontroli i tata był wściekły i-" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:652 translate pl chapter_3_5683ce9b: # N "Poor baby." N "Biedna dziecina." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:654 translate pl chapter_3_c20416eb: # "Naomi wraps her arms around Naser’s head, cradling the tired pterosaur in her bosom." "Naomi obejmuje ramionami głowę Nasera, kołysząc zmęczonego pterozaura na swoim łonie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:670 translate pl chapter_3_65b39822: # "There’s a rumbling snore and it’s clear that Naser has checked out." "Słychać dudnienie chrapania i wyraźnie widać, że Naser odpłynął." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:672 translate pl chapter_3_ba02f12b: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.5}Riiiiiiiight{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.5}Prawie{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:675 translate pl chapter_3_3ee3766e: # "Naomi looks distraught." "Naomi wygląda zrozpaczona." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:678 translate pl chapter_3_a95b4b85: # N "He’s always like this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "On zawsze jest taki{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:680 translate pl chapter_3_ec1cf680: # N "But it’s been getting worse recently{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Ale ostatnio zaczęło się to pogarszać{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:683 translate pl chapter_3_5eed34e8: # A "Going unconscious?" A "Tracąc przytomność?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:686 translate pl chapter_3_c7273d33: # N "Trying to help.{w=.4} Wearing himself ragged." N "Próbując pomóc.{w=.4} Dzięki temu niszczy samego siebie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:689 translate pl chapter_3_1f9d0aa7: # N "That Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" N "Ta Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:693 translate pl chapter_3_31114a11: # N "We should help Naser." N "Powinniśmy pomóc Naserowi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:695 translate pl chapter_3_7dc3cc65: # A "What, by talking to Fang?" A "Co, rozmawiając z Fang?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:697 translate pl chapter_3_bb90855f: # N "By taking him to the nurses office." N "Zabierając go do gabinetu pielęgniarskiego." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:700 translate pl chapter_3_5c5831ab: # "Ah fuck." "O kurwa." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:710 translate pl chapter_3_15abda6c: # "Naomi looks at me with the biggest, wettest doe eyes possible." "Naomi spogląda na mnie największymi, najbardziej wilgotnymi oczami sarny, jakie tylko mogą być." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:714 translate pl chapter_3_bc37ad89: # A "Alright alright. He doesn’t look that heavy anyway." A "Dobra dobra. Tak czy inaczej nie wygląda na zbyt ciężkiego." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:716 translate pl chapter_3_a214fb7d: # N "Only a hundred and sixty pounds." N "Tylko sto sześćdziesiąt funtów." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:718 translate pl chapter_3_b0848cba: # A "How do you-{w=.4} nevermind." A "Jak ty-{w=.4} nie ważne." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:727 translate pl chapter_3_c8558df6: # "Naomi puts herself under Naser’s left arm, motioning me to take the other one." "Naomi kładzie się pod lewe ramię Nasera, dając mi znak, abym wziął drugie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:729 translate pl chapter_3_9c64e006: # "I sling his arm around my back and-" "Wdzieram jego ramię za moje plecy i-" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:732 translate pl chapter_3_2bcc9618: # "GOOD LORD HE’S HEAVY." with vpunch "DO CH.. PANA, JEST CIĘŻKI." with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:736 translate pl chapter_3_84600855: # N "Alright, the Nurses’ Office is down the main hall on the left side, near the front desk." N "Dobra, gabinet pielęgniarski jest w dół głównego korytarza po lewej stronie, niedaleko recepcji." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:738 translate pl chapter_3_153da195: # "I’m clenching my face too much to be able to speak, I can only get a slight nod out." "Zaciskam zbyt mocno twarz, żeby móc mówić, mogę tylko lekko skinąć głową." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:741 translate pl chapter_3_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:752 translate pl chapter_3_abf531da: # "After dropping Naser at the nurse and leaving before Naomi could argue with her about staying, the lunch bell rings." "Po zostawieniu Nasera u pielęgniarki i wyjściu, zanim Naomi mogła z nią dyskutować o zostaniu, dzwoni dzwonek na lunch." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:754 translate pl chapter_3_28cf64cf: # "With music at the ass end of the campus I have to sprint through the halls." "Z muzyką na dupie stronie kampusu muszę przebiec przez korytarze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:756 translate pl chapter_3_5b85122f: # "Fuck today, I avoided gym class for a reason." "Do diabła z dzisiejszym dniem, unikałem lekcji WFu z powodu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:759 translate pl chapter_3_0d090ec4: # "Halfway to Music class, I slam into somebody and tumble to the floor." "W połowie drogi do klasy muzyki, wpadam na kogoś i przewracam się na podłogę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:770 translate pl chapter_3_08ef3296: # A "Augh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ał{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:783 translate pl chapter_3_29138d5f: # unknown "{cps=*.2}You...{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*.2}Ty...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:785 translate pl chapter_3_855bfdb5: # A "AH!" A "AH!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:787 translate pl chapter_3_28695988: # "Sorry, sorry sorry!" "Przepraszam, przepraszam, przepraszam!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:796 translate pl chapter_3_0530112e: # "I get up from the floor and look at the stego who bumped into me." "Wstaję z podłogi i patrzę na stega, który we mnie wpadł." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:798 translate pl chapter_3_d01a52c4: # "The plates on her back twitch as she looks me up and down." "Płytki na jej plecach drgają, gdy patrzy na mnie wzdłuż i wszerz." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:804 translate pl chapter_3_fbc75bfb: # unknown "{cps=*.25}Judgement{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*.25}Sąd Ostateczny{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:810 translate pl chapter_3_ea7605c5: # "A chill rolls over me." "Przechodzi mnie dreszcz." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:815 translate pl chapter_3_f79c4dc6: # unknown "Karma?{w=.6} No.{w=.75} No,{w=.4} maybe second chance?" unknown "Karma?{w=.6} Nie.{w=.75} Nie,{w=.4} może druga szansa?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:817 translate pl chapter_3_a48a96e6: # "She draws closer, a contemplative expression on her face." "Zbliża się, na twarzy ma kontemplacyjne wyrażenie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:820 translate pl chapter_3_73a2cce3: # unknown "Ah, I see now." unknown "Ah, teraz już rozumiem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:824 translate pl chapter_3_0b716a4f: # A "What?" A "Co?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:826 translate pl chapter_3_6125b197: # unknown "You’ve important choices to come." unknown "Czekają cię ważne decyzje." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:828 translate pl chapter_3_17692d8d: # A "I do?" A "Mnie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:830 translate pl chapter_3_67f4df90: # A "Wait back up what the fuck are you talking about?" A "Poczekaj, co do diabła mówisz?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:832 translate pl chapter_3_0e947442: # unknown "This." unknown "To." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:843 translate pl chapter_3_293726b3: # "She reaches toward my chest, plucking something off of it." "Wyciąga rękę w stronę mojej klatki piersiowej i wyrywa z niej coś." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:845 translate pl chapter_3_d4d19efe: # "She holds it up for me to see it’s some oversized playing card." "Podnosi to, abym zobaczył, że to jakaś przesadnie duży karton do gry." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:848 translate pl chapter_3_5f08d906: # A "Still lost." A "Nadal zagubiony." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:852 translate pl chapter_3_77dbb928: # unknown "It’s you.{w=.6} Your card." unknown "To ty.{w=.6} Twoja karta." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:854 translate pl chapter_3_0960fae0: # unknown "You are on the precipice of a great ordeal.{w=.6} Many difficult points of divergence and contention are coming your way.{w=.75} Reflect on them." unknown "Stoisz na krawędzi wielkiego wyzwania.{w=.6} Przed tobą wiele trudnych punktów odchylenia i sporów.{w=.75} Zastanów się nad nimi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:858 translate pl chapter_3_c6a4fa88: # "I think about asking the green weirdo to make sense, but the bell is about to ring." "Myślę o poproszeniu zielonego dziwaka o wyjaśnienie, ale dzwonek zaraz zabrzmi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:860 translate pl chapter_3_0944479e: # A "Yeah, thanks, sure." A "Tak, dzięki, oczywiście." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:862 translate pl chapter_3_f92a5dcb: # A "Sorry, gotta dash." A "Przepraszam, muszę spadać." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:886 translate pl chapter_3_f31ea95e: # "I slam into the band room door just as the late bell trills, panting and sweaty." "Wbijam w drzwi do sali zespołu, gdy dzwoni ostatni dzwonek, z trudem oddychając i spocony." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:893 translate pl chapter_3_8232b8b6: # jingo "Good timing, Mr. Mous. Just in time for free period." jingo "Dobry czas, Panie Mous. Akurat na okienko w zajęciach." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:896 translate pl chapter_3_5c14abb0: # "What{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Co{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:898 translate pl chapter_3_1da07aef: # jingo "Take up anything you like and have fun." jingo "Weź cokolwiek chcesz i baw się dobrze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:909 translate pl chapter_3_2c65695c: # "The teacher then took to his extremely lavish loveseat, threw on a pair of headphones and blacked out." "Nauczyciel usiadł na swoim wyjątkowo wystawnym fotelu, założył słuchawki i zasnął." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:912 translate pl chapter_3_a90b1d79: # "I looked at the scattered instruments, left alone for whatever reason." "Popatrzyłem na rozrzucone instrumenty, pozostawione same sobie z jakiegoś powodu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:914 translate pl chapter_3_0060d5e8: # "Dented-looking brass and cracked woodwinds. Even a bass with a missing string." "Mosiężne z wgnieceniami i drewniane instrumenty z pęknięciami. Nawet bas z brakującą struną." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:916 translate pl chapter_3_d8192b80: # "Wow. I feel like that right about now." "Wow. Teraz właśnie tak się czuję." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:919 translate pl chapter_3_a5075e4e: # "I reach for one at random, taking a wooden{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thing{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Siadam na jednym losowymmiejscu, biorąc drewnianą{cps=*.1}...{/cps} rzecz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:921 translate pl chapter_3_c5ddd11c: # "It looks like an oak tree made love to an eggplant and this is the aborted monstrosity in Mexico." "Wygląda jakby dąb uprawiał miłość z bakłażanem, a to jest jegj potworna Meksykańska aborcja." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:924 translate pl chapter_3_5c3a7707: # "Whatever, I melt into my chair and pull out my phone. Seems a majority of my classmates have a similar idea." "Nieważne, wtapaiam się w fotel i wyciągam telefon. Wygląda na to, że większość moich kolegów z klasy ma podobny pomysł." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:926 translate pl chapter_3_8d17419e: # "I’ve some shitposting to do." "Muszę coś spostować." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:928 translate pl chapter_3_bbf63fa0: # "Let’s see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Zobaczmy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:938 translate pl chapter_3_d9d20eac: # "Ah yes, perfect." "Ah, tak, idealne." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:940 translate pl chapter_3_fcc247cb: # "Click post." "Kliknij post." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:945 translate pl chapter_3_5fab8f68: # "{cps=*.3}Aaaand{/cps} now to wait." "{cps=*.3}Iyyyyy{/cps} teraz czekać." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:953 translate pl chapter_3_2ca84bc7: # "Nefarious deed for the day done, I look around the room out of boredom." "Skandaliczne czyny na dziś wykonane, rozejrzałem się po pokoju z nudów." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:956 translate pl chapter_3_0334b13d: # "Oh fuck no." "O, kurwa, nie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:958 translate pl chapter_3_8be86f93: # "Fang has a weapon of mass hearing loss." "Fang ma broń masowego uszczerbku na słuchu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:960 translate pl chapter_3_592fbf65: # "I’m covering my ears in preparation when the ptero-rist starts strumming and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Zakrywam uszy w przygotowaniu, gdy ptero-gitarzysta zaczyna grać i{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:965 translate pl chapter_3_08bf038c: # "Oh wow." "O, wow." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:967 translate pl chapter_3_4edd0196: # "I still have my hearing." "Nadal mam słuch." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:970 translate pl chapter_3_2d489d9a: # "In fact she’s actually playing something pleasant." "W rzeczywistości gra coś przyjemnego." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:973 translate pl chapter_3_745ced76: # "It’s mellow.{w=.4} Relaxed.{w=.4} A slow rhythm that carries a strange nostalgic hint to it." "To jest łagodne.{w=.4} Relaksujące.{w=.4} Wolny rytm, który niesie ze sobą dziwny, nostalgiczny posmak." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:975 translate pl chapter_3_8858d982: # "The difference between this and the performance is night and day." "Różnica między tym a występem jest ogromna." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:978 translate pl chapter_3_bb47807a: # "What gives?" "Co tu się dzieje?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:981 translate pl chapter_3_dd125ee1: # "Looking a bit closer, she’s swinging her tail a bit to the rhythm." "Zbliżając się trochę, macha ogonem trochę w rytm." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:983 translate pl chapter_3_99577b2b: # "She uses her tail as a metronome?" "Używa swojego ogona jako metronomu?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:986 translate pl chapter_3_7f108203: # "Suddenly, the phone slips from my hand onto the floor." "Nagle telefon wypada z mojej ręki na podłogę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:994 translate pl chapter_3_9d237610: # A "SHIT!" with vpunch A "Szlag!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:997 translate pl chapter_3_d5474717: # "The sound it makes as it clatters on the ground is a klaxon of pants-shitting terror." "Dźwięk, jaki wydaje, gdy uderza o ziemię, to klakson strachu, który obsrywa spodnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:999 translate pl chapter_3_e56d7c75: # "It lies face down on the isle." "Leży ekranem do dołu na alei." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1002 translate pl chapter_3_1fb0482c: # "Do I really want to pick it up and potentially face a harsh reality?" "Czy naprawdę chcę to podnieść i potencjalnie zmierzyć się z surową rzeczywistością?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1005 translate pl chapter_3_ab04a355: # "{cps=*.5}Schrodingers’ crack.{/cps}" "{cps=*.5}Pęknięcie Schrödingera.{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1007 translate pl chapter_3_c6be3a4b: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I can’t just leave it there." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie mogę po prostu to tam zostawić." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1010 translate pl chapter_3_99eec105: # "I pick up the phone and slowly turn it over." "Podnoszę telefon i powoli go przekręcam." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1012 translate pl chapter_3_a7674e33: # "It’s the moment of truth." "To jest moment prawdy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1021 translate pl chapter_3_a55f0402: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No cracks?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Żadnych pęknięć?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1028 translate pl chapter_3_55711989: # "Thank the Lord." "Dzięki Panu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1036 translate pl chapter_3_29733131: # F "Yeah, you got lucky." F "Tak, miałeś szczęście." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1039 translate pl chapter_3_0fa00576: # "Fang has stopped playing and is throwing a small smirk my way." "Fang przestała grać i posyła mi mały uśmiech." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1042 translate pl chapter_3_15900296: # "I should probably say something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Prawdopodobnie powinienem coś powiedzieć{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1044 translate pl chapter_3_c922f8d1: # "Her playing is pretty good, I'll compliment that." "Jej gra jest całkiem dobra, pochwalę ją za to." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1046 translate pl chapter_3_53cfa604: # A "That sounded way better than in the video Reed took." A "To zabrzmiało o wiele lepiej niż na filmie, który nagrał Reed." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1050 translate pl chapter_3_f1638dc1_2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1052 translate pl chapter_3_edcbb710: # "Wrong choice of words." "Zły wybór słów." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1055 translate pl chapter_3_90b0b141: # F "You’re still not off my shit list, watch it." F "Nadal jesteś na mojej liście wrednot, uważaj." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1057 translate pl chapter_3_d50b0155: # "Quick Anon, think." "Szybko, Anon, pomyśl." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1060 translate pl chapter_3_23c21bc2: # A "Why didn’t you play guitar back then, you’re obviously a lot better with it." A "Dlaczego wtedy nie grałaś na gitarze, zdecydowanie lepiej ci na niej idzie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1063 translate pl chapter_3_4a8bc711: # F "Would’ve if I could’ve." F "Grałabym, gdybym mogła." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1066 translate pl chapter_3_460c6d87: # A "What do you mean?" A "Co masz na myśli?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1069 translate pl chapter_3_faf7aa40: # "There’s an empty seat next to Fang." "Obok Fang jest wolne miejsce." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1071 translate pl chapter_3_dd00b225: # "Finders’ keepers, I guess." "Kto pierwszy, ten lepszy, chyba." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1085 translate pl chapter_3_cc0cc4a5: # F "The band is just Reed, Trish, and I." F "Zespół to tylko Reed, Trish i ja." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1087 translate pl chapter_3_ef996b9d: # F "So we all have to decide by majority what happens." F "Więc wszyscy musimy podjąć decyzję większością, co się stanie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1089 translate pl chapter_3_d41a8273: # F "Reed says using a bass is more unique, and Trish always says how it’s a ‘promising business model’." F "Reed mówi, że używanie basu jest bardziej unikalne, a Trish zawsze mówi, jak to jest 'obiecujący model biznesowy'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1092 translate pl chapter_3_b71c28cf: # A "But it sounds like you play the guitar much easier than a bass." A "Ale wydaje się, że gra ci się na gitarze znacznie łatwiej niż na basie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1095 translate pl chapter_3_329b7762: # F "I play the bass just fine." F "Gram na basie całkiem dobrze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1097 translate pl chapter_3_7c8caa35: # F "I think the problem is more that if you want to make an unconventional band layout, you damn well better know what you’re doing." F "Myślę, że problem polega bardziej na tym, że jeśli chcesz stworzyć nietypowy układ zespołu, lepiej dobrze wiedzieć, co robisz." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1100 translate pl chapter_3_aebd7baa: # F "If you’re anything short of masterful it won’t sound good." F "Jeśli nie jesteś mistrzem, to nie będzie brzmiało dobrze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1102 translate pl chapter_3_01c404be: # F "And when it comes to music, it either sounds good or it doesn’t." F "A jeśli chodzi o muzykę, albo brzmi dobrze, albo nie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1104 translate pl chapter_3_793d92f3: # F "Simple as." F "Proste." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1107 translate pl chapter_3_2adef050: # "She continues strumming." "Ona kontynuuje grę na gitarze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1111 translate pl chapter_3_077cb453: # A "But it’s just a high school band, right?" A "Ale to tylko szkolny zespół, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1113 translate pl chapter_3_ce91ceef: # A "Shouldn’t it just be fun?" A "Czy to nie powinno być po prostu zabawne?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1115 translate pl chapter_3_cdfc2972: # F "It is, yeah." F "Tak, jest." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1118 translate pl chapter_3_c5e68f11: # A "Even though you’re just doing what they want without getting a say in it?" A "Mimo że robisz tylko to, co oni chcą, nie mając w tym nic do powiedzenia?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1122 translate pl chapter_3_d1a9fd46: # "Fang flinches and misses a note." "Fang drgnęła i nie trafiła w nutę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1124 translate pl chapter_3_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1127 translate pl chapter_3_d2457b14: # F "It’s not like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "To nie jest tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1129 translate pl chapter_3_24254332: # F "It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish says{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" F "To po prostu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish mówi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1131 translate pl chapter_3_9fdbcbbc: # extend "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps} God damn it." extend "Chcę powiedzieć{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Do diabła." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1135 translate pl chapter_3_a14d7c57: # F "Look, we’re better with two basses. Trish and Reed say so." F "Widzisz, jesteśmy lepsi z dwoma basami. Tak mówią Trish i Reed." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1138 translate pl chapter_3_faa8c13b: # A "The au--" A "Ale ty--" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1143 translate pl chapter_3_3ef0d472: # "Uhp." "Hę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1145 translate pl chapter_3_9d469299: # "Fuck." "Cholera." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1148 translate pl chapter_3_d44107ab: # "I almost said 'the audience at the concert' to her out loud." "Prawie powiedziałem na głos 'publiczność na koncercie'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1151 translate pl chapter_3_e860cf35: # F "What was that?" F "Co to było?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1155 translate pl chapter_3_ff0fd657: # A "{cps=*.2}Nuthin’{/cps}" A "{cps=*.2}Nic{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1158 translate pl chapter_3_c0cf2150: # "Fang growls at that." "Fang warczy na to." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1162 translate pl chapter_3_63f5ff7a: # F "You know what, we’re having band practice after school today." F "Wiesz co, dzisiaj po szkole mamy próbę zespołu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1165 translate pl chapter_3_249abc0f: # F "Just show up and see for yourself." F "Po prostu pojaw się i przekonaj się sam." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1168 translate pl chapter_3_48d1947d: # A "And what if I don’t?" A "A co jeśli nie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1171 translate pl chapter_3_d1b52456: # F "You’ll be a little bitch that’s wrong." F "Będziesz małą świnką, która się myli." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1174 translate pl chapter_3_94004a03: # "Oh." "O." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1176 translate pl chapter_3_c1149a4b: # "In that case." "W takim razie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1178 translate pl chapter_3_5c687782: # A "Fuck you, I’m right, your band sucks with two basses,{w=.4} {nw}" A "Spierdalaj, mam rację, twój zespół jest kiepski z dwoma basami,{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1180 translate pl chapter_3_8f0aca7b: # extend "and you shoulda been on guitar!" extend "i powinnaś być na gitarze!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1182 translate pl chapter_3_b13f93bc: # "I lock eyes with her." "Zamieniam spojrzenia z nią." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1187 translate pl chapter_3_096e34fa: # F "Fuck you!" F "Pieprz się!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1192 translate pl chapter_3_6be31547: # A "Fuck you!" A "Pieprz się!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1197 translate pl chapter_3_44f55199: # F "Fuck!{w=.4} {nw}" F "Pieprz! {w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1200 translate pl chapter_3_2a2c2124: # extend "You!" extend "się!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1208 translate pl chapter_3_47484265: # A "FUCK YOU!" with vpunch A "PIEPRZ SIĘ!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1213 translate pl chapter_3_f91263b7: # jingo "{cps=*.2}Aaaaand{/cps} we’re {cps=*.15}caaaaaalm{/cps} now." jingo "{cps=*.2}I... i jesteśmy {cps=*.15}spokojni{/cps} teraz." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1220 translate pl chapter_3_b61957a8: # "Fuck me." "Niech mnie wypieprzą." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1222 translate pl chapter_3_f1638dc1_3: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1235 translate pl chapter_3_8cd2c9ab: # F "Hurry up, dweeb. If I can keep ahead of you while carrying two instruments, you can speedwalk." F "Pospiesz się, gamoniu. Jeśli mogę być przede mną niosąc dwa instrumenty, to ty możesz trochę przyspieszyć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1237 translate pl chapter_3_9018bc0a: # A "You sure you don’t want me to carry one?" A "Jesteś pewna, że nie chcesz, żebym nie niósł jednego?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1240 translate pl chapter_3_7ffc0745: # F "Pfeh." F "Pfeh." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1242 translate pl chapter_3_4f5a496e: # "Fang is leading me back to the auditorium with both the acoustic guitar ‘borrowed’ from the music room and her bass in hand, one over each shoulder." "Fang prowadzi mnie z powrotem do audytorium z akustyczną gitarą „pożyczoną” z sali muzycznej i jej basem w ręku, jeden nad każdym ramieniu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1254 translate pl chapter_3_fb07fd90: # "When we eventually get to the auditorium, Fang stops." "Gdy w końcu dochodzimy do audytorium, Fang się zatrzymuje." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1259 translate pl chapter_3_e0a5bf51: # "Is something wrong?" "Czy coś jest nie tak?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1262 translate pl chapter_3_20fbd3cc: # A "Uh,{w=.4} {cps=*.4}is everything-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" A "Uh,{w=.4} {cps=*.4}wszystko w porządku-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1265 translate pl chapter_3_cc5ec7ba: # F "The doors, moron." F "Drzwi, idioto." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1267 translate pl chapter_3_05510adc: # "She swings the guitar cases on her shoulders around a bit." "Obraca trochę etui od gitar na swoich ramionach." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1270 translate pl chapter_3_94004a03_1: # "Oh." "Och." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1274 translate pl chapter_3_6bfcc129: # "I step around her and grab the handle,{w=.4} pulling the door wide open." "Omijam ją i chwytam za klamkę,{w=.4} otwierając szeroko drzwi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1277 translate pl chapter_3_be5f47db: # A "Ladies first." A "Panie najpierw." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1281 translate pl chapter_3_f1638dc1_4: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1284 translate pl chapter_3_6c3c8f3b: # "Fang growls and stomps on my foot as she walks past." "Fang warczy i depcze mi na stopę, gdy przechodzi obok." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1299 translate pl chapter_3_950cff99: # A "FUCK!" with vpunch A "KURWA!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1301 translate pl chapter_3_bff3952b: # F "Hurry up already." F "Pospiesz się już." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1319 translate pl chapter_3_871bceba: # "Inside, Reed and Trish already have everything set up onstage." "W środku Reed i Trish już mają wszystko ustawione na scenie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1334 translate pl chapter_3_d0c2c73f: # "Where does Reed keep that huge drumset during the day?" "Gdzie Reed trzyma tę ogromną perkusję przez cały dzień?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1338 translate pl chapter_3_8004b034: # "Trish waves her arms from the stage." "Trish macha rękami ze sceny." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1340 translate pl chapter_3_a4b8ff4d: # T "HEY, FANG! WHAT TOOK SO LONG?" T "HEJ, FANG! CO TAK DŁUGO TRWAŁO?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1343 translate pl chapter_3_277110c4: # F "HAD TO GRAB SOMETHING." F "MUSIAŁAM COŚ ZŁAPAĆ." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1348 translate pl chapter_3_1577b581: # "Trish squints in the spotlight, then finally notices me." "Trish mruży oczy w świetle reflektorów, potem wreszcie dostrzega mnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1351 translate pl chapter_3_65201864: # T "What-" T "Co-" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1356 translate pl chapter_3_420794c1: # T "What’s he doing here?!" T "Co on tutaj robi?!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1359 translate pl chapter_3_27028e89: # "Fang slings both cases onto the stage, then climbs on herself." "Fang rzuca obie walizki na scenę, potem sama się wdrapuje." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1372 translate pl chapter_3_d34d2f9d: # F "Proving a dumbass bigot wrong." F "Udowadniam, że głupek bigot się myli." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1375 translate pl chapter_3_022e230c: # A "So you admit there’s smart ones?" A "Więc przyznajesz, że są mądrzy?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1379 translate pl chapter_3_191fc50f: # "Fang then ripped something from Trish’s hands and threw it at me." "Fang następnie wyrwała coś z rąk Trish i rzuciła mi to." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1417 translate pl chapter_3_45c7da59: # T "What the fuck?!" T "Co do kurwy nędzy?!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1419 translate pl chapter_3_c038baa2: # "It strikes against my head with a dull *tonk* and lands on the ground in front of me." "Uderza we mnie z głupim *tonk* i ląduje na ziemi przede mną." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1442 translate pl chapter_3_d9e12a4d: # "Looking down at the makeshift shuriken, it was a copy of {i}\"VVORM DRAMA's hit new single INDRAGON ONSLAUGHT\"{/i}" "Spoglądając na tymczasowy shuriken, był to egzemplarz {i}\" przebojowego nowego singla VVURM DRAMA INDRAGON ONSLAUGHT\"{/i}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1453 translate pl chapter_3_2938c885: # T "Fang!{w=.4} I just made that in art class!" T "Fang!{w=.4} Właśnie to zrobiłem na lekcji sztuki!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1455 translate pl chapter_3_957efa5b: # A "It looks like picasso had a seizure." A "To wygląda, jakby Picasso miał atak." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1462 translate pl chapter_3_23dcacb1: # F "He was being an ass!" F "Był dupkiem!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1464 translate pl chapter_3_7835fca0: # A "I was." A "Tak było." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1468 translate pl chapter_3_9fe31b17: # Re "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} are we on break now?" Re "Czy{cps=*.1}...{/cps} teraz jest przerwa?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1472 translate pl chapter_3_99291987: # T "We haven’t even started!" T "Nawet jeszcze nie zaczęliśmy!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1478 translate pl chapter_3_9231020d: # T "Fang, why is Anon here?!" T "Fang, dlaczego Anon jest tutaj?!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1484 translate pl chapter_3_1decd1e9: # F "Like I said, proving him wrong." F "Jak powiedziałem, udowadniam, że się myli." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1486 translate pl chapter_3_aac64975: # A "More like proving me right." A "Raczej udowadniasz, że mam rację." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1489 translate pl chapter_3_3734cc90: # T "Proving him wrong how?" T "Jak udowadniasz, że się myli?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1494 translate pl chapter_3_fdb80228: # Re "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Playing guitar, right?{w=.4} {nw}" Re "Np.{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Grając na gitarze, prawda?{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1496 translate pl chapter_3_755e0b52: # extend "Ya wanted to play your guitar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" extend "Chciałaś grać na gitarze{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1500 translate pl chapter_3_32b67ccf: # T "What?" T "Co?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1502 translate pl chapter_3_5f4a4320: # F "Yes!{w=.4} {nw}" F "Tak!{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1504 translate pl chapter_3_682f982d: # extend "I mean-" extend "Chodzi mi o-" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1506 translate pl chapter_3_b6e5ba65: # A "Ha!" A "Ha!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1508 translate pl chapter_3_62dcf2fe: # F "No, I mean Anon thinks that if I used a guitar instead of bass the music would sound better." F "Nie, chodzi mi o to, że Anon sądzi, że gdybym użyła gitary zamiast basu, muzyka brzmiałaby lepiej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1511 translate pl chapter_3_e805e68f: # T "What?{w=.4} No {cps=*.2}wayyyy{/cps}." T "Co?{w=.4} Nie {cps=*.2}możliwe{/cps}." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1514 translate pl chapter_3_31b73b39: # F "I know, right?" F "Wiem, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1517 translate pl chapter_3_5b8400bf: # Re "{cps=*.3}Woooow,{/cps} way to try throwing everything off, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "{cps=*.3}Woooow,{/cps} niezły sposób próby zepsucia wszystkiego, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1522 translate pl chapter_3_5e460088: # F "Mm. Let's just go through 'I Need Meth Money By Tuesday Night And If I Don’t Get It I Will Stomp On Your Child'." F "Mm. Przejdźmy po 'Potrzebuję pieniędzy na metaamfetaminę do wtorku wieczorem, a jeśli ich nie dostanę, zdeptam twoje dziecko'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1525 translate pl chapter_3_65337a5e: # "Don't say ayy lmao." "Nie mów ayy lmao." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1533 translate pl chapter_3_86a544da: # F "Three{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Two{cps=*.1}...{/cps} One{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Trzy{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dwa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Jeden{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1543 translate pl chapter_3_b73c8a46: # "My mind went blank." "Mój umysł zszedł na manowce." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1546 translate pl chapter_3_d23594c3: # "I don’t know what just happened." "Nie wiem, co właśnie się stało." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1562 translate pl chapter_3_ed86f15d: # "I look to the stage and see Fang, panting, looking distressed." "Spoglądam na scenę i widzę Fang, dyszącą, wyglądającą na zaniepokojoną." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1567 translate pl chapter_3_e5d68c94: # F "S-see? Totally awesome, r-right?" F "W-widzisz? Całkowicie niesamowite, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1570 translate pl chapter_3_c26eb12c: # "Not the word I would use." "Nie użyłbym tego słowa." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1573 translate pl chapter_3_2389d830: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I think you should give the guitar a try." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Myślę, że powinieneś spróbować zagrać na gitarze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1580 translate pl chapter_3_4d6a4eac: # T "Oh shut up, you don't know anything about music." T "Zamknij się, nie wiesz nic o muzyce." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1583 translate pl chapter_3_0b568703: # F "Might as well. That’s what I brought him for, after all." F "Warto spróbować. Przecież po to go przyniosłem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1585 translate pl chapter_3_18681214: # T "You’re really siding with him on this?" T "Naprawdę stajesz po jego stronie w tej sprawie?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1588 translate pl chapter_3_7604cd59: # T "We already decided VVURM DRAMA is better with only drum and bass, remember?" T "Już zdecydowaliśmy, że VVURM DRAMA jest lepsze tylko z bębnem i basem, pamiętasz?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1592 translate pl chapter_3_dee37035: # Re "Yeah man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} WAY more unique that way." Re "Tak, ziomek{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O wiele bardziej unikalne." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1595 translate pl chapter_3_87ceeef3: # A "Aren’t there like two bands in existence that pulled it off?" A "Czy nie ma tylko dwóch zespołów, które to dobrze ogarnęły?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1599 translate pl chapter_3_e2ec5a0c: # Re "That means there’s a chance then, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" Re "To znaczy, że jest szansa, prawda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1603 translate pl chapter_3_8738796f: # A "It can’t hurt to try, right?" A "Nie zaszkodzi spróbować, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1606 translate pl chapter_3_5b2507b0: # T "You don’t get a say in this, it’s a band decision and we already made our choice." T "Ty nie masz w tym nic do powiedzenia, to decyzja zespołu i już dokonaliśmy wyboru." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1610 translate pl chapter_3_33399466: # F "Maybe he’s right, Trish. What’s the big deal?" F "Może ma rację, Trish. O co tyle hałasu?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1613 translate pl chapter_3_9859d876: # T "The 'deal' is we’re wasting enough time as it is when we should be practicing!" T "'Sprawa' polega na tym, że marnujemy wystarczająco dużo czasu, gdy powinniśmy ćwiczyć!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1616 translate pl chapter_3_b646902e: # T "Especially wasting time on playing guitar when it doesn’t match any of our stuff." T "Szczególnie marnujemy czas na grę na gitarze, gdy nie pasuje do żadnego z naszych utworów." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1628 translate pl chapter_3_cf9a2005: # "That clearly struck a nerve." "To ewidentnie dotknęło nerwu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1630 translate pl chapter_3_86c6532c: # F "'Wasting time' playing guitar?{w=.6} {nw}" F "'Marnowanie czasu' na graniu na gitarze?{w=.6} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1636 translate pl chapter_3_ca7f182b: # extend "What’s THAT supposed to mean?" extend "Co TO ma znaczyć?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1638 translate pl chapter_3_81fcadca: # "Fang rounds on Trish, jabbing an accusing finger into the little triceratop’s surprisingly voluminous chest." "Fang zwraca się do Trish, wbijając oskarżający palec w zaskakująco objętą klatkę piersiową małego triceratopsa." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1643 translate pl chapter_3_0f37fa5d: # F "Every time I want to make changes you guys always overrule me!" F "Zawsze mnie przegłosowujecie, kiedy chcę wprowadzić zmiany!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1645 translate pl chapter_3_8f168b9e: # F "Even when it’s something like playing my favorite instrument in my own band!" F "Nawet gdy chodzi o coś takiego jak granie mojego ulubionego instrumentu w moim własnym zespole!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1648 translate pl chapter_3_920691b3: # "Yikes." "O rany." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1652 translate pl chapter_3_850d0c72: # T "Come on Fang, you know I didn’t mean it that way!" T "Daj spokój, Fang, wiesz, że nie miałam na myśli tego w ten sposób!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1654 translate pl chapter_3_cdbe048c: # T "We decided that democratically, right Reed?" T "Zdecydowaliśmy demokratycznie, prawda Reed?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1657 translate pl chapter_3_aaccf444: # Re "Yeah, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like, there are only three of us, y’know?" Re "Tak, ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wiesz, jest nas tylko trzech, rozumiesz?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1667 translate pl chapter_3_3c5b6b66: # "I'll hate myself for this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Będę się za to nienawidzić{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1669 translate pl chapter_3_5b2ef0fe: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}this is already getting too intimate for me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}to już staje się dla mnie zbyt intymne{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1671 translate pl chapter_3_1a422da9: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}but maybe I should say something." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}ale może powinienem coś powiedzieć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1674 translate pl chapter_3_2fcfcdb4: # "It’s only going to get worse if I don’t." "Tylko się pogorszy, jeśli nie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1676 translate pl chapter_3_6799406d: # "But this seems like a personal argument between them." "Ale to wydaje się być osobistą kłótnią między nimi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1693 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_58faac26: # "Fang does seem very passionate about playing guitar." "Fang wydaje się być bardzo pasjonująca w grze na gitarze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1695 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_cb862bdd: # "It could only help their music, right?" "To mogłoby tylko pomóc ich muzyce, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1703 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_362eff07: # A "Just give Fang a chance, have you ever even let them play guitar with the band?" A "Daj Fang szansę, czy kiedykolwiek pozwoliłeś im grać na gitarze w zespole?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1710 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_c76f48e9: # "That seemed to stop Trish in her presidential yeezys." "To wydawało się zatrzymać Trish w jej prezydenckich yeezysach." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1714 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_fbaccd64: # T "I- uh, well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} not really.{w=.4} {nw}" T "E- eh, cóż{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nie do końca.{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1716 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_b822306f: # extend "We voted on it in our first jam session together." extend "Głosowaliśmy nad tym podczas naszej pierwszej wspólnej sesji jamowej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1718 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_349cbc0e: # "Fang made a weird face, like she couldn’t believe I was standing up for her." "Fang zrobiła dziwną minę, jakby nie mogła uwierzyć, że ją bronię." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1720 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_cd8d7639: # "Honestly I couldn’t believe I stood up for her either." "Szczerze mówiąc, ja też nie mogłem uwierzyć, że ją broniłem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1722 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_71de1cdf: # "But god dammit I’m winning this challenge!" "Ale cholera, wygram to wyzwanie!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1725 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_fe053392: # A "If you’re really Fang’s friend, you should at least let them try." A "Jeśli naprawdę jesteś przyjaciółką Fang, powinnaś przynajmniej pozwolić im spróbować." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1731 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_c5be82a2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=1}{nw}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=1}{nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1736 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_be5ad26f: # "Trish’s mouth opened and closed, as if she was trying to find the right words." "Usta Trish otworzyły się i zamknęły, jakby próbowała znaleźć właściwe słowa." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1739 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_6ba21f3d: # "She threw up her hands and let out a frustrated sigh." "Rzuciła ręce do góry i wydała frustrujące westchnięcie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1742 translate pl GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_a64e7a27: # T "Fine, I guess we can try it with the guitar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Dobrze, przypuszczam, że możemy spróbować tego z gitarą{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1753 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_d703151f: # "Can’t guarantee their style won’t be better than dogshit if I lose this challenge." "Nie mogę zagwarantować, że ich styl nie będzie lepszy niż gówno, jeśli przegram to wyzwanie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1755 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_976a91ee: # "Certainly can’t get worse." "Na pewno nie może być gorzej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1758 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_9777d2a6: # "This is between the members of the band." "To jest między członkami zespołu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1767 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_ce7953c6: # T "In the end, majority still rules." T "W końcu, nadal rządzi większość." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1774 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_e79c0401: # T "I’m sorry, Fang, but we can’t get into creative squabbles like this all the time." T "Przepraszam, Fang, ale nie możemy ciągle wpadać w takie kreatywne sprzeczki." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1776 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_e9e47694: # T "And you already agreed to it, right?" T "I ty już się zgodziłeś, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1781 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_011aec29: # "How controlling." "Jak kontrolująco." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1787 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_6925d1e4: # "Fang hangs her head in defeat." "Fang opuszcza głowę w geście porażki." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1789 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_dec3670b: # F "{cps=*0.4}I guess so{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*0.4}Chyba tak{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1796 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_7d0babe3: # Re "Hey man, Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" Re "Hej, człowieku, Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1798 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_95414cd8: # extend "Don’t let it get to you so hard{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" extend "Nie pozwól, by to tak bardzo cię dotknęło{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1801 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_5f60a929: # Re "We just gotta get it out of your system’s all, right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" Re "Musimy to wszystko wypluć, prawda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1805 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_43631b43: # Re "Like, y’know, get it all out now so you don’t have to later, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" Re "Wiesz, wypluć to teraz, aby później nie musieć, tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1807 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_55f75a19: # Re "Like Trish said{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Tak jak powiedziała Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1814 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_4e59680e: # T "I never said that." T "Nigdy tego nie powiedziałam." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1817 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_c9c3b6de: # Re "Cuz’, that’s how these things work, right? You know until you don’t, and then all the rest is wack." Re "Bo tak to właśnie działa, prawda? Wiesz, aż nie wiesz, a potem wszystko inne jest klapą." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1822 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_8e59f761: # T "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} guess?" T "Tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps} przypuszczam?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1825 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_32b67ccf: # T "What?" T "Co?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1829 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_967d22e9: # Re "It’s like the bigger picture, you got Fang playin' bass with all us{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "To jak większy obraz, masz Fang grającą na basie z nami wszystkimi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1832 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_3438e61e: # Re "And they’re all{w=.3} {nw}" Re "I wszyscy oni{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1834 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_522efc8c: # extend "\"{cps=*.3}ohh yeah {/cps}good thing I’m not thinking about playing other instruments, yeah yeah\"" extend "\"{cps=*.3}ohh tak {/cps}dobrze, że nie myślę o graniu na innych instrumentach, tak tak\"" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1837 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_d8a832eb: # Re "And you’re all like{w=.4} {nw}" Re "I wszyscy wy jesteście jak{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1839 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_32a6ed05: # extend "\"see, I told you so\"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" extend "\"widzisz, już ci mówiłem\"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1844 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_f1a94295: # T "Yeah, so we should let them play now to get it all out for later!" T "Tak, więc powinniśmy teraz pozwolić im zagrać, żeby wszystko się wypaliło na później!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1849 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_31f79139: # T "{cps=*0.25}Wait{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "{cps=*0.25}Poczekaj{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1851 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_6ebc70e8: # "If there were any cameras rolling, they’d be zooming in on Trish’s face." "Gdyby były jakiekolwiek kamery, skupiłyby się na twarzy Trish." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1854 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_cc39e689: # F "Thanks, Reed." F "Dzięki, Reed." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1857 translate pl GuitarQuestionStaySilent_40d756c2: # T "Yeah, thanks a lot." T "Tak, dzięki wielkie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1873 translate pl lpostguitarscene_d3dc0645: # F "Alright, this time we’re doing 'I Gave The Special Kids The Jonestown Special And Now I’m Going To Jail'!" F "Dobra, tym razem gramy 'Dałem Specjalnym Dzieciom specjał Jonestown i Teraz Idę do Więzienia'!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1877 translate pl lpostguitarscene_1c392875: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m gonna need Raptor Jesus after this one{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Będę potrzebować Raptor Jezusa po tym{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1891 translate pl lpostguitarscene_85acd26f: # F "And a three,{w=.3} two,{w=.3} and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "I trzy,{w=.3} dwa,{w=.3} i{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1898 translate pl lpostguitarscene_b03f3152: # "Opposed to the nostalgic tune earlier, Fang rapidly strums on her borrowed guitar." "W przeciwieństwie do wcześniejszej nostalgicznej melodii, Fang szybko brzdęka na swojej pożyczonej gitarze." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1900 translate pl lpostguitarscene_9f3d0b13: # "It’s fast and rough but the tone carried doesn’t melt my eardrums." "Jest szybkie i szorstkie, ale ton nie rozpuszcza mi bębenków usznych." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1902 translate pl lpostguitarscene_b6b5fe3c: # "Watching and listening now I can see and hear the difference clear as day." "Teraz patrząc i słuchając, widzę i słyszę różnicę jak na dłoni." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1905 translate pl lpostguitarscene_8a4695c5: # "They’re actually not bad." "Tak naprawdę, nie są źli." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1908 translate pl lpostguitarscene_e9f1da56: # "Not good, not by any metric worth it’s weight." "Nie są dobrzy, nie według żadnej miary warci swej wagi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1910 translate pl lpostguitarscene_36493866: # "But at least I don’t cringe so hard my spleen erupts from my side and creates a splash zone." "Ale przynajmniej nie marszczę się tak bardzo, że śledziona wybuchnie z mojej strony i stworzy strefę rozprysków." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1913 translate pl lpostguitarscene_571a2971: # "I find myself bobbing to the song, in fact." "Znajduję się potakując się do piosenki, właściwie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1917 translate pl lpostguitarscene_78642685: # "And just as I consider the song 'gittin’ gud' it ends." "I właśnie wtedy, gdy piosenka 'staje się dobra', kończy się." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1919 translate pl lpostguitarscene_929f107e: # "I feel a little disappointed that the show ended so soon." "Czuję się trochę rozczarowany, że występ skończył się tak szybko." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1921 translate pl lpostguitarscene_30687029: # "Then I remember it’s not a show at all." "Potem przypominam sobie, że to w ogóle nie jest występ." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1927 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4d306730: # "And that I definitely won." "I że zdecydowanie wygrałem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1938 translate pl lpostguitarscene_464e01e8: # "There’s sweat dripping from Fang’s brow, and her black clothes are clinging to her a bit more tightly." "Z czoła Fang kapie pot, a jej czarne ubrania przylegają do niej trochę mocniej." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1940 translate pl lpostguitarscene_a146da6c: # "The grin on her face stands out the most though." "Jednak najbardziej wyróżnia się uśmiech na jej twarzy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1947 translate pl lpostguitarscene_c8d5ddf6: # F "See! Totally better with a guitar Trish!" F "Widzisz! Zdecydowanie lepiej z gitarą, Trish!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1978 translate pl lpostguitarscene_e9094ca0: # A "Ha! I win!" A "Ha! Wygrałem!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1980 translate pl lpostguitarscene_ec2d1cf0: # "Trish, Reed, and Fang turn to look at me." "Trish, Reed i Fang odwracają się, żeby na mnie spojrzeć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1987 translate pl lpostguitarscene_d429ce90: # F "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.6} {nw}" F "O{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.6} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1989 translate pl lpostguitarscene_fc9e8155: # extend "OH!{w=.6} {nw}" extend "O!{w=.6} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1992 translate pl lpostguitarscene_e89683ce: # extend "OH GOD DAMN IT!" with vpunch extend "O, CHOLERA!" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1995 translate pl lpostguitarscene_c6f55abb: # A "So you’re now a normal band?" A "Więc teraz jesteście normalnym zespołem?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1998 translate pl lpostguitarscene_74ec2f8c: # F "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Chcę powiedzieć{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2003 translate pl lpostguitarscene_43a35266: # "Trish scowls." "Trish marszczy brwi." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2005 translate pl lpostguitarscene_d1e7879b: # T "A vote then." T "Głosowanie więc." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2007 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4239f94c: # T "Who votes if we stick to drum and bass?" T "Kto głosuje, żebyśmy trzymali się samej perkusji i gitary basowej?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2014 translate pl lpostguitarscene_362494cc: # "She’s the only one to raise her hand." "Ona jedyna podnosi rękę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2019 translate pl lpostguitarscene_eb1ddd28: # T "{cps=*.4}mmm{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" T "{cps=*.4}mmm{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2021 translate pl lpostguitarscene_b7a0aa9d: # extend "{cps=*.4}And against?{/cps}" extend "{cps=*.4}A przeciw?{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2034 translate pl lpostguitarscene_434c8ad7: # "Even I raise my hands along with Reed and Fang." "Nawet ja podnoszę ręce razem z Reedem i Fangiem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2046 translate pl lpostguitarscene_aa345eea: # T "You stay out of this Skinnie!" T "Ty trzymaj się z dala od tego, Skinerze!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2048 translate pl lpostguitarscene_b2c49fe6: # A "Skinnie?" A "Skinerze?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2056 translate pl lpostguitarscene_87f2cdd9: # F "Yessss!" F "Tak!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2062 translate pl lpostguitarscene_6fbf06c1: # Re "So like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} do we gotta redo all the songs?" Re "Więc tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} czy musimy przerobić wszystkie piosenki na nowo?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2065 translate pl lpostguitarscene_ff1c19c8: # F "It’s only one instrument line." F "To tylko jedna linia instrumentu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2067 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4dc91050: # F "Shouldn’t take too long." F "Nie powinno zająć zbyt dużo czasu." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2070 translate pl lpostguitarscene_ca55bd44: # T "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2073 translate pl lpostguitarscene_c2af5b48: # T "There goes our main marketing strategy." T "I tak wylatuje nasza główna strategia marketingowa." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2075 translate pl lpostguitarscene_8d9854cb: # "Marketing strategy? I thought she was a triceratops, not a rhinorex." "Strategia marketingowa? Myślałem, że ona to triceratops, nie rhinorex." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2080 translate pl lpostguitarscene_adc2f201: # "I’m abusing my good luck here so I probably should leave." "Tu nadużywam swojego szczęścia, więc prawdopodobnie powinienem wyjść." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2083 translate pl lpostguitarscene_7b74f1c5: # A "That was very fun you guys, I hope I can see you all play more{cps=*.1}...{/cps} again{cps=*.1}...{/cps} better now than it was before{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.4}uuuhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "To było bardzo zabawne, mam nadzieję, że będę mógł zobaczyć was wszystkich grających więcej{cps=*.1}...{/cps} znowu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lepiej teraz niż wcześniej{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.4}eeehhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2085 translate pl lpostguitarscene_ccd3d75b: # A "We’re cool right? Bye!" A "Jesteśmy okej, tak? Cześć!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2094 translate pl lpostguitarscene_a1068cd2: # "As I move to the door Fang calls out." "Kiedy zmierzam do drzwi, Fang woła." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2098 translate pl lpostguitarscene_7043ee27: # F "Wait!" F "Poczekaj!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2101 translate pl lpostguitarscene_6604cb1e: # F "We uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "My, eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2107 translate pl lpostguitarscene_51d162c2: # "I look to see her fidgeting onstage." "Patrzę i widzę ją nerwowo szarpoczącą się na scenie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2111 translate pl lpostguitarscene_aff98912: # F "We {cps=*.35}couuuld{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" F "My {cps=*.35}możemy{/cps} eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2113 translate pl lpostguitarscene_1007d6a3: # extend "OH! Feedback! We could use your feedback!" extend "OH! Opinie! Możemy skorzystać z twoich opinii!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2117 translate pl lpostguitarscene_67a52fb6: # T "We what?!{w=.4} {nw}" T "My co?!{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2119 translate pl lpostguitarscene_94d3e9c2: # extend "Fang, from him?" extend "Fang, od niego?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2124 translate pl lpostguitarscene_f215e2c5: # A "Wha-" A "Co-" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2127 translate pl lpostguitarscene_1d582fe9: # F "He’s been helpful! So why not? Reed, back me up here." F "Był pomocny! Więc dlaczego nie? Reed, poprzyj mnie tutaj." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2130 translate pl lpostguitarscene_d4a7d0bc: # Re "mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Kay{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" Re "mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Okej{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2132 translate pl lpostguitarscene_5600e668: # extend "Anon should stay{cps=*.1}...{/cps} He's a bro." extend "Anon powinien zostać{cps=*.1}...{/cps} On jest brachem." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2137 translate pl lpostguitarscene_1db5dd68: # T "REALLY?!{w=.5} {cps=*.4}BUT-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" T "NAPRAWDĘ?!{w=.5} {cps=*.4}ALE-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2140 translate pl lpostguitarscene_49cb60c3: # F "Anon, you’ll stick around a while, right?" F "Anon, zostaniesz tu przez chwilę, prawda?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2149 translate pl lpostguitarscene_e01c08d1: # A "If you guys’ll order some Dino-moe’s, sure." A "Jeśli zamówicie trochę Dino-moe’s, pewnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2157 translate pl lpostguitarscene_25f433c0: # "The three of them just stare blankly." "Troje z nich po prostu patrzy bezmyślnie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2160 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4ecf4504: # "Poczekaj.{w=.4} Aula.{w=.4} Pizza." "Poczekaj.{w=.4} Aula.{w=.4} Pizza." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2162 translate pl lpostguitarscene_0513ec40: # "{cps=*.4}Cholera.{/cps}" "{cps=*.4}Cholera.{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2167 translate pl lpostguitarscene_273f7afc: # "O nie." "O nie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2170 translate pl lpostguitarscene_d57d33f7: # A "Ja-{w=.1}ja znaczy, ehh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ja-{w=.1}ja znaczy, ehh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2172 translate pl lpostguitarscene_fe21b2f1: # A "Tak naprawdę, muszę iść. Teraz. Więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cześć." A "Tak naprawdę, muszę iść. Teraz. Więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cześć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2175 translate pl lpostguitarscene_05bd3f2d: # F "Dlaczego? Mogę zapłacić za pizzę, jeśli jesteś spłukany." F "Dlaczego? Mogę zapłacić za pizzę, jeśli jesteś spłukany." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2177 translate pl lpostguitarscene_020a2d79: # A "Nah, nie trzeba." A "Nie, nie trzeba." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2179 translate pl lpostguitarscene_fe54c6ef: # A "Poza tym właśnie sobie przypomniałem, że muszę zrobić, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ważne rzeczy." A "Poza tym właśnie sobie przypomniałem, że muszę zrobić, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ważne rzeczy." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2182 translate pl lpostguitarscene_fa6b8f7f: # F "Ważniejsze niż nasza muzyka?" F "Ważniejsze niż nasza muzyka?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2184 translate pl lpostguitarscene_aa58aef5: # A "Eee, tak. Patrz, muszę oddać uh{w=.4} książkę!" A "Eee, tak. Patrz, muszę oddać uh{w=.4} książkę!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2186 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4cce6e79: # "Kurwa, nie zaczynaj teraz bzdur!" "Kurwa, nie zaczynaj bzdur!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2188 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4c476396: # A "Wiesz, to jest {cps=*.2}BAAARDZO{/cps} spóźnione i NIE mogę sobie pozwolić na opłatę za zwłokę." A "Wiesz, jestem {cps=*.2}BAAARDZO{/cps} spóźniony i NIE mogę sobie pozwolić na opłatę za zwłokę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2192 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4f864e6d: # Re "Poczekaj chwilę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Poczekaj chwilę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2194 translate pl lpostguitarscene_84a584c0: # "?" "?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2196 translate pl lpostguitarscene_07740190: # "Prawie nie rozpoznałem głosu Reeda, powiedział to zbyt ostro." "Prawie nie rozpoznałem głosu Reeda, powiedział to zbyt ostro." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2199 translate pl lpostguitarscene_60f2c4d0: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}termin płatności minął jakieś{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dwa tygodnie{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Czy coś knujesz, Anon?" Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}termin płatności minął jakieś{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dwa tygodnie{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Czy coś knujesz, Anon?" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2201 translate pl lpostguitarscene_5609e344: # "Brzmi zupełnie trzeźwo i nie zacinał się przy żadnym słowie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Brzmi zupełnie trzeźwo i nie zacinał się przy żadnym słowie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2204 translate pl lpostguitarscene_9d8a2c49: # "O nie." "O nie." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2214 translate pl lpostguitarscene_f1bbeca5: # "ZAMKNIJ SIĘ" "ZAMKNIJ SIĘ" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2217 translate pl lpostguitarscene_f1bbeca5_1: # "ZAMKNIJ SIĘ" "ZAMKNIJ SIĘ" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2220 translate pl lpostguitarscene_926bd6a6: # "ROZUMIEM" "ROZUMIEM" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2228 translate pl lpostguitarscene_3efb190c: # A "To z biblioteki niedaleko mojego miejsca.{w=.4} {cps=*.25}Bardzo{/cps} rygorystyczna.{w=.4} Wiesz, jakie są biblioteki publiczne." A "To z biblioteki niedaleko mojego miejsca.{w=.4} {cps=*.25}Bardzo{/cps} rygorystyczna.{w=.4} Wiesz, jakie są biblioteki publiczne." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2232 translate pl lpostguitarscene_83df0e69: # Re "{cps=*.5}Nooooo.{/cps}" Re "{cps=*.5}O tak.{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2243 translate pl lpostguitarscene_ce03c1db: # T "WILL YOU JUST FUCKING LEAVE ALREADY?" with vpunch T "CZY TY JUŻ KURWA NIE WYJDZIESZ?" with vpunch # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2246 translate pl lpostguitarscene_6f150f98: # "Kocham cię, Trish." "Kocham cię, Trish." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2248 translate pl lpostguitarscene_4af09ca5: # A "Oczywiście, cześć." A "Oczywiście, cześć." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2256 translate pl lpostguitarscene_74c24ca5: # "Wpierdalam się do wyjścia." "Wpierdalam się do wyjścia." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2258 translate pl lpostguitarscene_bb3aafa1: # "Kiedy się odwracam, żeby z niego wyjść, na scenie słyszę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Kiedy się odwracam, żeby z niego wyjść, na scenie słyszę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2261 translate pl lpostguitarscene_bdb9c84f: # T "DZIĘKUJĘ." T "DZIĘKUJĘ." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2264 translate pl lpostguitarscene_3d7cf1b6: # "Ja eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} słyszę ich plotkowanie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ja eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} słyszę ich plotkowanie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2269 translate pl lpostguitarscene_840a025f: # F "Dobra, a co powiesz na{w=.2} 'Nie Jestem Pewien Dlaczego, Ale Włamywacz Dołączył Do Mojego Trójkąta'." F "Dobra, a co powiesz na{w=.2} 'Nie Jestem Pewien Dlaczego, Ale Włamywacz Dołączył Do Mojego Trójkąta'." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2273 translate pl lpostguitarscene_839d2c33: # "Don’t think about a threesome with Trish and Fang, don’t think about a threesome with Trish and Fang, they’re meteor dodgers for crying out loud!" "Nie myśl o trójkącie z Trish i Fang, nie myśl o trójkącie z Trish i Fang, przecież są to unikacze meteorów!" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2276 translate pl lpostguitarscene_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2278 translate pl lpostguitarscene_8657e7de: # "Ok, just for one second." "Ok, tylko na jedną sekundę." # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2290 translate pl lpostguitarscene_af0fc4e9: # "{cps=*.2}Fuck.{/cps}" "{cps=*.2}Cholera.{/cps}" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2292 translate pl lpostguitarscene_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" translate pl strings: # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1683 old "Speak Up" new "Odezwij się" # game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1682 old "Stay Silent" new "Pozostań w milczeniu"