Workflow for images where there are effects applied over terxt (Like c02). With your text layer selected, use magic wand with a low tolerance (I set it to 2.0) on the outside of the text and in spaces enclosed by text (Like Os or Ps or As etc.) After that go to selection > invert selection. Then, flatten the image with all the relevant things set to visible (Right click on any layer>flatten). Once flattened, do CTRL+C, then do CTRL+Z to undo the flattening and then CTRL+V, you should now have a layer with the text including all it's transparent pixels. Hide your original text layer (Don't delete it, just in case) and place your pasted layer on top of all other layers. THIS WORFKLOW IS NOT NECESARY IF YOU ONLY HAVE BACKGROUD AND TEXT OR THERE'S NO LAYER ABOVE AFFECTING THE TEXT. For other cases simply hide all non-relevant layers (layers without text) and do file>export (single layer)>.png Specific tips: Fangonamp: Use a mouse, with such small text the pen is worse than the mouse. fuckedwinfretard: Chat bubbles use the snoot brush but with it's aliasing set to None, this does not apply to texts.psd. c02: THE TEXT LAYER IS SET TO MULTIPLY, be sure to change it to normal before color-picking and be sure to set your text layer to multiply before doing the workflow. As for the workflow, do it the same until before you have to flatten. Use the lazo tool while pressing ALT to deselect all of Fang's opaque pixels (Keep the transparent/semi-transparent ones.) texts: The text layer has transparency, it shouldn't matter if you keep color-picking otherwise just note how much transparecy it has, set the transparecy to 0, color-pick, and then apply that transparency to your layer. TEXTS TAKES LIKE 40 MINS TO DO, EVEN WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE THE TRANSLATED TEXT IN HAND. DON'T DO IT IN ONE SETTING, YOUR WRIST WILL HURT. also, remember to translate the dates! fangrom: You'll only need to translate this if you're translating to a language that doesn't use latin characters. trailerconcert: Don't bother writing the text, just copy from fangonamp and transform. outside school/door auditorium: See if you can rearrange the letters into whatever you need it to be. Otherwise try getting an art person to do it. Also, don't forget the fog variants for ouside school day. General tips: Always check you're on a right layer, it will save you hours of work. You can rotate the canvas using the second slider at the bottom of the canvas Doing edit>transform>free transform you can warp your selection to fit a perspective.