#TODO #add chadshark #The game needs something like a CG gallery, if only to track your progress. #remove sex #troll /adgd/ #idk debug lol #just like make game #?????? #Profit&Export #/usr/bin/touch gf - cannot touch 'gf': Permission denied #To whoever looked at the old script file of this, woe be upon ye, because it was an absolute clusterfuck. story scripts are now in the script directory. everything here is just boilerplate code for characters, scenes, transitions, and whatnot. #Even then (extending to definitions.rpy), it's incredibly inconsistant with how things are named, how things are set up, and there's definitely a lot of optimization that could be had and refactoring needed. #Why yes all my code was formerly in one massive file called "script" thats 28k lines long, how could you tell? #Licensed under the GNU AGPL v3, for more information check snootgame.xyz or the LICENSE file that should have came with this work. init -1 python: # Modding Support variables # All mod rpy files must run a small init python script mod_dir = "mods/" mod_menu_access = [] init python: import webbrowser # This is for the ch2 "look the link up" choice import random # extra music channel so we can do crossfade instead of fadeout followed by fadein renpy.music.register_channel("music1","music",True,tight=True) renpy.music.register_channel("music2","music",True,tight=True) # allows playing looped ambience alongside music renpy.music.register_channel("ambient","sfx",True,tight=True) renpy.music.register_channel("ambient1","sfx",True,tight=True) renpy.music.register_channel("ambient2","sfx",True,tight=True) renpy.music.register_channel("ambient3","sfx",True,tight=True) # No idea what this does if persistent.scroll == True: config.keymap['dismiss'].append('mousedown_4') elif persistent.scroll == None: persistent.scroll = False # Set vars for bonus chapter completion if persistent.bonus_chapters == None: if renpy.seen_image("big ending"): #for returning players persistent.bonus_chapters = 0b111111111 persistent.old_bonus_chapters = 0b111111111 else: persistent.bonus_chapters = 0b0 persistent.old_bonus_chapters = 0b0 # Randomizes the placement of choice boxes when a choice menu appears def randomize_choices(choices): # fine for size of 2 if (renpy.random.randint(0, 1)): choices.reverse() return choices pass default persistent.lewd = False default persistent.autoup = False label start: $ toggle_debug() pause 1.0 $ renpy.call(chapter_list[chapter_list_index]) # Call first element of the chapter_list array