# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-29 22:44 # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:7 translate es chapter_x6_ea5315ad: # A "You sure you got enough paper plates and stuff?" A "¿Seguro que tienes suficientes platos de papel y otras cosas?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:9 translate es chapter_x6_69bb14d5: # Re "We got all of it, man. Quit worryin’ alright?" Re "Lo tenemos todo, hombre. Deja de preocuparte, ¿de acuerdo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:35 translate es chapter_x6_3c33208e: # "Reed, Fang, Rosa, Stella, and I are walking to Trish’s place with armfuls of plastic bags of groceries." "Reed, Fang, Rosa, Stella y yo caminamos hacia la casa de Trish con montones de bolsas de plástico llenas de comestibles." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:37 translate es chapter_x6_452b5c26: # "It’s her birthday today, and Fang wanted to throw a surprise party." "Hoy es su cumpleaños y Fang quería hacer una fiesta sorpresa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:40 translate es chapter_x6_bb8b6433: # "A shame Reed ruined that surprise." "Una pena que Reed arruinara esa sorpresa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:42 translate es chapter_x6_5718fc73: # "At least all the presents will still be a surprise." "Al menos todos los regalos seguirán siendo una sorpresa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:45 translate es chapter_x6_5188d194: # A "I’ve never been to this part of town before." A "Nunca había estado en esta parte de la ciudad." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:47 translate es chapter_x6_5f73e99c: # A "Almost reminds me of my place." A "Casi me recuerda a mi lugar." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:57 translate es chapter_x6_43668660: # "A feathered elbow pierces my side." "Un codo emplumado me atraviesa el costado." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:60 translate es chapter_x6_8de86d73: # F "Her mother works two jobs overtime just so Trish can go to school with us instead of Reef City Continuation." F "Su madre trabaja horas extra en dos trabajos solo para que Trish pueda ir a la escuela con nosotros en lugar de Reef City Continuation." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:63 translate es chapter_x6_daa6400f: # A "What’s so bad about Reef City anyway?" A "¿Qué tiene de malo Reef City de todos modos?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:80 translate es chapter_x6_59bf3388: # "Reed nearly trips over his own feet." "Reed casi tropieza con sus propios pies." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:83 translate es chapter_x6_3bab379c: # Re "It’s uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Es uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:85 translate es chapter_x6_c913f147: # Re "You know ‘bout Alcatraz?" Re "¿Conoces Alcatraz?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:88 translate es chapter_x6_c2ebd8a2: # Re "It’s like that, but mixed with Auschwitz." Re "Es así, pero mezclado con Auschwitz." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:91 translate es chapter_x6_2467df82: # A "That doesn’t sound {i}that{/i} bad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eso no suena {i}tan{/i} mal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:94 translate es chapter_x6_c95e8f20: # Re "Rio de Janeiro, then." Re "Río de Janeiro, entonces." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:97 translate es chapter_x6_24772fe8: # A "Oh no." A "Oh no." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:100 translate es chapter_x6_687b6fb9: # F "I went there for a week last September because Spears caught me slashing tires." F "Estuve allí una semana el pasado septiembre porque Spears me pilló pinchando neumáticos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:103 translate es chapter_x6_31be58df: # F "It’s hell." F "Es un infierno." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:106 translate es chapter_x6_ce36adb4: # Re "I looked into it once{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Lo investigué una vez{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:108 translate es chapter_x6_907d23ef: # Re "The people in charge of the place used some{cps=*.1}...{/cps} legal loopholes to get the place off the map." Re "Los responsables del lugar utilizaron algunos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vacíos legales para quitar el lugar del mapa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:110 translate es chapter_x6_ea33d22e: # Re "So it’s legal for the teachers there to use paddles." Re "Así que es legal que los profesores de allí usen castigos físicos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:114 translate es chapter_x6_816fa37a: # Ro "Why don’t we change the subject?" Ro "¿Por qué no cambiamos de tema?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:116 translate es chapter_x6_f270361f: # Ro "We’re getting close to Trish’s place, no?" Ro "Nos estamos acercando a la casa de Trish, ¿no?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:125 translate es chapter_x6_862366c0: # St "I hope she’s alright with all this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Espero que ella esté bien con todo esto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:128 translate es chapter_x6_9a5ec3dc: # Re "She’ll love it! It’s exactly what she needs right now{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "¡A ella le encantará! Es exactamente lo que necesita en este momento{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:131 translate es chapter_x6_d69e0a13: # A "Why’s that?" A "¿Y eso por qué?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:134 translate es chapter_x6_c38b7ec3: # F "It’s summer vacation." F "Son vacaciones de verano." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:136 translate es chapter_x6_f8e99f61: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Y?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:139 translate es chapter_x6_8a1d2099: # F "You’ll see." F "Ya lo verás." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:142 translate es chapter_x6_ca3a6987: # F "It’s this building, we’re here." F "Es este edificio, estamos aquí." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:152 translate es chapter_x6_20875ab7: # "Fang stops in front of one of the many large brick buildings we’ve been walking past and points to a door on the second floor." "Fang se detiene frente a uno de los muchos edificios grandes de ladrillo por los que hemos pasado y señala una puerta en el segundo piso." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:155 translate es chapter_x6_c5c3fe17: # Ro "How exciting, I haven’t gotten to visit Trish at her place before!" Ro "¡Qué emocionante, nunca antes había visitado a Trish en su casa!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:158 translate es chapter_x6_2d022a24: # "We all go upstairs, and what sounds like muffled uproars hit my ears, growing louder the closer we get to the door." "Todos subimos las escaleras, y lo que suena como un alboroto amortiguado golpea mis oídos, haciéndose más fuerte a medida que nos acercamos a la puerta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:177 translate es chapter_x6_e5015378: # "I reach for the doorbell." "Alcanzo el timbre de la puerta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:182 translate es chapter_x6_142c65a5: # Re "Don’t push that unless you want to get shocked." Re "No presiones eso a menos que quieras recibir una descarga eléctrica." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:184 translate es chapter_x6_36ea4204: # A "!!" A "!!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:187 translate es chapter_x6_64b905e0: # "Reed raps on the door." "Reed golpea la puerta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:193 translate es chapter_x6_23159838: # "From this side I can hear what sounds like a violent riot inside a china shop." "Desde este lado puedo escuchar lo que suena como un motín violento dentro de una tienda de porcelana." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:196 translate es chapter_x6_6f1cc292: # T "Comi- {w=.4}{nw}" T "Yend- {w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:198 translate es chapter_x6_994132a0: # extend "TREVOR DON’T YOU DARE!" with vpunch extend "¡TREVOR NO TE ATREVAS!" with vpunch # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:201 translate es chapter_x6_416b7a33: # "There’s a clacking of what has to be twelve locks in sequence and finally the door opens to reveal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Se oye el tintineo de lo que deben ser doce cerraduras en secuencia y finalmente la puerta se abre para revelar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:204 translate es chapter_x6_853000ed: # "Raptor Jesus in Jurassic Heaven." "Jesús Raptor en el Cielo Jurásico." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:207 translate es chapter_x6_e4d24782: # "From the entryway, I can see what looks like a monsoon-struck living room." "Desde la entrada, puedo ver lo que parece una sala de estar golpeada por una tormenta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:220 translate es chapter_x6_6149dff8: # T "You’re here! Finally!" T "¡Ya están aquí! ¡Por fin!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:223 translate es chapter_x6_a8fa3848: # T "I can’t deal with these little monsters anymore!" T "¡Ya no puedo lidiar con estos pequeños monstruos!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:237 translate es chapter_x6_64cddfde: # unknown "Who’s dis gay trigga?" unknown "¿Quién es el trigga gay?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:240 translate es chapter_x6_59d4f5ce: # T "Riley! These are my friends." T "¡Riley! Estos son mis amigos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:243 translate es chapter_x6_85d168fa: # T "And Anon." T "Y Anon." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:246 translate es chapter_x6_19a8cb81: # A "What’s that supposed to mean?" A "¿Que se supone que significa eso?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:248 translate es chapter_x6_23a335af: # F "Sorry we took so long, Trish." F "Siento haber tardado tanto, Trish." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:250 translate es chapter_x6_89511148: # F "And hey there Riley. Ready for the party?" F "Y oye Riley. ¿Listo para la fiesta?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:253 translate es chapter_x6_4c376b11: # Riley "Man fuck this party." Riley "Hombre, a la mierda esta fiesta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:255 translate es chapter_x6_76ede48c: # Riley "Ain’t no hot bitches here, so it ain’t a real party trigga." Riley "No hay perras ardientes aquí, por lo que no es una fiesta real, trigga." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:258 translate es chapter_x6_bc9e5e4c: # St "Ow." St "Ow." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:261 translate es chapter_x6_e3750e44: # Ro "He’s so cute! Trish why did you not tell us you had a kid brother?" Ro "¡Es tan lindo! Trish ¿por qué no nos dijiste que tenías un hermano pequeño?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:264 translate es chapter_x6_6d4c6843: # F "Because-" F "Porque-" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:267 translate es chapter_x6_f5267c0a: # T "Because they’re little monsters!" T "¡Porque son pequeños monstruos!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:270 translate es chapter_x6_502ba5f3: # Re "She’s got two brothers and three sisters." Re "Ella tiene dos hermanos y tres hermanas." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:275 translate es chapter_x6_3cfa86be: # Ro "Dios mio!" Ro "¡Dios mio!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:278 translate es chapter_x6_2dd92f66: # A "Do your parents not use rubbers?" A "¿Tus padres no usan preservativos?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:281 translate es chapter_x6_5bb8d991: # Riley "Trigga is you dumb?" Riley "¿Trigga eres tonto?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:283 translate es chapter_x6_87781329: # Riley "Dat shit’s just the feds tryna make sure we don’t make mo of us!" Riley "Esa mierda es solo los federales tratando de asegurarse de que no hagamos ma' de nosotros!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:290 translate es chapter_x6_4b2049ac: # T "Riley, I swear to fuck-" T "Riley, te juro que-" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:293 translate es chapter_x6_9295af78: # F "Hooookay, how about we get this party started!" F "Ooookay, ¡qué tal si empezamos esta fiesta!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:298 translate es chapter_x6_abab66a1: # T "Sure. Let’s use the grill down in the courtyard though. Tana tried making a mac and cheese bowl but forgot to put water in." T "Claro. Pero usemos la parrilla del patio. Tana intentó hacer un bol de macarrones con queso pero se olvidó de poner agua." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:301 translate es chapter_x6_1a008196: # "That would explain the burning smell and the layer of smoke along the ceiling." "Eso explicaría el olor a quemado y la capa de humo a lo largo del techo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:322 translate es chapter_x6_4596312e: # "The courtyard is an open field with a few wooden benches and dying trees randomly sprinkled in." "El patio es un campo abierto con algunos bancos de madera y árboles moribundos salpicados al azar." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:326 translate es chapter_x6_6a4f9fd5: # Re "Finally, I get to use this!" Re "¡Por fin puedo usar esto!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:329 translate es chapter_x6_f77bb80d: # "Reed hefts the silver briefcase he’d been lugging around onto one of the tables." "Reed levanta el maletín plateado que había estado cargando sobre una de las mesas." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:331 translate es chapter_x6_c0e4336b: # "He flips the latches open to reveal a charcoal tray." "Abre los pestillos para revelar una parrila de carbón." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:335 translate es chapter_x6_5674e033: # A "What the?" A "¿Qué es?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:337 translate es chapter_x6_c60a6e61: # Re "Made this last week, just for the occasion." Re "Lo hice la semana pasada, para la ocasión." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:340 translate es chapter_x6_8c09a53f: # F "An entire grill in a briefcase? Why?" F "¿Una parrilla entera en un maletín? ¿Por qué?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:343 translate es chapter_x6_31a9bd95: # Re "Good question{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Buena pregunta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:346 translate es chapter_x6_9d70ee79: # Re "Who’s got the frozens?" Re "¿Quién tiene los congelados?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:348 translate es chapter_x6_5d14c4b5: # A "Oh, I do." A "Oh, Yo los tengo" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:355 translate es chapter_x6_4a774eec: # "I hand over my grocery bag of hamburger patties, both real and fake meat." "Entrego mi bolsa de hamburguesas, tanto de carne real como falsa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:361 translate es chapter_x6_a3085faf: # "Trish’s little siblings are already wrestling each other in the grass, and Trish herself collapses onto the bench." "Los hermanos pequeños de Trish ya están luchando entre sí en la hierba, y Trish se colapsa en el banco." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:373 translate es chapter_x6_a48cea3f: # T "Thirteen hours a day, I have to watch them." T "Trece horas al día, tengo que vigilarlos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:376 translate es chapter_x6_c5940bac: # St "Isn’t there an easier way to distract them?" St "¿No hay una forma más fácil de distraerlos?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:381 translate es chapter_x6_ac3feb51: # T "There’s only one tablet, and one TV." T "Solo hay una tablet y un televisor." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:384 translate es chapter_x6_d7e7c925: # T "There’s always at least one running around screeching." T "Siempre hay al menos uno corriendo por ahí chillando." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:387 translate es chapter_x6_ea2ef2b1: # F "Trish, why don’t you invite us over more often?" F "Trish, ¿por qué no nos invitas más a menudo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:389 translate es chapter_x6_fca8801d: # F "I’d be glad to help when I don’t have classes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Estaré encantada de ayudar cuando no tenga clases{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:391 translate es chapter_x6_0f3d70b7: # T "No, you don’t need to put up with these little cretins." T "No, no tienes que aguantar a estos pequeños cretinos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:393 translate es chapter_x6_5d171b35: # T "Besides, it’s just until summer break’s over, then I can move out and Riley will be in charge." T "Además, es solo hasta que terminen las vacaciones de verano, entonces podré mudarme y Riley estará a cargo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:396 translate es chapter_x6_62e8ff4b: # T "There’s a scary thought{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Ese un pensamiento que asusta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:399 translate es chapter_x6_271ef1d8: # Riley "YO IS DA FOOD READY YET?" Riley "¿YA ESTÁ LISTA LA COMIDA?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:402 translate es chapter_x6_9e871e85: # Re "It’s comin’, it’s comin’{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Ya viene, ya viene{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:404 translate es chapter_x6_27da3818: # Re "Fang, you wanna help a bit?" Re "Fang, ¿quieres ayudar un poco?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:410 translate es chapter_x6_4ad79701: # F "Me? Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sure?" F "¿Yo? Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ¿Seguro?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:417 translate es chapter_x6_d649b28e: # "Reed gives Fang the extendable spatula and starts getting the food from the other bags ready." "Reed le da a Fang la espátula extensible y empieza a preparar la comida de las otras bolsas." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:420 translate es chapter_x6_663b5eec: # Ro "It’s nice for all of us to get together like this." Ro "Es bueno que todos nos reunamos así." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:422 translate es chapter_x6_68db1a05: # F "I only wish I came up with the idea for a party sooner, I didn’t have much time to get everything together." F "Ojalá se me hubiera ocurrido antes la idea de la fiesta, no tuve mucho tiempo para reunir todo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:425 translate es chapter_x6_573a136d: # F "Like, imagine if we rented a bouncy house?" F "¿Te imaginas que alquiláramos un castillo hinchable?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:428 translate es chapter_x6_511b6fe1: # Re "A what?" Re "¿Un qué?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:431 translate es chapter_x6_44407e0a: # St "You mean a moon jump?" St "¿Te refieres a un salto lunar" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:436 translate es chapter_x6_76250b74: # A "I always just called them bounce walk." A "Siempre los llamé 'peloteros'." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:439 translate es chapter_x6_43c99740: # T "That’s the dullest name I’ve heard for them. Anyways, it’s called a ‘castlehop’." T "Ese el nombre más aburrido que he oído para ellos. De todos modos, se llama 'castillo-tienda'." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:445 translate es chapter_x6_cc02088a: # Ro "I agree with Fang, actually." Ro "Estoy de acuerdo con Fang, en realidad." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:448 translate es chapter_x6_3d39ca54: # Re "Officially, they’re called ‘closed inflatable trampolines’." Re "Oficialmente, se llaman 'trampolines inflables cerrados'." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:452 translate es chapter_x6_3449b6e3: # Re "Fang, the one on the left’s burning a bit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Fang, el de la izquierda se está quemando un poco{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:457 translate es chapter_x6_93fe009c: # F "Crap!" F "¡Mierda!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:459 translate es chapter_x6_a4db0bc4: # "Fang returns her attention to the grill." "Fang devuelve su atención a la parrilla." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:462 translate es chapter_x6_6eb4dae9: # "Something tugs on the back of my shirt." "Algo tira de la espalda de mi camisa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:465 translate es chapter_x6_2c23493f: # A "Hm?" A "¿Hm?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:497 translate es chapter_x6_cecd67ad: # "Two of Trish’s siblings look up at me with toothy grins and hands behind their backs." "Dos de los hermanos de Trish me miran con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y las manos en la espalda." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:500 translate es chapter_x6_7d283b18: # Trevor "I’ve never talked to a real, live human before!" Trevor "¡Nunca había hablado con un humano real y vivo!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:503 translate es chapter_x6_8c20635f: # A "Live?" A "¿Vivo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:510 translate es chapter_x6_b8b2014e: # Tana "Is it true you can light things on fire with your hands?" Tana "¿Es cierto que puedes prender fuego las cosas con las manos?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:516 translate es chapter_x6_b9afec6d: # "The others are looking at me with an expectant look on their faces." "Los demás me miran con una mirada expectante en sus rostros." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:522 translate es chapter_x6_bfd06625: # A "Yes, actually." A "Sí, en realidad." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:524 translate es chapter_x6_1f2eea85: # A "But it doesn’t work if you’re staring, so first you need to turn around and count to ten." A "Pero no funciona si estás mirando, así que primero debes darte la vuelta y contar hasta diez." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:526 translate es chapter_x6_5cb75974: # "Trevor & Tana" "Okaaay!" "Trevor y Tana" "¡Vaaaaleee!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:537 translate es chapter_x6_3c28ce00: # "Trevor & Tana" "Ooooone{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Twoooo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Trevor y Tana" "Uuuuuno{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Doosss{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:539 translate es chapter_x6_66aec96f: # "I lean towards Fang and whisper to her." "Me inclino hacia Fang y le susurro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:543 translate es chapter_x6_104e07c3: # A "Quick! Your lighter!" A "¡Rápido! ¡Tu encendedor!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:545 translate es chapter_x6_a8bc1cfa: # F "What are you doing?" F "¿Qué estás haciendo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:547 translate es chapter_x6_047ca4c5: # A "Just let me see it!" A "¡Solo déjame verlo!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:550 translate es chapter_x6_0b130de0: # "She obliges and I put everything in position." "Ella accede y yo pongo todo en posición." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:556 translate es chapter_x6_5204bb8c: # "Trevor & Tana" "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnne{cps=*.1}...{/cps}. TEN!!" "Trevor y Tana" "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeevvve{cps=*.1}...{/cps}. DIEZ!!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:566 translate es chapter_x6_f670655c: # "The two swirl back around." "Los dos giran de vuelta." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:569 translate es chapter_x6_df85f987: # "With the hidden lighter between my hands I let the combustible gas slowly coat the palm of my hand." "Con el encendedor escondido entre mis manos dejo que el gas combustible cubra lentamente la palma de mi mano." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:572 translate es chapter_x6_ab3b3aa7: # A "Now behold, small children{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ahora observen, niños pequeños{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:574 translate es chapter_x6_aa9a7f7a: # "Palm thoroughly coated, I flick the pink lighter’s striker wheel with my thumb." "Con la palma de la mano bien cubierta, golpeo la rueda del mechero rosa con el pulgar." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:576 translate es chapter_x6_671aa2ff: # "The split second of sparks is enough to ignite the gas still caught in my hand." "Las pocas chispas son suficiente como para encender el gas que aún tengo en la mano." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:599 translate es chapter_x6_791f1d4f: # "The kids are dazzled by the tall dancing flame in my hand before it dies out." "Los niños están deslumbrados por la alta llama que baila en mi mano antes de que se apague." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:601 translate es chapter_x6_359263c6: # Tana "Do it again! Again again agai-" Tana "Hazlo de nuevo. Otra vez, otra vez, otra v-" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:607 translate es chapter_x6_0c4ac4fd: # T "What have I told you about fire you two!?" T "¿¡Qué les he dicho sobre el fuego, ustedes dos!?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:616 translate es chapter_x6_8dc13f0c: # Trevor "That you’ll get one of mommy’s belts if we play with it?" Trevor "¿Que obtendrás uno de los cinturones de mamá si jugamos con él?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:618 translate es chapter_x6_d0a91998: # "Jeez, that seems a bit harsh." "Vaya, eso parece un poco duro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:621 translate es chapter_x6_cb4a3da4: # T "Better than my little brother setting himself on fire, Anon." T "Mejor que mi hermanito prendiéndose fuego, Anon." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:625 translate es chapter_x6_bf619d4e: # T "Stella and Rosa are telling another story you two, so why don’t you join Tali and Tayler?" T "Stella y Rosa les están contando otra historia a las dos, entonces, ¿por qué no se unen a Tali y Tayler?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:627 translate es chapter_x6_c135a66c: # Tana "But I wanna see more magic caveman fire!" Tana "¡Pero quiero ver más fuego mágico cavernícola!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:630 translate es chapter_x6_2f4c740a: # T "Non-negotiable. Now go throw pinecones at each other or something." T "Innegociable. Ahora vayan a tirarse piñas el uno al otro o algo así." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:644 translate es chapter_x6_ec3d95fd: # "The two scamper off to follow their elders’ orders, and my phone buzzes." "Los dos salen corriendo para seguir las órdenes de sus mayores, y mi teléfono vibra." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:647 translate es chapter_x6_85e41244: # "Almost ready." "Casi listo" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:650 translate es chapter_x6_fee42696: # Re "Alright, that’s everything{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "De acuerdo, eso es todo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:679 translate es chapter_x6_3e141391: # Re "Thanks for grilling, Fang." Re "Gracias por asar, Fang." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:681 translate es chapter_x6_cd652b05: # F "I kind of want one of these now. Can I take it home?" F "Ahora quiero uno de estos. ¿Puedo llevármelo a casa?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:683 translate es chapter_x6_5c47ac5a: # Re "Yeah, sure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Sí, claro.{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:686 translate es chapter_x6_6b9097e3: # Ro "Little ones! It is time to eat!" Ro "¡Pequeños! ¡Es hora de comer!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:694 translate es chapter_x6_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:696 translate es chapter_x6_288af298: # "Everyone gets a burger from the piles, sorted into two piles for real and fake meat." "Todos obtienen una hamburguesa clasificadas en dos pilas, una para carne real y otra para falsa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:718 translate es chapter_x6_c6869e33: # St "These came out really well, Fang!" St "¡Estos salieron muy bien, Fang!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:724 translate es chapter_x6_0fe87c36: # Re "I got the burnt one and it’s still pretty great." Re "Tengo el que se quemó y todavía está bastante bueno." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:728 translate es chapter_x6_0b1bf2c0: # "Fang isn’t paying attention." "Fang no está prestando atención." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:730 translate es chapter_x6_22958e12: # "She’s entirely focused on her greasy prey." "Ella está completamente concentrada en su grasosa presa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:734 translate es chapter_x6_027bf6b2: # "After a few test bites she throws the whole thing in the air{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Después de unos cuantos mordiscos de prueba, la lanza al aire{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:736 translate es chapter_x6_aefcf961: # "And snaps it out of the air with one bite." "Y de un mordisco la devora en el aire." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:757 translate es chapter_x6_7d3d48a8: # "Only then does she remember others are watching." "Solo entonces recuerda que otros están mirando." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:760 translate es chapter_x6_78c8f492: # A "So you DO do parties!" A "¡Así que SÍ animas fiestas!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:762 translate es chapter_x6_99b48f0e: # Tana "Do it again!" Tana "¡Hazlo otra vez!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:768 translate es chapter_x6_402748c9: # F "Nuh uh, no fuckin’ way." F "Nuh uh, de ninguna manera." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:770 translate es chapter_x6_4d2c504e: # "Fangs’ wings shield her face in embarrassment." "Las alas de Fangs protegen su cara por vergüenza." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:774 translate es chapter_x6_3cdcec5c: # "My phone goes off again." "Mi teléfono vuelve a vibrar." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:779 translate es chapter_x6_e67e1de9: # Re "You’re popular today, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Hoy eres popular, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:781 translate es chapter_x6_d50342f8: # Re "Something up?" Re "¿Pasa algo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:784 translate es chapter_x6_f5c0df16: # "I glance at the text to get the confirmation I was waiting for." "Miro el texto para obtener la confirmación que estaba esperando." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:787 translate es chapter_x6_baf38f73: # A "Actually, something IS up." A "En realidad, algo SI está pasando." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:795 translate es chapter_x6_ea74cc03: # A "If you’d all follow me back out front of the building{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ahora si todos me siguieran de regreso al frente del edificio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:803 translate es chapter_x6_c56ab274: # "The party follows me none the wiser to what I have planned." "El grupo me sigue sin saber lo que he planeado." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:805 translate es chapter_x6_89edf9fe: # "And I desperately hope this isn’t about to backfire." "Y espero desesperadamente que esto no sea contraproducente." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:808 translate es chapter_x6_f9fb6ac1: # "I turn the corner to see Naser making his final touches to the package on a flatbed trailer hitched to the NasCar." "Al doblar la esquina, veo a Naser dando los últimos retoques al paquete en un remolque enganchado al NasCar." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:811 translate es chapter_x6_23cca078: # "Given his driving, I’m more than a bit impressed it’s all still in one piece." "Dada su forma de conducir, estoy más que impresionado de que todo esté en una sola pieza." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:844 translate es chapter_x6_bf825b87: # T "What’s Naser doing here?" T "¿Qué está haciendo Naser aquí?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:850 translate es chapter_x6_4f3e536b: # St "What’s with the trailer?" St "¿Qué pasa con el remolque?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:854 translate es chapter_x6_bd7ddf47: # A "This." A "Esto." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:858 translate es chapter_x6_28a7311b: # "I give Naser a wave and he rips the tarp off." "Le hago un gesto a Naser y él arranca la lona." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:891 translate es chapter_x6_6d5bb2b7: # T "Holy crap." T "Mierda." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:896 translate es chapter_x6_e09eb1d7: # F "How did you-?" F "¿Como lo-" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:900 translate es chapter_x6_afb29d39: # Re "{i}When{/i} did you-?" Re "¿{i}Cuándo{/i} lo-" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:903 translate es chapter_x6_9a81f5d3: # "The flatbed has been made into a makeshift stage, and gleaming in the sunlight is the complete equipment set of VVURM DRAMA, speakers and all." "La plataforma se ha convertido en un escenario improvisado, y brillando a la luz del sol está el equipo completo de VVURM DRAMA, altavoces y todo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:908 translate es chapter_x6_5386d2a0: # A "Sorry, Fang, I kind of stole your idea for a surprise." A "Lo siento, Fang, te he robado la idea de la sorpresa." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:910 translate es chapter_x6_8eea2901: # A "A one-time VVURM DRAMA reunion concert, all ready to start!" A "Un único concierto de reunión de VVURM DRAMA, ¡todo listo para empezar!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:936 translate es chapter_x6_8e5beef2: # "Fang and Reed approach the stage with awe on their faces." "Fang y Reed se acercan al escenario con la cara de asombro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:938 translate es chapter_x6_3f23bed0: # "Trish is stunned into silence." "Trish se queda atónita en silencio." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:941 translate es chapter_x6_6b21f4c6: # Tana "Is Trish going to play music for us?" Tana "¿Trish va a tocar música para nosotros?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:947 translate es chapter_x6_ce66cfdb: # T "HOLY CRAP I AM!" T "¡SANTO CIELO, CLARO QUE SI!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:957 translate es chapter_x6_c26a74ff: # "She bounds onstage with unrestrained glee on her face." "Ella salta al escenario con alegría desenfrenada en su rostro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:965 translate es chapter_x6_7c0b0477: # "Rosa quiets the children down while the bandmates finish getting ready." "Rosa tranquiliza a los niños mientras los compañeros de banda terminan de prepararse." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:967 translate es chapter_x6_d8d21c77: # "The youngest in the back is bouncing on her tiptoes trying to see." "La más joven del fondo se pone de puntillas tratando de ver." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:970 translate es chapter_x6_96d06e0f: # A "Hold on, up we go." A "Espera, arriba vamos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:972 translate es chapter_x6_e3efda0d: # Tana "Wheeeee!!" Tana "¡¡Wheeeee!!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:974 translate es chapter_x6_90a86f3f: # "I pick her up and put her on my shoulders." "La levanto y la pongo sobre mis hombros." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:978 translate es chapter_x6_37ee4bf8: # T "So let’s go!" T "Así que, ¡vamos!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:981 translate es chapter_x6_58c32498: # T "Wait, wait, what song, um, um{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Espera, espera, qué canción, um, um{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:984 translate es chapter_x6_0e53cb0e: # T "Let’s do ‘I Gave The Special Kids The Jonestown Special And Now I’m Going To Jail’!" T "¡Hagamos 'Le di a los niños especiales el especial de Jonestown y ahora voy a ir a la cárcel'!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:987 translate es chapter_x6_0af67969: # "Fang and Reed nod and ready their instruments." "Fang y Reed asienten y preparan sus instrumentos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:989 translate es chapter_x6_37ccd412: # "Trish sets the tempo and they begin." "Trish marca el ritmo y comienzan." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1000 translate es chapter_x6_56749388: # F "JIM JONES DID NOTHING WRONG!{w=.4}{nw}" F "¡JIM JONES NO HIZO NADA MALO!{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1001 translate es chapter_x6_2a1ff88d: # extend "\nHIS FLAVORAID WAS MAGIC,{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nSU JUGO ERA MÁGICO,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1002 translate es chapter_x6_8603417f: # extend "\nIF SOME WOULD SAY IT’S STRONG." extend "\nSI ALGUNOS DICEN QUE ES FUERTE." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1005 translate es chapter_x6_a780fcf7: # "Man Reed needs to chill on the carfe-lyric writing." "Hombre, Reed necesita relajarse con la escritura carfe-lírica." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1008 translate es chapter_x6_70506b9a: # F "THOSE KIDS NEEDED SOME FUN.{w=.4}{nw}" F "ESOS NIÑOS NECESITABAN ALGO DE DIVERSIÓN.{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1009 translate es chapter_x6_eb3ca528: # extend "\nWAY BETTER THAN JUST SOME TUMS.{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nMUCHO MEJOR QUE UNOS ANTIÁCIDOS.{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1010 translate es chapter_x6_9a4fe648: # extend "\nSO WHAT IF I SPIKED THE PUNCH.{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\n¿Y QUÉ SI LE HE ECHADO UN POCO AL PONCHE?{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1011 translate es chapter_x6_f069c30c: # extend "\nIT WAS MADE FOR THEIR LUNCH." extend "\nSE HIZO PARA SU ALMUERZO." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1014 translate es chapter_x6_f5bdf5cd: # "Speaking of kids, Trish’s siblings were cheering her on the most." "Hablando de niños, los hermanos de Trish eran los que más la animaban." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1016 translate es chapter_x6_df46c8c5: # "Even Riley, though he tried to hide it with a shaky scowl." "Incluso Riley, aunque intentó ocultarlo con un ceño fruncido." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1019 translate es chapter_x6_6deaa860: # "Trish’s tempo increases as her plucking slowly turns into shredding." "El ritmo de Trish aumenta a medida que su punteo se convierte lentamente en un desgarro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1021 translate es chapter_x6_2655305f: # F "JIM JONES DINDU NUFFIN,{w=.4}{nw}" F "JIM JONES NO HIZO NADA,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1022 translate es chapter_x6_4ad663d0: # extend "\nAND SO I WENT AND DID WHAT HE DID.{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nY ASÍ FUÍ E HICE LO QUE ÉL HIZO.{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1023 translate es chapter_x6_b328c04c: # extend "\nTHIS SPECIAL KIDS' MOUTHS ARE GUSHING,{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nLA BOCA DE LOS NIÑOS ESPECIALES ESTÁ CHORROTEANDO,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1024 translate es chapter_x6_467bb90b: # extend "\nBUT, SHIT, I'M NOT GOING OFF THE GRID." extend "\nPERO, MIERDA, NO VOY A SALIR DE LA RED." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1027 translate es chapter_x6_2a9c21dc: # "While the words to the song were{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Aunque la letra de la canción era{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1030 translate es chapter_x6_52117725: # F "LATER THE POLICE ARRIVE WITH A WARRANT,{w=.4}{nw}" F "MÁS TARDE LLEGA LA POLICÍA CON UNA ORDEN JUDICIAL,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1031 translate es chapter_x6_1f26e5a7: # extend "\nI TELL THEM TO GO AND JUST FUCK THEMSELVES." extend "\nLES DIGO QUE SE VAYAN A LA MIERDA." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1033 translate es chapter_x6_8f08bb90: # F "IT WAS JUST A BUNCHA KIDS,{w=.4}{nw}" F "ERAN SÓLO UN MONTÓN DE NIÑOS,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1034 translate es chapter_x6_68a99c14: # extend "\nITS NOT SO ABHORRENT THEY BUST DOWN MY DOOR,{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nNO ES TAN ABORRECIENTE PARA QUE DERRIBARAN MI PUERTA,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1035 translate es chapter_x6_9475f229: # extend "\nTAKE ME DOWN TO THE SHELVES." extend "\nLLÉVAME HASTA LOS ESTANTES." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1038 translate es chapter_x6_8f75d7ea: # "Questionable." "Cuestionable." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1041 translate es chapter_x6_5724d5ec: # "The small party loved it nonetheless." "Sin embargo, al pequeño grupo le encantó." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1044 translate es chapter_x6_f6fdac01: # "I can see VVURM DRAMA were also happy to be playing together again." "Veo que VVURM DRAMA también se alegra de volver a tocar juntos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1046 translate es chapter_x6_69a5b201: # "I’d say the plan was a success." "Yo diría que el plan fue un éxito." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1049 translate es chapter_x6_50f2d9d2: # "Even if there was now a bunch of trash being tossed our way from the complex’s windows." "Incluso si ahora había un montón de basura arrojada hacia nosotros desde las ventanas del complejo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1052 translate es chapter_x6_f8c9abbf: # "Eh, fuck them. No good taste in music these days." "Eh, que se jodan. No hay buen gusto en la música hoy en día." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1055 translate es chapter_x6_0ae5a537: # F "POPPED SOME RAT POISON RIGHT DOWN THEIR DRINKS,{w=.4}{nw}" F "LES PUSO UN POCO DE VENENO PARA RATAS EN SUS BEBIDAS,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1056 translate es chapter_x6_a6b135ae: # extend "\nALL THE OTHER PIECE OF SHIT INMATES LOOK AT ME WEIRD AND WAIL,{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\nTODOS LOS DEMÁS PRESOS DE MIERDA ME MIRAN RARO Y SE LAMENTAN,{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1057 translate es chapter_x6_2512b6af: # extend "\nI SWEAR TO RAPTOR JESUS, I'M AT MY BRINK!{w=.4}{nw}" extend "\n¡JURO POR JESÚS RAPTOR QUE ESTOY AL BORDE DEL ABISMO!{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1058 translate es chapter_x6_497da98e: # extend "\nI GAVE THE SPECIAL KIDS THE JONESTOWN SPECIAL!" extend "\n¡LES DI A LOS NIÑOS ESPECIALES EL ESPECIAL DE JONESTOWN!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1061 translate es chapter_x6_35358649: # F "{cps=*.5}AND NOW I'M GOING TO {cps=*.4}JAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIL{/cps}!{/cps}" F "{cps=*.5}Y AHORA VOY A LA {cps=*.4}CÁAAAAAARCEEEEELLL{/cps}!{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1067 translate es chapter_x6_7d5d8053: # "The trio hold their finishing poses and catch their breath." "El trío mantiene sus poses finales y recupera el aliento." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1070 translate es chapter_x6_aca1b3ee: # "Everyone watching erupts into cheering, the little dino on my head whistles with her fingers." "Todos los espectadores estallan en vítores, el pequeño dino sobre mi cabeza silba con sus dedos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1073 translate es chapter_x6_198c86ec: # T "Whew! Alright, alright!" T "¡Uf! ¡Muy bien, muy bien!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1075 translate es chapter_x6_c991eed6: # T "Next we should do{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Lo siguiente que debemos hacer es{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1078 translate es chapter_x6_56b24260: # F "Why not \"The\" again?" F "¿Por qué no \"El\" de nuevo?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1080 translate es chapter_x6_f3a603b6: # T "Yes!" T "¡Sí!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1082 translate es chapter_x6_b5e65781: # T "Wait no!" T "¡Espera, no!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1084 translate es chapter_x6_bcee21eb: # T "We made that sequel track we never got to play!" T "¡Hicimos esa pista de la secuela a la que nunca llegamos a tocar!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1086 translate es chapter_x6_7f3d5a14: # Re "I still ‘member it." Re "Aún lo recuerdo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1089 translate es chapter_x6_c730efc4: # T "Alright, here we have the sequel to our hit song \"The\"!" T "Muy bien, ¡aquí tenemos la secuela de nuestra exitosa canción \"El\"!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1092 translate es chapter_x6_a09254db: # T "Presenting \"It’s\"!" T "¡Presentamos \"Es\"!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1100 translate es chapter_x6_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1107 translate es chapter_x6_0712a08d: # "After a full set of songs the three look exhausted." "Después de una serie completa de canciones, los tres parecen agotados." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1124 translate es chapter_x6_7e04faa6: # Re "Alright, that’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {i}huff{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Probably enough{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Muy bien, eso es{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {i}huff{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Probablemente suficiente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1126 translate es chapter_x6_edb51d13: # A "Fang, I got a bottle of water here." A "Fang, tengo una botella de agua aquí." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1128 translate es chapter_x6_c25573cf: # F "Thank you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Gracias{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1132 translate es chapter_x6_954c5e61: # T "Anon, you set this up?" T "Anon, ¿tú preparaste esto?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1135 translate es chapter_x6_64d11baf: # F "Idea thief{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Ladrón de ideas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1137 translate es chapter_x6_7d7e845c: # A "Well, Naser and Moe helped." A "Bueno, Naser y Moe ayudaron." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1139 translate es chapter_x6_080272c2: # "I motion over to Naser, busy securing everything back down to the flatbed." "Le hago un gesto a Naser, ocupado asegurando todo de nuevo en la plataforma." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1141 translate es chapter_x6_7d93bf91: # A "Moe loaned us the flatbed for his boat and helped us set up the stage." A "Moe nos prestó la plataforma de su barco y nos ayudó a montar el escenario." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1144 translate es chapter_x6_5782dffa: # T "But why? Why go through all the effort?" T "Pero, ¿por qué? ¿Por qué esforzarse tanto?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1147 translate es chapter_x6_90e7f28e: # "Why indeed." "Por qué, en efecto." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1150 translate es chapter_x6_3632afa4: # "I looked at the kids, all exhausted and ready for bed." "Miré a los niños, todos exhaustos y listos para ir a la cama." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1152 translate es chapter_x6_590f1cad: # "It’s surprising how draining cheering a band on is." "Es sorprendente lo agotador que es animar a una banda." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1156 translate es chapter_x6_b936b63c: # A "What can I say, I’m a fan of VVURM DRAMA." A "Qué puedo decir, soy un fan de VVURM DRAMA." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1162 translate es chapter_x6_7e10f6ce: # "That earned me a surprised squeak from Trish." "Eso me valió un chillido soprendido de Trish." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1165 translate es chapter_x6_c0aef5a6: # A "You know, I always wondered why you were set on making it big." A "Sabes, siempre me pregunté por qué te empeñaste en llegar a lo grande." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1167 translate es chapter_x6_af27fa2e: # A "But I think I get it now." A "Pero creo que ahora lo entiendo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1170 translate es chapter_x6_8acaad73: # T "Oh?" T "¿Oh?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1172 translate es chapter_x6_6b16a356: # T "Wanna elaborate on that?" T "¿Quieres explicarte mejor?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1175 translate es chapter_x6_7606e5f6: # "I motion to Stella and Rosa carefully carrying her siblings back to the apartment." "Hago un gesto a Stella y Rosa para que lleven con cuidado a sus hermanos de vuelta al apartamento." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1177 translate es chapter_x6_382067c1: # "There’s a softness in Trish’s eyes as she sees her tired family being cared for by the two." "Hay una suavidad en los ojos de Trish al ver que su cansada familia es atendida por las dos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1180 translate es chapter_x6_a9cd3357: # "I really should have tried talking with her sooner." "Debería haber intentado hablar con ella antes." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1183 translate es chapter_x6_434d94e4: # A "I’m sorry." A "Lo siento." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1185 translate es chapter_x6_f6b3871a: # A "For never getting to really know you." A "Por no llegar a conocerte de verdad." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1188 translate es chapter_x6_1f3a2447: # "Trish sighs and shakes her head." "Trish suspira y sacude la cabeza." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1190 translate es chapter_x6_9ac6fbcf: # T "It’s fine, Anon. But you’re still a dweeb." T "Está bien, Anon. Pero sigues siendo un bobo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1192 translate es chapter_x6_d749a0af: # A "Never said I wasn’t." A "Nunca dije que no lo fuera." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1195 translate es chapter_x6_bdcdbec7: # "The diminutive girl giggles lightly and I can’t help but smile." "La diminuta chica suelta una ligera risa y yo no puedo evitar sonreír." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1198 translate es chapter_x6_e90848a7: # Nas "Yo!" Nas "¡Hey!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1200 translate es chapter_x6_99edf8ac: # "Naser finished laying out the tarp and is now walking over with a small cake on a tray." "Naser termina de colocar la lona y se acerca con un pequeño pastel en una bandeja." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1212 translate es chapter_x6_9f61f4e0: # Nas "Anon, got a light? Birthday girl still needs to make her wish." Nas "Anon, ¿tienes fuego? La chica del cumpleaños todavía tiene que pedir su deseo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1214 translate es chapter_x6_3309394f: # "I hold up Fang’s lighter." "Sostengo el encendedor de Fang." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1222 translate es chapter_x6_6055ea2c: # "The candles reading ‘19’ are lit, and everyone gathers around with Trish in the center." "Se encienden las velas que dicen '19', y todos se reúnen alrededor con Trish en el centro." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1260 translate es chapter_x6_eadd7aa2: # "Looks like they’re about to sing happy birthday." "Parece que están a punto de cantar el cumpleaños feliz." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1267 translate es chapter_x6_82a162d7: # "I back away a bit past the edge of the crowd." "Me alejo un poco más allá del borde de la multitud." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1269 translate es chapter_x6_14538c24: # "It feels like I’d be ruining Trish’s moment if I stayed." "Siento que estaría arruinando el momento de Trish si me quedo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1273 translate es chapter_x6_0673e88c: # Ro "Anon, you’re going to sing too, right?" Ro "Anon, tú también vas a cantar, ¿verdad?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1276 translate es chapter_x6_381d3937: # A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} my singing voice isn’t that great." A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} mi voz para cantar no es tan buena." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1279 translate es chapter_x6_24266be3: # "A familiar set of claws wrap around my fingers." "Un conjunto familiar de garras envuelve mis dedos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1290 translate es chapter_x6_4f6025a7: # F "Sing for both of us, okay?" F "Canta para los dos, ¿vale?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1292 translate es chapter_x6_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1295 translate es chapter_x6_63d0358f: # "Fuck, she’s even doing the cute eyes." "Mierda, ella incluso está haciendo los ojos lindos." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1298 translate es chapter_x6_d067aa7a: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Alright." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Muy bien." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1302 translate es chapter_x6_3174ea30: # "Rosa starts the song and we all join in." "Rosa comienza la canción y todos nos unimos a ella." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1305 translate es chapter_x6_9b9f5b2b: # "Midway through my voice cracks a bit and I freeze in place." "A mitad de camino se me quiebra un poco la voz y me quedo inmóvil." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1307 translate es chapter_x6_97ab65df: # "The needles digging into the back of my hand convince me to keep going." "Las agujas que se clavan en el dorso de mi mano me convencen de seguir adelante." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1310 translate es chapter_x6_31559073: # "The song ends with no one thankfully laughing at me." "La canción termina sin que nadie, afortunadamente, se ría de mí." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1312 translate es chapter_x6_3e980f7f: # "Trish inhales sharply and blows out the candles." "Trish inhala bruscamente y apaga las velas." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1315 translate es chapter_x6_f9026cf4: # Re "So, what’d you wish for{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" Re "Entonces, ¿qué deseaste{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1318 translate es chapter_x6_c88ac642: # T "You’re not supposed to tell, you stoner mong." T "Se supone que no debes contarlo, tonto." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1321 translate es chapter_x6_2e6b8da7: # Riley "Should’ve wished that the skinnie there wasn’t tone deaf." Riley "Debería haber deseado que el skinnie de allí no fuera tan insensible." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1323 translate es chapter_x6_72a14802: # T "I should've, yeah." T "Debería haberlo hecho, sí." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1329 translate es chapter_x6_0843d83a: # T "Thank you all so much for doing this again{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Muchas gracias a todos por hacer esto de nuevo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1331 translate es chapter_x6_c1a55a01: # T "This is the best birthday i’ve had in awhile{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "Este es el mejor cumpleaños que he tenido en mucho tiempo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1339 translate es chapter_x6_4483e65d: # "I hear a powerful sniffling and turn to its source." "Oigo un fuerte sollozo y me dirijo a su origen." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1342 translate es chapter_x6_743a2af5: # Ro "This is all so beautiful{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Ro "Todo esto es tan hermoso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1344 translate es chapter_x6_0ac7df5c: # Ro "Group hug!!" Ro "¡¡Abrazo grupal!!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1371 translate es chapter_x6_25a1c340: # "Before we can escape from the manic hispanic, her arms capture Fang, Trish, and me in an embrace that threatens my spine and lungs." "Antes de que podamos escapar de la maniática hispana, sus brazos nos capturan a Fang, Trish y a mí en un abrazo que amenaza mi columna vertebral y mis pulmones." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1373 translate es chapter_x6_139ad968: # "Stella, in her infinite wisdom, decides to force the rest of us into the same hug." "Stella, en su infinita sabiduría, decide obligar a los demás a darse el mismo abrazo." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1396 translate es chapter_x6_65b58067: # Nas "ACK! THE CAKE!" Nas "¡ACK! ¡EL PASTEL!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1398 translate es chapter_x6_a7ba528f: # "Naser at least had the reflexes to save the cake, holding it above his head." "Naser al menos tuvo los reflejos para salvar el pastel, sosteniéndolo sobre su cabeza." # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1400 translate es chapter_x6_77706e93: # Ro "Oh this was a most wonderful party, mis compadres!" Ro "¡Oh, esta fue una fiesta maravillosa, mis compadres!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1402 translate es chapter_x6_73783362: # St "{i}Hai!{/i} It was so sweet, like one of my Japanese animes!" St "{i}¡Hai!{/i} Fue tan dulce, como uno de mis animes japoneses!" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1405 translate es chapter_x6_818d3fc5: # T "{cps=*.3}{size=-10}I can’t breeve!{/size}{/cps}" T "{cps=*.3}{size=-10}¡No puedo respirar!{/size}{/cps}" # game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1415 translate es chapter_x6_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"