## Utility functions for game setup, debugging etc. label initstats(anon=0, fang=0): # Sets various game-related global variables # :param int anon: Anon's score # :param int fang: Fang's score # :param bool trad: Tradwife ending flag $ anonscore = anon $ fangscore = fang return # label get_ending: # # To check what ending we're getting, call this label and then check the value of _return # # Sensible to have this logic defined in only one place for consistency # if anonscore >= 4 and fangscore >= 4 and wingStory: # return(4) # Golden # elif anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <=4: # return(3) # Tradwife # elif anonscore <= 3 and fangscore >=3: # return(2) # Doomer # else: # return(1) # Shooter init python: def get_ending(): if anonscore >= 4 and fangscore >= 4 and wingStory: return 4 # Golden elif anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <=4: return 3 # Tradwife elif anonscore <= 3 and fangscore >=3: return 2 # Doomer else: return 1 # Shooter