#################################################################### ### PL ### # TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:07 # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:20 translate pl chapter_5_ad464e5e: # "It’s been a couple of days since I snooped on Fang’s phone." "Minęło kilka dni od kiedy podglądnąłem telefon Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:22 translate pl chapter_5_d32dc9a7: # "The guilt still weighs on me, but I’ve found a way to cope with it." "Wciąż czuję na sobie winę, ale znalazłem sposób, żeby sobie z nią poradzić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:24 translate pl chapter_5_2b87f019: # "Even more aggressive shitposting on a Hungarian steak sampling vlogsite." "Jeszcze bardziej agresywny shitposting na węgierskim blogu próbkowania steków." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:27 translate pl chapter_5_6c6f1d06: # "And I would be enjoying my day by myself in my apartment playing games and shitposting." "I normalnie spędzałbym dzień sam w moim mieszkaniu, grając i shitpostując." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:29 translate pl chapter_5_1c7315ee: # "It’s Saturday after all." "To przecież sobota." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:34 translate pl chapter_5_58f6a85e: # "Except{w=.4} I’m walking to school." "Tylko że{w=.4} idę do szkoły pieszo." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:37 translate pl chapter_5_f9f79803: # "{cps=*.4}Fuck my life.{/cps}" "{cps=*.4}Jebać moje życie.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:40 translate pl chapter_5_2adf5f52: # "As it turns out the school keeps a log of what the wifi bandwidth goes to." "Okazuje się, że szkoła prowadzi dziennik, co dzieje się z pasmem wifi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:42 translate pl chapter_5_b70ac607: # "And the IT guy probably wasn’t too thrilled to see I’d been using it to download the entire Saturnia collection." "I administrator sieci prawdopodobnie nie był zbyt zachwycony, widząc, że używałem go do pobierania całej kolekcji Saturnii." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:44 translate pl chapter_5_3b0d1dc9: # "Spears sentenced me to one week ‘Campus Beautification’ for using taxpayer money on a few dozen gigs of videos." "Spears skazał mnie na tydzień 'Oczyszczania kampusu' za wydawanie pieniędzy podatników na kilkadziesiąt gigabajtów filmów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:47 translate pl chapter_5_35f14de0: # "Well, now I know to space the torrenting out a bit more." "Cóż, teraz wiem, że należy trochę bardziej rozłożyć torrentowanie w czasie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:50 translate pl chapter_5_a4d67cc5: # "As I get closer to the dreaded building, the more the thought of ditching crosses my mind." "Kiedy zbliżam się do przeklętego budynku, tym bardziej myśl o odpuszczeniu sobie zaczyna mi się przewijać w głowie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:52 translate pl chapter_5_6210bc2b: # "But then the thought of Principal Spears pops up and violently pile drives it into a prius. Weird thought but enough to discourage me from ditching." "Ale potem pojawia się myśl o Dyrektorze Spearsie i brutalnie wbija ją w Priusa. Dziwna myśl, ale wystarczająco by mnie zniechęcić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:60 translate pl chapter_5_1f5318fb: # "So here I am now walking to the side and where the gardens of the school are." "Więc teraz idę w bok, gdzie znajdują się ogrody szkoły." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:62 translate pl chapter_5_1f43aa14: # "I can see others are here as well, probably all for detention too." "Widzę, że są tu też inni, prawdopodobnie wszyscy też na karę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:65 translate pl chapter_5_9197963d: # "Wait a sec. Isn’t that Fang?{w=.4} Why is she talking to that green weirdo from before?" "Poczekaj chwilę. Czy to nie Fang?{w=.4} Dlaczego rozmawia z tamtym zielonym dziwakiem?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:74 translate pl chapter_5_8dbd3d7c: # "Wait another sec.{w=.4} Are they getting closer?" "Poczekaj jeszcze chwilę.{w=.4} Czy zbliżają się?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:85 translate pl chapter_5_d6907ea9: # "No, I am." "Nie, ja się zbliżam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:87 translate pl chapter_5_e5ef7840: # "Why did I walk up to them?!" "Dlaczego podszedłem do nich?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:90 translate pl chapter_5_06590562: # "Seeing Fang only makes the guilt more intense." "Widok Fang tylko zwiększa poczucie winy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:92 translate pl chapter_5_2d3167d8: # "I cast my gaze aside instead." "Zamiast tego odwracam wzrok." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:95 translate pl chapter_5_d8aa27a8: # "Most of the flower bulbs are still submerged for the winter, but a few are peeking out." "Większość cebulek kwiatowych jest wciąż zanurzonych na zimę, ale kilka wystaje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:104 translate pl chapter_5_7c56d518: # unknown "I see you are admiring our work! The gardening club takes much pride in our flowers!" unknown "Widzę, że podziwiasz naszą pracę! Klub ogrodniczy dumnie prezentuje nasze kwiaty!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:109 translate pl chapter_5_96f14b8b: # "BWAHSHIT!" "BŁAAACHOLERA!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:111 translate pl chapter_5_fc6056bd: # "For such a{cps=*.1}...{/cps} large girl{w=.4} she’s surprisingly stealthy." "Jak na taką{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dużą dziewczynę{w=.4} jest zaskakująco skryta." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:115 translate pl chapter_5_cfa5620c: # unknown "Good morning, Rosa! Ready for today?" unknown "Dzień dobry, Rosa! Gotowa na dzisiaj?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:119 translate pl chapter_5_1406c73c: # Ro "¡Sí!{w=.4} It is a beautiful day for gardening, isn’t it?" Ro "Si!{w=.4} To piękny dzień na ogrodnictwo, co nie?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:123 translate pl chapter_5_48c267f2: # A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} you WANT to be here?" A "Eee{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} ty CHCESZ tu być?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:126 translate pl chapter_5_5ae97b0f: # F "Rosa’s the head of the gardening club." F "Rosa jest przewodniczącą klubu ogrodniczego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:128 translate pl chapter_5_56f27a42: # "Judging by Fang’s tone, she’s been through this kind of detention multiple times already." "Sądząc po tonie Fang, już wielokrotnie przechodziła przez tego rodzaju karę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:139 translate pl chapter_5_b69c935a: # Ro "Oh! Does he wish to join our club?{w=.4} Is that why he is here?{w=.4} Stella! Stella, we have a new member!" Ro "O! Czy on chce dołączyć do naszego klubu?{w=.4} To daltego tu jest?{w=.4} Stella! Stella, mamy nowego członka!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:145 translate pl chapter_5_b05d2e92: # St "Oh, wonderful!" St "O, wspaniale!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:147 translate pl chapter_5_7375b370: # "My eyes are drawn to the green stego, who I immediately recognize from that encounter with the cards." "Moje oczy zwracają się ku zielonemu stego, którego od razu rozpoznaję z tamtego spotkania z kartami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:156 translate pl chapter_5_6b6f6f1b: # A "Hey, you’re that weird stego from the other day." A "Hej, ty to ten dziwny stego sprzed kilku dni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:160 translate pl chapter_5_c617ff7a: # "Her smile falters ever so slightly.{w=.4} Did I get the wrong person?" "Jej uśmiech słabnie trochę.{w=.4} Czy pomyliłem osobę?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:162 translate pl chapter_5_184ceb64: # St "My name is Stella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} and I’m not weird{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Nazywam się Stella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} i nie jestem dziwna{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:164 translate pl chapter_5_3c9cbb38: # A "Right.{w=.5} So what was with the Pocket Raptor cards?" A "Dobrze.{w=.5} Więc o co chodziło z kartami Pocket Raptor?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:166 translate pl chapter_5_88c2c775: # St "I was just saying what my tarot guidebook told me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "Po prostu powtarzałam to, co powiedział mi mój przewodnik tarota{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:169 translate pl chapter_5_e037d75a: # St "The, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} work of an astrologer is to show people what fate has in store for them." St "Praca astrologa to, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} pokazywanie ludziom, co los dla nich przewidział." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:171 translate pl chapter_5_bd967c98: # St "And that’s what I do!" St "I to właśnie robię!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:174 translate pl chapter_5_bfb0df49: # A "Astrologer?{w=.4} Really?" A "Astrologa? {w=.4} Naprawdę?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:177 translate pl chapter_5_0b04fdd4: # St "But there will always be those who aren’t able to accept what their fortune tells." St "Ale zawsze będą tacy, którzy nie będą w stanie zaakceptować tego, co im mówi los." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:180 translate pl chapter_5_3d9564ca: # A "A, that’s retarded.{w=.4} Two, astrology is retarded.{w=.4} And thirdly, that sounds like something from a bad video game." A "Po pierwsze, to jest chore.{w=.4} Po drugie, astrologia jest chora.{w=.4} I po trzecie, to brzmi jak coś z kiepskiej gry wideo." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:183 translate pl chapter_5_ef22e515: # St "N-no!{w=.4} I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {cps=*.35}awwwww{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "N-nie!{w=.4} Ja, errr{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {cps=*.35}awwwww{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:187 translate pl chapter_5_f69ec5bf: # "The sulky stego is pulled into a hug by the happy hispanic girl." "Zdenerwowana stego zostaje wciągnięta w uścisk przez wesołą hiszpankę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:202 translate pl chapter_5_51976175: # Ro "There there, Stella.{w=.4} You’re still my friend no matter how much of the black arts you believe." Ro "Spokojnie, Stella.{w=.4} Nadal jesteś moją przyjaciółką, niezależnie od tego, w ile czarnych sztuk wierzysz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:205 translate pl chapter_5_6169ee20: # F "Pfft, you’re one to talk about ‘believing black arts’, Rosa." F "Heh, ty akurat jesteś jedną z tych, które wierzą w 'czarne sztuki', Rosa." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:207 translate pl chapter_5_07e6df53: # F "You and your magic dino in the sky." F "Ty i twój magiczny dino w niebie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:225 translate pl chapter_5_94913c97: # Ro "Ay pinche pagana{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you’re lucky I don’t-" Ro "Ay, pinche pogańska{cps=*.1}...{/cps} masz szczęście, że nie-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:233 translate pl chapter_5_faa099b1: # Sp "GET ALL YOUR ASSES OUT FRONT RIGHT NOW!" with hpunch Sp "WYPYCHAJCIE WSZYSTKIE WASZE DUPTY NA ZEWNĄTRZ JUŻ TERAZ!" with hpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:242 translate pl chapter_5_9544d40f: # "The caveman’s bellow reverberates throughout the entire school, even though I’m pretty sure he wasn’t using the PA system." "Ryki jaskiniowca rozbrzmiewają po całej szkole, chociaż jestem prawie pewien, że nie używał systemu nagłaśniającego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:262 translate pl chapter_5_26d80ed5: # "Not wanting to piss him off even more, I follow the others to where Principal Spears has a few other students gathered in front of him." "Nie chcąc jeszcze bardziej go wkurzyć, podążam za innymi do miejsca, gdzie dyrektor Spears ma kilku innych uczniów zgromadzonych przed sobą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:264 translate pl chapter_5_202e9ca1: # "The only one I recognize is the guy Trish had in a headlock that one day." "Jedynego, którego rozpoznaję, to gościa, którego Trish miała w chwycie tego dnia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:268 translate pl chapter_5_b3b1f2be: # F "Didn’t expect you of all people to get detention." F "Nie spodziewałem się, że to akurat ty dostaniesz karę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:271 translate pl chapter_5_614e9bed: # "It takes me a moment to realize Fang is talking to me." "Zajmuje mi chwilę, zanim zdaję sobie sprawę, że Fang do mnie mówi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:273 translate pl chapter_5_feb2106a: # A "I, er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} used too much of the school bandwidth." A "Ja, err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} użyłem za dużo przepustowości szkolnej sieci." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:276 translate pl chapter_5_d91d259e: # F "What, Spears catch you downloading porn in the library or something?" F "Co, Spears przyłapał cię na pobieraniu pornografii w bibliotece czy coś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:279 translate pl chapter_5_90ced223: # A "No!{w=.4} Just torrenting, like, TV shows that I can’t get on cable." A "Nie!{w=.4} Po prostu pobierałem, wiesz, seriale, których nie mogę zobaczyć w telewizji." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:281 translate pl chapter_5_583f6e0f: # "She raises an eyebrow like she doesn’t believe me but doesn’t follow it up." "Podnosi brew, jakby mi nie wierzyła, ale nie rozwija tematu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:284 translate pl chapter_5_456c5f9e: # "She must never find out about Saturnia." "Ona nigdy nie może się dowiedzieć o Saturnii." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:310 translate pl chapter_5_45e2e56d: # Sp "I’m glad you could make it, Anon.{w=.4} I think that’s just about everyone." Sp "Cieszę się, że mogłeś przyjść, Anon.{w=.4} Myślę, że to już prawie wszyscy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:312 translate pl chapter_5_dd0030e8: # "Not that he gave me much of a choice." "Choć nie, że dał mi wiele wyboru." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:314 translate pl chapter_5_df632e35: # Sp "You can thank Naomi that you got off with campus beautification." Sp "Możesz podziękować Naomi za to, że dostajesz się na ozdabianie kampusu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:316 translate pl chapter_5_6e10f91c: # Sp "She was quite adamant that it would be more constructive than homeroom detention." Sp "Była dość zdecydowana, że będzie to bardziej konstruktywne niż detencja w klasie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:318 translate pl chapter_5_e9675bd7: # "Again?!" "Znowu?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:320 translate pl chapter_5_721cbee1: # "God damn it, first my schedule and the lunch card and now this?" "Do cholery, najpierw mój harmonogram, potem karta lunchowa, a teraz to?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:322 translate pl chapter_5_b3adb603: # "Can’t she just leave me alone already." "Czy nie może mnie już po prostu zostawić w spokoju?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:324 translate pl chapter_5_d028e494: # Sp "Alright, I’m sure you’re all familiar with Rosa, she’ll be supervising today." Sp "Dobra, jestem pewien, że wszyscy znacie Rosę, będzie dzisiaj nadzorować." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:326 translate pl chapter_5_43f4e340: # Sp "If I hear a bad word from her about any of you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Sp "Jeśli usłyszę od niej jakieś złe słowo o którymś z was{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:329 translate pl chapter_5_86cd1788: # "I think I can fill in the rest." "Myślę, że potrafię uzupełnić resztę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:331 translate pl chapter_5_a9dcd116: # "Spears nods to Rosa, who reminds me of Naomi with how overly happy she looks." "Spears kiwa głową do Rosy, która przypomina mi Naomi swoim nadmiernie radosnym wyglądem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:346 translate pl chapter_5_5384b8fa: # Ro "Thank you all so much for coming out to help with campus beautification today!" Ro "Dziękuję wam wszystkim bardzo za przybycie, aby pomóc dzisiaj w upiększaniu kampusu!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:348 translate pl chapter_5_c52c349b: # Ro "If we all work hard and have a good time we can get done before you know it!" Ro "Jeśli wszyscy ciężko będziemy pracować i dobrze się bawić, możemy skończyć, zanim się obejrzysz!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:351 translate pl chapter_5_0ec5ba60: # "How can anyone be so enthusiastic about coming to school on the weekend?" "Jak można być tak entuzjastycznym co do przyjścia do szkoły w weekend?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:353 translate pl chapter_5_ef5c4ced: # Ro "So by the end of the day we need to get weeding done in the gardens, as well as replanting older flowers, and some of the vines are ready to be trimmed back!" Ro "Więc do końca dnia musimy dokonać wygrabienia w ogrodach, jak również przesadzenia starszych kwiatów, a niektóre pnącza są gotowe do przycięcia!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:357 translate pl chapter_5_83e10d5b: # F "{i}{cps=*.2}*groan*{/cps}{/i}" F "{i}{cps=*.2}*jęk*{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:364 translate pl chapter_5_f42cc20b: # St "Make sure you all get a pair of gloves, and to return them before you leave!" St "Upewnijcie się, że wszyscy macie parę rękawiczek, i oddajcie je przed wyjściem!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:370 translate pl chapter_5_2e632afe: # "Fang raises her hand." "Fang podnosi rękę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:373 translate pl chapter_5_fef9f715: # Ro "Fingerless don’t count." Ro "Bez palców się nie liczą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:379 translate pl chapter_5_fad0f4ff: # "Fang lowers her hand." "Fang opuszcza rękę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:382 translate pl chapter_5_811cf4fa: # St "You should all pair off now to split the work evenly, decide amongst yourselves." St "Teraz wszyscy powinniście się sparować, żeby równo podzielić pracę, zdecydujcie między sobą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:399 translate pl chapter_5_6635f74c: # "Even in detention,{w=.4} the partner curse haunts me." "Nawet na kary,{w=.4} przekleństwo partnera mnie ściga." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:401 translate pl chapter_5_26e7fb69: # "Everyone else almost immediately groups off." "Pozostali praktycznie natychmiast się grupują." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:407 translate pl chapter_5_c6877236: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Leaving just me{w=.3} and take a wild guess who else." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Pozostawiając tylko mnie{w=.3} i zgadnijcie, kogo jeszcze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:415 translate pl chapter_5_cd8e4865: # F "I don’t like how often this is happening." F "Nie podoba mi się, jak często to się zdarza." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:417 translate pl chapter_5_58faafd8: # A "Can’t say I’m a big fan either." A "Nie mogę powiedzieć, że mi też." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:419 translate pl chapter_5_e7701a39: # F "Whatever, let’s just take vine trimming and get this over with." F "Wszystko jedno, po prostu obetnijmy pnącza i skończmy z tym." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:426 translate pl chapter_5_5ade6050: # "Fang starts heading to one of the ladders already set up near the wall." "Fang zaczyna kierować się ku jednej z drabin już postawionych niedaleko ściany." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:430 translate pl chapter_5_69be4119: # A "Wait, don’t you need gloves?" A "Poczekaj, czy nie potrzebujesz rękawiczek?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:433 translate pl chapter_5_40b4da8d: # F "What?{w=.4} I’m not a wuss." F "Co? {w=.4} Nie jestem cipą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:436 translate pl chapter_5_8f1f2acd: # F "You get some if you’re so concerned about getting a few cuts." F "Znajdź je sobie, jeśli tak bardzo martwisz się o kilka skaleczeń." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:439 translate pl chapter_5_cbccf60e: # "I just don’t get this chick sometimes." "Czasami po prostu nie rozumiem tej laski." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:450 translate pl chapter_5_688f51e3: # "I get a pair of gloves and some loppers and rejoin Fang at the ladder." "Biorę parę rękawiczek i kilka obcinaczy i dołączam do Fang przy drabinie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:463 translate pl chapter_5_c8ea5d43: # F "Alright cool, gimme the snippy thing." F "Dobra, spoko, daj mi to tnące coś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:465 translate pl chapter_5_119b409d: # A "I don’t like the idea of you with a weapon very much." A "Nie bardzo podoba mi się pomysł, że masz broń." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:468 translate pl chapter_5_2b0bd5ac: # "She flashes an evil grin." "Ona mignęła złowrogim uśmiechem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:472 translate pl chapter_5_d932fd3a: # F "Hold the ladder steady while I do this." F "Trzymaj drabinkę stabilną, a ja to zrobię." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:475 translate pl chapter_5_d03eefac: # F "I’ve been here a few times, this is the easiest job of the three." F "Byłem tu kilka razy, to jest najłatwiejsza praca spośród trzech." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:477 translate pl chapter_5_df7f1a40: # A "If you say so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Jeśli tak mówisz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:485 translate pl chapter_5_adeab0a0: # "Fang is quick to scale the ladder, leaving me to hold it in place." "Fang szybko wspina się po drabinie, zostawiając mnie, żeby utrzymać ją na miejscu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:487 translate pl chapter_5_bd8ffe3a: # "I wish I could shitpost on my phone right now to distract myself but my hands are occupied." "Chciałbym teraz móc wrzucać śmieszne obrazki na telefonie, żeby się odciąć, ale moje ręce są zajęte." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:490 translate pl chapter_5_8cc66042: # "Fang’s disregard of me is made extremely clear as she carelessly lets the remnants of dead vines rain down on my head." "Obojętność Fang wobec mnie jest bardzo wyraźna, gdy lekkomyślnie pozwala, aby resztki martwych pnączy spadały na moją głowę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:492 translate pl chapter_5_cde8559e: # "Kind of glad I don’t have hair because I can’t imagine how bad it would be to have these sticky plant bits tangled in it." "Trochę się cieszę, że nie mam włosów, bo nie mogę sobie wyobrazić, jak bardzo irytujące musiałoby być mieć te lepkie kawałki roślin wplecione w nie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:494 translate pl chapter_5_0358970c: # F "Oi!{w=.4} Shift the ladder over!" F "Hej!{w=.4} Przesuń tę drabinę!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:496 translate pl chapter_5_ef27453e: # A "But you’re still on it." A "Ale ty nadal na niej jesteś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:499 translate pl chapter_5_606652ee: # F "Don’t feel like getting down.{w=.4} Come on, you can’t be that weak." F "Nie mam ochoty zchodzić.{w=.4} No dalej, nie możesz być tak słaby." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:502 translate pl chapter_5_f1f4688f: # "Whatever.{w=.4} {nw}" "Jak chcesz.{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:511 translate pl chapter_5_2fe5f26f: # extend "I shimmy the ladder to the side, Fang’s weight making the process more difficult." extend "Przesuwam drabinę na bok, a waga Fang utrudnia proces." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:514 translate pl chapter_5_626bd220: # "Damn my scrawny arms." "Cholera, moje chuderlawe ramiona." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:519 translate pl chapter_5_66ef6bf9: # F "Alright this is good." F "Dobra, teraz jest dobrze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:522 translate pl chapter_5_9c8998d2: # "She goes back to clipping vines and dropping them on my head." "Wraca do przycinania winorośli i upuszczania ich na moją głowę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:524 translate pl chapter_5_7980c26f: # "It’s started building up on my shoulders and neck now." "Zaczęło się gromadzić na moich ramionach a teraz szyi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:529 translate pl chapter_5_e94a1166: # "And now the spots the vines have touched start to itch." "A teraz miejsca, które dotknęły winorośle, zaczynają swędzieć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:532 translate pl chapter_5_eb608ac1: # A "Hey." A "Hej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:534 translate pl chapter_5_7579106e: # "She remains focused on the vines, dropping the largest clump directly on my face." "Pozostaje skoncentrowana na winoroślach, upuszczając największy pęk bezpośrednio na moją twarz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:540 translate pl chapter_5_c2782565: # A "HEY!" A "HEJ!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:543 translate pl chapter_5_bf63156c: # "Nevermind.{w=.4} The follow up clump was even bigger and lands right in my mouth." "Nieważne.{w=.4} Kolejny pęk był jeszcze większy i ląduje mi prosto w ustach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:549 translate pl chapter_5_88704ee3: # "After I finish spitting the wad of dead vegetation from my mouth I try one last time to get her attention." "Po tym, jak wypluwam gromadę martwej roślinności z moich ust, próbuję po raz ostatni przyciągnąć jej uwagę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:556 translate pl movie_4e66f9be: # A "FANG!" with vpunch A "FANG!" with vpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:564 translate pl movie_c1afc03e: # "Through my blurred vision I can make out Fang’s tail, slowly shifting side to side." "Poprzez moje zamazane widzenie mogę dostrzec ogon Fang, powoli przesuwający się z boku na bok." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:566 translate pl movie_b55f8e18: # "And an evil idea comes to mind to get her attention." "I przychodzi mi do głowy zły pomył, żeby przyciągnąć jej uwagę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:569 translate pl movie_6408e495: # "There’s a less evil one, too, something that’d just shock her." "Jest też mniej zła, coś, co tylko ją zszokuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:582 translate pl movie_72559ecf: # "As I reach out to her she drops another clump into my eyes, blinding me." "Kiedy się do niej zbliżam, upuszcza kolejny kawałek w moje oczy, oślepiając mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:587 translate pl movie_8059b605: # "I blindly grasp at her until my fingers brush against something covered in scales." "Chwytam ją na oślep, aż moje palce zetkną się z czymś pokrytym łuskami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:590 translate pl movie_299db233: # "I give the appendage a sharp tug." "Daję ostry pociąg za kończynę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:596 translate pl movie_9b1dee55: # "There’s a shrill cry above me.{w=.4} That got her attention." "Nad mną słychać przenikliwy krzyk.{w=.4} To przyciągnęło jej uwagę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:598 translate pl movie_b245dd51: # A "Stop dropping shi-" A "Przestań rzucać gów-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:615 translate pl movie_435211c7: # "Suddenly stars explode in my sight impaired eyes and I fall backwards." "Nagle gwiazdy eksplodują w moich ograniczonych wzrokiem oczach i przewracam się do tyłu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:617 translate pl movie_a345276a: # "There’s a ringing in my ears and I try to blink the vines and stars away." "Słyszę dzwonienie w uszach i próbuję mrugać, żeby się pozbyć winorośli i gwiazd." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:629 translate pl movie_ede74c7e: # F "NEVER.{w=.4} DO THAT.{w=.4} AGAIN." F "NIGDY.{w=.4} JUŻ TEGO.{w=.4} NIE RÓB." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:631 translate pl movie_f51100ab: # "Do what?{w=.4} The fuck did I do?" "Co zrobiłem?{w=.4} Co do cholery zrobiłem?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:635 translate pl movie_8c34f401: # F "Fucking pervert." F "Pieprzony zboczeniec." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:638 translate pl movie_eb49b9d0: # A "What the fuck did I DO?!" A "Co do cholery ZROBIŁEM?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:641 translate pl movie_a290d3c0: # "When I can finally see again Fang has her wings drawn together behind her and her hands clasped on something also behind her." "Kiedy wreszcie mogę znowu widzieć, Fang ma skrzydła złożone za sobą, a ręce splecione na czymś również za nią." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:643 translate pl movie_76e600f3: # "I think I fell in the flowerbed behind us.{w=.4} It’s actually sort of soft." "Myślę, że spadłem na kwietnik za nami.{w=.4} Tak naprawdę jest dość miękki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:645 translate pl movie_bff185b0: # F "You pulled my TAIL!" F "Pociągnąłeś mo OGON!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:647 translate pl movie_3ec358ff: # A "I thought that was your ankle!" A "Myślałem, że to twoja KOSTKA!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:649 translate pl movie_d6b2dc21: # F "Why the fuck would you think my TAIL was my ANKLE?!" F "Dlaczego do cholery myślałeś, że mój OGON to moja KOSTKA?!'" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:652 translate pl movie_0a57edb9: # A "Because I couldn’t see because YOU kept dropping fucking vines in my eyes!" A "Bo nie mogłem zobaczyć, bo CIĄGLE zarzucałaś mi cholernymi winorosłami w oczy!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:654 translate pl movie_c65d1051: # F "So you pull my fucking tail you perverted fuck!" F "Więc ciągniesz mój cholerny ogon, zboczony skurwielu!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:659 translate pl movie_db4ce047: # A "You weren’t listening to me when I was trying to tell you to stop!" A "Nie słuchałaś mnie, gdy próbowałem powiedzieć ci, żebyś przestała!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:671 translate pl movie_e3613a7a: # "We’re both out of breath and staring daggers at each other." "Obaj jesteśmy bez tchu i patrzymy na siebie z ukosa." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:673 translate pl movie_7331c7cd: # "My eyes are still bleary and starting to itch now because of the plants." "Moje oczy wciąż są zamglone i zaczynają teraz swędzieć przez rośliny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:675 translate pl movie_c96d968c: # "Fang is still protectively holding her tail as if I’ll pull it again." "Fang wciąż trzyma swój ogona ochronnie, jakbym ponownie próbował go pociągnąć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:679 translate pl movie_542a3e32: # F "Wha-{w=.4} why is your face all red?" F "Co-{w=.4} dlaczego masz całą twarz czerwoną?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:682 translate pl movie_4639343f: # A "I was {i}trying{/i} to tell you!" A "Próbowałem ci {i}powiedzieć{/i}!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:684 translate pl movie_b9c29336: # A "These vines fuckin’ hurt!" A "Te cholernie bolące winorośle!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:687 translate pl movie_8567ef37: # F "That makes no sense at all." F "To nie ma najmniejszego sensu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:690 translate pl movie_18bf780a: # F "Oh wait.{w=.3} Yeah.{w=.3} Humans." F "A, poczekaj.{w=.3} Tak.{w=.3} Ludzie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:693 translate pl movie_4e0a8ee7: # "She tosses another discarded vine on my face." "Rzuca mi kolejną porzuconą winorosł na twarz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:697 translate pl movie_7b3c484c: # A "Cut that out!" A "Przestań to robić!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:702 translate pl movie_7e4adae7: # F "Hah!" F "Ha!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:704 translate pl movie_1f939aa6: # A "I could report you for allergy abuse." A "Mógłbym cię zgłosić za nadużycie alergii." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:707 translate pl movie_cda47b55: # F "That’s the weakest threat I’ve ever heard." F "To najmniejsze zagrożenie, jakie kiedykolwiek słyszałam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:709 translate pl movie_a95b3862: # F "Actually, in general you seem a bit milquetoast around people." F "Tak naprawdę, ogólnie wydajesz się trochę niezdecydowany wobec osób." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:711 translate pl movie_b4865a9a: # F "What gives?" F "Co to zdradziło?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:715 translate pl movie_5a81ff10: # "I start prying off some of the vines stuck to my clothes." "Zaczynam odcinać kilka z winorośli przyklejonych do moich ubrań." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:717 translate pl movie_a91226be: # A "It’s like, why waste time on certain people, you know?" A "No bo, po co marnować czas na pewne osoby, wiesz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:721 translate pl movie_0b71b75d: # A "It wouldn’t be worth my time to do something crazy." A "Nie byłyby warte mojego czasu na zrobienie czegoś szalonego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:724 translate pl movie_635984ab: # "Fang leans forward on the ladder, pretending to be hurt." "Fang pochyla się do przodu na drabinie, udając ból." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:728 translate pl movie_f2f01c01: # F "Aww, I’m not worth your time?" F "Och, czy nie jestem warta twojego czasu?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:731 translate pl movie_5099c3f1: # A "Some people certainly aren’t." A "Niektórzy ludzie z pewnością nie są." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:733 translate pl movie_bd4e21a7: # A "Just never meant to amount to anything or do anything important." A "Po prostu nigdy nie miałem być nikim ważnym ani robić czegokolwieg istotnego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:737 translate pl movie_27e6b3b4: # "She drops the smug expression for a second." "Na chwilę znika jej wyniosła mina." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:740 translate pl movie_e4810481: # F "Anyways, you should get up." F "Tak czy inaczej, powinieneś wstać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:742 translate pl movie_db18c18b: # F "Rosa will kill you if she sees you crumpled in her stupid flowers." F "Rosa cię zabije, jeśli zobaczy, że leżysz skulony w jej głupich kwiatach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:748 translate pl movie_a0ef362b: # "A yell echoes from somewhere across the schoolgrounds." "Skądinąd rozbrzmiewa krzyk na terenie szkoły." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:750 translate pl movie_0370e10d: # Ro "He {w=.3}{nw}" Ro "On {w=.3}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:752 translate pl movie_9cb21b0c: # extend "{b}WHAT{/b}." with vpunch extend "{b}CO{/b}." with vpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:756 translate pl movie_dcf69e3e: # F "Shit,{w=.4} hurry up!" F "Cholera,{w=.4} pospiesz się!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:758 translate pl movie_e0a3f64b: # A "Hang on{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!" A "Poczekaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:768 translate pl movie_adba86a5: # "I try leaning up.{w=.4} The bush has intertwined with my clothes." "Próbuję się podnieść.{w=.4} Krzak splótł się z moimi ubraniami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:774 translate pl movie_c05603b7: # A "I’m stuck!" A "Utknąłem!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:778 translate pl movie_7de7227a: # F "You actual{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!" F "Ty {cps=*.1}...{/cps}!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:780 translate pl movie_1356f655: # "Rosa scrambles over and starts pulling at her hair when she sees me stuck in the bush." "Rosa zaczyna się przemieszczać i zaczyna ciągnąć za włosy, gdy widzi, że utknąłem w krzaku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:792 translate pl movie_ba71729e: # Ro "Wh-{w=.3}yo-{w=.3}why-{w=.6} {nw}" Ro "Cz-{w=.3}emu-{w=.3}dlaczego-{w=.6} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:796 translate pl movie_b8fb9f76: # extend "ARGH!" with vpunch extend "ARGH!" with vpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:803 translate pl movie_b00429d6: # Ro "¡ESTÚPIDO!{fast}{w=.6} ¡¿QUÉ CLASE DE RIDÍCULA Y PATÉTICA EXCUSA DE HOMBRE ERES?!" with hpunch Ro "ESTÚPIDO!{fast}{w=.6} QUÉ CLASE DE RIDÍCULA Y PATÉTICA EXCUSA DE HOMBRE ERES?!" with hpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:812 translate pl movie_e582415c: # Ro "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} your position{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Ro "Poczekaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} twoja pozycja{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:814 translate pl movie_dec8168d: # "She points a burning finger up at Fang." "Wskazuje płonącym palcem w Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:821 translate pl movie_b0f4b0f5: # Ro "Did {i}you{/i} push him!" Ro "Czy {i}ty{/i} go popchnęłaś!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:825 translate pl movie_f8894fb3: # "Fang’s skin goes a shade paler." "Skóra Fang'a staje się odcień bardziej blada." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:830 translate pl movie_dced74d7: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} no, I fell on my own." A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nie, sam się przewróciłem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:833 translate pl movie_7ded9f3a: # A "Sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Przepraszam{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:841 translate pl movie_a993a155: # Ro "SORRY?{w=.5} What kind of {i}pendejo{/i} manages to fall into my Middlemist Red Camelias that hard on his own?!?" Ro "PRZEPRASZAM?{w=.5} Jaki {i}pendejo{/i} potrafi tak mocno sam wpaść do moich Middlemist Red Camelias?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:843 translate pl movie_4263d346: # "I shrug apologetically." "Zawstydzony wzruszam ramionami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:847 translate pl movie_f9188bac: # Ro "I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} URGH!{w=.4} Do you have {i}any{/i} idea how long it takes for those to bloom!" Ro "Ja tylko{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} URGH!{w=.4} Czy masz {i}jakiekolwiek{/i} pojęcie, jak długo trwa kwitnienie!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:849 translate pl movie_2fab4cce: # Ro "Name!{w=.4} What is your name?!" Ro "Imię!{w=.4} Jak masz na imię?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:851 translate pl movie_2212de5c: # A "Er, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Er, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:858 translate pl movie_a17f0fa9: # Ro "An-{w=.2}on!{w=.4} Why are you still in there?{w=.4} Get up niño, get up!" Ro "An-{w=.2}on!{w=.4} Dlaczego wciąż tam jesteś?{w=.4} Wstań niño, wstań!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:863 translate pl movie_1984e428: # "She grabs one of my hands and{w=.4} {nw}" "Chwyta jedną z moich rąk i{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:868 translate pl movie_59b7ef49: # extend "wHOA-" extend "WOW-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:877 translate pl movie_131fd043: # A "You trying to rip my arm off?" A "Próbujesz mi oderwać ramię?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:879 translate pl movie_990ec552: # "She grabs a bicep proudly." "Dumnie chwyta biceps." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:882 translate pl movie_55a5b345: # Ro "I say all the time. Outside work is good for your health!" Ro "Mówię to cały czas. Praca na zewnątrz jest dobra dla zdrowia!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:886 translate pl movie_2403446a: # F "Think I’ll stick to stealing the occasional protein bar from Naser's stock." F "Myślę, że zostanę przy kradzieży czasami batonika proteinowego z zapasów Nasera." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:891 translate pl movie_694e05f4: # Ro "Wait, An-on, why is your face so red?" Ro "Poczekaj, An-on, dlaczego masz taką czerwoną twarz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:893 translate pl movie_b29bab27: # A "The uh, vines. Guess I have an allergy." A "Eh, winorośl. Wydaje mi się, że mam alergię." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:896 translate pl movie_d830632a: # Ro "Oh, no, no no!{w=.4} You must stop working vines then!" Ro "Och, nie, nie nie!{w=.4} Musisz przestać pracować z winoroślami!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:898 translate pl movie_f1812ccc: # "She points back up to Fang." "Wskazuje z powrotem na Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:902 translate pl movie_1cf8d36c: # Ro "You!{w=.4} Get down from there, you are both switching to weeds!" Ro "Ty!{w=.4} Zstąp stamtąd, oboje przechodzicie na chwasty!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:906 translate pl movie_4cf0a3fb: # F "{i}{cps=*.2}Uuuuughhhhh...{/cps}{/i}" F "{i}{cps=*.2}Uuuuughhhhh...{/cps}{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:909 translate pl movie_33760918: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Alright, whatever." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}W porządku, wszystko jedno." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:912 translate pl movie_571a2c30: # Ro "Go, go now!{w=.4} And no more tripping!" Ro "Idź, idź teraz!{w=.4} I nie potykaj się!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:920 translate pl movie_77e2fb8c: # "We go exchange our equipment for weeding trowels." "Idziemy wymienić nasz sprzęt na łopaty do odchwaszczania." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:922 translate pl movie_a580356b: # "Once we get directed to a place in the dirt to start, Fang and I diligently continue in silence for a bit." "Gdy zostajemy skierowani w miejsce na ziemi, aby zacząć, Fang i ja pilnie kontynuujemy w ciszy przez chwilę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:934 translate pl movie_9e4c9964: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Why did you lie earlier?" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dlaczego wcześniej kłamałeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:936 translate pl movie_2c23493f: # A "Hm?" A "Hm?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:939 translate pl movie_ecd64e55: # F "About how I kicked you." F "O tym, jak cię kopnęłam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:942 translate pl movie_81642f1e: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eee{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:944 translate pl movie_066287e9: # A "Spur of the moment, I guess?" A "To chyba był odruch?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:946 translate pl movie_811d8211: # A "Seemed like the easiest way out of getting in more trouble?" A "Wydawało się, że to najłatwiejszy sposób, aby uniknąć większych kłopotów?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:950 translate pl movie_d77b1f70: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sure." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Pewnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:952 translate pl movie_5ca5d1d6: # A "What do you mean sure?" A "Co masz na myśli mówiąc pewnie?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:955 translate pl movie_0e192a40: # F "Sure it was the easiest way to get out of trouble?" F "Jesteś pewien, że to najłatwiejszy sposób na wyjście z kłopotów?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:958 translate pl movie_d89c537d: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eee{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:961 translate pl movie_e76468ab: # F "Why did you {i}really{/i} do it?" F "Dlaczego {i}naprawdę{/i} to zrobiłeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:963 translate pl movie_460c6d87: # A "What do you mean?" A "Co masz na myśli?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:965 translate pl movie_3bd50537: # F "You know, your reasons, real reasons? Your recta ratio." F "Wiesz, twoje powody, prawdziwe powody? Twoja recta ratio." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:968 translate pl movie_ed45d1d3: # A "Recta ratio? Fancy words outta you." A "Recta ratio? Wykwintne słowa z twoich ust." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:970 translate pl movie_d59c89f2: # A "But I don’t understand{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ale ja nie rozumiem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:973 translate pl movie_7d851ece: # F "You fucking moron what was your motive? Why would you care?" F "Ty cholerny idioto, jaki był twój motyw? Dlaczego ci na tym zależało?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:976 translate pl movie_81642f1e_1: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eee{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:979 translate pl movie_6d846923: # "I had to think about that for a moment.{w=.4} Why {i}did{/i} I do that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Musiałem przez chwilę to przemyśleć.{w=.4} Dlaczego to zrobiłem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:981 translate pl movie_573765a2: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You said something before." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Wcześniej powiedziałeś coś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:983 translate pl movie_322390f0: # F "About how some people won’t ever amount to anything." F "O tym, jak niektórzy ludzie nigdy nic nie osiągną." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:985 translate pl movie_17af7659: # A "Oh, uh, yeah. That was, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Oh, uh, tak. To było, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:987 translate pl movie_212b896a: # F "What did you mean by that?" F "Co przez to miałeś na myśli?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:989 translate pl movie_dfc47525: # "Why the fuck is she so curious?" "Jaką cholerę ją tak to ciekawi?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:991 translate pl movie_b9588953: # A "I dunno, you’d probably think I’m some creep for saying this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Nie wiem, pewnie pomyślisz, że jestem jakimś dziwakiem za powiedzenie tego{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:993 translate pl movie_0ebca40e: # F "I already think you’re a creep." F "Już myślę, że jesteś dziwakiem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:995 translate pl movie_d515ba36: # A "Fair but fuck you regardless." A "Okej, ale pierdol się tak czy inaczej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:998 translate pl movie_eacdcaf5: # "Her retort is a prominent flipping of the bird." "Jej riposta to znaczące pokazanie środkowego palca." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1008 translate pl movie_b4934c91: # A "I dunno, It’s like, the world is too full." A "Nie wiem, to jakby świat był zbyt pełny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1010 translate pl movie_5cb33b6b: # A "And there’s only gonna be more people as time goes on." A "A ludzi będzie coraz więcej w miarę upływu czasu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1012 translate pl movie_0ca02133: # A "Eventually we’ll run out of food and resources, but culture will be too far gone to really fix anything." A "W końcu skończą nam się jedzenie i zasoby, ale kultura będzie zbyt daleko posunięta, aby naprawdę cokolwiek naprawić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1016 translate pl movie_1c69fd23: # "Fang stops digging for a moment and gives an attentive stare out of the corner of her eye." "Fang przestaje kopać na chwilę i patrzy uważnie kątem oka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1019 translate pl movie_0cf45391: # A "Midwits and morons have kids like crazy. The number of smart people in the world remains stagnant." A "Głupcy i idioci mają dzieci jak szaleni. Liczba inteligentnych ludzi na świecie pozostaje stagnująca." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1021 translate pl movie_f27cec2e: # A "Or even goes down over time." A "A nawet spada z czasem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1023 translate pl movie_ab51464a: # A "Nobody is immune to propaganda, and useful people can be indoctrinated right into the crowds." A "Nikt nie jest odporny na propagandę, a użyteczne osoby mogą być wciągnięte prosto do tłumów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1025 translate pl movie_d42eb555: # A "Y’know?" A "Wiesz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1028 translate pl movie_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1030 translate pl movie_41ed7250: # A "Told you it’d sound weird." A "Mówiłem, że to zabrzmi dziwnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1033 translate pl movie_5825d44b: # F "No, actually, that’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Wow." F "Nie, naprawdę, to{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Wow." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1035 translate pl movie_cee3a655: # F "That’s actually exactly how I feel about things!" F "To właśnie dokładnie to, co czuję wobec rzeczy!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1039 translate pl movie_556ad0f1: # "She what?" "Ona co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1041 translate pl movie_0f30bb94: # "Fang is acting strangely enthusiastic all of a sudden." "Nagle Fang zachowuje się dziwnie entuzjastycznie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1043 translate pl movie_42ec2a5e: # F "Right like, in all of history, if you {i}really{/i} look at it, the smart people have never even once had to answer to the excess." F "Tak, w całej historii, jeśli się na to {i}naprawdę{/i} przyjrzymy, to inteligentni ludzie nigdy nie musieli odpowiedzieć nawet raz za nadmiar." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1045 translate pl movie_28ea3b8c: # F "Back in the day, innovation was propelled by smart people working with other smart people." F "Kiedyś innowacje były napędzane przez inteligentnych ludzi pracujących z innymi inteligentnymi ludźmi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1047 translate pl movie_e0bdcef6: # F "Trying all sorts of new things the masses would have hated." F "Próbując wszelkiego rodzaju nowych rzeczy, których tłumy nienawidziłyby." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1049 translate pl movie_f1aac86b: # F "Like rock music, right?" F "Tak jak muzyka rockowa, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1051 translate pl movie_99428356: # F "People hated that at first." F "Ludzie na początku tego nienawidzili." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1054 translate pl movie_4ca80169: # F "When {i}my{/i} band takes off, I’ll get to rub it in everyone’s faces." F "Kiedy {i}moja{/i} kapela odniesie sukces, będę mogła to wpakować wszystkim prosto w twarz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1056 translate pl movie_a67a7d84: # F "All those cock goblins. It’s like everywhere you go, there’s a hundred dumb people for one person worth anything." F "Wszystkie te jebane kurewki. To tak, jakby wszędzie, gdzie idziesz, było stu głupich ludzi na jedną osobę wartą cokolwiek." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1059 translate pl movie_458210f7: # A "What’d you call it before? Excess?" A "Jak to nazwałeś wcześniej? Nadmiar?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1061 translate pl movie_750a24a2: # F "Yeah, like Naomi." F "Tak, jak Naomi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1063 translate pl movie_cfd970d2: # A "Right." A "Dokładnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1066 translate pl movie_fa977437: # F "Most people in the school, even." F "Większość ludzi w szkole, nawet." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1069 translate pl movie_e8d3422a: # A "I can see it." A "Widzę to." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1072 translate pl movie_96e1ff25: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Maybe Reed?{w=.4} Not sure." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Może Reed?{w=.4} Nie jestem pewna." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1075 translate pl movie_e1016fce: # "{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1078 translate pl movie_f59ba959: # F "Rosa and Stella, definitely." F "Rosa i Stella, zdecydowanie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1080 translate pl movie_92731130: # "What the-" "Co za-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1083 translate pl movie_0e767c15: # F "Naser, too, unfortunately. Oh, well." F "Naser też, niestety. No cóż." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1087 translate pl movie_7b9b9e02: # F "All of them, sheep." F "Wszyscy oni, owce." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1090 translate pl movie_3a7ba752: # "To casually brush everyone aside like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Zeby odrzucić wszystkich tak lekko{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1092 translate pl movie_6fa61357: # "What does she think of me, then?" "Co więc ona o mnie myśli?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1096 translate pl movie_8a32a287: # A "If you think so little of Rosa and Stella and everyone, why hang out with them?" A "Jeśli tak nisko cenisz Rosę i Stellę i wszystkich, dlaczego spędzasz z nimi czas?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1100 translate pl movie_7bcf2930: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t like being alone. You don’t need to know any more." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie lubię być sama. Nie musisz wiedzieć więcej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1102 translate pl movie_5648534a: # F "As long as they aren’t the sort of people that showed up that day at our concert{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "O ile nie są to ludzie, którzy pojawili się tamtego dnia na naszym koncercie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1105 translate pl movie_93a93f9b: # F "Those lazy, talentless, inconsiderate, self-righteous, condescending excuses for peers." F "Te leniwe, beztalentowe, nietaktowne, samozwańcze, lekceważące wymówki zwące siemoimi rówieśnikami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1107 translate pl movie_b7272f8c: # F "Thinking they can just make fun of our music." F "Myślą, że mogą po prostu wyśmiewać naszą muzykę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1110 translate pl movie_83b4e55e: # A "Haha, yeah, those guys sucked.{w=.4} Their insults weren’t even that creative." A "Haha, tak, ci faceci byli beznadziejni.{w=.4} Ich obelgi nawet nie były tak kreatywne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1122 translate pl movie_4c0ef925: # "Fang’s arm jerks back violently, pulling a bundle of weeds and topsoil out and onto my jacket." "Ramię Fang nagle się cofa, wyciągając pęczek chwastów i ziemi na moją kurtkę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1124 translate pl movie_1c2264b5: # A "Hey-" A "Hej-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1130 translate pl movie_d0823317: # F "What is that supposed to mean?" F "Co to miało znaczyć?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1133 translate pl movie_213711d5: # "Her eyes scrutinize me thoroughly." "Jej oczy dokładnie mnie badają." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1135 translate pl movie_ef79e41d: # "But why-" "Ale dlaczego-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1138 translate pl movie_94004a03: # "Oh." "Och." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1140 translate pl movie_8880d8b9: # "{cps=*.2}Oh shit.{/cps}" "{cps=*.2}O kurwa.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1142 translate pl movie_d8dfba0b: # "My foot tastes a bit salad-like today. Damn gardening." "Dziś moja stopa smakuje trochę jak sałata. Do cholery z tym ogrodnictwem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1144 translate pl movie_5eee676c: # A "Er, just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gossip I heard from classmates afterwards?" A "Em, po prostu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} plotki, które usłyszałem od kolegów po lekcji?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1147 translate pl movie_d52f4022: # "We both know that’s a lie." "Obaj wiemy, że to kłamstwo." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1149 translate pl movie_84799c58: # "I feel anxious as Fang continues watching me." "Czuję się zaniepokojony, gdy Fang nadal mnie obserwuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1151 translate pl movie_b8d73853: # "I watch it happen, as if in slow motion, as comprehension dawns on Fang." "Oglądam, jak to się dzieje, jakby w zwolnionym tempie, gdy Fang zaczyna to rozumieć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1153 translate pl movie_f785c16a: # "Her voice is low." "Jej głos jest niski." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1155 translate pl movie_7cec345c: # "Accusatory." "Oskarżycielski." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1162 translate pl movie_233324c2: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}you were at the show?" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} byłeś na koncercie?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1165 translate pl movie_e046ad36: # "My heart stops." "Moje serce staje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1167 translate pl movie_993bef03: # "There it is." "Tam to jest." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1169 translate pl movie_28532db8: # "I couldn’t have hoped to hide it forever." "Nie mogłem mieć nadziei, że uda mi się to ukryć na zawsze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1172 translate pl movie_c923dcb1: # "Fang stands over me, her wings spread wide and her shoulders shaking." "Fang stoi nade mną, jej skrzydła rozłożone szeroko, a jej ramiona drżą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1174 translate pl movie_62df350a: # "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} how do I explain this?" "Ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps} jak mam to wyjaśnić?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1176 translate pl movie_7d31157a: # "We’re close enough friends now, right?" "Jesteśmy teraz wystarczająco bliskimi przyjaciółmi, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1178 translate pl movie_684045dd: # "I could probably even joke about it a bit." "Pewnie nawet mógłbym trochę żartować na ten temat." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1195 translate pl lbeHonest_aa29dbc2: # "I guess honesty is the best policy." "Przypuszczam, że szczerość to najlepsza polityka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1204 translate pl lbeHonest_493ba5cb: # A "Well, Naser did invite me to your concert{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} and I did end up going." A "Cóż, Naser zaprosił mnie na twój koncert{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} i ostatecznie poszedłem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1208 translate pl lbeHonest_64d191b5: # "Fang’s expression hardens and she crosses her arms." "Wyraz twarzy Fang zaostrza się, a ona składa ramiona." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1211 translate pl lbeHonest_baa09648: # A "He told me there’d be free food so I figured why not?{w=.4} It’s not like I knew it was going to end up the way it did." A "Powiedział, że będzie darmowe jedzenie, więc pomyślałem, dlaczego nie?{w=.4} To nie tak, jakbym wiedział, że skończy się tak, jak się skończyło." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1214 translate pl lbeHonest_9605428c: # F "So why did you tell us you didn’t go?" F "Więc dlaczego powiedziałeś nam, że nie byłeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1216 translate pl lbeHonest_0e81e8c1: # A "Because I kept seeing your psycho friend hunting down everyone else who went, why would I make myself a target?" A "Ponieważ cały czas widziałem, jak twoja przyjaciółka psychopatka polowała na wszystkich innych, którzy poszli, dlaczego miałbym się wystawić na cel?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1218 translate pl lbeHonest_5fd68462: # F "Trish was only looking for the dicks who{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Trish szukała tylko tych kretynów, którzy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1227 translate pl lbeHonest_fc6c9c22: # F "Did you laugh at us too?" F "Też się śmiałeś z nas?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1229 translate pl lbeHonest_c38619ad: # "She jabs an accusatory finger at me." "Ona wbija we mnie oskarżycielski palec." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1232 translate pl lbeHonest_014b6073: # A "Fang,{w=.5} {cps=*.1}I-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" A "Fang,{w=.5} {cps=*.1}Ja-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1234 translate pl lbeHonest_bc8d1b99: # F "Did.{w=.4} You.{w=.4} Laugh?" F "Czy.{w=.4} Ty.{w=.4} Śmiałeś się?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1236 translate pl lbeHonest_61ee4c92: # "I open my mouth to answer but the words aren’t coming to me." "Otwieram usta, aby odpowiedzieć, ale słowa nie przychodzą mi na myśl." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1239 translate pl lbeHonest_f751e5c1: # "Fang seems to pick up on my inability to answer." "Fang wydaje się zauważyć, że nie potrafię odpowiedzieć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1248 translate pl lbeHonest_27edd937: # F "I fucking knew it." F "Kurwa, wiedziałam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1251 translate pl lbeHonest_04569c49: # A "Look Fang, I’m sorry, right?{w} {cps=*.4}I didn’t know-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" A "Popatrz Fang, przepraszam, dobrze?{w} {cps=*.4}Nie wiedziałem-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1255 translate pl lbeHonest_31cd10d8: # F "I can’t believe you right now!" F "Nie mogę ci teraz wierzyć!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1264 translate pl lbeHonest_4e163502: # "Fang begins to storm off and I try to chase after her." "Fang zaczyna uciekać, a ja próbuję ją dogonić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1266 translate pl lbeHonest_740261c5: # A "Fang, wait!" A "Fang, poczekaj!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1272 translate pl lbeHonest_f56beb52: # "But my self-defeating clumsiness seems to have a different plan and my foot catches on the pile of discarded gardening tools." "Ale moja samodestrukcyjna niezdarność wydaje się mieć inny plan, a moja stopa wpada na stertę porzuconych narzędzi ogrodniczych." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1287 translate pl lbeHonest_36c3f7fa: # "The world spins and I land on my ass where we were weeding." "Świat wiruje, a ja ląduję na tyłku, tam gdzie kosiliśmy chwasty." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1289 translate pl lbeHonest_e03e7f34: # "At least something broke my fall{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Przynajmniej coś złagodziło mój upadek{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1292 translate pl lbeHonest_360618cc: # "Wait.{w=.4} Isn’t this the flowerbed?" "Poczekaj.{w=.4} Czy to nie jest grządka kwiatowa?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1295 translate pl lbeHonest_4eb30500: # "Suddenly an orange terror descends upon me like I set off some sort of alarm." "Nagle na mnie spada pomarańczowy terror, jakbym wywołał jakiś alarm." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1303 translate pl ljokeAround_83b363bc: # "We’re good enough friends now, right?{w=.4} This’ll be {cps=*.3}fiiiine.{/cps}" "Jesteśmy teraz wystarczająco dobrymi przyjaciółmi, prawda?{w=.4} To będzie {cps=*.3}dobrze.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1312 translate pl ljokeAround_460f1840: # A "I know that you guys sounded so bad you never made it past your intro." A "Wiem, że brzmiało to tak źle, że nigdy nie udało wam się przejść poza wasze wprowadzenie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1317 translate pl ljokeAround_5d39db5f: # "Her eyes narrow." "Jej oczy się zwężają." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1319 translate pl ljokeAround_14881f52: # "Eh, maybe if I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Eh, może jeśli ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1321 translate pl ljokeAround_c18d6ec6: # A "I was expecting dinner and a show, not a comedy skit." A "Spodziewałem się kolacji i przedstawienia, a nie skeczu komediowego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1328 translate pl ljokeAround_08d95c75: # "I know I’m not the best comedian but still nothing?" "Wiem, że nie jestem najlepszym komikiem, ale nadal nic?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1330 translate pl ljokeAround_40cb147e: # "No, wait, I think I hear some cracking." "Nie, poczekaj, myślę, że słyszę jakieś trzaski." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1333 translate pl ljokeAround_f775fc44: # "Oh, that’d be her knuckles popping." "O, to jej knykcie trzaskają." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1335 translate pl ljokeAround_3b09fcb8: # "Fang’s face twists into a sneer and her hand slowly comes up into a fist." "Twarz Fang skręca się w szyderczy uśmiech, a jej ręka powoli unosi się w pięść." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1338 translate pl ljokeAround_2ddaa0d9: # "I may have overestimated my comedic talents. Or our friendship." "Może przeceniłem moje zdolności komediowe. Albo naszą przyjaźń." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1353 translate pl ljokeAround_dcb0ab91: # "My head snaps to the side, a burning sting radiating from my cheek." "Moja głowa odsuwaja się na bok, palący ból promieniuje z policzka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1355 translate pl ljokeAround_1a79d0a8: # "My foot catches on the pile of discarded gardening tools." "Moja stopa wpada na stertę porzuconych narzędzi ogrodniczych." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1357 translate pl ljokeAround_36c3f7fa: # "The world spins and I land on my ass where we were weeding." "Świat kręci się, a ja ląduję na tyłku tam, gdzie kosiliśmy chwasty." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1360 translate pl ljokeAround_e03e7f34: # "At least something broke my fall{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Przynajmniej coś złagodziło mój upadek{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1363 translate pl ljokeAround_360618cc: # "Wait.{w=.4} Isn’t this the flowerbed?" "Poczekaj.{w=.4} Czy to nie jest grządka kwiatowa?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1365 translate pl ljokeAround_46964337: # F "{cps=*.3}You fucking asshole{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.3}Ty cholerny skurwysynu{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1367 translate pl ljokeAround_dcf0ae48: # "Fang storms off, shouldering past Rosa, who is stunned silent." "Fang odchodzi w popłochu, przepychając się obok Rosy, która jest oszołomiona milczeniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1370 translate pl ljokeAround_1ddb9091: # "Rosa isn’t stunned for long though, and suddenly an orange terror descends upon me like I set off some sort of alarm." "Rosa jednak nie jest długo oszołomiona, gdy nagle na mnie spada pomarańczowy terror, jakbym wywołał jakiś alarm." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1381 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8149ca68: # Ro "¡MALDITO CABRÓN PELÓN!{fast}{w=.5} ¡QUÍTATE DE AHÍ PORQUE ESTÁS APLASTANDO LAS FLORES!!!" with hpunch Ro "¡MALDITO CABRÓN PELÓN!{fast}{w=.5} ¡QUÍTATE DE AHÍ PORQUE ESTÁS APLASTANDO LAS FLORES!!!" with hpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1389 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c63424f8: # A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Sorry?" A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Przepraszam?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1392 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_14f69fb2: # Ro "{i}Ay Dios mío{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} do you have any idea how long it takes those to bloom?!" Ro "{i}Ay Dios mío{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} czy masz pojęcie, jak długo zajmuje im rozkwit?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1395 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e5aab7a2: # Ro "And for you to just tumble onto them AGAIN!" Ro "I żebyś ZNOWU się na nie przewrócił!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1403 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_64f6d04c: # "I jump to my feet and quickly inspect the damage. The entire section of flowerbed where I had landed was imprinted with my outline like a snow-angel." "Szybko wstaję i sprawdzam szkody. Cała sekcja grządki, na której wylądowałem, miała odcisk mojej sylwetki jak aniołek w śniegu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1408 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9f32a7ba: # "Just my luck." "To moje szczęście." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1410 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2ec14cdc: # A "Rosa, I didn’t mean-" A "Rosa, Nie było to moim zamiarem-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1412 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f253db95: # Ro "It doesn’t matter what you meant!" Ro "Nie ma znaczenia, co zamierazłeś!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1414 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_368c6d5c: # Ro "Once is forgivable,{w=.3} but{w=.1} {nw}" Ro "Raz jest wybaczalne,{w=.3} ale{w=.1} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1417 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8e26a8fb: # extend "twice!{w=.5} {nw}" extend "dwa razy!{w=.5} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1422 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0872ed0c: # extend "TWICE!" extend "DWA!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1426 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_fc79f678: # Ro "¡¡QUÉDATE QUIETO QUE TE JURO POR RAPTOR JESÚS QUE TE GOLPEARÉ CON LA CHANCLA!!{nw}" Ro "¡¡QUÉDATE QUIETO QUE TE JURO POR JESÚS RAPTOR QUE TE GOLPEARÉ CON LA CHANCLA!!{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1437 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_993d4abf: # St "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" St "Hej, hej, hej!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1439 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7679a35e: # "I am saved by a green stegosaur grabbing the mighty arm of judgement out of the air mid-swing." "Zostałem uratowany przez zielonego stegozaura, który chwycił potężne ramię osądzenia w powietrzu w połowie zamachu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1444 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a4dad736: # St "Rosa, remember what we talked about!" St "Rosa, pamiętaj, o czym rozmawiałyśmy!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1448 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_684f5c7b: # "Steam erupts from Rosa’s nostrils like a bull." "Para wylatuje z nozdrzy Rosy jak z byka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1461 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2c7cf463: # Ro "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Ro "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1463 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_22354436: # St "Don’t use physical force to make people hurt, alright?" St "Nie używaj siły fizycznej, żeby sprawić by ludzie cierpieli, dobrze?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1466 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f5b0d30d: # A "Th-{w=.3}thank you St-" A "Dzięk-{w=.3}dziękuję, St-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1468 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bfe31838: # St "That’s what manual labor is for, right?" St "Przecież do tego służy praca fizyczna, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1471 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1474 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ef608d2c: # Ro "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yes{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yes, of course." Ro "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tak, oczywiście." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1482 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9459f6ea: # Ro "You! An-on, you will help extra two hours after everyone else! Two!!" Ro "Ty! Anon, będziesz pomagał dodatkowo przez dwie godziny po wszystkich! Dwie!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1485 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_78ccc439: # A "For flowers?!" A "Za kwiaty?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1487 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_71d496a2: # Ro "For flowers!" Ro "Za kwiaty!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1490 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_59b4580c: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just beat me?" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Jesteś pewna, że wolałabyś po prostu mnie pobić?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1494 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4e2256a4: # Ro "I can do both!" Ro "Mogę oba!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1498 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_88f0b477: # St "Where did Fang go?" St "Gdzie poszła Fang?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1501 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_01873c52: # A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} did something I shouldn’t have." A "Ja, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} zrobiłem coś, czego nie powinienem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1503 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a1a9e7f2: # A "She ran off{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Uciekła{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1507 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1c0ad98b: # Ro "You ruin the flowers of friendship like you do of my labor!!" Ro "Niszczysz kwiaty przyjaźni tak samo, jak moją pracę!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1510 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bd5b94a1: # St "You should go find Fang and apologize. And bring her back." St "Powinieneś iść znaleźć Fang i przeprosić. I przyprowadź ją z powrotem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1513 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_49d71a17: # St "If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them." St "Jeśli nie podzielisz czyjegoś bólu, nigdy nie będziesz ich rozumiał." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1516 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8def6099: # "Did this bitch just quote Naruto of all things?" "Czy ta suka właśnie zacytowała Naruto ze wszystkich rzeczy?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1518 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9beed9a5: # "If I weren’t being directed to leave I would have bailed anyways." "Gdybym nie był nakazany opuścić miejsca, i tak bym poszedł." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1521 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6135989a: # A "I saw her going towards the parking lot, I’ll be right back." A "Widziałem, jak szła w kierunku parkingu, zaraz wrócę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1537 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_80ac07b0: # Ro "You better!" Ro "Oby!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1546 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ab77d099: # "There aren’t many cars in the parking lot, so Fang shouldn’t be too hard to find." "Nie ma wielu samochodów na parkingu, więc Fang nie powinna być zbyt trudna do znalezienia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1552 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6466ed20: # "That pair of wings rustling in-between two parked cars is probably a hint,{w=.4} not sure." "Para skrzydeł szeleszcząca pomiędzy dwoma zaparkowanymi samochodami to prawdopodobnie wskazówka,{w=.4} nie jestem pewien." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1555 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_815175f7: # "I silently approach, hiding behind the other cars in the lot." "Podchodzę milcząco, ukrywając się za innymi samochodami na parkingu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1559 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f7edcb99: # "She’s huddled around the passenger door of a garishly yellow minivan." "Ona skuliła się wokół drzwi pasażera krzykliwie żółtego minivana." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1562 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7fa96e2e: # "Wait, is she{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" "Poczekaj, czy ona{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1564 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_de753322: # "Shit, I gotta stop her." "Cholera, muszę ją powstrzymać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1576 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0a20458f: # A "Fang, what are you doing?!" A "Fang, co ty robisz?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1582 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7eda9d92: # F "Fuck off, fuck-knuckle." F "Spadaj, debilu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1586 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697_1: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1588 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5b02bb64: # A "Fang, don’t break into a teacher's car{w},{cps=*.5} we’ll get-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" A "Fang, nie włamuj się do samochodu nauczyciela{w},{cps=*.5} dostaniemy-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1593 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1df95823: # F "Shut the fuck up cunt smuggler I’m focusing on this." F "Zamknij swój marny ryj, skupiam się na tym." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1595 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697_2: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1597 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0a6be3ec: # "I’m over it." "Mam już dość." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1600 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4b292c83: # A "Why are you doing this?" A "Dlaczego to robisz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1604 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_af040fdc: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}It’ll be fun." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}To będzie zabawne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1606 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6ea8fcd2: # F "{cps=*.5}Hehehehe{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.5}Hehehehe{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1608 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e424355e: # F "Why, you want to join in on a joyride?" F "A co, chcesz dołączyć do mnie?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1610 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2b58688b: # "She looks at me like it’s a genuine question." "Patrzy na mnie, jakby to było prawdziwa pytanie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1613 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c2df85a4: # A "No, I don’t." A "Nie, nie chcę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1635 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0a20458f_1: # A "Fang, what are you doing?!" A "Fang, co ty robisz?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1661 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_495bd709: # A "Stop kicking the car!!" A "Przestań kopać samochód!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1664 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bfe365e7: # A "Damn it Fang!" A "Cholera, Fang!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1666 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3dc88a9f: # A "I don’t know what more to say," A "Nie wiem, co mam jeszcze powiedzieć," # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1668 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9d084677: # A "except I’m sorry." A "oprócz tego, że mi przykro." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1670 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_23378449: # A "I messed up and that was a dick move." A "Spuściłem z tonu i to był głupi ruch." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1672 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c4d49870: # A "But if you keep this up we’ll both be going-" A "Ale jeśli będziesz tak robić, obydwoje pójdziemy-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1674 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6b87271b: # F "What do you care?!" F "Co cię to obchodzi?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1676 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7acc3994: # F "We’re already in detention, what’s a FEW MORE DAYS?!" F "Już jesteśmy w areszcie, co to jest KILKA DNI więcej?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1679 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_aa6ceeea: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}TO JAIL, FANG." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}DO WIĘZIENIA, FANG." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1682 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_59d76056: # F "GO." F "IDŹ SOBIE." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1684 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_20d3d6b1: # F "AWAY." F "DALEKO." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1687 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_054f2381: # A "YOU WANT TO GET OUR PARENTS INVOLVED?!" A "CHCESZ, ŻEBY ZAANGAŻOWALI SIĘ NASI RODZICE?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1698 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d6913ea7: # "Fang stops kicking the glass, drained of energy and out of breath." "Fang przestaje kopać w szybę, wyczerpana i bez tchu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1707 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8f7d1152: # "Thankfully, the glass isn’t even scratched." "Na szczęście, szyba nawet się nie zarysowała." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1712 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_13f0ede2: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You’re right for being angry at me, you’re talented and skilled, and I got nothing to show for myself, and what I did was wrong{cps=*.1}..{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Masz rację, że jesteś na mnie zła, jesteś utalentowana i zdolna, a ja nie mam nic do pokazania, a to, co zrobiłem, było złe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1714 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8140bbf8: # A "But you’re better than this, come on." A "Ale jesteś lepsza niż to ..no dawaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1717 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1719 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3f061c04: # "Fang won’t look my direction." "Fang nie patrzy w moim kierunku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1721 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2147611c: # "At least she hasn’t started kicking the car again." "Przynajmniej nie zaczęła znów kopać samochodu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1724 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_52c96a34: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Might be a good idea to give her some space." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Może być dobrym pomysłem, żeby dać jej trochę przestrzeni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1728 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c0c5b989: # "All of a sudden I feel like I shouldn’t be here." "Nagle czuję, że nie powinienem być tutaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1733 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8fa5384d: # unknown "HEY!!" unknown "HEJ!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1745 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bd8aeb18: # unknown "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO MY CAR?!" unknown "CO ROBICIE Z MOIM SAMOCHODEM?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1748 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_58d83ee1: # "We freeze." "Zamieramy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1764 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_daa781f3: # "Fang immediately bolts towards the front of the school." "Fang natychmiast biegnie w kierunku przodu szkoły." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1766 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d61f07ed: # "I follow after, legs pumping furiously in an attempt to both catch up to Fang and avoid the teacher screeching at us from behind." "Podążam za nią, nogi pracują jak w furii, próbując zarówno dogonić Fang, jak i uniknąć nauczyciela wrzeszczącego na nas z tyłu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1768 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_30d4bf77: # "I see Fang veer into the school, the door closing slowly after." "Widzę, jak Fang skręca do szkoły, a drzwi powoli się zamykają." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1770 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6d44c9b1: # "By the jacket on my back I’m able to slip in just before the door shuts completely." "Dzięki kurtce na moich plecach udaje mi się wcisnąć tuż przed zamknięciem się drzwi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1772 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c14a0870: # "Fang is panting in the stairwell near the door. And I’m sure I’m redder than I was earlier with the vines." "Fang dyszy na klatce schodowej niedaleko drzwi. I jestem pewien, że jestem bardziej czerwony niż wcześniej z powodu winorośli." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1791 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_36118a97: # F "Why{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} hah{w=.3} hah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} did you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} follow me?" F "Dlaczego{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} hah{w=.3} hah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} za mną{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} poszedłeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1794 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_94871ed8: # "Why?" "Dlaczego?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1796 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_83dafc00: # A "Be{w=.2} {cps=*.5}haaaaah{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} because{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} I’m sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Bo{w=.2} {cps=*.5}haaaaah{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} przepraszam{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1804 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9d93e78b: # "Her sneer returns and she makes to turn away." "Jej szyderczy uśmiech wraca i odwraca się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1807 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e7ebddf2: # A "I fucked up.{w=.4} Yes, I was at that concert.{w=.4} And yes, I laughed.{w=.4} I never expected to actually become your friend." A "Dałem ciała.{w=.4} Tak, byłem na tym koncercie.{w=.4} I tak, się śmiałem.{w=.4} Nigdy nie spodziewałem się naprawdę stać się twoim przyjacielem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1810 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6a0fe957: # "Her wings block my view of her." "Jej skrzydła blokują mi widok na nią." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1812 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1d88c4c7: # "But she hasn’t left yet. Maybe I can fix this after all." "Ale jeszcze nie wyszła. Może uda mi się to naprawić w końcu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1815 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3e6b48b4: # A "I just wanted to coast through school. I was happy being a loner." A "Chciałem tylko pebimblować przez rok szkolny. Byłem szczęśliwy będąc samotnikiem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1817 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_98a1bc35: # A "I’ve always been one, after all." A "Zawsze nim byłem, przecież." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1828 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_538c809b: # "Without a word Fang climbs the stairs." "Bez słowa Fang wchodzi po schodach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1838 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9d469299: # "Fuck." "Cholera." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1841 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1135a9de: # "I consider following but her silence was evidence enough she wants nothing to do with me." "Zastanawiam się nad pójściem za nią, ale jej milczenie było wystarczającym dowodem, że nie chce mieć ze mną nic wspólnego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1843 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_09ddbf30: # "And standing here by myself I have time to think of my own admission." "I stojąc tu sam, mam czas aby pomyśleć o moim własnym zachowaniu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1846 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9617c43a: # "If Fang leaves me alone, I’ll get exactly what I want. Right?" "Jeśli Fang zostawi mnie samego, dostanę dokładnie to, czego chcę. Prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1848 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9f46d83f: # "She could probably talk Trish and Reed into leaving me alone too." "Prawdopodobnie mogłaby namówić Trish i Reeda, żeby zostawili mnie w spokoju." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1850 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d2b2d623: # "I’ll get the easy life I wanted." "Będę miał łatwe życie, które chciałem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1853 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9e6e0fcc: # "So why the fuck do I feel absolutely empty right now?" "Więc kurwa, dlaczego czuję się teraz całkowicie pusty?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1857 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a6c308c0: # "I sigh and slump over on the stairs." "Wzdycham i opadam na schody." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1859 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5adab9f4: # A "Can today get any worse?" A "Czy dziś może być jeszcze gorzej?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1871 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_fbc69402: # St "Karma would suggest yes." St "Karma sugerowałaby tak." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1874 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_94004a03: # "Oh." "Och." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1879 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8aca3993: # "You know, I always thought that tempting fate thing was just a dumb cliche." "Wiesz, zawsze sądziłem, że kuszenie losu to tylko głupi frazes." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1881 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6570bcf4: # "It still is. But maybe Stella has a good point about astrology." "Wciąż jest. Ale może Stella ma rację co do astrologii." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1885 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dc5a4d8a: # St "Rosa!{w=.4} I found our errant runaway!" St "Rosa!{w=.4} Znalazłem naszego zbłąkanego uciekiniera!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1888 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_71fd191c: # "I hear the shrill screech of a latina banshee approach." "Słyszę przeraźliwy krzyk latynoskiej zmory zbliżającej się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1901 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2f2b3294: # Ro "Where did you go?!" Ro "Gdzie poszedłeś?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1903 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f3c81b90: # Ro "You were supposed to get Fang and return!{w=.4} {nw}" Ro "Miałeś odebrać Fang i wrócić!{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1908 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2de9709b: # extend "RETURN!!" extend "WRÓCIĆ!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1910 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1f7f44b2: # A "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Right.{w=.4} Yeah, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sorry." A "Och{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tak.{w=.4} Tak, e{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Przepraszam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1912 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_145306e5: # Ro "You will be sorry!" Ro "To, to dopiero będziesz!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1915 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c9e8a819: # St "There’s two hours left for the rest of the students, but that makes four for you." St "Pozostały dwie godziny dla reszty uczniów, ale dla ciebie to cztery." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1923 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4307f9b8: # Ro "Do not worry An-on!{w=.4} We stay as well!" Ro "Nie martw się Anon!{w=.4} My też zostajemy!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1926 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1d3ee2ae: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.3}Greaaat.{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.3}Świetnie.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1931 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cd3f1241: # "The next few hours were grueling hell." "Następne kilka godzin to było męczące piekło." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1933 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8ce4918f: # "Carrying bags of the most rancid smelling fertilizer back and forth{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Niosąc torby z najbardziej cuchnącym nawozem tam i z powrotem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1935 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_06771f80: # "Clearing entire sections of flowerbed of weeds using only a trowel{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Czyszczenie całych sekcji klombu z chwastów używając tylko szpadla{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1937 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_29fc2887: # "Tilling the same flowerbeds by hand{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Orka tych samych klombów ręcznie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1941 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_186f4f57: # "I don’t think the phrase ‘backbreaking labor’ was supposed to be literal." "Nie sądzę, że fraza „nużąca praca” miała być dosłowna." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1954 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_70d6d432: # Ro "As is expected of hombres!" Ro "Jak to się spodziewa od hombres!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1957 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c5ba80f9: # "I could already tell that by the end of the day I would have crippling arthritis." "Już teraz wiedziałem, że do końca dnia będę mieć paraliżujące zapalenie stawów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1960 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d0e8c38c: # "Fang returns eventually, but still won’t talk to me and just sticks nearby cutting vines." "Fang w końcu wraca, ale nadal nie chce ze mną rozmawiać i po prostu trzyma się w pobliżu tnąc winorośle." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1962 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_adae2a38: # "Only an hour has passed, but I’m about ready to sleep for days." "Minęła dopiero godzina, ale jestem gotowy spać przez dni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1964 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5f40d524: # Ro "An-on!{w=.4} We will now be replanting the flowers you destroyed!" Ro "Anon! {w=.4} Teraz będziemy ponownie sadzić kwiaty, które zniszczyłeś!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1967 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_437b16d5: # "‘Destroyed’ is a harsh word{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "‘Zniszczyłeś to surowe słowo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1970 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1ec0d646: # A "But I don’t know anything about planting-" A "Ale nie wiem nic o sadzeniu-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1973 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9145d74b: # Ro "You speak nonsense!{w=.4} {nw}" Ro "Mówisz bzdury!{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1976 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_62d4e19a: # extend "Come here, now, I’ll teach you!" extend "Chodź tu, teraz cię nauczę!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1978 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d3865ab8: # "She motions me to get on my knees next to her and hands me a clump of dirt with a juvenile daisy in it." "Daje mi znak, żebym uklęknął obok niej i podaje mi bryłkę ziemi z młodą stokrotką." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1989 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cbd5896b: # Ro "I will dig the hole, you will place it in.{w=.4} Very simple!" Ro "Ja wykopię dziurę, ty włożysz to do środka.{w=.4} Bardzo proste!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1993 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8b7b640c: # "I somehow almost drop the flower." "Jakoś prawie upuszczam kwiat." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1995 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c2ee0828: # A "Y-{w=.2}yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "T-{w=.2}tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1997 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4885c1fa: # "I don’t even {i}want{/i} to think what would happen if I mess up a third time." "Nawet nie chcę myśleć, co by się stało, gdybym po raz trzeci się pomylił." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2000 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ccfa6e52: # "Rosa points up at Fang, who is still aggressively trimming back the vines." "Rosa wskazuje w górę na Fang, która wciąż agresywnie przycina winorośle." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2003 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a218ea92: # Ro "Fang, do you want to plant some, too?" Ro "Fang, chcesz też coś posadzić?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2006 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1d14fc5b: # F "{size=-5}I’ll{cps=*.1}...{/cps} pass.{/size}" F "{size=-5}Ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps} spasuję.{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2010 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_623d0c7b: # "With a practiced hand Rosa clears out a cylindrical hole deep enough for the clump to go in." "Rosa wprawną ręką wykopała cylindryczną dziurę wystarczająco głęboką, by włożyć kłącze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2012 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c54f12d8: # Ro "Okay, it’s ready." Ro "Dobra, gotowe." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2014 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6501628c: # "My arms are practically rubber from today’s work and are faltering to the point pieces of dirt are being shaken off." "Moje ramiona są praktycznie gumowe po dzisiejszej pracy, aż do tego stopnia, że kawałki ziemi są potrząsane." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2016 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_66f0ec3b: # "A little bit from the hole, I have to catch the whole thing when it slips from my grip." "Trochę dalej od dziury, muszę złapać całość, gdy mi wypada z ręki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2018 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9e61db23: # "Rosa puts her hands around mine to steady them before I drop it for real." "Rosa wkłada swoje ręce na moje, żeby je ustabilizować, zanim prawdziwie to upuszczę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2020 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d554b6bf: # Ro "{cps=*.2}Veeery {/cps}easy, like this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Ro "{cps=*.2}Baaardzo {/cps}delikatnie, tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2022 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e020fc71: # "The bulb is placed in the hole and we let go." "Cebulka jest umieszczona w dziurze i odpuszczamy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2024 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dd9b0f16: # "Rosa quickly fills up the patch of dirt with the trowel, leaving only the stem and flower visible." "Rosa szybko wypełnia kawałek ziemi szpadlem, pozostawiając widoczną tylko łodygę i kwiat." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2031 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9e2db75a: # Ro "You did it!" Ro "Udało ci się!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2038 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c2643a02: # A "Doesn’t seem like I did much at all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Nie wygląda na to, że zrobiłem wiele{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2041 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ed3a55e2: # Ro "Hush now.{w=.4} We still have dozens left to plant." Ro "Cicho teraz.{w=.4} Mamy jeszcze dziesiątki do posadzenia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2046 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c2b0c85f: # "A keening whine rumbles from my mouth." "Głośne jęki wydobywają się z moich ust." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2048 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f3077436: # A "Can’t I just take the beating instead? Please?" A "Czy nie mogę po prostu zamiast tego dostać lania? Proszę?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2051 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_14c7bbd7: # F "{size=-5}I’ll do that if you really want.{/size}" F "{size=-5}Zrobię to, jeśli naprawdę chcesz.{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2056 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_868531e8: # Ro "Do you want to borrow my slipper?" Ro "Chcesz pożyczyć mój kapeć?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2060 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c291951d: # A "I’d prefer the shovel. Aim right here, and do {i}not{/i} resuscitate me after." A "Wolałbym łopatę. Celuj tutaj, i {i}nie{/i} próbuj mnie reanimować potem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2066 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0c498ab7: # "Fang’s chuckle helps to lighten my mood immensely." "Śmiech Fang pomaga mi znacznie poprawić nastrój." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2068 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8e3ecdb3: # "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Może{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2076 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_33ab9c45: # "I continue replanting flowers under Rosa’s caring yet Orwellian supervision." "Kontynuuję przesadzanie kwiatów pod troskliwą, ale orwellowską opieką Rosy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2079 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_212012c3: # "At noon the bellowing of our principal calls us back up to the front of the school." "W południe wrzask dyrektora zwołuje nas z powrotem do przodu szkoły." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2093 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_edc0e659: # Sp "Thank you all again for showing up today." Sp "Dziękuję wszystkim jeszcze raz za przybycie dzisiaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2095 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5f49d221: # Sp "I hope that through your hard work all of you learned a valuable lesson." Sp "Mam nadzieję, że dzięki waszej ciężkiej pracy wszyscy odnieśliście wartościową lekcję." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2097 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0058b3a7: # "I catch Fang rolling her eyes from the corner of my vision." "Zauważam kątem oka, jak Fang przewraca oczami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2099 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4fd95596: # Sp "Please do stay safe on your way home, and try to keep out of trouble in the future." Sp "Proszę, bądźcie bezpieczni w drodze do domu i starajcie się unikać kłopotów w przyszłości." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2102 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1eef7c3a: # Sp "Dismissed." Sp "Odejść." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2117 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d61a248d: # Ro "Not you, An-on!{w=.4} You stay!" Ro "Nie ty, Anon!{w=.4} Ty zostajesz!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2121 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e1b105a5: # Ro "Right!{w=.4} And before everyone goes{cps=*.1}...!{/cps}" Ro "Dokładnie!{w=.4} I zanim wszyscy pójdą{cps=*.1}...!{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2128 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_036f0de6: # "Stella approaches holding a covered pot and paper plates." "Stella zbliża się trzymając przykryty garnek i papierowe talerze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2131 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8e13cf7c: # Ro "I made lunch for everyone!!" Ro "Ugotowałam obiad dla wszystkich!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2137 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9d852996: # "The small crowd gets a bit more energetic." "Niewielka grupa staje się nieco bardziej energetyczna." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2139 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_48a8ecea: # Ro "Home cooked Mole Poblano!{w=.4} Enough for seconds and thirds!" Ro "Domowe Mole Poblano!{w=.4} Wystarczająco dużo na dokładkę i trzecią porcję!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2153 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_588b5bb3: # "I graciously accept a plate and stack it high with salty-sweet goodness." "Uprzejmie przyjmuję talerz i układam na nim dużą ilość słodko-słonych przysmaków." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2156 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4fd60c59: # "The hot food is absolutely heavenly, reinvigorating me as I bite into the mexican meal." "Gorące jedzenie jest absolutnie niebiańskie, ożywiając mnie, gdy gryzę meksykańskie danie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2158 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cc48dc95: # F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} so filling{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tak sycące{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2160 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f250affe: # A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wish I could cook like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps} żałuję, że nie potrafię gotować tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2163 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_71846403: # "Wait." "Poczekaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2165 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_406a3980: # "I look around and see that the only ones left are Rosa, Stella, Fang and I." "Oglądam się dookoła i widzę, że zostali tylko Rosa, Stella, Fang i ja." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2167 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5d18058c: # "Even Spears has gone home." "Nawet Spears już poszedł do domu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2170 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f4e03b73: # A "Fang, ab-" A "Fang, odno-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2172 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dcf0dcae: # Ro "Alright An-on, back to work!{w=.4} You still owe me two hours of heavy lifting!" Ro "Dobrze Anon, wracaj do pracy!{w=.4} Nadal jesteś mi winien dwie godziny ciężkiej roboty!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2177 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1b9b5607: # Ro "Oh don't be sad. You are a natural greenthumb!" Ro "Och, nie bądź smutny. Jesteś naturalnym miłośnikiem roślin!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2180 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3e938e41: # Ro "When you are not laying on my flowers, that is." Ro "Kiedy nie leżysz na moich kwiatach, to znaczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2186 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_07f97af8: # "I don’t really{cps=*.1}...{/cps} get compliments." "Rzadko dostaję komplementy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2188 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_24de8d3d: # "It’s just circumstance, it’s not like I'm actually any less lazy or unskilled." "To tylko okoliczności, nie jest tak, że jestem mniej leniwy czy niezdolny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2194 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0f125c2c: # F "Hold on, I’m not done yet." F "Poczekaj, jeszcze nie skończyłem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2197 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_71f05743: # St "We can wait a bit while you two finish. You need all your energy after all." St "Możemy chwilę poczekać, dopóki wy dwaj nie skończycie. W końcu potrzebujemy całej waszej energii." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2201 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a0620e21: # "These guys aren’t half bad." "Te laski wcale nie są takie złe." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2203 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dc930515: # "I thought they were slave drivers, but then again I did ruin their hard work." "Myślałem, że są jak tyrni, ale z drugiej strony zepsułem ich ciężką pracę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2209 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_af54ecae: # A "Stella, I’ve been meaning to ask{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Stella, miałem zamiar zapytać{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2211 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_be121ee1: # A "Why {i}are{/i} you like this?" A "Dlaczego {i}jest{/i}eś taka?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2214 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_436bb7e1: # St "Like what?" St "Jaka?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2216 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9aa319dc: # A "You know, the whole thing with astrology and quoting{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Wiesz, cała ta sprawa z astrologią i cytowaniem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2218 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697_3: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2220 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_31f31af7: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}video games." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}gier wideo." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2223 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e3d12de9: # St "Oh, I dunno, I guess it’s just the stuff I like." St "Oh, nie wiem, chyba po prostu to lubię." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2225 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e1b5c046: # A "Right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "No tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2228 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e96f1b82: # St "Why do you ask?{w=.5} {nw}" St "Dlaczego pytasz?{w=.5} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2230 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3a7dfeb2: # extend "{cps=*.2}Ooh,{/cps} are you interested in it, too?!" extend "{cps=*.2}Och,{/cps} czy ty też się tym interesujesz?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2233 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_267d70f3: # A "I, err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe some other time, Stella." A "Ja, err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} może innym razem, Stella." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2242 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cad54311: # "The rest of lunch passes by without incident, and I’m left savoring Rosa’s delicious cooking." "Reszta lunchu mija bez incydentów, a ja delektuję się pysznym gotowaniem Rosy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2244 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5d8a97c5: # "Like they say, the first rule of Mexican food: the more it looks like raw sewage, the better it tastes." "Jak mówią, pierwsza zasada dotycząca meksykańskiego jedzenia: im bardziej przypomina wyglądem ścieki, tym lepiej smakuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2247 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5a16d98c: # "The next two hours of work fly by relatively quickly without Rosa and Stella breathing down my neck." "Kolejne dwie godziny pracy szybko mijają bez zaglądanaia przez ramie od strony Rosy i Stelli." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2250 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_50049162: # "Replant the rest of the flowers I had crushed, all done by me." "Przesadzić resztę kwiatów, które zdeptałem, wszystko wykonane przeze mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2253 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5754e478: # "Collect all of the discarded vines and clippings into compost bins, all done by me." "Zebrać wszystkie odrzucone pnącza i przycięcia do pojemników na kompost, wszystko wykonane przeze mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2256 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_80e4210f: # "Carry all of the tools back into the maintenance shed." "Zanieść wszystkie narzędzia z powrotem do szopy na narzędzia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2258 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2efb496f: # "Take a guess who did it." "Zgadnij, kto to zrobił." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2263 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c38b78a0: # "Fang stuck around for some reason, even though I don’t think she had any other work to do." "Fang została z jakiegoś powodu, chociaż nie sądzę, że miała jeszcze jakąkolwiek inną pracę do wykonania." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2265 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ad357be4: # "But now my prison sentence is finally over and I’m free to go." "Ale teraz moje więzienie wreszcie się skończyło i jestem wolny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2270 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f45f4035: # "My feet hurt, my arms hurt, my back hurts." "Bolą mnie stopy, ręce i plecy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2286 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b8af3b5b: # Ro "An-on, you did such a good job today! You should sign up for the gardening club!" Ro "Anon, dzisiaj świetnie sobie poradziłeś! Powinieneś zapisać się do klubu ogrodniczego!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2289 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b8426c58: # St "Yeah! You could come and help out with {i}all{/i} of our meetings!" St "Tak! Możesz przyjść i pomóc nam we {i}wszystkich{/i} naszych spotkaniach!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2293 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_40f2e34a: # "{cps=*.4}I just want to go home.{/cps}" "{cps=*.4}Chcę tylko wrócić do domu.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2301 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_34b8acd5: # A "That’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’ll{cps=*.1}...{/cps} think about it." A "To{cps=*.1}...{/cps} się{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nad tym zastanowię." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2311 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f58aebd7: # "I walk away before either of them can push joining their club further. I’m too tired to argue." "Odchodzę, zanim którakolwiek z nich może dalej namawiać mnie do dołączenia do ich klubu. Jestem zbyt zmęczony, żeby dyskutować." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2316 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3f5562a2: # "Fang seems to have disappeared, guess she didn’t want to stick around longer than she had to after all." "Wydaje się, że Fang zniknęła, pewnie nie chciała zostać dłużej, niż musiała." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2328 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_db824332: # "As I pass by some of the gardens I take a moment to admire my handiwork." "Przechodząc obok niektórych ogrodów, poświęcam chwilę, aby podziwiać swoją pracę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2330 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_60f8d191: # "As much as I didn’t want to be here, I have to admit they look a lot cleaner than before." "Choć nie chciałem tu być, muszę przyznać, że teraz wyglądają znacznie czystsze niż wcześniej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2342 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5a9e009e: # F "See? That’s what doing some actual hard work for once can do." F "Widzisz? To właśnie może osiągnąć wykonanie prawdziwej ciężkiej pracy przynajmniej raz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2347 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f7ba83e3: # "Fang’s sudden appearance from behind me makes me flinch. I guess she stuck around after all." "Nagłe pojawienie się Fang z tyłu sprawia, że mam dreszcze. Wygląda na to, że jednak została." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2350 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_815763b1: # F "A wimp like you could use it, too." F "Tchórzliwiec jak ty też mógłby tego użyć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2353 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7d838482: # "So now Fang is suddenly talking to me, again?" "Więc teraz Fang nagle znów ze mną rozmawia?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2356 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a6a2ead3: # A "Yeah, sure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Tak, pewnie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2360 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_26172836: # F "Now all the important and beautiful plants can thrive without any of the useless weeds choking them up and holding them back." F "Teraz wszystkie ważne i piękne rośliny mogą rozwijać się bez żadnych zbędnych chwastów duszących je i powstrzymujących." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2363 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_88b38dc2: # "Oh right, I almost forgot Fang thinks people like me are barely worth the oxygen." "O tak, prawie zapomniałem, że Fang uważa, że ludzie jak ja ledwo zasługują na tlen." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2365 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1708e260: # "Not that I really blame her after earlier." "Nie żeby mnie to naprawdę dziwiło po tym, co wcześniej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2368 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_04408da1: # A "Yeah, well, don’t let the weeds like me get in your way{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Tak, cóż, nie pozwól, żeby takie chwasty jak ja stanęły ci na drodze{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2371 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_98bbffd0: # "I sigh and turn away from Fang, beginning my very achy walk home." "Wzdycham i odwracam się od Fang, rozpoczynając moje bardzo bolesne wracanie do domu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2373 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a4800ca9: # "Time to go and sleep for twenty hours." "Czas iść spać przez dwadzieścia godzin." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2382 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f2a7e3de: # F "Anon, wait." F "Anon, poczekaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2384 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f29bd01b: # "I stop in my tracks." "Zatrzymuję się na miejscu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2386 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_037d6bab: # "Now what does she want?" "Co teraz chce?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2390 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dd300903: # A "Look, I said I was sorry, okay? I laughed at you guys and ruined your concert." A "Wiesz, powiedziałem już, że mi przykro, dobrze? Śmiałem się z was i zepsułem wasz koncert." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2392 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8d1bd4cb: # A "I don’t care if you never want to talk to me again, I just don’t know what else you want me to say." A "Nie obchodzi mnie, czy nigdy więcej nie chcesz ze mną rozmawiać, po prostu nie wiem, co jeszcze chcesz, żebym powiedział." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2395 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_05cec98b: # F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} to{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2399 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a12601d0: # F "It’s not the concert I’m upset about." F "To nie koncert mnie zmartwił." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2402 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_67aaa788: # "What?" "Co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2404 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_67747a61: # A "It’s not?" A "To nie to?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2407 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2b62dc04: # F "I mean, maybe a little bit, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Chodzi mi o to, że może trochę, ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2410 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4b5f38a4: # F "I’m mad because you kept it from me, okay?" F "Jestem zła, bo ukryłeś to przed mną, okej?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2412 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a3e97397: # F "It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I haven’t made many friends in, well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} a while." F "Chodzi o to, że{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nie zdobyłam ostatnio zbyt wielu przyjaciół." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2414 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_878e35fd: # F "I don’t want to lose an actual friend over stupid bullshit like that." F "Nie chcę stracić prawdziwego przyjaciela z powodu takich głupot." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2416 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6983efa4: # F "I just thought you would have trusted me enough to tell me the truth{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Po prostu myślałam, że wystarczająco mi zaufasz, że powiesz mi prawdę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2419 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d3e4d39b: # A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} is this why you stuck around earlier?" A "Czy{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dlatego zostałaś wcześniej?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2421 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_743b1db3: # "She hesitates before nodding, like she needed to convince herself." "Waha się, zanim kiwnie głową, jakby musiała siebie przekonać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2423 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f375c023: # F "Not that it matters but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’m sorry too." F "Nie żeby to miało znaczenie, ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ja też przepraszam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2425 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f5c4f37c: # A "You{cps=*.1}...{/cps} for what? Kicking me in the face?" A "Ty{cps=*.1}...{/cps} za co? Kopnięcie mnie w twarz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2428 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0faf1260: # F "I {i}might{/i} have overreacted a bit earlier but you did deserve that." F "Może trochę za bardzo zareagowałam wcześniej, ale zasłużyłeś na to." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2431 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b12a0b9f: # F "I’m sorry for calling you one of the weeds.{w=.4} You’re not a weed, you’re{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I dunno, a mushroom or some shit." F "Przepraszam za nazwanie cię jednym z chwastów.{w=.4} Nie jesteś chwastem, jesteś{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Nie wiem, grzybem czy coś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2434 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_92ae0fc4: # A "A mushroom? Not like a cool tree or a cactus or something?" A "Grzyb? Nie jak fajne drzewo czy kaktus czy coś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2436 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_289f15a5: # F "Hell no, you’re not {i}that{/i} cool. Mushrooms take all the bad shit and turn it into nutrients for all of the good plants, y’know?" F "Nie, nie jesteś {i}tak{/i} fajny. Grzyby biorą całe złe gówno i zamieniają je w składniki odżywcze dla wszystkich dobrych roślin, wiesz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2439 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d52e79c4: # F "Plus you kinda look like one, too." F "Poza tym trochę na niego wyglądasz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2442 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_98c975ce: # "Fucking rude." "Kurwa, ale niegrzecznie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2445 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7b0d3de3: # A "That’s like the nicest thing I think I’ve ever heard you say." A "To chyba najładniejsza rzecz, jaką kiedykolwiek słyszałem, żebyś powiedziała." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2448 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_116b66c6: # F "Now you’re pushing it." F "Teraz przesadzasz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2451 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ed5950a2: # "I let out a sigh of relief. Can’t say that’s how I expected this conversation to go." "Wypuszczam oddech ulgi. Nie mogę powiedzieć, że spodziewałem się, że ta rozmowa tak się potoczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2454 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c338b065: # A "I guess we’re both assholes, then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Chyba jesteśmy obaj skurwielami, więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2456 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ea38f543: # F "Heh, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} friends?" F "Heh, taa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} przyjaciele?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2459 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1447b493: # A "Friends." A "Przyjaciele." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2462 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d806d6ed: # A "So, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} why do you know so much about mushrooms, exactly?{w=.4} Reed?" A "Więc, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} skąd dokładnie znasz się na grzybach?{w=.4} Reed?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2465 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5f2c30f6: # "Fang gives me a sideways glance and smiles a bit." "Fang z boku spogląda na mnie i lekko się uśmiecha." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2467 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e3f6a49c: # F "Spend enough time around Stella and Rosa and you pick up a few gardening facts." F "Spędź wystarczająco dużo czasu wokół Stelli i Rosy, a nauczysz się kilku faktów o ogrodnictwie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2469 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_137accfe: # A "Yeah, first impressions aside they’re pretty alright I guess.{w=.4} Stella’s a bit weird and Rosa is a walking stereotype." A "Tak, zostawiając pierwsze wrażenia na boku, są całkiem w porządku, tak przypuszczam.{w=.4} Stella jest trochę dziwna, a Rosa to żyjący stereotyp." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2473 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e1dc55b8: # F "{cps=*.5}BWAHAHA!!{/cps}{w=.4} A dork like {w=.2}{nw}" F "{cps=*.5}BWAHAHA!!{/cps}{w=.4} Kretyn jak {w=.2}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2476 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3c47576d: # extend "{i}you{/i}{w=.2} calling Stella weird?" extend "{i}ty{/i}{w=.2} nazywa Stellę dziwną?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2479 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_82dd7d96: # A "A dork like me has every right to call out Stella." A "Taki kretyn jak ja ma prawo nazwać tak Stellę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2482 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1961866d: # F "Sure, sure." F "Jasne, jasne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2484 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6ca68c87: # F "Anyway, I’ll be seeing ya, Anon." F "Tak czy inaczej, do zobaczenia, Anon." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2487 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5dd1dcce: # A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} See you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Do zobaczenia{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2501 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_59ebde95: # "Fang strolls away, humming some tune I’ve never heard." "Fang oddala się, nucąc melodię, której nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2503 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9f995073: # "Left alone now with just my thoughts I find myself feeling a great weight lift from me." "Zostawiony teraz sam ze swoimi myślami, czuję, że spada z mnie duży ciężar." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2506 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e34d9e32: # "Friends, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I can’t recall the last time I had a legitimate friend{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Przyjaciele, co{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Nie pamiętam, kiedy ostatnio miałem prawdziwego przyjaciela{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2509 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3f47a222: # A "{i}\"Some people certainly aren’t.\"{/i}" A "{i}\"Niektórzy z pewnością nimi nie są.\"{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2511 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_614600c6: # A "{i}\"Just never meant to amount to anything or do anything important.\"{/i}" A "{i}\"Po prostu nigdy nie miałem zamiaru osiągnąć czegokolwiek lub zrobić coś ważnego.\"{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2516 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697_4: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2518 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f33cc5ab: # A "I just don’t know anymore." A "Sam już nie wiem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2526 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ab8dc600: # "I set off for my apartment, body sore but spirit soaring." "Udaję się do mojego mieszkania, ciało obolałe, ale duch unosi się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2528 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2538 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f2f38a30: # "One month now." "Jeden miesiąc do teraz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2540 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dd1ba930: # "Five to go and I’ve found myself in a predicament." "Pozostało jeszcze pięć, a ja znalazłem się w kłopotliwej sytuacji." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2543 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_44ef2ffd: # "I’m enjoying my time with Fang." "Cieszę się spędzanym czasem z Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2546 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_82f9b93d: # "Most of the time just talking about stupid shit." "Większość czasu po prostu rozmawiając o głupotach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2548 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_db55e183: # "Like our mutual love for wire-fu and comedy movies." "Jak nasza wzajemna miłość do wire-fu i filmów komediowych." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2551 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1ecf2e24: # "{alpha=*0.5}{i}We are both ventriloquists,{w=.2} ventriloquists,{w=.2} ventriloquists.{w=.4} We are both ventriloquists{w=.1} and we practice every day.{/i}{/alpha}" "{alpha=*0.5}{i}Jesteśmy obaj brzuchomówcami,{w=.2} brzuchomówcami,{w=.2} brzuchomówcami.{w=.4} Jesteśmy obaj brzuchomówcami{w=.1} i ćwiczymy codziennie.{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2553 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3e462593: # F "{alpha=*0.5}{i}He carries a basket{/i}{/alpha}" F "{alpha=*0.5}{i}On niesie koszyk{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2555 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e9c192b6: # A "{alpha=*0.5}{i}He carries a paper roll{/i}{/alpha}" A "{alpha=*0.5}{i}On niesie rolkę papieru{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2557 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1f8cdba4: # "{alpha=*0.5}{i}and we don’t have cysts.{w=.5} But there is one thing that’s for sure my friends,{w=.4} we are ventriloquists.{/i}{/alpha}" "{alpha=*0.5}{i}i nie mamy torbieli.{w=.5} Ale jest jedna rzecz, o której możemy być pewni, moi przyjaciele,{w=.4} jesteśmy brzuchomówcami.{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2560 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bf3bbafe: # "Almost every day now I’m either at her desk helping her in Science or working on a lab with her." "Teraz prawie codziennie jestem albo przy jej biurku, pomagając jej w nauce, albo pracuję z nią w laboratorium." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2562 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dd093079: # "Or she’s sat next to me decrypting the mystical arts of Not Sucking at Music." "Albo siedzi obok mnie odszyfrowując mistyczne sztuki Nie Ssania w Muzyce." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2565 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_df607d27: # "I’m talking more with her than anyone I’ve ever talked with." "Rozmawiam więcej z nią niż z kimkolwiek wcześniej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2567 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4173680d: # "Not to mention lunch and after school. It’s less hiding from the tangerine tyrant and Naser these days and more spending time with Fang and Reed." "Nie wspominając o lunchu i po szkole. Teraz mniej ukrywania się przed mandarynkowym tyranem i Naserem, a więcej spędzania czasu z Fang i Reedem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2570 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4e064297: # "Even if he’s constantly checked out." "Nawet jeśli jest ciągle mentalnie nieobecny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2573 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1815a63a: # "And smells of burnt skunk." "I pachnie spalonym skunksiem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2576 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3c0b9552: # "The fuck is he on, anyway?!" "Kurwa, co on bierze?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2579 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_53d1afc4: # Re "It’s carfe, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re " 'To jest carfe', ziomek{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2589 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_60f94cde: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What?" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2592 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_12e48558: # Re "Carfentanyl." Re "Carfentanyl." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2597 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2599 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6dac522e: # "Whatever." "Nie ważne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2601 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9dde4e70: # "Fang and the gang{w=.3} (heh){w=.3} are pretty alright." "Fang i ekipa{w=.3} (heh){w=.3} są całkiem spoko." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2604 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8b7a04df: # "Trish though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Trish jednak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2606 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3ebdb724: # "Every day she gives me the same look of distrust and a put-upon sigh." "Codziennie rzuca mi ten sam wzrok nieufności i wzdycha z wyraźnym znudzeniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2608 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_794d8cca: # "As if I’m some kind of chore to deal with." "Jakbym był jakimś rodzajem zadania do wykonania." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2611 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2f3d3c36: # "Whatever.{w=.4} S’not like she matters in the long run." "Wszystko jedno.{w=.4} Nie tak, jakby miała znaczenie na dłuższą metę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2613 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_63d506ee: # "But I find myself having these weird thoughts lately." "Jednak w ostatnim czasie zdarzają mi się dziwne myśli." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2615 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1c67946: # "Like, is any of this real or not?" "Czy to wszystko jest rzeczywiste, czy nie?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2632 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2d16e059: # "I tumble backwards." "Obracam się do tyłu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2634 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2b4a379c: # "Off of the stage." "I ze sceny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2650 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_775b0082: # "Woah." "Oho." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2653 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4f6ac508: # A "Ow{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Au{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2656 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_08b39dc1: # Re "Bro{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} that sucks{cps=*.1}.....{/cps}" Re "Ziom{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} słabo{cps=*.1}.....{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2659 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5480f332: # "It’s lunch time now, and I guess I dozed off." "Teraz jest czas na lunch, i chyba zdrzemnąłem się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2661 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_79e0bad1: # "Too many late night ‘study’ sessions." "Zbyt wiele nocnych 'sesji nauki'." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2664 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_92a3fca0: # Re "You like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} need help?" Re "Czy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} potrzebujesz pomocy?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2667 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9ba11a4f: # A "{cps=*.25}ffff....{/cps}{w=.4} just{w=.3} fix the projector Reed." A "{cps=*.25}ffff....{/cps}{w=.4} po prostu{w=.3} napraw projektor, Reed." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2670 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4c898aba: # Re "‘Kay{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} almost done{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "'Kay{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} prawie gotowe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2688 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_45aaee5f: # "I hobble to my feet, feeling out the bruise blossoming on my shoulder." "Z trudem wstaję, czując, jak rozwija się siniak na moim ramieniu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2693 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ee57c855: # A "Hrrrrg{cps=*.1}...{/cps} stupid fuckin’ stage." A "Hrrrrg{cps=*.1}...{/cps} głupia, cholerna scena." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2696 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e1ebc23c: # "I consider jumping back up, but find the stairs up more appealing." "Zastanawiam się nad ponownym skokiem, ale schody wydają się bardziej kuszące." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2722 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bcc988c8: # "Going up the stairs, Trish suddenly grabs my shoulder, pinning it to the wall." "Wchodząc po schodach, Trish nagle chwyta mnie za ramię i przyciska do ściany." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2724 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a4234977: # "She leans in close, looking me dead in the eyes." "Przybliża się do mnie, patrząc mi prosto w oczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2727 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_81642f1e: # A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Eee{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2729 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ebc9a651: # A "Can I help you?" A "Czy mogę ci pomóc?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2733 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f4fe95af: # T "Don’t play dumb." T "Nie udawaj niewinnego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2735 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ab379b67: # T "Something’s up with Fang today." T "Dzisiaj coś jest nie tak z Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2738 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3443027e: # "She gestures to where Fang is sitting." "Wskazuje, gdzie siedzi Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2741 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_10b65d50: # "Fang’s picking at her lunch with a fork, not eating a bite." "Fang szpera w swoim lunchu widelcem, nie biorąc ani gryza." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2743 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_be94df19: # "Now that I think about it, she has been a bit distant today." "Teraz, gdy o tym myślę, była dziś trochę z zdystansowana." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2746 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_fe142ca6: # T "They’ve been like this since band practice yesterday." T "Byli tacy od wczorajszej próby zespołu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2749 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7afba655: # "Wait, what?" "Poczekaj, co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2753 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_303ca9d3: # T "Did you do something to them?" T "Czy coś im zrobiłeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2756 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d7800d73: # "Do something? What does she mean?" "Coś zrobiłem? Co ona ma na myśli?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2758 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_08a10968: # "She doesn't think that Fang and I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ona nie sądzi, że ja i Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2770 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_af2c178b: # T "OI!" T "Ej!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2772 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_69cdd2bf: # A "What?{w=.4} No!{w=.4} I don’t think at least." A "Co?{w=.4} Nie!{w=.4} Przynajmniej tak mi się wydaje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2774 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c50abc56: # A "Why are you so concerned?" A "Dlaczego jesteś taka zaniepokojona?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2776 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7d37594c: # A "Everyone has a bad day every now and then, right?" A "Przecież każdy ma czasem zły dzień, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2781 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b6a156eb: # T "Fang and I have been friends for ten years now." T "Ja i Fang jesteśmy przyjaciółmi od dziesięciu lat." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2783 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_662cecbb: # T "Not once have I seen them this upset." T "Nigdy jeszcze ich tak nie widziałam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2786 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_100297e5: # T "You’re the only new thing around here." T "Jesteś jedyną nowością tutaj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2788 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_58c755e5: # T "It can’t be anyone else." T "Nie może być nikogo innego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2791 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_45f47cd1: # T "So.{w=.4} What did you do?" T "Więc.{w=.4} Co zrobiłeś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2794 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_317dee3e: # A "I swear I haven’t done anything with Fang." A "Przysięgam, że nic nie robiłem z Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2797 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ac8240f6: # A "Look, we’ve got music next. I’ll ask Fang what’s up then." A "Patrz, zaraz będziemy mieli muzykę. Wtedy zapytam Fang, co się dzieje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2800 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9ef7a55b: # "Trish glowers. We both glance at Fang to see her still sitting there with her untouched food." "Trish spojrzała ze złością. Oboje spoglądamy na Fang by zobaczyć, że wciąż siedzi tam nieruchomo z nietkniętym jedzeniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2804 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_53c3fabc: # T "{i}You’ll{/i} talk to Fang? You’ll probably make it worse. {i}I{/i} should be the one to talk with them." T "{i}Porozmawiasz{/i} z Fang? Prawdopodobnie pogorszysz sytuację. {i}Ja{/i} powinnam być tym, kto z nimi porozmawia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2807 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_86780192: # A "So why haven’t you?" A "Więc dlaczego tego nie zrobiłaś?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2811 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0625e652: # "Trish’s mouth shuts with a click." "Usta Trish zamykają się z kliknięciem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2813 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_610aee01: # "I stare her down." "Patrzę na nią z góry." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2817 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cb005c3f: # "Her eyes harden and she finally speaks." "Jej oczy stwardniały, i w końcu mówi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2823 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_64914005: # T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fine{cps=*.1}...{/cps} but you better not fuck up." T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dobrze{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ale lepiej, żebyś niczego nie spartolił." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2826 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_34b6ee09: # "She lets go of my shoulder, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets with a huff." "Puściła mój bark, wsuwając ręce do kieszeni kurtki z westchnieniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2841 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_48073d79: # "I finally return to where I was sitting on the stage to continue finishing my lunch." "W końcu wracam tam, gdzie siedziałem na scenie, aby dokończyć swój lunch." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2843 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4ce0566c: # "Right when I plant myself on the ground Reed speaks up." "Zaraz po tym, jak się usadowiłem na ziemi, Reed się odezwał." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2860 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d2773eab: # Re "{cps=*.3}Aaaaand{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} done!" Re "{cps=*.3}Iiiiiii{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} gotowe!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2864 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_33dcf276: # A "Done? With the projector?" A "Gotowe? Z projektorem?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2867 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c1909cca: # Re "That’s right, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} now we can watch movies{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} shows{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} pornos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" Re "Dokładnie tak, ziomeczku{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} teraz możemy oglądać filmy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} seriale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} porno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2869 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5e3ecf0d: # extend "all that." extend "wszystko to." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2874 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3742f6b9: # T "We’re not watching porn in school." T "Nie będziemy oglądać pornosów w szkole." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2878 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0bb69114: # A "Not with that attitude{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Nie z takim nastawieniem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2908 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_88e70a7b: # "Trish throws an orange slice at me." "Trish rzuca we mnie kawałkiem pomarańczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2912 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2e648e45: # Re "So what do you guys wanna watch{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" Re "Więc co chcecie obejrzeć ziomeczki{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2916 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_830f36ac: # "I can’t think of anything that would be appropriate around normal highschoolers." "Nie mogę wymyśleć niczego odpowiedniego dla zwykłych uczniów szkoły średniej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2922 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_42e2f868: # "Trish raises her hand and jumps in place." "Trish podnosi rękę i skacze w miejscu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2924 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c22eb430: # T "How about the Count of Monte Cristo?" T "Co powiecie na Hrabiego Monte Christo?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2927 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_72976acc: # Re "Oh, I know that one!{w=.4} The actors in that one are pretty great{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "Oh, znam ten!{w=.4} Aktorzy w nim są całkiem świetni{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2932 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4247122e: # A "Oh yeah. I love the VA work." A "Oh tak. Uwielbiam ich dubbing." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2944 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9d7a4279: # "Trish and Reed stop and stare at me." "Trish i Reed przestają i patrzą na mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2947 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d5664f6e: # T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2949 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_418724a9: # Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2952 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f3af2f3a: # "Crap, was it something I said?" "Cholera, czy coś powiedziałem?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2956 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0173afbf: # T "What-{w=.5}{nw}" T "Co-{w=.5}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2959 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4698e32e: # "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}" "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2967 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e0145e4f: # "Saved by the bell!" "Uratowany przez dzwonek!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2969 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_67c8d2d1: # "I look to Fang and-" "Patrzę na Fanga i-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2972 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_94004a03: # "Oh." "Och." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2974 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b50fe286: # "When did she leave?" "Kiedy ona wyszła?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2977 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e7d46b21: # A "Oh, Fang left already. I’ll go catch up with her." A "Och, Fang już wyszła. Pójdę ją dogonić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2981 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_15308302: # A "BYE!" A "NA RAZIE!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2991 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_808545c3: # "I make record time out of the auditorium, leaving a still confused Trish and Reed." "Wychodzę z audytorium w rekordowym czasie, zostawiając nadal zdezorientowaną Trish i Reeda." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:2993 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3002 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ff371982: # "Fang isn’t in music class when I get there." "Fang nie ma na lekcji muzyki, gdy tam docieram." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3005 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_37a42d6d: # "I tap out a quick message to her on my phone. I take a spot next to her seat and wait." "Wysyłam jej szybką wiadomość na telefonie. Zajmuję miejsce obok jej krzesła i czekam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3007 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_495ab119: # "Maybe she just needed to use the bathroom." "Może po prostu musiała skorzystać z łazienki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3015 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1638dc1_2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3018 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_486f78b9: # "It’s been about twenty minutes." "Minęło około dwudziestu minut." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3020 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_97a7ebce: # "I’m starting to get worried." "Zaczynam się martwić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3029 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_51a71407: # T "{i}{alpha=0.75}\"Something’s up with Fang today.\"{/alpha}{/i}" T "{i}{alpha=0.75}\"Dzisiaj coś jest nie tak z Fang.\"{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3032 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8de19ea0: # "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3038 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9e35882f: # "I looked at my phone,{w=.4} and the message I sent her way just before class started." "Spojrzałem na mój telefon,{w=.4} i wiadomość, którą wysłałem do niej tuż przed rozpoczęciem lekcji." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3041 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2dfd576e: # A "\"Hey. Wanna talk?\"{fast}" A "\"Cześć. Chcesz porozmawiać?\"{fast}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3044 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_df04b2ea: # "Still unseen?" "Wciąż nieodczytana?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3046 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1638dc1_3: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3052 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_beb90e8c: # T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"You better not fuck up.\"{/i}{/alpha}" T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Lepiej nie spieprz tego.\"{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3055 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4d8c4393: # "God damn it." "Cholera." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3058 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6f266339: # A "Mr. Jingo! I need to use the bathroom!" A "Panie Jingo! Muszę skorzystać z łazienki!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3061 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f1638dc1_4: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3066 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d3a8502f: # "One guitar-shaped bathroom pass later I’m scrambling through the halls." "Jedna późniejsza przepustka do łazienki w kształcie gitary i przemykam przez korytarze." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3069 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5ad4dc75: # "If I were a non-binary teenage pterodon having a crisis, where would I hide?" "Gdybym był nastoletnim niebinarnym pterodaktylem w kryzysie, gdzie się schowałbym?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3071 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_207f7507: # "Someplace only Fang would go{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Miejsce, do którego poszedłaby tylko Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3074 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_386cb3ad: # "The family bathrooms!" "Łazienki rodzinne!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3076 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_310dba46: # "There are only two in the building." "W budynku są tylko dwie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3078 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d3bbf9cb: # "I sprint to the first bathroom, closer to the back of the school and nestled away in the special needs area." "Biegnę do pierwszej łazienki, bliżej tyłu szkoły, schowaną w obszarze specjalnych potrzeb." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3080 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_46ef191f: # "My knuckles rap against the door, locked and preoccupied." "Moje knykcie stukają w drzwi, zamknięte i zajęte." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3083 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9235ea34: # A "Fang?{w=.4} You’re missing class and I seriously need help with this sheet music." A "Fang?{w=.4} Brakuje cię na lekcji, a naprawdę potrzebuję pomocy z tą nutą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3089 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6098ac97: # unknown "{cps=*.4}The one you seek is elsewhere.{/cps}" unknown "{cps=*.4}Ta, którą szukasz, jest gdzie indziej.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3092 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_188f9590: # "Who the fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Kto do diabła{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3094 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6f1e962d: # "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Czekaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3096 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_182e4a60: # A "You’re that weird stego chick{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stella?" A "Ty to ta dziwna stego-laska{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stella?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3099 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ec70d67c: # St "That’s very rude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} And I’m not weird{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" St "To bardzo niegrzeczne{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I nie jestem dziwna{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3101 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a8ef5323: # A "Whatever, do you know where Fang is?" A "Jak tam chcesz, wiesz gdzie jest Fang?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3104 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_32142458: # St "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Not here{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {size=-5}Can you please leave?{/size}{w=.4} {size=-10}I have a nervous bladder.{/size}" St "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie tu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {size=-5}Czy możesz wyjść?{/size}{w=.4} {size=-10}Mam nerwowy pęcherz.{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3107 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6fdc620b: # "I turn away from the door and sprint to the front of the school where the other bathroom is." "Obracam się od drzwi i biegnę do przodu szkoły, gdzie jest druga łazienka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3109 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_15d8efb7: # "It’s while I’m moving briskly through the empty corridors of the school with un-tuned guitar in hand that I find divine providence." "Podczas gdy szybko poruszam się pustymi korytarzami szkoły z niewypielęgnowaną gitarą w ręce, kiedy znajduję boski znak." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3111 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5d043c51: # "Or rather." "A raczej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3113 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5582d294: # "The feathers floating by the window provide me with the clue I need." "Płatki unoszące się przy oknie dostarczają mi wskazówki, których potrzebuję." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3116 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a56cd120: # "I look out the window, and while I can’t look up to see for sure, the shadow that she is casting on the ground below is enough verification required." "Wychodzę na zewnątrz przez okno, i chociaż nie mogę się podnieść, aby się upewnić, cień, który rzuciła na ziemię poniżej, to wystarczająca weryfikacja." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3118 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9a98f3bf: # "My feet climb the steps easily, but my mind is ill at-ease." "Moje stopy wspinają się po schodach łatwo, ale moja myśl jest niespokojna." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3121 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d15360d1: # "The hell is wrong with me right now." "Co do diabła jest ze mną nie tak." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3123 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8c4c791e: # "Why do I feel anxious right now?" "Dlaczego teraz czuję się zaniepokojony?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3126 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4eb0ebbb: # T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"What did you do?\"{/i}{/alpha}" T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Co zrobiłeś?\"{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3128 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9c444c67: # "What if I did do something?" "A co jeśli faktycznie coś zrobiłem?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3131 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0f3a1efc: # T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Fang and I have been friends for ten years now.\"{/i}{/alpha}" T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Fang i ja jesteśmy przyjaciółmi od dziesięciu lat.\"{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3133 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1b65187d: # "I’ve known her for barely a month. And why is it my problem to fix?" "Znam ją ledwie od miesiąca. I dlaczego to jest moim problemem, żeby to naprawić?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3136 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_28fe3a84: # T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Not once have I seen them this upset.\"{/i}{/alpha}" T "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Ani razu nie widziałam ich tak zdenerwowanych.\"{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3140 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3aa78106: # "I can’t stop the gnawing feeling in my chest." "Nie mogę powstrzymać gryzącego uczucia w mojej klatce piersiowej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3148 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_742ad797: # "I’m at the door to the roof now." "Teraz jestem przy drzwiach na dach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3150 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_edce307a: # "It’s shut, but by the handle I notice a piece of cardboard tucked between the door and frame, keeping the latch open." "Są zamknięte, ale przy uchwycie dostrzegam kawałek kartonu wciśnięty między drzwi a ramę, trzymający zatrzask otwartym." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3153 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_62eecc73: # F "\"{alpha=0.75}{i}Good job, dork.{/i}{/alpha}\"" F "\"{alpha=0.75}{i}Dobra robota, kujonie.{/i}{/alpha}\"" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3155 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_fd0af1d1: # "{alpha=0.75}{i}Fang smirks a bit.{/i}{/alpha}" "{alpha=0.75}{i}Fang uśmiecha się trochę.{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3158 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_37d85138: # "Damn it all." "Do diabła z tym wszystkim." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3160 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a1e86d32: # "Fang’s problems first, then I can figure out my chest." "Najpierw problemy Fang, potem mogę zająć się swoją klatką piersiową." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3170 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5025bf58: # "I open the door and am immediately blinded by the sun." "Otwieram drzwi i natychmiast zostaję oślepiony przez słońce." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3172 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d9c63b25: # "I shade my eyes." "Przykrywam oczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3175 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_43561ac5: # "The door clicks shut behind me." "Drzwi zamykają się za mną z trzaskiem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3177 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_270f4336: # A "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} shit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "O{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} cholera{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3187 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_73d2349d: # F "Whose the-{w=.4} {nw}" F "Kto jest ta-{w=.4} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3189 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_80620de6: # extend "Anon?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What’s with the guitar?" extend "Anon?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Co z tą gitarą?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3191 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9ef59f09: # "Fang is sitting atop the stair enclosure looking down at me." "Fang siedzi na szczycie obudowy schodów, patrząc na mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3201 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8959c42e: # A "Mr. Jingo’s hall pass.{w=.4} I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda need help with sheet music again." A "Przepustka korytarzowa Pana Jingo.{w=.4} Eeem{cps=*.1}...{/cps} znowu trochę potrzebuję pomocy z nutami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3204 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9ed0b769: # F "Wow. You really suck at music." F "Wow. Naprawdę słabo ci idzie z muzyką." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3206 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d57d9b6d: # A "Yeah. I really do." A "Tak. Naprawdę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3210 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_27f1825f: # "I find the ladder easily enough and climb on top of the tiny hut." "Łatwo znajduję drabinę i wspinam się na szczyt małego domku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3217 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_336f8ceb: # "Around Fang are scattered feathers." "Wokół Fang są rozrzucone pióra." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3220 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5637a25b: # A "You alright?{w} {cps=*.5}The feath-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" A "Wszystko w porządku?{w} {cps=*.5}Te piór-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3222 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5a0658b7: # F "Preening." F "Czyszczę je." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3225 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0ad25b8b: # "What." "Co." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3229 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d6041317: # "Fang sighs.{w=.4} She holds one of her wings and gently brushes her fingers through the feathers." "Fang wzdycha.{w=.4} Trzyma jedno ze swoich skrzydeł i delikatnie przeciera palcami przez pióra." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3232 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_14f26df6: # F "I’m preening my wing." F "Czyszczę swoje skrzydło." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3235 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c99ed789: # "She winces.{w=.4} A feather drifts to the floor." "Marszczy brwi.{w=.4} Pióro opada na podłogę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3241 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b81e4a48: # A "That looks painful." A "To wygląda boleśnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3248 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_51c724fe: # F "A little." F "Trochę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3259 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5845f1f6: # "I sit down next to her and look out at Volcaldera Bluff. It’s a beautiful view." "Siadam obok niej i patrzę na Volcaldera Bluff. To piękny widok." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3262 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a8349c19: # "It’s a distraction." "Tak się rozproszam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3265 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b6d0c6c0: # F "You ever{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" F "Czy ty kiedykolwiek{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3281 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0c0d7c0f: # "There’s a time to speak and a time to listen." "Jest czas na mówienie i czas na słuchanie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3284 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6d073854: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You ever feel like you just don’t matter?" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Czy kiedykolwiek czujesz, że po prostu się nie liczysz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3286 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4eae3c43: # "Fang stares at the vista of Volcaldera but her eyes are vacant." "Fang wpatruje się w widoki Volcaldery, ale jej oczy są puste." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3289 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_710cfd86: # F "I feel like no matter what I do, I’ll never be able to make something." F "Czuję, że bez względu na to, co zrobię, nigdy nie będę w stanie niczego osiągnąć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3291 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5754edfd: # F "I try and try but nobody likes the ways I express myself." F "Próbuję i próbuję, ale nikt nie lubi sposobów, w jakich się wyrażam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3295 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3df850fb: # "She growls." "Warczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3298 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4e065be9: # F "Not once after all the work I’ve put into VVURM DRAMA has anyone ever told me it was good." F "Nigdy, po całej pracy, jaką włożyłam w VVURM DRAMA, nikt nigdy nie powiedział mi, że to było dobre." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3302 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7b170f8c: # "Her eyes wetten.{w=.6} Her voice roughens.{w=.6} Her shoulders quake." "Jej oczy stają się mokre.{w=.6} Jej głos staje się szorstki.{w=.6} Jej ramiona drżą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3304 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_72fe3296: # F "Nobody's ever said ‘Good job, Fang! Can I get a copy of that last song on CD’." F "Nigdy nikt nie powiedział 'Dobra robota, Fang! Czy mogę dostać kopię tej ostatniej piosenki na CD'." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3307 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f589f2a2: # F "I’ve been playing music since I was basically in diapers and all I have to show for it is a shit reputation." F "Gram praktycznie od kiedy tylko założyłam pieluchy, a wszystko, co mam, to gówniana reputacja." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3333 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c07194f4: # "Her hand curls into a fist.{w=.6} Her nails bite into her palm, and I can clearly see the minute trickle of blood." "Jej ręka zaciska się w pięść.{w=.6} Jej paznokcie wbijają się w dłoń, i wyraźnie widzę maleńki strumyk krwi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3335 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f3477b52: # F "How much harder do I have to try to get people to notice me!" F "Jak bardzo muszę się starać, żeby ludzie zaczęli mnie zauważać!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3339 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_612d239b: # "Her fist crashes down on the floor." "Jej pięść uderza o podłogę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3343 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_66df0c0e: # F "Even my own parents!" F "Nawet moi własni rodzice!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3346 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_09318301: # F "When dad looks at me it’s like he just sees a lost cause!" F "Kiedy tata na mnie patrzy, to jakby widział tylko stracony czas!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3348 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_48627fa6: # F "\"Oh, Fang is the scene teen, better focus on the one that ISN’T broken so we don’t screw up again!\"" F "\"Oh, Fang to nastolatka która robi sceny, lepiej skupmy się na tym, który NIE jest popsuty, aby nie schrzanić tego jeszcze raz!\"" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3350 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3cb3815c: # "She punctuated her shouts with her fist, striking the roof beneath her." "Podkreśla swoje krzyki pięścią, uderzając w dach pod nią." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3353 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9f0e7a0c: # "Her fist lands softly one final time, uncurling to reveal the bleeding grooves her sharp nails have left." "Jej pięść miękko ląduje jeszcze raz, rozluźniając się, aby odsłonić krwawiące bruzdy, które pozostawiły jej ostre paznokcie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3369 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a0e5a09b_1: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3372 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_aa7997bb: # "Watching her break apart, it’s causing the dull pain in my chest to intensify." "Patrzenie, jak się rozpada, sprawia, że tępy ból w mojej klatce piersiowej staje się silniejszy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3375 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_67147aed: # F "Why can’t I be popular like him?" F "Dlaczego nie mogę być popularny jak on?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3383 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3c06795a: # "Fang deflates completely.{w=.6} All her anger gone, replaced with melancholy." "Fang kompletnie opada z sił.{w=.6} Cały jej gniew znika, zastąpiony melancholią." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3386 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d2cd5be1: # F "Naser doesn’t have to try at all!" F "Naser w ogóle nie musi się starać!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3388 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_984cba85: # F "Even crippled, he just breezes through life!" F "Nawet kaleki, on po prostu przemyka przez życie!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3391 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5c267769: # F "Why does he get straight A’s?" F "Dlaczego on dostaje same piątki?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3393 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_baf568ff: # F "Why does he get my parents’ attention?" F "Dlaczego on ma uwagę moich rodziców?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3396 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_94c49b84: # F "Why do I have to be the burden on everyone?!" F "Dlaczego muszę być ciężarem dla wszystkich?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3402 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_29d9994c: # "She grabs her knees and buries her face in her lap." "Chwyta swoje kolana i chowa w nich twarz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3404 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_33c97f10: # A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3418 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_89daf32c: # F "And the worst part is he can’t even hate me." F "I najgorsze jest to, że nawet mnie nie może nienawidzić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3423 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ee43e002: # "She picks her head up." "Podnosi głowę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3425 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_42d20167: # "Rivulets of tears and orange eyeliner run down her cheeks and leave bright stains on her knees." "Strugi łez i pomarańczowego eyelineru spływają po jej policzkach i zostawiają jasne plamy na kolanach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3431 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_94297570: # F "I can tell him to fuck off every day and he’ll still be there the next." F "Mogę mu każdego dnia mówić, żeby spierdalał, a on i tak będzie tu następnego dnia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3433 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0ff76816: # F "As if nothing fucking happened." F "Jakby nic się kurwa nie stało." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3436 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e8471a5c: # F "He’s a constant reminder of everything I can’t be." F "On ciągle mi przypomina o wszystkim, czym nie potrafię być." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3439 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_32613d65: # F "He’s a goddamned boy scout!" F "Jest cholernym harcerzykiem!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3441 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4bec0fb1: # F "Lil’ Mr. Perfect!" F "Mały Pan Idealny!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3443 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9582b18a: # F "And I’ll always be in his fucking shadow!" F "I zawsze będę w jego pieprzonym cieniu!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3446 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c14de335: # F "I can’t just change, just magically get better at everything even if someone like Naser tries to help." F "Nie mogę po prostu zmienić się, po prostu magicznie poprawić się we wszystkim, nawet jeśli ktoś taki jak Naser próbuje pomóc." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3448 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_20795ae4: # F "And it’s clear he wants to." F "A wyraźnie widać, że chce." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3451 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_127ee9f0: # F "But the sheer difference between us{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Ale cała ta różnica między nami{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3453 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8664b916: # F "It won’t ever happen." F "To się nigdy się nie wydarzy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3456 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_81782fd3: # F "But my brother tries." F "Ale mój brat próbuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3460 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_21bd32a7: # F "He’s always trying." F "Zawsze się stara." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3467 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_80b0459e: # F "He just{w=.3} {nw}" F "On po prostu{w=.3} {nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3472 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_77e0f72c: # extend "FUCKS UP!" extend "PIEPRZY TO!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3474 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cf046901: # F "Every.{w=.3} Fucking.{w=.3} Time." F "Za każdym.{w=.3} JEBANYM.{w=.3} Razem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3482 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_935fa029: # "She wipes a tear with one of her hands, but leaves a bloody smudge instead." "Ociera łzę jedną z rąk, ale zostawia zamiast tego krwawy ślad." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3485 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2e19759c: # F "Naser knows who he is." F "Naser wie, kim jest." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3487 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5cb69add: # F "I don’t even know what I am." F "Ja nawet nie wiem, kim jestem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3490 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_33c97f10_1: # A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3493 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1b16c2f1: # "Do I step in now{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" "Czy teraz mam się włączyć{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3508 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ea3a9b5b: # F "WHO AM I, DAMN IT?!" F "KIM JESTEM, DO DIABŁA?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3516 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_082fc93d: # F "I can only define myself by the thing’s I’m not." F "Mogę siebie zdefiniować tylko przez rzeczy, którymi nie jestem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3519 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ec0e5c73: # F "I’m not a good band player." F "Nie jestem dobrym muzykiem w zespole." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3521 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a38c2ad0: # F "I’m not a good sibling." F "Nie jestem dobrym rodzeństwem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3523 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ad1e0b2a: # F "I’m not a good friend." F "Nie jestem dobrą przyjaciółką." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3526 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dfe484d5: # F "I’m not a good person." F "Nie jestem dobrą osobą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3529 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cf1a7279: # F "My mind is a fucking mess.{w=.6} In my head it’s all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Mój umysł to cholerny bałagan.{w=.6} W mojej głowie to wszystko{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3531 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dfc2b7ef: # F "My thoughts{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} they’re all fucking foggy.{w=.6} Half the time I’m hating myself." F "Moje myśli{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} wszystkie są cholernie mgliste.{w=.6} Przez połowę czasu nienawidzę samej siebie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3535 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1e8ed7ca: # F "‘Am I who I say I am?’{w=.5} Maybe?{w=.5} Not really{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "'Czy jestem tym, za kogo się podaję?'{w=.5} Może?{w=.5} Nie do końca{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3539 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_730608b2: # F "The other half I’m daydreaming of being something special." F "Drugą połowę czasu marzę o byciu czymś wyjątkowym." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3541 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bfe50d39: # F "That I’m different from everyone.{w=.5} Above them{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} I know more than them." F "Że jestem inna od wszystkich.{w=.5} Ponad nimi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Wiem więcej niż oni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3544 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7c6d4289: # F "They’re both lies.{w=.5} I’m fuckin’ lying to myself but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Oba to kłamstwa.{w=.5} Okłamywanie samej siebie ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3546 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_69835e7c: # F "It’s like I’m just here to be a drain on myself and others." F "To tak, jakbym była tutaj tylko po to, by być ciężarem dla siebie i dla innych." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3561 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6786db85: # F "I’m stuck with myself, I can’t just drop everything and try other things now." F "Utknęłam ze sobą, nie mogę po prostu rzucić wszystkiego i teraz spróbować czegoś innego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3563 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c7ac9c66: # F "It’s just too late for that." F "Po prostu jest na to za późno." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3565 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_6504ef88: # F "There’s too many ways to fuck up." F "Jest zbyt wiele sposobów, żeby coś spieprzyć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3568 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1a82059f: # F "Music is the only thing I’ve ever been decent at, and even then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Muzyka to jedyna rzecz, w której kiedykolwiek byłam przyzwoita, a nawet wtedy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3573 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_53e51808: # "She looks to me desperately, at a loss for words." "Zapatrzona we mnie z desperacją, bezradnie, nie mając słów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3575 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c3739b85_1: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3590 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_936c6697_5: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3593 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a0e5a09b_2: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3600 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_64476d2b: # F "Why won’t you say anything?" F "Czemu nic nie mówisz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3603 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8587cce5: # F "Here I am begging for help and you haven’t said a word!" F "Jestem tu i błagam o pomoc aty nawet słowem się nie odezwałeś!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3606 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0146aa22: # F "You’re always so sure of yourself, yet here you are listening to me in a crisis and you can’t say anything?!" F "Zawsze jeteś taki pewny siebie, a tu tylko wysłuchujesz mnie będącej w kryzysie i nie możesz nic powiedzieć?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3608 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e8d15844: # "Fang grips my jacket with both hands, digging in." "Fang chwyta moją kurtkę obiema rękoma, zaciskając je." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3616 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d7e1f088: # F "What is it you have that I don’t?!" F "Co takiego masz czega ja ne mam?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3619 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b145dfa2: # F "What is it you want from me?!" F "Czego ode mnie chcesz?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3622 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d900bb88: # F "What is it I want from {i}you{/i}?!" F "Czego ja chce od {i}ciebie{/i}?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3625 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2f80a650: # F "When you got here a few weeks ago you were just some nobody kid without friends who lives alone on financial assistance!" F "Kiedy tu przyjechałeś kilka tygodniu temu, byłeś tylko nikim bez przyjaciół kto żyje samotnie i na zapomogach." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3627 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bfa96662: # "She’s shaking my arm around." "Szrpie moim ramieniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3630 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_aaa0a5a0: # F "And now everyone I know is friends with you!" F "A teraz wszyscy są z tobą zaprzyjaźnieni!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3632 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e2b479d6: # F "You have no talents, no specific knowledge anywhere, no real personality{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Nie masz żadnych talentów, żadnej konkretnej wiedzy, żadnej osobowości{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3635 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_dceea5ab: # F "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU THAT YOU CAN LACK AN IDENTITY BUT KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE?!" F "JAK TO JEST ŻE BRAK CI TOŻSANMOŚCI A ITAK WIESZ DOKŁADNIE KIM JESTEŚ?!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3638 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_327339f7: # "Honestly I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Szczerze, ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3640 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_eaffecf6: # A "{size=-5}dunno{/size}" A "{size=-5}nie wiem{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3643 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bf70cd06: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Co{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3645 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_445c02f1: # A "I dunno how to say it. All I know is I’m me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Nie wiem jak to powiedzieć. Jedyne co wiem to że jestem sobą{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3648 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_bc74955d: # F "You’re{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you?" F "Jesteś{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sobą?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3651 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_373b110e: # "I struggle to find the right words." "Zmagam się, żeby znaleźć odpowiednie słowa." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3653 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8861d784: # "Fang stares pleadingly.{w=.5} Eventually she buries her eyes in my jacket arm." "Fang patrzy błagalnie.{w=.5} W końcu chowa oczy w moim rękawie marynarki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3656 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f61c190c: # A "It's like{cps=*.1}..{/cps}{w=.4} I don’t know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "To jest tak jak{cps=*.1}..{/cps}{w=.4} Nie wiem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3658 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d98dbc8e: # A "You’re trying to be something you’re not." A "Próbujesz być kimś, kim nie jesteś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3661 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9be80ff7: # A "It needs to happen naturally." A "To musi się dziać naturalnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3664 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_65515b1c: # "Fang looks up from my arm." "Fang podnosi wzrok z mojego ramienia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3666 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_60aef02a: # F "Naturally{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" F "Naturalnie{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3668 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8214806e: # A "If you are forcing this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} whatever{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} then it's like some misplaced idea or like, a refusal to leave the comfort zone{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Jeśli to forsujesz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} cokolwiek{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} to jest jak jakiś błędny pomysł albo, odmowa opuszczenia strefy komfortu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3671 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_46693a8b: # A "Argh, what I’m trying to say is{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ah, chodzi mi o to{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3673 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e62c7caf: # A "I ended up trying to be someone else too." A "Koniecznie próbowałem być też kimś innym." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3676 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ed59200c: # A "To the point that I rejected who I really was{w=.3} and started to fuck myself up." A "Do tego stopnia, że odrzuciłem kim naprawdę byłem{w=.3} i zacząłem się psuć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3679 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0fdf81de: # A "I’m not about making others' notice me, or about being great at something." A "Nie chodzi mi o to, żeby inni zwracali uwagę na mnie, ani o to, żeby być świetnym w czymś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3681 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_93dd717b: # A "I just do what makes me, well, me." A "Po prostu robię to, co sprawia, że jestem, cóż, sobą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3683 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b3ed93f0: # A "I'm the only me here, and I think it's safe to assume that there's several of you." A "Jestem tutaj jedynym sobą, i sądzę, że można założyć, że jest kilku ciebie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3685 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a9a568c5: # A "Like, you don’t know, you said it yourself." A "Jak nie wiesz, tak jak powiedziałaś to sama." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3688 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_390dcdc7: # "Her fingers tighten around my arm." "Jej palce zaciskają się wokół mojego ramienia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3690 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d3e79561: # "I’m not certain she’s breathing right now." "Nie jestem pewien, czy teraz oddycha." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3693 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_01e9c937: # A "And there’s tons of different people going through what you are right now, trying to force their egos, only to reject who they really are." A "I jest mnóstwo różnych osób przechodzących przez to, przez co teraz przechodzisz, próbując forsować swoje ego, tylko po to, żeby odrzucić, kim naprawdę są." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3696 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8950e74b: # A "Not to undermine your feelings or anything." A "Nie żeby podważać twoje uczucia, czy coś." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3699 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d6a8be1c: # A "And at the end of it all, I’ve accepted that ‘I’ am, and will always be, ‘me’." A "I na koniec wszystkiego zaakceptowałem, że 'ja' jestem, i zawsze będę, 'ja'." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3701 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4fbf3591: # A "Ya see?" A "Widzisz?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3704 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_aee4d446: # F "I have to{cps=*.1}...{/cps} figure it out myself{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" F "Muszę{cps=*.1}...{/cps} to zrozumieć sama{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3707 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1c618ab5: # "Fang’s grip loosens." "Chwyt Fang się rozluźnia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3722 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0c88ad31: # "She puts her hands around her knees and lowers her head." "Zakłada ręce wokół kolan i opuszcza głowę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3724 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4b05dfce: # "Her expression is one of complete resignation." "Jej wyraz twarzy jest wyrazem całkowitej rezygnacji." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3727 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4ea121b7: # F "I don’t{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I can’t do anything on my own." F "Ja nie{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Nie mogę nic zrobić sama." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3730 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8c688f69: # F "How am I supposed to do something like this?" F "Jak mam coś takiego zrobić?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3736 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d7022720: # A "You aren’t alone." A "Nie jesteś samotna." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3739 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_12dd81a2: # A "I’m here.{w=.6} Reed and Trish are here.{w=.6} You already know Naser wants to help." A "Jestem tu.{w=.6} Reed i Trish są tu.{w=.6} Już wiesz, że Naser chce pomóc." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3741 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_a0e5a09b_3: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3747 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_66f90fa1: # A "It doesn’t need to be all at once." A "To nie musi być wszystko od razu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3750 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2fdff1f0: # "Fang looks back to me and gives a sad smile." "Fang spogląda na mnie i uśmiecha się smutno." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3752 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_833cbedf: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Alright{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dobrze{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3755 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c8ca638e: # "She tries to dry her tears again, only to smudge her face with more blood and makeup." "Próbuje ponownie osuszyć łzy, tylko po to, aby rozmazać sobie twarz więcej krwią i makijażem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3757 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e3c5c0f7: # "I remove my jacket and offer the sleeve to her." "Zdejmuję moją kurtkę i oferuję jej rękaw." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3762 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c6170be1: # "She sniffles, then grabs it to wipe her eyes." "Ona przeciera nos, po czym chwyta ją, aby wytrzeć oczy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3764 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9622876a: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}It’s laundry day anyways." "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dziś i tak miałem robić pranie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3768 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_950df2af: # "After returning my jacket, Fang looks to me again with a somber smile." "Po oddaniu mojej kurtki, Fang ponownie patrzy na mnie z ponurym uśmiechem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3771 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_48f57aea: # A "Why did you come up here?" A "Dlaczego przyszłaś tutaj?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3774 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c1bcd0db: # F "It’s nice up here. Quiet." F "Tu jest miło. Cicho." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3777 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ab183a02: # A "But why? And why alone?" A "Ale dlaczego? I dlaczego sama?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3779 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_29135675: # F "To think.{w=.4} Maybe to throw myself a pity party.{w=.4} I do this every year." F "Żeby pomyśleć.{w=.4} Może żeby się poużalać.{w=.4} Robię to co roku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3781 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4d8f424c: # A "Up here?" A "Tutaj?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3783 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b5dfd723: # F "Nah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} just somewhere I can be alone." F "Nie{cps=*.1}...{/cps} po prostu gdzieś, gdzie mogę być sama." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3786 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9005f8ed: # A "Every year though?" A "Ale co roku?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3789 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_348b2d94: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Since I was 11{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Od kiedy miałam 11 lat{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3792 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_056e8dae: # A "Jeez. What happened?" A "O rety. Co się stało?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3799 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_cfafad5b: # F "{cps=*.4}I broke Naser’s wing.{/cps}" F "{cps=*.4}Złamałam skrzydło Nasera.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3802 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_3b009e95: # "Ah. My foot tastes extra salty today." "Ah. Dziś moja stopa smakuje wyjątkowo słono." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3805 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_1853309d: # F "We used to be really close. He looked up to me." F "Kiedyś byliśmy naprawdę blisko. Patrzył na mnie z podziwem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3807 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_5faecb39: # F "I was supposed to watch him. I’m his big sister after all." F "Miałam go pilnować. Przecież jestem jego starszą siostrą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3810 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_ad273f0f: # F "He had asked me if we could really fly." F "Spytał mnie, czy naprawdę możemy latać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3812 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_c2bb7da6: # "Fang stretched her wings to highlight that." "Fang rozciągnęła swoje skrzydła, aby to podkreślić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3815 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_90adda04: # F "I said{w=.2} ‘of course’{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} I looked away for a second and then it happened{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Powiedziałam{w=.2} ‘oczywiście’{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Odwróciłam wzrok na chwilę, a potem to się stało{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3821 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_43d7ffaf: # F "He jumped off the bluff." F "Skoczył z urwiska." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3824 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_637573cf: # "Her eyes become distant, and I can only guess just how vividly she’s reliving this moment of her past." "Jej oczy stają się odległe, i mogę tylko zgadywać, jak żywo przeżywa ten moment swojej przeszłości." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3827 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_453a7a9f: # F "I watched as he jumped. As he bounced off the cliff and into the water." F "Patrzyłam, jak skoczył. Jak odbił się od klifu i wpadł do wody." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3829 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_01d9ce65: # F "I climbed down as fast as I could, hoping to God he wasn’t dead." F "Zeszłam jak najszybciej mogłam, modląc się do Boga, żeby nie był martwy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3832 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4062e386: # F "But the current{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dad and the lifeguard had to go in because the current was too strong." F "Ale prąd wodny{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tata i ratownik musieli wejść, bo prąd był zbyt silny." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3834 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7874d241: # "Her voice quakes as she’s engulfed in her memory." "Jej głos drży, gdy pogrąża się w swojej pamięci." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3837 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_9af7b21c: # F "When mom came with the medic-" F "Kiedy mama przyszła z medykiem-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3841 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_aed82306: # "Fang chokes back a sob and continues." "Fang tłumi łzy i kontynuuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3844 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b9fa3a77: # F "Naser was{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I thought he was dead{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Naser był{cps=*.1}...{/cps} myślałem, że nie żyje{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3846 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b545fa07: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Covered in blood{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Pokryty krwią{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3848 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_71f17884: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Limbs mangled{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Kończyny powykręcane{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3852 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_d40b51b9: # F "My baby brother, just 9 years old, had jumped off the bluff, thinking he could fly!" F "Mój braciszek, zaledwie 9 lat, skoczył ze urwiska, myśląc, że może latać!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3854 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_43330e8a: # "Fang’s eyes grow wet again." "Oczy Fang znów się rozmazują." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3869 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_7eec3aed: # "Without a second thought I draw her into a hug, comforting her." "Bez namysłu przyciągam ją w ramiona, pocieszając." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3871 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_4eff4373: # "Her voice is muffled by my jacket but she continues." "Jej głos jest stłumiony przez moją kurtkę, ale ona kontynuuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3874 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_02a871fc: # F "I’m why his wing is a fucking mess. I did it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "To ja sprawiłam, że jego skrzydło jest rozwalone. Ja to zrobiłam{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3876 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_87f9b92a: # F "{size=-5}So why{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}" F "{size=-5}Więc dlaczego{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3879 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f380c24c: # F "{size=-10}Why doesn’t he hate me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}" F "{size=-10}Dlaczego mnie nie nienawidzi?{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3882 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_fe745913: # Nas "{i}{alpha=0.75}\"Fang’s still family.\"{/alpha}{/i}" Nas "{i}{alpha=0.75}\"Fang wciąż jest rodziną.\"{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3885 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_315647f2: # A "Because you’re his sister." A "Bo jesteś jego siostrą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3887 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e990f9c8: # "Fang flinches in my arms, but doesn’t pull away." "Fang drgnie w moich ramionach, ale nie odsuwa się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3890 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_e58944ca: # A "You’re the one that’s hurting, Fang. Not Naser." A "To ty cierpisz, Fang. Nie Naser." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3893 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_0cb86d08: # "I surprised myself there. I honestly don’t know how I managed this conversation." "Zdziwiłem się tam. Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem, jak udało mi się prowadzić tę rozmowę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3896 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_08239465: # "I let go of Fang and lean back, giving her some space. Her breathing is evening out, and she looks far more composed now." "Puściłem Fang i odchyliłem się, dając jej trochę przestrzeni. Jej oddech się wyrównuje, a teraz wygląda na znacznie bardziej skomponowaną." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3911 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f8a4b8cb: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m sorry for what I said earlier." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Przepraszam za to, co wcześniej powiedziałam." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3913 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_829169f7: # A "Huh?" A "Hę?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3916 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_2b3d820e: # F "About how you’re a nobody." F "O tym, że jesteś nikim." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3919 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_68a41f5a: # A "You’re pretty much right." A "Mniej więcej masz rację." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3921 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_048cdeaf: # F "Maybe, but I shouldn’t have put it so harshly." F "Może tak, ale nie powinienem był tak ostro tego wyrażać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3924 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_54fc1d8d: # F "All this time I thought people like you were{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Przez cały ten czas myślałem, że ludzie jak ty byli{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3929 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_f0c5e937: # F "Useless? Something like that." F "Bezużyteczni? Coś w tym stylu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3934 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_78becf59: # F "But here you are, proving me wrong time and time again." F "Ale jesteś tutaj, udowadniając mi moje błędy raz po raz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3937 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_14761299: # A "I get what you mean." A "Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3939 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_b62daaf6: # A "I could say the same to you as well." A "Mógłbym powiedzieć to samo o tobie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3941 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_036f07cf: # A "I’ve been breaking your rules like you’ve been breaking mine." A "Łamałem twoje zasady, tak jak ty łamałaś moje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3945 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_8f6f8de1: # F "Maybe we’re both just useless nobodies." F "Może po prostu jesteśmy bezużytecznymi nikimi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3947 translate pl lpostAnonLaughReveal_835973e7: # "She chuckles to herself." "Chichocze do siebie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3954 translate pl linterrupt4b_f7309b11: # "She seems at a loss for words." "Wydaje się, że brakuje jej słów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3956 translate pl linterrupt4b_5c9b7fe7: # "I should say something." "Powinienem coś powiedzieć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3959 translate pl linterrupt4b_cbc4b092: # A "You’re feeling helpless, right?" A "Czujesz się bezradna, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3961 translate pl linterrupt4b_848943d7: # A "Like you don’t matter?" A "Jakbyś nie miała znaczenia?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3977 translate pl linterrupt4b_88a543b5: # "Fang looks at me with desperation." "Fang spogląda na mnie z desperacją." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3980 translate pl linterrupt4b_dcce7fed: # F "Y{cps=*.1}...{w=.2}{/cps}yes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "T{cps=*.1}...{w=.2}{/cps}tak{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3983 translate pl linterrupt4b_3cf1b1d0: # A "Here’s what I think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Oto co myślę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3990 translate pl linterrupt4c_16e46f9c: # "Here’s a good place to butt in." "To dobry moment, żeby się wtrącić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3993 translate pl linterrupt4c_dfed6393: # A "You aren’t a burden to me." A "Nie jesteś dla mnie ciężarem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4002 translate pl linterrupt4c_e45ab9ee: # "Fang removes her head from her knees and looks to me with pleading eyes." "Fang podnosi głowę z kolan i spogląda na mnie z błagalnymi oczami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4005 translate pl linterrupt4c_02e5d1fc: # F "What?" F "Co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4008 translate pl linterrupt4c_8451cbd4: # A "I’m your friend too, right?" A "Jestem też twoim przyjacielem, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4010 translate pl linterrupt4c_1e7cb8d3: # A "I don’t think you’re a burden." A "Nie sądzę, że jesteś ciężarem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4013 translate pl linterrupt4c_0f516e05: # "Fang sniffles a bit." "Fang lekko szlocha." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4016 translate pl linterrupt4c_3cf1b1d0: # A "Here’s what I think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Oto co myślę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4023 translate pl linterrupt4d_eedc6092: # "Now’s a good time." "Teraz jest dobry czas." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4026 translate pl linterrupt4d_c555b57d: # A "You’re Fang." A "Jesteś Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4034 translate pl linterrupt4d_6236a1cb: # "She looks to me with tears streaming down her cheek." "Spogląda na mnie ze łzami spływającymi po policzku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4036 translate pl linterrupt4d_7f9d977a: # A "Even if you don’t see it, you’re still you." A "Nawet jeśli tego nie widzisz, nadal jesteś sobą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4039 translate pl linterrupt4d_0dfc4403: # A "The Fang I know likes music, bad movies, and doesn’t take crap from any adults." A "Fang, którą znam, lubi muzykę, złe filmy i nie daje sobie w kaszę dmuchać przez żadnych dorosłych." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4041 translate pl linterrupt4d_6f7147ed: # A "Am I right?" A "Czy mam rację?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4044 translate pl linterrupt4d_889a3ec0: # "Fang nods slowly." "Fang kiwa powoli głową." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4047 translate pl linterrupt4d_3cf1b1d0: # A "Here’s what I think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Oto co myślę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4054 translate pl linterrupt4e_4dcf4ab7: # "Here we go." "Zaczynamy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4057 translate pl linterrupt4e_bbc3e7cc: # A "It’s never too late to try something new." A "Nigdy nie jest za późno, żeby spróbować czegoś nowego." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4064 translate pl linterrupt4e_6055568b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I can’t." F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie potrafię." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4066 translate pl linterrupt4e_419739c3: # F "I just can’t." F "Po prostu nie mogę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4069 translate pl linterrupt4e_bea01786: # A "You have support from me and Naser, right?" A "Masz wsparcie ode mnie i od Nasera, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4071 translate pl linterrupt4e_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4077 translate pl linterrupt4e_a26331c5: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Może{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4080 translate pl linterrupt4e_3cf1b1d0: # A "Here’s what I think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Oto co myślę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4089 translate pl postinterruption_d1bc8062: # "I put my arm on Fang’s shoulder." "Kładę swoją rękę na ramieniu Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4092 translate pl postinterruption_a0b595dd: # A "You’re in a pretty bad spot right now." A "Jesteś teraz w dość złej sytuacji." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4094 translate pl postinterruption_0f352a88: # A "Self-improvement is hard, but there’s nothing to be gained without sacrifice, right?" A "Samodoskonalenie jest trudne, ale bez poświęceń nie da się niczego osiągnąć, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4097 translate pl postinterruption_de3bbb31: # "Fang gives a slight nod." "Fang kiwa lekko głową." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4099 translate pl postinterruption_0b221e96: # A "You need to step out from your comfort zone more often, even if you think there’s no time." A "Musisz częściej wychodzić ze swojej strefy komfortu, nawet jeśli myślisz, że nie masz już czasu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4101 translate pl postinterruption_20340ce6: # A "There’s no harm in diversifying, right?" A "Nie ma nic złego w różnorodności, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4104 translate pl postinterruption_2cdff292: # "Fang looks away from the coastline and to me." "Fang odwraca wzrok od linii brzegowej i spogląda na mnie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4106 translate pl postinterruption_2486ca57: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t know.{w=.4} Maybe you’re right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nie wiem.{w=.4} Może masz rację{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4109 translate pl postinterruption_9cdfea3d: # A "You could also try harder to get along with Naser." A "Możesz też bardziej się postarać, żeby dogadywać się z Naserem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4112 translate pl postinterruption_edda70e6: # A "I guarantee there’s not that much in the way between you two." A "Gwarantuję, że nie ma tyle przeszkód między wami." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4115 translate pl postinterruption_5a2c0f5a: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You’ll be there to support me, right?" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Będziesz tam, żeby mnie wspierać, prawda?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4117 translate pl postinterruption_529b1d4f: # A "Sure." A "Oczywiście." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4123 translate pl postinterruption_f2fe1691: # F "I don’t know if I’m strong enough to do all that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Nie wiem, czy mam wystarczającą siłę, żeby to wszystko zrobić{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4126 translate pl postinterruption_889522f1: # A "I believe you can be." A "Wierzę, że możesz być." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4128 translate pl postinterruption_512355af: # A "Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of." A "Bycie słabym to nic, za co należy się wstydzić." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4130 translate pl postinterruption_a2a93246: # A "Staying weak is." A "Pozostawanie słabym tak." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4133 translate pl postinterruption_fba66aa5: # A "You don’t have to do it alone." A "Nie musisz tego robić sama." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4149 translate pl postinterruption_fe4603b8: # "Fang embraces me tight." "Fang mocno mnie obejmuje." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4152 translate pl postinterruption_7eb25a93: # F "Thank you." F "Dziękuję." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4157 translate pl postinterruption_35efd452: # "We sit in silence for a few minutes." "Siedzimy w milczeniu przez kilka minut." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4160 translate pl postinterruption_970525db: # "{cps=*.1}..{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}..{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4162 translate pl postinterruption_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4164 translate pl postinterruption_78fa7117: # "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4167 translate pl postinterruption_124eee25: # "Eventually, she lets go." "W końcu puszcza." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4185 translate pl postinterruption_0f4715f6: # "Fang’s breathing is evening out, and she looks far more composed now." "Oddychanie Fanga wyrównuje się, a teraz wygląda znacznie spokojniej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4191 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_e39233d6: # F "Hey, can I see that?" F "Hej, czy mogę to zobaczyć?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4193 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_4f9b49df: # "Fang points at my oversized hall pass." "Fang wskazuje na moją nadmiernie dużą przepustkę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4196 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_937806da: # A "Yeah, sure." A "Tak, oczywiście." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4209 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6c7f0c04: # "She takes it from my hands, our fingers brushing for a second." "Zabiera to z moich rąk, nasze palce przebierając się przez sekundę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4211 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_feac008a: # "She blushes while she handles the acoustic bathroom pass." "Rumieni się, gdy trzyma akustyczną przepustkę do łazienki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4214 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_22acb616: # F "I think{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I finally got the tune, Anon." F "Myślę{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Myślę, że w końcu załapałam melodię, Anon." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4216 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6e62bd0a: # A "Tune?" A "Melodię?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4219 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_2df47d1b: # "She finishes tuning the guitar and tests it. With a nod to herself Fang begins strumming." "Kończy stroić gitarę i ją testuje. Kiwając głową do siebie, Fang zaczyna grać." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4221 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_ab992809: # "The rhythm is slow and the tone is soft, enough so that her humming blends perfectly with it." "Rytm jest powolny, a ton delikatny, na tyle, że jej nucenie idealnie się z nim łączy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4223 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_cbde9b5b: # "I lean back, bobbing my head along to the impromptu music." "Położyłem się, kiwając głową w rytm improwizowanej muzyki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4226 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_896184e7: # "The streaks from her tears that had once marred her pretty face only help the highlight her soft smile now." "Smugi po łzach, które kiedyś plamiły jej piękne twarzy, teraz tylko pomagają podkreślić jej delikatny uśmiech." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4228 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_16d66d7f: # "I hum along now too, which causes Fang to giggle. The rhythm is slowing to a crawl, the song about to end." "Teraz również nucę, co powoduje, że Fang chichocze. Rytm zwalnia do minimum, piosenka zaraz się skończy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4231 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_58e17f7c: # F "{cps=*.6}With a meteor coming soon{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" F "{cps=*.6}Zbliżający się meteor{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4232 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_000ac571: # extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Everyone’s going to die{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Wszyscy umrą{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4233 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_9904bd22: # extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}So I’ll say to everyone{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Więc powiem to wszystkim{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4234 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_ffc283c9: # extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Goodbye Volcano High{/cps}" extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Goodbye Volcano High{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4237 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b8cf9c6b: # "The lyrics surprise me, but I shrug it off." "Tekst zaskakuje mnie, ale ignoruję go." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4240 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_439a1982: # A "You ready to get up?" A "Gotowa do wstania?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4242 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_0fb8f60b: # "Fang nods and wipes her tears one last time with her forearm." "Fang kiwa głową i ostatni raz wyciera łzy przedramieniem." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4250 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_89a2c430: # "I stand and pop my back, looking out over the fence at the ground below." "Wstaję i nastawiam sobie kark, spoglądając przez płot na ziemię poniżej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4252 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_4dd95500: # "From here I can see the afternoon sun starting to encroach on the skyline of the small coastal town." "Stąd widzę, jak popołudniowe słońce zaczyna wtargnąć na horyzont małego nadbrzeżnego miasteczka." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4255 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_96b7a962: # "Turning to Fang, I crouch a bit and extend my hand to her." "Obracam się do Fang, kucam trochę i wyciągam do niej rękę." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4257 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b5a944a9: # "She moves her bloody hand to take it, but hesitates." "Ona przesuwa swoją zakrwawioną rękę, żeby ją wziąć, ale waha się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4260 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4263 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_2462122c: # "She softly grasps my hand." "Delikatnie chwyta moją dłoń." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4266 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_d969e291: # "She winces in pain." "Krzywi się z bólu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4269 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b0623ae7: # "You know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Wiesz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4273 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_912bcb77: # "It’s strange, I expected the alarms to go off again, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "To dziwne, spodziewałem/am się, że alarmy znów zadzwonią, ale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4275 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_61764efe: # "This feels different, somehow." "To się jakoś różni, w jakiś sposób." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4277 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6e524927: # "More natural." "Bardziej naturalne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4280 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_848f4c34: # "I’m careful to hoist her to her feet. Mindful of her injured palm." "Uważnie pomagam jej wstać. Pamiętając o jej ręce zranionej." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4287 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_36cc8eda: # "But her beak accidentally bumps into my cheek on her way up." "Ale jej dziób przypadkowo uderza w mój policzek w drodze do góry." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4290 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_2007093e: # "Ah, there they are." "Ah, tam są." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4293 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_33967357: # "Fang’s eyes contract and she instinctively hops backwards, covering her muzzle with her hands and turning her head away in her flusteration." "Oczy Fang kurczą się i instynktownie skacze do tyłu, przykrywając pysk rękami i odwracając głowę w swoim zakłopotaniu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4295 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_329a93b3: # "I clench my lower jaw and look at my palm, slick with sweat and her blood." "Zacisnąłem szczękę i spojrzałem na swoją dłoń, lepką od potu i jej krwi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4308 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_36ea9920: # "The silence continues for an immeasurable amount of time." "Milczenie trwa przez niemioerzalną ilość czasu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4311 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c731acf5: # A "{cps=*.3}Haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} so that’s how dinos kiss{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.5}haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.3}Haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} więc tak się całują dinozaury{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.5}haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4314 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_8f5da482: # "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFU-{w=.5}{nw}" "KURWAKURWAKURWAKURWAKURWAKURWA-{w=.5}{nw}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4317 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_ee039739: # F "Haha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} not really{w=.4} hahaha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.3}haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Haha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nie do końca{w=.4} hahaha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.3}haha{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4319 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c43902dc: # A "Ha ha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.5}haaaa{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Ha ha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.5}haaaa{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4327 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_464d1a30: # "I look for something, {i}anything{/i}, to end this awkwardness." "Szukam czegoś, {i}cokolwiek{/i}, żeby zakończyć tę niezręczną sytuację." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4329 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_1bc55590: # "Like the guitar hall pass." "Jak przepustka korytarzowa - gitara." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4331 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6f1e962d: # "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Poczekaj{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4334 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_022a36c1: # "I check my phone, seeing that Mr. Jingo’s class will be ending in 10 minutes." "Sprawdzam telefon i widzę, że lekcja Pana Jingo skończy się za 10 minut." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4340 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6d7dafee: # A "Fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps} the assignment{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Do diabła{cps=*.1}...{/cps} z tym zadaniem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4347 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_5fff4d65: # "Fang finally looks my way again, though her face is still flush." "Fang w końcu ponownie patrzy w moją stronę, chociaż jej twarz wciąż jest zaczerwieniona." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4350 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_02e5d1fc: # F "What?" F "Co?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4352 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_5cc93db6: # A "Mr. Jingo’s assignment." A "Zadanie pana Jingo." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4354 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_739247f1: # A "There’s no way in hell I’ll be able to do it at home." A "Nie ma najmniejszej szansy, że będę w stanie zrobić to w domu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4358 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_a163b27b: # F "{cps=*.3}Pfffft.{/cps}" F "{cps=*.3}Pfffft.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4360 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c942747c: # "Fang’s hands try to cover her beak, failing horribly to contain her giggles." "Ręce Fang próbują zakryć jej dziób, w sposób nieudolny nie udaje jej się powstrzymać chichotu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4362 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_5ef5b8be: # F "{cps=*.6}Hehehehehehe.{/cps} God, you really suck at music." F "{cps=*.6}Hehehehehehe.{/cps} Boże, naprawdę jesteś do bani w muzyce." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4365 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_440abc10: # "I glare at her." "Patrzę na nią z wrogością." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4368 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_e6660bb9: # F "Haaaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} why don’t you just drop it? It’s an elective anyway." F "Haaaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dlaczego po prostu tego nie porzucisz? To i tak jest przedmiotem do wyboru." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4371 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_10165b8c: # "Because I need to maintain my GPA for college." "Ponieważ muszę utrzymać swoją średnią ocen na studia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4373 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_e44ab901: # A "Because{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I kinda like it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Bo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} trochę mi się podoba{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4376 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f16a92a8: # "I blush and look down to the entrance of the roof below us." "Rumienię się i spoglądam w dół na wejście na dach poniżej nas." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4378 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_2fd6b4f6: # F "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.3}maaaaybe{/cps} I’ll help you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.3}może{/cps} ci pomogę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4380 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c4cc3cd9: # "Fang hops down, her wings easing her landing." "Fang skacze w dół, jej skrzydła ułatwiają lądowanie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4383 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6829f1c2: # F "I owe you for the fuckin’ therapy session anyway." F "I tak ci wiszę za cholerną sesję terapeutyczną." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4385 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_3e8908ba: # A "Oh thank fuck." A "O dzięki, cholera." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4388 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_dbb8b73d: # "I climb down the ladder. Those wings must be really convenient." "Schodzę po drabince. Te skrzydła muszą być naprawdę pomocne." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4400 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_83a66485: # Sp "WHO THE FUCK IS UP HERE!" with hpunch Sp "KTO KURWA JEST NA GÓRZE!" with hpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4432 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_e740fc16: # "The door flies open, off its hinges, through the suicide fence and over the side of the building, crashing loudly on the concrete below." "Drzwi rozpędzają się, wypadają z zawiasów, przebijają się przez barierę antysamobójczą i spadają po boku budynku, hucznie uderzając o beton na dole." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4435 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_acb3b339: # Sp "I KNOW SOMEONE IS DITCHING UP HERE!{w=.4} MY HUNTING INSTINCTS CAN TELL!" Sp "WIEM, ŻE KTOŚ WAGARUJE TU W GÓRZE!{w=.4} MOJE INSTYNKTY ŁOWIECKIE TO MÓWIĄ!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4438 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_39281441: # "Oh double fuck." "O podwójna cholera." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4451 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_d89c537d: # A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4457 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_a8cf750a: # Sp "YOU!" with vpunch Sp "TY!" with vpunch # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4459 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_0d744aa7: # "Principal Spears looks at us, finger pointed at me as if to fire a special beam cannon through my chest." "Dyrektor Spears patrzy na nas, palec wskazujący na mnie, jakby miał wystrzelić przez moją klatkę piersiową specjalną armatę promieni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4461 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_8351bf67: # Sp "In all my god damned years{cps=*.1}...{/cps} on top of the roof!{w=.5} Explain.{w=.4} {b}NOW{/b}!" Sp "Przez całe moje cholernie pieprzone lata{cps=*.1}...{/cps} na dachu!{w=.5} Wyjaśnij.{w=.4} {b}TERAZ{/b}!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4465 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_8fbc2950: # "Bullshit mode activate." "Tryb bredni: aktywuj." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4468 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_75369db7: # A "I got lost looking for the bathroom?" A "Zgubiłem się szukając łazienki?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4475 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_124a8f36: # "Spears incinerates me on the spot." "Spears spala mnie na miejscu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4483 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_91f7e305: # F "Estrus season?" F "Sezon rui?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4486 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_bcd1c1a1: # "For a brief instant I picture Fang in a bikini." "Na chwilę wyobrażam sobie Fang w bikini." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4496 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_98c9b2b5: # "Hot." "Gorąca." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4500 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_06819ede: # "Fang gets a similar stare and withers down." "Fang dostaje podobne spojrzenie i kuli się." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4504 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_146034ab: # Sp "I’m not stupid. Ptero estrus season isn’t for another few months." Sp "Nie jestem głupi. Sezon rui pterozaurów jest za kilka miesięcy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4507 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6ac296b3: # Sp "Empty your pockets. Now." Sp "Opróżnijcie kieszenie. Teraz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4510 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_5104a783: # "I reduce myself to hoover flags. All I had on me was my phone and a ratty wallet held together with hot glue and duct tape." "Wywracam kieszenie na lewą stronę. Wszystko, co miałem przy sobie, to telefon i wysłużony portfel sklejony klejem na gorąco i taśmą klejącą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4512 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_014cb003: # "Fang does the same, dropping her own phone, a spare guitar pick, and an unopened pack of cigarettes." "Fang robi to samo, upuszczając swój telefon, zapasową kostkę do gitary i nieotwartą paczkę papierosów." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4515 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_97c8147b: # "Spears looks at Fang dead in the eyes, rips the package open, and stuffs every cigarette in his mouth at once." "Spears patrzy Fang prosto w oczy, rozrywa paczkę i wsadza wszystkie papierosy do ust naraz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4522 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c93a0731: # "To our mortified stares, he chews them until they are a brown glob and spits it over the fence, landing on a rather oriental looking car." "Patrząc z przerażeniem, on żuje je, aż stają się brązową masą i wypluwa przez płot, lądując na dość orientalnie wyglądającym samochodzie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4525 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6b6c2c9d: # Sp "Anon. Go to class. Now." Sp "Anon. Na zajęcia. Teraz." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4527 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_378f0dbb: # Sp "Fang. To the Nurse’s." Sp "Fang. Do pielęgniarki." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4550 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_1ab27ff5: # "I look to Fang one last time." "Ostatni raz patrzę na Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4552 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b7fb3048: # "She looks a mess." "Wygląda na potarganą." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4561 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b0b88c48: # "Her wings are ragged, feathers misaligned and a clear patch of them missing on one." "Jej skrzydła są podarte, pióra niewyrównane, a na jednym wyraźnie brakuje kilku." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4563 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_398f4ba6: # "Stains on her legs from her make-up, tears and blood." "Plamy na jej nogach pochodzące od makijażu, łez i krwi." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4565 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_44e749ec: # "Drying blood on her hands, arms and beak." "Schnąca krew na jej rękach, ramionach i dziobie." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4567 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6a48b3c5: # "Eyes puffy and red from crying." "Oczy spuchnięte i czerwone od płaczu." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4570 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_4271e79f: # "But her smile{cps=*.1}...{/cps} was{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ale jej uśmiech{cps=*.1}...{/cps} był{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4573 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_52104675: # "I wave her goodbye and wordlessly return to class." "Macham jej na pożegnanie i bez słowa wracam na zajęcia." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4582 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_733116ca: # "I only have a few minutes, but I can’t focus on the assignment. I’ll have to take it home as homework." "Mam tylko kilka minut, ale nie mogę się skoncentrować na zadaniu. Będę musiał zabrać je do domu jako pracę domową." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4585 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_137bbea6: # F "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {cps=*.3}maaaaybe{/cps} I’ll help you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}\"{/i}{/alpha}" F "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {cps=*.3}może{/cps} ci pomogę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}\"{/i}{/alpha}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4591 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_cb7543dc: # "I take out my phone and consider messaging Fang again." "Wyciągam telefon i zastanawiam się, czy ponownie napisać do Fang." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4594 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_0c623f91: # "!" "!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4596 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_114fac3f: # "My heart thumps roughly in my chest. Just what is with me today." "Moje serce mocno wali w mojej klatce piersiowej. Co ze mną dzisiaj jest." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4603 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_19642fc9: # "All this drama{cps=*.1}...{/cps} when did my life become a soap opera{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Tyle tego dramatu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kiedy moje życie stało się telenowelą{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4606 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_9824249d: # "Heh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} even included a dramatic kiss{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Heh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nawet był dramatyczny pocałunek{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4608 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_498065bf: # "I look at my hand, her blood now dried and dusty on my palm." "Patrzę na swoją dłoń, jej krew teraz sucha i zakurzona na mojej dłoni." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4611 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_72c6ea46: # "Did{cps=*.1}...{/cps} that count as a kiss?" "Czy{cps=*.1}...{/cps} to się liczyło jako pocałunek?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4613 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_747a3344: # "I mean, it was unintentional. She backed off and all." "Chodzi mi o to, że to było niezamierzone. Ona się cofnęła i tyle." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4615 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4618 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_72b43a7e: # "Jeez, my insides feel like liquid." "Jezu, moje wnętrzności są jak płyn." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4620 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_daf0ccc9: # "Surely that’s just my disgusted reaction to Spear’s scare tactic up there." "Na pewno to tylko moja zbulwersowana reakcja na straszliwą taktykę Spearsa." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4623 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_3f874143: # "Nah, this isn’t fear. Unlike a bottomless pit the feeling is{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Nie, to nie jest strach. W przeciwieństwie do bezdennego dołu, to uczucie jest{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4625 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_6baa5254: # "Pleasant{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Przyjemne{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4628 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_fa606911: # "Yeah, I kinda like it." "Tak, trochę mi się podoba." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4630 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_45474500: # "{cps=*6}Hmmmm{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*6}Hmmmm{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4632 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_4ed52927: # "I wonder if Fang-" "Zastanawiam się, czy Fang-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4635 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_0c623f91_1: # "!" "!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4638 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b1cd9305: # "The feeling intensifies." "To uczucie się nasila." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4640 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_5b852a80: # "But why?{w=.5} I only thought of-" "Ale dlaczego?{w=.5} Myślałem tylko o-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4642 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_0add75d1: # "It’s not as if she-" "To nie tak jakby ona-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4644 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_b3f43ac7: # "But-" "Ale-" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4646 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f1638dc1_2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4655 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_a1eb6184: # "Do I like Fang?" "Czy podobam się Fang?" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4658 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f15f186f: # "!!!!!!" "!!!!!!" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4660 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_f1638dc1_3: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4663 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_304767a5: # "{cps=*.25}Fuck.{/cps}" "{cps=*.25}Cholera.{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4665 translate pl postFangAndAnonTalk_c3739b85: # "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:4675 translate pl fang_movie_0ae9bcd0: # "" "" translate pl strings: # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:574 old "Tug Her Tail" new "Pociągnij ją za ogon" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:575 old "Tug Her Ankle" new "Pociągnij ją za kostkę" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1184 old "Explain it to her honestly, she should understand by now" new "Wyjaśnij jej to szczerze, powinna już to zrozumieć." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1184 old "Joking is a good way to move past mistakes." new "Żartowanie to dobry sposób, aby przeskoczyć popełnione błędy." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1754 old "Get out of there" new "Wynoś się stąd" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1759 old "GET OUT OF THERE." new "WYNOŚ SIĘ STĄD." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:1754 old "{b}GET THE FUCK OUT OF DODGE.{/b}" new "{b}WYPADAJ STĄD ALE JUŻ.{/b}" # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3275 old "Stay quiet..." new "Pozostań cicho..." # game/script/5.fang-and-anon-cut-class-to-talk-on-the-roof.rpy:3271 old "Interrupt" new "Przerwij"