# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48 # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:5 translate it chapter_8_de08376a: # "{cps=*0.2}-- A Few Weeks Later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Qualche Settimana Dopo --{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:14 translate it chapter_8_fdac2ade: # "Things have cooled off since the concert back in February." "Le cose si sono calmate dal concerto di Febbraio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:16 translate it chapter_8_d6f46e33: # "There’s no major events coming up, so the days have gotten longer." "Non c'è nessun grande evento in arrivo, quindi le giornate sono diventate più lunghe." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:18 translate it chapter_8_5c912507: # "The weather has started to warm up as well." "Inoltre la temperatura sta iniziando a salire." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:21 translate it chapter_8_5f72a0a3: # "Each morning I’ve been walking through a thick blanket of fog that always dissipates by lunchtime." "Ogni mattina cammino attraverso un denso strato di nebbia che si dissipa sempre a ora di pranzo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:23 translate it chapter_8_1b88fadd: # "It’s a drastic shift compared to the hot/cold binary of fly-over life." "È un cambiamento drastico rispetto al binario caldo/freddo della vita nel Midwest." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:25 translate it chapter_8_4fe725b7: # "Maybe I should ditch the jacket soon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Forse tra un po' dovrei mollare il giacchetto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:27 translate it chapter_8_4cccd3ff: # "No, there’s no way I’m showing the world just how much of a lanklet I am." "No, non ci penso neanche di mostrare al mondo quanto sia smilzo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:29 translate it chapter_8_41610f6e: # "Even if it means being grilled alive." "Anche se vuol dire venire grigliato vivo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:32 translate it chapter_8_e8b68246: # F "Geez, Anon, you look like you’re dying right now." F "Santo cielo, Anon, sembri che tu stia morendo in questo momento." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:35 translate it chapter_8_a8259b17: # A "The sun{cps=*.1}...{/cps} can go{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fuck itself..." A "Il sole{cps=*.1}...{/cps} può andare{cps=*.1}...{/cps} a farsi fottere..." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:41 translate it chapter_8_1586456e: # "Fang chuckles and pats my back as I lean over my desk." "Fang ridacchia e mi dà una pacca sulla schiena mentre mi appoggio sul banco." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:44 translate it chapter_8_8779d59d: # "On second thought, tank tops seem cool. Reed is usually wearing one." "Ripensandoci, le canottiere non sembrano male. Reed di solito ne indossa una." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:57 translate it chapter_8_5e18a727: # jingo "Alright class, the Principal’s got something to say, then you’ll be leavin’ early." jingo "Va bene classe, il Preside ha qualcosa da annunciare, poi uscirete prima." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:64 translate it chapter_8_f519fc75: # "With that we were all directed to the auditorium." "E con ciò fummo diretti verso l'auditorium." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:78 translate it chapter_8_258b6fa3: # "We didn’t have assigned seating, so I immediately thought of sitting with Fang." "I posti non erano assegnati, quindi ho pensato immediatamente di sedermi con Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:80 translate it chapter_8_81c0c561: # "Knowing better than to look through the ocean of students, I follow my nose to Reed." "Al posto di cercare tra l'oceano di studenti, decido di seguire il mio naso verso Reed." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:88 translate it chapter_8_1ea7326e: # "The fetid raptor was sitting in the very last row with Trish." "Il raptor fetido era seduto all'ultima fila insieme a Trish." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:102 translate it chapter_8_31c3e6b8: # Re "YOOOOO!" Re "YOOOOO!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:105 translate it chapter_8_f1a020c8: # "Reed’s bellow easily eclipses everyone else." "L'urlo di Reed eclissa facilmente tutti gli altri." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:107 translate it chapter_8_37d49bf5: # "I wave back, hurrying past my awestruck classmates to claim my rightful throne." "Lo saluto anch'io, superando con velocità i miei compagni sbalorditi per sedermi sul mio legittimo trono." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:118 translate it chapter_8_c2a7a9a4: # Re "‘Ey guys… saved ya some seats." Re "Ey raga… vi ho tenuto i posti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:121 translate it chapter_8_188dd0b2: # "I take a glance over to see Trish pouting." "Do un'occhiata e vedo Trish con il broncio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:124 translate it chapter_8_f1b1518d: # T "Fuck, he found us." T "Cazzo, ci ha trovato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:127 translate it chapter_8_02cfda7b: # "The last students trickle in through the doors and take their seats." "Gli ultimi studenti arrivano lentamente e prendono posto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:138 translate it chapter_8_e3151852: # "Mr. Carldewskii takes the stage with an electronic mic." "Il Sig. Carldewskii sale sul palco e prende un microfono elettrico." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:149 translate it chapter_8_6bc5338d: # carl "Alright, frickin’ settle down kids. We got a special frickin’ announcement from the frickin’ principal." carl "Va bene, calmatevi cavolo di ragazzini. Abbiamo un cavolo di annuncio speciale dal cavolo di preside." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:153 translate it chapter_8_6c176e1e: # carl "We got frickin’ midterms coming up soon, and he frickin’ feels the need to give all of you a frickin’ pep talk." carl "Abbiamo i cavolo di esami di metà trimestre tra poco, e sente il cavolo di bisogno di darvi un cavolo di discorso di incoraggiamento." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:156 translate it chapter_8_762f601a: # "The audience collectively groans." "Il pubblico si lamenta collettivamente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:158 translate it chapter_8_e9a9cdba: # "Fang and Trish throw their heads back." "Fang e Trish gettano la testa all'indietro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:162 translate it chapter_8_b6a62594: # "On cue, Principal Spears takes the stage." "In quel preciso istante, il Preside Spears sale sul palco." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:172 translate it chapter_8_bc6eb086: # "Mr. Carldewskii holds the microphone out to him but gets ignored." "Il Sig. Carldewskii gli pone il microfono ma viene ignorato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:177 translate it chapter_8_3b3630e5: # "The student body covers their ears in preparation." "Il corpo studentesco si copre le orecchie in preparazione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:188 translate it chapter_8_69ed3c9b: # Sp "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE PUNKS." with vpunch Sp "VA BENE TEPPISTELLI." with vpunch # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:191 translate it chapter_8_04439f5d: # Sp "LIKE THE MAN SAID, WE HAVE MIDTERMS TO DEAL WITH IN JUST A FEW WEEKS." Sp "COME HA DETTO LUI, TRA UN PO' DI SETTIMANE AVREMO GLI ESAMI DI METÀ TRIMESTRE." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:193 translate it chapter_8_86bff4a2: # Sp "AND I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU SLACKING, ONLY THE BEST EFFORTS WILL BE ALLOWED." Sp "E NON VOGLIO VEDERE NESSUNO DI VOI BATTERE LA FIACCA, SOLO IL MIGLIORE IMPEGNO SARÀ PERMESSO." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:195 translate it chapter_8_90428b04: # Sp "THESE SCORES MAY NOT AFFECT YOUR OVERALL GRADE, SO MANY OF YOU MAY DECIDE TO DISREGARD THEM." Sp "QUESTI PUNTEGGI NON INFLUIRANNO SUL VOSTRO VOTO COMPLESSIVO, QUINDI MOLTI DI VOI DECIDERANNO DI IGNORARLI." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:197 translate it chapter_8_060fc86a: # Sp "IT’S A WEAK MINDSET LIKE THAT THAT CAN AND WILL TRAP YOU!" Sp "SONO MENTALITÀ DEL GENERE QUELLE CHE POSSONO E CHE VI INTRAPPOLERANNO!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:199 translate it chapter_8_c9939e83: # Sp "THESE TESTS ARE FOR YOU TO SEE IF YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK OR NOT!" Sp "QUESTI TEST SERVONO A VOI PER VEDERE SE SIETE SULLA STRADA GIUSTA O NO!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:201 translate it chapter_8_d7716552: # Sp "I EXPECT YOU ALL TO ACE THESE EXAMS BECAUSE VOLCANO HIGH IS THE BEST SCHOOL THERE IS!" Sp "MI ASPETTO DI VEDERVI SUPERARE QUESTI ESAMI A PIENI VOTI PERCHÉ VOLCANO HIGH È LA MIGLIORE SCUOLA CHE CI SIA!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:203 translate it chapter_8_e4d1e506: # Sp "AND I TEACH THE BEST STUDENTS THERE ARE, HERE AT VOLCANO HIGH!" Sp "E IO INSEGNO AI MIGLIORI STUDENTI CHE CI SIANO, QUI A VOLCANO HIGH!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:205 translate it chapter_8_b98a0a4b: # Sp "ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?" Sp "CI SONO DOMANDE?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:208 translate it chapter_8_2c101d7a: # "Judging by the dead silence, there wasn’t any." "A giudicare dal silenzio di tomba, non ce ne erano." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:211 translate it chapter_8_b5ecc959: # "The principal gives a single approving nod and exits stage right." "Il preside fa un singolo cenno di approvazione con la testa ed esce dal palco." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:227 translate it chapter_8_f78344b1: # carl "Alright you kids, you’re free to frikin' go." carl "Ok ragazzini del cavolo, ve ne potete andare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:262 translate it chapter_8_adbe8f99: # "With that the sea of students begins to funnel out of the auditorium." "E con ciò il mare di studenti comincia a fluire fuori dall'auditorium." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:301 translate it chapter_8_d678902a: # "The four of us wait until the auditorium is half empty before getting up and making our way to the door." "Noi quattro aspettiamo fino a che l'auditorium è mezzo vuoto prima di alzarci e andare verso la porta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:327 translate it chapter_8_9120e1fd: # "Our motley crew make it to the front lawn of the school and Reed falls flat on his back in the freshly mowed grass." "Il nostro gruppo variopinto arriva fino al giardino di fronte alla scuola e Reed cade di schiena sull'erba appena tagliata." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:331 translate it chapter_8_a53bab3f: # Re "Later guys." Re "Ci si becca." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:352 translate it chapter_8_64878666: # "His breathing becomes a rumbling snore." "Il suo respiro diventa un rombante russare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:355 translate it chapter_8_0b3b558d: # T "So Fang, you actually gonna study?" T "Quindi Fang, studierai sul serio?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:357 translate it chapter_8_db766e42: # F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:359 translate it chapter_8_b1b9ee4d: # T "We can go to the library, there shouldn’t be anyone there." T "Possiamo andare in biblioteca, non ci dovrebbe essere nessuno lì." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:361 translate it chapter_8_a0a88240: # A "Eh, I don’t think I’m allowed there anymore. Wasted too much bandwidth." A "Eh, non credo mi sia più permesso entrare lì. Ho usato troppo internet." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:363 translate it chapter_8_9d03aa0f: # "Fuck using my own data to pirate all these games I’ll probably never play." "Col cazzo che uso i miei dati mobili per piratare tutti quei giochi che probabilmente non giocherò mai." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:366 translate it chapter_8_bcf46a94: # T "I wasn’t asking you, douche." T "Non chiedevo a te, cretino." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:369 translate it chapter_8_7c7615f3: # F "I kind of just wanna go home." F "In realtà voglio andare a casa e basta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:372 translate it chapter_8_e8760383: # T "{cps=*0.4}...Kay{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Talk to ya later Fang." T "{cps=*0.4}...Kay{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ci si sente dopo Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:374 translate it chapter_8_c9e13d09: # F "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Later{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Già{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dopo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:377 translate it chapter_8_2dd57bb8: # T "Fuck you Anon." T "Vaffanculo Anon." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:380 translate it chapter_8_2faefd24: # A "I didn’t even do anything this time!" A "Non ho neanche fatto niente stavolta!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:389 translate it chapter_8_11c167e6: # "Tch. Fuck her." "Tch. Vada a farsi fottere." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:392 translate it chapter_8_0a3d1653: # A "Whatever. See you Monday, Fang." A "Vabbè. Ci vediamo Lunedì, Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:407 translate it chapter_8_277a0e4a: # "Before I can turn away Fang’s hand catches the sleeve of my unnecessary sweater." "Prima che possa voltare le spalle la mano di Fang afferra la manica della mia felpa non necessaria." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:412 translate it chapter_8_70842563: # F "A-actually{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I was thinking{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "I-in realtà{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stavo pensando{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:414 translate it chapter_8_a34fc110: # A "Hmm?" A "Hmm?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:417 translate it chapter_8_fb9a8704: # "Fang’s grip loosens on my arm, leaving her hand to rest on my forearm." "La presa di Fang sul mio braccio si allenta, lasciando la sua mano appoggiata al mio braccio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:420 translate it chapter_8_c497b4fe: # F "Wanna like, study at my place? I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda need help{cps=*.1}...{/cps} with science." F "Ti va di, tipo, studiare da me? Mi uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} serve un po' d'aiuto{cps=*.1}...{/cps} con scienze." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:422 translate it chapter_8_1f9f9c2a: # A "S{cps=*0.3}uuurrrree{/cps}waaait. Wouldn’t your dad make me into a hunting trophy?" A "C{cps=*0.3}eeeeerrtooo{/cps}aaaaspetta. Non è che tuo Padre mi trasforma in un trofeo da caccia?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:425 translate it chapter_8_b468c9dd: # F "I don’t think you’re that good of a catch." F "Non penso tu sia una preda così pregiata." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:428 translate it chapter_8_ff65e480: # "Ow. My ego." "Ow. Il mio ego." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:431 translate it chapter_8_1059b523: # F "Besides, he’s working a late shift tonight and my mom should be out clothes shopping or something. Again." F "In ogni caso, stanotte lui lavora tardi e mia Madre dovrebbe essere a fare compere di vestiti o una cosa così. Di nuovo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:434 translate it chapter_8_3d9f15a2: # "It’s okay Anon, you’re just going to Fang’s house." "Va tutto bene Anon, stai solamente andando a casa di Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:436 translate it chapter_8_293a3377: # "Alone." "Da solo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:439 translate it chapter_8_05dec60e: # "♪ Just the two of us. ♪" "♪ Just the two of us. ♪" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:441 translate it chapter_8_ad2da547: # "Bill Withers shut the fuck up, holy fuck AAAAAAAA." "Bill Withers chiudi quella cazzo di bocca, porca puttana AAAAAAAA." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:444 translate it chapter_8_bdc1665c: # A "Okay then. So how are we gonna get to your place?" A "Okay va bene. Allora come andiamo da te?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:447 translate it chapter_8_0f4255e3: # F "Shit! The bus! We can make it to the last one if we run!" F "Merda! L'autobus! Possiamo farcela a prendere l'ultimo se corriamo!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:449 translate it chapter_8_6460a5df: # "OH GO FUCK YOURSELF BILL WITHERS." "OH VAFFANCULO BILL WITHERS PURE TRADOTTO IN ITALIANO SPUNTI." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:469 translate it chapter_8_3c80d894: # "We make a mad dash to the last bus." "Corriamo come pazzi verso l'ultimo autobus." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:471 translate it chapter_8_6951f65d: # "I’m sweating like hell by the time we get there, made worse by the fact I’m still wearing my jacket." "Sto sudando da morire quando arriviamo, il tutto reso peggiore dal fatto che ho ancora addosso il mio giacchetto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:473 translate it chapter_8_c73fbb48: # "Still must not take off." "Ancora non posso levarmelo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:475 translate it chapter_8_78d67262: # "Must not expose skeleton arms." "Non devo esporre braccia da scheletro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:484 translate it chapter_8_8a892278: # "After a little while of being simultaneously fried alive and bathed in sweat, we finally make it to Fang’s place." "Dopo essere stato simultaneamente fritto vivo e inzuppato di sudore per un po', arriviamo finalmente a casa di Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:486 translate it chapter_8_ab704292: # "I obviously thank the bus driver again." "Ovviamente ringrazio l'autista un'altra volta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:489 translate it chapter_8_a1e5518a: # "Wait. Alone with Fang? At her place?" "Aspetta. Da solo con Fang? A casa sua?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:491 translate it chapter_8_29391c8e: # "Bill Withers begins to blare inside my head again. God just fuck off, FUCK." "Bill Withers ricomincia a risuonare nella mia testa. Oddio levati dalle palle, CAZZO." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:494 translate it chapter_8_a1b10a04: # F "Come on, Anon. We can study in my room." F "Dai, Anon. Possiamo studiare in camera mia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:497 translate it chapter_8_d2c8bbf3: # "Fang’s room?" "La camera di Fang?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:503 translate it chapter_8_32c27c80: # "Oh, man, it’s been a while since I’ve noticed the alarms." "Oh, wow, è da un bel po' che non notavo gli allarmi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:507 translate it chapter_8_d60510b0: # A "S-sure! Lead the way." A "C-certo! Fai strada." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:510 translate it chapter_8_737a7a75: # "Fang climbs the steps while I trail behind, weary of any hidden fathers laying in wait to ambush me." "Fang sale sulle scale mentre io la seguo, cauto per eventuali padri nascosti pronti per tenermi un'imboscata." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:518 translate it chapter_8_af6359f6: # "She holds a door open to a pitch-black room, and I tentatively step in." "Lei tiene la porta aperta verso una stanza totalmente buia, e io entro con esitazione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:521 translate it chapter_8_4ee573d9: # F "Aaaaah, home sweet home." F "Aaaaah, casa dolce casa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:529 translate it chapter_8_0b8b1035: # "Fang flips on the lights and I’m not quite sure what I expected." "Fang accende le luci e non so cosa mi aspettavo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:531 translate it chapter_8_e6c335fb: # "The black walls are covered with various band posters, the spaces in between covered by what I assume are lyric ideas written in chalk." "I muri neri sono ricoperti di vari poster di band, lo spazio tra di loro è ricoperto da quelle che presumo siano idee per testi scritte con il gesso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:533 translate it chapter_8_1cfd2f5d: # "A few guitar stands and a keyboard in the corner below a non-binary flag hanging on the wall." "Qualche porta-chitarra e una tastiera in un angolo sotto una bandiera non-binaria appesa al muro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:536 translate it chapter_8_91b3fe25: # "Fang throws her bag off to the side and picks up a guitar, strumming a few chords." "Fang lancia lo zaino in disparte e prende una chitarra, strimpellando qualche accordo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:538 translate it chapter_8_3d28e3e7: # "I plant my hands in my pockets nonchalantly, looking around for a chair or something." "Mi metto le mani in tasca con nonchalance, cercando una sedia o una cosa del genere." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:546 translate it chapter_8_c5a27f15: # F "Just sit on the floor, dweeb." F "Siediti sul pavimento, sfigato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:549 translate it chapter_8_5412ea4a: # A "Wow, not even a beanbag chair?" A "Wow, neanche un pouf?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:551 translate it chapter_8_44004bf2: # A "What kind of lazy teenager are you?" A "Che razza di adolescente pigro sei?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:553 translate it chapter_8_b5e42522: # F "The kind that has expendable guitars in arm’s reach." F "Il tipo che ha chitarre sacrificabili a portata di mano." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:556 translate it chapter_8_dce1157a: # A "Fair enough." A "Mi sembra giusto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:559 translate it chapter_8_7d723b96: # "I use my backpack as a makeshift backrest." "Uso il mio zaino come schienale improvvisato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:562 translate it chapter_8_e1c494a4: # A "What’s the guitar for, anyways?" A "Comunque, a che serve la chitarra?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:564 translate it chapter_8_0bc2de7e: # F "Playing music." F "A suonare musica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:566 translate it chapter_8_98d817cb: # A "I mean, aren’t we supposed to be studying?" A "Dico, non dovremmo studiare?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:568 translate it chapter_8_789ed359: # A "Or are we doing music first?" A "O prima facciamo musica?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:581 translate it chapter_8_b3bfed21: # F "Uhm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} This is just how I get ready for studying." F "Uhm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Io mi preparo così per studiare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:583 translate it chapter_8_16552412: # F "Strumming along puts me at ease." F "Strimpellare mi mette a mio agio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:586 translate it chapter_8_07757684: # "Fang picks up a spare guitar pick from a shelf." "Fang prende un plettro di scorta da una mensola." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:588 translate it chapter_8_f0b8bd9c: # "She begins playing a short riff that I recognize from one of VVURM DRAMA’s songs, smiling and relaxing as she goes on." "Lei comincia a suonare un piccolo riff che riconosco da una delle canzoni di VVURM DRAMA, sorridendo e rilassandosi mentre continua." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:590 translate it chapter_8_f8aa9d59: # "Like my own personal concert." "Come un concerto personale solo per me." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:593 translate it chapter_8_6d9c9c36: # "When the song is finished, Fang gives an expectant glance my way." "Quando la canzone finisce, Fang mi guarda in attesa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:595 translate it chapter_8_18ab7020: # "I smile and give a tasteful nod." "Io sorrido e annuisco di buon gusto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:598 translate it chapter_8_e328ceac: # F "You wanna try?" F "Vuoi provare?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:600 translate it chapter_8_0ab658f0: # "Fang takes off the guitar strap and extends it for me to play." "Fang si toglie la tracolla e me la offre per suonare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:602 translate it chapter_8_12fb0abb: # "I’m not sure what she expects me to do but I could give it a shot." "Non sono sicuro di cosa lei si aspetti da me ma ci potrei provare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:605 translate it chapter_8_894210a6: # "Though aren’t we supposed to be studying for midterms?" "Però non dovremmo studiare per gli esami di metà trimestre?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:608 translate it chapter_8_0a188f4e: # Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}THESE SCORES MAY NOT AFFECT YOUR OVERALL GRADE, SO MANY OF YOU MAY DECIDE TO DISREGARD THEM.{/alpha}{/i}" Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}QUESTI PUNTEGGI NON INFLUIRANNO SUL VOSTRO VOTO COMPLESSIVO, QUINDI MOLTI DI VOI DECIDERANNO DI IGNORARLI.{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:610 translate it chapter_8_36281682: # Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}IT’S A WEAK MINDSET LIKE THAT THAT CAN AND WILL TRAP YOU!{/alpha}{/i}" Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}SONO MENTALITÀ DEL GENERE QUELLE CHE POSSONO E CHE VI INTRAPPOLERANNO!{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:612 translate it chapter_8_552df631: # Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}THESE TESTS ARE FOR YOU TO SEE IF YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK OR NOT!{/alpha}{/i}" Sp "{i}{alpha=0.5}QUESTI TEST SERVONO A VOI PER VEDERE SE SIETE SULLA STRADA GIUSTA O NO!{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:615 translate it chapter_8_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:619 translate it chapter_8_7ffcf78e: # "Is it really alright to slack off?" "Battere la fiacca è davvero la scelta giusta?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:635 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_b218cd53: # "What the hell." "Chi se ne frega." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:638 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_5cfc1108: # A "Er… why not." A "Er… perché no." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:641 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_447bb444: # "I take the guitar from her hands and put the strap on, letting its weight hang from my shoulder." "Prendo la chitarra dalle sue mani e metto la tracolla, lasciando il suo peso appeso alla mia spalla." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:643 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_3e9ab2a8: # "Fang hands me the pick and I aimlessly strum the guitar, the mess of a noise sounding a far cry from her elegant playing." "Fang mi porge il plettro e strimpello a caso la chitarra, quel casino di suono non era lontanamente vicino all'elegante suonare di Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:647 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_ebeca956: # "Well I tried." "Beh ci ho provato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:650 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_e04b2e1c: # F "Here, like this." F "Ecco, così." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:653 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_8e0a438d: # "Fang grabs another guitar and motions me to copy her hand movements." "Fang prende un'altra chitarra e mi indica di copiare i movimenti che fa con la mano." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:655 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_97cce006: # "I try to mimic her hands on the fretboard but it feels like my fingers are twisting into pretzels." "Io provo a imitare le sue mani sulla tastiera ma è come se le mie dita si stessero attorcigliando in dei pretzel." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:658 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_e62f9ff1: # F "Not like that, your hand’s gonna get cramped as fuck like that." F "Non così, avrai dei crampi alle mani con i controcazzi in quel modo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:660 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_8ed63e98: # "Fang sets her guitar down on a stand and comes over to me." "Fang posa la chitarra su un cavalletto e viene da me." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:663 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_96e0487d: # F "Holy fuck no wonder you sound like a horny cougar." F "Porca puttana ci credo che suoni come una cagna in calore." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:665 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_78222222: # A "Wait, like the cat or-" A "Aspetta, l'animale o-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:667 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_e04b2e1c_1: # F "Here, like this." F "Ecco, così." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:669 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_df25181f: # "Her hand covers mine as she tries to readjust the position of it." "La sua mano copre la mia mentre prova a sistemarne la posizione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:672 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_0b388f09: # F "No like- Gah stop fighting back!" F "Non così- Gah smettila di resistere!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:674 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_b3aabe90: # A "Ow hey- Quite tha- OW!" A "Ow hey- Smettil- OW!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:676 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_a20f25fa: # F "Oh my fuck, Anon. Just relax your hand!" F "Porco cazzo, Anon. Rilassa la mano!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:680 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_e447f86a: # "I would if I could but the god damned alarms weren’t freaking me out!" "Lo farei se questi stracazzo di allarmi non mi stessero facendo impazzire!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:684 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_6b5f40ee: # F "UUUUUUUURG… Hold on." F "UUUUUUUURG… Aspetta un attimo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:686 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_f215e2c5: # A "Wha-" A "Cos-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:688 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_0cb906c8: # "Fang walks behind me." "Fang cammina dietro di me." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:691 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_5226f0f4: # F "Don’t turn around!" F "Non ti girare!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:693 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_4dd7ac56: # A "Why-" A "Perché-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:697 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_51070c32: # "She’s standing right behind me!" "Lei è dietro di me!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:709 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_38ce8141: # "She’s standing RIGHT THE FUCK BEHIND ME!" "Lei è ESATTAMENTE DIETRO DI ME, CAZZO!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:712 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_dbdeffc2: # "Her body presses against my back and her arms come around, each of her hands taking my own and guiding them into proper position." "Il suo corpo fa pressione sulla mia schiena e pone avanti le sue braccia, ognuna delle sue mani prende le mie e mi guidano verso la posizione corretta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:715 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:718 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_a2b367b3: # "{cps=*0.5}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{/cps}" "{cps=*0.5}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:722 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_d359fb95: # F "Anon, are you paying attention?" F "Anon, sei attento?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:724 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_64e98fd7: # A "Y-yeah! Totally!" A "S-sì! Completamente!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:726 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_a5158838: # "I hope my voice didn’t just crack." "Spero che la mia voce non abbia appena steccato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:729 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_f7de1749: # "Fang’s hands move mine along the neck of the guitar." "Le mani di Fang si muovono insieme alle mie sul manico della chitarra." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:732 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_788970c3: # F "Alright, try these chords." F "Va bene, prova questi accordi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:734 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_ccdb22d4: # "Her fingers press mine down, holding down the strings in an awkward position." "Le sue dita premono sulle mie, tenendo le corde ferme in una posizione scomoda." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:736 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_3e3e00b0: # F "Then this." F "Ora questo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:738 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_c15f5e75: # "My hands are slid down closer to the base of the neck and too close to my crotch." "Le mie mani slittano più vicino alla base del manico e troppo vicine al mio scroto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:740 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_b1dbd7b7: # F "And then finally this." F "E infine questo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:742 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_d7a6e808: # "My fingers are shifted back up to the middle of the fretboard." "Le mie dita ritornano alla metà del manico." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:744 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_c71487bd: # F "Try that out, Anon." F "Provaci tu, Anon." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:747 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_92fb8a34: # "Fang let’s go of my sweaty hands. She doesn’t move from behind me though." "Fang lascia andare le mie mani sudaticce. Lei però non si muove da dietro di me." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:749 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_edfac463: # "I try and replicate the movements." "Provo a replicare i movimenti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:753 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_80b051bd: # "The first strum sounds… not bad…" "La prima strimpellata… non è male…" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:756 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_de292060: # "The second note is horrendous. I blame my pants." "La seconda nota è orrenda. Do la colpa ai miei pantaloni." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:759 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_1b91823a: # "And the last chord comes out alrightish." "E l'ultimo accordo esce benino." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:762 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_9ea55baf: # F "Now do it all together." F "Ora tutto insieme." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:765 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_c75a0097: # "I repeat the pattern and it comes out all sounding alrightish." "Ripeto lo schema e suona benino." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:767 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_bc777663: # F "Again." F "Ancora." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:769 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_d51ea2fd: # "Oh hey, that didn’t sound too bad now." "Oh hey, non suona affatto male ora." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:772 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_664bcdf5: # F "You’re getting it now." F "Ora ci stai prendendo la mano." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:774 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_901c83e8: # A "Am I? I have no clue what these chords are?" A "Dici? Ma non ho idea di cosa siano questi accordi?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:777 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_71817749: # "I keep strumming, each time progressively sounding better and better." "Continuo a strimpellare, ogni volta suona progressivamente meglio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:780 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_8febcf3e: # F "Now try playing chords of your own." F "Ora prova a suonare degli accordi tuoi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:782 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_8b43a689: # A "My own{cps=*.1}...?{/cps} I thought you were showing me how to play a song." A "Miei{cps=*.1}...?{/cps} Pensavo mi stessi mostrando come suonare una canzone." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:784 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_2afb24e0: # F "I’m teaching you how to play guitar you dork." F "Ti sto insegnando a suonare la chitarra scemo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:787 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_0220a366: # "I reposition my fingers and try something new, producing several more horrid sounds from the instrument." "Riposiziono le mie dita e provo qualcosa di nuovo, producendo molti altri suoni orridi con lo strumento." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:790 translate it lLetFangPlayGuit_8ebe9b87: # "My pinky slides off the fretboard and when I strum again a strange look appears in Fang’s eyes." "Il mio mignolo scivola dalla tastiera e quando ricomincio a strimpellare, uno strano sguardo appare negli occhi di Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:799 translate it musicalchoices_d68c6664: # F "Pfft hahahaha, wow you suck at this." F "Pfft ahahahah, wow fai schifo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:803 translate it musicalchoices_4d097a6e: # F "Wow that was really pretty." F "Wow quello non era affatto male." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:804 translate it musicalchoices_4939174e: # A "Really?" A "Sul serio?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:805 translate it musicalchoices_22836afb: # F "Pretty shit." F "Sì, era molto peggio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:809 translate it musicalchoices_c60209e1: # F "Hmm. Interesting, keep going." F "Hmm. Interessante, continua." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:813 translate it musicalchoices_f3d53b41: # F "You {i}really{/i} suck at this." F "Fai {i}davvero{/i} schifo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:817 translate it musicalchoices_8b89a1d2: # F "That’s pretty good." F "Molto buono." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:818 translate it musicalchoices_cc9a53d9: # F "Don’t stop you idiot, keep going." F "Non ti fermare idiota, continua." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:821 translate it musicalchoices_e8b95226: # F "C’mon Anon, you can do better." F "Eddai Anon, puoi fare di meglio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:826 translate it musicalchoices_a184f37f: # F "Oh come on now, impress me." F "Oh dai forza, sorprendimi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:830 translate it musicalchoices_ee69be35: # F "Nah… That’s not it, but you’re getting there." F "Nah… Non ci siamo, ma ci sei vicino." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:834 translate it musicalchoices_de40b514: # F "I like this." F "Mi piace." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:836 translate it musicalchoices_489f4acc: # F "Play that one again for me, will you?" F "Me lo potresti suonare di nuovo?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:839 translate it musicalchoices_5011119f: # "I oblige, and repeat notes several times." "Obbedisco, ripetendo molte volte le note." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:842 translate it musicalchoices_3601e027: # "Fang’s tail starts wagging along with my strumming, turning into her usual metronome." "La coda di Fang comincia a scodinzolare insieme al mio strimpellare, al tempo del suo solito metronomo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:845 translate it musicalchoices_c2fc48c5: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Aspetta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:855 translate it musicalchoices_97c3f55f: # "She takes the guitar from me and sits on the edge of her bed, toying with the chord I was strumming." "Lei mi prende la chitarra e si siede al bordo del suo letto, giocando con gli accordi che stavo strimpellando." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:858 translate it musicalchoices_7b35f715: # F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I’ve figured that song out, Anon." F "Credo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Credo di aver capito quella canzone, Anon." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:863 translate it musicalchoices_09f294bf: # "Her tail slaps a simple beat on her mattress as she slowly builds up a rhythm in her strumming." "La sua coda suona un semplice ritmo sul suo materasso mentre lei sviluppa lentamente un ritmo nel suo strimpellare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:865 translate it musicalchoices_2c520724: # "Her head bobs along, wings relaxing as the guitar’s tone starts picking up." "La sua testa dondola insieme a esso, con le ali rilassate mentre il tono della chitarra comincia ad aumentare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:867 translate it musicalchoices_66b153b5: # "The song borne from the guitar was mesmerizing." "La canzone trasmessa dalla chitarra era ipnotica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:869 translate it musicalchoices_0166905f: # "It started soft, with gentle tumbling trills, a slow jam at first, but eventually it grew into something more." "Era iniziata dolce, con trilli gentili, all'inizio era una canzone lenta, ma dopo un po' è diventata qualcosa di più." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:871 translate it musicalchoices_edaaf711: # "The crescendo crossing the strings reshaped the music, the transformation into a weightier rock piece was seamless." "Il crescendo che attraversava le stringhe rimodellava la musica, la trasformazione in un pezzo rock più pesante era impercettibile." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:873 translate it musicalchoices_8031e70c: # "More than just fingers and a pick, it was as if Fang put her entire life’s effort into this." "Era più di sole dita e plettro, era come se Fang ci avesse messo tutto l'impegno della sua vita." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:876 translate it musicalchoices_b9a3fe0c: # "Thinking back, she must have made countless songs like this, most of them never heard by anyone and left forgotten." "Ripensandoci, lei deve aver fatto innumerevoli canzoni così, la maggior parte delle quali mai sentite da qualcuno e dimenticate." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:878 translate it musicalchoices_85b8a224: # "She soon started to hum with the song she was playing, harmony and melancholy blending with the melody." "Dopo un po' lei comincia a canticchiare con la canzone che stava suonando, armonia e malinconia si mischiavano con la melodia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:880 translate it musicalchoices_b6416539: # "As Fang poured her very being into that instrument in her hands it dawned on me what this was." "Mentre Fang riversava tutta se stessa nello strumento nelle sue mani mi diviene evidente cosa era questa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:882 translate it musicalchoices_c8b6e5f6: # "A lyricless ballad." "Era una ballata senza testo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:884 translate it musicalchoices_88a03751: # "An instrumental aria." "Un'aria strumentale." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:886 translate it musicalchoices_63028fd8: # "Musical notes that bore the weight of words she couldn’t define." "Note musicali che sopportavano il peso di parole che lei non poteva descrivere." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:888 translate it musicalchoices_911dee9f: # "All of which sounded beautiful, melding together into a harsh yet intoxicating piece of dissonant serenity." "Le quali suonavano tutte bellissime, fondendosi in un duro ma inebriante pezzo di serenità dissonante." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:891 translate it musicalchoices_152aa2b2: # "Eventually she started to diminuendo, the fading softness of strings and harshness in her humming as she slowly laid the guitar to rest." "Alla fine lei ha iniziato il diminuendo, la dolcezza svanente delle corde e della durezza nel suo canticchiare mentre lei riponeva lentamente la chitarra a riposo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:895 translate it musicalchoices_908db91d: # "The music had stopped but her own emotions warred on." "La musica si era fermata ma le sue emozioni continuavano a lottare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:908 translate it musicalchoices_6ea81003: # "Fang sat there, looking down at her guitar realizing she showed me something she had never shown anyone before." "Fang era seduta lì, guardando la sua chitarra rendendosi conto di avermi mostrato qualcosa che non aveva mai mostrato a nessun altro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:910 translate it musicalchoices_b5a934d2: # "Fang bit back tears, fighting the sob that threatened to spill from her." "Fang tratteneva le lacrime mordendosi il becco, combattendo il pianto che minacciava di fuoriuscire." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:913 translate it musicalchoices_863fe743: # "She sets her guitar down and slouches, rubbing her eyes and trying to repress her inner turmoil." "Lei posa la chitarra e incurva le spalle, grattandosi gli occhi e provando a reprimere il suo tumulto interiore." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:915 translate it musicalchoices_c1d90aa1: # "Instinct pushes me to my feet, carrying me forward to the vulnerable girl sat on plush duvets." "L'istinto mi spinge ad alzarmi, portandomi verso la fragile ragazza seduta sul piumone." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:917 translate it musicalchoices_6dcf0b5b: # "All that matters is her." "Lei è tutto ciò che conta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:920 translate it musicalchoices_b6337921: # "The part of me that felt scared at that thought, that wanted to remain isolated in my comfort zone," "La parte di me che era spaventata di quel pensiero, che voleva rimanere isolata nella mia zona di conforto," # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:922 translate it musicalchoices_8ec928f3: # "That wanted to pretend that no one else mattered," "Che voleva far finta che non importasse nessun altro," # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:925 translate it musicalchoices_f2155a63: # "That part was ejected. {i}Forcibly{/i}." "Quella parte è stata espulsa. {i}Con forza{/i}." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:941 translate it musicalchoices_5cb53f16: # "Fang gasps as I wrap my arms around her." "Fang sussulta mentre la avvolgo con le mie braccia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:944 translate it musicalchoices_376621e6: # F "A-Anon-" F "A-Anon-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:946 translate it musicalchoices_b81b96c8: # "The frailty of her voice makes my heart ache." "La debolezza della sua voce mi fa male al cuore." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:949 translate it musicalchoices_dce2a801: # A "The song was amazing, Fang." A "Quella canzone era spettacolare, Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:951 translate it musicalchoices_479d7475: # "It truly was. Because it was her. Her heart and soul were carried within it. Her very being." "Lo era per davvero. Perché era lei. Portava dentro di sè il suo cuore e la sua anima. La sua stessa essenza." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:954 translate it musicalchoices_03bcc6b5: # "My heartfelt words reached her." "Le mie parole sincere la raggiungono." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:956 translate it musicalchoices_57a54b03: # "The dam burst." "La diga scoppia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:959 translate it musicalchoices_9b229fc2: # "She felt like a porcelain doll in my arms. Tears of sorrow and relief stain my shirt and wet my chest." "Lei era come una bambola di porcellana nelle mie braccia. Lacrime di dolore e sollievo macchiavano la mia maglietta e bagnavano il mio petto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:962 translate it musicalchoices_61e2797f: # F "Thank you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}thank you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}thank you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Grazie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}grazie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}grazie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:965 translate it musicalchoices_a4b83772: # "Unlike the rooftop Fang’s voice was a weak mumble, broken by hiccups and uneasy breaths." "Al contrario di quando eravamo sul tetto, la voce di Fang era un debole mormorio, interrotto da singhiozzi e respiri inquieti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:974 translate it musicalchoices_9f293e46: # "My embrace is soft as I cradle her, soothing her with slow rocking." "Il mio abbraccio è dolce mentre la cullo, rassicurandola con un lento dondolio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:976 translate it musicalchoices_df111509: # "We stayed like this, my arms calming the fragile and spent girl." "Siamo rimasti così, le mie braccia che calmavano la fragile ed esausta ragazza." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:978 translate it musicalchoices_03a44fe1: # "I have no clue how long it lasts, but Fang is able to compose herself with time." "Non ho idea di quanto è durato, ma Fang riuscì a calmarsi con il tempo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:981 translate it musicalchoices_2c10154d: # "I let her move away, choosing to sit next to her on the soft mattress." "La lascio andare, scegliendo di sedermi vicino a lei sul soffice materasso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:994 translate it musicalchoices_33a04a80: # "Her eyes are puffy and red, and once again her make-up has left tracks of orange and black on her cheeks." "I suoi occhi sono gonfi e rossi, e ancora una volta il suo trucco ha lasciato tracce arancioni e nere sulle sue guance." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:996 translate it musicalchoices_2a5a76bd: # "And once again she shares with me that smile." "E ancora una volta lei condivide con me quel sorriso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:998 translate it musicalchoices_de8e2bb8: # "But this time I can tell exactly what that soft expression means." "Ma questa volta so esattamente cosa voleva dire quella dolce espressione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1001 translate it musicalchoices_07daea19: # "Relief." "Sollievo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1004 translate it musicalchoices_1a27d70a: # F "God Anon, that’s twice now{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Dio, Anon, è la seconda volta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1006 translate it musicalchoices_326baddb: # A "My bad. How are you feeling?" A "Colpa mia. Come ti senti?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1008 translate it musicalchoices_d9621351: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non lo so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1011 translate it musicalchoices_4ff75f44: # "She looks down at the guitar she set aside." "Lei guarda verso la chitarra che aveva messo da parte." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1013 translate it musicalchoices_7cc4e7eb: # "I lean over her lap, carefully taking the instrument by its neck and bringing it to my lap." "Mi piego sul suo grembo, prendendo lo strumento dal manico con attenzione e portandolo sulle mie gambe." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1016 translate it musicalchoices_9f2db613: # A "Can you teach me?" A "Mi puoi insegnare?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1019 translate it musicalchoices_800dfdc0: # F "W-wha-" F "C-cos-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1021 translate it musicalchoices_55eb8e30: # A "The song. Can you teach it to me?" A "La canzone. Me la puoi insegnare?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1024 translate it musicalchoices_74ebb67f: # "She looks at the guitar and then me. Her surprise slowly turns to happiness." "Lei guarda la chitarra e poi guarda me. La sua sorpresa diventa lentamente felicità." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1027 translate it musicalchoices_f8310da2: # F "Sure I can. Hold up a second." F "Certo che posso. Aspetta un attimo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1030 translate it musicalchoices_f1dddb2f: # "She stands from the bed and goes for another one of her guitars." "Lei si alza dal letto e va a prendere un'altra delle sue chitarre." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1032 translate it musicalchoices_08413c47: # "Along the way she grabs a shirt off the floor, using it to wipe her face." "Lungo la strada lei prende una maglietta dal pavimento, usandola per pulirsi la faccia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1037 translate it musicalchoices_e1771682: # "When she comes back Fang sits closer than before, our shoulders together." "Quando Fang ritorna lei si siede più vicina di prima, le nostre spalle si toccano." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1040 translate it musicalchoices_fa61d233: # F "So, for the opener-" F "Quindi, l'inizio-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1043 translate it musicalchoices_80cc557a: # "After what feels like hours of back-and-forth to learn guitar, my arms feel like they’re about to fall off." "Dopo quelle che sembrano ora di botta-e-risposta per imparare a suonare la chitarra, sento come se le mie braccia stessero per cadere." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1045 translate it musicalchoices_7d43f8c3: # "Fang is an unexpectedly patient music teacher." "Fang è un'insegnante di musica inaspettatamente paziente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1047 translate it musicalchoices_0b35b6f3: # "She ends up correcting the same mistakes I make over and over with little more than ‘dweeb’." "Lei finisce col correggere gli stessi errori che faccio ancora e ancora con poco più di un ‘sfigato’." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1050 translate it musicalchoices_bff50951: # "I ended up calling it quits halfway through the twentieth practice song." "Alla fine a metà della dodicesima canzone di prova decido di smetterla." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1052 translate it musicalchoices_27aa321b: # "By that point my acoustic screeching turned into something that resembles actual music." "A quel punto i miei stridii acustici erano diventati qualcosa che assomigliava a vera musica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1055 translate it musicalchoices_1958ca4c: # F "You’re no StegoSlash, buuuuut{cps=*.1}...{/cps} not half bad for one lesson." F "Non sarai StegoSlash, maaaaaa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non malaccio per una sola lezione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1057 translate it musicalchoices_f4124c65: # A "I’ll take it. I fuckin’ suck creatively." A "Mi sta bene. Faccio cagare creativamente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1059 translate it musicalchoices_625e5866: # F "Do you? You made that railgun way back when." F "Sicuro? Tempo fa avevi fatto quel cannone a rotaia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1061 translate it musicalchoices_b69b7cd5: # A "Ah, that, that was just something I read online." A "Ah, quello, è soltanto qualcosa che avevo letto online." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1063 translate it musicalchoices_8aa1ca05: # F "Still managed to make it." F "L'hai sempre fatto però." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1065 translate it musicalchoices_8bafe587: # A "Yeah but that had like, instructions and shit." A "Sì ma aveva tipo, istruzioni e cazzi vari." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1067 translate it musicalchoices_56c709d5: # A "Anything that needs imagination and it’s like I’m an epileptic with downs syndrome." A "Nel fare qualsiasi cosa che richieda immaginazione sono tipo un epilettico con la sindrome di down." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1069 translate it musicalchoices_b58d2fc9: # F "Pffft. What about your word play?" F "Pffft. Che mi dici dei tuoi giochi di parole?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1072 translate it musicalchoices_be951271: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Not telling her about my shitposting needs…" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non le dirò dei miei bisogni di shitposting…" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1075 translate it musicalchoices_4d1a3830: # A "That’s the best I can do I guess." A "È la cosa che posso fare meglio credo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1077 translate it musicalchoices_821b744d: # F "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1080 translate it musicalchoices_5a6bfe34: # "Fang’s fingers trace along the strings of her waiting guitar." "Le dita di Fang seguono le stringhe della sua chitarra, in attesa di essere suonata." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1083 translate it musicalchoices_2a83e2c5: # F "How bout a jam session?" F "Che ne dici di una jam session?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1085 translate it musicalchoices_eb6a1c12: # A "J-jam session?" A "J-jam session?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1087 translate it musicalchoices_63d28ec2: # "Not that kinda jam session. Fuck." "Non quel tipo di jam session. Cazzo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1090 translate it musicalchoices_eb73764d: # A "So what’s the whole pirate princess thing about?" A "Quindi, cos'è tutta quella questione della principessa pirata?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1092 translate it musicalchoices_4b139f90: # "She doesn’t have a candle so I’ll be fine." "Lei non ha una candela in mano quindi sono al sicuro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1124 translate it musicalchoices_396755b3: # "A guitar pick bounces off my eye." "Un plettro mi rimbalza sull'occhio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1126 translate it musicalchoices_05dd9281: # A "Gah!" A "Gah!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1128 translate it musicalchoices_6c588be1: # F "I told you not to mention that!" F "Ti ho detto di non parlarne!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1131 translate it musicalchoices_b8967218: # A "I know, I know, sorry, geez!" A "Lo so, lo so, scusa, cacchio!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1137 translate it musicalchoices_011f0eb6: # A "But, really though. What was the deal with that?" A "Ma, seriamente comunque. Cos'era quella storia?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1141 translate it musicalchoices_ef4a7156: # F "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Something that I did sometimes." F "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}È solo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Qualcosa che facevo ogni tanto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1143 translate it musicalchoices_1cfbdf42: # A "What, play pretend? All kids do that." A "Cosa, giocare a fingere? Lo fanno tutti i bambini." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1145 translate it musicalchoices_8b55d0ef: # F "Yeah, but I mean, this was a bit different." F "Sì, però, questo era un po' differente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1147 translate it musicalchoices_6c201ca4: # F "When I pretended the world seemed so much better." F "Quando facevo finta che il mondo era un posto molto migliore." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1149 translate it musicalchoices_b6101b4b: # F "So I’d end up doing it for months at a time." F "Quindi finivo per farlo per mesi di fila." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1151 translate it musicalchoices_68a934b9: # F "Years, even." F "Perfino anni." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1153 translate it musicalchoices_8bf32d2e: # A "But that’s all over now?" A "Ma ora è tutto finito?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1155 translate it musicalchoices_b1cb86ea: # F "Yeah." F "Già." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1157 translate it musicalchoices_e21cd945: # F "Just embarrassing memories." F "Solo memorie imbarazzanti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1160 translate it musicalchoices_63c4b5ff: # F "Sometimes I do miss it, though." F "Qualche volta mi manca, però." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1162 translate it musicalchoices_a9b5d36b: # F "Being someone new, trying to figure everything out again…" F "Essere qualcuno di nuovo, cercare di capire tutto un'altra volta…" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1165 translate it musicalchoices_8e047886: # Re "{i}{alpha=0.5}Fang wasn’t Fang.{/alpha}{/i}" Re "{i}{alpha=0.5}Fang non era Fang.{/alpha}{/i}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1168 translate it musicalchoices_8de19ea0: # "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1171 translate it musicalchoices_e254599a: # F "Anyways, go ahead and just try playing." F "In ogni caso, vai avanti te e comincia a suonare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1173 translate it musicalchoices_01090092: # "She reaches over and plucks a string on the guitar I'm holding." "Lei si avvicina e pizzica una corda della chitarra che sto tenendo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1176 translate it musicalchoices_f40164fe: # A "Just whatever comes to mind?" A "Qualsiasi cosa mi viene in mente?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1178 translate it musicalchoices_949e664f: # F "Yeah. Just try and play whatever." F "Sì. Prova e suona quello che ti pare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1181 translate it musicalchoices_79895326: # "And then{cps=*.1}...{/cps} All hell broke loose." "E poi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Si è scatenato l'inferno." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1202 translate it musicalchoices_8be3e34f: # FD "What the {b}HELL{/b} are you doing here, Anon?" FD "Che cosa {b}DIAVOLO{/b} ci fai qui, Anon?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1234 translate it musicalchoices_054fe120: # "Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got in this situation." "Già, quello sono io. Vi state probabilmente chiedendo come sono finito in questa situazione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1236 translate it musicalchoices_b06d3b02: # "Well you see, it all started with me here, in the girl I like’s room. " "Beh vedete, è tutto iniziato qui, nella stanza della ragazza che mi piace." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1238 translate it musicalchoices_d074530e: # "I was learning to play guitar, maybe even getting a little good at it!" "Stavo imparando a suonare la chitarra, forse stavo anche diventando un po' bravo!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1240 translate it musicalchoices_8d511558: # "Then right out of nowhere, nowhere I tell you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Poi fuori dal nulla, dico proprio dal nulla{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1242 translate it musicalchoices_b8076da1: # "The scariest motherfucker I have ever seen in my life shows up." "Spunta il figlio di puttana più spaventoso che abbia mai visto in tutta la mia vita." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1244 translate it musicalchoices_ebf4112c: # "Yep, you guessed it, it’s the lady’s dad. No warning or anything!" "Già, avete indovinato, è il padre della ragazza. Niente avvisi o niente!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1246 translate it musicalchoices_81938fda: # "And he brought his murder weapon." "E ha portato la sua arma del delitto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1248 translate it musicalchoices_29dd3960: # "My life flashes before me and my first thought is: god my life sucks." "La mia vita mi scorre davanti agli occhi e il mio primo pensiero è: dio la mia vita fa schifo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1250 translate it musicalchoices_326eca15: # "The Fang bits were pretty cool I guess." "Le parti con Fang erano piuttosto belle credo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1252 translate it musicalchoices_a5355ddc: # "I at least hope someone deleted my browser history." "Spero almeno che qualcuno abbia cancellato la mia cronologia del browser." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1255 translate it musicalchoices_5598909b: # "Anyways, back to the show." "In ogni caso, si torna allo spettacolo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1283 translate it musicalchoices_a1fde25d: # FD "Out. {w=0.3}{b}Now{/b}." FD "Fuori. {w=0.3}{b}Ora{/b}." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1325 translate it musicalchoices_7e703a31: # "It takes all my strength to prevent my bladder from doing its best Stella impression right about now." "Ci vogliono tutte le mie forze per impedire alla mia vescica di fare la sua migliore imitazione di Stella in questo momento." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1327 translate it musicalchoices_fbef0d01: # "I silently head to the door with Judge Dredd to my back, catching a sympathetic glance from Fang on the way out." "Mi dirigo verso la porta in silenzio con Giudice Dredd alle spalle, intravedendo uno sguardo empatico da Fang mentre esco." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1330 translate it musicalchoices_d456f114: # "Walking out the front door, I feel my heart stop as his talon-like nails begin to dig into my shoulder." "Uscendo dalla porta principale, sento il mio cuore fermarsi mentre le sue unghie-artiglio cominciavano ad affondare nelle mie spalle." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1332 translate it musicalchoices_ddd079cb: # "At that moment I learned a very important lesson." "In quel momento avevo imparato una lezione molto importante." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1335 translate it musicalchoices_0e02f795: # "PTERO-CLAWS HURT LIKE CRAP, MAN." "GLI PTERO-ARTIGLI FANNO UN MALE CANE, CAZZO." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1343 translate it musicalchoices_8863109f: # FD "The next time I catch you alone with my daughter, I will use your head as a rubix cube." FD "La prossima volta che ti becco da solo con mia figlia, userò la tua testa come cubo di rubik." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1367 translate it musicalchoices_18a1475a: # "He gives me a shove off the porch and I hear the door slam behind me." "Mi dà una spinta dal portico e sento la porta sbattere dietro di me." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1372 translate it musicalchoices_5cdeff3b: # "I can hear her father’s raised voice from here." "Posso sentire la voce alta di suo Padre da qui." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1375 translate it musicalchoices_529b421d: # "Sheesh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} guy needs like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} all the chill pills…" "Cacchio{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quel tipo ha bisogno di{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tutti i calmanti…" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1378 translate it musicalchoices_ff9cebf9: # "Or maybe some Carfe…" "O forse un po' di Carfe…" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1381 translate it musicalchoices_9e970d03: # "God dammit Reed." "Dannazione Reed." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1383 translate it musicalchoices_937d0fad: # "I turn away from the luxurious home and walk down the pathway to the sidewalk." "Do le spalle alla casa lussuriosa e cammino lungo il vialetto verso il marciapiede." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1396 translate it musicalchoices_811d0573: # "Shit. And things were getting{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Merda. Ora che le cose stavano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1398 translate it musicalchoices_7f8583e9: # "Getting{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Stavano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1401 translate it musicalchoices_7f989fed: # "Argh, I dunno." "Argh, non lo so." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1403 translate it musicalchoices_bccfeb83: # "But like, after Fang’s song she was{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ma tipo, dopo la sua canzone Fang era{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1406 translate it musicalchoices_b1306433: # "Fucking hell, why are emotions so fucking difficult." "Porca puttana, perché le emozioni sono così fottutamente difficili." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1409 translate it musicalchoices_072ed6bb: # "As I wait at the bus stop I decide to break down everything that happened." "Mentre aspetto alla fermata dell'autobus decido di analizzare tutto quello che è successo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1411 translate it musicalchoices_ffea9ad8: # "We didn’t study at all." "Non abbiamo studiato per niente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1413 translate it musicalchoices_b00990cc: # "Well, maybe music I guess. Raptor Jesus, Mr. Jingo is a shit teacher compared to her." "Beh, forse musica credo. Gesù Raptor, il Sig. Jingo è un insegnante di merda in confronto a lei." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1415 translate it musicalchoices_1127e8e8: # "But really, all I can think about is how she was after that song." "Ma sul serio, riesco solo a pensare a come stava dopo quella canzone." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1417 translate it musicalchoices_b8edc5df: # "I saw something{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Ho visto qualcosa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} qualcosa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1420 translate it musicalchoices_9cbd4557: # "How do I fucking contextualize it." "Cazzo, come lo posso contestualizzare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1422 translate it musicalchoices_40051861: # "In the moment I thought I knew." "Al momento pensavo di saperlo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1424 translate it musicalchoices_c38a4d96: # "Holding her in my arms{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Tenendola nelle mie braccia{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1427 translate it musicalchoices_47ef0521: # "*Bzzz bzzz*" "*Bzzz bzzz*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1430 translate it musicalchoices_ec21f513: # "A text? Shit, that’s rare." "Un messaggio? Merda, che rarità." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1438 translate it musicalchoices_c70e88d8: # "Fang: Hey" "Fang: Hey" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1440 translate it musicalchoices_68896083: # "Fang: About earlier" "Fang: Riguardo a prima" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1442 translate it musicalchoices_2fc13bfa: # "Fang: Thanks" "Fang: Grazie" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1444 translate it musicalchoices_1f08f05b: # "Fang: For like hanging out" "Fang: Per essere passato" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1446 translate it musicalchoices_f1560a05: # "Fang: And sorry about dad" "Fang: E mi dispiace per Papà" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1449 translate it musicalchoices_789920a2: # "There was a pause, the animated ellipsis showing Fang was writing something longer." "C'era una pausa, i puntini animati mostravano che Fang stava scrivendo qualcosa di più lungo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1452 translate it musicalchoices_ddf89884: # "Fang: About that song. I wanna work on some lyrics for it." "Fang: Riguardo quella canzone. Voglio lavorare a un testo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1454 translate it musicalchoices_199f4f33: # "Fang: So like how about we hang out again and write some?" "Fang: Quindi che ne dici di vederci di nuovo e di scrivere un po'?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1457 translate it musicalchoices_53dc7f31: # "I consider my response thoroughly." "Penso alla mia risposta con attenzione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1460 translate it musicalchoices_a6e454de: # "Anon: Sure" "Anon: Certo" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1468 translate it musicalchoices_8f0ce018: # "Another session like that?" "Un altra sessione come quella?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1470 translate it musicalchoices_91b47363: # "I think of Fang, standing behind me, guiding my hands again." "Penso a Fang, dietro di me, che guida di nuovo le mie mani." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1472 translate it musicalchoices_9576fc98: # "My cheeks warm as I recall the feeling of her hands over mine." "Le mie guance si scaldano mentre ricordo la sensazione delle sue mani sopra le mie." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1475 translate it musicalchoices_f9ae496a: # "Fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I wonder{cps=*.1}...{/cps} how does she feel about me?" "Cazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mi chiedo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lei cosa ne pensa di me?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1477 translate it musicalchoices_e1d208a2: # "I mean, she’s shown me so much of her now." "Cioè, oramai mi ha mostrato così tanto di lei." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1479 translate it musicalchoices_112cfb5c: # "And all the cheek nuzzling." "E tutto quello strofinare la mia guancia con il becco." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1481 translate it musicalchoices_c0c63ee4: # "Just like Naser and Naomi." "Proprio come Naser e Naomi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1484 translate it musicalchoices_9e86e7c5: # "Maybe?" "Forse?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1493 translate it musicalchoices_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1496 translate it musicalchoices_33a88f9e: # "{cps=*0.2}-- Two weeks later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Due settimane dopo --{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1501 translate it musicalchoices_852bf8dc: # "I’m looking over my final grades for this semester." "Sto controllando i miei voti finali per questo semestre." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1503 translate it musicalchoices_7322e69c: # "My science score is barely passing." "Il mio voto di scienze è a malapena sufficente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1505 translate it musicalchoices_aa92722e: # "I want to say it’s because of Fang and mine’s ‘study sessions’." "Qualcosa mi dice che è colpa delle ‘sessioni di studio’ di me e Fang." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1507 translate it musicalchoices_1277259d: # "Every time we would try to study it would always become jam sessions or lyric writing." "Ogni volta che provavamo a studiare diventava sempre una jam session o scrittura di testi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1510 translate it musicalchoices_8b6a503e: # "Spending more and more time with her was fun." "Passare più e più tempo con lei era divertente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1512 translate it musicalchoices_619ee6d4: # "And seeing this side of her." "E vedere questo lato di lei." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1514 translate it musicalchoices_9c635c7a: # "It makes me feel so lightheaded, like I’m floating on clouds." "Mi fa sentire così leggero, come se stessi galleggiando sulle nuvole." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1516 translate it musicalchoices_a19e0787: # "Although the sheet-rope escapes from Fang’s dad were starting to leave serious rugburns on my palms." "Anche se le fughe con corda-lenzuolo dal Padre di Fang cominciavano a lasciare serie bruciature sui miei palmi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1518 translate it musicalchoices_3b4feed7: # "As a bonus, I aced Music class." "Come bonus, ho passato Musica a pieni voti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1520 translate it musicalchoices_dc49eb88: # "The midterm was a demonstration." "Gli esami di metà trimestre erano una dimostrazione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1523 translate it musicalchoices_8707e83a: # "And the fact I was able to play guitar, even shittily, was enough." "E il fatto che ero in grado di suonare la chitarra, anche se di merda, era abbastanza." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1525 translate it musicalchoices_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1531 translate it musicalchoices_a696981e: # "Fang seemed proud of the fact that I was able to play well enough to get a passing grade." "Fang sembra orgogliosa del fatto che ero stato in grado di suonare abbastanza bene da ottenere un voto sufficente." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1533 translate it musicalchoices_db2ac31b: # "Or rather proud of herself that she was that good of a music teacher." "O direi orgogliosa di se stessa del fatto che era brava come insegnante di musica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1535 translate it musicalchoices_7e92b38b: # "Her way of ‘congratulating’ me was to hip-check me right into my locker, only to apologize while laughing her ass off." "Il suo modo di ‘congratularmi’ era di farmi finire nell'armadietto con una fiancata, per poi chiedere scusa mentre si stava sbellicando dalle risate." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1538 translate it musicalchoices_5b6d8c4a: # "Actually, the whole ordeal made me remember I had this old music program installed on my computer." "In realtà, questa esperienza mi ha ricordato che avevo un vecchio programma di musica installato sul computer." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1540 translate it musicalchoices_6874109d: # "It’s incredibly outdated, but free is free." "È incredibilmente datato, ma gratis è gratis." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1543 translate it musicalchoices_cb66c798: # "Several hours of decade old tutorials later I finally start cobbling together a loosely musical sounding rhythm." "Svariate ore di tutorial vecchi un decennio dopo, finalmente riesco a fabbricare un ritmo che suonava vagamente come musica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1545 translate it musicalchoices_5a117d57: # "I couldn’t find a reverb option, so I just overlaid the same instruments with a lower volume where I wanted it." "Non riuscivo a trovare l'opzione del riverbero, quindi sovrapponevo gli stessi strumenti a volume minore dove lo volevo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1547 translate it musicalchoices_55159c44: # "People probably won’t notice." "Probabilmente nessuno ci farà caso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1550 translate it musicalchoices_bce41fd7: # "I’m starting to get why Fang likes doing this sort of thing." "Comincio a capire perché a Fang piace questo genere di cose." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1552 translate it musicalchoices_60288bbf: # "It’s sorta like just the act of creating something and being able to say ‘I made this’." "L'atto di creare qualcosa dal nulla e poter dire ‘L'ho fatto io’." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1555 translate it musicalchoices_14a38117: # "Exporting the file and uploading it to a music site, I await my audience to start amassing before me." "Esporto il file e lo carico su un sito di musica, in attesa che il mio pubblico si ammassasse davanti ai miei occhi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1557 translate it musicalchoices_544e8793: # "See, I already have a comment!" "Visto, già ho un commento!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1560 translate it musicalchoices_daddf4c1: # "{i}Never make anything again. Ever.{/i}" "{i}Non creare mai più niente. Mai.{/i}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1563 translate it musicalchoices_dad17c68: # "Ah, just a day in the life of an underappreciated artist." "Ah, soltanto un altro giorno nella vita di un artista incompreso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1574 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5e4a0ff7: # "No, I should focus more on my midterms." "No, dovrei concentrarmi di più sugli esami." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1577 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_26d4e754: # A "I’d rather get started with studying, actually." A "In realtà, preferirei cominciare a studiare." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1580 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3d7774bd: # "Fang lowers her arm with the guitar in rejection." "Fang abbassa il suo braccio con la chitarra con rifiuto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1593 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_7ba516eb: # A "Cmon, Fang. You know I can’t afford to waste my time here with all the money my family’s spent already." A "Dai, Fang. Lo sai che non posso permettermi di sprecare il mio tempo così, con tutti i soldi che la mia famiglia ha già speso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1596 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_687dcfc4: # F "Yeah, yeah. You only got this one shot and all." F "Già, già. Hai solo questa possibilità dopotutto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1599 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5592b54b: # F "{cps=*0.5}Ffffffffffiiiiine{/cps}. What’re we doing first?" F "{cps=*0.5}VVvvvaaaa beeeeneeee{/cps}. Cosa facciamo per prima?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1601 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5759a100: # A "Ehh, why not science first since that’s your hardest subject." A "Ehh, perché non scienze dato che è la tua materia più difficile." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1605 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_7ab667df: # F "Ugh. Got a textbook?" F "Ugh. Hai un libro?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1607 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ca9a16fc: # A "What happened to yours?" A "Cosa è successo al tuo?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1610 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2036435e: # F "Tried throwing it at Naser and it flew over the cliff." F "Ho provato a lanciarlo a Naser ed è volato giù il dirupo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1612 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_28e386fa: # A "H-how? Why?" A "C-come? Perché?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1615 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_20123719: # F "I dunno, felt like it." F "Boh, mi andava." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1618 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_0beac8fe: # F "You got a textbook or not?" F "Ce l'hai un libro o no?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1620 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_9a110f4f: # A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Sì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1629 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3743cbea: # "I retrieve the tome from my backpack, science is easily the heaviest thing in there." "Recupero il tomo dal mio zaino, il libro di scienze è senza dubbio la cosa più pesante lì dentro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1635 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f48e7037: # A "So, what? We take turns reading it?" A "Quindi, che facciamo? Leggiamo a turno?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1638 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_cea3b93d: # F "Too slow. Let’s just huddle and read it together." F "Troppo lento. Accalchiamoci e leggiamo insieme." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1640 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8310e13c: # A "Why not just switch it back and forth?" A "Perché non ce lo scambiamo semplicemente?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1642 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_265fb74a: # F "Don’t feel like it. We reading or not?" F "Non mi va. Leggiamo o no?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1648 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_de807dcd: # "Fang sits beside me on the ground, her oversized beak obscuring a good portion of the side of the page in my peripheral vision." "Fang si siede per terra vicino a me, il suo becco troppo cresciuto oscura una buona parte del lato della pagina nella mia visione periferica." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1650 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_aadfafb2: # "I can feel the prickle of her feathers barely brushing against my back." "Riesco a sentire un prurito causato dalle sue piume che sfiorano a malapena la mia schiena." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1653 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_0e0ed270: # F "We’re on chapter sixteen, right?" F "Siamo al capitolo sedici, giusto?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1655 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_d30e056b: # A "Eighteen. Are you even paying attention during class?" A "Diciotto. Ma almeno stai attenta a lezione?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1658 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_efe478a6: # F "What do you think I hang out with you for?" F "Per quale motivo pensi che passi il tempo con te?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1661 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_802e184f: # "We read about electric currents in silence for a few minutes." "Leggiamo di correnti elettriche in silenzio per qualche minuto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1664 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_834b1eb6: # "How do I know when she’s done so I can turn the page?" "Come faccio a sapere se lei ha finito e posso girare la pagina?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1667 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f1638dc1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1670 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_936c6697: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1673 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_a0e5a09b: # F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1676 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ed39a5f2: # A "You done?" A "Hai finito?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1678 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f54e116b: # F "Oh, I wasn’t reading it." F "Oh, non stavo leggendo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1680 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_40a491a8: # A "Argh, fuck you." A "Argh, vai a farti fottere." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1683 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b6ae576a: # F "Ha, you wish." F "Ah, ti piacerebbe." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1686 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_7b47e207: # "Don’treadintothat." "Noncipensaretroppo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1689 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_c024b814: # A "If I read the first page out loud, would you read the second?" A "Se leggo la prima pagina ad alta voce, tu leggeresti la seconda?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1692 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_1961866d: # F "Sure, sure." F "Certo, certo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1694 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b3ac0b17: # "Fang leans back onto the floor, hands behind her head." "Fang si sdraia sul pavimento, mani dietro la testa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1702 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b4d20fab: # F "Get started already." F "Eddai inizia." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1704 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ffee6484: # A "Ugh." A "Ugh." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1707 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_d605b79c: # A "In conductors, electrons are free to move around and flow easily. This is not true for insulators, in which the-" A "Nei conduttori, gli elettroni sono liberi di muoversi e fluire facilmente. Questo non è vero per gli isolanti, dove gli-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1709 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce: # F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1712 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_89f51ac9: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Electrons are more tightly bound to the nuclei (which we'll discuss next). When current is applied, electrons move-" A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Elettroni sono legati più saldamente ai nuclei (che discuteremo più avanti). Quando viene applicata la corrente, gli elettroni si muovono-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1714 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce_1: # F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1716 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_023d2955: # A "Dammit Fang, I’m trying to read to you here, cut that out." A "Diamine Fang, sto provando a leggere per te, smettila." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1718 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce_2: # F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1723 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e23eb39b: # "She really did pass out!" "Sta dormendo per davvero!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1726 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_24e8355b: # "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1729 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f80bd1a5: # A "Fang, seriously, get up or I’ll poke you." A "Fang, dico sul serio, alzati o ti punzecchio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1731 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_6bf2b8c0: # F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}* mmmrrrrfooouurmooooreminuuuutes." F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}* mmmmrrrraaaltriquatttrominuuuti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1733 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_67ae91d5: # A "Don’t think I won’t Fang! These guns are cocked and loaded!" A "Non pensare che non lo farò Fang! Queste pistole sono cariche!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1735 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce_3: # F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" F "*{cps=*0.4}SNNNRRRRRRRRRK{/cps}*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1738 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3d5b1781: # "Target locked." "Bersaglio agganciato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1740 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b836c9fa: # "Weapons hot!" "Armi pronte!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1742 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_44399e96: # "Battery 1!" "Batteria 1!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1758 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e46dfcc5: # F "AAAAAAAAGH! THE FUCK?!" with vpunch F "AAAAAAAAGH! CHE CAZZO?!" with vpunch # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1772 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_dea22e99: # A "Quit falling asleep during class." A "Smettila di dormire durante la lezione." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1775 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e782ebcd: # F "It’s my room, I’ll do what I want." F "È la mia stanza, faccio come voglio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1778 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_49afdb85: # A "Come on, I’m trying to take this ser-" A "Dai, sto provando a prenderla ser-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1781 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b09c0a56: # FM "I’M HOOOOOOME!" FM "SONO A CAAAAASAAAA!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1784 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_13901db0: # F "Oh no." F "Oh no." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1787 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f661a523: # FM "Luuuuucy?{w=0.3} Naaaaser?{w=0.3} Are you here?" FM "Luuuuucy?{w=0.3} Naaaaser?{w=0.3} Siete a casa?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1789 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_95f78baa: # FM "I got your favorite, dino nuggies!" FM "Ho preso i tuoi preferiti, dinosauri di pollo!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1793 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2bae8ac2: # F "Those're for Naser." F "Quelli sono per Naser." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1797 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_fec101b7: # A "Suuure." A "Ceeeeerto." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1800 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_80256d23: # FM "Helloooo? Anyone home?" FM "Prontoooo? C'è qualcuno in casa?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1803 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e3be6681: # "I hear footsteps getting progressively closer as Fang’s mother searches for any sign of life in the house." "Sento rumore di passi che si avvicinano sempre di più mentre la Madre di Fang cerca per un qualche segnale di vita nella casa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1805 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_66f8e162: # "A door down the hall opens." "Si apre una porta nel corridoio." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1808 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_15083c03: # FM "Sweeeetie?{w=0.3} Naseeeer?{w=0.3} Oh, I guess he must be bowling with Moe again." FM "Tesoooorooo?{w=0.3} Naseeeer?{w=0.3} Oh, presumo stia di nuovo giocando a bowling con Moe." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1812 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3c8514bf: # F "Anon, you need to leave now." F "Anon, devi andartene adesso." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1814 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_622d0dae: # FM "Lucy, are your headphones in again?" FM "Lucy, stai di nuovo indossando le cuffie?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1816 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3a293c8e: # F "I’ll open the window, just jump!" F "Apro la finestra, tu salta!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1819 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8a9341f6: # A "This is the second floor!" A "Ma siamo al secondo piano!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1822 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2cecf132: # F "Broken bones are better than-" F "Avere le ossa rotte è meglio di-" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1824 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_fc94c929: # FM "OH Lucy, there you are! I didn’t realize your boyfriend was over to visit!" FM "OH Lucy, eccoti qui! Non mi ero accorta che il tuo ragazzo ci stesse facendo una visita!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1842 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_72546432: # "WHAT." "COSA." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1845 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_37d3235d: # "Fang’s hands cover her bright red face." "Le mani di Fang coprono la sua faccia rossa accesa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1847 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5a94d85f: # "I wasn’t aware their beaks got red too." "Non lo sapevo che anche i loro becchi diventavano rossi." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1850 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_73e3f6b3: # F "Moooooooom! He’s not- what did I say about knocking!" F "Maaaaaammaaaa! Lui non è- cosa ti avevo detto sul bussare!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1852 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_0f314e0c: # FM "That you and lil’ Nassie need to knock on our door at night when it’s your parent’s ‘special’ time." FM "Che di notte tu e il piccolo Nassie dovete bussare alla nostra porta quando è il momento ‘speciale’ dei tuoi genitori." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1855 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_46690686: # F "Not what YOU said!" F "Non cosa avevi detto TU!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1858 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_d3c15eb1: # FM "Oh, sweetie, that’s no way to talk to your mother. Especially in front of a guest." FM "Oh, tesoro, non è questo modo di parlare con tua madre. Specialmente davanti a un ospite." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1861 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ce414b3e: # "The tiny Ptero turns to me with an apologetic smile." "Il piccolo Ptero si gira verso di me con un sorriso apologetico." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1863 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_02b4de1f: # FM "Since you’re here, why don’t you stay for dinner?" FM "Dato che sei qui, perché non rimani a cena?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1866 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_daa5713d: # "Something tells me Fang’s dad would make me the dinner." "Qualcosa mi dice che il Padre di Fang farebbe diventare me la cena." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1868 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_da767e1e: # "Beef Strog-Anon does not sound palatable to me." "Manzo alla Strog-Anon non mi sembra così appetibile." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1871 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_eef60250: # F "Actually he was just leaving. Now." F "In realtà se ne stava giusto per andare. Ora." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1873 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_18695f3b: # FM "Oh but I wanted to show him your baby pictures!" FM "Oh ma volevo mostrargli le tue foto da piccola!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1876 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8980b8e6: # F "Right now in fact! He’s gonna miss his bus!" F "Proprio in questo preciso istante! Mancherà l'autobus!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1878 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_687399fa: # FM "I have one with me right now!" FM "Ne ho una qui con me proprio adesso!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1880 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_a9c94c27: # "She reaches elbow-deep into her purse and pulls out a small flipbook." "Lei raggiunge sul fondo della sua borsetta e tira fuori un piccolo libro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1882 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_383ee302: # FM "Oh Lucy, this is my FAVORITE little picture of you and Naser!" FM "Oh Lucy, questa è la mia fotina PREFERITA di te e Naser!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1888 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_c14d3957: # "She shoves the photo in my face that I immediately make out as a bathtub with an infant Fang and Naser playing in the water." "Lei mi mette la foto in faccia e riesco immediatamente a vedere una vasca da bagno con dentro una Fang bambina e Naser che giocavano nell'acqua." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1891 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_bf8121b6: # "Well it IS kinda cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Beh, È carina devo ammetterlo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1903 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_42bd173e: # "Before I can open my mouth, Fang jabs me in the ribs." "Prima che possa aprire bocca, Fang mi da una botta alle costole." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1906 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_bafdb43c: # F "{cps=*1.3}Oh my god mom{/cps}, he doesn’t have time for this!" F "{cps=*1.3}Oh mio dio Mamma{/cps}, lui è molto impegnato!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1908 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_a022783e: # "Fang pulls me off the ground and begins to push me towards the door." "Fang mi alza da terra e comincia a spingermi verso la porta." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1935 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8b2b8504: # FM "Well I hope you enjoyed spending time with my little tooth fairy, Anon!" FM "Beh spero ti sia divertito a passare il tempo con la mia piccola fatina dei denti, Anon!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1937 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2da51e18: # FM "You’re welcome back ANY time you’d like!" FM "Sei il benvenuto QUANDO VUOI!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1940 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_fb6808c1: # "I manage a weak wave as Fang continues to rush me towards the door in embarrassment." "Riesco a salutarla fiaccamente mentre Fang continua a spingermi verso la porta in imbarazzo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1950 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ea6e5331: # "We reach the front door and she quickly turns back inside." "Raggiungiamo la porta principale e lei torna velocemente dentro." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1953 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_076d468b: # F "{cps=*1.3}OkaybyeseeyouatschoolAnon.{/cps}" F "{cps=*1.3}OkayciaocivediamoascuolaAnon.{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1964 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_50f40e3a: # "I hear the door slam behind me and am left alone on the porch." "Sento la porta sbattere dietro di me e mi trovo da solo sul portico." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1966 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8ef4075e: # "Well that was{cps=*.1}...{/cps} interesting." "Beh è stato{cps=*.1}...{/cps} interessante." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1968 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e5dfb6ef: # "Guess I’ll go wait at the bus stop." "Credo che andrò ad aspettare alla fermata del bus." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1971 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_34027a37: # "Does Fang’s mom really think I’m her boyfriend?" "La Mamma di Fang pensa per davvero che sia il suo ragazzo?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1973 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_aed25f72: # "I know we spend a lot of time together{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "Lo so che passiamo tanto tempo insieme{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1975 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_c93aaf2b: # "Fang seemed REALLY quick to deny that though." "Però Fang era stata MOLTO svelta nel negarlo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1977 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_87b2dfca: # "Does it mean anything?" "Cosa vuol dire?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1980 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_47ef0521: # "*Bzzz bzzz*" "*Bzzz bzzz*" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1982 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ec21f513: # "A text? Shit, that’s rare." "Un messaggio? Merda, che rarità." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1993 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_c70e88d8: # "Fang: Hey" "Fang: Hey" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1995 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_68896083: # "Fang: About earlier" "Fang: Riguardo a prima" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1997 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_34e41542: # "Fang: Sorry about mom" "Fang: Mi dispiace per Mamma" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1999 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_600638ed: # "Fang: Just ignore anything she says" "Fang: Ignora tutto quello che dice" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2001 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_6b9041ee: # "Fang: Also don’t tell anyone what you saw" "Fang: E non dire a nessuno cosa hai visto" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2003 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3ed6cad1: # "Fang: ANYONE" "Fang: NESSUNO" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2006 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_08fa68db: # "Anon: ten bucks" "Anon: dieci dollari" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2008 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_fcdb1f88: # "Fang: I have my dad on speed dial" "Fang: Ho mio padre nelle chiamate rapide" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2011 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5d43bae7: # "Anon: five bucks" "Anon: cinque dollari" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2013 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_da29a414: # "Anon: lol jk" "Anon: scherzo lol" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2015 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_16a5ff0a: # "Fang: gobble a knob" "Fang: succhia un pomello" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2017 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_a33c1353: # "Anon: see you monday." "Anon: ci vediamo lunedì." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2019 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_ce9cdb2e: # "Fang: see ya" "Fang: ci si vede" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2030 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_54fd57f5: # "The bus hasn’t gotten here yet." "L'autobus ancora non è arrivato." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2036 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_aecb0677: # SV "Yo, you’re that kid with the date from before, ain'tcha?" SV "Yo, sei quel ragazzo di prima con l'appuntamento, non è vero?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2038 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_829169f7: # A "Huh?" A "Huh?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2053 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e42ce145: # "I flip around to see the street vendor from a few weeks ago." "Mi giro e vedo la venditrice ambulante di qualche settimana fa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2056 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_976a6047: # A "You remember me?" A "Ti ricordi di me?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2058 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_49e6474c: # SV "Kid, I’ve been working this corner for the better part of two years now." SV "Ragazzino, oramai ho lavorato in quest'angolo di città per la buona parte di due anni." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2060 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_21b89a9d: # SV "I know how to tell faces apart." SV "So come riconoscere le persone." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2062 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_a293eb23: # SV "Plus, this ain’t exactly the skinnie part of town, y'know?" SV "Inoltre, non siamo esattamente nella parte di città dei senza-squame, sai?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2064 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_71fc5260: # A "I guess{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" A "Credo di sì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2067 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_066f224f: # SV "You just get back from another date?" SV "Sei di ritorno da un altro appuntamento?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2069 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_65a33de5: # A "What? No, it was a study session- Why am I telling you this?" A "Cosa? No, era una sessione di studio- Perché te ne sto parlando?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2071 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_75551969: # SV "Yeah, a {i}‘study’{/i} session." SV "Già, una sessione di {i}‘studio’{/i}." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2073 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_393f7659: # SV "I get ya." SV "Capito capito." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2075 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8e16f2a8: # A "No, it really was just studying." A "No, stavamo veramente solo studiando." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2077 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2387e8d1: # A "Fang tried to get me to play the guitar, but I made sure to keep on track." A "Fang ha provato a farmi suonare la chitarra, ma ho fatto in modo che non sprecassimo tempo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2080 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_50e1b21d: # SV "You WHAT." SV "Tu COSA." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2082 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_2c23493f: # A "Hm?" A "Hm?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2084 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_d255264e: # SV "Kids these days…{w=0.3} She was coming onto ya, dummy!" SV "I ragazzi d'oggi…{w=0.3} Lei ci stava provando con te, idiota!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2087 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8611bbf4: # "{cps=*0.5}Oooooooohh.{/cps}" "{cps=*0.5}Oooooooohh.{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2090 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_9d469299: # "Fuck." "Cazzo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2093 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3d09885f: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2096 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_4d9181dc: # SV "Still, point stands." SV "Comunque, il punto è questo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2098 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_340d58a1: # A "What’s that?" A "Cioè?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2101 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_6fa071b6: # SV "I was right! HA!" SV "Che avevo ragione! AH!" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2104 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_6873acd2: # SV "By the way, that wasn’t your ride, was it?" SV "In ogni caso, quella non era la tua corsa, vero?" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2107 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5bd09230: # "I look back to see the tail end of the city bus rounding the corner onto the next street." "Mi giro e vedo la coda dell'autobus cittadino girare l'angolo verso la prossima strada." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2110 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e6b1b1a8: # SV "Next one comes in forty-five minutes." SV "Il prossimo passa tra quarantacinque minuti." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2114 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8f24835e: # A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Shut up and gimme a Danger Dog." A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Zitta e dammi un Danger Dog." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2117 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_8e8caf30: # SV "Well, {i}someone{/i} knows their franks." SV "Bene, abbiamo un {i}esperto{/i} di salcicce qui." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2119 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b7ea54d9: # SV "Comin’ right up." SV "Arriva subito." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2128 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f1638dc1_1: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2131 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_33a88f9e: # "{cps=*0.2}-- Two weeks later --{/cps}" "{cps=*0.2}-- Due settimane dopo --{/cps}" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2135 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_852bf8dc: # "I’m looking over my final grades for this semester." "Sto controllando i miei voti finali per questo semestre." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2138 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_429125c4: # "My science score is lower than normal." "Il mio voto di scienze era più basso del normale." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2140 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_daa56c30: # "I couldn’t study with Fang anymore since the Mother Incident." "Non ho potuto studiare più con Fang dopo l'Incidente Madre." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2142 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_1082f860: # "She doesn’t want me to be seen by her anymore." "Fang non vuole che lei mi veda più." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2144 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_b637d6c5: # "Instead, I’ve been studying at home." "Quindi, ho studiato a casa." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2146 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_5e206d22: # "Got a pretty great grasp on the core subjects, too." "Ho anche capito abbastanza bene gli argomenti principali." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2148 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_3c210331: # "In the end, Mr Jingo screwed us over by making music midterm a live demonstration." "Alla fine, il Sig. Jingo ci ha rovinati rendendo gli esami di musica una dimostrazione dal vivo." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2150 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_e5ac4cac: # "Horrid marks there. But I did get things pretty great with math and english." "Voti terribili lì. Ma le cose sono andate abbastanza bene con matematica e inglese." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2152 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_799af2a8: # "My GPA was secured at least for whatever the fuck I decide on." "Il mio GPA è garantito per permettermi di far qualsiasi cazzo di cosa decida." # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2156 translate it lGetStartedOnStudy_f1638dc1_2: # "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" translate it strings: # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:625 old "Play The Guitar" new "Suona La Chitarra" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:625 old "Get to Studying" new "Comincia a Studiare" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:796 old "Slap the guitar" new "Schiaffeggia la chitarra" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:796 old "Try Something Cool" new "Prova Qualcosa Di Figo" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:796 old "Keep it simple" new "Tienila sul semplice" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:810 old "Jam out hard" new "Schitarra fortissimo" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:810 old "Strum with confidence" new "Strimpella con fiducia" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:810 old "Keep a soft tone" new "Mantieni un tono dolce" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823 old "Press this button or else your mother dies in her sleep" new "Premi questo bottone o tua madre morirà nel sonno" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823 old "Try to impress" new "Prova a far colpo" # game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823 old "Play something random" new "Suona qualcosa a caso"