diff --git a/game/script.rpy b/game/script.rpy
index d67b7d6..30257e2 100644
--- a/game/script.rpy
+++ b/game/script.rpy
@@ -180,6 +180,11 @@ define SV = Character ('Street Vendor', base, color="#F8E120", who_outlines=[(gu
 define carl = Character ('Mr. Carldewskii', base, color="#EECB99", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#082337')]) #Puke Orange
 define Drf = Character ('Dr. Fernsworth', base, color="#DCEEF5", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#253354')]) #Yellow-Orange
 define FRT = Character ('Fang Reed & Trish', base, color="#DCBBF7",  who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#191C78')]) #Light Purple
+define FangAndTrish = Character('Fang and Trish', base, color="#42DFA8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#183623')])
+define NaserAndNaomi = Character('Naser and Naomi', base, color="#22DFA8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#2036B3')])
+define TeamMember = Character('Team member', base, color="#D32552", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#445F42')])
+define Everyone = Character('Everyone', base, color="#A45489", who_outline=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#4F5F81')])
+define Chet = Character('Chet', base, color="#B45411", who_outline=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#BF5F81')])
 #Extra image translations
@@ -394,7 +399,6 @@ image fang anguish flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang anguish.png", horizonta
 image fang embarass flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang embarass.png", horizontal=True)
 image fang adorable flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang adorable.png", horizontal=True)
-image anon concerned flip = im.Flip("images/anon/base set/anon concerned.png", horizontal=True)
 # trish fam flips
 image chondra neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/chondra neutral.png", horizontal=True)
@@ -722,7 +726,7 @@ image anon_vc_angry = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon angry
 image anon_vc_sad = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon sad.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
 image anon_vc_neutral_alt1 = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon neutral.png", 2.0),(800,250,653,800))
 image anon_vc_concerned = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon concerned.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
-image anon_vc_happy = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon happy.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
+image anon_vc_happy = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon happy.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
 image anon_vc_grin = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon grin.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
 image anon_vc_unimpressed = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon unimpressed.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
 image no_caller = im.Alpha('images/other/black.png', 0)
diff --git a/game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy b/game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy
index f27b236..6e3abea 100644
--- a/game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy
+++ b/game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ label chapter_14C:
     stop music fadeout 1.0
     play ambient "audio/effects/beach loop 2.ogg" fadein 1.0
     "Catching up with Lucy was the happiest I felt in years, the memories came rushing back as we walked under the hot sun."
-    play music "audio/OST/Appreciating the scenery.ogg" fadein 1.0
+    play music "audio/OST/appreciating_the_scenery.ogg" fadein 1.0
     A "So you don’t know at all how Reed and Trish are doing?"
     F "OH! {w=0.3}...When was the last time I spoke with them…?"