diff --git a/game/screens.rpy b/game/screens.rpy
index 5f2a458..3acceba 100644
--- a/game/screens.rpy
+++ b/game/screens.rpy
@@ -579,21 +579,10 @@ screen about():
         text _("{size=24}Made with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]\nTo find more information about the game (and its source code) please visit {a=https://www.snootgame.xyz/}our website{/a}.{/size}")
         textbutton "Back to Extras" action ShowMenu("extras")
-        xpos 1940
-        yalign 0.03
-        if persistent.splashtype == 1:
-            add "gui/sneedgame.png"
-        else:
-            add "gui/snootgame.png"
-    vbox:
-        spacing 25
-        xpos 1885
-        yalign 0.9
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/helpbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("help")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/aboutbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("about")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/updatesbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("updates")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/gallerybutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("gallery")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/returnbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
+        xpos 1942
+        # xalign 1.0
+        yalign 0.95
+        use extrasnavigation
 style main_menu_frame is empty
 style main_menu_vbox is vbox
@@ -655,21 +644,10 @@ screen gallery():
-        xpos 1940
-        yalign 0.03
-        if persistent.splashtype == 1:
-            add "gui/sneedgame.png"
-        else:
-            add "gui/snootgame.png"
-    vbox:
-        spacing 25
-        xpos 1885
-        yalign 0.9
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/helpbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("help")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/aboutbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("about")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/updatesbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("updates")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/gallerybutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("gallery")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/returnbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
+        xpos 1942
+        # xalign 1.0
+        yalign 0.95
+        use extrasnavigation
 style main_menu_frame is empty
 style main_menu_vbox is vbox
@@ -751,21 +729,10 @@ screen updates():
         text _("[persistent.updateresult!t]\n")
         textbutton "Back to Extras" action ShowMenu("extras")
-        xpos 1940
-        yalign 0.03
-        if persistent.splashtype == 1:
-            add "gui/sneedgame.png"
-        else:
-            add "gui/snootgame.png"
-    vbox:
-        spacing 25
-        xpos 1885
-        yalign 0.9
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/helpbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("help")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/aboutbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("about")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/updatesbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("updates")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/gallerybutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("gallery")
-        imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/returnbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
+        xpos 1942
+        # xalign 1.0
+        yalign 0.95
+        use extrasnavigation
 style main_menu_frame is empty
 style main_menu_vbox is vbox
@@ -1335,21 +1302,7 @@ screen help():
         # xalign 1.0
         yalign 0.95
         use extrasnavigation
-    #     xpos 1940
-    #     yalign 0.03
-    #     if persistent.splashtype == 1:
-    #         add "gui/sneedgame.png"
-    #     else:
-    #         add "gui/snootgame.png"
-    # vbox:
-    #     spacing 25
-    #     xpos 1885
-    #     yalign 0.9
-    #     imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/helpbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("help")
-    #     imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/aboutbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("about")
-    #     imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/updatesbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("updates")
-    #     imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/gallerybutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("gallery")
-    #     imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/returnbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
 screen keyboard_help():