diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
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-This program's engine contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}. The game itself is free software and it may be distributed in accordance with the {a=https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt}GNU Affero General Public License Version Three{/a}. All on screen assets, such as writing, images, videos, and other Cavemanon sourced items that are not in the Public Domain or are held by another entity in copyright are subject to the {a=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}CC-BY-SA 4.0{/a}. The Copyleft and Sharealike aspects of those licenses do not apply to those who's situation is enumurated in the GPL-Exception file. Those copyrights we don't hold and have attribution clauses have been enumerated in the "LICENSE" file that came with this work. These licenses guarantee the freedom to share as much as one wishes so long as you allow others to share accordingly and pay respects to where you have obtained the work. We encourage, and expect, spin-offs, shitposts, memes, and edits to come from this work and cannot wait to see them.
-Non-Cavemanon sourced items with attribution clauses
-WoodSnap.wav - "Snapping, Wooden Fence, N.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
-firealarm.ogg - "School Fire Alarm" by Cullen Card
-shot.ogg - "38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x" by Mike Koenig
-wind.wav - "Wind" by Mark DiAngelo
-rumble.ogg - "CinematicBoomNorm" by Herbert Boland
-sizzle.ogg - "Hot Sizzling" by Mike Koenig
-drumroll.ogg, drumrollend.ogg - "Drum Roll with Cymbals Crash" by Iwan Gabovitch
-firework.ogg - "Fuse" by soundslikewillem of freesound.org, "fireworks 3burst sizzle" by atomwrath of freesound.org
-splash.ogg - "Splash, Jumping, D" by InspectorJ of freesound.org
-punch.ogg - "Strong Punch" by Mike Koenig
-menacing.ogg - "Scaryscape 01" by Suonho (soundcloud.com/suonho) of Freesound.org
+This program's engine contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}. The game itself is free software and it may be distributed in accordance with the {a=https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt}GNU Affero General Public License Version Three{/a}. All on screen assets, such as writing, images, videos, and other Cavemanon sourced items that are not in the Public Domain or are held by another entity in copyright are subject to the {a=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}CC-BY-SA 4.0{/a}. Those copyrights we don't hold and have attribution clauses have been enumerated in the "LICENSE" file that came with this work. These licenses guarantee the freedom to share as much as one wishes so long as you allow others to share accordingly and pay respects to where you have obtained the work. We encourage, and expect, spin-offs, shitposts, memes, and edits to come from this work and cannot wait to see them.
+Non-Cavemanon sourced items with attribution clauses
+alarmAirraidSiren.ogg - "Alarm, Air Raid Siren, Test, Devonport, Sony PCM M-10" by audiojacked
+alarmClicheLoop.ogg - "Railroad Crossing with Bell and Train Passing" by soundslikewillem
+alarmClock.ogg - "Intermediate Sound SFX Library > Alarm Clock" by dcloh
+alarmKlaxonLoop.ogg - "Vintage Bells, Horns, Whistles (Red Lib) > R18-31-Old Car Ahooga Horn.wav" by craigsmith
+alarmPoliceSiren.ogg - "Siren" by doomyd
+alarmSirenLoop.ogg - "Kyoto > Sirens.wav" by Trinity101, "Siren" by doomyd
+anonDink.ogg - "hitting things with other things > plastic donk 1.wav" by Screamr, "Donk Metal & Glass" by EminYILDIRIM
+anonShooterFall.ogg - "Bone crush neck twist.wav" by carlito62
+anonTheaterFall.ogg - "granada > 20101024.door.slam.wav" by dobroide
+apartmentLoop.ogg - "Apartment, small quiet bathroom with fan.wav" by SpliceSound
+cameraMult.ogg - "DSLR Camera Click.ogg" by akonze
+camera.ogg - "DSLR Camera Click.ogg" by akonze
+cameraShutterClick - "Tech > Shutter" by Mafon2
+carAlarmLoop.ogg - "Car Alarm (RAW).wav" by hishiad
+carKick1.ogg - "Squeaky Car Door" by coltures
+carKick2.ogg - "Squeaky Car Door" by coltures
+carKick3.ogg - "Squeaky Car Door" by coltures
+carSuspension1.ogg - "Squeaky Car Door" by coltures
+cavemanMagic.ogg - "Waving Torch.wav" by spookymodem, "Lighter.mp3" by SomeoneCool15
+cellphone.ogg - "Ringtones- Classic phones > Ringtone: Startec flip-phone" by knufds
+concertFail.ogg - "Light - Heavy lights turned on" by PITCHEDsenses, "Speaker world > radio speaker noise 2.WAV" by martian
+classroomLoop.ogg "Strange/Love S2 E1 > FOLEY_Wooden chair adjustment_1.wav" by WilliamJMeyer, "Last Day of School > Low Room Tone.wav" by tvilgiat, "classroom ambience .wav" by MakedaMntuyedwa, "Paper_Shuffling_crinkling_Crisp.wav" by bewagne
+doorSlam.ogg - "Bexhill Recorded SFX > College door slam.wav" by Bexhillcollege, "Angry Door FS > Angry Door - Wooden Entrance Open Close Slam Hard A.wav" by hisoul
+crowdCheer.ogg - "Short Crowd Cheer.flac" by qubodup
+drizzleLoop.ogg - "Drizzle" by Soundatic
+drumroll.ogg - "Drum Roll with Cymbals Crash" by Iwan Gabovitch
+drumrollend.ogg - "Drum Roll with Cymbals Crash" by Iwan Gabovitch
+fireAlarmReverbLoop.ogg - "Car_Alarm_Sound01.aif" by kreactionz_100
+firework.ogg - "Fuse" by soundslikewillem, "fireworks > fireworks 3burst sizzle" by atomwrath, "Playing With Fire > Firework Single Rocket #1" by Kinoton
+hungryBeast - "Ambi - Stone valley quiet, bird, wind - near Sea - Sony pcm d50 stereo Recording - 2010 08 Exmoor Forrest England.wav" by jaap.sijben@gmail.com
+lockerSmash.ogg - "Disaster > Earthquake_Interior_MetalRattling_1.wav" by Cell31_Sound_Productions, "Metallic Door Shut" by NeoSpica, "metal shop > metal locker thuds rattle inside.flac" by kyles
+marketLoop.ogg - "public > terrace ambience 01.wav" by klankbeeld
+outdoorLoop.ogg - "City > danish surburb.wav" by inchadney
+outdoorNatureLoop.ogg - "Ambiences & Nature > Countryside Ambience Spring" by Kinoton
+policeSirenLoop.ogg - "AMB_SIiren_Police_Pass_002.wav" by conleec, "Chile, Valpariso > Fire truck siren passing by in Valparaiso (Chile)" by felix.blume, "Sirens, fire, police, close pass, distant, urban, CALGARY, 2011.wav" by TRP
+policeSirenReverbLoop.ogg - "AMB_SIiren_Police_Pass_002.wav" by conleec, "Chile, Valpariso > Fire truck siren passing by in Valparaiso (Chile)" by felix.blume, "Sirens, fire, police, close pass, distant, urban, CALGARY, 2011.wav" by TRP
+rooftopDoorSmash.ogg - "RBH_Chain Link Fence 01.wav" by RHumphries, "RBH_Chain Link Fence 03.wav" by RHumphries, "metal-pole-staircase" by newagesoup, "Machine and Percussive Noises > Hammer on Metal" by lonemonk
+schoolLoop.ogg - "random > crowd int small echo hallway like school echo1.flac" by kyles
+schoolSilentLoop.ogg - "2019 wind in- out-doors > Room-tone hallway apartment 191013_0076.wav" by klankbeeld
+shooterFangJumps - "Object Karma Sounds > Crowd Screaming" by DigestContent
+showerStart.ogg - "Bathroom > bathroom door.wav" by arnaump
+showerDoor.ogg - "Bathroom > bathroom door.wav" by arnaump
+sizzle.ogg - "Hot Sizzling" by Mike Koenig
+slapstickGlassBreak.ogg - "Glass > Glass Break - Medium Jar" by RoganMcDougald
+slapstickThunder.ogg - "Luonto Nature > Ukkonen, salama / Thunder, a few lightning strikes, rumble, boom, thunderstorm, edit" by YleArkisto, "Summer > Thunder (close up)" by Martineerok, "Thunderstorm July 19, 2012 > 20120719ThunderBig.wav" by daveincamas, "thunderstorm > very-close-impact-lightning.wav" by klankschap
+slapstickWipe.ogg - "Glass /window cleaning" by peqdavid5
+splash.ogg - "Jumping in a Pool > Splash, Jumping, D" by InspectorJ
+strike.ogg - "Bowditch Beats > B_2 Bowling ball striking pins.wav" by Yarmonics, "Bowling Strike" by SieuAmThanh
+stringSnap.ogg - "Guitar string snap or breaks - various sounds" by khenshom
+tableSlam.ogg - "Wood Table Hit - w and wo cup - BU on R.wav" by p1llowt4lk, "random > door wood hit +window rattle slam bang various.wav" by kyles, "bookcase rattling.wav" by kineticturtle
+tableSlamNoBox.ogg - "Wood Table Hit - w and wo cup - BU on R.wav" by p1llowt4lk, "random > door wood hit +window rattle slam bang various.wav" by kyles, "bookcase rattling.wav" by kineticturtle
+teenageCafeteriaLoop.ogg - "CafeteriaLight.wav" by ViaTorci
+teenageCrowdFarLoop.ogg - "Large_crowd_medium_distance_stereo.wav" by eguobyte
+teenageCrowdInteriorLoop.ogg - "House party, inside, voices, talking, 10.mp3" by TRP
+teenageCrowdJeerLoop.ogg - "Funny VOICES and LAUGHTERS by various people > 01095 massive laughter 10.wav" by Robinhood76, Audience/Crowd sounds in Quadraphonic > M Short Laughter - staggered.wav" by Processaurus, "Studio Audience - Small > Boo 6 Get Off the Stage.wav" by jayfrosting, "Crowd > Crowd Boo.wav" by deleted_user_2104797, "freesoundATcaixaforum > To_Be_Booed2_ses1.wav" by freesound
+teenageCrowdLoop.ogg - "Crowd > Crowd waiting to go in exterior 2" by deleted_user_2104797
+teenageCrowdMurmurLoop.ogg - "public > audience becomes still 01.wav" by klankbeeld
+teenageCrowdPanicLoop.ogg - "Crowd in panic" by IENBA
+radioChatterLoop.ogg - "Police scanner clips > do it now 2.wav" by ERH, "FX > Radio Garble" by Benboncan, "Analogue Radio Sounds > Full radio sweep.wav" by vedas, "FM POLICE RADIO > FM 006" by G_M_D_THREE
+rainStart.ogg - "Drizzle" by Soundatic, "Rain > storm_austin_11222014.flac" by wjoojoo, "random > water trickle drips drops small splash onto concrete floor low seiling unfinished basement.flac" by kyles
+rainLoop.ogg - "Rain > storm_austin_11222014.flac" by wjoojoo
+whoosh.ogg - "Whoosh" by qubodup
+windLightLoop - "windy city night ambience" by jgrzinich
+woodSnap.ogg - "Snapping, Wooden Fence, N.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk)
+---Miscellaneous Sources---
+Sonniss GDC Free Pack 2015 Version
+Sonniss GDC Free Pack 2016 Version
+Sonniss GDC Free Pack 2017 Version
+All stock images used from various stock image websites
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