using ChocolArm64; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.ErrorCode; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel { class KThread : KSynchronizationObject, IKFutureSchedulerObject { public AThread Context { get; private set; } public long AffinityMask { get; set; } public int ThreadId { get; private set; } public KSynchronizationObject SignaledObj; public long CondVarAddress { get; set; } public long MutexAddress { get; set; } public Process Owner { get; private set; } public long LastScheduledTicks { get; set; } public LinkedListNode<KThread>[] SiblingsPerCore { get; private set; } private LinkedListNode<KThread> WithholderNode; private LinkedList<KThread> MutexWaiters; private LinkedListNode<KThread> MutexWaiterNode; public KThread MutexOwner { get; private set; } public int ThreadHandleForUserMutex { get; set; } private ThreadSchedState ForcePauseFlags; public int ObjSyncResult { get; set; } public int DynamicPriority { get; set; } public int CurrentCore { get; set; } public int BasePriority { get; set; } public int PreferredCore { get; set; } private long AffinityMaskOverride; private int PreferredCoreOverride; private int AffinityOverrideCount; public ThreadSchedState SchedFlags { get; private set; } public bool ShallBeTerminated { get; private set; } public bool SyncCancelled { get; set; } public bool WaitingSync { get; set; } private bool HasExited; public bool WaitingInArbitration { get; set; } private KScheduler Scheduler; private KSchedulingData SchedulingData; public long LastPc { get; set; } public KThread( AThread Thread, Process Process, Horizon System, int ProcessorId, int Priority, int ThreadId) : base(System) { this.ThreadId = ThreadId; Context = Thread; Owner = Process; PreferredCore = ProcessorId; Scheduler = System.Scheduler; SchedulingData = System.Scheduler.SchedulingData; SiblingsPerCore = new LinkedListNode<KThread>[KScheduler.CpuCoresCount]; MutexWaiters = new LinkedList<KThread>(); AffinityMask = 1 << ProcessorId; DynamicPriority = BasePriority = Priority; CurrentCore = PreferredCore; } public long Start() { long Result = MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.ThreadTerminating); System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (!ShallBeTerminated) { KThread CurrentThread = System.Scheduler.GetCurrentThread(); while (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.TerminationPending && CurrentThread.SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.TerminationPending && !CurrentThread.ShallBeTerminated) { if ((SchedFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask) != ThreadSchedState.None) { Result = MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.InvalidState); break; } if (CurrentThread.ForcePauseFlags == ThreadSchedState.None) { if (Owner != null && ForcePauseFlags != ThreadSchedState.None) { CombineForcePauseFlags(); } SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); Result = 0; break; } else { CurrentThread.CombineForcePauseFlags(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (CurrentThread.ShallBeTerminated) { break; } } } } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return Result; } public void Exit() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); ForcePauseFlags &= ~ThreadSchedState.ExceptionalMask; ExitImpl(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } private void ExitImpl() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.TerminationPending); HasExited = true; Signal(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public long Sleep(long Timeout) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (ShallBeTerminated || SchedFlags == ThreadSchedState.TerminationPending) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.ThreadTerminating); } SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Paused); if (Timeout > 0) { System.TimeManager.ScheduleFutureInvocation(this, Timeout); } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); if (Timeout > 0) { System.TimeManager.UnscheduleFutureInvocation(this); } return 0; } public void Yield() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); return; } if (DynamicPriority < KScheduler.PrioritiesCount) { //Move current thread to the end of the queue. SchedulingData.Reschedule(DynamicPriority, CurrentCore, this); } Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); } public void YieldWithLoadBalancing() { int Prio = DynamicPriority; int Core = CurrentCore; System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); return; } KThread NextThreadOnCurrentQueue = null; if (DynamicPriority < KScheduler.PrioritiesCount) { //Move current thread to the end of the queue. SchedulingData.Reschedule(Prio, Core, this); Func<KThread, bool> Predicate = x => x.DynamicPriority == Prio; NextThreadOnCurrentQueue = SchedulingData.ScheduledThreads(Core).FirstOrDefault(Predicate); } IEnumerable<KThread> SuitableCandidates() { foreach (KThread Thread in SchedulingData.SuggestedThreads(Core)) { int SrcCore = Thread.CurrentCore; if (SrcCore >= 0) { KThread SelectedSrcCore = Scheduler.CoreContexts[SrcCore].SelectedThread; if (SelectedSrcCore == Thread || ((SelectedSrcCore?.DynamicPriority ?? 2) < 2)) { continue; } } //If the candidate was scheduled after the current thread, then it's not worth it, //unless the priority is higher than the current one. if (NextThreadOnCurrentQueue.LastScheduledTicks >= Thread.LastScheduledTicks || NextThreadOnCurrentQueue.DynamicPriority < Thread.DynamicPriority) { yield return Thread; } } } KThread Dst = SuitableCandidates().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DynamicPriority <= Prio); if (Dst != null) { SchedulingData.TransferToCore(Dst.DynamicPriority, Core, Dst); Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } if (this != NextThreadOnCurrentQueue) { Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); } public void YieldAndWaitForLoadBalancing() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); return; } int Core = CurrentCore; SchedulingData.TransferToCore(DynamicPriority, -1, this); KThread SelectedThread = null; if (!SchedulingData.ScheduledThreads(Core).Any()) { foreach (KThread Thread in SchedulingData.SuggestedThreads(Core)) { if (Thread.CurrentCore < 0) { continue; } KThread FirstCandidate = SchedulingData.ScheduledThreads(Thread.CurrentCore).FirstOrDefault(); if (FirstCandidate == Thread) { continue; } if (FirstCandidate == null || FirstCandidate.DynamicPriority >= 2) { SchedulingData.TransferToCore(Thread.DynamicPriority, Core, Thread); SelectedThread = Thread; } break; } } if (SelectedThread != this) { Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.Scheduler.ContextSwitch(); } public void SetPriority(int Priority) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); BasePriority = Priority; UpdatePriorityInheritance(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public long SetActivity(bool Pause) { long Result = 0; System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); ThreadSchedState LowNibble = SchedFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask; if (LowNibble != ThreadSchedState.Paused && LowNibble != ThreadSchedState.Running) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.InvalidState); } System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if (!ShallBeTerminated && SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.TerminationPending) { if (Pause) { //Pause, the force pause flag should be clear (thread is NOT paused). if ((ForcePauseFlags & ThreadSchedState.ForcePauseFlag) == 0) { ForcePauseFlags |= ThreadSchedState.ForcePauseFlag; CombineForcePauseFlags(); } else { Result = MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.InvalidState); } } else { //Unpause, the force pause flag should be set (thread is paused). if ((ForcePauseFlags & ThreadSchedState.ForcePauseFlag) != 0) { ThreadSchedState OldForcePauseFlags = ForcePauseFlags; ForcePauseFlags &= ~ThreadSchedState.ForcePauseFlag; if ((OldForcePauseFlags & ~ThreadSchedState.ForcePauseFlag) == ThreadSchedState.None) { ThreadSchedState OldSchedFlags = SchedFlags; SchedFlags &= ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask; AdjustScheduling(OldSchedFlags); } } else { Result = MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.InvalidState); } } } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return Result; } public void CancelSynchronization() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if ((SchedFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask) != ThreadSchedState.Paused || !WaitingSync) { SyncCancelled = true; } else if (WithholderNode != null) { System.Withholders.Remove(WithholderNode); SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); WithholderNode = null; SyncCancelled = true; } else { SignaledObj = null; ObjSyncResult = (int)MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.Cancelled); SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); SyncCancelled = false; } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public long SetCoreAndAffinityMask(int NewCore, long NewAffinityMask) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); bool UseOverride = AffinityOverrideCount != 0; //The value -3 is "do not change the preferred core". if (NewCore == -3) { NewCore = UseOverride ? PreferredCoreOverride : PreferredCore; if ((NewAffinityMask & (1 << NewCore)) == 0) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return MakeError(ErrorModule.Kernel, KernelErr.InvalidMaskValue); } } if (UseOverride) { PreferredCoreOverride = NewCore; AffinityMaskOverride = NewAffinityMask; } else { long OldAffinityMask = AffinityMask; PreferredCore = NewCore; AffinityMask = NewAffinityMask; if (OldAffinityMask != NewAffinityMask) { int OldCore = CurrentCore; if (CurrentCore >= 0 && ((AffinityMask >> CurrentCore) & 1) == 0) { if (PreferredCore < 0) { CurrentCore = HighestSetCore(AffinityMask); } else { CurrentCore = PreferredCore; } } AdjustSchedulingForNewAffinity(OldAffinityMask, OldCore); } } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); return 0; } private static int HighestSetCore(long Mask) { for (int Core = KScheduler.CpuCoresCount - 1; Core >= 0; Core--) { if (((Mask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { return Core; } } return -1; } private void CombineForcePauseFlags() { ThreadSchedState OldFlags = SchedFlags; ThreadSchedState LowNibble = SchedFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask; SchedFlags = LowNibble | ForcePauseFlags; AdjustScheduling(OldFlags); } private void SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState NewFlags) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); ThreadSchedState OldFlags = SchedFlags; SchedFlags = (OldFlags & ThreadSchedState.HighNibbleMask) | NewFlags; if ((OldFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask) != NewFlags) { AdjustScheduling(OldFlags); } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public void ReleaseAndResume() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); if ((SchedFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask) == ThreadSchedState.Paused) { if (WithholderNode != null) { System.Withholders.Remove(WithholderNode); SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); WithholderNode = null; } else { SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); } } System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public void Reschedule(ThreadSchedState NewFlags) { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); ThreadSchedState OldFlags = SchedFlags; SchedFlags = (OldFlags & ThreadSchedState.HighNibbleMask) | (NewFlags & ThreadSchedState.LowNibbleMask); AdjustScheduling(OldFlags); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } public void AddMutexWaiter(KThread Requester) { AddToMutexWaitersList(Requester); Requester.MutexOwner = this; UpdatePriorityInheritance(); } public void RemoveMutexWaiter(KThread Thread) { if (Thread.MutexWaiterNode?.List != null) { MutexWaiters.Remove(Thread.MutexWaiterNode); } Thread.MutexOwner = null; UpdatePriorityInheritance(); } public KThread RelinquishMutex(long MutexAddress, out int Count) { Count = 0; if (MutexWaiters.First == null) { return null; } KThread NewMutexOwner = null; LinkedListNode<KThread> CurrentNode = MutexWaiters.First; do { //Skip all threads that are not waiting for this mutex. while (CurrentNode != null && CurrentNode.Value.MutexAddress != MutexAddress) { CurrentNode = CurrentNode.Next; } if (CurrentNode == null) { break; } LinkedListNode<KThread> NextNode = CurrentNode.Next; MutexWaiters.Remove(CurrentNode); CurrentNode.Value.MutexOwner = NewMutexOwner; if (NewMutexOwner != null) { //New owner was already selected, re-insert on new owner list. NewMutexOwner.AddToMutexWaitersList(CurrentNode.Value); } else { //New owner not selected yet, use current thread. NewMutexOwner = CurrentNode.Value; } Count++; CurrentNode = NextNode; } while (CurrentNode != null); if (NewMutexOwner != null) { UpdatePriorityInheritance(); NewMutexOwner.UpdatePriorityInheritance(); } return NewMutexOwner; } private void UpdatePriorityInheritance() { //If any of the threads waiting for the mutex has //higher priority than the current thread, then //the current thread inherits that priority. int HighestPriority = BasePriority; if (MutexWaiters.First != null) { int WaitingDynamicPriority = MutexWaiters.First.Value.DynamicPriority; if (WaitingDynamicPriority < HighestPriority) { HighestPriority = WaitingDynamicPriority; } } if (HighestPriority != DynamicPriority) { int OldPriority = DynamicPriority; DynamicPriority = HighestPriority; AdjustSchedulingForNewPriority(OldPriority); if (MutexOwner != null) { //Remove and re-insert to ensure proper sorting based on new priority. MutexOwner.MutexWaiters.Remove(MutexWaiterNode); MutexOwner.AddToMutexWaitersList(this); MutexOwner.UpdatePriorityInheritance(); } } } private void AddToMutexWaitersList(KThread Thread) { LinkedListNode<KThread> NextPrio = MutexWaiters.First; int CurrentPriority = Thread.DynamicPriority; while (NextPrio != null && NextPrio.Value.DynamicPriority <= CurrentPriority) { NextPrio = NextPrio.Next; } if (NextPrio != null) { Thread.MutexWaiterNode = MutexWaiters.AddBefore(NextPrio, Thread); } else { Thread.MutexWaiterNode = MutexWaiters.AddLast(Thread); } } private void AdjustScheduling(ThreadSchedState OldFlags) { if (OldFlags == SchedFlags) { return; } if (OldFlags == ThreadSchedState.Running) { //Was running, now it's stopped. if (CurrentCore >= 0) { SchedulingData.Unschedule(DynamicPriority, CurrentCore, this); } for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (Core != CurrentCore && ((AffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { SchedulingData.Unsuggest(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } } } else if (SchedFlags == ThreadSchedState.Running) { //Was stopped, now it's running. if (CurrentCore >= 0) { SchedulingData.Schedule(DynamicPriority, CurrentCore, this); } for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (Core != CurrentCore && ((AffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { SchedulingData.Suggest(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } } } Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } private void AdjustSchedulingForNewPriority(int OldPriority) { if (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running) { return; } //Remove thread from the old priority queues. if (CurrentCore >= 0) { SchedulingData.Unschedule(OldPriority, CurrentCore, this); } for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (Core != CurrentCore && ((AffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { SchedulingData.Unsuggest(OldPriority, Core, this); } } //Add thread to the new priority queues. KThread CurrentThread = Scheduler.GetCurrentThread(); if (CurrentCore >= 0) { if (CurrentThread == this) { SchedulingData.SchedulePrepend(DynamicPriority, CurrentCore, this); } else { SchedulingData.Schedule(DynamicPriority, CurrentCore, this); } } for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (Core != CurrentCore && ((AffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { SchedulingData.Suggest(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } } Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } private void AdjustSchedulingForNewAffinity(long OldAffinityMask, int OldCore) { if (SchedFlags != ThreadSchedState.Running || DynamicPriority >= KScheduler.PrioritiesCount) { return; } //Remove from old queues. for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (((OldAffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { if (Core == OldCore) { SchedulingData.Unschedule(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } else { SchedulingData.Unsuggest(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } } } //Insert on new queues. for (int Core = 0; Core < KScheduler.CpuCoresCount; Core++) { if (((AffinityMask >> Core) & 1) != 0) { if (Core == CurrentCore) { SchedulingData.Schedule(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } else { SchedulingData.Suggest(DynamicPriority, Core, this); } } } Scheduler.ThreadReselectionRequested = true; } public override bool IsSignaled() { return HasExited; } public void ClearExclusive() { Owner.Memory.ClearExclusive(CurrentCore); } public void TimeUp() { System.CriticalSectionLock.Lock(); SetNewSchedFlags(ThreadSchedState.Running); System.CriticalSectionLock.Unlock(); } } }